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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 4, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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and it's actually making us more unsafe and until palestinians us safe and secure ease reilly's never will be and use never will be the on the you're watching that is our life from headquarters and cell. fine, very you navigate. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. st bottles and bangladesh between government and opposition supporters. these at least 12 people that calls are growing for prime ministers if has enough to resign . an elderly is really couple are killed and 3 other people wounded in a stabbing attack near tell
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a v the us canada fronts on the u. k. urge their citizens to leave levon on. immediately attention rises in the middle east after israel's assassination of from us as a political leader of the side, honey. yes. nigeria, as presidents calls for violent protest against government policies to end saying he's implementing reform out of german ash with his full. so this will have a 12 hours off on his starting 100 meters go to julian alford was back on the track . she's instantly, she's supposed to have the med list, and she has not done that. she was foster in how he needs to entropy. just ask you tockets double success, the hello we begin this news. our in bangladesh were prime ministers. jake has the, you know, is again, facing mass opposition to her rule. rival
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rallies have been held in parts of bangladesh between whose supporters and those who want her to step down at least 12 people have been killed and dozens more wounded. the government has again shut down mobile internet services and students. an opposition supporters are demanding justice for more than $200.00 people killed last month. during demonstrations against the government job, quote, a scheme that since been scaled back by the country's top court, under your child's reef was at one of the rallies and sent. this updates a tens of thousands of studies. i've got it here. the starboard square just on the entry of the back are university campus. they have taken stand in different location of the capital city. there's news of confrontation as well. even here are they are those consultation with the ruling party studying and even with police are getting reports of classes with police and ruling parties. member different parts
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of the frontier with a heavy casualties. they're demanding that the one point the government must step, the only demand to have a whole lot of time dangerous from the bank, closed the big island, the through the different location in the city. and they said they're not going to move no government. 6 done quite a general in many cases, the houses there uh dropped off. okay. we last week to talk to be or who does the south asia regional research or an amnesty international? joining us from london, thanks for speaking to us. what's your assessment as to the protests the way they're being conducted, and also the government's reactions so far?
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some thank you for having me do so what's happening and under this right now is nothing short of the historic revolution. i mean, you would think after the heavy kind of response that we witnessed over the last 2 weeks, which left to the depths of at least 200 people. and i'm una injuries of thousands, more a shoot on site, quite a few orders and funding president at 11. they entered and shut down. or you would think that that was enough to get those jobs to a popular spirit, but the people have come back even more resilient and know it's not just a student that movements are student movements. people from all walks of life have joined the students and yesterday we saw, you know, rick shuffle. there's trying to students and musicians, artist, actors, you name it. everyone was on the streets. so, um, right now, as i said, that we are witnessing something quite unprecedented and historic and so, you know, despite every post put excessive use of force that we saw that people are, are,
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you know, step fonts and resilient. and it really is crucial in terms of how the government responds to their to amounts and how, what's your assessment as to the way that the government has responded to the protests so far? all right, so at, i'm just international. we have been verifying evidence of the extent to which the use of force that we witnessed as a law of was offline. we found that over welding that it was unlawful because our planes, our findings showed the unlawful use of bird shot, which is a hunting weapon. that was used against on arms student protest, or we found on dangerous use of tear gas in, in close students spaces. we find evidence of unrestrained use of lethal firearm, such as a cape pattern, assault rifles to all of these violated you know, the risk to restrain principal, under protection principles under international human rights slot and find the best uninstalling person off the shows we're obligated to uphold so, you know, at the same time, you know, the, aside from the use of force, it comes protest as we saw the communications blackout, which is also
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a violation of its obligation under internal con carpenter and on civil and political rights. because it completely blocks the ability of people to conduct a, you know, human rights monitoring at a situation when human rights was most at risk. and then of course, and use our lives in front of us were also unable to share any news. so these were some of the key human rights concerns, right? in the points you make about the communications locked out. in particular, we understand now that the government has again shut down mobile internet services . but how challenging does not then make your work and your ability to be able to get up to date information with these connectivity issues and internet restrictions going on? absolutely, so, you know, currently it's a mobile internet shut down. so it's only mobile internet that's reportedly been shut down, so that means we can still come communicate with people in their own wi fi. but if the government goes on to ban a couple of the inputs at total internet shut down as it did previously. and that puts us at a complete stumbling blocks. so we typically rely on witnessing victim testimony to
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stop the gold standard or not from an editor. to ensure your perspective, but during the 6 day total shut down that was imposed, we were completely cut off from our sources on the ground. and we have to rely entirely on digital evidence, which as you know, is something that is requires extensive verification in the age of a guy. so, and deep fixed. so we are gently arts that way, but we, we strongly hope that the government will not go back to total shut down and we will be able to speak to the people on the ground floor most impacted by the ongoing crisis. okay, tucked beer has a thank you for joining us from london. the 2 people have been killed and several injured and a knife attack and the is really city of whole on police say, a post palestinian monster had several people. but south of tel aviv an elderly couple were killed. the area has now been filled off. police shot dead,
