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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 2, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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i was hearing the historic prisoner swap is now underway, involving 26 prisoners in 7 different countries. i'm john henry and the state department. we're we're getting more details on the biggest multi state prisoners want since the cold war. the other ones are in jordan dismounted. they are a life and don't also have coming up has the launches dozens of rockets into northern israel. the 1st since the beginning of one of its senior commanders in favor of international calls go now to full venezuela, to release voting. thomas, the dispute of the election results sponsor protests across the country.
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the, the biggest president swap since the end of the cold war is taking place. 26 prisoners were exchanged in the turkish capital, incorrect, and a deal involving 7 countries. among those exchange and the multi nation prison, the deal was wall street john report to evans desk of it, shawn former us marine pool. we met, i'll just say it was john henry has worn out from washington. paula whalen and evan greevich for the plane to freedom. the 2 men were part of the largest multi country prisoner swap of its kind. as an incredible, really, for all the family members gather here, as relates to the fridge college, all across the country. we've been praying for this day for a long time. wayland is a former marine goose give it your wall street journal reporter became the story. and thursday's paper also fried was russian. american journalist also who curl
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machine in return, russia received several newly freed prisoners, including vad them credit cards, who was convicted in germany in 2021 of killing a former chechen rebel in berlin. you know, try to talk about no one made the decision lightning to, to matter who had been sentenced to life in prison after only a few years in detention. the state's interest enforcing the prison sentence had to be weighed against the risk to life and limb of innocent people and prisons in russia and i and those unjustly imprisoned for political reasons. in moscow, president vladimir putin personally welcome the freed prisoners. the exchange took place in the turkish capital congress and involved prisoners from poland, slovenia in norway, in addition to germany in the us. happy birthday to president biden led the families of release prisoners and singing happy birthday to the daughter of karma. she asked her mother was in route to the u. s. finance, it'd be extra inch, was only made possible because the u. s. had strong relations with its allies. that
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is possibly a settled the get republican rival, donald trump, who is talked of pulling the us out of nato and other international alliance. that point was emphasized by the president's national security adviser to professionals, international security, foreign policy, and intelligence community work tirelessly and secure the release of 16 individuals who are detained in russia, dividing administration insist, all of the prisoners released by russia were wrongfully detained. the exchange was historic, but administration officials say not a sign of warming relations between the us and russia. there has been no change. this is a, a, a good day because american citizens are able to come home and are incredibly proud of the work that has happened to get that done. but as i just said, rushes aggression into ukraine continues. invalid administration, officials say continues to give russia and incentive to imprison america and other
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citizens, john, 100, l g 0, washington, as cost now. so how does that cost start? who's at joint base on rows in maryland with a plane counting those 3 us citizens release from russian prisons with land shortly . heidi, so talk us through what we can next expect to happen as the americans are welcome to home there and there so much anticipation here. i'm in the press 10 now as we're waiting a touch down of this airplane that should be arriving now in the next few minutes up to half an hour. and not only will these return to us citizens be meeting their families for the 1st time. now, after they're in pa wayland instance, 6 years of detention and a russian prison, but they will also be meeting the us president himself. in fact, i hear that helicopter likely caring us president joe biden as well as the vice president cala harris who will be landing on the tarmac behind me. and they will personally be reading the return of the 3 americans. after so much effort was taken
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to secure their release, just as you are hearing in a story by my colleague john henry, and this was a months long endeavor that had involved diplomacy of at least 7 countries involving u. s. allies to secure the release. not only of these 3 americans that were expecting, but in total, 16 people released by a from russian prisons, as well as 5 germans, as well as russian dissidents themselves. all of this commenting here in the us, in a moment with these 3 are expected to step off board the airplane carrying them here from onto route, which is where we saw that historic prisoner exchange about 10 hours ago involving 7 airplanes from 7 countries. making that switch and now the final leg of that journey to touch down here and us soil in becoming minutes there. and yeah, how do you, as you're talking to us, we're hearing that 5 minutes now on route 2 joint based san jose where you are as
