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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 3, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the money palestinians here say they are exhausted, tired of moving from one temporary shoulder to another well being hungry and waiting in fear for the next attack. and now they also worried about the threat of disease of the bronze initial investigation into the assassination of thomas political leader. assign honey yes, says he was killed with a short range project. all fired from outside his room. the light from headquarters and del finds that he and obligates are also coming up classes between is really forces on palestinian fighters and the occupied west bank . following a strike that killed a local commander of the oca, sombre gains,
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a suicide farm. and go on a task on a popular beach kills at least 32 people. and this for molly capital as about claims responsibility. the students in bangladesh or nationwide protest against prime minister 6 casino, demanding justice for 200 people killed in recent congress. the hello iran revolution regard has published its initial findings into the assassination of how much the leader smarted honey, yet into wrong on wednesday. and it says he was killed by a short range project, child carrying a warhead, weighing 7 kilograms fired from outside his room. it accuse this is real of carrying out the attack with the support from the us. iran has reiterated, it's will avenge, honey is death warning. israel will receive a hers punish,
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spent in due time and place honey. it was buried into our ha, in a funeral ceremony on friday. we have resort stars are joining us here and rest. so you were in fact us a covering not funeral ser many for us the 1st night honey on friday. but this new a news coming out of iran. what are we to making of the statements and what more we learning about as well. now the renovation regards are coming up with the account of narrative to the article that was published by new york times because so far says destination. that article has been dominating the arguments because had laid down the ground for all of the discussion. so basically the article was saying that the bottom the explosive was planted had, or if she's staying had the heaviest, any that get how guest house in that room, roughly around for $5.00 to $6.00 weeks before the event. and then it has been designated remotely, and even it was after late and that somehow the technology of doctor visual intelligence has been used. and of course the questions were right. so how that
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happened, which kind of is rarely ration into the run and security data that this as it was regarded whose intentions failure by the security practice of the ron. now, the menus are seeing that, well actually that's not true. so simply, it had that the room has been targeted by a projectile that was fired for hours of the building, carrying roughly around 7 kilograms of the exclusives. so we understand that they're not talking about a guide of nice cycle. in this case, i've ever steal. it requires such a precision directly targeting to whom the exact room that somebody that knew was there. so based on that, even if does not receive is reflecting the truth. that's deal of the questions 11. the less than with questions questioning the, the, the efficiency of the reading intelligence, particularly when it comes to the counter co come to electronic warfare when it comes to how to deal with the signal intersections with the communication with the receptionist steel, it's intermediation, steel. we can see that there's a large efficiency of the running intelligence services here,
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because that probably will not happen without high level iranians who have the high level of confidential information, a shade and that information with the agents or the alternatives that are be have or that they're acting on behalf of israel. that will don't happen without high level unions with high level of the information. so in any way we see that that information has been leaked or is riley is, has been able to successfully input the rate into the top level of the, to your brand, new competitive service. and, and, and iran is also saying that they are going to avenge many years floods. what sort of response can we, ex, wife sees october 7th, so the uranium is heavy and targeted the assets the allies, the proxies have been targeted again, again by his route. so that each time is that your engines would respond through their allies to the proxies bout in apple when israel conducted attacks on iranian embassy in damascus, then you around and said,
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well this is the topic that the tipping point. so now from now on, if our allies on attacks of them, the response is going to be to the allies. but if you rodney is us, as are directly attacked, is attacked by his router is done by the response is going directly to come from the around. and so in this case, perhaps we're going to see a response that is a coordinated one regular from iran, but also his block from 11 on some of the running foxes in from syria, iraq and perhaps who is also being involved. so you're talking about and kind of quoted the may, 5th attacks when you run and his allies across the region. one thing is quite different here. now in apple, when you run names were prepared in their response. kinda reading the response to the staff. she had the information with several parties, but now they're keeping silence. so there want to use the mental surprise. but one thing is quite clear here. you're williams. i'm a ticket has to be careful that the response does not lead to an off more or
