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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  August 2, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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all this has been going on for a number of hours. you're not being used to surprise, but you see the report 34, that's an active perspective to try to explain to global audience why it's important because impacts their lives at the height of the storm. water was still high by, hey, this is an important part of the world. people pay attention to this very good the bringing the news to the world from here, the political leader of how much successful days in iraq, sidney, a hispanic, come on, the killed in lebanon, up to l. just a, you're a journalist, struck down in a targeted attack after killing almost $40000.00 palestinians in cause of israel continue without accountability. this is inside story, the
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hello welcome to the program. i'm adrian's clinic, an event so fast on folding, involving israel events that seem to cross new boundaries, dangerous and horrors daily. a full not published in private as to how must lead a smile funnier, assassinated in iran. he was the man leading to homicide and negotiations towards a cease fire and garza and the release of his really competence level on a country. scott, by decades of attacks by of southern de about israel killed his bullets senior. come on the ford show. cool, and journalists again targeted by israel. i'll just here a correspondent is mine. i'll go on camera, man, around me. i'll repeat the latest killed by i miss i was striking, goes up. the is ready. i'll be, has killed the 40000 palestinians since the war began. in october, the 2 point 3000000 people of gaza try to survive in upholding conditions, homes and buildings flattened, vital infrastructure such as hospitals and water supplies. obliterate that,
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as the world looks on israel plows on from it as to benjamin netanyahu. fated with more than 50 standing ovations of the us congress as he is wanted for war crimes by the international criminal court. are there any limits on what israel can do on does it is with western weapons and political support. and will there ever be accountability for its actions? we'll be discussing this with our guest in just a moment. but 1st, the report from victoria gate can be to freely de ayatollah ali how many hopes funeral, pres, to the political lead to us, how mass into ran, rambling israel for the killing is, is ma honey, a, and says it will live in she's desk. how about some have me johnny the times they are supposed to attack without responses over they've done something and they must pay the price they must be held responsible on the call. your general america is responsible for this. no crime is committed by the occupation without the criminal
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america any. it was assassinated in a missile striking to run on wednesday hours after that, and it's really a tackling the lebanese capital bay route killed senior has black amanda fluid shakara a day later the is really all me announced it had eliminated the commend or if i'm asked is minute tree wing my how many death it says he was killed in an attack on a building and the hon. you in this area of southern garza 3 weeks ago, as well as will say being targeting gen this throughout the nearly 10 months of will. algebra correspondent is male, a who and camera man, rami a re fi were killed and a strike on the vehicle. and the goal is to city on wednesday, even though they would clearly marked as members of the media. israel has killed more than a $160.00 journalist in gaza since october. that's an emergency meeting of the un security council, the united states called 50 escalation america is israel's biggest ally and supplies it with weapons with billions of dollars. mr. president, the palestinians say the actions of primary to benjamin netanyahu. cruz ending
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israel's assault on gaza is no surprise to see every day brings more har, loss and suffering for our people. as is really occupying forces, massacre, palestinian civilians, assassinate officials, kill humanitarian workers, medical personnel, and journalists of duck civilians, and torture and rape them in is really jails. israel who has killed nearly 40000 people in india to now the 90000 homes and hospitals have been flattened and food will to medical supplies, us gas. tensions in the middle east are running high and many fear the fighting could escalate into a full blown regional conflict. victoria gates and b l g 0 for inside story. the forget, i guess, for today's discussion from los angeles, were joined by my friend. come bravo,
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a professor of government at georgetown university in casa. he specializes in iran, the gulf and middle east politics from belfast were joined by beverly, beverly milton edwards, the tools of how much the quest for power at a full but you special adviser to the middle east peace process. and from joshua and lebanon cream, not dc. is a political panelist at associated research of the art council for the social sciences. welcome to you. well, let's start with you. cream is as well as a control, or does it know exactly what it's doing deliberately pursuing military objectives according to a planned strategy? yes. hi, um, i think it's both, i think they are out of control in the sense of their, they're trying to kind of create a situation in the region in which they remain in charge of what's going on in which they are able to create all sorts of violence create, you know, south and it will blow civilian infrastructure will continue the genocide and kind
