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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 3, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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an important effect making him marginalize community feel seen again. the us will send a new carrier group to the middle east to increase the forceful defense of israel, the somebody, the miller. this is all just to rely from dell also coming up. a lot of work about funeral prayers will be assassinated, political leader almost with and emotional needs from these widow. the 40 votes of been costs to common irises just stays away from being formerly confirmed . as donald trump's arrival for these us presidency us, i'm how much fun on the kawasaki in the field. kennedy found it,
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but i'm going to tell you how it is fights and lots of resources and the threats and what's being done to protect the . the united states will send a new carrier group to the middle east, as well as the pulling muscle defense vessels and a fight to squadron to the region. washington says it wants to mitigate any military escalation for me wrong. the pentagon made the announcement in the last hour as concerns grow about a possible response to his ready strikes and living on the assassination of homeless lead to it's marla, nea in iran. well, let's go now to heidi jewel castro, who's in washington dc. a, with the updates on this, i didn't what changes have been announced by the pentagon concerning the u. s. military in the middle east summit as the pentagon says that these are quote
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necessary measures that the secretary of defense would, austin has now ordered. think the include in order to maintain a carrier strike group present in the middle east. he has ordered the us as abraham lincoln to replace the u. s. s. theodore roosevelt. that is because a roosevelt, along with it's about for some 40 fighter jets, is moving from the persian gulf now to the gulf of mine, which puts it closer to israel. in addition to pentagon and studying more ballistic missile defense, capable cruisers and destroyers to the region on top of that, an additional fighter jet squadron to the middle east offensive on spokes person also said that increasing readiness to deploy additional land based ballistic missile defense and potentially more us troops deployed to the region to operate this equipment. now all of this came about after a phone call between us defense secretary lloyd austin and his is really
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counterparts. you'll have kalonde this morning in which austin assured that the us is again, quote, iron clad and his commitment to come to israel's defense. right. then the us department of defense is saying the step sought to mitigate the possibility of a regional escalation by iran. or we're ron's partners and proxies. that's the official line and to add what you've outlined, how much pressure is they on the us to de escalate the situation in the middle east? a yeah, that is a tricky line that the pentagon knowledge is, it is towing here. how can it increase the military posture in the region while the same time be trying to advocate de escalation? but they said that again, if things are necessary, measures in order to not only defend israel were a wrong, or it's proxies to launch a retaliatory attack, but also to defend us troops that are already in the region. but it is certainly
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something that is being consider the, the, the, the potential that there's, looks like an escalation. in fact, this came up in the phone call between austin and a lot this morning. and austin emphasized that all countries he said in the region would benefit from de escalation. and of course we know that the official white house line and in a phone call between president biden and benjamin netanyahu on thursday. i didn't again, pushed for israel to accept the ceasefire deal saying he is very concerned at the current state of tensions in the region. thanks very much, a heidi folded update as tensions escalates. is heidi jo castro in washington dc as well? the announcement from the pentagon comes always off to dignitaries from across them, release bay, the final farewell to one of the regions, most of significant political figures. how most of the, the small, any has been very didn't that does capital de la following
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a place of us. he was assassinated in iran on wednesday. russell said to attend to the service and sent us this report. on the hundreds came from across, got that and i was waiting division to pay their respects to smite honey. the political leader of thomas funeral prayers were housed at the main mosque in the capital. 110, no one. uh guys, uh the security was tight. the image as well as for them dignitaries and a high level delegation for them for the within that time this is by the arrive on tuesdays of the funeral service, inter wrong. the is with the m f. c. it her own good bye. well, if in the hospital pretty from besides, he's coughing the you are my support in this life and the next you are my love, my love. say hello to all the martyrs of garza safe and go to all the leaders to