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original war, however, is riley is quite keen actually to why the conflict here because it's riley's while the got us their size side. they want to set of that cost with all of the original arrivals, or brand competitors include in ron gordon from us, include in the physical law and reining proxies in your mind in syria and iraq. so the dominance as destination dominos is off to the is riley, is not the brand new. so okay, thank you so much for. so thanks for that update. well, h a healthy or is a senior associate fellow at the carnegie endowment for international peace in washington, dc. he says iran is building a strong narrative to retaliate against israel for the assassination of how much this political leader is now, honey. a method of assassination. all this married and a, a well defined precisely was narrative, the re didn't regime well. the news in terms of his escalation, so today,
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several days after the assassination, the r g c claim. so there was a messiah that originated from outside of it, on where as you've seen, over the last couple days, the new york times, and others claim that they have intelligence. that actually it was a ball that was planted in the building months ago and then activated once they knew pioneer was actually there. there's a difference between these 2 types of scenarios. it makes a difference in terms of what sort of security breaches would have had to have had existed any at all. but it makes a difference in terms of how it all and then responds. so i think that we need to just keep that in mind. i don't think it's clear yet how he was assassinated. and any conclusion in that regard will have quite serious ramifications for what sort of escalations are going to come next. and also what narrative is going to be
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produced. c r a. d, c is saying that it's a forehead that originates outside of it on um, that means that a security breach may have taken place in terms of knowing precisely where to hit. but it's a very different security breach. then if a bomb was actually smuggled inside. so i'm not saying they are just c as a right, by the way, i'm just saying that right now at the very least that is contested. and the reason why wouldn't be could test it is precisely about what sort of retaliation. what would that be deemed as warranted, and what narrative has them presented not only to be a range of people, but internationally as well. the pentagon has announced that the us as deploying additional military forces, including 4 ships and fighter jets to the middle east to support israel. washington says that a wants to mitigate any possible retaliation from iran and its allies, to is really strikes in lebanon that killed a senior who's by the commander and the assassination of how much the leader is 900 a year in iran, russian jordan is joining us not for washington dc,
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to tell us what we can read into this deployment rosalyn, what more is being set out of the pentagon as well? the us always has an aircraft carrier and of associated battle ships in the middle east, as well as in the mediterranean. but what we are seeing how coming now from the buying harris administration, is a ramping up an increase in the number of military resources in those 2 bodies of around the middle east. the u. s. has what it calls an iron clad agreement to defend as well from outside attack. and so this is sending a signal to the government into hon that if it decides that it is going to try to avenge the death of watch soccer and of as well. and the by attacking israel, that the us will be amply prepared to deter those attacks. similar to what we saw
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back in april after the iranians attacked israel for the killing of 2, a running in generals in syria. now what does this mean in practical terms? well, the us aircraft carrier, theodore roosevelt is supposed to be in the region before it leaves for another assignment, the abraham lincoln, another aircraft carrier and it's associated ships are going to replace the roosevelt in the next couple of weeks. it's not an overnight thing because obviously they're sailing the high seas. you're going to see the addition of an, an air force. the f 22 was squadron war fighter jets. and the pentagon is looking at trying to deploy more land based ballistic missile defense systems. in order to protect israel from attack. so this is really all preventative. the us does not want to see an expansion of the tensions into a regional war, but it is sending
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a signal that is a ron, decides to retaliate as it is saying that it will then the us is prepared to defend israel against any such attack. okay, thank you. it rolls on jordan, thanks for that reporting from washington. this one is where they are. a strike has killed a commander of the arms wing of him us and sort of cut him in the occupied westbank for others were killed in the strike on a car. they were travelling in an hours after the attack, another striking near the city, or shortly after the attacks is really forces carried out reeds and to cut in confrontations took place between is really soldiers and palestinian fighters is really forces fired tear gas, a journalist, to recovering the raids and the other i am reports from but not in the occupied westbank, where the 2nd strike took place. where there at the entrance of the 20 cutting refugee camp when the is really forces start started shooting c, a gas. during this, clearly everyone was waiting their press get their jacket that hadn't minutes and
