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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 1, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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will sound as the notification of intelligence revolution, etc, ring. so where the benefits lie and with a hot light, we are betting our entire future and a technology that is fundamentally very and sustainable studio b. b, i series on a jersey though, the says voice 26 prisoners are released and one of the biggest swap says the cold war involving 7 countries. the president is that in my photon, receives the russian nationals at the airport also the international prison. this one, the time for me, the this result is there a lie from don't also coming up. liberties on group is valesa is it's not dozens of
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rockets into northern israel. the funeral of a scene that his political monitors taking place and they've been on it was killed in his really as striking boots. the defiance from demonstrates as police used to a guess to dispose crowns of the stop of 10 days of protest. and nigeria, the we begin with what's being described as one of the largest prisoners swaps since the end of the cold war. the white house is confirmed. it's carried out an extensive multi nation prism to swap with russia among those exchange and the deal american citizen and wall street journal reporter, evan gosh, coverage and full wheel and a us marine veteran. the kremlin confirmed the 12 present as well bought into by
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a russian president vladimir putin. in moscow, the plane carrying russian prison has landed a short while ago, a prison and puts in greeted the prisoners exchanged into deal, slovenia, poland, germany annoy or agree to exchange prisoners with russia. as part of this multi nation prison exchange of this deal is extensive and involved 7 countries across europe as well as the united states. the turkish intelligence agency coordinate at the present a swap in ankara. while much of the focus has been on the 3 us citizens, other countries also played a vital role in ensuring the swap when they had 12 german nationals and the russian political prisoners were also included in the deal that will be returned to germany from better routes and russia, among them was every copay how, who was sentenced to death in the ruse, in june of to been charged with terrorism activities. a russian citizens are returning home from 4 european countries. these include no way poland,
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germany in slovenia, and it wasn't good for people to cruise of spine for russia to act as a businessman. and they are full law high ranking if his vehicle who was serving a life sentence in germany for murder, the brutal ordeal is over. you as president jo biden's latest remarks on the present exchange from the white house. yes, some of what he had to say is still not been made possible without our allies, german polls, sylvania, norway, and turkey. they all stepped up and they stood with us. they stood with us and they made bold and brave decisions, produce prisoners being held in their countries. you are justifiably, be now provided logistical support to get the americans home. so running a lot of questions with allies matter. they do, they matter. today is a possible example of why it's vital to our friends as well. oh,
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this is john engines, and this update from washington dc is being called the biggest multi nation prisoner exchange. since the end of the cold war, 7 nations were involved and 26 prisoners were exchange. among them were paul whalen, a former us marine, and evan goose give it. a reporter for the wall street journal was held in russia among the prisoners that russia is receiving back, was vad impressive cos who was convicted in germany in 2021 of killing a former chechen rebels in a berlin park. this was an arrangement the 2 months to carry out, and presently joe biden said it was only made possible because of the us a relationship with each allies. but the state department insisted this does not suggest a warming of relations between the us and russia. the state department spokesman said that russia continues its aggression in ukraine, and that is the obstacle in that relationship. john henry l. g 0,
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washington unit ship of all of a has moved from law school of russia's f. as b has released a statement saying that a russians who were detained and imprisoned. the number of nato countries have returns to russia, which is homeland. they were exchanged for a group of individuals who, quote, access in the interest of foreign states, turned to mind the security of russia as russia's completely satisfied with the exchange that took place as old a positive hold. fully compliant with the agreements, caribbean spokes person to be true. best cove says he believes that all quote, enemies of russia should remain abroad and those who are not enemies. a welcome to return to russia. media sources have very cautious with that was as it's a very delicate mazda, but we hear voices reminds you guys that let jimmy peyton keeps his word. when he says russian never abundance, it's people who sits in prisons, a bold versus a position. john is so truly happy for the russians and for the nationals who have