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of take on iran and take on another non take on iraq and the mind and other countries in the region and, and not really necessarily understand what the repercussions are going to be on the other hand, i do think that there is a strategy there. i think the strategy, especially with nothing you know, having just come from the united states, is to try to push as much as possible to create this, this kind of atmosphere in the region in order to draw the americans in. and in order to kind of discover any, any kind of these firefox and ensure that they can in their own turn. so when the war and guys are and, and, and kind of keep members of the currents in the region. but to, to kind of keep the, the regional head gemini going fairly, what might it runs response to the assassination of a smile, penny a on it. so it will look like the retaliation from the so called excess of resistance. well, i think has compared to the retaliation that took place in april by or on following
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the attack on one of its assets in damascus by israel we will see a difference. so suddenly what we're going to see is um a more immediate response and that's already been headlines, which means that the kind of signaling that took place and in april $71.00 to come in in april the missiles, drones that was sent from around were mainly directed that is really minute pre call gets now there were some the phase, but this time iran will also puts in its target size, possibly is ready to be an infrastructure, including for example, that supports may be in high. so i stalled, as well as energy installations. moreover, i think we're already seeing that this is going to be much more of a sort of tool to a, to f up involving all the members of the access of resistance. which was, which means that again is rarely instruction from the,
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from the south part of the pieces from the north, by his below, with a sort of expansion beyond will spin. consider that the grades that have targeting in northern israel into the problem perhaps even more strategically sensitive science. and of course, is also sort of heights and the risk of beside the retaliation and coordination of autonomy ation in, in the gulf area. so once again, maritime assets and supply routes and energy routes from the gulf to the rest of the world fall into those target site. so this doesn't move. busy to be worried about but but from what is, well, i've had us logistical support or help from, from anyone else for the killing of a bus. how do you in to around and she'll come in and be rude or, or doesn't have to the military and intelligence capabilities to act. so learn what, what the us of note in advance about the attack. some of the us at the moment
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saying publicly that it didn't, but if it didn't, what does that tell us about the relationship between israel and the us? that's an excellent question. what we've seen is that the israelis have been repeatedly acting unilaterally. we saw the american advanced knowledge, and i think the americans, i take the word for this time when they say they didn't know about this in advance, because no doubt the americans with a veto that knowing de ronnie is, would escalate. i don't think this collection would be as extensive as beverly just mentioned. i think it would be proportional no one other than the 10 yahoo wants to escalate the war beyond the tragedy of gaza. except nathaniel, who wants to prolong his own political career. but you know, one of the things we're seeing here is it really odd us is a relationship unfolding. on the one hand, the republicans have embraced the 10 yahoo
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a whole heartedly and unconditionally. while on the other hand, the state department has been more measured. uh, certainly the been defections and resignations in the state department. so we're seeing it really all dynamic. you're on fold and it'd be interesting to see how the relationship evolves under a possible harris presidency or a trump presidency. honda is, i'm just interested in whether you think the police, the political situation in the u. s. right now is having any impact on, on economic use, current thinking? is he perhaps escalating to ensure that but should a less sympathetic president take the white house it but when the election in november took the white house from january of the hands of tired as far as the conflict is concerned? absolutely, the narrative here in the united states is completely pro, is a,
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it's almost as if the genocide in gaza doesn't exist. it's really amazing how those any pro palestinian sympathy here or empathy for the plight of the palestinians. given the dominant narrative uh, in the public domain, in public spaces on mainstream american media. and they say, these have been brilliant at framing the narrative, any way that test them in a completely positive life. as if nothing you all who i need is a cabinet can do absolutely no wrong as if the palestinians don't matter. palestinian lives do not matter. and so i think what we're seeing is really the p r machine that days in the government has a at its disposal here in the us, in, in uh, full force uh,
