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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 4, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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when the is rainy strikes targets, another school sheltering displaced, palestinians killing at least 17 people in gauze and 16. the other i am satisfied of this is all and is there a life from the whole? so coming up, police and protest is class in israel's biggest city is demand squared for the squad deal for the release of to the mass protest in venezuela from both sides of the political divide in the aust,
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i'm off with president nicholas maderos disputed re election and a 10 si fi is in place in the democratic republic of congo after 3 years. this fighting the hello welcome. it's 22 gmc with again this news out in gaza. city was 17. people have been killed. falling multiple is really strikes on a school many more were also injured and the relentless attack. now this is not the 1st time is ready, forces have boned to school use as a show to us. the palestinians displaced by its will on garza, the attack took place in the ship or with one neighborhood. israel struck the building again, just minutes after it was fast hits. and is there as honest as should be for that
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when the 2nd strike happens now he witnessed a huge destruction of casualties. some of the products on had to be on the yeah, the is ready just to get to the school in the shake road, one neighborhood with thousands of internally displaced, palestinians have taken refuge. it was directly targeted. as you can see, none of the people who are present to another train or from the government. they are all women and children. but don't know, maybe don't feel like while we were documenting domestic here inside the school, the displays people receive close from these really minute treat, ordering them to evacuate the building immediately because it was going to be targeted again. the bodies of the victims are still in the school yard, in a classroom, and even in the surrounding area. until this moment, no one has been able to retrieve the bodies from inside the school. i've had a number of strikes on the school at the moment up to the 1st drug
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is really across the right to the school again. and i say that's also another strike on the same location like them. uh, so what we spoke to his really intelligence off to the last we as acute our entry to retrieve the injured man. now we're approaching the school where the mask, it took place of which remains completely destroyed. we're talking about a series of strikes now. bodies everywhere and the metix, retrieving the police, and the pause everywhere. this is a big mess across the school has been entirely destroyed. the rescue efforts are continuous and ongoing. the following massacre on these internally displaced people and these children, women in the amount of school and sick rug, one in central garza, the now these ready bouquets and the ongoing war isn't anything, food,
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fuel and medicine into gaza with the children suffering the most was i'm with visited one of the few hospitals providing some services in northern garza and these lady forces people's entering the access to them because of loss of the nothing goes for making the situation. and the medical situation here is collapsing can be calculating every day. i'm here and came out of the hospital, me think of what will come across in a 5 years old. this, this and boy suffering from malnutrition and epilepsy. this listen, boy is indeed me to a specific medical supplies or i'm a awesome. i'm a how much smother my son suffers from a genetic disease. this tough ration and the lack of medicine so badly affected him . as you can see, he's in a difficult situation. this condition is getting worse day by day. he also suffers from severe malnutrition. he can't sleep just in the state of convulsions. the
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night isn't a lot of pain. his tooth, a homeless brick, and because of the severity of his convulsions mohammed needs special treatment and his daily medicines on to available in the gaza. and it's made his condition west, i hope the war and the siege will and our children, the suffering most of them have been and those are some of the, of the lack of my, the football that's due to the brutal war. children and goals are a suffering because of the lack of hygiene, very po, nutrition and the spread of sewage and the streets. the skin diseases need more treatment and medication and i'm to be all takes, but we don't have enough of them. also, julio is spreading here. there's an inability to fully control the polio virus because of the lack of necessary vaccinations and the scarcity of medicine this and i'm sure what's hadley as a result to the is what 80 policy and both of them policy is here. nothing does flip that to prevent any access or medical supplies. yes, as and nothing does red and prevent this boy to receive the need as medical
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supplies, the thousands of children just like me. i'm a products and here and moving us with an all of these patients and all of these companies out of sliding kids just in this genocide they can spell opinions and receive the need and medical supplies and the treatments wasn't scheduled. i just need uh, nothing does for all this fine. now, on the last uh, mileage of more than 50 real kits has been 5 from southern 11 on into northern is row a series of explosions was seen over the forgotten the area. when is relative, pruitt is missile defense system, the i and don't to, into set through all kids. residents near the border has that been on have been instructed to remain nibbled shelter. this is the night and to wait for the orders from the far it sees. not iran or blue, shri god says how mazda is politically the, was assassinated by
