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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 1, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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holding the powerful to account as we examined the us as role in the well own outages era. the, it's a russian plane, lands and encore. i'm off to k concerns as coordinating what's been called, a largest christmas walk in decades throughout of russia. early today, they're flown to church. soon they'll be wheels up on their way home to see their families. us presidents are vitamin says the release of americans came with tough calls, but nothing nonsense, more than protecting citizens from us marine pull whelan and american journalists. evan gosh, could which are among those really the
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color that i missed. ozzie obtained this is out of their life, and also coming the funeral of a senior has, will come on that has taken place and 11 on who was killed, and then as really strike and babies. i'm tunbridge charles the, i'll bring you the latest on certain prototypes and political underestimate environment that the, when we begin with what's been described as one of the largest prisoners swaps since the end of the cold war. taxation officials say the national intelligence agency coordinator at the exchange, which involves 7 countries. now it's just in the past hour, the white house has confirmed that pull even us main veterans and wall street journal reports and gosh, could which are among those who have been released earlier on thursday, a russian government across that you see that touch down in the truck is capital
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ankara. the plane was believed to be carrying prisoners including wheeling and gosh, cadets tuckers officials say $26.00. the 20s are expected to be part of that deal. say, well versa audio is now yvonne present our buttons message from the white house a short while ago as he confirmed to the americans involved in the prisoner's release. well, here's what he had to say. there's still not been made possible without our alex german, poland, sylvania, norway, and turkey. they all stepped up and they stood with us. they stood with us and they made bold and brave decisions, produce prisoners being held in their countries. you are justifiably, be now provided logistical support to get the americans home. so running a lot of questions with allies matter. they do, they matter today is it possible example of why it's vital to our friends as well
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as that? i'm cause a auto standing by for us in istanbul that fast and that speak to john henderson in washington dc. john a reminder from president vitamin this selection. yeah, that allies do not the of the that's right. and that's a major contrast. and just as a, with his opponent, donald trump, who has wanted to pull the us out of nato and, and who has wanted to have unilateral relations with other countries rather than working with a coalition. and present inviting here is saying without germany without slovenia, this major prisoner exchange would not have happened to involving 26 people at 16 of them being released from russia. 10 of them being released to russia. and among them, or evan grocery for which the 1st of which for giving in paul wheeling that to a high profile americans that defied in ministration is really made a priority of trying to get released. and the person the russians wanted to release
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most seems to have been fighting cause a cough. he was convicted in 2021 of killing a former treachery rebel in a park in berlin. but they needed germany to cooperate for that. and biden is saying that without us working with its allies, this transaction couldn't have happened, and of course it was the biggest prisoner exchange since the cold war. so vitamin is taking a little bit of, of credit here for something. it's been years a, in the making. this is a journey. these people are still not back in the us, but it sounds like they've left church here. and this is been a negotiated negotiation that has been going on since before the death of alexi. nev only in february he's of course, has the russian dissident who died in a russian prison that he was to have been originally part of this prisoner exchange . and so this is something has been going on for quite some time. and joe biden, to saying they were able to pull it off with the help of alice john 100. and that
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was a very nice just for us from washington d. c. thank you john. well, that sounds peterson because they all are and she's, and it's tumble for us. and i believe the russian plan that was on the tarmac has now taken off the we know the status of the prison of the well as far as we know from the secure, it says sources. the swap ration has been complete. and uh, the prisoners that have been in that are being exchanged, have been through health checks. they have the necessary documentation prepared by the countries that they are going to and they are being repressed. creative corporation is from faith. then as you have also mentioned, this is the largest, the most expensive extensive a prisoner exchange of operation system. since the end of the cold war, within the last few decades and educational facilities,
