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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 4, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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us more on the safe and until palestinians are safe and secure. ease riley's never will be and use never will be the the hello everyone. i'm layla rock. this is the news our life from joe coming up in the next 60 minutes. is really air strikes. target another school sheltering displays, palestinians healing, at least 17 people in gauze, the city, the police and protesters class and israel's biggest city. as the mass flow for
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a cease fire deal to the release of captives. venezuela's power struggle deepens, mass protests of the aftermath of president nicholas my daughter disputed we election plus the police mobilized n c emigrants protests across the u. k. following the killing of 3 children at a desk class, a piece of similar to the day school tease. julian alford has won the 100 meters for a powerful and fix it coming the face, the new shift to where the gold middle at the summer getting the is really air strikes, have pounded gaza city on saturday, killing at least 17 people.
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and again, it's a school that was the target and it was being used as a shelter for palestinians displaced by the war on garza is really forces mom this whole and the shape for the one neighborhood and then headed again, just minutes later to 0 as an associate chief was after school when the 2nd strike happened and he witnessed 1st had huge destruction and casualties. some of the on had to be on the yeah. the is ready just to get to the school in the shake road, one neighborhood with thousands of internally displaced, palestinians have taken refuge. it was directly targeted. as you can see, none of the people who were present to another train or from the government. they are all women and children, but don't know maybe don't feel like while we were documenting domestic here inside the school, the displays people receive close from these really minute treat, ordering them to evacuate the building immediately because it was going to be
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targeted again. the bodies of the victims are still in the school yard, in a classroom, and even in the surrounding area. until this moment, no one has been able to retrieve the bodies from inside the school. a number of strikes on the school at the moment after the 1st drug is really across the right to the school again. and let's say that's also another strike on the same location like the re spoke to israeli intelligence off to the last we as acute our entry to retrieve the injured man in the now we're approaching the school where the mask, it took place of which remains completely destroyed. we're talking about a series of strikes now, bodies everywhere, and the medics retrieving the body and the pause everywhere. this is a big mistake. uh, let me the school has been entirely destroyed. the
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rescue efforts are continuous at home going to the following massacre on these internally displaced people. and these children women in the school and shake rug one in central garza. that is the, the us. and there have been the confrontations of israel's biggest city between police and protesters. calling for the release of captives held in garzo, large crowds and tele, v putting more and more pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. very concerned that the killing of senior her moss and has will our leaders good now further delay a potential ceasefire deal with homeless families of captives regularly take part in these protests while these really governments has found out 0 from reporting from israel. so i'm to so who joins us from jordan's capital. i'm on large demonstrations against israel's government taking place across the country on
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saturday. the biggest of those rallies held until a v. but we're also seeing protest in several different parts of the country like in west jerusalem outside of benjamin netanyahu is home. we're protesters are calling for elections to be held, as well as for a ceasefire deal to release. the remaining 110 is really captives who are still being held in gaza. now one family member of it is really captive speaking earlier in the night, had said the quotes, nothing yahoo committed a targeted assassination on a deal to bring back the remaining captive. all of this comes as these really negotiating team headed by the head of israel's most not that's the external security service. went to cairo and came back to israel with sources within his really media are saying that they are no, we're closer to with deal now weeks from meetings with high a security officials say that is real defense minister yolanda yolanda as well as the army chief of staff percy levy say that nothing y'all who's hard incense is the
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reason why a deal is not coming about. but nothing y'all whose office release the statement to these really public broadcast are saying that these leaks are false and that nothing yahoo did not change anything within these really proposal that has been on the table for weeks. and they accuse him us of adding what they're calling thousands of new additions to the proposal laming. him as for a reason why the talks are at a stalemate. and all this comes as these really are bracing for some sort of retaliatory attack by either the audience, his bellow or the food these in yemen saying they are on maximum alerts after the assassinations of multiple individuals, including him. us head is 900 years who was the negotiator for him? uh some, some are saying that his role is not serious about these negotiations. if they are willing to assassinate the negotiator on the other side, but all signs at this hour are pointing, but we are nowhere closer to a deal from the central jersey to a month. and a reminder,
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honda is reporting from jordan because israel's government has bound to entre 0 from broadcasting there. i mean, well, it runs revolutionary guard, says a mazda is political leader, was assassinated by a short range warhead weighing 7 kilograms fired from outside his room into rock. and its initial findings on the killing of is melania. it accuses is really of planning and carrying out the attack with us support. iran has reiterated it will eventually is death warning. israel quotes will receive a harsh punishments in due time and place and quote, an ear was buried in doha, on friday, 2 days after his assassination. elijah money is military and political, and also he says, there are clear signs. israel is behind the fascination of israel hernia, as we've seen, the behavior of the is really lead us in