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a short range. will head weighing 7 kilograms and that was fine. they say from outside his room in to her on. and it's initial findings on the killing of a smile and a, a, it's accuses as well of planning as carrying out the a type with us support. iraq. iran has reiterated it will eventually is death warning. israel will receive a harsh punishment in due time and place, or no us president joe biden says that it's on such and if you're wrong, we're, it's how yates following the kenning of honey in to her on the well, let's go straight to calling cloth is all right service such as this, the fun group, i'm an associate fellow at the international center for counter terrorism. he's joining us live from pittsburgh,
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pennsylvania. thank you for joining us now. joy biden hope's iran will stand down, says he doesn't knows. you just heard that. do you think iran will stand on? it is already valid, severe revenge so far? absolutely not. there's no way the iranians can stand down. they need to save face . the fact that this assassination was conducted on iranian soil, into iran, during what was supposed to be for the running into a fairly joyous event. you know, gratian of their new president means that the israelis have essentially forced iranians to respond. which i think, you know, according to my calculations is exactly what is really the prime minister benjamin netanyahu is, is hoping for, right? he's hoping to keep this conflict going. he's hoping to keep tensions percolating until he can find his own way out of this. and this is all connected to obviously what's going on and gaza, but i would expect in a ronnie and a response either in the form of a response directly from
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a wrong or from one if not all of the iranian proxies from loving. he says bowler to the who's using yemen to hostile shelby, a rocky shim, alicia's in iraq. and then also some, some of the militias in syria. exact. so you just mentioned all of these proxy groups now. so some of our origin says that, you know, maybe have sort of found out about this will further down, along with 10 months now into this will how coordinated all that actually. and also all we now at a tipping point. oh, maybe post a tipping point here. with the regional tensions so i think we're already in a regional war to answer the 2nd part of the question 1st. now we're looking at how much uh, further we're going to dial up this regional war in terms of how well coordinated the proxy groups are. you know, there's varying degrees of command and control, right. so some groups have a lot more autonomy than others. for example, 11,
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he says bowl as a group that while it operates at the bit has to be wrong, largely has been around long enough and has the capabilities to dictate its own terms less so as you go further on down the line. and i think if you look at the, who these and you have and they're probably the most unpredictable at this point, they're certainly the most fund a terrible oh they nothing seems to deter the who it is. and so i think we're in for a pretty sporty few days here in the region. it's been that way, obviously since october 7th. but the things we get quite dangerous, the us sending more military muscle to the region to increase its foster. and i think things are likely to escalate over probably over the course of this weekend. and their room is that the us is becoming increasing the exhaust for a to sets in the us president joy buys and, but because this will seems to be going on for such a long time, and you also have a cx 5 deal. this only happens once it's the trying to go for
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a 2nd one. this hasn't happened yet. in terms of is really military strategy. have we seen a change? is it consistent in what's it doing? is it great? is it likely to achieve those goals any time soon? so any that's something that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been saying that the will will continue for as long as it needs to well tell you what hasn't changed? and that's the fact that is really military moves in gaza, right? the tactical moves were saying is completely divorced from any kind of broader political strategy. and that's deliberate at this point right now he refuses to deal with the day after and gaza. he's essentially trying to run out the string, probably hoping that donald trump is re elected president, and then he gets kind of more of a blank check from the united states. it's a big gamble. obviously, he's becoming increasingly unpopular in israel itself for refusing to elevate the sense of urgency surrounding hostages and to push for a ceasefire deal. so this is
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a big roll. the dice look, nobody doubts a israel's military capabilities. but it's a political piece. is this an administration that y'all, who has far right allies and been good here and smoke church and others? are they able and willing to make a deal that a lot of people doubt that myself included? yes, exactly. and it will have to say how sustainable that will be. thank you very much . was to call in clock or the darts or research at the so fun group for joining us . thank you for your time. thank you. now, large crowds is gathered into these roles. biggest cities quoting for the release of cops is held in gauze of protesters and television, haifa, on maintaining pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu and fox, the concern becoming a senior her mazda and has validated could further delay us these 5 deal with home us homes. as of who has moved from jordans comfortable on, a large demonstrations against israel's government taking place across the country