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the attacker, they say was from the city of some feet and they occupied westbank. israel's national security minister, it's in our bank of use as the attack shows why he believes is really is need to carry guns. law l war is know, certainly against around but here in the streets. this is precisely why we um, the people of israel, more than 150000 gun permits, issued in the last 8 months. let's bring into the abraham was running us, not from the adult. what's been to fall out from this attack and the aftermath on some states in particular as well we understand from these really forces as really sources, sorry, that the attacker has tried it or stopped really, several people in 3 different areas in the same location as he was asked before a policeman, shot him, now later on, and medical center inside. israel said that he shortly succumb to his wounds after
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and his ready police man saw him. now, let's talk about what these resources have been discussing. and these really media has been discussing in the past few hours since the cost a month. oh, there is a 34 year old palestinian from st. pete's which is to the north of the occupied west bank. and he managed to enter inside israel without in his way leading to the city permits. these permits are needed for anyone from the occupied to us bank or the besieged cause us to, to be able to enter into his role. but there are ways that palestinians can go and get inside there. so there has been a lot of discussion now about how they can enforce these really forces. how can they enforce tied to this direction, not only against palestinian workers, but also against anyone who is inside as well without such permits? since the beginning of the war we've been hearing and seeing how these really establishment has, you know,
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cracked down on elite people is going inside israel without the permits. how those permits have been really severely restricted, not allowing anyone to go in, in terms of workers. then we saw these restrictions being used a little bit, allowing sorts of workers to go inside with the permits. now this is basically becoming the discussion is that they consider this a security threat that they want to crack though more on the palestinians being inside this room without such a permit. and how likely is all of this uh, just going to add to the raising tensions right across the occupied westbank as well? yes. because right. the forces have closed. 2 entrances to set of feet. yes, we are expecting at a to the house of the perfect they said with a potential home demolition or the against the family home. but we are talking about the daily reality and the occupies westbank with these re, new forces can answer and are and putting processing is sitting sounds village is
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refugee comes a day at night whenever they want to yesterday. and so we've got a 2 areas strikes, killed 9 palestinians that israel says they would have fighters belonging to a fighting group in the full cutting area to the north of the occupied west bank. the is really res, are continuing with the attack or with out of the crack, down on palestinians on their occupation is continuing and has been intensifying since the war started. thank you so much. and i, but i am reporting from the law in central garza is really forces have launched an error strikes targeting, tense, sheltering, displace palestinians in a hospital compound the attack, killed for palestinians, and injured 18 in the grounds of an up. so hospital and it started a large fire. thousands of palestinians have been sheltering from is really strikes in that compound. no means of. no,
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i was sleeping with my children in the tent. my daughter was in a separate tense next to me. suddenly we heard the shelling, then i quickly got up to check on the children. i found my daughter dead at the entrance to the tent. i started screaming and calling for help. she was injured by shrapnel. told her about zoom is outside of the hospital and dated by and sent us. those reports on the is really a tax in glasgow. this very army has been up scaling the ministry attacks and overnights twice. and even within the hours of this morning, the main focus for the strikes was on the percentage and a lot of them up to the hospital with a makeshift sense has been touched without 24. you're wanting hearing from medical services, the whole palestinians suffering from time to what we do on the ground is that is really long very, which is compartments into the district where they have been attacking civil cause
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. 3 palestinians have been recovered. choosing an open mind to attack on one of the civil calls, the alarm side, the middle 2 chains have some sense for out 0 sacks more than 16 posts have been killed since at least hours of the morning. what people here in the central areas have a great feeling of insecure. it saves you to do so. you said you're a straight fuck. apparently there was no response. no. meet me in the north. the district. simple areas generally on the southern costs where the minister ration of this been ongoing getting rough off leaving probably be great disruption on residential supplies in that area. power capacitive l 0 there is that i try to sign to live in on now where a barrage of more than 50 rockets has been fired from the south into northern israel. ringback ready explosions
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were seen over the upper gallery in the area as israel deployed, it's michelle defense system to intercept the rockets and people living near the border with 11 on we're instructed to keep close to bomb shelters. as the sauce the nations of a senior husband. like a manager in lebanon and the political leader of hema, how mass in iran has prompted travel warnings and major airlines to ground flights . kaylon lufthansa, m are it's air front, the turkish airlines, singapore airlines, in swift airlines. or among the carriers to divert or cancel flights to israel, iran and lebanon, and citizens of france, the u. k. canada and the u. s. have all been told to leave immediately. the u. s. embassy urged american citizens to book any ticket available, an offer to help fund urgent travel on the hash and reports from babe ruth airport . as you can see, many people are coming. many people also are leaving. there's a sense of urgency with all these warnings coming to people,