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can be marked as pressed. but that does not stop these really soldiers from running outside of their me the 3 dave, some of the 3 vehicles and throwing c a gas. diet, excuse me, it towards the during that is that where they have now, interestingly, even though there's so much pressure against during that as they are often under fire, they know that they are targeted. but i've seen many of them deciding to stay in that location to continue reporting this pipe. the risk they say they are a target wherever they are. now most of the, during this have moved to this location to see what's happening in this area with the 2nd air strike today. took place in gaza is really forces have killed at least 10 palestinians after targeting a school sheltering displaced people in gaza. city fighter just have holes to hit a home and the and put a is refugee camp docs and central gaza. a pregnant woman was killed along with her
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husband and 2 of their children. heavier artillery shelling also struck eastern areas of date as by now. so there's really volcano in the ongoing war is listening food, fuel and medicine into gaza and not hurting children. the most was i've got to visit is one of the few hospitals providing limited services. in northern garza, these lady forces keep preventing the access to them because of loss of and nothing goes for making the situation. and the medical situation here is collapsing down because we think every day i'm here and came out of the hospital. me think of with, with him a cost in a 5 years old. this, this and boy suffering from malnutrition and epilepsy. this, this and boy is indeed me to a specific the medical supplies or how much awesome. i'm a how much smother my son suffers from a genetic disease. this tough ration and the lack of medicine so badly affected him
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. as you can see he's in a difficult situation. just condition is getting west day by day. he also suffers from severe mound nutrition. he can't sleep just in the state of convulsions. the night isn't a lot of pain to state the homeless brick and because of the severity of his convulsions. mohammed needs special treatment and his daily medicines onto available in the gaza. and it's made his condition west, i hope the war and the siege will and our children, the suffering medicine as i'm those have been and those are some of the my, the football that's due to the brutal war. children and goals are a suffering because of a lack of hygiene, very po, nutrition and the spread of sewage and the streets. the skin diseases need more treatment and medication and i'm to be all takes, but we don't have enough of them. also, julio is spreading here. there's an inability to fully control the polio virus because of the lack of necessary vaccinations and the scarcity of medicine this and
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i'm sure lots hadley as a result to the is the policy and both of them policy and nothing does flip that to prevent any access or medical supplies, yes. as and nothing does red and prevent this boy to receive the need as many kinds of lies the thousands of children just like me. i'm a products and here moving us with an all of these patients and all of these companies out of sliding kids just in this genocide they can spell opinions and receive the need and medical supplies and the treatment wasn't the capital. i just eat nothing guys for all assign the system. all the president's has ordered forces to tighten security and we'll get the issue after the killing if at least 32 people at a popular beach front,
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the on group and shut. bob has claimed responsibility for the attack in the capital that was carried out by a suicide bomber and several gunman, 5 of the shooters, were killed by security forces. more than 60 people were wounded on the death tool is expected to rise. lemme see some of them, but i couldn't tell, but i so many people falling down on the beach as soon as the explosion happened followed by gunfire. some people fainted. others were in shock, some died and others were injured. it was difficult to distinguish between the living and the dead. those who were able to flee had already moved away. i survived and tried to help others who also survived more. but following the developments from nairobi just right now, the area is cold in the office. the investigations on getting more than 60 people were injured, many of them in the hospital receiving treatment and is the worst attack. since we would have seen it about 2 years, it was 2 years ago when a call them with sets off a mortgage issue,
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killing many dozens of people. and it was around the same time that the government loans defensive again sells to buy and reported many successes over the last 2 years. well that offensive uh, that that started 2 years ago was uh, with the us train, some of the special forces who were fighting alongside plan melisha. and they successfully pushed out about, out of many towns and cities where they had a presence who happening at the same time as the african union, un peacekeeping force that is drawing down is meant to be handling as a more responsibilities to some of his own forces who of course meant to secure the capital among uh, you know, among as of it, along with the whole of the rest of the country. and this strike riding it is a popular place as such a time. indeed, suggest that they haven't made substantial progress in preventing at these kinds of
