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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 5, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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those day after israel's more on gaza, the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line, the is really forces tom good to schools in $1.15 most of the did an injured a young children the i'm for me to miller. this is old. is there a life from don't also coming up the need a 100 people are killed in protest and bundle with dish. as pools grow louder for 5 minutes to shake a scene that's a step down. it's too close to poor. busy and you pulled indicates a type race between comma harris and donald trump. for the us presidency. this is
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not to protest. it just organized violence. and the u. k. prime minister issues of wanting to fluoride protesters as the country faces as was rioting. 13 years the we're beginning garza where at least 50 palestinians have been killed and is really as strikes on schools and gaza city. this was the scene shortly off to the attacks . as risk is rushed to save the injured the . the 2 schools, the sheltering hundreds of displaced people because of civil defense is 80 percent
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of the dead and wounded a children and many more lives, but trapped under the rubble. the is railing with a tree city was talking to him. i must fight as is the idea that we were just setting down when up on the so in another hit, the school next to the 2 schools were housing, the display, civilians and children with being retrieving the remains of children for the past hour. this is so on for how long will we remain like this? we are tired enough to a residence of gauze us that he said the strikes came almost a mule tenuously, as old as there was a na, social reef as this report. a lot of the is really were plans targeted her son. so lama school in l. o. u and the street in western gaza city. a number of people were killed and others were injured inside the school. after an error strike hit several classrooms. hosting a large number of displays, people. i'm sure that the, uh, the map is we can see a lot on the floor the inside the school. the fire is still raging. well,
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there are a number of bodies under the robot have, i'm sorry. this is the palestinian people. we all set fox, we are all mountains. we are on mountains. the huffman children and old people pick your women on the good will save us. what did the children do? the this was on these very these lists of target. this is the shelter 5, the piece is children and women and bodies everywhere. but i see that some of the few months and also after the her son. so i'm a school was targeted. the nearby on after school was targeted itself. there's thousands of internally displaced persons depends. it was targeted without warning about. there are a number of people killed and injured because of the are striking to be all over the last few days. is really war plans,
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hip schools and gaza city leaving people killed or injured. most of them are women and children. the people are still searching for the missing. we're talking about 2 simultaneous arrow strategies. the 2 schools came under heavy air straighten the you can see rescue efforts to pull a girl from the rubble. she is still alive. she is being pulled out now. she was saved on the lot is really air strikes have been concentrated recently on id p centers would filter thousands of id p in the last centers to be hit for another, a school and her son. so long a school i just had a large number of people were killed and dozens were injured. i don't, the city of i love, you know, the, the united nations is warning of what it calls a frightening increase in hepatitis a infections among piloting and children in gaza is reported $40000.00 cases since
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the starts of the war compared to 85 in the 10 months before the conflict began, as in could you read reports from my luck? so hospital and dental bala, health facilities are struggling to cope over whelmed, but still hanging on and still working the reception is causing and it's hot. it's the heat of some of the medical stuff try to keep some oregon in. okay. currently we have for us to break the 1st 1000 papers out, the vehicles about licensed in there is a lot of homes. the case, the case is the best i can see, we can present it to that has to be said here with the board and it's resources to be in such a large number of cases. we're currently in the emergency department in a locks a hospital. and as you see,
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it's the complete chaos. children are laying on the floor. they do not have even beds to sleep on according to their mother. they have been waiting for treatment for hours of doctors are over well with the amount of injuries, the amount of diseases were not only talking about with injuries from that is where the air sites. we're also talking about diseases like hepatitis a have to be called you and other can diseases human would know who s my yes. sits on her doctor how this 5 in the quarry door and told them it's in there. and i was shocked when i found out that my daughter has hepatitis a. she was suffering from stomach crumbs and high temperature for about 3 weeks. she's very sick now and doctor say her situation is dangerous. i think our illness is because of the lack of cleaning materials and sanitation hearing cause of the
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hard on the on the other outbreak, doctors here tell us is of and potato, skin infection. charles, after child are showing up here, suffering sim tens. the results for as nice as to also bring, can people into the sim, overcrowded, liquid there, so not a high level was last a reason, lots of lice, loc, safety, lack of dignity. and 10 months into this, we're assuming glass of will on behalf of the international community to put far more pressure on israel to stop in the address either the la garza has as well as released the video of its latest attack saying it is 5 is ready targets now living on 7 border, the on group says it's all good to the tones of july and the menorah in northern israel video appears to show rockets being fired at houses
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that followed and only a badge of moving 50 rockets fired from southern neighboring on in to know the news, ro, explosions was seen over the upper gallery area as israel and the point of missile defense system to intercept the rockets. israel's prime ministers want a wrong and its allies that he's government would exact a price if it attacked benjamin netanyahu, who's been meeting, is secure with the cabinets in west jerusalem. his was about to avenge the killing of a top commander by as well. earlier this week, the ron is blaming israel for the assassination of almost politically. the is marla nea into ron on wednesday. i'm the salute has more from jordan's capital. i'm on that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu conceding a meeting with top level security and defense officials on sunday. and it comes after the country's defense minister jo of delano convened
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a different meeting in order to present ideas to these really prime minister on what they could possibly expect in a retaliatory attack by the it audience. his vala and perhaps even the food these in yemen. now these really armies spokesperson daniel, her glory and a press conference on sunday. said that israel still doesn't know from where the attack is going to come from, but that they are prepared on all fronts and that they are prepared to act both offensively and defensively. several images on social media that have been circulating, showed iron dome missile defense system batteries that were being deployed and replenished all over the country, as israel seems to be bolstering its air defenses in preparation for whatever might come. now there are also reports within his really media that to be should invest. that's the internal security service, has opened up a bunker for his really officials underground and even distributed satellite phones to his really officials should the comes the wiped out in any sort of attack. but
