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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 3, 2024 2:00pm-2:23pm AST

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that is the side. there's no signs of amusement of people's talking of children. things people have been forced from the homes and are too scared to attend. that they still don't know whether this conflict with 2020, or the actual the, the suicide bomb attack on the popular beach in the somali capital kills at least 32 people. el shabani claims responsibility, the hello, this is l. just arrow until the cry line from coming up in the next 30 minutes. i'm going fussing in the occupied westbank following and just ready strike the killed a local commander of the complicates. the us sends more military assets to defend israel against possible with tele action from around and its allies onto the
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assassination of how mosley this is miles honey. the students in bangladesh holds nationwide protests against from this to shaken siena demanding justice for the 200 people killed in the previous sunbridge. the bars following is standing a tax spread across several cities. we alive to level the we begin this. use the in somalia, where at least 32 people have been killed in an attack on the popular beach front by suicide boma and civil gun and beyond the crew battleship. bob has claimed responsibility for the attack that was carried out in the capital mortgage issue. on friday, a 5 gunman were killed by security forces. videos showed several people lying on
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the fence, being helped by others. more than 60 people were wounded and the death toll is expected to rise. let's take a closer look at the l. shabani beyond group link to al qaeda was folded in somalia in 2006. it's been fine. i think the some of the government for more than 17 years, i'm going to set up a new one based on its interpretation of islamic flor. it has a strong presence in rural somalia and has carried out many attacks against political security and civilian targets, including in more condition the government has joined forces with local armed groups to fight the outside of the lease. and the campaign supported by an african union force and us air rights about the initiative has suffered setbacks without which about the timing it is taking the strategic sites in the center of the country. it's also carried down the tax and neighboring kenya of to and i rode the provided support and troops to the african union force in somalia. when i brought
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in is a strategic advisor with some research. he has more analysis sign. the attack is a mess of security failure, but there was a good top that has killed once again, principally civilians, young people who were enjoying a night out on leo beach and more to show um and um, it's the worst such attack we've seen for, for many months, so it really suggests that al chabad is now trying to signal that it is re establishing its operations in the symbolic capital. and that it is prepared to continue with indiscriminate attacks, as you said, to do as much damage as possible. not just against the small, the federal government but against the civilian population. there was an attack on a hotel in march this year. a coffee shop was bought on uh, just last month and there was a prison break involved in your house about militants last month. as well, but
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a mass casualty attacked on this scale we haven't seen in the past year or so. and it suggests a couple of things. one is the, obviously the smiley intelligence and security forces are not capable of securing the capital, which is no surprise, but they have the claim to be in control for some time now. and then i think it's also an indicator that the african union mission in somalia that has been protecting the federal government institutions and has been heavily deployed around the capital is drawing down. and then as those forces start to leave somalia on hand over to a smaller international force logged issues, securities in the hands of some of the security forces and they're just not up to the task of providing the level of security needed. this was more on this, we joined now by malcolm with who is in, i wrote the modem. what more are you hearing about this attack?
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the timing and the location. we're clearly chosen to try and do as much damage as possible. yeah, there were many people that just enjoying themselves on the beach completely taken by surprise. right now the area is cold in the off the investigations on getting more than 60 people were injured. many of them in the hospital receiving treatment . this is the worst attack seen. so the room seen it about 2 years. it was 2 years ago when a call them with sets off a mortgage issue, killing many thousands of people and it was around the same time the government loans defensive again. so it's about and reported many successes over the last 2 years. and i was mcbride and was just saying then this certainly seems to be a show of strings from house about that. they all very much still that it. so what does it tell us about the government's ability to handle the security situation
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there at the moment as well that offensive uh that that started 2 years ago was uh with the us train. somebody special forces who were fighting alongside plan melisha. uh. and they successfully pushed out about out of many towns and cities where they had a presence. uh, but then uh, as we did, it just had my right in saying that it is all happening at the same time. is the african union, un peacekeeping force that is drawing down is meant to be handling as a more responsibilities to somebody is own forces who of course, and then to secure the capital among, uh, you know, among as on the, allow me to hold the rest of the country and this strike right in a dizzy popular place, a certain time indeed suggest as this they haven't made substantial progress in
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preventing these kinds of attacks. ok, thank you so much for all of that. know can not come with for us. and now i'd probably be the, the pentagon has announced that the united states as a pulling additional military assets, including warships and 5 inches to the middle east to support as ro, washington says it wants to mitigate any retaliation from around and its allies, depending on maybe announcement as concerns grow about a possible response to it's rarely strikes and living on that killed a senior. his black, amanda, and the assassination of mazda is math. here in ron, what's more of a switch to a nearby alley hush him who is a lot for us and i route and how is this move by the pentagon actually being same? yeah. well, you know, it's on this is of the 1st i've got the united states is sending reinforcements to
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the region since the beginning of the school and at the beginning of the one now saw about that was something for them for students, similar to this stuff was sense and now we're seeing the same thing, especially with everyone on to. so basically got new ring in retaliation too as well just as a nation of how mosley the it's not heavy i say one and also is, was us as a nation of the head will not principal colonda of logical fear in baby. so this hasn't been reacted to by anybody's official says, i'm on the golf course. we know that this is, this is taken into consideration because it's really complicating that. does it seem more and more now? everyone is where i think that retaliation and how is right is going to resolve the a to this resolve. the issue, the issue here with us, this is the spread and whether this contains, or what you used to be a contained destination is i do get out of control. so especially with united
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states getting into the region. and the big question is that the license state reinforcement pulls on the situation rather than escalate to more or more. this is one of the questions about experts. all i've seen here the level. okay, thank you so much for that. that certainly hush him for us and favorites and is ready as truck has killed the commander of the wing of him us until car him in the occupied west bank for others were killed in the strike on a car they would traveling in shortly after the attack is ready, forces carried down the rides until the car and the confrontations between soldiers and tell us any and finds is, is there any forces have 5 take as a general as to covering that right. there's also been another is striking it to a car need. abraham is live and by law from the scene all of that attack. and can you just tell us exactly what's happening there right now need?