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a way that some of the pos, when they want to execute to them, and an explanation or most sad at oration, beyond the orders, without revealing exactly their responsibility, and one of the main education we've seen a prime minister been, i mean it's a narrow as showing small clips also for media when he was comparing himself to james bond. saying that is an yeah, open here. mean a thing. yeah. behaving like as fine. that's as money and succeeded in one operation. secondly, then that of the 90 they feel is right to the top because we have not heard of these. right? saying we did it all. we did not do it and said there's a lot of the coming out of is right after every operation and this one was similar . so all the indication,
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the only 2 is right. particularly when the americans are saying we didn't do it. and that is always replies one piece where you need to have done it. and the magic thing we did not call to pay auto renew or we didn't know. or we used the last minute that we did not take part of getting in a cheese, negotiate in the moment all when everybody talking about negotiating us each via detrimental before the predictability of the united states. but also it is right and its own way to reach a piece, but rather than giving you a tool, an estimate can get to add more reasonable, particularly when challenging they're wrong and it stops at the end named f b. i be member that came to the you know, gratian all the, to new a pressure they now though commemorations on the desk of as money are now over, many people remain angry. cnn for sale,
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blue wherever ports from the protest. and turkey is the biggest city the people, the run by itself, the most to the port palestine has to count them as heavy as ceiling. was the 2nd a huge scale the within the last week to support all of the side and goes up to the 5, several hills, the platform to support the circus prison. the barge on the me is speakers right now speaking, going to tell them what else they have on later. the bar is facing the, he's talking about the, the close, the small heavy is coming main, the criminal, and the goal is the end, the year to lose the client's emotional
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overhead for palestine and all brothers. we shall maintain this approach until palestine is free. this injustice will end if it is unified as mankind can come together on the basis of justice. and lo and it goes on, the palestinian voices are heard, the global community and the islamic world must speak out against this oppression before it's my part to to have the list. i'm so sorry. nomic world, the it's own all the which is the and support the sign, the cause of the best buy the same room. so why is the saying that all the time will be through this, the console, the and there been similar scenes and puck a song, couple of harder reports from roll opened a of the pockets on
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a political party. the judges. i've been reading if it didn't for the last few days, like today they have dedicated to the palestinian gauze and that's why you pay thousands of the board does. we're going to be marketing and we develop as an agent over smile on. yeah. i mean, i do show how did you smell honey, as most of them has broken the hearts of the homeless them well as they have killed a hero. and we strongly condemned just pretended to stand in solidarity with our protest and brothers and sisters, particularly on friday when the owner of the as far as my on yeah. yes, the big thing on the altar, you are strong. what the wonder of nature and the budget money parliament, the new bodies found,
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you must the government and the people of pakistan strongly condemn the killing of a smile and the end of the elder condolences to his family and the people of palestine on back his 10 also condemns the expedited tradition of ex, that's a total of killings anthem arisen in all its forms across the project. on that extra meant that the board for the board and people and focused on being passionately about your son. it is a clear message from the people are focused on that is right, i guess the paper and the designation upfront it is not acceptable. come on either and there has been no calls for the u. k. government to hold all arms sales to israel, or a challenge to reports from a protest and one to the 17 major palestine solidarity demonstration is central london since because out all began and the protest is here are the
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things that a new rich government, labor left of center one is going to be more sympathetic to the goals for an end to for addition on sales, the israel, i'm to put the pressure on these ready government to end the war on gauze, the incoming labor government has opened up a bit. they are now cooling for an immediate cease. fire will be too little too late to to 1000 innocent promising use of have to die that have been reports in the media over the last couple of weeks that the government, my info, some sort of limited on and ball going is right, but that doesn't go far enough for us every day there is a delay every day that we continue to. um, israel is another day with nights of being lost or promised menus are being killed under genocide terrorism almost of, uh, tens of thousands of demonstrations of rule that message right to the heart of the participate. this is white hole in the end of downing street is just
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a few steps that way. the new problem is that if he's at home, will be able to hear the mouse speakers from his house and they will be higher paying the demonstrations here that he is listening to the message. if notes well i should expect that will be $1819.00 or 20 in the weeks and months to come out. and how does that run and we stay in the united kingdom where far, right? protestors faced off for a counter demonstrators in cities across the u. k. all several police officers have been injured as they struggled to contain the writing process were sparked by the murder of 3 young girls in southport on monday. really not visual and all that shit reports from liverpool to say so between 2 valuable groups in livable those who say there and to racist following up and those
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who are against immigration coming to a head at this, this includes the front the left wing protest as march to meet the fall right where they were holding a raleigh. the police at times, struggling to contain the situation here and the different side facing off here at the main menu on the, on the reading. and as the numbers and faith side swelled reinforcements, recruiting police getting ready to serious disorder then the fast, the rest of the all right protest a better way to wait to sign the police moving in to trying to despise the crowd.