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on saturday. the biggest of those rallies held until a v. but we're also seeing protest in several different parts of the country like in west jerusalem outside of benjamin netanyahu is home. we're protesters are calling for elections to be held, as well as for a ceasefire deal to release. the remaining 110 is really captives who are still being held in gaza. now one family member of it is really captive speaking earlier in the night, had said the quotes, nothing yahoo committed a targeted assassination on a deal to bring back the remaining captive. all of this comes as these really negotiating team headed by the head of israel's most not that's the external security service when to cairo and came back to israel with sources within is really media are saying that they are nowhere closer to with deal now weeks from meetings with high security officials say that israel's defense minister, your web galant, as well as the army chief of staff,
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hurts the hell levy. say that nothing y'all who's hard in stance is the reason why a deal is not coming about, but nothing yahoo, whose office release the statement to these really public broadcasts are saying that these leaks are false and that doesn't yahoo did not change anything within these really proposal that has been on the table for weeks and they accuse him us of adding what they're calling dozens of new additions to the proposal. blaming him as for a reason why the talks are at a stalemate, and all this comes as these really are bracing for some sort of retaliatory attack by either the audience. his bellow or the food these in yemen saying they are on maximum alerts after the assassinations of multiple individuals, including him. us head is $900.00 a year. who was the negotiator for him. uh some, some are saying that his role is not serious about these negotiations. if they are willing to assassinate the negotiator on the other side, but all signs at this hour are pointing, but we are nowhere closer to
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a deal from the central jersey to a month. well, just to remind you that hunger is reporting from jordan because israel's government has binds all to 0 from bro, costing the is now moving on to occupied westbank, at least 9 palestinians have been killed into strikes. these riley army says it targets it fights is including the head of elko, some brigades, and the city of to cut them that i brought home reports from the this woman looks law, but she's trying to find out who's been killed in and is really airstrike. there are no bodies here, only somebody means an experience many of the occupied with bank know or was to well from these shoes. she tries to identify one of the palestinians who has been killed. she tells this man and they leave without saying whether it is relative of theirs is among good as these where the army says it use the drones in this attack on
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a group of fighters and to tell him most of the occupied westbank is really soldiers rushed to the scene afterwards and carried that we bodies, they later told palestinian sources that for palestinian men were killed into striking down that's after an hour and a half of waiting. we came here only to find the body pounds. a piece of brain was stuck on this rock. we were trying to collect the body parts and take them with us . locals. tell us that the fighters were inside this car before the escape, and runaway to the hills over there, where they were hate. these riley forces were chasing them in a call from that area. and i think they were trying to high between deal with trees there. stripe was the 2nd in towards getting on saturday. air. do your and it's really it's draft hit the vehicle feeling several palestinian fighters. women love . what i've seen was truly horrific. people were burning before our eyes inside the vehicle that was on fire. and all we could do was watch unable to offer any help. it took hours for medical teams to be able to identify the bodies. one was that of
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hate, completed the leader of the assembly gates into a says the start of the world. goals is really forces have intensified the use of area and strikes then the occupied westbank about 30 odd reported to have been carried out on the occupied. west bank says october the 7th. many leaf, such types of attacks are likely to increase the that but he does eat he occupied with bank kind of stuff. well, still ahead on al jazeera, we meet these 2 if you in the fall most hunting. so traditional methods to ease of food crisis is less $20000000.00 people dependent on age the the
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hello. then let's have a look at the where the prospect's across north america, in the days ahead and don't be deceived by a quiet outlook or from the satellite image. we have go to story all the extremes in some pretty intense weather to come in. we still got that dangerous heat across the pacific northwest on sunday, with temperatures in cities like seattle, well above the average. now they will come down as we go into monday, not just here, but also for the western parts of canada. calgary will just slightly below the average day on monday, but the heat continues to hang on to the south west of california and the desert, the south west, the heat full, so the full, the deep south. well, we will see temperatures come down in the southeast that fences in pretty wild weather. we go to developing tropical storm. that's going to bring a dangerous storm surge that likes over florida some very heavy rain. we are expecting flash flooding from that. i'm powerful wins. now that system is set to work its way towards the south east states of the us as we go monday into choose.