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whether to leave or to come back to 11 on because of the outlines. that's a whole team the services. so we've seen over the past few our. busy several embassies, who, once again repeated the warning for the citizens to leave lebanon. they don't get states embassy calls on its citizens, to book any flights, whether it's going to the final destination, or not just to leave the country. the french embassy also called on its citizens to the 11 on now there's no sense of k o, c i the apple of it's in organize. it's still under control. we don't see people fight seem to get into the apple. there's no such scenes. however, many people are coming, we can see a bit of traffic in front of the default. sure. and also people are coming. people
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are arriving back to level many of the been used outside full of vacation, some of them for business or whatever. people are all kind of seizing, unfortunately on this window to get back to cyber lies before does anything that's going to happen? the concerns over in your range of retaliation over as well as with allegations as well. and the consequences is creating this situation because many people are really afraid that this might take the regions into a kind of i'm on controls on, on, contain escalation from suffolk, or how do you international airport in bed with all the hash of the us president joe biden says it is uncertain if iran will retaliates following the killing of honey. are you
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doing? well. ok. but despite what biden's says, he's deploying additional military assets to defend is really against a possible retaliatory attack. and the u. s. s. abraham lincoln aircraft carrier is making its way to the middle east. it will replace the u. s. s. theodore roosevelt that's currently operating in the gulf of home on just kilometers from the straight, a for moos, that forms a maritime borders with iran. the pentagon has also ordered us destroyers on cruisers to move to the mediterranean sea, off the coast of israel and 11 on we have with us on the bus us lani, who's a senior research fellow at the center for middle east strategic studies. us a think tank that's facing, said ron, joining us via skype from the iranian capital. thanks for your time. how do you think that the iranian government is viewing these deployments and these u. s. military maneuvers in the region? is this being seen as an escal remove?
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i doreen. uh i think that the wrong the way it says uh these, you know, developments is related to impact the bronze retaliation against israel. they want to because there have been some mediation efforts in order to make the wrong in order to revise its decision to respond to you as well. but those mediation assets have not been successful so far. and that's why it joined the joint. then bottom industries going to visit the wrong today. and the part of those deployments are aimed at sending a warning message message to the wrong path. if they want to retaliate, there might be some consequences. that's why i think they want to qualitatively impact the wrong decision in the meantime, you know, the risk of the original war is more than ever on the risk of a brother. conflict is c vs. that's why i think americans are getting ready that in
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case uh, the escalation which is to, i'm predictable level. they've all been there to help as well because they think that is and can not, you know, alone handle the situation. so that's why they are also making some true ratios in order to help you as well. okay, i'm going to get back to the, to the point you make about the risk of original war. but 1st on jordan, in particular, as you said, the jordanian foreign minister is visiting to her on sunday. what are those conversations going to be like? um, of course we remember back in april that jordan was what helped shoot down iranian marseilles when iran was retaliating against tel aviv as well. very nice, think that the jo done in foreign ministers, bringing a message from the georgia and government and the send me a high ranking officials in the country. because jordan, as you said, was a part of those countries who shut down some, you know,
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jones or missiles send from you, written inside. and even in the officials have already said that those countries who give their aerospace to be as well, they will be legit. the targets targets so that's why jordan. 2 is concerned that in case of you know, any escalation or any conflict between the run in the sales, they will bills so suffering from the situation though so that that's why they are trying to somehow 10 per a. ron's response to israel as well as to make sure that they will not be potty to the conflict. however, the past experience show that in a different on opposite manner. a bus i think there. 2 must have, for will be signing to, you know, convince the wrong to show restraint or at least to uh, temperate response. but in the meantime, they want to make sure that they will not be that the tie gets it by. you've gone in case that the wrong the, you know, is the, you know, a targets israel. but when it comes to the iranian response, i mean,
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is iran stuck between a rock and a hard place here? because in the past, iran said that it doesn't, it's once anymore. but over the past week, what we've been hearing from iranian officials is that they need to respond to the is really assassination of it's 900 a year. so this, this response has to be very calculated for iran the, the rain, the, you know, uh that have been the speculations about the timing done quality of this response. but uh that has been different views on that. what is in common is the image that this is retaliation is going to be inevitable on the comparing to the a probably in that it's, i guess, is real. i think this upcoming launch this talk is going to be a mazda of positive. the more complicated this time because it's real cross, you know, many red lines of the wrong that you've been in officials, you know, considered as big red lines. so that's why you ron has so,
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so across the red lines of israel, this time we might be witnessing some casualties into targets on the. so that's why i think the wrong will have no option, but to respond to the assassination on the but the, you know, whether it's going to be some of the team is with the members of the access of businesses or this, the kind of thing. but whether it's going to be one time, or some, a random is sitting in a military officials have been, you know, talking about, you know, these different then various measures. so this uh brings the idea of maybe a process there by then there could be different measurements. all right, thank you so much. our boss is lani, thanks for your time for me to hon. so there's plenty more head on the i'll just there are news. our including a ceasefire agreements between the democratic republic of congo under a wanda comes into effect. but will it work on the far right protests, or is riots across the u. k. in unrest. police say is linked to online