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the turkish intelligence acts we have been enrolled since the beginning of this plan to peroration, what we know from the security sources is that within july, russian and american intelligence representatives gathered with a turkish counterpart in on colorado and they have sent out all the steps that will be taken. and turkish intelligence has seen animals in the planning process, old logistics sense, transport station photos, a process including and providing the safety and security for the prisoners that came from 7 different countries and 7 different places that it was an expensive operation. and having spoken to the surface offers and they're happy that this is successful to complete that because given the search then given all these conflicts in the region, especially the latest nations and other things in the region that was a risky operation in on cut off. they were this and they try to keep it to squeeze
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onto the very last moments they typically are official statements. uh the suites again until the very last moment. but uh the uh, intelligence is proud to be part of this operation. and they believe is that this is a contribution to regional space and consequence solution. and this actually for them proves that proficient intelligence is tell them to the imagination in these kinds of prisoners. because there are no exchanges like they like to happen between russia and ukraine. after the war and ukraine and broke up again, prisoners were swapped in on, cut off after cushion tells us was in world and with russia and ukraine for their nuclear tools. so this is a good step for the uh, turkish government and the intelligence as well back to a thank you very much this and then we'll hearing now from the kremlin, which is saying that to 12 prisoners including americans who were released. and this web web pod and i put in so direct involvement the from the kremlin site
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itself. thank you so much that i'm of the know the head of hezbollah house on this raw says the group will respond with anger . and retribution often is really strong, killed one of his senior kalonde is he made those comments of the funeral for chicago in beverage chicago was one of the founders of has well as military wing is really curious to him of planning an attack in the occupied golden heights which killed the 12 people on saturday as well. that continues to deny the accusation. i have some has one from neighbors. i thought i saw that today said that this is a new phase and the confrontation, it depends mainly on how it is going to respond to is groups which all the ation do . these really attack on the southern sub out because a couple of days ago. so this is the main point that he said,
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and he said that any retaliation from his side isn't going to be just for media consumption, rasa is going to be a painful retaliation. so he was clear about that. and of course, the factual, the issue of the foundation of how much lead to in the intent, ron slide. he said that the radio and the radians where on the an aggression this aggression was multi there. that is even a tacos or hit that on there. and of course, according to the for all of the supremely, during the ron, what's clear about the retaliation and how this association is going to be. so it was a very strong speech, a given the fact that it comes in to context, the context of the to us as the nations that took place and made with that and the holidays where they all me says it can now confirm that it has also killed the
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colanda from loss of military wing the holidays and said he was killed in an attack on a building and was calling you in this area and southern garza. and also it says it cannot confirm the came is it's a mazda for the leadership of the all cassandra gates, it's military wing and us all hutch reports now from alon and jordan, because he is really government has fund of 0 from reporting from israel on july 13th, these really army struck the low west sea area west of con eunice. this was a designated safe zone by these really military. and i'll remind you that 90 palestinians were killed and 300 others injured as these really armies said they carried out this targeted assassination on him. how much they have come as, as military commander who israel accuses of being the architect essentially of the attacks that took place on october. the 7th. these release had not been able to confirm his death in the weeks that were after the attack, but they say that today they did have the intelligence to prove that but did not
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provide that intelligence to the public. i must have said they can neither confirm nor deny any of this as well. honda is reporting that from jordan because as well as government has banned ultra 0 from reporting from inside the country. now. meanwhile, in garza city and is really strike on a school sheltering displaced, people has killed at least 15 palestinians that attacked co pays and the shy and neighborhood east of the city. civil dependence crews are at the scene now becoming funnies. israel has repeatedly targeted school sheltering the space families across concert. but is there any forces have released some 15 palestinian prisoners into gaza? they were dropped off at a minute for you check points now they're all on central gaza. many of them spoke of abuse and torture, well detained, the you and says the mas treatments of palestinian detainees. and his really presence has reached unprecedented levels. and who do i already reports, not from general butler for these men,