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as tempest spring in the heat, this is just one of more than 30 protests planned across england this weekend. often misinformation spread on line that a soft text in the matter of 3 visual goes with them is an immigrant disorder consisting even off to restore. it is revealed was born in person to we wanted parents the most again, offices were confronted as distill. we'll just let down in bell so anyhow. all right. crowd gathered in front of a hotel housing migraines. this leading britain's home secretary to hold edge and talks with the u. k. prime minister. anyone who gets involved in clinical disorder, violent vocal re on the streets, will have to pay the price and they should expect that to be rest prosecutions
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penalties. and the full force of the lord, including imprisonment, travel bounds and more but his anger in confusion grow on the streets of britain. these warnings yet to yield results. united as sending the rich out 0 live a pool. and the shop knob, begum, is c o for the, you're running the trust of british race equality and civil rights think attack. and she says these acts of violence against muslim communities are fueled by racism . i think it's been able to be precise from the language that we use, so you'll be pulled kind of a pull previously described these as far my protests, i think that is actually a false way of describing what's been going on in these cities and towns where we steve is born and we are seeing molds who object to braces born in on around them. must be communities perhaps to be no reason a call from this one trigger. the,
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the trick of being of the tragic test of these 3 children by an individual who committed a crime with devastating consequences. but the communities who had the bond infected to get some in the days since opposite it'd be unrelated to the event. and his reading pull to not to describe these as protests because the people are not protecting against most of the communities for any reason other than the fact that they, they all people by racism the in our attention to venezuela. now where there has been protests and major cities calling for the re election of are present in regards to my do it all to be overturn opposition? leaders are challenging the results of last month's votes. the government's arrested hundreds of opposition. so just supporters who took to the streets in the
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days after the disputed poll theresa bo is monitoring reaction from argentina's capital one side us a way of seeing thousands and thousands of supporters from the opposition carrying very swollen by the flags using and wearing white t shirts as a sign of fees, we've seen them singing that they are not afraid of, of the administration. they're staying at home. no, i know, referring to and wound on colleagues. home of the opposition says has won't be selection. we heard a petition leader my the equity now my child on a truck where she said that at this point this, this protest is civic and it's specific, but it's not weak. the base, so not fall into provocations. that's right. now the government is the one that has violence on its side and what has happened is that on sunday evening, while the votes were being revealed by the electoral council, the president of the electronic counsellor said nicholas marino was the true winner, however, has failed to show the tally sheets of how people voted what beautiful fish and
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says is that they have the original tally sheets. they have loaded them on the west side. in fact, many of the people protesting on the streets of got access to they were carrying some of those type of sheets where they say that in the ones i least actually won't be election. on the other side is government supporters on the suites. again, saying that they're defending the administration from a 14 equinox my buddhist says that to what's going on in venezuela right now is in attend 5th cool that's being supported by the united states. on friday he and another 9 candidates went to the supreme court where they've been told that they have to present the proof off the selection until now the website will be left with council is down the government. the saying that the reason this is happening is because the system was hacked, but all of this is going on as unimpressed for them to repression in a way is ongoing. we're hearing lots of reports of thousands of the attention of
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a teenagers that have been taken from their homes. their families do not know where they are. human rights organizations that are saying that at least 90 of them have been detained nickel. i'm a little says that he's also going to bill to all the presence for those. he's going to the pain. so lots of tension, lots of uncertainty on something that is unprecedented in venice when the right now button, what the opposition is saying is that they will remain on the streets because truth is on their side. and dozens of people have been arrested on a 3rd day of anti government purchase. and nigeria, demonstrators are calling for reforms to reduce the rising cost of living. several people have been fueled in violence across the country between police and demonstrators since thursday. for testers, want the government to reinstate fuel subsidies and implemented traditional reforms . presidents is due to address the nation on sunday as well. so just because what kind of, what kind of mutual now?
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well, give me one stop what you gotta do this possible. not doing this while i children, that during the time that the men do the put this one and police have reportedly opened fire on protesters taking part in nationwide rallies against bangladesh as government. demonstrators are demanding justice for more than 200 people killed. during the demonstration step turns violence in recent weeks, supreme court has since scrapped most of the quote is tanveer treasury has more or what is rather at a rally, indigo, tens of thousands of students. i've gathered up the language monitors memorial of the doc i university campus, and i'm on slow down. the government must step down, no compromise notes. we're going for anything else. and the gathering like this all across the country. they run in different location in the capital city as we speak
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. there's also incidence on violence of kind of the capital and several of the parts of the country. the government on its spot is saying the prime minister has invited the students are sit with them for that and reacted. yeah, this stuff came a little while ago. she also said that all right, good politician from the ruling party with the government when the student rejected and it's not just the code on anymore. the whole clinic from different walks of life professional journal, i pay them to install it. are they with the students, even retired military officer with the family came out of the street. that said, what happened within last 2 weeks? so many people to particularly young start students, even, you know, children, this just isn't acceptable. the government on the other hand, so i live on the opposition party. all that happens is that it was all just created by side, but nobody is buying that. and is this logan?