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misinformation about us stopping the president bowler to new booth has asked nigerians to suspend demonstrations. following days of violent protests, demonstrators want the government to reinstate fuels subsidies and implemented 2 additional reforms. they believe the changes will help reduce the rising cost of living to boost as he's introduced new policies. but they will take time to improve conditions. several people have been killed and dozens more arrested since the protest began on thursday. and that started the pain and the prescription that dr. this projects. and i want to assure you that our golf rate is coming to, to listening, addressing the concerns of us citizens. well, we must not let valid lives and destruction to our nation that popped,
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let nobody me saying for i'm is educating you about your country. oh, tell you that your government does not care about you. oh, do that. i've been many dashed. oops. in the past, we're a new era of renewed hope. i did the lease reports from nigeria as commercial have like blake goes, where a protest are ongoing despite the president's quote for com. of what the protest as we're asking for a fundamentally is the reversal of fuels subsidy that was removed by the simple government in may. and last year when he took power. now they said not just the genesis of niger to see to know me and foliage cause problems. uh now they also one place to end. apart from that, the ones that reversal of charters imposed by the very bustle of a subsidy is removed. a new types enforcing the set top electricity and other
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aspects that what's not addressing the preston to address now to join me now to talk about the president's address is ok. i me pull, i re okay. me talk to me. what do you make of the president's speech cluster for all? are you happy with that? does he meet your demands? you've been on the streets and it says, this is a 50 now. that's what i mean. yeah. all the rest by today, by the president is reached. i think my, me, me day to ash on his out. on the, i mean on the way me to say the least of godaddy soul of citizen to someone who was the domain um, but then snowball will speak to nature as we speak to a citizen. when did you mind? yeah. being able to point anybody else, he said he's willing to for dialogue, is willing to listen to you guys what if it was waiting for the people on me. so i'll just make make it through announcements. ok. and if it will be, will be forwarded to the nationalist, that'd be a quote to,
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you know about what the subject, what else doesn't go into the democratic republic of congo. and for once, i have agreed to receive fire. after nearly 3 years, a fighting violence has displaced 1700000 people, but as image and kimber reports. many question whether that deal will hold here in the democratic republic of congo, use of conflict between the congolese, omi and runs and back to m. 23, maybe about and mediated by the end goal and government and use these far to end fighting mainly in the northeast will replace the humanitarian trees that's being in effective. the conflict as that the m $23.00 taking control of large slides of north keeping an area bordering rwanda that is rich and copper gold and diamonds. most recently, it's made advances towards the areas capital guidelines. you run reports show that up to full size and we wanted troops have been fighting alongside them. 23 seats
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for would be welcomed by millions of people caught up in the complex, but many of them was skeptical it. what was it? 5 off finish. we welcome the end goal and peace process, but this situation is creating confusion. we don't know who is doing what with what result on the ground. we have seen many different cease fires without impact to our people continue to suffer. we really have managed this file in all those, these files. we have 0, these are view the people i think people would think that both the file we we bring us peace. but did you find out the is because there will be continue, deal, see, has long been pushing that we want and government to admit supporting m 23 something it usually denies of refuse to negotiate directly with m 23, who they say are a proxy members of m 23 haven't taken pause in this agreement, but say they already to meet with the deals, the government. some people fed m 23. don't respect the agreement. while the
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congolese army does the situation may watson method here most of us are. we believe this, these guys looking around me and hoping the rebels it will allow the robust to maintain their occupation on online and just keep up people in camps of them in the un estimates the fighting. in those keep you provence, dispose more than 1700000 people from their homes, one of the highest levels of displacement in the world, creating humanitarian crisis. and how does the scheduled imposition of the ceasefire? m. 23 have continued to make advances. heading towards the strategic area on the border between d, o, c and uganda policies for us to close to our new few weeks. the lives of many people could depend on this one being different image and came back out to 0. what speak to allow i county who is joining us, not from government and the eastern democratic republic of congo, a law is the cease fire holding
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this is the big question right now. getting everybody asking, going to do what is happening on the ground, because we have just heard from the quantity shown, the leading in which the empty tray is not a part of because we have to make it very clear for our viewers. that them 20 trustees auto mall. so one year right now, the not being the, one of the big qualities on the quarter to see if this is under the quote initial off the for my d r a c, like total for me. so on chairperson is the one was just spoken white and i was saying that say i've been as 6161 the already, which means that's of the clouds. but after that i'm going to communicate that with not to link data for this a ceasefire. most minutes that that sees the suggest a voice mail on the ground. you said that they have been under this is file. they have already always been defending themselves. this is exactly why yesterday they progressed again and people on the ground up for something about this, this,
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the ability to of this is for you and also how this will be different from uh, 7 of those that we had before. and this why the popular so not really what's holding the capacity of the did the of the government, whether the standard refusing to negotiate with them $23.00. and they are wondering how this will end because on the ground it rebels also, they think they updated toward the portfolio in a large area, we'd, minerals and so on and population believe that's why to know them to. and if you do levels, are the want gaining more advantage on, on this, these 4. and this would not, at all headed into a government sites, but it's still very fraudulent. no one knows what would happen exactly tomorrow because implants are willing right now to go to the border with you got that, which is the 2nd one after the one they took the total us here. okay. i know you will keep us across the story. thank you. for that update from uh, new york, still ahead on the houses, it renews our ukrainian forces sink