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the size of greets the freedom americans. but they're having some concerns disrupted, cause it more americans to be taken hostage abroad to be used as leverage hide. yeah, and that has been a common critique also with previous prisoner swats of the u. s. has participated in and the white house took that criticism head on earlier briefing reporters drake sullivan saying that they were aware that the us here is in fact negotiating for prisoners which is used to be a red line that wasn't cross. and yes, they are aware of the risk that this may put us citizens traveling abroad and adver serial countries. further at risk. but their response to that, they said was 2 parts. one saying that whether or not they were making these deals to free us prisoners, there would still be us citizens being taken prisoner. they say under false pretenses were innocent in foreign countries. and secondly, they said that they calculated the risk of just leaving these americans. there and
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they said that was simply not worth it. that was not a possibility. they would enter chain. so they think this was a well calculated move to agree to this prisoner swap against 16 people released from russian prison and exchange for 8 russians, returned it to russia, including convicted cyber attackers, spies and assassins from germany, all of whom were given in exchange for the return of these western prisoners back onto us to well, all right, so how does your customer live for us? the joint based on, doesn't matter. and heidi, thank you. the to 11 on now with the head of his beloved house on us that i love her, said the group would respond with anger and retribution of to and his ready strike one of his senior commanders. he made the comments at a funeral of flagship code and by route is right like you should put
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a refining an attack in the occupied golan heights, which killed 12 people on saturday, saying a hold of reports from bayard. as the full ad soccer was hospitalized. most senior military official as well killed him in a rear strike and buried southern suburbs in what was seen as a serious security breach. hezbollah called tuesday nights, assassination. an aggressive, that's part of the sacrifices the group has been paying for its support of garza. but the leader has on us from the 2nd. the conflict has moved beyond that. hello, hello. hello, kelly nealon that happened last year looked at because you wouldn't cry a lot to me. i was to do. you don't know what the red lines you have crossed, you don't know what's kind of an aggression. you cut it off. and when you took this conflict, that is why you should know all the fonts have entered and you phase different from the best possible. assess the fascination of sugar violated the unwritten rules of
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engagement between the group and the is really our me because it was an attack enabled on a residential building and it killed civilians. as well as promising what he's calling a real, not a symbolic response. how does uh so you pass on the some of the semester when husband alida has done this at all, talks about a rear response. what this means is that hezbollah could target military or political personalities, for example, or a group of soldiers, o commanders, or strategic facilities on israel claimed responsibility for shockers killing, but has remained silent on the assassination a day later in a run of how much political leader is my you, honey. almost 10 months since as relevant. got as hor on garza iran, and this regional allies have been trying to strike a balance between the putting military pressure on israel and avoiding an all out regional for the 2 assassinations. a route and to run in just
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a matter of hours have again brought the region to the brink as well says it doesn't want the full on war, but that it's ready for any scenario is really media. our reporting is really in american officials have been in discussions to prepare for a potential retaliation from iran and its allies. so all these going to call united or each one when the seek revenge on its own. that is a question today is, raul has expanded the power meters of the conflict. prime minister benjamin nothing . i who says he will not submit to calls for an end to the war on garza, but it has the law, which is part of the iranian lead. regional network says, how much will not surrender in garza, nor will the other support front. the trend appears to be towards escalation so that they're elses the to be able to meet all has blindsided by roger of rockets towards northern israel. it's the 1st such attack since as well. okay,
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let's miniature colanda, fletcher cooler on tuesday morning siren sounded over the western county area. i mean high contentions. some of the rockets have been intercepted by israel, designed at defense system. i'm the some of it has moment for me. i'm on the jordanian capital of laughter. nearly 48 hours of calm his bella has launched a series of rockets into northern israel, around 60 projectile launched from lebanon into several different parts around israel's northern border. these really iron jo, missile defense system, intercepting many of those projectiles that were launched by the lebanese group. and it comes after the assassination in the root of his bolus commander, full at sugar, who has both said there would be retaliation for now this also comes on the same day that these really military confirm, they say the death of her mother's death, the military commander of how mazda is alpha san brigade,
