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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 4, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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collins so popular, they will read this every level of living in society. revel writers, iraq and zip. yes. or no to 0. the, at least for palestinians are killed in more than a dozen inches and overnights is rarely attacked, and central guns is ready as strikes target. another school shows in displace palestinians. kidding. these 17 people in garza 6 the carry johnston. this is also sarah from de also come has been off 5 thousands of rockets from southern nothing to northern israel,
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the best protests in venezuela from both sides of the political divide. in the off the most of the presidents of nicholas endurance dispute. the election on the 10th cease fires in place and the eastern democratic republic of congress after 3 years of fighting the but he's ready as try it kills at least 4 people open nights in the center of the gaza strip. many were sleeping and make shift tents inside the courtyard out at the hospital. they're all below. when the attack happened at least 18 others were wounded, displaced, palestinians have been sheltering in schools and hospitals following israel's confinement. on saturday, at 17 people were killed in gauze and states, the following multiple is really strikes when a school thousands of
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people are also injured in the attack in let's take read. one neighborhood is rout struck the building just minutes off to it was 1st. i'll just here was an so sorry for was that when the 2nd strike happened, a stomach fell far. that's on had to be honest the yeah. the is ready just targeted the school in the shape road, one neighborhood with thousands of internally displaced. palestinians have taken refuge, it was directly targeted. as you can see, none of the people who are presence of military or from the government. they are all women and children. but don't know maybe don't feel like while we were documenting domestic here inside the school. the displays, people receive close from these really minute treat, ordering them to evacuate the building immediately because it was going to be targeted again. the bodies of the victims are still in the school yard in a classroom, and even in the surrounding area. until this moment,
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no one has been able to retrieve the bodies from inside the school. i've had a number of strikes on the school at the moment after the 1st drug be is right across the right to the school again. and i said that's also another strike on the same location item. uh, so what we spoke to is rarely intelligence off to the last ro we've secured our entry to retrieve the injured man. now we're approaching the school where the mask it took place and which remains completely destroyed. we're talking about a series of strikes now, bodies everywhere, and the metix, retrieving the police, and the pause everywhere. this is a big mess across the school has been entirely destroyed. the rescue efforts are continuous and ongoing. the following massacre on these internally displaced people. and these children,
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women in the amount of school and sick rug, one in central garza, the a bar as of mold in it. 50 rockets having fired from southern lebanon into northern israel. the series of explosions was seen over the upper gallery area as well deployed at miss hall defense system of the i'm dumped into steps the rockets, people living near the border with lebanon. having instructed to remain that farm shouts is over at night, and awaits further instructions. there on the river, this regard says the master's political leader was assassinated, but short range was waiting at $72.00, it was fine from outside his room and tie wrong in its initial findings on the kenning of the smell on. you can accuse this as well as signing and carry out the attack. the us support thrown that has reiterated. this will avenge any of this warning as well, who receive a hoss punishment in due time and space area. we spoke to it and they got more
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dissolve. a senior fellow with the center for international policy. she says it's a question of how not a wrong with respond as i think the region has been on an ice edge honestly for the past 9 months, the water has only been expanding. i'd like slowly into multiple fronts and this is yet another thing juncture, that can lead to a major escalation. honestly, a wrong sees this as crossing a major red line. and even one further than what happened in april when israel attack, they're running conflict in syria and iran retaliated by as talking is really swell up from it. so i think this time, they see this event is a more serious escalation because it happened inside iran. it happened in the heart of the capital to an important guest and their view and also have to major political events. so i think they're going to see this basically interpret this as
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a major escalation and as well as other this was devil assassinations on 2 major capitals, bailed on a test run that happened on the same day. so i think we should expect a response from a collection of the so called access of resistance. large crowds gather the into of israel is biggest cities calling for the release of captives housing, gaza. the testers in a ton of even high founding training pressure on 5 minutes to benjamin netanyahu. the concern that the kidding of a senior a mass of his but i'll need is, could further delay a ceasefire here with a mass and the release of captain. i'm that so who has more from jordan's capital m a, a large demonstrations against israel's government taking place across the country on saturday. the biggest of those rallies held in tel aviv. but we're also seeing protest in several different parts of the country looking west jerusalem outside of
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benjamin netanyahu, whose home were protesters, are calling for elections to be held, as well as for a cease fire deal to release. the remaining 110 is really captives who are still being held in gaza. now one family member of it is really captive speaking earlier in the night, had said the quote nothing yahoo committed a targeted assassination on a deal to bring back the remaining captive. all of this comes as these really negotiating team headed by the head of israel's most not that's the external security service when to cairo and came back to israel with sources within is really media are saying that they are nowhere closer to with deal now weeks from meetings with high a security officials say that israel's defense minister, you'll have the launch as well as the army chief of staff hurts the hell levy say that nothing y'all who's hard in stance is the reason why a deal is not coming about, but nothing yahoo, his office released the statement to these really public broadcasts are saying that these leaks are false and that doesn't yahoo did not change anything within these