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a russian submarine in an attack on the block. c port of sylvester full will explore the significance the process. and then, as well as from both sides of the political divide, following president nicholas monteros, 3 election and the greatest female swimmer, a full time makes more history in the pool at the paris olympics. have details coming up in the african stories from african perspective? some of them are on a henry to me this month for yes, i'm, i'm actually, i'm is in you, to me to show documentary by african filmmakers from donna and fox one 0, who lives and will i know, just for fun. i will finish zillow for a little while, but found a ceremony. and the interpreter,
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a new series of africa direct on i'll just sierra to 0, tells the stories of to the thing. era writers who challenge conservative thinking in iraq and sepia. so see all the, just i really what are these ideas about iraqi identity divided the opinion, especially among the political and religious beliefs and during this. so that's a new growth, newspaper collins, so popular. they were read this every level of living in society, revel writers, iraq and zip you on how to 0. the. the the
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here with the news are on. i'll just say right here at the top stories, please speak, team people have been killed in bangladesh during rifle rallies between government supporters and those who want the prime minister shift has the not just stuff down . opposition for testers are demanding justice for more than 200 people killed. last month, an elderly couple has been killed in a knife attack, and that is really city of long police say a palestinian man from the occupied westbank also stab several other people during the attack cells of tel aviv. protests have continued and nigeria, despite president bulletin mover calling for them to be suspended. demonstrators want the government to reinstate fuels, subsidies and implement 2 additional reforms to return a 2000 all where in the north is really forces of carried out to air strikes on a school that was also sheltering, displace palestinians, at least 17 people were killed in the shepherd, one neighborhood of gauze, or city,
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dozens were injured and that attacked on the amount of school. israel struck the building again, minutes after it was 1st hits. i'll just there was a study force there. when the 2nd strike hits. come up there, i'll follow up on how to be on this the yeah, the is ready just targeted the home of school in the shake road, one neighborhood with thousands of internally displaced, palestinians have taken refuge. it was directly targeted. as you can see, none of the people who are presence of military or from the government. they are all women and children. but don't know, maybe don't feel like while we were documenting domestic here inside the school, the displays people receive close from these really minute treat, ordering them to evacuate the building immediately because it was going to be targeted again. the bodies of the victims are still in the school yard in a classroom and even in the surrounding area. until this moment, no one has been able to retrieve the bodies from inside the school.
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6 a number of strikes on the school at the moment after the 1st drug be is right across the right to the school again. and i said that's also another strike on the same location like them. uh, so what we spoke to is rarely intelligence off to the last, right. i mean, it's a killed our entry to retrieve the injured man. now we're approaching the school where the mask, it took place and which remains completely destroyed. we're talking about a series of strikes now, bodies everywhere, and the metix, retrieving the police on the part everyone. this is a big mess account to the, the school has been entirely destroyed. the rescue efforts are continuous and ongoing. the following massacre on these internally displaced people and these children, women in the amount of school and sick rug, one in central garza,
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the okay, we can now speak to i've done that already on who is an associate professor of history. george sean university in color. thanks for your time. so while the world and certainly diplomats are occupied and busy with the possibly reading and retaliation on the grounds and goals, other work continues. people continues to get killed and we see the, the rates that are taking place in the occupied west bank as well. and is, are the, is really, is trying to shift the narrative away from, from palestine here and put the iran in the firing line to so to speak. yeah, i mean, you know, the more that we continue to watch these images coming in, we're now 300 days into is this genocide, a war ones at a loss, frankly, in terms of how to respond and how to react to the images that we're seeing. you know, we have a report, at least from a, a very respected medical journal that over a 186000 casualties already in gaza during this time. and it seems that every time
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we are shocked by a new level of violence, attacks on refugees, intense assaults on hospitals, destruction of schools, where people are seeking shelter. that it becomes so quickly normalized to the point where it doesn't get reported quite the same way with as much immediate attention. and a lot of this is in part because we're shifting our focus to the broader regional dynamics to the idea that this could now become a conflict that actually in flames. a number of other countries we're seeing, of course, through the escalations with this past week's attacks and living on an iran. and so as a result, i think there has been far less attention paid to the ongoing unfolding of these atrocities in palestine. that's all we're going to the is, are these own assessments. the is really military and nothing. yeah. who have failed to achieve any of their objectives. and garza, as you know, is a wider war. the only way out for the is really is anything short of that will be seen as yet another failure. yeah, i mean, i think is simply, you know,
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looking at this as a way to kind of spread out the loss is essentially right that the military defeat in the immediate campaign and guys of the inability to achieve. the very clearly stated objectives at the very beginning of this has now allowed them to shift focus on to other campaigns, other enemies. and obviously try to also bring in other actors including the united states, which of course is now mobilizing in support of its allied and israel as a means of potentially um, uh, billing out these rarely is um, through expanding this conflict beyond its own borders. i mean, it's difficult to explain or perhaps even understands because israel is facing multiple challenges, not only of course, but their failures in gaza. but look, there's such a 6 that are coming out about their own economy that their economy has been suffering since october. the 7th, at least today we heard from is really media. that's a, they're saying at least 10000 soldiers have either been killed or injured in the