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well, this is the closest we were able to get to this location in my life where we've seen is rainy jeeps. i'm not sure if we can show them in the calendar. we're trying to zoom in right now to show you. but according to people who go to that location where we are shooting right now, where we are filming, there is a car that reportedly, according to the, is really forces was hit by an aerial strike. now, according to locals, who managed to get to that car, they have not seen signs of love. they haven't seen any traces of blood. so really it's all clear what happened and what the fates of those who it inside the car is. now there are some, during, and this to it around that area who said that they've seen these really forces show to, towards a car that run moving fast away from that location. so it's really
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a developing story right now. we're not sure what's happening, but we've seen these really a jeeps in that location. we believe that they're leaving right now. the question is, do they have bodies there? did they take them with them? it's really unclear at the moment, but this follows the 1st or strike that took place around 6 am local time in the to would cut them area. and then we've seen these really forces raising that is to cut in but a few g come now i'm getting this updates from our producer as these as she says, that's what saw the official palestinian news agency has announced that for pala simians have been killed as a result of this 2nd air strikes that took place in the, in the area that we are now trying to show you with our camera. again, maybe these really forces took the bodies with them. maybe a,
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the bodies would handle. we don't know so far. it's a developing situation will bring you the latest as soon as we know it. okay, so need another full palestinians killed there and that so you can strike on top of the 5 that were killed earlier as well as those 2 strikes that had been ongoing rights. as you mentioned, the can you just bring us up to date with the license including a number of june list being t guessed by the is really military? yes. yes indeed. we were there at the entrance of victoria cutting, but a few jacob, when the is really forces start started shooting c, a gas. during this nearly, everyone was waiting their press get their jacket, that hadn't minutes and can be marked as process. but that does not stop these really soldiers from running outside those. they're committed to retrieve some of the 3 vehicles and throwing t a gas died on me towards the german and is that where they have now,
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interestingly, even though there's so much pressure against her and it is, they are often under a failure. they know that they are targeted, but i've seen many of them deciding to stay in that location to continue reporting this type, the risk, they say they are a target wherever they are. now most of the, during his have moved to this location to see what's happening in this area with the 2nd air strike today to okay, thanks so much needed for bringing us up to date with the latest data abraham. the for us, it just north east of to car and garza is ready for us as have code 8 palestinians and organize the tax 5 digits to the home and allegories. refugee camp with pregnant women was killed along with a husband and 2 of the children. heavy artillery shelling also struck eastern areas of the aisle by law of the united nations is wanting. it is what it calls a frightening increase in hepatitis infections among palestinian children and cancer shelters. and clinics run by the human agency for palestinian refugees have
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reported $40000.00 cases since the start of the war. and october, the agency's head says only 85 cases were recorded in the same period before the conflicts began. now the disease is mostly transmitted to the food or water contaminated by the virus that causes inflammation of the liver will talk to jeremy hickey recently return from a medical mission to cancer with phones. just scientific, he says, hepatitis a is a treatable disease, but conditions and guns are making it extremely challenging to manage the outbreak of this is i completely preventable illness and something that we rarely say to develop prices like astronomy, a. i like the us. and even when i do it could, and scarcity, access to supportive care and resources to be able to manage the condition such that it is usually a self limiting illness,
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which is minimal consequences on the actions loss moving forward. what i feel personally, i'm always saying increasingly in gaza is what we call full minute and cases of hepatitis services, full blown leave of finally a are leading to problems. are we mentation how people communicate, the ability to process any and on top as soon as you model system, which we normally will be able to do with these and turning into seizures, comments and eventually just as well. and this is across so i dropped is where we wouldn't normally say anything like these in nice and such as such as estrada what was saying in, in gas because of the lack of resources across the board. so that's not, i need access to, to cleaning uh, drinking water. it's almost a access to plane or even vitally plain water for washing. uh the, the issues with santa tyson in general, main, that's the, the, uh, the, the age with which these propagates across