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been released, but they reminds that about a 1000 more political prisoners to remain in russian jails. russian position opposite with some exceeding development who died in optic present last february. should have participated in this exchange, but sadly, it's never happened. that's according to his clinic. lee. i need vote cuz he added that luxury to patients is lessening some grades. people go visit relatives and friends waiting for them, but he got xbox a month right and a handful of lose his place. he will be forgotten. that's quoting too many volk. and it's a big relief, of course, for all those release and that families, russia was holding negotiations with the west for very long time. but real signs of this major prison exchange between these countries began to parry a couple of days ago when a number of those russian discipline, since opposite was started disappearing from the prison cells and were sent to undisclosed locations before this exchange. you'd actually pop oliver ultra 0 most square. or let's go to step bus and she's in button for milan. this step is jim and
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john. slo schultz just had a telephone call with the us president joe biden on this. what did they discuss? well, it is clear that germany has played the fairy t role in this whole massive exchange of prisoners during the call of shoals has said that the press and by them thanks. germany's thanked him for helping with this exchange because one of the key players in this whole exchange was a person in prison in germany, a sentence to live for an assassination in the park. here in berlin, a finding caustic of a former intelligence officer. it was very high profile for us and put and really wanted him to return to rochelle. but of course, germany was not very keen to like a convicted murder of go. so it was a lot of pressure from the united states and went to germany. now is getting in
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return is the a coming home of a 5, a german national, some with dual nationality and 7 prison. those from a rush or they're not coming home button, they're coming to germany that will be accepted here to we'll get asylum. and some of them very high profile political prisoners and show sat in a brief statement that it was a very difficult decision for germany to choose between letting a criminal, a convicted criminal go a between and that, and the freedom of people and even the lives of people who have been put in prison in assembly for political reasons. and so this is now the, the decision that germany made and already a lot of people here internally are also asking the legality of this question of this decision. and we will not hear that you have not heard the end of this by now . all right, steve, thanks very much for keeping us updated from buttons device and the
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the lebanese group as well as fight a beverage of rockets towards northern israel. it's the groups 1st such attacks of israel killed as military colanda, ford sugar on tuesday warning sirens the sound of the mit heights and tensions. some of the rockets have been intercepted by the is weighty defense system known as the i don't let's get the latest on those from the so which is joining us live from oman and jordan because there's really government's bandages there from reporting from these ro on the we have these pictures coming in and his blood said it's launched dozens of rockets on northern israel. what more do we know about that? we're looking at around 60 rock, it's about his bola has launched from 11 on into northern israel siren sounded in
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multiple different areas across israel's northern border. now we do know that israel has been anticipating some sort of retaliation or attack from the lebanese group after the assassination of their commander in bay do. just a couple of days ago, these early army has said that they are prepared for a wide variety of scenarios. and some reports within is really media are even saying that israel is now looking to form together once again, some sort of international coalition in the region to combat any sort of larger attack or retaliation that takes place. so these really army has said that they are intercepting most of these raw fits into northern israel. there's been no information just yet about any direct hits or any injuries. i'm the this also comes off to israel's military said that it's killed the mohammed day is the leader of how much is military wing. and he's, he's long been a target for these railways as anti,
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and she's been a target for these release for several years. in fact, among these really security apparatus, he's known as quotes, the cat with 9 lives because he survived the multiple assassination attempts by these rallies. now these really military carried out what they called a precise and targeted assassination and strength on july, 13th in the out in the last the area west of han unit. this was supposed to be a designated safe zone by the is really army. were hundreds of thousands of forcibly displaced palestinians were seeking shelter and refuge, but it's not the 1st time my last thing was attacked. but in this particular strike, 90 palestinians were killed at least 300 others who were injured. medical staff and 1st responders were among the victims. one of them had even died on the scene trying to get to the aid of victims. but these realities have said finally, after nearly 3 weeks that they have intelligence to confirm that,