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warren garza. so what is the strategy here? well, i mean, i think there isn't really much of one. i think that's been kind of one of the observations that's, that's come across is the fact that in part this is about nothing. yahoo is immediate, political survival. this is about maintaining a certain kind of united front across is really society. a society that we know is very deeply fractured and divided and was very long before the unfolding of this current conflict. but since then, of course, we've seen capital flights. we've seen the closure of ports given the inability of ships to be able to actually dock. we've seen of course, um, you know, the, the lack of confidence in, uh, israel's credit ratings for instance. and so this is clearly going to bring about much deeper questions going far beyond even the end of the cessation of, of this current round of violence to see what kind of long term and broader implications are for it is really state the economy and society. okay. i'm the and thank you so much. i 2 wyatt's by far right groups across the u. k. have led to
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several police officers being injured and more than 90 people. arrested. police say that the writing is being driven by misinformation on social media. far right influencers falsely claimed the suspect, and the murder of 3 young girls and a stabbing attack in the town of south port was an asylum seeker and further protests are expected to take place in the coming hours below. not this one of it shows more from the city of liverpool, say so between 2 valuable groups, livable, those who say they're on to racist and those who are, again, immigration, coming to a head at this distance moved from the left wing protest as much to meet the fall, right when they were holding a riley, the police at times struggling to contain the situation here and
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the different side facing off here at the main menu on the, on the reading. and as the numbers and faith side swelled reinforcements, recruiting police getting ready for the serious disorder then the fast arrest us all right, protest a better way to wait to find the police moving in to trying to despise the crowd. as tempest spray in the heat. this just one of more than 30 protests planned to close england this weekend, often misinformation spread online that a soft specs in the matter of 3 visual goes with invisible immigrants. this sort of assisting even officer authority is revealed. he was born in person or to one to parents the most again,
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offices were confronted as these the we'll just let the in bell soft adding home a small right crowd gathered in front of a hotel housing migraines. this leading britain's home secretary to hold edge and talks with the u. k. prime minister. anyone who gets involved in criminal disorder at the moment, vocal re on of the streets will have to pay the price and they should expect that to be rest prosecutions penalties. and the full force of the lower including imprisonment, travel bounds and more but his anger and confusion grow on the streets of britain. these warnings yet to yield results united as an individual out 0 livable then as well as opposition leader has joined thousands of
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protesters demanding the result of the presidential election be overturned. hundreds of people have been arrested during demonstrations across the country since president nicholas my direct was declared the winner to reasonable reports carrying venice wooden slats and wearing white t shirts. thousands of people took to this tooth with one message. we're here to defend our vote. in spite of being threatened with prison, opposition leader and by the equity, no more channel joined to protest. the world knows the intent to forcefully withhold the result. 6 days later, they have not handed over a single record the period has expired, than the pseudo legal maneuver can cover up to, to the tooth is in our tallies and the sexes in our hearts. the lectures council has declared president nicola, why the, what are the winner that weed has failed to publish the 40 voting results? the government says it's system was hacked. opposition support is also
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acted as witnesses when it mentioned being displayed some of the chatty sheets in their possession. as proof of what they see was a massive problem, 1000 people have been arrested in the past week. 90 of them teenagers, human rights group say this tiny silas you 7 is william professor. he says sunday's election was the beginning of a new way. right in venezuela, april, you have a want to see at the very humane in the past you had an authoritarian governments that helped see me, competitive addictions. now the government does not accept results from decides to rule the same precedent. nicole and by the law says, the opposition is trying to get him out of office and blames the united states. on saturday. thousands of his supporters also took to the streets to defend the administration. so they don't feel good to go over the telephone and denounce that . the government of the united states, together with
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a loan mosque and the international process to really are at the forefront of a d stabilisation crisis and a crew to ta at this moment, against the venezuelan people and against the venezuelan democracy. this is not the 1st time my little has phase to con 12 ever said election or protest on the streets . but it is the 1st time the opposition says it can prove the defeated him. that's why they say they will remain on the streets. convinced the truth is on this side. they said, we'll just see the ukraine's military. he says it's destroyed a russian submarine and an attack on the block c port us of us to pull the rest of on. don diesel powered vessel was damaged twice and you creating attacks during the last year keeps, as the latest attack also damaged a russian air defense system. for moscow has not confirmed the claims. will you create a launched frequent attacks against russian targets in the black sea since the
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beginning of the war? one of its most successful was the sinking of the flagship of russia's block, safely it. in april 2022. she says it hit the musk fault with $2.00 and $2.00 ship . michelle's 2 months later you created was able to regain control to strategically located snake islands. russia withdrew from the island following ukrainian attacks after occupying it for a 126 days. and then october of 2022 ukraine claimed responsibility for a bomb attack on the courage bridge connecting russia to occupied crimea. and part of the structure collapsed into the water, killing 5 people at the time. we have our defense editor, alice could topple, is joining us now in delphi to talk through all of those and tell us what the significance is of the thinking of this particular summary. and alex, well, it's one of the big continued success stories for ukraine is our, it's operation is around the black sea, the submarine of being hit. and she mentioned earlier before, by