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this is their 1st taste of freedom in weeks for others. months released by is really for us, is the 15 piloting is from causal were taken to a lot. so hospital in the deep and they spoken about the abuse and torture, the sufferer, tons of is there any forces? it is a mental i spent 8 months and is really prisons. they forced me to stay on my knees for 51 days. i was only allowed to sleep for 4 hours a day, then the one time they asked me to put on a costume for grade uniform, go into a tunnel. when i refused, they put me in an electric chair and tortured me in the central negative prison. they put me in a place that looked like a cade for an animal and kept me there for 50 days. the b u. n stays thousands of palestinians have been detained and taken from gospel to israel since the boar begun. on october, the 7th. among some medical stuff, journalists in this place, palestinians who are staying in shelters,
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are passing military checkpoints. many say they were shackled and blindfolded to what i'm. i was i'm so they blindfolded us and transferred us to building well. we stayed for 12 days. we were beaten and tortured and humiliated every day. they put us in puddles of water. they made us sit in a certain way for long hours without allowing us to change positions. this month, stacy was held for about $46.00 days. in addition to the torture policy and you say the prisons are in human, a shortage of food and water per sanitary conditions and a lot of medical treatments. we'll see, you know her father, and then they detain me for 4 months and told you the boots leave with up to 16 dogs. they used to beat us hosp the during the night and we have gone through torture like never before. there are also reports of freight and sexual abuse of both men and women, the u. n. high commission for human rights saves the testimony. it's gathered
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indicates a range of appalling acts in lagrange violation of international humanitarian law. at least 50 for palestinians have died and is really military facilities and prisoners during the war on garza and all the time. oh, does your stuff have held sort of darzy rallies to condemn israel's assassination of this month? i'll go and run the. i'll re fi. they were killed and a targeted is really dry and strike in northern garza on wednesday was, is there a has condemned the assassination saying it's part of a system. nashik is really campaign against the networks john left and the families journalist and gaza also stood in tribute. i'm still a head here on out was here. it's the defines from demonstrates as police use tig asked to dispatch crowds at the start of 10 days of protests and nigeria, the
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as china ramps up to pull patients of north korean, defective human rights group, say they faced imprisonment, torture and even death in the country. in desperation, some involve dangerous journey. 11 east reveals the north korea's claim to factors on al jazeera. the latest news as it breaks israel is carrying out torture and enforce disappearance of thousands of palestinians and the occupied with funds and gusts with detailed coverage. people with disabilities are the most vulnerable and groove in israel, relentless war across this trip, from the hoss of the story, as well as a still own government with its escalation on the ground. so if you think areas that supports the being a few minutes, our insights we look at the world's top place in these stories.
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what kind of response can we expect from china? if tech talk is in the global markets in economies and smooth businesses, how time cube has wide economic problems be addressed to may be fixed to understand how it affects d. 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually fully. why is that? counting the cost on o g, a 0, a news the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories this now one of the largest prisoners swap since the end of the cold war is now complete. us president joe biden says the deal would not have been possible without allies such as germany poems convenient norway
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and took in the criminal and has confirmed that the 12 prisoners, including the americans, released upon and by russian president head of hezbollah. how soon this raleigh says the grief will respond with anger and retribution often is really striking. killed one of his senior commodities is where it has accused flush the car of planning an attack in the occupied colon around. supreme data has led pres at the funeral service for the head of the political wing for loss, as well. he has assassination and tear on has we ignited 5th of abroad, original conflict, those to devalue reports, not from tyrone a final farewell. i told him i'd be hominy, leads prayers for his male, hon. yeah, and his body guards killed in the rain and capital on wednesday. thousands poured onto the streets. initial solidarity with the political leader of some us and use body was taken from pear wrong university to freedom square. and eventually to met