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that targeted assassination did. in fact, take place, but from us has neither confirmed nor denied these really claims or that's on the salute they're speaking to us from oman and jordan. and just to remind to, she's joining us from the because these really government has banned all to 0 from reporting from israel, things on the, the audio, the head of his beloved husband, isabella says the group will respond with anger and retribution. often his ready stride killed one of his senior commanders. he made the comments at the funeral law for sugar in beirut. israel acute sugar of planning and attacking the occupied golden heights which killed 12 people on saturday is included reports from the route. to add sugar was hospitalized. most senior military official is ro killed him in a rear stripe, invaded southern suburbs in what was seen as a serious security breach. hezbollah called tuesday nights,
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assassination. an aggressive that's part of the sacrifice since the group has been paying for its support of garza. but the leader has on us from the 2nd. the conflict has moved beyond that. hello, hello. hello. can you buy the land of have a lot for looked at because you wouldn't cry a lot to me. i was to do. you don't know what the red lines you have crossed. you don't know what kind of an aggression you cut it out. and when you took this conflict, that is why you should know all the fronts have entered and you phase different from the past. hezbollah says the fascination of sugar violated the unwritten rules of engagement between the group and the is really army. because it was an attack enabled on a residential building and it killed civilians as well as promising what he's calling a real not a symbolic response. how does uh say it has something similar from like this when husband alida hass on the sonata talks about a real response,
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what this means is that hezbollah could target minute treat or political personalities, for example, or a group of soldiers. oh, come on, those or strategic facilities on israel claimed responsibility for shockers killing, but has remained silent on the assassination a day later in a run of how mass political leader is my you, honey. almost 10 months since, as all the got as for on gauze us iran and is regional allies have been trying to strike a balance between the putting military pressure on israel and avoiding an all out regional for the 2 assassinations in baby booth enter. run in just a matter of hours, have again brought the region to the brink as well says it doesn't want the full on war, but that it's ready for any scenario is really media reporting is really in american officials have been in discussions to prepare for a potential retaliation from iran and its allies. so all these going to call you ne,
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for each one when the seek revenge on its own. that is a question today is wrong, has expanded the power meters of the conflict. prime minister benjamin nothing. yeah. who says he will not submit to calls for an end to the war on garza but has the law, which is part of the iranian lead. regional network says, how much will not surrender in garza nor will. the other support from the trend appears to be towards escalation center for their else as the to be able to around supreme need is lead prayers at the funeral service will be heard of the political ring of home us is millennial is assess the nation into wrong is with nighted fears of a why the regional conflict, both of already the force from tyrone a final farewell. i told him i'd be hominy, leads prayers for it, smell honey a and his body guards killed in the rain and capital on wednesday. thousands poured
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onto the streets, initial solidarity with the political leader of some us. the news body was taken from tyrone university to freedom square and eventually to measure about airport where it was slow to go hot for his burial. on friday, the 62 year old was a guess at the knock ration ceremony of the newly elected president must, who would possess ski on it was any use for the trip to tear on since october. the 7th. and his assassination is being viewed here as a work of israel with the help of the united states. washington says it played no part in it and had no prior knowledge of the attack. israel has not commented the time for the occupation to attack without response. he's over, they've done something and they must pay the price, they must be held responsible. america is responsible for this. no crime is committed by the occupation without the criminal america. senior already and officials see the strike on arabian soil as a declaration of war. and they have promised revenge the accept all will see the
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impossible of, of this time around. the response will be different in the last one and then phone regional countries in advance about the timing of the retaliation for vincent disaster. but i think this time it's response will be a surprise and it will come much sooner. on april 13th, iran launched more than $300.00 drones and missiles towards israel, in response to an air stripe on its consulate in damascus. 2 weeks before israel responded by attacking your wrongs air defense systems near the times nuclear facility. israel honey, is assassination. has once again force raining officials to make a difficult decision. one that's ultimately up to the supreme leader if or on attacks israel. again, it's unlikely to act alone. the so called resistance friends, which includes that who sees in the oven has of a lot 11 on the popular mobilization forces in your off will be expected to take