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a storm sort of missile the tour, a huge hole out the side of the submarine. it was being repaired, but known as being hit and sunk. now, to give you an idea, since, since of all started russia's last a 3rd of its black sea fleet. so literally, more than 15 ships have been put out of action by various means. so much so the verses are actually think you pulling the fleet back away from suggestible traditional headquarters for the black sea fleet is selling to this passage in quotes and bases slightly further afield. to give you an idea of another attack, the ukrainians killed the fleet commode as such, a full senior offices is attacked last year in september. so it is the last, the most of eskimo structure on the 3rd of it ships. so why as well are all these air defenses in crime, in particular being targeted? yeah, and this has been going on now for some months. you've been seeing s 300 as 400 and as 500 the latest of defense system in the russian inventory being systematically
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targeted and destroyed from the columbia and put it into the ground price for this is the coast bridge, the coast bridge road and well bridges from over the crushed straits. the main supply route full of military supplies and material through 2 brushing forces in the south bay, the crystal bend by them, the poor river. when you stop supplying them, then they kinda stopped to be out with a limb and more vulnerable to your training in the tax. so this is the grand prize, the destruction of the bridge, to thank you so much. alex could topless a tropical storm. this wind developing in the gulf of mexico has now strengthened and it's moving towards the us state of florida. tropical storm. debbie is expected to bring heavy rains and coastal flooding by sunday evening. hurricane alerts have been issued and parts of florida where strong winds on thunderstorms have now because russia has pledged
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humanitarian assistance to north korea following devastating floods that are believe to have killed hundreds of people in the country. north korea's leader control on frank president flattereth who sent for the offer, but he said his government had already launched recovery operations. south korea, media reports, the number of dead i'm missing could be as high as 15 hundreds. and the clean up operation is underway. following flooding and who non province in south west china, at least 30 people died in the city of zillow, shang, after typhon gave me brought record rainfall. at least 35 people are missing and neighboring since one province. 2 people died. 12 are missing, after a much slides it caused the bridge and not the city and the city of time thing rather to collapse, are here with the news. our coming up in a moment. big heavy favorite for gold and the 110 meter hurdle. he gets off to a great start, that story and much more is coming up with sports,
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which i'm late in the range, the a week. the look at the world's to please me. stories can do really good business in trade, whether you opinion global markets and economies in small businesses. economic problems street addresses, can they be fixed to understand how it affects our daily lives. counting the cost on al jazeera, we are a few kilometers from the border with as well. and one of the oldest markets in the middle east. this corner in southern lebanon hasn't been directly targeted for the sound of his rarely war planes, as well as rocket launches. by has, the law, has become part of daily life. the instability is affecting livelihoods. my home has been destroyed. i live to my village, we lost every 2 weeks ago. we were here shopping. and the exchange of bias started . people ran away. there's little optimism in
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a conflict that's linked to an end to as well as the war on casa, or possibly not even that the . the show is here with all the latest from the olympics next, during betty 12 hours of to winning gold and the women's 100 meters, julian alford was back on the track in the heats of the 200 meters alford. let's up this down. the problem is by pacing favorites for carry richardson so instantly, just us ever olympic gold medal inside of the metal. as you say, safely through to the semi finals, it's a 200 meters by winning height and could be on to assess sprint double video since jamaica is elaine pumps inherent in 2016. while the tiny carb united of solution
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has a population of just 180000 people and it's usually 9 for representing the west indies . and crickets alford is delighted to put some nation on the back on us who has been in boss of the for my country. know, many persons know about some of the show. sometimes i think i'd be on the road by the way. and they asked me where i'm from just hey my asking me for citizenship. and i thing now being a little bit challenging. and so people are going to be searching for some reason. now i'm just, i just to, to, on the, to this with, you know, my country's me, i'm a customer to us and just be an impass of the for them. and i'm sure they set up with you right now. i'm just looking forward to the celebration when i go home with them. and these were the celebrations back time solutions, the deputy prime minister and his tele sherry news countries finest sporting achievement offer it, made it to the big day be in 1996 picture with the flag on his tisha. why was it he's coming division out various ways to price it on social media that the nation
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is waiting patiently to give high champions welcome is not good news afford you made today just a day off at a time and then pick medalist shelly on the fraser price was rude out injured as the 100 meters to sign the champion at. chevy to jackson is out to the $200.00 mesa is jackson pull it out to the 100 meters to focus on this event. but he's out of this one too with an injury. she is the 2nd fastest ever a this distance. one of the stands out images of the night on the track is great, is know 20 the cost late. see finished, picture day off the to greeting days of competition. it was noise marcus, race who want it's rece produce the performance of his life. he got either a personal best or a season's best. in 8 of the 10 events defending champion is damian. one is failure . to record a result, the po votes left the door open for a new window, rece the doing enough in the 1500 meters to secure noise, fast gold of the gains. a. what is time for the netherlands to use that trunk comp?