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her about airport, where it was flown to doha for his burial. on friday, the 62 year old was a guess at the knock ration ceremony of the newly elected president must, who would possess ski on as it was, and use 4th trip to tear on since october. the 7th. and his assassination is being viewed here as a work of israel with the help of the united states. washington says he played no part in it and had no prior knowledge of the attack. israel has not commented shop the time for the occupation to attack without response. he's over, they've done something and they must pay the price. they must be held responsible. america is responsible for this. no crime is committed by the occupation without the criminal america. cd auto rainy and official see the strike on arabian soil as a declaration of war. and they have promised revenge. except all would be very impossible for this time around the response will be different. in the last one,
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it influenced regional countries in advance about the timing of the retaliation for vincent disaster. but i think this time it's response will be a surprise and it will take you back to the white house now where us national security advisor jake sullivan is providing few more details about that loss of business swap. that system is joe, by rallying a mass rally in american allies, fav american citizens and russian freedom fighters, and doing it with intricate state craft pulling his whole team together throughout this class. with the families. first, the families who are enduring and unimaginable are deal from the president on down . we stayed in regular and routine touch with them. i spent a lot of time with the families of evan and paul, and also most of the time as you can imagine. those are tough conversations, but not today. today, excuse me. today was very good day. i us. and we're
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going to build on it drawing inspiration and cont, continued courage from it, for all of those who are held hostage are wrongfully detained, around the world. and that includes mark fargo who we are actively working to get his release from russia as well. and there are others being held in syria, afghanistan, other countries around the world who we are working to get released. and just on a personal note, i want to say that this is the combination of a monumental level of effort and level of skill by my teammates. across the national security enterprise, my colleagues here at the n a c, my colleagues at the central intelligence agency, my colleagues at the state department. these are dedicated talented professionals who are not in the headlines, who don't get to stand at a podium like this one. and it was at the president's direction that they built and pulled off the most intricate, expansive deal with its kind in memories. so they know who they are. i salute them . and every american should be proud to have those kind of people standing up on
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their behalf and on behalf of the american security. while this is unfolding, we've been closely monitoring the events in the middle east as well. since october 7th, we have work to deter and prevent escalation into a wider region more. that risk has always been there. that risk gets there now, and we are determined to engage in detroit defense and de escalation. to try to ensure that we do not have a wider regional conflict for escalation that goes on checked. so i'm happy to get more into that and response to your questions. and with that, i'll turn it over to you. yeah, thanks, jake. whose idea was it to try to go big and bring everyone home at once. instead of going for a simpler one for one type deal? and that's a great question um, which i don't feel entirely comfortable answering because this was an organic process involving a lot of people across our government. but what i will say is this. the president
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sat us down on a regular basis over the course of the detention to paul evan, and also and really pushed us to think about what configuration would actually work to make this happen. and it was through an iterative, iterative process of back and forth with various of the allies, i mentioned with engagements with our russian counterparts where we were making proposals, getting responses that this all came together. and so i would say that if you had not had joe biden sitting in the oval office, i don't think this would have happened. but as i said in my remarks, there were a lot of other people who played a central role in building out the pieces of this. and then executing on that, the execution phase of this. to get this level of coordination together to have those plans all land on the tarmac at the same time for multiple different countries. so many different individuals coming from russia and going back to russia. really extraordinary. and i think, you know, the team effort can be
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a cliche, but i think in this case it's a warranty description of what happened and what, let's say, only supposed to be a part of this field before he died. and so we had been working with our partners on a deal that would have included alexis of all me. and unfortunately he died in fact, on the very day that he died, i saw evans parents. and i told them that the president was determined to get this done, even in light of that tragic news. and that we were going to work day and night to get to this day. and so that were continued over the course of the past few months . and culminated today. yeah. just trying to get a little bit more color on that conversation just came out. did all be remember. cheer up, did you sure?