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parts, making this critical moments for the middle east door safari, l 20 and was a city and these really stripe on a school sheltering displaced, people has killed at least 15 palestinians. they attacked to place in the issue, julia enabled east of the city, the civil defense cruise, all at the scene recovering bodies, israel repeatedly talk at the school sheltering displaced families across calls on old. is there a stuff have health solidarity wiley's to condemn israel's assassination of a smile girl and around me already. they were killed in a target to these ready drones, striking northern gauze on wednesday of to zeros condemned. the assassination saying is fault of a systematic as rarely campaign against the networks journalist and their families . jealous and goals are also stood in tribute. it's still a head analogy 0 hope of finding survivors said in the southern indian state of
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carola whitland slides of killed nearly 200 people and coastal towns around the middle of they are told to prepare for the worst. as officials in the front of the teens ways to recover fuel from a something the oil tanker the not most of the huge constant of australia is fairly cars. and i mean, yeah, there are a few shares catching the coast of new south wales when the active weather is coming into western australia. and that is likely to be was significant. some of the stones potentially beginning flooding to something pops are best about straighten. now i don't know if it's welcome or not, but i suspect any flooding the results will not be, but that's the place to be if you want the right. otherwise it's reason the voice, sunshine, and sydney, about 14 in camera diaries also settled in cost in new zealand,
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$9.00. maxine christ, church 14 oakland, sunny looking picture on such a day as it should be in most of indonesia. but once again, there are 5 more channels around the, the time of year, which suggest all the way through born year time towards western java. southern sumatra. geographic could be included in this was big funds. don't they don't giants. but there's there with the side, the heaviest, right, is where it should be just feathered all spreadsheet structure from back of invest through eastern india, the south west of china, northern us, of viet nam, full of southeast asia. this time of year we'll see something of the way of thunderstorms that shumate south of the yang see the real heavy writing and was being fed and all that like to that of late. but it's still there of the, as the china ramps up to full patients of north korean, defective human rights group, say they faced imprisonment,
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torture and even death in the home country. in desperation, some involve dangerous journey. 101 east reveals north korea's plane defectors on al jazeera, good, a showcase that is the best documentary films across the network on algae 0, the the, the, the watching all to 0. a reminder about top stories this hour. one of the largest prisoner swap since the end of the quote was not complete. you, as president joe biden says the deal would not have been possible without allies
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such as germany, odin slovenia way into kit the kremlin, confirmed the 12 prisoners, including the americans released pardoned by a russian president vladimir putin. the funeral service for almost political the days while on is taking place and it wants capital his assassination into wrong. on wednesday, we have night, week nights of views of a wider regional conflict the head of his beloved husband. as charlotte says, the group will respond with anger and retribution of the and he's rarely strike killed one of his senior commanders as well accused watch sugar of planning and attacking the occupied golden lights on. not wanting to be sure is all just as a senior political analyst, he says his blah and iran will likely respond to sip quickly to both attacks, new jersey from the seller's speech. he said to, uh,
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it says store emphasize that there is absolutely no dog as well. um we respond to shots, assassination. but he did not mention anita in that face particular subject or warranty to this rather than i thought this come, this has been so different. understood to me that the radians will probably respond to any yeah. assess solution is by the way to respond to the so one leader successes that does not mean that won't be coordinated, but they're not in the certainly one of the same and they're not just started happening at the same time. to see that this would be 2 separate attempts, i taking revenge for the assassination for the violation for this group thing and even the humiliation of workers. finally, on the last 4 of these 2 people have been killed in nationwide process in nigeria and the capital of bu job police are fired to
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a gas into crowds. it's the 1st of 10 days of planned demonstrations across the country. the approaches to say they'll block roads in major cities and around the airports. they're demanding a range of economic, judicial, and political reforms. they refuse of a repeats of the violence that happened during protests, against police brutality. that was 4 years ago. for the lesson buys been covering events and the buddha and the simps. this updates a tom standing at a place called yeah, yeah, just on the outskirts of uh, a boot where police, how big clashing police and sold the public, flushing with the protests. and the thing is they've been trying to push them back and so that's where we're funding. we'd like to know where it fits up on fire. as if you check in the background, you can see the smoke coming out from some of the files, the sites, and then the vehicles that have been driving past the have some of them are put up with our leaves on the weird screen as a sign of