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in operation treatment does as well as policy of assassination against leading figures from the palestinian resistance achieve anything it's, it's, extrajudicial, murder has an improved, is really security over the is what does it mean from the chances of peace? talk succeeding right now, and of course, as well as i am for freeing hostages. why does israel continue to pursue this policy? how i think to answer your question, i don't think that the assassinations which of course as well as i've been doing for decades, has improved their security at all. that hasn't proved to anybody security and had a himself is a, is a, is a result of, you know, he came into power and others like him as a result of these really stealing all sorts of other, how much leaders over the years and the seller himself has come because others before him it has been lower assassinated. so you know, as has been set quite a bit, it's the idea of resistance, the idea of how mass itself and balance and resistance balance and liberation
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center, self determination 11. and it says, well it's, it's resistance, it's that, you know, it's fighting against occupation and it's mainly attacks all the time in the long history of invasion and occupation. this stuff, this stuff oh, is out live particular leaders and particular people that they get assassinated. it doesn't mean that in and that kind of operational terms that they're not valuable and that they don't cause problems. of course, they do on the, in the field and in the, you know, in the actual war time, and of course they do. but it will certainly not stop the, the, the kind of, the overarching, kind of resistant movements that's happening across the region. and what we can see now, which is an increase coordination across this, this kind of access of resistance across the region. so you can see from yemen to 11, and it's, it's, there's several fronts, but they're all, i think, more or less in unison and, and quite coordinated. so no, of course is where the security doesn't improve, but, but more importantly, you don't get published. and in the position you don't get, you don't get people civilians across the region in the arrow bland spend,
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and 11 on the palestine across the region. nobody, you know, people are suffering and it's not just dividers where the security, nothing will happen as long as it's rarely to continue their genocide and their occupation and their series of assassinations. all of which is basically to try to stop any kind of negotiations from taking place. and i think this is the key issue to these are these get to continue with impunity to continue to assassinate power as an in 11 these leaders and, and resistance fighters. and get away with it on the international level. this is, this is the key question and as far as i can see, and as mine was saying earlier, the kind of support that the us has given without any, any reservation at all on his way. the action has been astounding, and this been very well noted across the region here. and it, it does nothing or it does. i think it makes american standing of the region much worse and makes everybody the security and much worse. and this is something that
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cannot be stopped, but definitely to bring that, that is israel blind. so the consequences of it's that it's actions. and what does it feel? and bolting to behaviors? it does say the, this incremental ramping up of acts which breach both international humanitarian law because of the, the apparent unconditional support of, of the u. s. well, i said, i think it's a little bit more complicated than last, i think. but uh, what's the around is pointed out, the israel does appear to be in the, in sort of one body acting with, with impunity. i think we need to take into consideration, but there are a number of tensions and forces a walk in israel and in the body politic at the moment. so to be realistic can, to bear in mind that this is a symmetric uh complex and i symmetric cool. this being weighs chair on the as has been done. so for decades now, israel if it's the right kind of sun cuz the intelligence and security opportunity
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presents itself is ralph typically under the government of ness. and yahoo has never failed to act swiftly to execute the claims of assassination attempts successfully or otherwise in the past, as, as we saw with a smell honey. this week, coming out again as we saw when the 10 you i'll be 1st came to power in 1997, where he attempted to assassinate college, michelle, who will be the like, the success of it's not near and, and on bus occasion. of course, uh is really, agent is the most that failed in, in the, in the mind. but that was again, it's all about is, is the opportunity that for them to execute the kind of assassination and tactics of assassination. but they choose to constantly pursue now as we will acknowledge this, the actually get is around these really people, the palestinian people or any other actors in the region 90 closer to,
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to be sung by any measure of, of, of attendance to achieve conflict resolution or confidence building minutes on this is, this is, this is no way this is no way and add a cheese months in times all of the future prospects and fits for the release. so it's really about the shaft is being how to stage in his cell. so those 2300000 and palestinians in gauze having any form of believe ation of the absolutely dos humanitarian conditions but the that the suffering suffering. and so i think that my friends are quite correct. point out that this is a bit of a blow useful for us leverage. i'm in the wider middle east spits. it's come from what we've been hearing from washington in the last 48 hours. but these are also included in the bullet to consult to or to call for rachel to engage in the usual