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they say that they targeted him on july 13th and what they called a precise and targeted attack on the out in the last the area. but 9, the palestinians were killed in the so called safe zone 300. others were injured as a result of the strike and for several weeks these really army did not say if they had enough information to confirm whether or not deaf was killed in that attack. how much has neither confirmed nor denied, saying they are not going to comment on the leadership of the of december gates from the central jersey to a man. and a reminder that honda is reporting that from jordan, because as well as the government has band, i'll just hear from reporting in the country sell the white house as the us. and israel have discussed new military deployments to defend tel aviv against threats, including ballistic missiles and drones. the measures were discussed and a phone call between us president joe biden, and his riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu on thursday. both tara rom and has
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blah have found to avenge this week's attacks. i'm living on and iran, the body of it smells honey. the head of the political wing of how mass has arrived in castle the head of his burial. on friday, he was killed in an attack in the arabian capital on tuesday, both amounts and iran and accused israel, of carrying out the attack. a funeral service was held for having a entire on yesterday to such a bonnet reports from this final farewell. i a total of a harmony leads prayers for his mail, hon. yeah, and his body guard guild in the rain and capital on wednesday, thousands poured onto the streets and to show solidarity with the political leader of some us and use body was taken from tyrone university to freedom square and eventually to macro bought airports where it was flown to doha for his burial on friday, the 62 year old was a guest at the an operation ceremony of then you will be elected president must who possess sky on it was and he is 4th trip to,
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to around since october the 7th. and his assassination is being viewed here as a work of israel with the help of the united states. washington says they play no part in it and had no prior knowledge of the attack. israel has not common to show the time for the occupation to attack without response. he's over, they've done something and they must pay the price. they must be held responsible. america is responsible for this. no crime is committed by the occupation without the criminal america. senior reigning official see the strike on arabian soil as a declaration of war. and they have promised revenge. a successful will see evading . the impossible of, of this time around. the response will be different. in the last one and then phone regional countries in advance about the timing of the retaliation for vincent disaster. but i think this time it's responsible be a surprise and it will come much sooner. on april 13th, iran launched more than $300.00 drones and missiles towards israel in response to
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an air stripe on its consulate in damascus. 2 weeks before israel responded by attacking your own air defense systems. you are doing a times nuclear facility as well. he has a house the nation has once again force raining officials to make a difficult decision. one that's ultimately up to the supreme leader if or on attacks israel. again, it's unlikely to act alone. the so called resistance friends, which includes that who sees in yemen, has of a lot and loving all the popular and mobilization forces in your off would be expected to take parts, making this critical moments for the middle east door such a bar out 0 to a personal break here, and i'll just say right when we come back, the defiance from demonstrate as police use to a gas for this most crowds of the south of 10 days of protest and not here less. i'm jessica washington in intonation with trials for free meals scheme,
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which ends to feed more than 18000000 children are underway. the and the heat is still high in the southern states, the us and it says returning is high heat. even up in the northwest cfos that you choose quite high for the time. yeah. there are some shells around in the desert southwest. this is correct. but the biggest ones have been in the midwest, the company running through the ohio valley. and by the time we get to such a day and a decent size because he some heavy down pools, stretching down through florida to cuba and haiti and quite possibly jamaica this whole air is, is susceptible. so some big dime pulls, i think, in the next day or so, that's true for most a central america, including a good half of a mexico with the pacific coast like to be at is which is the focus maybe for the
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side of san jose. so we then towards panama as well. and then if you take the confidence of south america, you can cut off the really, the seasonal range bad here. so as to the potential for flooding in ecuador and colombia, but not much, the south is up. but if we do go further size and look at what's coming in from the pacific is winter time. this the proper winter storm and all the way down the and the in change and most did she lay down to us patagonia, you could see anything up to a meter of fresh snow falling from this stone on the lease side. for the most part, just run through the room. i'm pretty fine. the investigative journalism voices from different corners, stories from other angles, programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on mt as the era, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back. you're watching out just a right click on the top stories here, this one of the largest business swap since the end of the cold war is who most complete the 26th business we're exchange. and the deal involving 7 covers from the us marine will be an american john as the front desk of which are month. that was really the body of the cheese and the political wing of how much system that he has arrived in the country. i have his very low on friday. it was killed in i've talked give me a ring and capital on tuesday. the funeral service was held in toronto. and the head of hezbollah, how something says the group responded with anger and retribution knocked out his