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a crowded and poorly opponent kept the population is its, its, its on unfair said. so then what we're saying is an increased prevalence of these, these fluid i, in case of complex live. and finally, i am when usually by this stage, if it's turning towards completely the finally on these patients, especially in gallons of we will succumb to the disease as there is no method or means to support them in such a why that allows them to recovery. this, this riley blockade and the ongoing war is illuminating food fuel in medicine into cause. and this has in children. the most loss of color visited one of the few hospitals, providing limited services. in northern garza, these lady forces keep preventing the access to them because of loss of the nothing goes for making the situation and the medical situation here is collapsing can be
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calculating every day. i'm here and came out of the hospital. me think of what will come across in a 5 years old. this, this and boy, someone from nutrition and epilepsy. this, this and boy is indeed me to a specific medical supplies or how much awesome, i'm a, how much smother my son suffers from a genetic disease. this tough ration and the lack of medicine so badly affected him . as you can see, he's in a difficult situation. just condition is getting west day by day. he also suffers from severe mound nutrition. he can't sleep just in the state of convulsions. the night isn't a lot of pain to state the homeless brick and because of the severity of his convulsions. mohammed needs special treatment and his daily medicines onto available in the gaza. and it's made his condition west. i hope the war and the siege and our children the suffering most and as i'm, those have been and those are some of the my,
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the football that's due to the brutal war. children and goals are a suffering because of a lack of hygiene, very po, nutrition and the spread of sewage and the streets. the skin diseases need more treatment and medication and i'm to be all takes, but we don't have enough of them. also, julio is spreading here, there's an inability to fully control the polio virus because of the lack of necessary vaccinations and the scarcity of medicine this and i'm looking the but sadly as a result of the is what 80 policy them. both of them balancing is here and nothing does flip that to prevent any access or medical supplies. yes, as and nothing does red and prevent this boy to receive the need. medical supplies, the thousands of children just like come across and he, and moving us with an all of these patients and all of these comedies out of sliding kids. just in this genocide, they can spell opinions and receive the need and medical supplies and the
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treatments wasn't scheduled. i just need, uh, nothing does for all this fine facilitator, ronelle just air the us defense secretary for folks to play tails, the village mazda mind of the 911 attacks and 2 other defendants. the investigative journalism is quite chewing. walking through here, sensing that last horrible mind, but it's a journey voices from different corners of organizations survival, it survivable, survival runs for reparations. and justice stories from other angles. life is actually music of the way people talk, the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on now to sierra, the same depths analysis of the day sidelines is right,
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is like, is raised accusing that i was looking upon them, sense informed opinions. this is her 1st visit to north korea in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will and power him in any way, as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out jersey around the government challenge as well as the on the
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you're watching else a 0 reminder about top stories. the solid, at least 52 people on the beach and the some of the capital mortgage issue had been killed by suicide on several gun. the group balance for bond has claimed responsibility to friday's attack. at least 9 people have been killed into is rarely as strikes and the multiplied west bank the 1st time because of the car to car and caring. a mazda mazda is, according to this randy fish and the u. s. has announced have been sending you a cross carrier group to them at least, as well as deploying the solid defense vessels. and the funds of squadron washington says that wants to limit any military escalation by a wrong well, there are reports, the police, a shooting and protest is taking part of nationwide release against bangladesh is government. demonstrate is demanding justice for more than 200 people killed during the demonstrations that turn violence in recent weeks. mess student protests
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against a government job quote escaped again. 3 weeks ago the supreme court has scrapped most courses since been attended. chandry was added really and deca tens of thousands of students. i've gathered up the language monitors memorial of the doc i university campus. and i've run slow down. the government must step down no compromise notes while going for anything else. and the gathering like this all across the country. they run in different location in the capital city as we speak . there's also incidents of violence as kind of the capital and several other parts of the country. the government on its spot is saying the prime minister has invited the students to sit with them for them and reacted. yeah, this stuff came a little while ago. she also said federal ranking politician from the ruling party, the government, and the student rejects the code on anymore. the whole clinic from
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different walks of life professional journalists, event or 3. now, i mean, look at shanghai said, you know, and you might think you, so that does look, how are you the china and you'd be right to think that because the record for shanghai knows this 39.9. and it's quite possible that on sunday will get very close to that before the funds. don't tough it off in the, in the afternoon. the drop down just a little bit but still very.


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