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attacks. okay, here's a closer look at as shut bob now. so the urban group linked to al qaeda was formed in, so malia in 2006. and it's been fighting this one of the governments for more than 17 years aiming to set up a new one based on its interpretation of islamic law. it has a strong presence in rural somalia and it's carried out many attacks against political security and civilian targets, including and we'll get to issue the government has joined forces with local armed groups to fight the outside of affiliate. and it contains supported by an african union force and us error rates with the initiative a suffered setbacks of just about claiming its taking strategic sites in the center of the country. and its also carried out to tax and neighboring kenya. after nairobi provided support and troops to the african union forces in somalia, mcbride and is a strategic advisor with the hon. research, he thinks the attack is
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a massive security failure. a risk attack that has killed once again, principally civilians, young people who are enjoying a night out on leo beach and will sure. um and um, it's the worst such attack we've seen for, for many months. so it really suggests that al chabad is now trying to signal that it is re establishing its operations in the symbolic capital. and that it is prepared to continue with indiscriminate attacks, as you said, to do as much damage as possible. not just against the small, the federal government but against the civilian population. there was an attack on a hotel in march this year. a coffee shop was bought on uh, just last month and there was a prison break involving house about militants last month as well. but a mass casualty attacked on this scale we haven't seen in the past year or so,
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and it suggests a couple of things. one is that obviously the smiley intelligence and security forces are not capable of securing the capital, which is no surprise, but they have claimed to be in control for some time now. and then i think it's also an indicator that the african union mission in somalia that has been protecting federal government institutions and has been heavily deployed around the capital is drawing down. and then as those forces start to leave somalia on hand over to a smaller international force logged issues, securities in the hands of some of the security forces and they're just not up to the task of providing the level of security needed still ahead on al jazeera flash floods on land slides, we report on how parts of india are being ravaged by extreme, whether the
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of the that is right for philip, the, the philippines, and the days you'd get pretty well this time yet they do in the easiest should be much dry. and now how long last lovely is not, i'd be rather luko hundreds sitting in the potentially wet but some options, not particularly wet. if you go back up to thailand and vietnam and cambodia for the really wet weather offer the noise than that which is correct. and the seasonal range moves along, way know, through china is potential funding flash funding from these big funds to orgs, or warnings from, from the northeast as well. but science, the visual where it's moved away. it's health and human, including in that last city, shanghai, where the record for august stands that $39.00. the full costs for sunday is in excess of $39.00. so it could be looking at a new record. either way you got 3 days of rather hot and humid weather, not particularly pleasant. the movement on monday is to take these storms or get
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into north korea. it was funding on the board of as you know, a few days ago could be repeated out of the whole days and nights will only be slight key tempered by charles bray. he had proof of japan. they don't big, but the there was the same with the monsoon flow. now what a stablish she got, wet weather up the coast of me and my unsafe name backed a dash, but the heaviest is probably going to be in magic pradesh, heading towards the southern pakistan of the 150 is the gyptian history seen through an extraordinary photographic archives, a jeremy through the golden age of music and cinema. when legendary, our voices and famous actors stole the hearts of millions, captured by photographers who lived and felt the emotions of the country's biggest star. egypt through the lands stages free on al jazeera,
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the top stories to 0 this, our iran revolution regard has published, has been initial findings and to the assassination of how nice leader assign honey a into run on wednesday. and it says he was killed by a short range projectile with a warhead weighing 7 kilograms fired from outside this room. at least 9 people have been killed into is really air strikes and they occupied westbank on the 1st targeted a car, the city of to cut him carrying
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a from us commander that's according to is really officials and gaza is really forces of killed at least 10000 stands after targeting a school sheltering displays, people in gaza, city. the attack happens in a shift of one neighborhood, is really forces of asked displaced families evacuate from not school. thousands of people have gathered on the streets of london to show their solidarity for palestinians and gaza. unders a counter demonstration in support of israel and as also being funds. and then you have capital, wherever we challenge was joining us now from central london dairy to tell us where you are and what you're seeing if you can hear me. yeah, i can see about implants. well, i mean, this is the 17th that the pilots 9. so that, that receipt demonstrations that have taken place in the sense of london since the war on god's up again. now what these demonstrations are going for, i think,