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various pride killed. one of the senior commanders is man accused flood, chicago plumbing. and i talked to me, i'll try and go on the sites as well as talk cruises, asked old presidential candidates to appear on friday to begin the elections vote. the verification process, it comes as the results were disputed in venezuela and by foreign governments, including the us to raise about central states report you say yes when the module was 15 years old, when he was shot by venezuela, left national guard, doing protests against the presidential election, we sold jesus to says he was executed navy, but i don't know, but they showed him a close range. the bullet was directed at him. it was not a stray bullets. i don't know why they shut my brother. you didn't do anything. he was just passing by, he stopped to see what the process was about, but he wasn't participating in the step of the protesters had been killed and more than
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a 1000 detained. president knew quite that my daughter says the opposition planned the demonstrations to force him out of office to get ready. and that the us help to plan includes me in the united states with its false diplomacy. moved around the world to set up the scenario in venezuela. we negotiated with the us in good faith, and it did not comply. they elias on phone ease. they do not keep that would, even when they signed an agreement, they were taking advantage of the negotiations to distract us. both my, the us government and the opposition have came victorian sunday's vote. the opposition says it has prove fraud was committed. most governments in the region are demanding the immediate release of detail, volter and electrical data from the product or is hill is playing across the road left when president let us see the has agreed to take over the administration of ruby, an argentine and embassies after venezuela expels diplomats from 7 latin american
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countries for questioning the election. we thoughts on thursday that was alien flag was flying a be urgent and embassy and got i guess, far right. precedent have you had to be posted on social media? saying he was confident, the embassy would reopen soon in democratic and free venezuela. inside the embassy, 6 asylum seekers. close to a position leader and by the equity now much oh, they had been living there for 4 months after a prosecutor issued an arrest warrant accusing them of conspiracy. it's very complicated. they have been very difficult days, very difficult, but it is part of the process to enforce the truth about july the 28th. venezuela needs change. many sweet ends or ensure what will happen next most don't believe change will happen any time soon. very simple as i see now as
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a phase 2 people have been killed and nationwide protests and nigeria and the capital boucher police of 52 gas into crowds as the 1st 10 days. applying demonstrations across the country, which has dissolved demanding a range of economic traditional and political reforms. i'll just say it was of interest that's more from lagos. carol's on the outskirts of night, judas capital leased by a tig as a protest, just after the lead bone fires and torch, the police station active use have declared 10 days of nationwide demonstrations to riley against the rising cost of living many and get by president bowler tenuous removal of a fuel subsidy which announced during his, you know, duration in may last you in the business capital lagos, the process for largely piece will be about the do you want to go to the doctor because on the golf course, this isn't the 1st time that i did as a voice, the anger of the price of basic items. there was to me like post through the
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government in the past the purchased the illegals, are nowhere near the size of the demonstrations. i guess i'm just returning to see 4 years ago organize, i say the only way to make them leave the streets is to reinstate this subsidies onto so back to us on harpy with a ton note, that's going to my brother cartridge, then i will then, i'll do it on the car was not to be found on the street to do what you would say that'd be under our keyboard. the key part. i mean the. 8 the, you know, to going down in the governmental, obviously they sent a message to the court and the government, which restricted protest to designated areas. whoops. let's see dates in defining the order. and the laws of the city of con curfew was imposed up to shops and government buildings one booted infant deviced. there was some of the scenes in the
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northeast state of yours and in my degree and bought an estate where a police fire guess to despise crowds. a coffee is now in place. although organizers have listed 19 demands, they saved the government beach, just one, reinstating the fuel subsidy. it would be a good start or by the government says deed grounds benefit. a few corrupt nigeria is to the detriment of the rest. it also urged protest just to allow time for the president's policy is to take effect the demonstrations are expected to be held d until august, the 10th degrees o d 0. because to indonesia now with the incoming government plans to provide free daily meals for children and pregnant women, some experts have raised concerns. a promise may be to and vicious. but it's jessica washington, the fulsome jakarta. small scale trials are on the way in solo central java, these children are among the 1st to take part in trials as