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it's pretty unanimous from all sector. the government must not set stone, and the government is also under international pressure right now will probably pay more protest and coming days. and with sunbridge, audrey, i'll just go back up and at least 32 people have been killed in an attack on a crowded beach in the somalia. as capital mogadishu, the, i'm group, i'll sure bob has claimed responsibility has been fighting to top of the central government in mogadishu. for more than 17 years, malcolm lab reports. it started as a normal friday evening. it need a beach in mogadishu. hundreds of people that gathered during the weekend ended in a bluff boss. one attack a death tonight to the suicide bomb. others that can 5 on the crowd, getting dozens schools of people were injured. young group voucher valve has claimed responsibility is the worst attack in somalia. as capital in more than the
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becomes as the u. n. african union peacekeeping mission in somalia is drawing down and having other responsibilities to somalia as own security forces. and then as those forces start to leave somalia on hand over to a smaller international force logged issues, securities in the hands of some of the security forces and they're just not up to the task of providing the level of security needed us train. some of the special forces launched and offensive against doubts about nearly 2 years ago. they were fighting alongside ton melisha. they claimed many successes. in friday's attack on lita beach, al should bob his shirt. it's still capable of devastating violence in the hearts of some of the as capital malcolm web elders era us and the 20000000 people in ethiopia, that's a 6 of us population depend on food aid as
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a struggle with drought conflicts and rising from prices. mom in vol has been, has met rather people in the southern regions of us, the demo, and romeo who are trying to survive using more traditional means it may look like he's been a farmer for years. what me to go good time a has just recently changed his job from a port in hawaii city to a find that in the nearby fields. in both cases he's been leaving from hand to mouth. rebecca that we are facing many problems. the price of fertilizer isn't very expensive. if you want to play, you need to pay someone to do the work. unless you're awesome. all this requires financial resources. like musical as mine, we say in the neighboring region of rome, it is one of millions of people in if you ok, article faces economic hardship due to a mixture of throughout unemployment and inflation. the good news, he says,
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is that a for this? yeah, he's much better than the full a few months ago and harvested up to 7 tons of teeth grind from the last finding season. this was very good for me, just pull up my family of 13, including my mother. now. only think about it, so we're going to be placed for last month in other respects, even though that agency isn't here in central or want me to stop it 2 months ago. but somebody's just beginning to so his potatoes. but he is what he says is because he's being unable to secure the fertilizers on the other requirements for the success of his company. besides fertilizers, farmers complained of the luck of seats and tools such as proctors or at least oxen, which the government used to provide them with trying to ease the economic crisis. so the government has agreed allowance of $3400000000.00 with the international
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monetary fund. but experts, one that if it's what to improve the situation, i believe there is no option for the country. the government is facing the significant fiscal pressure has to pay significant amount in terms of data, the payment, the cost is not going to be easy, especially people with was fixed income. people who are in the long, soft income letter. the people of these, you know, many areas are going to be really significantly affected because of the information that you extend out into. that's going to come out of this is steve away from the complexity of official policy and economy questions. the boss is the, for these farmers in the future and stuff. come i your model. i back to godaddy know better. my father was a farmer and i followed in his footsteps. i took over the phone. we rely on agriculture for i likely to see more of the morning. they say the just stuff that approach is to be a sub for the light to can. how much fun,
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how does your southern ethiopia and so head here on alger 0. and then it's very in powers where the lympics showing up to city at its finest business, the plain forest. i've been scared away and sports and big come back 5 the world champions as they look. so when they go the have that is lots of summary, whether to be enjoyed across europe this weekend with high temperatures and abundant sunshine. but we're also seeing the development of some pretty violent storms that thanks to whether phones working their way from west to east. the latest of that will bring a bubble of those storms from ukraine into western russia. it remains pretty west
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across the baltic states. some of that range were building it to northern parts of the balkans, as well as the southeast. it is a laundry, quiet picture for places like turkey a quite across the mediterranean as well. we are expecting some rain to drip into italy as we go sunday into monday. that band of heavy rain stretching from scandinavia through most central air, is pushing off into poland. that's where we're going to see very a heavy rain on monday behind that kara skies with lots of sunshine, especially for northern parts of fronds with paris. seeing those clear conditions on mondays, 30 degrees celsius, a pretty nice the. it looks a lot you sonya, across southern parts of england and wales, but a band of heavy rain pools across ireland and scotland. some of that rain pushing its way further east throughout the day. but it is large replied to the south of athens. lots of heat continuing to be what i buried independence. low temperature sitting very high in the grid will be up to 39 by wednesday.