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all of gods as martyrs. all the muslims, my love, me god, make it easier for you. a lot of work about of the heading and how you lead and how much you go to decided to pay for the dad. the cost in the past through the mosque, which was packed with the mourners. outside people express the sorrow as well as concern for negotiations between israel and how much we tenea was sensitive to people. as i said, some fold up was the spin garcia. sions. he was the main site of the negotiations, speaking on behalf of the resistance his assassination has to show assassinated the negotiations. any, as buddy was taken to, we'll send that to the english seems to have for burial. where the founder of the state of got that is buried is might any, it was the most prominent points you can still get in how most ranks leaving, pull someone up with that shall cease by an agreement with israel. now the question
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is, who will replace him and perhaps most significantly, the destination mean and, and to negotiations towards adding cause war on gaza. versus that of that. i'll just 0 the following, the assassination of a smile on a lot of uncertainty looms over the gaza strip. then the future of ceasefire negotiations and quality has moved from that'll by law. in central garza, the people are very concerned. they're frustrated. their dreams are exhausted. the most common in figure of this plot ceasefire deal in negotiations has been estimated by israel. now this policy needs are perceiving this in a couple of ways. some people are stay on task and maybe there will be negotiations . and the main reason why it's nice to meet you was skills because at that phase where these don't want negotiations with the palestinians. but palestinians who have a little bit, a glimpse of hope at nearly lost it after the loss of somebody's the, you know,
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people are having a lot of questions. a lot of concerns. they're asking, who's going to replace them is then you go stations ongoing. is there anything positive relating to the part that in people are very tired, they're waiting for the days where they are going to read night with their families that are separated. they're waiting to dig for the bodies of the missing aside. many members are waiting for the minute. they could go outside the cost of group and receive their medical treatments. there's a lot of, of, of misery and the lots of discretion among the palestinians and the killing us made any amount made the suffering worse, especially that there's no hold or anything related to the negotiations in the region right now is really forces have a rest of the elderly preacher of a lot, so most of the paid tribute to is melania during friday prayers footage shows is
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rarely so just taking a com sabri from his home and occupied as jerusalem. israel august subways, some and constitutes incitement. so far right is really minister of national security and some of individual posted on next above the photo of what appears to be shakes. aubrey with his face blood he wrote, the sub we utilized is melania. and a few hours later he was taken from his home for questioning by these rarely please . now he's being interrogated under the flag that he's so loves my policy towards instigates is k a 0 tolerance, and i welcome it's implementation. i'll do 00 day says the assassination of is melania has provided a moment of unity is a senior fun delegation attending the funeral procession of this my and hon. e. as a leader of him off and don't. how earlier on friday, the
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a funeral procession was attended by a large number of different terry's from around the region and also other islamic countries. this was a political event as much as it was also a somber event. all lives now on how much to see who will be chosen to leave the movement at this critical juncture, where an ongoing genocide is happening and the prospect of returning to negotiations to get us these fire and stop the war. are really a very high stakes and who have must choose us to lead the movements moving forward . will have an impact whether it's on ending the war on gaza, but also on the occupied westbank. or israel has been using the fog of war to grab line. the unprecedented rate to demolish an unparalleled number of palestinian homes and to detain about $10000.00 palestinians, including senior. how must leaders and active us across the occupied territory. in
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addition to all of that, of course, there is that human elements, palestinians are angry, united in their grief, having experienced as rarely political, assassination of senior political figures from across the political spectrum. so despite the divisions a moment of rare unity who are all day, i'll just eat a drama, la palace time and meanwhile, as well as loans strikes into southern living on the latest an air raid on the village of idol, shaw bundy. let us show you a district this comes off to live and on says what a fide, a badge of rockets towards northern israel. it comes at a time of heights and attention on the border of the israel assassinated the senior . his will come on the flood sugar on saturday. us a big is in a lot of joan and southern never known his has more on those rockets 5 by his beloved his beloved launched a barrel, which i did on the sofa shoes produced the rockets towards is ready positions. in
