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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 2, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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the use of prices, prices, you don't realize that to experience an epic tale of friendship. sacrifice has entered covers with nice volunteers on out. usually around the as an historic prisoner swap is on the way involving 26 person that is in 7 different countries. i'm john henry and the state department. we're, we're getting more details on the biggest, multi state prisoner swamp since because the periods also this is all just there a lot from the will. so coming has been all launches dozens of rockets into northern israel. the 1st since the king of one of its senior mountains and very
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rich on hopes of finding survivors fade in the southern indian state of colorado. for lance lights of killed 9200 feet the we begin with the biggest, the prisoner swaps since the end of the cold war, $26.00 prisoners were exchanging the texas capital of anchor in a do involving a southern countries among those exchanged in the historic multi nation that present a deal was wall street journal reporter if on the desk of which and former us marine pull when it's on hinge and has more now from washington. paul whalen and evan greevich for the plaintive freedom. the 2 men were part of the largest multi country prisoner swap of its car. it's an incredible, really, for all the family members gather here. it's relief to the fridge. college all across the country has been framed for their stay for a long time. wailing is
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a former marine goose give it your wall street journal reporter became the story and thursday's paper also fried was russian. american journalist also curl machine . in return, russia received several newly freed prisoners, including that him credit card who was convicted in germany in 2021 of killing a former chechen rebel in berlin. in moscow president vladimir putin personally welcome the free prisoners. the exchange took place in the turkish capital congress and involved prisoners from poland, slovenia in norway, in addition to germany in the us. happy birthday to president biden led the families of release prisoners and singing happy birthday to the daughter of karma. she, as her mother was in route to the u. s. finance, it'd be extra inch was only made possible because the u. s. had strong relations with its allies. that is possibly a settled that a good republican rival, donald trump, who is talked of pulling the us out of nato and other international alliance. that
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point was emphasized by the president's national security advisor, today's exchange and they speak of diplomacy. that honestly could only be achieved by his direction the professionals, international security, foreign policy, and intelligence community work tirelessly and secure the release of 16 individuals who are entertained in russia, dividing administration insist, all of the prisoners released by russia were wrongfully detained. the exchange was historic, but administration officials say not a sign of warming relations between the us and russia. it doesn't sound like there's a major change in relations between the us and russia. there has been no change. this is a, a, a good day because american citizens or are able to come home and are incredibly proud of the work that has happened to get that done. but as i just said, rushes aggression into ukraine continues. invalid administration, official say,
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continues to give russia and incentive to imprison america and other citizens, john henry l. g 0 washington. the semen saw so that salts was in the color to receive some of the prisoners who had been released. he told reporters by the end had an obligation to protect its citizens. no one made the decision lightly to deport the matter who had been sentenced to life in prison up to on a few years in detention. the state's interest enforcing the prison sentence had to be weighed against the risk to life and limb of innocent people and prisons in russia and i and those unjustly imprisoned for political reasons. and this is why it was important for us to have an obligation to protect german nationals as well as of solar diety, with a usa does a set of us and that has this update now from the time and capital. but it, for quite a big moments here in germany, a playing a key role in this mess of the prison, the ex changed is swap that has to be months in the making. basically now 12 people
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have arrived in cologne and the western part of germany where all of charles so the chancellor was there to welcome them and they are 5, the german national, some with dual nationality and also 7 people locked up in the russian prison. the opposition figures, but also people of it's very small charge of some people who have been competing against the war and ukraine, for example, by putting stickers on the products in the, in the supermarket in russia. so these people are all brought back, brought to germany, also to give them asylum. and it was a fairly tough decision. very difficult decision. the chancellor. all actual sad because he had to let go a convicted assessing the fight in classic or for us here in prison. because he assassinated a field commander from a church now in 2019, and this was a man that's a presence with and very much wants us to be returned to russia. but now in return