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after oppression for generations. there comes a time to fight for freedom and survival. as one of the highest ranking members of an indigenous civil defense force to columbia and grandmother fiercely protects the community and the world's largest cocaine producing reach of land or death. a witness documentary on the jersey to the latest news. as it breaks, the united nations hopes that the focus on the refugee team will help people understand the stigmatize ation. marginalization and violence suffered by refugees with detailed coverage. the appropriate has never experienced a landslide on this k of with this. so many people killed from around the world between those white coast guard ships and the blue vessel. that's where a 2nd tankers think last week. so close to the store. we can see it clearly with
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the naked die of the the book of acts you're washing alger 0 reminder of our top stories. this our is earlier strikes have pounded a school in gaza, city of sheltering, of displaced palestinians. at least 17 people were killed. as we all struck the school in the shape of one neighborhood again, just minutes after was 1st heads. large crowds have gathered into a vive, calling for the release of captives held in the us. for testers are maintaining pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a for these fascinations of senior
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hamas and hezbollah leaders might further delay a ceasefire. deal with some of the families of current and former captives take parts in the process. the. this is early forces have killed at least 9 palestinians into air strikes until car um and then north of the occupied west back while the army says it target its fighters, including the head of the arkansas and their brigades, is able to hit reports. this woman looks law, but she's trying to find out who's been killed in his way the air strike. there are no bodies here. on somebody means an experience. many of the occupied with bank know over to well from these shoes. she tries to identify one of the palestinians who has been killed. she tells this man and they leave without saying whether it is relative of theirs is among the dead. these where the army says it
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used a drone in this attack on a group of fighters and to tell him most of the occupied west bank is where the soldiers rushed to the scene afterwards and carried the we bodies. they later told palestinian sources that for palestinian men were killed into striking down that's after an hour and a half of waiting. we came here only to find body pounds. a piece of brain was stuck on this rock. we were trying to collect the body parts and take them with us . locals, tell us that the fighters were inside this car before they escape, and runaway to the hills over there, where they were hate. these rarely forces were chasing them in a call from that area. and i think they were trying to high between deal with trees there. strike was the 2nd in towards getting on saturday. air. do your and his radiated draft hit the vehicle shilling several palestinian fighters woman little more of the scene was truly horrific. people were building before our eyes inside the vehicle that was on fire. and all we could do was watch unable to offer any
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help. it took hours for medical teams to be able to identify the bodies. one was that of high assembly the leader of the assembly gates into a since the start of the world, garza is ready for us as have intensified the use of area and strikes. then the occupied wes, thing about 30 odd reported to have been carried out on the occupied. westbank says october the 7th. many leaf, such types of attacks are likely to increase that, but he replied with bank of the year was a former presence donald trump and his vice president non money j. the valves are holding a campaign rally in atlanta, georgia here is a live look for you at that are read 8000 seats and it looks like a packed house there visit follows. the vice president come on. her says rally at
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that very same venue on tuesday. nights. alright, let's welcome now are james davis. so he is a republican strategist and the founder of touch down strategies, and he joins us from washington, dc. good day sir. welcome to alger 0. now a couple of weeks ago, all the momentum was with trump and the g o. p was riding high, the pendulum appears to have swung in vice president harris's favor. just outlined this for us. how important a test is this rally in atlanta for trump's campaign? as well, it's a big show of strength and they is lane in downtown atlanta area. it's a georgia state complication center. and like you said, 8000 people showed up in the old report show that it is a packed house and there's a lot of traffic around there that is not in the area of georgia where trump's strength is. it's more in the rural areas and getting outside of atlanta. so
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this is a real big show, a strength there. and you know, current poles, my real clear pull, living average show that trump is about a couple of harris by 2 points there in georgia. you know, it's going to be a razor thin margin, but it looks to have to do a d b. and i'm gonna ask you about that because it does look like it's going to be a very, very, very tight race. but 1st i want to address senator j. d. vast who has had of a rocky couple of days. let's call it that. do republicans now have buyer's remorse . how are you thinking about the your former presidents are running made? well, i think certainly some do i, the more that they can talk about the issues they can talk about the economy and stick to the record of the buys and terrorist administration is stronger they are. there's been some onforce errors. so this information came to pains and stuff that happened in the online space, which are apparent down bands quite a bit. but also,
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i'm not sure, you know, history is in georgia as, as a state. he plays more to that roosevelt area, you know, and in less of, of the georgia on the so that trump has. so i'm not sure how additive it is. and there's been a lot of questions about whether the tech for vance was meant to be added. or it was more legacy to building for trump, and it seems to be the latter rather than the 4. right. i want to pick up on something that you said that the beginning of your answer, that they should debate her on her policies. cuz we're, let's face that, that's not what's happening right now. i mean, there's a lot of personal attacks. um and you know, questions about harris's legitimacy regarding her race or whether she should be the nominee in the 1st place. so i'm just wondering, can trump get on message, stay on message and, and the big her on her policies rather than on these very personal attacks.