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is not the new labor governments. it's only paid in government, official weeks in the states that you ever, i'm a conservative. so that will bring when there is a change in versus policy, it's of what was as well as of was the cause, a complex that have been calling for a long time for the government to stop supplies on sales to is wrong. they've also been quoting for the rich government to put more pressure on his route to have a full c spot and a p c spot. now we can talk about this uh with someone else by now who is a sports person for them as a long time? haven't you've seen them from the beginning. do you guys think that the change in governments in the gate is bringing? were there any change of policy? there's been signs of change. there's been promising signs what they don't go far enough. i mean, for the sort of the iranian pride for today's demonstration was still on sales this
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rounds. and that's what we've been quoted for, for the cost the 9 to 10 months. so the incoming labor government has opened up a bit. they are now going in for an immediate cease. fire will be, it's too little too late to, to 1000 innocent promising use of have to die that have been reports in the media over the last couple of weeks that the government might impose some sort of limited arms. and ball going is right, but that doesn't go far enough for us. every day there is a delay every day that we continue to. um, israel is another day where nights are being lost, where kind of spaniards are being killed. i'm just genocide, terrorism. what would you see success, what would you call it? a meaningful step change. i mean, media owns and ball going on and me just a session of the sale of homes on components. anything that can be used in this and go to the dentist. i mean, the international court of justice delivered this advisory opinion about a week, a week and
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a half ago. and for the u. k. to comply with international move to comply with that advisory opinion. i a muscle on sales to it. so it is, you have a side that is where you richard secretary, so that was the stuff out by, from the missing station to britain. now these demonstrations demonstrates is to prove that message right to the house of government here. so while just to show expect from damming street, they'll be hoping that the neighbors from and then i will take action. all right, thank you. all right, thanks for that reporting from london. it will stay in the u. k. where more far right process are being held across major cities in england. so this is the latest escalation, as rising orchestrated by far right. wing groups has continued following the killings of 3 young girls and a nice attack on police. a misinformation about the british born suspect act. so router combine a fuel the unrest,
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elana vision of it shows the latest on the protests from liverpool and the u. k. across the country there are more than the t protest line. many of them organized by the far right, but then we count to protest as well. some organizations who say they want to stand up to racism. there is one underway and movement in mind to start, which is about an hour away from head of where i with the right and the and 2 races in protest as having lodging together. now, police in manchester have no issue to what is quoted to special order, which means they have extra powers to detain or set anyone that they believe is taking part in anti social behavior here in livable. we're also expecting a saw right process on a counter protest. now last night we were at a mall here in liverpool, we, we did see fluoride for testers facing off with a larger group of people who say they were defending the mosque announced that
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gathering was loudly peaceful with a few minus scuffles. but it was in sunderland. the city in the north east of england were thanks tons, extremely violent police that were pelted with both tools with brakes being thrown on them. there was a police station also police facilities that was broken into in the safety and that was such a light and that we've hung up from the police in an update a short while ago, the full police offices and out in the hospital with injuries. the police are reported to have opened fire on protest or is taking part a nationwide riley's against bangladesh as governments. demonstrators are demanding justice for more than 200 people killed during demonstrations that turn violence in recent weeks. mass student protests against the government job co test team began 3 weeks ago. the supreme court has since crux most of the quotas. henry calgary was
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out of raleigh and dr. tens of thousands of students. i've gathered up the language monitors memorial of the doc. i university campus and i've run slow down. the government must step down, no compromise notes. so again, for anything else and the gathering like this all across the country. they run in different location in the capital city as we speak. there's also incidental violence of kind of the capital and several other parts of the country. the government on its spot is saying the prime minister has invited a student to sit with them for them and reacted. yeah, this stuff came a little while ago. she also said that all right, in politics and from the ruling party with the government and the student rejected . and it's not just the code on there anymore. the whole clinic from different walks of life professional journalists, even with the students,


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