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to germany has managed s o actual situs. so give freedom and also the lives of back to all these prisoners in russia. and he says he has an obligation also to help to him and nationals who who are being kept in prison in russia. so now this is a bit of sweet moments also here in germany, but all of shows definitely sad. he was happy at the end that this also so many months. and so many difficult diplomatic exchanges, especially with russia, has come together. step 5, some else's era, bowling. the turkish intelligence agency coordinated the prisoners swapping 9, correct? well, and much of the focus has been on the 3 us citizens. other countries also tried the vital role in ensuring the swap went ahead. 12 german nationals and russian. the political prisoners were also included in the deal. among them was re co creator
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who was sentenced to death and the roost in j know of the being charged with terrorism activities. h russian citizens are returning home from fort european countries. these on no way. poland, jimmy, and supposing you include 4 people accused of spying for russia to hock is a businessman and a former high ranking f as be cut off, who was serving a life sentence in germany from linda. well, some of the amana is and associates for the united services institute, and author of putin as well on ukraine. he says germany had initially been opposed to the deal. it was for a long time, the as dates was the theatre, the swap, and germany was resisting it because the classic odd was deemed to be attract because class, because that was the agent he shot at darcy. this is an inside german territory, and they were concerned that he could be involved in further political interference or political violence operations inside the german territory or you're paying
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territory more broadly. i think it's depressed as a multi level coalition. the united states being able to partner with countries as far as norway. so the inter here on this i probably can have it is germany that he want to be the soul that can drilling this deal. so that's why the germans edge on assigned it is really quite remarkable. i did some discussions valued in the aftermath events, right. and seeing from us the mission circles as well as in the american media. how about the possibility of creating a kind of needle tape body for illegal detentions and for authors changed by governments? hi, russia and china and ron had him and see to do this. so this is a historic moment, possibly a something. so for razor multi lateral cooperation is from an overall there had been some major prisoner changes as the end of the cold war particular, but we saw 2010 with the release of the illegals. but this is the biggest uh, by far since the end of the cold war, the
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to that but, and where the head of has the sound that knows around i said the group will respond with and, and rich, abuse and off to and is ready strike killed one of that senior come on this, he made the comments taught the funeral of a flood sugar in the very root is ro accuse the chicago signing the attack and the okay pipe going on heights, which kills 12 people on saturday saying a 100 reports from beirut oh, so ad soccer was hospitalized most senior military official as well killed him in a rear strike, invaded southern suburbs in what was seen as a serious security breach. hezbollah called tuesday nights, assassination? an aggressive that's part of the sacrifices the group has been paying for its support of gaza, but the leader has on us for on the 2nd, the conflict has moved beyond that. hello, hello. hello. can i buy the land of have a lot for looked at, because you wouldn't call you a lot to me. i was to do,
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you don't know what the red lines you have across to you don't know what's kind of an aggression new kind of dog. and when you took this conflict, that is why you should know all the fonts have entered and you phase different from the past. has the bullet says the fascination of sugar violated the unwritten rules of engagement between the group and the is really army. because it was an attack in baby route on a residential building and it killed civilians as well as promising what he's calling a real, not a symbolic response. how does uh say a test on the civil, somebody when husband alida has done this at all, talks about a real response. what this means is that hezbollah could target military or political personalities, for example, or a group of soldiers, o commanders, or strategic facilities on israel claimed responsibility for shockers killing, but has remained silent on the assassination a day later in a run of how much political leader smiled honey,
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almost 10 months since as relevant. god as hor on garza iran. and this regional allies have been trying to strike a balance between putting military pressure on israel and avoiding an all out regional for the 2 assassinations in booth. and to run in just a matter of hours, have again brought the region to the rank as well says it doesn't want the full on war, but that it's ready for any scenario is really media reporting is really in american officials have been in discussions to prepare for a potential retaliation from iran and its allies. so all these going to code you may or each one when the seek revenge on its own. that is a question today is raw, has expanded the power meters of the conflict. prime minister benjamin. nothing out . who says he will not submit to calls for an end to the war on garza but hezbollah, which is part of the iranian lead regional network, says, how much will not surrender in gaza,