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we'll see if you can or not, but that's the winning playbook. ultimately, there been a number of poles out there that ask about who do you trust more on the economy that you trust more than one affair? so you more trust more on the border and trump when to those by substantial margins . it is the question of who is more fit to be president? that is one that ends over his head. so the more they talk about things that are not related to the issues, the more they create liabilities for themselves or for all. hm. do, would you feel that, you know, is it worse for him to be running out against hairs rather than bind? because it does feel sometimes that he's a bit rattled. now that harris is on, on the ticket. i don't know. i think it's, it's been, i mean it's classic trump from, from things that i've seen, you know, they'll be on message really strong at one part. and then, you know,
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who deviate from the teleprompter or the speech and the chosen remarks that he has prepared before. and, and that's when he kind of gets in trouble. i think that the see the some similar challenges with the, with the harris campaign. it's the impromptu manner views and some of the impromptu remarks to get her into trouble. and so they both have a bit of a message discipline and you know that it's going to be required to the end of this election. if you look for go back to the real clear politics and you look at the web portal, but map that's you gotta get 270 electronic boats. wow. all of these races seem to be very close to just a couple of points and probably just a few 1000 boats. and many of the swing states trump has 291. what robots right now was going off of those aggregate polls and come to a harris test $241.00. so while it is close, he is winning in all of those close races right now. right, well we've got some, still some, some ways to go. i mean, you know,
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everybody's talking or this evening about whether or not there will be a debate. as you know, the former president backed out of, of the a, b c news a bait that he actually committed to proposed a debate hosted by fox instead. um, you know, how well crucial is it that a debate does take place? i think it's good for american democracy, forwarded back to take place, but you got to go back because he he agreed to the debate rules and the set up with by not with vice president terrace. and so those negotiations always take class a take place with the lead candidate, but hopefully there will be a debate and i'm confident that you know, there will be a debate. and, you know, it'll give americans a great opportunity to choose which candidates they live, hopefully based on those issues and, and because that's where american politics needs to get back to is talking about the issues. that's what americans care for. james davis, the republican,
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the strategist, and the founder of touch down a strategies to thank you so much, are greatly appreciated. and let's show you again. that's a live picture coming to you from atlanta, georgia, and a 1000 seat or reno packed, where a former president of donald trump is expected to seek momentarily. all right, well let's do it again at once. he makes his appearance. but for now, i'm going to turn our attention now to us defense secretary would austin, who has revoked a please. do you agree? just days ago with the alleged mastermind of the 911 attacks and 2 of his suspected accomplices. 3 of the $5911.00 defenders at guantanamo reported. we agreed to plead guilty to a number of charges to avoid the death penalty. olivia
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is facing a record number of forest fires. this year nearly 18000 fires were registered from january through to july. as before, the fire season typically peaks in august and september. a state of emergency has been declared in the eastern region of santa cruz until the end of the year on the shore caught in the river in the british columbia has been blocked by a landslide. count of this government says the blockage poses an immediate risk of flash flooding. it's declared a state of emergency and told people to evacuate the area in the now more than half way into the paras olympics, the city of lights is lacking. some golden glow towards the numbers are down on
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what france was banking on, and the business people say it hasn't been the bumper summary. they were promised burnett smith house. their story power is the most visited city in the world, but it doesn't look like it at the moment. there's not much of an audience with a guides on the tool about up and down. the said no matter normally, july and august are strongest months. this year we're down 25 percent compared to last year. august isn't looking very good. usually the boats are full and today we are about $4050.00 people per departure. we thought this might happen. restricted access to some of the cities, most famous monuments, concerns about security and high accommodation prices all seem to put off some potential tourists immediately around the big venue. these fairly busy, but the rest of power is, feels quiet. and group of friends, caroline says it's taking a $200000000.00 hit to revenue use this quarter because tourists are avoiding
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powers tax, you drive it back at gm says he's not dropped a single customer general and big venue. but anyway, difficult to drive to is you need once the government to support a compensation fund. but this is all to said simple, a dining room. now you must be at least 50 percent down and gave me a lot of customers a parisians. but since you have thought he's had made it clear to parisians, to leave the capital, to make way for all the tourists and all the people who were going to come to the olympics, we no longer have any parisians. and we have very few tourists. we are really disappointed, we were promised we would have work. we have anything but olivia slots cancel the summer holidays, the staff that these restaurants um was looking forward to a flood of hungry tours. all you have, you do is, i mean the volume power is, is empty. i've never seen power as presenting. never. there is no one in the taxis, hotels, or restaurants. this is the reality. we really have the what we are enduring today will be rewarded tomorrow with improve business. the power tourist office says