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they bring in a very heavy rain, the heavy rain as well across the great lakes working its way towards the east coast. and if we have a look at the central america and the caribbean, you can see that storm pulling away from cuba even behind a legacy of storms. but it's going to be florida that sees those drenching reins on monday. the nothings happening there's no question why? like this, let denise this call on it's area and relief foundation. the
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the ball come back, you're watching out. is there a reminder about what stories this hour is really strikes of? how did a school in gaza city sheltering displaced, palestinians, at least 17 people were killed. israel struck the school and the shift from the one neighborhood again, just minutes officer. it was 1st hit. a biologist move in 50 real kits has been fired from southern lebanon into northern israel. the series of explosions was seen over the gallery area when israel deployed its missile defense system, the iron done to intercept the rocket and thousands instead of eve. according to the release of captives held in gauze protests as all maintaining pressure on prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu. they say the assassinations of seeing and how much and has validate his life. so the delay is fees 5, deal with him on novel island says erupt, sued, and nationwide, riley's and bangladesh against the country's government. local media reported that at least 7 protesters were wounded office. the forces of the ruling policy opened fire on them in the eastern city of coming to demonstrates as have been demanding justice for the death of over 200 people. during recent protest against the government job quotes a scheme foundation audrey was asked to riley and co tens of thousands of students . i've gathered up the language monitors memorial of the doc i university campus, and i'm on slow down. the government must step down, no compromise notes, we're going for anything else. and the gathering like this all across the country. they run in different location in the capital city as we speak. there's also incidents of violence, of kind of the capital and several other parts of the country. the government on
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its body is saying, the prime minister has invited the students to sit with them for that and reacted. yeah, this stuff came in with a while ago. he also said several writing politician from the ruling party who sent for the government when the student rejected. and it's not just the code on there anymore. the whole clinic from different walks of life, professional journalist, they then they, with the students, even retired military officer with the connelly came out of the street. that said, what happened within last 2 weeks? so many people to particularly young start students even, you know, children. this just isn't acceptable. the government, on the other hand, slightly blamed on the opposition party, all happened. it was orchestrated by them, but nobody is trying that. and is this logan?
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it's pretty unanimous. i'm all set for a gunman. must not set stone, and the government is also under international pressure right now will probably pay more for the incoming days and with sunbridge. all great. i'll just the dot com and that's where it is all position. lita has joined thousands of protesters demanding the election results, be over tons. hundreds has been arrested during demonstrations across the country since president and since president how the nicholas maderos declared the when a three's a boy has this report carrying venice wooden slats and wearing white t shirts. thousands of people took to the sweets with one message. we're here to defend our vote. in spite of being threatened with prison opposition leader by the equity norm, what channel during the protest, the world knows the intent to forcefully withhold the result. 6 days later, they have not the handed over a single record. the period has expired,
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and the pseudo legal maneuver can cover up to 2 choices in our tallies and the sectors. in our hearts, the electronic council has declared precedent. nicola, by the way, or the winner, though it has failed to publish the 40 voting results, the government says its system was hacked. opposition support is also acted as witnesses. when i mentioned being displayed some of the tati sheets in their possession as proof of what they said was a massive problem, 1000 people have been arrested in the past week. 90 of them teenagers, human rights group say this tiny silas you 7 is william professor. he says sunday's election was the beginning of a new way. right in venezuela, april, you have a want to see at the very humane in the past you had an authoritarian governments that helped see me, competitive addictions. now the government does not accept results from decides to rule the same of some precedent. nicole and by the law says,