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rates of intelligent sharing with, with the paul as in the c i a or the f b i. now let's read that against the corporation that have been going on on the mediation file for a cease fire and for hostage release as well. the c, i a must side to the mediation of congress, like cat on egypt, articles with how much negotiators is math and they are included while progressing . so what we're seeing here is this, but again, just to re emphasize the point that within this rel itself, we're seeing really serious tensions. okay? domestic clean between the protocol need to ship from the kind of a call strain. so lack of constraints that nothing you all who believes it with his coalition pot, that's who a bunch of extreme right wing races on, that they will do one thing and that the military defense, security and intelligence community may on occasion be advising other things that
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relate let me just jump in there because i, i want to bring in my hoc pickup on something that you were saying earlier in the background that you said in a previous on. so to what extent is the, the continuation of the warranty, the dangerous moment that we find ourselves with a reckoning to moustache, the ties into a wider regional conflict, purely down to nothing yahoo and his need to stay in power usead in order to avoid having to appear in course on corruption shots has made is it really that but simple or other personalities within the the right wing has. ready the government and ministry also driving this modest on a dictator, he's a democratically elected prime minister con, will be about his ego, kind of a yes or no. there are indeed pressures on that. and, you know, from even to his right. uh, to uh, eradicate uh, any price of palestinians in gauze. uh and then probably in the west bank. um i think uh you're absolutely right. it is. uh,
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there are is really political dynamics at work. but we've all known that nothing y'all, whose political career has been in danger for some time. now. in fact, in many ways, october 7th, came to his rescue. let's remember that there were weekly, massive demonstrations in tele viva and elsewhere and is raised against the 10 yahoo for the judicial reforms who was trying to push through the um is really a political arena. and so i think in many ways the prime minister continues the onslaught on uh, garza and on palestinians in order to prolong his own political career and to keep both the right and the left flags of his coalition in check. a dream, as well as it would be helping to account for its actions for the thousands of innocent people slaughtered in gaza for the target thing of my,
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my eldest era colleagues with the, the journalist who died in goes, i a how important will accountability be in any resolution to this country? that's a fantastic question. i think that's something that there is, there does not. there's not going to be accountability any time soon for these really until or unless resistance works. it's relying on western states and western institutions and western politicians and leaders is not going to get any kind of re dress for the palestinians either in terms of their long struggle for self determination and liberation. or for, you know, trying to get individual is really the, there's held to account each time there's a push for that kind of issue. it gets stuck somewhere along the line. we see now this incredible quote, you know, the case that they can ask the court of justice. you see this incredible presentation by south africa by then by the media, by other states and the global socket have been joining in on this. and you see the push back by countries like germany by the u. k. and certainly by the united states
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to try the block based kinds of international process of accountability. then what's happening is international criminal court. the kind of accountability that what happened will happen once the, the, the, the world realizes that someone like nothing down here. i disagree a little bit with my hand in that i don't think, i think the focus on nothing. you know, of course, he has a personal interest. it's true, have personal interest to try to prolong this war. but i think it's really important to remember that as well as a whole, as an, as an entity, as a states, as you know that back by and by the origin scientism and political project design. and some has been like this was created with ethnic cleansing in 1948 in the neck, but it does not stop this from it's from day one from its existence until today. so what we see in gaza today in the genocide, what we see in the tax across the region is a continuation of a lot long history of what these really isn't, what scientism was about, and what the, what these read the state has been about from the beginning so yes, there are personal it's, you know,
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issues with nothing here on the south in terms of what he can get away with in terms of is pushing it. but it is something in which as well as bait as long have been doing definitely with rapidly running out of time. i need a brief fonts are about a minute and a half from you. if i can. where does this lead counsel? you mentioned counsel, which had been mediating in the c spiceworks. i'm the governments of the wider middle east. i'm the gulf. i mean how, how will is way of targeted kennings impacted on their response to this crisis. a good thing. i think there's lots has already been cleared full of tax. all this mediate, says egypt and other actors in the region, which is this, but they won't. the escalation, they have code full accountability. they have made a very strong point of reminding the rest of the wow, that so is israel continues to act outside the international norms and outside international consensus and the morals and ethics of the conduct of diploma se,