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average hotel price is recently dropped in a bit till your last minute travel has been put off by what they see is profiteering. so now might just be the best time to visit the city of life, but it's made out to 0 parish. and so ahead here on algae 0. sum all those as a to her all ready, impressive olympic legislative diplomats on the williams boys with theater. the small army of urban artis, changing the space of one of mexico cities torres and most violent neighborhoods more than $11000.00 of these murals now during the streets and roofs will be stopped by the government funded program is part of a larger project to make the areas safer and more attractive, you stop
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a lot of them. ural is a project that tries to involve the local community to listen to them, to rescue themes that need visibility. why? because there's so many stories of local neighbors, the history of this town that need towing if that's a lot, but it's not just finance. there is a great history here. as the project has grown and the murals are more and more visible. presidents in these communities are increasingly eager to have a bit of their own personal stories on public display. residents of the stuff a lot but know it will take more than thinking there was to bring less than change to their neighborhood. but the murals have had an important effect making and marginalized community feel seen again. the. the
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man is turning out for your sports. here's peter. hi. i lana. gillian alford of st . lucia has won the women's 100 meters split into the power. so lympics between the 3 year old secured victory with a ton of painting point 72 seconds. she's stunned. we'll champ in chicago. you richardson in the process. the american who missed the tow to gain seems with drugs violation, taking silver as the alford. they're trying to make, so the 1st person from who country to win and, and then pick tie, so many one i think many would have expected to see in that final is to to i'm champion shelly and phrase a price that you're making pulled out before her semi final, no immediate reason was given for her absence. us main sprint and no, a lyles racing. elaine 6 here is one of the favorites to win the means one underneath is the raining will champ and qualified for the semi finals coming. secondly, the seat behind great persons living in scripts, simone biles has added another gold medal to whom press of olympic games collection
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on saturday. the decorated american helped us out to 1st place in the women's vault files has now taken her whole career, teddy to 7, and then to go with the 10 middles overruled the 287. you will become 2nd with them . so when folks twice the tickets, it's been a magical day for chinese athletes at these games among been changing. the one the wins tennis gold, 21 year old beat on a package of corporations. 6263 to win the title. she becomes the 1st chinese play, a man or woman to win and a lympics single goal in the middle. the title adds to what speed a decent, the last 12 months full jane. she's reached the us open courses and the strain open final. during that time. china is chain main, successfully defended her women's tables and that's the big. so i told you to come to see the competitive some you saw in the final it was a repeat of the took you 2021 final change. i don't know if i see this big feet
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nice time. it has one a. we don't mailing tables and us some sol in 1988. there was also chinese success in women's doubles. edmondson changing jane and g fan or became the compassionate solution to and time means in straight games 22202115. the school japan will take the problems that will champion spain stage and they become back to book a spot in the semi finals the women's football tournament down to one and stop its time against columbia. spain look to be heading home. that's before reading holidays managed to force extra time. the match could not be decided in an open plan with penalties. spain winning the sheets of ot result a weight spain even the same means will suffice. not having critic fluid martha due to suspension the present in no felt hosts from one move gabby. since your getting
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the goal. the united states are also 3 baby japan. one news is secure a place in the semi finals, tennessee, rodman. those due to a home in the, a stall, dennis rodman, getting the way to an extra time. they faced germany next goalkeeper and could see there was a here of full, gemini, is a lot to canada out to may to phase. and the winning penalty has so as the germans that policy, the full to shoes out when offered in the gold us in open play contribution while jerry and books, a man fairly fee is guaranteed a boxing middle at these olympic games say they've defeated hungry luca and her moody by unanimous decision, it seems to 25 year old into the wealth weights, any finals. there's no problems middle matching boxing. so the losing say me find the space and see the for on this. this will be all jerry is 1st and then pick boxing middle since 2000 and ukraine has one that's the skilled middle of these
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olympics. first facing the women's teams say the same thing was that you would buy pc south korea in the set. so those final ukrainians were 6 point stone. this is slicing back to take so space. okay. and so it has a sofa and boons from other events in paris. a childhood, spain, to me at this mountains of morocco has prepaid one olympians to take his boat and the country to new heights. new slow, eas, experience, guiding horses through hazardous to rain, ended with a breakthrough in the events in competition at paris. 2020 full full rate smith in the french capital, a little slow. we get some downtime with friends and family in paris. after making history on whole spot, rock has seized the 1st awfully from the middle east. don't know if that's okay to compete in olympic venting. it was a dream come through. it's been, it's been amazing experience. i already have, you know, 1st and then pick withdrawal symptoms, you know, representing them. and our region is, is really,