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nor will the other support the front. the trend appears to be towards escalation so that their eligibility to be able to as what all has apart a bar out of rockets towards northern israel. it's the 1st such attack since as well killed as i'm gonna treat them on the flag ship on cheese de warning sirens sound in the mid high contentions. some of the rockets have been intercepted bodies, very defense system. that is the, i'm done on the cell who has more from a much enjoy. after nearly 48 hours of calm, his bella has launched a series of rockets into northern israel, around 60 projectile launched from lebanon into several different parts around israel's northern border. these really iron jo, missile defense system, intercepting many of those projectiles that were launched by the lebanese group. and it comes after the assassination in the root of his bolus commander, full at sugar, who is boneless,
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that there would be retaliation for. now this also comes on the same day that these really military confirm, they say the death of him, of the death of the military commander of how mazda is looking for some brigades. they say that they targeted him on july 13th and what they called a precise and targeted attack on the out in the last the area but 9, the palestinians were killed in the so called safe zone 300. others were injured as a result of the strike and for several weeks these really army did not say if they had enough information to confirm whether or not deaf was killed in the attack. how much has neither confirmed nor denied, saying they are not going to comment on the leadership of the of december gates from descent who as ita. i'm on a reminder that honda is reporting from join because these roles government has banned. i'll just from reporting in the country the both the office smell honey a,
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the head of the political wing of a mass has arrived and cut off the head of the barrier. on friday, he was killed in an attack in the radiant capital on tuesday. by the time mess underwrote and have a tooth as well of carrying out the attack. the funeral service was held for honey, the entire on those such a body reports from that of final farewell i until i the harmony leads prayers for it. smell honey a and his body guard killed in the rain and capital on wednesday. hello, 1000 sport onto the streets and to show solidarity with the political leader of some us and use body was taken from around university to freedom square. and eventually to met her about airport, where it was flown to doha for his burial. on friday. the 62 year old was a guest at the an operation ceremony of then you will be elected president must who possess sky on it was and he goes forth trip to tear on since october the 7th and
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his assassination is being viewed here as a work of israel with the help of the united states, washington says he played no part in it and had no prior knowledge of the attack. israel has not commented the time for the occupation to attack without response. he's over, they've done something and they must pay the price, they must be held responsible. america is responsible for this. no crime is committed by the occupation without the criminal america. cd auto reigning official . see the strike on arabian soil as a declaration of war. and they have promised revenge a successful will see evading the impossible of, of this time around. the response will be different in the last one and then phone regional countries in advance about the timing of the retaliation for vincent disaster. but i think this time it's responsible be a surprise and it will come much sooner. on april 13th, iran launched more than $300.00 drones and missiles towards israel,
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in response to an air stripe on its consulate in damascus. 2 weeks before israel responded by attacking your wrong air defense systems. you are doing a times nuclear facility is well heavy as house the nation has. once again forces raining officials to make it difficult decision. one that's ultimately up to the supreme leader. if iran attacks israel again, it's unlikely to act alone. the so called resistance friends, which includes the who sees in yemen, has of a lot and level. and the popular mobilization forces in iraq will be expected to take parts, making this critical moments for the middle east door such a bar out 0. and the whitehouse says the us and israel have discussed new military deployments to defend tennessee against threats, including ballistic massages and drugs. the measures were discussed in a phone call between us present turbine is many prime minister benjamin netanyahu on thursday. both tyrone and his blog have filed to avenge this weeks attacks
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lebanon under, on so the head on out the defiance from demonstrations. police use tickets to disperse crowds, stones of 10 days of protest in 19 plus, 2 dogs, army. this suffice and assassination attempt terminate to record support for the nonce responsibility. the the, the heat is still high in the southern states. the u. s. on it says returning is higher heat even up in the northwest cfos that you choose quite high. so tom, yeah, they're awesome shells around in the desert, southwest. this is correct. but the biggest ones have been in the midwest. the company running through the ohio valley in about time we get just half a day and