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the opposition is trying to get him out of office and blames the united states. on saturday. thousands of his supporters also took to the streets to defend the administration. so they don't feel good to go over yet. i'm a little fellow when they denounce that the government of the united states, together with a loan mosque and the international process to really are at the forefront of a d stabilisation crisis and the crew to ta at this moment, against the venezuelan people and against the venezuelan democracy, this is not the 1st time level has face to control over city election or protest on the street. but it is the 1st time the opposition says it can prove the defeated him. that's why they say they will remain on the streets. convinced the truth is on this side. maybe so we'll just see to, to austin every 3 years of financing a see saw, has been created between the democratic republic of congo and rewind. uh,
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but there are questions about whether it can hold image and can, but reports in the democratic republic of congo, use a conflict between the congolese, omi and runs and back to m. 23, maybe about and mediated by the end goal and government and use these for to end fighting mainly in the northeast will replace the humanitarian trees that's being in effective. the conflict is that the m $23.00 taking control of large swayed signals, keeping an area bordering rwanda that is rich and copa gold and diamonds. most recently, it's made advances towards the areas capital guidelines. you run reports show that up to full size and we wanted troops have been fighting alongside them. 23 seats for i would be welcomed by millions of people caught up in the complex, but many of them was skeptical it. what was the 5 uh finishes. we welcome the goal and peace process. with this situation is creating confusion. we don't know who is
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doing what with what result on the ground. we have seen many different cease fires without impact to our people continue to suffer. where they have managed this file in all those, these files we have 0, these are view the people i think people would think that both the file we, we bring us peace, but did you find out is because but the would be continue. tlc has long been pushing the we want and government to admit supporting m 23. something it usually denies of refuse to negotiate directly with m 23, who they say are a proxy members of m. 23 haven't taken pause in this agreement, but say they all ready to meet with the deals, the government. some people fit if m 23. don't respect the agreement. while the congolese army does the situation may watson method here most of us are. we believe this is far as looking around me and helping the rebels. it will allow the robust to maintain their occupation on online and just keep up people and cancel them in
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the un estimates the flight to the north keeping provence dispos more than 1700000 people from their homes. one of the highest levels of displacement in the world, creating humanitarian crisis. how does the scheduled imposition of the ceasefire? m. 23 have continued to make advances heading towards the strategic area on the border between d o. c. and you've gone to policies for us to close to our new few weeks. the lives of many people could depend on this one being different image and kinda which is 0 to gas has been fired and dozens more people have been arrested on the 3rd day of anti government protests and nigeria demonstrates as the demanding reforms to reduce the soaring re rising cost of living, several people have been killed and others injured, with bullets wins as violence escalates between police and private testers. the urging the government to reinstate fuels subsidies and implement traditional
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reforms because what kind of, what kind of mutual now? well, what do we want that what you're going to be possible not doing is paula children that do not do quite a bit of mental non duty on the put this 102000000 people. and it says here that says 6 of its population depends on food age as a struggle with droughts, conflict, and even rising food prices. how much volume that people in the southern regions of saddam and or um yeah, we are trying to survive using more traditional means as you look like he's been a farmer for years. what me to go good time a has just recently changed his job from a port to in hawaii city to a find that in the nearby fields, in both cases he's been leaving from hand to mouth. but i couldn't, we are facing many problems. the price of fertilizer isn't very expensive. if you want to plan,
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you need to pay someone to do the work. unless you're awesome. all this requires financial resources. like me to quote, as much as we say in the neighboring region of romeo is one of millions of people that need fuel get article faced economic hardship due to a mixture of throughout unemployment and inflation. the good news, he says, is that a for this? yeah, he's much better than for a few months ago and harvested up to 7 tons of teeth grind from the last finding season. this was very good for me. just put my family of 13, including my mother. now only think about it. so we're going to be placed for us money in other respects, even though that agency isn't here in center or want me to stop it 2 months ago was mind is just beginning to so his potatoes. but he is what he said.


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