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is really big for me. i was very lucky to be raised in the family where anything was possible or living in silver, that in 2 minutes from a very young age. slowly mel competes from his stables in england, have to fall in love with a venting while a university that your but it's, i'm a real can roots that made her the right a she is today. they've been many olympic equestrians from the mean region, but slowly is the 1st in a 112 years of a venting. it has 3 disciplines, dressers, cross country and show jumping. she and her whole cashing homes built in understanding through constant training and friendship will have many cheese hudson's childhood split. second divorce is a bit everywhere and we're recording quite for most areas. and that's where i'm, i love of the annual just grew and starts this and you have to trust that the voice with the newer to predict sheets and you have to become one with it. because if you show stress, then you can put yourself in the before danger for me was very easy to friends. say that afterwards for the sports,
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as well as being inspired by anything echoing the simple, it's an example of how about the amino has been crucial to know is career. my mom has a, a bad accident taste or just to and she, she has ended up on the wheelchair. what she has been able to do with her life after that has been up sort of the amazing, she created a charge for disabled people. we have to rehab centers in morocco, they have schools are so for just advantage children and they will children. so for me to witness all of that, just how someone, you know, sometimes you're good enough terrible or deals with how you can change them into something beautiful and create something else over time. you know, growing up in the us has been a huge inspiration even when i started and i was getting into the every time she was like, you're going to go to the olympics. so i didn't have a choice but to believe in myself to not believe carried. huh. i thought one final hurdle before paris no slot we wrote at the olympics despite having surgery on a broken collarbone, just a few weeks before the games. for more years of experience on a clean bill of health could see how many can even big impact at los angeles,
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2028 pull race. i'll just say era powers. and that is all the sports needs later. thank you so much, greatly appreciated peter. all right now in the southern india, hundreds are still missing after having most soon. res triggered last lives on tuesday in front of the han reports. and this makes it release center in india, southern coastal state of caroline, members of a shattered community. sit in shock cosign these are the survivors of several devastating lands caused by heavy rains that hit the region on tuesday. october to i've left my house, i've lost everything. i only have to sign and i'm the sole bread winner of my family. i don't know which i will do. how can i the cost of my children, the weiner district of carola, once known for its picturesque beauty, is now covered in my fallen trees and boulders have washed down from the hills into
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the valley. rescue efforts are underway. the spread of disease has added to the sense of urgency to find the missing similar scenes of destruction have played out in the northern state of him module per this said cloud verse light to flash floods covering the regent and destroying major infrastructure back in caroline prayers are offered for the dead and those who have not been fam, terminal gear model was me going to do walk yard. we have prayed for the departed, so a lot of people are still missing. we have prayed for them as well. these are a difficult time and so we have prayed for healing these mourners are saying a final good bye to loved ones and community members. they've lost most are holding umbrellas, trying to find some rest buy from the rain that continues to pour down around
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a la han l to 0. thank you for watching the this is the 1st genocide that we see into real time. it's the victims themselves. and i saw there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. who understand what they are looking to see out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered. african stories from african perspectives. i'll say i am a creative at heart 3 short documentary spy african filmmakers from nigeria, south africa, and zambia. i like my children,
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i like the middle school in the business to a sion of slaves and we are all the same in the forest women of i've seen from the cape and a dream worth chasing. a new series of africa direct on outages 0 the sound of rocket fly, it can be heard and the way to cover him up. the village with mountain views was once a sort of the retreat. few remained here there. the streets are empty, houses damaged or destroyed. the conflict between his beloved and his really forces as long delivered on the southern porter as forced tens of thousands from the hens . we suddenly felt something heavy falling on us. i asked my sister, there's been an earthquake. my mother and other sister were sleeping and the glass telling them my head was injured. the story of this village is one of many a number this border, almost everything within 5 cuz i'm because of his regular physicians have been targeted. when you visit villages along the board to document this one, think that striking assignments,
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there's no signs of movement of people's talking of children paying people happy, forced from the homes and the 2 scared to attend. i still don't know whether this conflict with turning to an or the actual the the, [000:00:00;00] the hello um, well of rock this is and it was our line from the are coming up in the next 60 minutes. is really airstrikes target another school sheltering displaced, palestinians filling at least 17 people and gaza city police and


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