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a decent size because he some heavy down pools, stretching down through florida to cuba and haiti, and quite possibly jamaica this whole air of yours is susceptible. so some big dime polls i think in the next day or so, that's true for most of the central america, including a good half of a mexico, with zip pacific coast, like to be at its width is the focus maybe for the south side of jose. so we then towards panama as well. and then if you take the confidence of south america, you can cut off the really seasonal range bad here. so as to the potential for funding and that cut all of the columbia, but not much the south is that. but if you do go further science and look at what's coming in from the pacific is when tonight is the proper winter storm and all the way down the and the in chains are most. and she laid down towards patagonia, you can see anything up to a meter of fresh snow falling from this storm on the lease side. for the most part is relatively warm. i'm pretty fine the
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midst of how much is happening in the end of the question why it's happening like this, letting the nature of this call your mind. it's area of relief foundation the the talk about let's take
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a look at the headlines. one of the largest prisoners swaps since the end of the cold war is not complete. $26.00, the prisoners were exchanged and the deal involving 7 countries. former us marine with american chance to fund disc events are among those release the body of a chief of the political ringing from us smell from the rising ahead. suspended friday. he was killed in an attack in the rainy and capital cheese. the funeral service was held i'm head of has put on his son, estrada, says the group will respond with and, and rich abuse of to and it's very striking. kills when a good senior come on is ro accused funding and the time i'd go down swinging at least 15 palestinians have been killed in central garza off. it is very forces bomb, the school sheltering displaced people, the tax took place and that should of the neighborhood east of kansas city. civil
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defense cruise said a large number of injured people were rescued from the see. israel has repeatedly targeted school sheltering, displaced families across the street. cars is there a stuff have hills at southern guarantee routers to condemn israel. assassination of a pull to is male, i'll go and kind of. i mean, i'll re fi they were killed and a targeted is really drones striking northern gauze. on wednesday, i'll just erick condemned the assassination saying it's part of a systematic is very campaign against the networks, journalists and their families. during this, and garza also stood in tribute and the journey, assuming i'll stop, i am standing with my fellow journalists in solidarity ends. tribute to its male, i'll go and romeo re fi. they insist on continuing the coverage despite the difficulty and the continuous targeting of journalists who smile would always talk to us about his family, and how much he misses his wife and his daughter,
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whom he hadn't seen since the start of the defendant. for these 2 people have been killed and nationwide protests in nigeria and the capital a boot. the police of $510.00 gas into crowds is the 1st of 10 days of, of tens demonstrations across the country for testers, onto mountains. in a range of you cannot make judicial and political reforms, but it just has more. from lagos, carol's on the outskirts of an idea, it is covered at least by a t, a g as a protest, just after the lead. $15.00 and coach to police station activities have declared 10 days of nationwide demonstrations to riley against the rising cost of living. many and get by president, bowler, tenuous, removal of a fuel subsidy, which i know is doing is you know, duration. it may last you in the business capital lagos, the process for largely piece do you want to do? you want to go to the doctor because on the golf course,
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this isn't the 1st time that i did as a voice, the anger of the price of basic items. there was to me like post through the government in the past. the part of the illegals are nowhere near the size of the demonstrations. i guess i'm just returning to 4 years ago. organize, i say the only way to make them leave the streets is to reinstate this subsidies onto so back to us on harpy with a ton note, it's going to my brother cartridge then on women auto. and that's the brand called . and that's what we found on the street to do what you were say that'd be on the keyboard. the key part on the. 8 the, you know, to going down in the governmental, obviously they sent a message to the court and the government, which restricted protest to designated areas. whoops, let's see dates in defining the order. and then most of the city of con,
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curfew was imposed up to shops and government buildings one booted invent deviced. there was some of the scenes in the note is stage of your end inmate degree. in burton, a state where a police fire guess, to disperse crowds, a coffee is now in place. although organizers have listed 19 demands, they say the government meets just one, reinstating the fuel subsidy. it would be a good start by the government says deed grounds benefit, a few corrupt nigeria is to the detriment of the rest. it also urged protest just to allow time for the president's policy is to take effect. the demonstrations are expected to be held d until august, the 10th degrees o d 0, because the sudanese army says it's combined that has survived an assassination attempt. that's admitted tree base and the east of delphi to all the on the was reported the targeted by drone. the army claims its rifle, the rapids support forces. but the permanency group has denied responsibility at