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fact, we saw some of those in the night sky from maybe your head and motors that you know has with us is that that was a risk in response to these radio struck targeting the town of chima where we understand a display soon from you. a killed a mother and 4 of the children. we also understand that some lebanese people civilians were injured in dr. talking to his with us is that they have responded to that. but also his with us is that they have hit the is re the side of being in the occupied ship of funds areas. and they've been the tit for tat has been ongoing. his blow also came not for the 1st time that they've talked to this right need will change with anti aircraft missiles, forcing them to the truth, but in $711.00 on the border areas is with us is that there is a continuous eh, rate, uh, error rate and that, that's because they states that these rate, you mean the trees in the state of panic, they claim. and they because they are awaiting his because reaction response to
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retaliation for the assess the nation of that senior his. but the commander as well as pricing for a retaliatory strike from the ronald, his blah. i'm the so who does more on that from a jordan, scott patel. i'm on that is really official say they're prepared for a wide variety of scenarios in the wake of a potential retaliatory attack by the audience, his butler, and perhaps other members of the access of resistance. at this time, they're saying that there's been no changes in the guidelines of homefront demand, but that they are prepared for any sort of situation. earlier on friday, these really are me. i had tested some sort of precision missile by these really navy. they say that this with the tests conducted as a type of interceptor. these really are me. it has an air defense system that is 3 fold and is usually iron climbed, but has been overwhelmed in the last 10 months by the war on guns and also from rockets that have been fired from southern lebanon by his butler. now benjamin netanyahu had previously spoken with you as president joe biden on thursday and
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reports, and the thing is really media had said that he was looking to coordinate some sort of international coalition of allies within the region in order to help combat some sort of large scale attack that would be directed at israel, but in the space of all of this, these relatives are saying that at this time there has been no change in any sort of security measures. but that they are prepared for a wide variety of scenarios as their bracing for what's next time to send. who would just need all i'm on a remind him those reporting from jordan because israel's government has banned ultra 0 from bull, costing them are still head on ultra 0 and hit man in too deep a cover sleeper agents. we learn more about the russian prisoners involved and one of the biggest exchanges since the cold war, the
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a we look at the world still place in the stores. what kind of response can we expect from china if tech talk is in the back of the markets in economies and small businesses, how time cube is wide, economic problems be addressed, trying to be fixed to understand how it affects d. 9 south asia is growing, but employment levels are actually fully. why is that? counting the cost? oh no. jew sierra the government challenges here where the mist nothing's happening.
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there's no question. why like this? len denise. this call on it's area relief foundation. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the watching all just a reminder of our top stories. the ssl on the united states as a known state will send a new carrier group to the middle east, as well as deploying most of the fence vessels. and the fights of squadron to the
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region. washington says at once to mitigate any military escalation from iran. the funeral for homeless political lead, a smiling e, as we nailed and cut off. nia was assassinated into wrong on wednesday, both on loss. any one of accused israel of carrying off the attack as well as doing strikes and to southern living on the latest and a range on the village of vital shop. and the larger human district of this comes often never known as has been outside the baggage of rockets towards northern israel. will you as vice president carmella harris's want enough delicate votes to be the democratic presidential? lemony, while the online voting process continues until monday she has already secured more than 2300 votes, needed to secure the nomination and a phone message heritage was audits to lead the ticket. i am honored to be the presumptive democratic nominee for president of the united states. and i will tell
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you the tireless work of our delicate it's our state leaders and staff has been pivotal in making this moment possible. it all for leading democrats of a most as possible wanting mates will combine iris 1st of the youngest of 46 and the boucher is the kentucky governor who beat donald trump endorsed candidates in a republican stronghold to most is governor of minnesota. the 6 year old with the midwest and would sees a strong progress of which will appeal to much of the parties base loc kelly. the arizona said it's a boat to brand as a margaret in the states that's long supported republicans. he also has experience with all the issues which a widely considered a weak point for harris and the other democrats and josh bureaus, hopefully through his 2nd you as pennsylvania is governor of the winning is last election by transferring a fall right from it's endorsed to candidates like heresies,