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is really official, say they are at their maximum level of preparedness. and they are doing what they can to prepare for these attacks that could spill the region over into a wide spread conflict from the central jersey to a man. and a reminder from those reporting from jordan, because as well as government has band or to 0 from pull costing inside the country us, the united nations is quoting for the violence and bundle of dish to stop at least 91 people have died including police offices, as demonstrates as court on prime minister, shake us, you know, to step down the demanding accountability of to move in to 100. people were killed last month during protest against the government, the jump quotas. tons of child tree has moved from da com. a
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protest as in bung it that is to have one demand. the government must step down immediately and they said they will stay in the straits until the 2 students in opposition. supporters went just as often estimated, 200 people were killed and thousands injured last month, one protesting against a government job code, a scheme. the scheme has been dropped, but that's not enough for the protest. there's the sufficient but this them to punish separately because of the government and defeated their god. but they have done all this collect kendall preston. nothing would happen if they would have met the demand, the quote $34.00 in the students have gathered across the city, including a shutout square by the doc or university campus for getting reports of classes with police and ruling parties. member different parts of the frontier. the whole time, dangerous violence as
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a result of this pleasures between the student police supporter from the opposition groups and supporters of the ruling party. the a warming lead authorities have pro schools and universities across the country, blocked internet access, and impose the chute on site courtesies. she thought they could stop us by closing educational institutions, but you cannot stop us. still, there is the math blood stains on the road. protest is one to bring the whole country to a stand stable. calling on the public stopped working and paying bills. a group i talked to major public hospital and the community center homes have been vandalized and some threatening more of the will. the ministers are in hiding. wait to see how the people will go into the wrong department house check. i've seen it doesn't resign voluntarily to take on next spend. so she taught bnb delmark check has said
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that brings the main opposition to bangladesh and national his party and then the right thing, jim updates let me party for instigating violence and has pledged to investigate the depth and say with protesters. but they said they only wanted resignation 10 each of the i'll just say the families of protest is missing off the cracks on against demonstrations and kenya of the mounting, on so as to what's happened to them, write scripts, they more than 50 people have been killed and dozens more have been abducted or disappeared. malcolm web reports from nairobi. susan when gary's been searching for her son emanuel for more than a month. she says he went to wack in central nairobi on the 25th of june. today, tens of thousands of mostly young people protested in about 50 towns and cities.
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and 9 year old sister told us he joined and this is him. they haven't seen him since, you know, i love that have body to vs on it as best as those who haven't bodied me. i have no bided. i am always in being of the demonstration started against the finance bill that would have raised the taxes spread across the country. i mean, rubbing cools and corruption. and so president william, we say to resign. david to manual disappeared, or just as an ottoman please cute thousands of them. since then, hundreds of people have been arrested and thousands of others have disappeared. being abducted by men in playing sides. many of them say they repeated interrogated and then released. but several people are still missing. i know those like frankie and dory has been found dead. his body was found in
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a public toilet. an autopsy revealed he was strangled the president router's before me. the government reforms and justice with those codes. even the i, he's in the can who has to disappear. i wonder people at fort on see can so in, so how's this up yet? i would be very happy to deal with the campaign as say his action so much his what almost every day families come here to the city. more cheery to look for loved one rights group. say please bring parties and submit reports that don't add up these 10 comments on the abductions they deny extrajudicial killings. what the police are doing through the orders of the executive is violating those constitutional rights . and we cannot accept to leave in these kinds of environment. where may i be exercising rights? leads to someone being killed. any justice will be too late to university student
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angela monday. is buddy was found floating in this used quarry, days off the he attended a protest with that. my son, this others, like susan, just want on says the malcolm web elders era. maybe this is still a head and i'll just, they're they're not running away from a fights. defiance from demonstrates is in nigeria, the spark push it to in their approaches, the had a lot of that. so let's have a look at the weather full cost for north america, and don't be deceived. it might look quite quiet on the satellite image, but we're going to see some pretty wild weather,
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especially for the southeast of the us. we've got a strengthening tropical storm that's expected to turn into a hurricane. as it approaches florida, it's expected to make land full here. on wednesday, we have got hurricane warnings out for the west gulf coast of florida. we're seeing some very strong winds. we are expecting a storm surge of moving to meet us and exceptionally amounts of rain of to $500.00 millimeters, maybe even more. so we are expecting flash flooding with that. it works its way across florida towards georgia on monday to choose day. its then expected to pull out into the atlanta before moving back inland, across the carolina. so we will keep an eye on that system. it's gonna bring some exceptional amounts of rain on cause widespread and damaging flooding elsewhere across the us. we're seeing severe storms rumble across the great lakes towards the east coast of rain in the full cost for new york and washington dc. but it remains very dry with the heat continuing to build in california. so if you 3 degrees in
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los angeles on choose day the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, i'll just say, are aligned to about top stories. this hour is really attacks and 2 schools in garza city of killed at least 50 palestinians risk who will say 80 percent of the date and injure the children. many women and children are still buried and live
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under the rubble. at least 91 people, including 13 police officers, have been killed in bangladesh to encroaches. there's a mountain prime minister to shake has seen a step down. united nations is quoting for an end to the violence protest as i have rejected calls from nigeria and president paula on the table for an instant nationwide demonstrations. thousands of people again on the streets on sunday, demanding fuels subsidies and reforms to tackle the soaring cost of living. i'm the states that national says at least 13 people have been killed. and the police cracked on off to 4 days of protests president to new was, is newly introduced policies will lead to improve conditions of what some people remain unconvinced by the present presidential foss. it doesn't address the needs of the nature of peoples by reducing the few fries back to 200 thinking back subsidy, reducing cost of education. what mean to avoid that then?