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a support to the process of so we can go beyond this point because it's a good idea of advice that we should be on this point because it's getting heated down the and the classes are still going on. but they can be because the people are saying that the things will be pressed under control in a few hours, and that's a nothing to worry. and the distance i beginning to walk around vehicles are beginning to move out slowly, but a few hours before now. it was really times with the wind ship out by so that's where deployed to maintain peace and order. and these descendants, i'm address has also been covering events for us. he says this update from nicholas of the ceiling that goes one largely piece, one with ponies and other security services as courtroom processes along a southern c. allow me to frank to designate and location why they set out. basically, there are no major incidents at all. georgia, but we also hear about some small incidents in mickey area,
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but those was largely contained. however, they was visible disappointment from some protest just that the numbers they're seeing here where they sold on day one of these projects was very, very discouraging. however, organize, i say they're all happy that the process went on peacefully. unlike other states, why they're, why the portrait cases on file is in the middle east of the country in border students particular. just before the start of process, there was a suicide diploma tax. the field, 16 people, we also understand that there was, they weren't incidents when security forces part 2 years on protest as now the government in the states has declared a fringe for our copy important state. we also heard about some new things, incidents in the north of the country in the north west of the country in canada, in particular trustworthy. and there were also small incidents in kaduna as well as some i'm confirmed cases of kennings in other parts of this uh, the parts of the country. like in most states and parts of the states. how many
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degrees i just need to make our former president donald trump's last an appeal against the gag order. in the hush money criminal case, a new york state appeals court rejected. the former president's challenge reading prevents the republican presidential comp, normally from a publicly commenting on individual prosecutors and others involved in the case. it will remain in place through his sentencing in september to land slides triggered by monsoon rains, have killed more than a 177 people in carola, in southern india. authorities $800.00 small. i'm missing. disaster response crews are searching for survivors. what storms of been full cost will the coming days, which could have a risk to if it's laura con reports? why not? district is known for its pick trust, landscape, mountains and waterfalls. now it's a scene of a natural disaster with emergency services. scrambling through a couple of bodies,
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heavy montu rains of cause multiple land slides in the southern indian state of carla burying homes and villages. in the early hours of tuesdays, swathes of mode wrought from the hillside. settled to the houses below. oh, many people were sleeping at the time of the sun bodies were found more than 50 kilometers away from here down the river. stretching to sic mode, rescue teams that found more bodies than survivors. many of those killed were walking on the t estates, their homes buried under thousands of tons of mode for the whole body shape. i don't know, months, and that's completely changed. if you calculate the monthly daughter range, well it would be the same, but there are things uh, you know, what is to be that in this model, number based lum hughes of blooming outside. why not so tutorials where these people the grim task. if identifying bodies squeeze among them as well,
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how much advice? who is waiting for news of his grand daughter? he's already lost so much. his wife is distraught. live is a really to, to know we called in the previous night and my daughter told me not to worry. i told her to come to my place again. after that, she never called the, the army has worked quickly to construct another bridge over the falls flowing, chatty, a river. the previous one was destroyed and the land slides. but even with the military support and thousands of volunteers, the driving rain is hampering efforts to recover bodies moving 8000 people if they moved to temporary shelters. you put in the most important thing is to give psychological support. we decided to give as much counseling as possible and hopes of fighting, but any more people would be found alive, nor hon. i'll just there
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a seaside towns in the philippines preparing for the worst off to the coast called announced 8 further delay and efforts to contain an oil spill. it's expected to take another 2 weeks to remove 1500000 liters of fuel from a tanka of sand curing a tie for last week. bonded below reports from the main. you know, the sight of the small improvised views are being laid along the shores of this town alone. manila paid close toward a tank or capsize to last week. it's been leaking 5 and a half 1000 leaders of diesel local authorities say oil has reached the beach and it's already effecting fishing. or, you know, i'm in order. we will need those speed with worse and, and costs pollution here. it will also make children sick. but the philippine coast guard says the biggest threat to this community, the mt jason bradley is already being handled. you will drainage operations ready to pick it.


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