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a former state attorney general. ronnie latrice is a democratic political strategist and she joins us live from dallas, texas, thanks very much for joining us. and l just, sarah, it seems likely that to accommodate our single, announce a running mates in the days to come, considering how late to own entrance was into the race. what are the considerations a she might have to make when choosing a vice president and does the timing match at all? well, i think we're coming up on the convention. obviously the democratic national convention is, is just a couple of weeks away. and so i do, obviously, she's going to need to make a decision before then. and i think as far as considerations go, one of the 1st rules of choosing a vice presidential candidate is do no harm. i wouldn't that just means it's do no harm to the top of the to get not create distractions for the message. the president, the presidential candidate in the,
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in the situation is trying to put out there when i'm not doing any on the indications of that pennsylvania governor joshua bureau, he stands a very good chance. but that may not be a choice that may be welcomed by. oh is that the case? i think it's absolutely the case and what i'm hearing is that the decision has actually not been made yet. so i'm still holding out hope that that is that is not the choice because as you mentioned, it will not be welcomed by all. in fact, it will not be welcomed by most in my opinion, not only from my community, the palestinian community or air of americans are most of the americans, but also allied communities who have watched what has been unfolding for almost 10 months now. in har, obviously he did things like compare student protesters to the can, can k, which is wildly romantic. he also has massive issues with the climate and climate
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justice community. in fact, just today, a group of climate advocates in pennsylvania put a letter out to the harris campaign saying that he is not a good choice. naming that he, they feel betrayed by him as he promised to prioritize their drinking water, which is literally been poisoned by fracking in endemic pennsylvania. and that did not happen. he also has issues among the several populations, including teachers, as he has supported and promoted school vouchers. which obviously anybody in the united states who is for public education is against school vouchers. so she has a number of issues with a number of communities. and so the 1st thing i said is do no harm. he comes with a lot of baggage. so i failed to see the strategic imperative here in choosing somebody like governorship bureau, a runner, we're gonna have to leave it there. but thanks very much for your insights and your contribution. ronald patrice is
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a democratic political strategist. thank you. so on friday, the equipment revealed the 2 identity of some of the russian prison. those exchange does fall to the multi nation prison. the swap, most of the focus is on of a democratic off a hit man, subbing a live sentence for mazda in germany. laura condos more, it's could be the part of the spelling of multiple countries involved in the largest portsmouth swap in post soviet history, state spies, all of them good stuff. and i like to set the will to, as a russian sent home and greeted to heroes, welcomed by president, got to me a pretend that spent 80 years impersonating argentinians, living in slovenia, that called us so deep the crime and says that children didn't even know. and spoke spanish at home on wednesday, the end to the civilian court for secret trolls where they pay the guilty to
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espionage before they was sentenced and exiled. was quite a bit of new from day one. i believe that we could succeed in this venture. personal trust between leaders is crucial in these kinds of events, especially when they are held and complete secrecy. a hit smell and a member of russia security agency, f. s b vi them across the cold was also sent back to russia. in 2021, he was convicted in germany, of killing an exile dissidence in a bone in polk. as among 16 move from russia to the west, 7 were russian. many it'd be very cool. critics, of putin, as one of the bottles get from germany, fried prison is got to be a kind of most on the right to drop it off an area. yes, she and all express gratitude. bought had reservations for the. yeah. and you had a smart people who got up in, you know, i consider this operation and our legal enforced exile from russia got carried out
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against my will. but what i want most is to go back home 3 us citizens are also selling the own home soil, a wind for officials involved, and more than a year of negotiations. that might be the 1st step in uh, in the long run of attempts for new negotiations or uh, in, in the attempt to show the west that important is not ready to negotiate over that was katie, back channel diplomacy. this be no suggestion for west and officials of following relations with russia, and it raises the question, if these arrests were politically motivated, is enough being done to prevent this in the future? the con, i'll just say around was the tool of ilp is rough valley, but it's the lakes that's being drained of water and natural houses and the human mismanagement of combined to create a crisis for nickel wassa research as a, if nothing's done,