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really proposal that has been on the table for weeks. and they accuse him us of adding what they're calling dozens of new additions to the proposal. blaming him us for a reason why the talks are at a stalemate. and all this comes as these really are bracing for some sort of retaliatory attack by either the iranians, his vala or the food. these in yemen saying they are on maximum alerts after the assassinations of multiple individuals, including how much had, is $900.00 a year, who was the negotiator for him. uh some, some are saying that his role is not serious about these negotiations. if they are willing to assassinate the negotiator on the other side, but all sides at this hour are pointing that we are nowhere closer to a deal to send foods and just eat off a month to remind to have him there was reporting from jordan because his rose governments has bandages reporting from the okay pod westbank at least 9 palestinians have been killed into s trucks. these very ami says it targeted
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finances including the head of the elk assembly guy. he's in the city of to current need. the abraham reports from the and this woman looks long, but she's trying to find out who's been killed in his way the air strike. there are no bodies here. only somebody means an experience. many in the occupied westbank. no for was too well from these shoes. she tries to identify one of the palestinians who has been killed. she tells this man and they leave without saying whether it is relative of theirs is among the dead. these where the army says it to the drone in this attack on a group of fighters and to tell him most of the occupied westbank is really soldiers rushed to the scene afterwards and carried the we bodies. they later told palestinian sources that for palestinian men were killed into striking gun. that's after an hour and a half of waiting. we came here only to find body pounds. a piece of brain was
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stuck on this rock. we were trying to collect the body parts and take them with us . locals, tell us that the fighters were inside this car before they escape, and runaway to the hills over there, where they were hate. these rarely forces were chasing them in a call from that area. and i think they were trying to hide between deal of trees there. strike was the 2nd in towards getting on saturday. air do your and is really it's draft hit the vehicle healing several palestinian fighters woman the more i the scene was truly horrific. people were building before our eyes inside the vehicle that was on fire. and all we could do was watch unable to offer any help. it took hours for medical teams to be able to identify the bodies. one was that of high assembly, the leader of the assembly gates. and to says the start of the world goes out is really forces have intensified the use of area and strikes. then the occupied westman about 30 or reported to have been carried out on the occupied west bank
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says october the 7th. many leave, such thoughts of tax are likely to increase that, but he does eat on the occupied with bank of the after nearly 3 years of fighting a c spa husband agree between the democratic republic of congo in rwanda. but there are questions about whether the agreements can hold image and came to reports in in the democratic republic of congo, use of conflict between the congolese, omi and runs and back to m. 23, maybe about and mediated by the on going and government. and you see spot and fighting mainly in the northeast will replace the humanitarian trees that's being in effective. the conflict is that the m $23.00 taking control of large slides of
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north keeping an area bordering rwanda that is rich and copa gold and diamonds. most recently, it's made advances towards the areas capital guidelines. you run reports show that up to full size and we wanted troops have been fighting alongside them. 23 seats for i would be welcomed by millions of people caught up in the conflicts, but many of them was skeptical at work was above all finished. we welcome the golden peace process, but this situation is creating confusion. we don't know who is doing what with what result on the ground. we have seen many different cease fires without impact to our people continue to suffer. we really have managed to expire in all those these file . we have 0 is i view the people i think people would think that those people, you know we, we bring us peace. but did you find out you because the world beat continue deal see has long been pushing the rwandan government to admit supporting
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m 23. something it usually denies of refuse to negotiate directly with m 23, who they say are a proxy members of m. 23 haven't taken pausing, disagreement, but say they already to meet with the deals, the government. some people fit if m 23, don't respect the agreement. while the congolese army does the situation may watson method here. most of us are, we believe this, these guys looking around me and hoping the rebels it will allow the robust to maintain their occupation on online and just keep up people in camps of them in the un estimates the fighting in those keep you provence, disclose more than 1700000 people from their homes. one of the highest levels of displacement in the world, creating humanitarian crisis. ahead of the scheduled imposition of the ceasefire. m . 23 have continued to make advances. heading towards a strategic area on the border between d. o c, and you've gone to policy spies have lost it only a few weeks. the lives of many people could depend on this one being different
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image and came back out to 0. the number of people killed into the attack on a crowded beach and some on his capitol mortgage issue has risen to 37 with more than 200 injured young group. i'll chabad has claimed responsibility. it's been fighting to the top of a central government in a mortgage issue for more than 17 years. welcome web reports. it started as a normal friday evening in need of beach. in mogadishu. hundreds of people had gathered during the weekend. didn't have blood boss one attack a death tonight to the suicide bomb. others that can fire on the crowd feeling dozens. schools of people were injured. young group voucher. bob has claimed responsibility is the worst attack and somebody is capital in more than the it comes as the un african union peacekeeping mission in somalia is drawing down and having other responsibilities to somalia is own security forces. and then as those