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a free meal scheme. this free lunches the dishes. today's menu include chicken empire. school principal mooning out of meaning says the meals appear to be more nutritious than most the children often eat. sometimes parents give them instance noodle, so sausages, which is not actually good for the children's growth and development. in february, indonesians elected proposed to begin to as the next president and keep it under academic blanca. as his deputy. the pay will take office in october for the pledge to provide free daily meals for children under 5 school children. and pregnant women was to send a piece of their election campaign. they promoted the idea as a way to reduce childhood now nutrition and something for boosting the agriculture sector and creating jobs to. although in denisia has made progress in tackling stunting, it still affects around 20 percent of children. we will continue the testing until october. maybe the menu will be different. we want to get input from the children's
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parents and teachers. and also in addition this, each of these meals costs around $0.90. some analysts have raised concerns about the cost of feeding nearly $18000000.00 children alone. that's estimated to be more than $7600000000.00 in the 1st year. it takes maybe put the 15 up at the center of out about to so that's why this program. yeah, i think we'll, uh, we'll reduce the not the a program that may be a golf for them and should do in the next 5 years. you choose an expert, st proper assessments need to take place before the initiative should begin. so the 1st thing is talking about the food itself, but also the safety, the hygiene, and actually thinking about that. so under the h a, c, p, the hazard analyzes and also critical point. you have to really be sure that this what is safe? well,
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experts may have questions about cost and implementation for these students. there's only one important question as a sample different meals over the next 10 days. do you like the food this teacher asks and from the students over sounding yes. jessica washington, which is 0 dakota in southern india alon slides figured by months in range of killing more than a $177.00. people in care of archie, say hundreds more. i'm missing nora. com centers full. why not? the district is known for its pick trust landscape mountain some waterfalls. now it's a scene of a natural disaster with emergency services, scrambling through a couple of bodies, a heavy monthly range of cause multiple land slides in the southern indian state of carla burying homes and villages. in the early hours of tuesdays, swathes of mode wrought from the hillside settled to the houses below. oh,
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many people were sleeping at the time of the east of some bodies were found more than 50 kilometers away from here. down the river, trudging through sic mode, rescue teams of found more parties than survivors. many of those killed were walking on the t estates. their homes buried on the thousands of tons of mode for the whole body shape. i don't know, months enough completing. if you complete the monthly daughter range, well it will be the same. but there are things uh, you know, what is to be that in this small number based lum hughes, blooming outside. why not? so tutorials where these people have the grim task of identifying bodies. squeeze among them is mohammed o bice, who is waiting for news of his grand daughter. he's already lost so much. his wife is distraught. is it really to do? we call them the previous night and my daughter told me not to worry. i told her to
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come to my place again after that she never called the army has worked quickly to construct another bridge over the false flowing, chatty a river. the previous one was destroyed in the land, slights. but even with the middle tree support, i'm thousands of volunteers. the driving rain is hampering efforts to recover bodies moving 8000 people as they moved to temporary shelter. as you put in the most important thing is to keep psychological support. we decided to give as much counseling as possible and hopes of fighting that any more people would be found alive, nor hon. i'll just there are its impact. hassan. several hospitals have been flooded in reco high rainfall in the city of the whole. at least 24 people have died in the flash flooding. monsoon rifles are launch the countries capitalism, about and other major cities. electricity has been cut off in multiple areas. now, so you saw the towns in the philippines auto bearing for the west of the coast guard announced
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a further delay in efforts to contain an oil spill. to expect to take another 2 weeks to remove 1500000 leaders a few of my time. but the sun during a typo last week found to be in the reports from lima and the other side of the spin. improvised rooms are being laid along the shores of this town, along with the other posts tore a tank or capsize to last week. it's been leaking 5 and a half 1000 leaders of diesel local authorities say oil has reached the beach and it's already affecting fishing. you know, i'm in order. we will need those speed with watson and cost pollution here is also make children sick. but the philippine coast guard says the biggest threat to this community, the mt. jason bradley is already being handled. the fuel drainage operations ready to pick it. however, another tankard of wind down just off the coast of the neighboring town. it's a major concern or forward. he's had hoped to start slapping off the mt tear and it


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