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sure enough for this podium i would. i would like to strike that from the record. because i don't know if that's permitted, probably not. um, so uh the present and invited the family members in at the moment that we received the word from the tarmac and accurately that the exchange was complete and he was able to give them the news directly that the exchange was in fact complete. and then um, paul evan, and also uh you were in one place. vladimir was actually in another place. so he conducted 2 calls from the oval office, one with the 3 american citizens on the phone. and he welcomed their freedom, said, you know, that on behalf of the american people, he was so proud to have them out. and then very quickly turn the phone over to their family members. and each family got the opportunity to engage by phone with their loved ones who was out. you then conducted the 2nd call with vladimir invited
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mirrors, wife, one of their daughters and their son were there to be able to speak with him and the president. and he also got to reminisce on the fact that they were both pall bearers together. john mccain's wedding had waited john mccain's funeral. and so it was a kind of extraordinary personal exchange in the oval office and the family members were both overwhelmed. of course, by the events of the day and also standing there and the president presence of the us president at the resolute task. so it was quite a moment to make sure the advice more especially because you're looking at it here. you can't really say for an american excuse for wrong right. please
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look. it's a fair question. it's a question that we grapple with every time that we look at the hard decisions involved in one of these exchanges. it is difficult to send back a convicted criminal to secure the release of an innocent american us. and yes, sometimes the choices between doing that and consigning that person basically to live out their days in prison, in a hospital, foreign country or in the hands of a hostile power. so from our perspective, we have assessed and analyze that risk. and we have judged that the benefit of the uniting americans are bringing people home and also a vindicating the idea that the government are going to do what it takes to protect and secure the release of innocent americans that, that benefit our ways, the risk. and that's how we have proceeded. i would point out, in addition to that,
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that in periods of time when the us government didn't tend to do prisoner exchanges, americans were unjustly detained and held hostage overseas in periods where we did . americans were unjustly detained and held hostage overseas. so i think there are real questions and, and roger carson's the hostage negotiator, the state department has actually pointed out that in this analysis is not quite as clear cut, that the evidence actually demonstrates the kind of result that your question speaks to that, you know, lot more people get taken because we do these exchanges by players and listening to national security. advisor jake sullivan, speaking out the white house and the off to off of the mass of multi country prison, a swap. he got a little emotional dancing as president joe biden did that today is indeed a very good day. sullivan highlighted the monumental level of effort by his colleagues across the national security out for us was congratulations, and what he's calling the most intricate an expanse of deal of its kind and memory
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. he did also confirm that they were working on a deal that would've included russian or physician need alexi in a valley when he died in a russian penal colony. all that set for maintenance jobs us hey, we'll have much more in just a little say with the low there the winds are starting to turn around. so that means that humidity is going down up and down the golf. good to see you. so here's a forecast on friday, but as a result of these wins, we've seen that sound and that spin up. so let's go in for a closer look. we're talking to wait spot for rain and cats are wind gusts in the zone range anywhere from about 50 to 60 kilometers per hour. but again, that's going to stop at the humidity so they'll add $45.00 degrees. central laser
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ok to touch cooler here, some showers working across. so that's drop down temperatures and corresponds capital biscuits to $37.00 degrees on friday. and some big monsoon downpours really up and down, buckets done on friday, mostly in the clear for turkey or just some showers draped over the ne black sea coast here. and to africa. pico, quite the quite sure of storms really working their way across. central and southern areas of new share on friday and then some rounds of rain here around the ivory coast and liberia, for example, to central africa. it's our usual showers and storms working across this area. there has been some flooding in sudan and you've gone to still some more. what weather for kampala on friday and to the south. we go. it's a warm breeze for my put to 28 degrees for you on friday. see the discussing the defining issues of our time. the reason that we're able to see so
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much progress with machine learning is because it is predicated on the exploitation of labor somewhere else. exploring the implications for the global south as the artificial intelligence revolution, etc. ring to where the benefits lie and with a hot light, we are betting my entire future on a technology that is fundamentally very and sustainable. studio b. b, i series on a jersey, you know, the political leader of how much successful days in iraq, sidney, a hispanic, come on, the killed in lebanon, up to l. just so you're, a journalist, stuck down in a targeted attack, prosecuting almost $40000.00 color citizens in casa israel continue without accountability. this is inside story. the .


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