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forces start to leave somalia on hand over to a smaller international force logged issues, securities in the hands of some of the security forces and they're just not up to the task of providing the level of security needed us train. some of the special forces launched and offensive against doubts about nearly 2 years ago. they were fighting alongside ton melisha. they claimed many successes. in friday's attack on lita beach, al, should bob, his shirt is still capable of devastating violence in the hearts of somalia as capitol malcolm web elders era. and so to come here on elders here we meet the c o t, and farmers turn into traditional methods to ease of food. crisis is left 20000000 people depend on the
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accommodated beyond well taken without hesitation for them died from power defines out, well, we live here, we make the rule, not them, they find an enemy and then they try and scale the people with that. and the people in power investigate explosion is and questions they use them to be of our around on out to their pod came in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing you have one is government with this is 5 digit. you say getting russell, a thought provoking nonsense that you made? weapons of being used in guns? no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the effective use of the present as not the need for the fact that he had the story on talk to how does era
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the challenge is here with the the you without just here armando, the headlines now and central go us are, is really drones dry cuz it makes it shelters inside the court. y'all, to the outbox, the whole system. at least 4 people were killed and 18 wounds. a virus of more than 50 real kids have been fired from southern evidence to northern israel. a series of explosions was seen over the up or down in the area is relative to its missile
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defense system. the deceptive and thousands inside of a recording for the release of captives held in gauze, protest is on maintaining pressure on premises to benjamin. that's unknown. they failed the assassinations. senior from assets has been on the leases, but further delays ceased. find you with us father and says once again, they're out to the nationwide routers in bangladesh against the countries government, local media reports, we thought at least 7 protests as well, who after support as a whole ruling party, opened fire on the eastern city of thousands of demanding justice for the death of more than 200 people. during recent protests against a government job, quotes escaped as well as a physician leader has joined thousands of protest as to modeling the presidential election results be overtime. hundreds had been arrested. the 2 in demonstrations
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across the country since the president nicholas mal do it was declared the winner through the by a caring venice wooden slats, and wearing white t shirts. thousands of people took to the sweets with one message. we're here to defend our vote. in spite of being threatened with prison, opposition leader and mighty equity, no more channel joined to protest. the world knows the intent to forcefully withhold the result. 6 days later, they have not handed over a single record. the period has expired, and the su legal maneuver can cover up to 2 choices in our tallies and the sexes in our hearts. the electorate council has declared president nicholas by the what are the winner though it has failed to publish the 40 voting results? the government says its system was hacked. a position supporters also acted as witnesses when election being displayed some of the tally sheets in their
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possession. as proof of what they see was a massive problem, 1000 people have been arrested in the past week. 90 of them teenagers, human rights group say i'm that is, can you silas? you 7 is william professor. he says sunday's election was the beginning of a new way of writing venezuela for you. i don't want to see a book. the humane in the past. you're heading north star, terry, and the government that helped see me competitive addictions. now the government does not accept results from decides to rule the same precedent equal on level says the opposition is trying to get him out of office and blames the united states on saturday. thousands of the supporters also took to the streets to defend the administration. so they don't feel good to go over yet. i'm a little fellow, will not denounce that the government of the united states together with a loan, moscow. and the international process to formula are at the forefront of a d stabilisation crisis and the crew to ta at this moment,
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against the venezuelan people and against defendants ellen democracy. this is not the 1st time my, the widow has faced accounts of ever said he election or protest on the streets. but it is the 1st time the opposition says it can prove the defeated him. that's why they say they will remain on the streets. convinced the truth is on this side. that is i will just see more than 90 people who've been arrested in the u. k. off the far right protest, 10 fathers and several cities. police offices will enjoy it as they struggle to contain writing down the rest of the spots upon the motor of 3 young girls and, and northern. the english town on monday night at the end of which has more from livable to say so between 2 valuable groups in liverpool, those who say they're on to racist and those
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who are again, immigration, coming to a head at this, this includes defense the left wing protest as march to meet the fall right where they were holding a riley. the police at times struggling to contain the situation here and the different side facing off here at the main menu on the reading. and as the numbers and faith side swelled reinforcements, recruiting police getting ready to serious disorder then the fast arrest us, all right, protests a better way to wait to sign the police meeting in detroit to despise the crowd. as
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tempest great in the heat. this just one of more than 30 protests planned across england this weekend, often misinformation spread on line that a soft text in the matter of 3 visual goes with them is an immigrant disorder consisting even of to restore it is revealed who was born in person to we wanted parents the most again, offices were confronted as the so we'll just let down in belfast. adding home a small right crowd gathered in front of a hotel housing migraines. this leading britain's home secretary to hold edge and talks with the u. k. prime minister. anyone who gets involved in clinical disorder, violent fucker rate on our streets, will have to pay the price and they should expect that to be rest prosecutions penalties and the full force of the lower including imprisonment,