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the top of us has more. these are the moments on wednesday wouldn't come because he drones a tech to crowd of taking the trees at a military base. he needs to sit down and what the only he says was an attempt to assess the needs of the foot to oklahoma. the general escaped on the home, but 7 people were killed and injured the graduation ceremony and she paid off the goods he was deployed and to them by his offices. he believed the rapids of hope for this is for the attack. and we have to put an end to those rebels who terrorized the student needs everywhere. we salute you and through you we send our message to our people everywhere that we will not retreat. we will not surrender, and we will not negotiate with any party, no matter who it is on the statement back track. so really a commitment for her made to join, seize, find a go. sions to switzerland, lead to this month. the rapids support for his head also agreed to participate in
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the discussions hosted by the us saudi arabia, the group, the noise responsibility for the drug strike. now these piece talks appear in doubt . the uncompromising message comes at a time when the fighting has intensified with government forces losing control of several important cities and the capital of northern the full of fashion on the siege by the power medical group. on the one of the country is going through a major situation and you're seeing it's repercussions now. the, it's a situation which requires all of us to unite people to be strong and to carry are done because there is no solution for this country except with the guns. people and 2 sides have been battling for control for nearly 16 months. in a conflict is killed thousands and created what the un says is the world's worst displacement crisis. unexcused hopeless ultra 0. so don't know if the for region has declared that's at least one capital displace people is facing funding reports
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from the global authority on food security says the sounds i'm camp in the state capital. how sasha is experiencing the worst form of hunger on its index. sam's time is home to half a 1000000 displaced people. the rapids support forces has laid siege to the city for months, and no aid has been allowed in their port ones the rest of our fashion until about 800000 people is also at risk of time. and if they are unable to move to safe areas in southern india, landslides triggered by monsoon rains, have killed more than 177 people in colorado. i'll start to say 100 small. i'm missing your account levels. the wind that's district is known for its pick trust, landscape, mountains and waterfalls. now it's a scene of a natural dissolves to with emergency services. scrambling to recover bodies, heavy months to rains, of cause multiple land slides in the southern indian state of carla burying homes and villages. in the early hours of tuesdays,
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swathes of mode wrought from the hillside. settled to the houses below. oh, many people were sleeping at the time of the disturbing. some bodies were found more than 50 kilometers away from here, down the river. stretching to sic mode, rescue teams that found more bodies than survivors. many of those killed were walking on the t estates, their homes buried under thousands of tons of money for the whole body shape. i don't know, months enough completing. if you calculate the monthly daughter range, well it will be the same. but do things. uh, you know, but it's a bit that in this model number based lum hughes, blooming outside. why not so tutorials where these people have the grim task. if identifying bodies, squeeze among them as mohammed advice, who is waiting for news of his grand daughter, he's already lost so much. his wife is distraught is that
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they didn't really to, to know. we called him the previous night and my daughter told me not to worry. i told her to come to my place again. after that she never called of the army has worked quickly to construct another bridge over the false flowing chevy a river. the previous one was destroyed and the land slides. but even with the middle tree support and thousands of volunteers, the driving rain is hampering efforts to recover bodies moving 8000 people if they moved to temporary shelters. you put in the most important thing is to give psychological support. we decided to give as much counseling as possible and hopes of stating that any more people would be found alive, nor hon. i'll just there are in focused on several hospitals have been flooded by record high rating for in the city of the whole. at least 24 people have died in the flash flooding, including one who was electrocuted. one soon rain also hit the country's capitalism,
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about seaside towns in the philippines are preparing for the worst off the coast guard announced a further delay in efforts to contain an oil spill is expected to take another 2 weeks to remove 1500000 liters of fuel from a tank cut that sign, cook doing a tie food last week. barnaby, that reports from them on the other side of this, the improvised rooms are being laid along the shores of this town, along with the other coast or a tank or capsize to last week. it's been leaking 5 and a half 1000 leaders of diesel local authorities. say oil has reached the beach and it's already affecting fishing time, but i'm in order. we will need those speed with watson and cost pollution here is also make children sick. but the philippine coast guard says the biggest threat to this community, the mt. jason bradley is already being handled, the fuel drainage operations ready to pick it. however, another tankard,
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the wind down just off the coast of the neighboring town is a major concern or forward. he said.


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