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it could disappear. but people who rely on the war to way of striving to save it, or correspondence, mama devolved reports from the sonoma region with a beautiful, the climate less for the patient and the roots, while diversity, the co, offsite, is one of the jewels of the field. and if the valley for the people living around it, it's a life saver. i know for now. well, this lake means a lot to me. it's been the source of livelihood for me and my family for years. but these much, they sufficient it now which is forcing us to sell for a higher price. the lake also provides a fee for the to the creation of space and the source of irrigation for neighboring farmers. but the $129.00 square foot on the water body is on the streets. this lake has been losing its storage capacity. and from our research where we go tonight, is that the lake last 4 percent of its storage capacity in
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a ticket in 10 years. and if this continues, we are going to lose the lake in few years. the number one cause is directly linked to climate change. climate change in money fits itself is a form of extreme flood that causes the instability of the soil and causes lawn slight especially. this is one of the gullies through which a water flows into the lake just to indicate a go with told. it wasn't so deep because the sick vegetation on the bed of the stream used to protect the saw him and keep it in place. but that is no longer the case, violence flooding the resulting from climate change pop up rooted plants, rocks and sent and flushed them into the lake. so the meditation reduces the depth
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of the lake and facilitates if operation ultimate cause is direct. manmade sewage, water, industrial waste and the dumping of garbage have been saluting the lead, composing a serious threat to its ecosystems. you're the type of guy, then we do our best. but just by our efforts to sensitize ation and direct action challenges such a solid taishan remained. and this cannot be prevented by government alone requires the support of stakeholders and one of those the stakeholders. why so university has lost a program to the store vegetation that has been ordered by flooding around the lake . it has planted trees and the body has to slow down the violent flow of water flowing. but the project lux funding they say, and the overall preservation of the by total source, is a daunting task for just a few consent parties. how much fun does it on the co. awesome. well,
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that's it for me. somebody dumler you can find more information on the websites, ultra 0 dot com. the news continues. you'll notice they're on that's soft accounting, the cost the the to, there's plenty of residual land, daytime heat in the southern states, the us not feed into the desert, south west. and here you get some pretty big thunder. storms by day is also volts on the pacific coast, particularly from the northwest. we haven't quite seen record high bodies, but in montana, in wyoming. for example, that has been helpful when you might expect. the east coast or east coast stays all looking with no home and weather and ship. it was the heaviest rains like you to be hanging on in south carolina and also in florida. in fact, if you go science from florida to cuba, hated in jamaica,
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this whole area could see some pretty tremendous temples in the next day or so. it was a hand to the circulation, but no more than that. it does look very way to have to say in central america, including most of southern mexico and that whether it's still to be had in columbia, an equitable where pretty big dime pools are a daily event. but you see is a cutoff. almost all of our minnesota year has been drawing a bit of sherry right in the east coast, i presume. and stuff these further down towards the southeast. but the biggest storm which is fading away by the end of south today has been coming in for the pacific. so right. and so they're all the way more or less just for the sound to ya . good time towards patagonia has been the thing in the, in the in range and think up 2 meters snow with a phone of the, discussing the defining issues of our time. the reason that we're able to see so much progress with machine learning is because it is predicated on the exploitation
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of labor somewhere else. exploring the implications for the global south as the artificial intelligence revolution, etc. ring to where the benefits lie and with a hot light we are betting my entire future on a technology that is fundamentally very unsustainable studio b b, i series on a jersey you know the . busy i made or instead of get a, this is counting the cost on. i'll just see where you are. we can look at the world business and a couple things. the spring theorist says domination of the global economy, it's a decades, but the world is friendship by geopolitical tensions and globalization is facing


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