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travel bounds and more. but his anger and confusion grow on the streets of britain. these warnings yet to yield results. united was sending the rich out 0 live a pool. a tropical storm that's been developing in the gulf of mexico, as trenton is not moving towards the us state of florida. tropical storm, that is expected to bring heavy rains in coastal flooding by sunday evening. our colors have been issued in pots of florida, with strong winds, and thunder storms have begun to clean up operation is on the way of to flooding into the non province in south west china. so the people died in the city of us who shang often typed in gaming was reco drain for 55 people are still missing and the neighboring sis, one providence, 2 people died in the for the 12 and missing off to months slide because a bridge and a city of time didn't collapse,
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some houses was swept away. hundreds of people have been evacuated from the area. so 20000000 people in the c o period. that's a 6th of the population depends on the food. it is a strong drought conflicts and rising food prices. mohammed volume met people in the southern regions of sonoma and romeo were trying to survive by more traditional means you look like he's been a farmer for years. what meet equal good time? a has just recently changed his job from a port to in how also city to a find that in the nearby fields. in both cases, he's been leaving from hand to mouth that are going to live. we are facing many problems, the price of fertilizers and very expensive. if you want to play, you need to pay someone to do the work. unless you're awesome. all this requires financial resources. like me to quote, as much as we say in the neighboring region of romeo is one of millions of people
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in the field article faces economic hardship due to a mixture of throughout unemployment and inflation. the good news, he says, is that a for this? yeah, he's much better than for a few months ago and harvested up to saving tons of teeth grain from the last finding season. this was very good for me. just put my family of 13, including my mother. now only if i could, i'll. so we're going to be placed for us money in other respects, even though that agency isn't here in center or want me to stop 2 months ago was mind is just beginning to so his potatoes. but he is what he says is because he's being unable to secure the fertilizers and the other requirements for the success of his company. besides fertilizers, farmers complained of the luck of seats and tools such as practice or at least oxen, which the government used to provide them with trying to ease the economic crisis.
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the government has agreed alone of $3400000000.00 with the international monetary fund. but experts, one that if it's what improve the situation, i believe that there is no option for the country. the government is facing the significance fiscal pressure has to pay significant amount in terms of the 3 payments. the cost is not going to be easy, especially people with fixed income people who are in the long, soft income that are the people at least, you know, many areas are going to be really significantly affected because of the information of the extend entity that's going to come out of this is steve away from the complexity of official policies and you called on the key questions, the policies, the for these farmers in the deep cute and stuff come as a model i but i think i already know better. my father was a farmer and i followed in his footsteps. i took over the phone. we rely on agriculture for i likely see more of the morning. they say the just of that
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approach is to be a subsidy line to can. how much funding? how does your southern, if you can find more information on our website, i'll just say what the device is, continues off the top to else the the had the despite lots of hawkins dry weather across much of the middle east and live and the threat of flooding still remains across the south west of saudi arabia. you can see the heavy rain continuing to full hill on sundays, some of that pushing into western areas of yemen as well. now, despite that, it is largely dry across much of the region. shamal wind is set to ease sunday into monday and temperatures are expected to come down with that doe who is expected to
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see the temperature of 39 degrees celsius. on monday, the humidity could pick up with that. luckily, the heat will be back on wednesday. so lots of funny whether to be found here, sonya and heart as well across the north of africa with temperatures continuing to build full the likes of egypt. so windy weather has set alarms off across southern parts of algeria, and we are also seeing some very wet weather across that central band that could cause some flooding and some concerns for places like nigeria, nija, and sudan. we have got those warnings out for fund the storms in the days ahead. it's not quiet. so for the south of this, the heat continuing to build full the likes of what swan a $32.00 degrees celsius that and gab around much what to include up for cape town with some window loads for us to, to on sunday. the maybe his son goes head to head with his really historians that he morris. the jews
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were on the 5th of annihilation by the arabs. and that's my view legitimize justified cleansing arabs from palestine. the who to said exactly the same thing about living for the 1990 israel is committed. numerous will crimes since the hospital friends on october 7th, i'm fairly sure that'd be rough time. the toward itself is not a well timed head to head on out is era or the is really forces have been bombarding the gaza strip every day since last october. tens of thousands of palestinians have been killed and many more severely injured. but what's been particularly devastating israel's targeting of doctors, hospitals and medical facilities. its forces have killed medics on to monetary and workers making it even more difficult to provide services to palestinians. now,
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vast areas of district are in blue and there is little medical care. and many are facing starvation to shed light on these pressing issues.


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