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then the world is truly frank sense not just the region by an escalation, but, but the rest of the world and coming back to the international criminal court we, it's very important to remember that, you know, an application has been made each one of those arrest warrants is a separate warrant against each one of those individuals will yet to hear from the judges about the issuing of, of those, lawrence. and again, it's very important to remember the office of being investigated. we can only have the justice trudy will prevail from a promise times representative of the un to the un security council. the quote violence and tara israel is made only currency. there is no red lines that israel no lower, it will breach. no, no, it will not trample, know, act to deprived or bump direct. and yet the will stand idly by time of the time ringing it times as people die is where it is in breach of international lord
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ignores you and resolutions. an icy j orders. out is accused of committing genocide arrest warrants are expected to be issued for its prime minister and defense. but as the by the i c, c, y on of those the, the, the will continue to tolerate this from this rail. that's an excellent question. um uh, partly is because of a narrative, the fact that for so long for so many decades, the world has been conditioned for taking their lead. the west has been conditioned to view it as right. and the palestinians as a having been being wrong. and so of course, in the end the narrative is such that the public narrative is such the public discourse is such that it's all the average american person doesn't hear about palestine. doesn't care about the palestinian uh, the average palestinian person or their plight. and i,
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i think it's very difficult to argue if it's a very eloquent statement of the palestinian representative to the inactive nations . i think she was quite right to him final. what do you then we must be brief. i'm going to on a minute left from me, cory, who you know, and i'll view as well. no, because he appears on the inside story regularly called as well as on the killing machine that the world doesn't quite know what to do with. why doesn't the world know what to do with it? and it's, it's very simple in the sense of personal, of course, i agree with him totally at the united states has not rained it in the united states. and as western eyes have allowed, as well over many decades to act with total, impunity for invasions occupations a part time genocide, this is no longer in dispute anymore as well as last it's global legitimacy. the, the kind of the resistance movements across the region are growing. public opinion across the world country to the, to the leaders is very much it gets normalization and everybody wants to push for
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this question of justice provided a sentence for people, for peace, for people across the region. this can happen as long as the united states in particular, keeps packing as well to the hill to keep sending weapons, keep supporting it in the international for and doesn't allow the most basic accountability. resistance will continue. it is going to be the only way forward, not western based kind of accountability. it'll be accountability from people in the region until that is where these understand that they have to live left to co exist in the quality and piece rather than has normally said. it's kind of somebody like killing machine, which is their entire history as far as the entire neighborhood is concerned, especially with the confidence and especially now as we're sitting in gaza on the, i'm afraid we must and manufacturing day to order for your mouth from colorado. beverly milton edwards and cream mike dc. thank you for watching. you can see the parking again at any time by going to the website. i'll just say we're a dot com for further discussion. you can join us about facebook page at facebook
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dot com forward slash h, a insight story, and you can join the conversation on an x on handle at a j inside story from me, adrian said again of the team here in though, see again, i thought the maybe his son goes head to head with his really historians that he morris, the jews were on the 5th of annihilation by the arabs. and that's my view legitimize justified cleansing arabs from palestine. the hutus that exactly the same thing about maybe food in 1990 israel is committed numerous of all crimes. since that i'm also friends on the type of stuff. i'm fairly sure that'd be fine. but the war itself is not a war primed. head to head on, out to 0, security concerns and political uncertainty,
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strongly be fixed to understand how it affects d. 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually fully. why is that? counting the cost on o g a 0 the do what? you all just bear with me. so robin in the hall remind to of all the top new stories the funeral for how much politically to its melania has taken place in castle prizes were held at the house and model of the hob, most a lot of work develop a lot of work about the coffins of india and his body gone to the front of the main prairie, thousands of mona's guy that into housing, creating representatives from the cost them, at least on the why the region. these body is to be buried in the sale rolls of the guitar because.


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