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they want the mixed a full bite, full 100, meet his gold, blace sang so that multiple well champion of some cut, both the dots were full. so going into the final, let's just take a look at the acceleration here from both of the finish line. test it cuz she wanted to. she was a bronze medalist any 400 meter huddles and take care and she will be favor for gold in paris. and the 30110 major hurdles. well, champion grunt holloway means business is safely through to the semi finals with the fastest time in the heats the american aiming to improve on his silver level and take a 3 years. okay. small history in the port for american seat, the stock, casey, the becky equaled a 60 year old record for the most gold medals won by a feeble olympian. exactly how it off australia is. are we on sickness to take victory in the 800 meters freestyle. she becomes the only woman and only some of us
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and michael phelps with 4 then pick codes. the same event is that the 9th gold medium, high level was for most of it to mess the reset less than any. and it took an overall tale to 14 metal just a feeling of relief. i just, i think coming into the 800, i just felt a lot of pressure from myself just from my history in the race. and i knew going into it that it was going to be a really tough race and that everyone in the field was going to throw everything they had that me. yeah, definitely had to give it my all. and i think we'll, we're all heard. i guess one does not fall behind the desk in the gold medal count is the main vials who one has 7th by taking victory in the vote final following his success in the team and we're around events, the american was against the stands out for 4 months miles finishing ahead of brazil's rebecca androti's. c. make j. terry. the 27 year old now has had an empty
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metal april and also it's, she was us. this is the last time we will see her voting accident into the game. last definitely that you're trying to double pay, i mean i kind of mailed that one. so you know, never say never the home games is the home. the next olympics is at home. so you just never know, but i am getting really old all and secure that fast ever olympics meddling gymnastics thanks to respect clinic in the to time world champion from northern ireland when a high score in palmer holes final quite the turnaround fault and the kind of good, you finished 7 advertising again. 3 years ago. that was the lights gas about jim's remco avenue pulled in the men's road race. you have to change bikes off a punch, the inside the final 4 kilometers. luckily for him, he's already built a huge lead increase to victory off to go to the time trial is while he becomes the 1st month when both right cycling events at the same game. it is china,
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he's still lead the way in the middle table with 16 golds the united states not fall behind with 14 warehouses, fonts, have 12 gold stuff. the same is australia. great person have 10, is one of the boxes at the center of a gen doesn't troubleshoot the games is reach the set, the finals of the women's, 57 kilogram events. so i was letting you thing is guaranteed at least a bronze medal, often facing both areas that loaner coming over at the sound of a, in a unanimous decision, lynn and i was jimmy inbox that you might probably suffice face to squeeze me these and then fix off the reportedly fading the international books and associations and the eligibility tests which still them disqualified from last year as well. championships, police is also into the semi finals in huh. weight division, that is what you'll support from me for now. i will have more likely repeating action flemings how does that ava jump in, which we're taking call us our quest for gold medal. definitely looking forward to a demo. thank you so much. and thanks for watching the news, our on algae 0 will take
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a short break and my colleagues from mccrae will be with you in just a moment. and tom will have much more of the disease news for the latest headlines, thanks for watching. the 2 years health captive by i saw a life altering experience for any victim most so when 2 years is half of your life time a full year old. yes. the boys struggles to recover from the trauma of abuse and the witnessing of unspeakable atrocities. meds, childhood, a witness documentary on a jersey to a desperate for palestinians to this, to decent a nation to on a free day. even if you buy cold water from outside, it would cost you $5.00 or 6 chuckles. i don't have enough money. even the water we drink here is not properly sold before the war. this punch provides it's 20000000
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liters of a fresh water a free day, around 250000 people. now the facility can produce just 15 percent of the original outputs off to the east, but only destroyed power links to the prompt. it has been forced to run a backup generators using fuels which is radically running out how to study in west coast and coordination with the use very forces on now in attempting to connect an external power line to the phone. electricity supply is restored. it's around for once again, be able to run a full capacity for these palestinians. it will provide at least some really hard hitch. i mean to be, is israel, it no political piece of? i think that's the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way.
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that's our facing realities. you're running, mean what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the effective use of the person as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to how does era the treat. ben hill was in bangladesh between government and opposition. suppose this leave at least 18 people did. close. the growing for prime minister shaken, seen it to resign, the the hello on top of the car. this is l, just their life. and so coming up an elderly is rarely couple of hills and 3 other people wounded in the staffing attack that elevates us canada from 70 u. k. u,
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it's basically.


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