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yeah, it's possible someone like it to a seriously, honestly, i don't expect any too much from him because he's more like a dictator. he's someone that smokes, whatever, he se drives it's uh for his own benefits. so if he hasn't been defeated from the nation, the he, i'm used to call about this nothing much he can see about on needs. i'm going to address has moved from lagos. there was so much it's practitioners, president, while i mention when he addressed the nation even before the address on the people . one looking at a hoping for a quick resolution of the crisis and to the project so that the businesses and all other activities can resume. however, many of them felt disappointed by the process. that is, governments was open to dialogue. now that started the dean and the pro solutions
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that drive this projects. and i want to assure you that our growth rate is coming to, to listening and address and the concerns of us citizens, while we're most not let valid lives and destruction to our nation that popped, let nobody me same for i'm is educate you about your country. oh, tell you that your government does not care about you. oh, do that. i've been many dashed. oops. in the past, we're a new era of renewed hope. yeah, and my goal is the business hop i've had to see has started slowly. uh, early in the morning when you arrive tier, the only less than 10 people on the street. yeah. protesting against the rising cost of living late that we saw to other people joining them. but the number of security agency, a number to protest as a 10 to one. however, as
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a protest continued, then a section on the for just as said, the process with this 1st level says the i just this one for all levels with for the president to platform. if he doesn't perform definitely please. up to about francis the if it was going to be $3000.00 independent be under, we put this now over there on that part of the road is a small by end of the project. as we don't want the process to end, it was waiting for the it's about me. so pushing i'll just make make it through announcements. okay. and if it to be, will be forwarded to the nationalist, that'd be a quote to, you know about what the subject, what else doesn't go into the sports. you mean it's not what we do. it's not what you will see di, 50 minutes. so why should we check and see what we can also, what is the reload this morning? so just to meet out if you need company would generally there is a sense of division among the protest, etc. in vegas as to what is exactly happening, how many degrees i just gotta lagos,
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nigeria, to the democratic republic of congo, z m, 23 on the gulf has taken control of a key town on the border with uganda. the majority, if they to the movement seized is shonasha. without resistance on sunday it happened as a ceasefire deal between the company's government and one that came into force gullies repeatedly denied accusations had faxed them. 23 alone work on a report from the regional capital of goma. such a was the only one both remaining. would you gone to in terms of customs in this area or from to we have to remind view of the them 20 to the fight to get almost like 3 different territories, like to know even my c c. well the, the, it's also helping them to stuck the tone of what am i yeah. well yeah, because they're almost on, on the, on the mid golf go my here controlling the monitors around the socket. then you go and the other side off
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a little bit. all the up and then another for july in the last last to last month. and now the dev templates all most the top and the gaining areas in this, in the take it off the table. and this is making things more appropriate, get it done with civilian. this is why it was already many people, as we said previously late, it was amazing less well because they've done was wondering, was wondering how the government would make a decent walk. and this is exactly, and then the continental, this call is shown in which them to the 2 levels. why to know them all. it's called if c said or would during the day that they were coming, they would coordinate the march. and this is exactly what the of the they've done the right to now, and we don't know to model what would happen again. but the old where the in the men stop digit go to of a, it shows a way to know ok that we just see that on the it on to molly's military rulers say they're cutting diplomatic ties with ukraine. they have accused cubes of supporting tal risk fights. as inside molly,
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the announcement comes of the dozens of molly and soldiers in the us and the race from russia's wagner group were killed by torak fighters in the north last week, monitored to as used. wagner mercenaries, 2 volts states ministry. since they can fall in 2020 ukraine says has received its 1st batch of american made of 165 digits. the media, anton undisclosed location president, let him as lensky says, the players will loose the countries with it's against russia. belgium then last the netherlands in no way have committed to providing ukraine was moving to 60 f sixteens over coming months. ukraine's military says it's sunk a russian submarine and the black sea port also festival. it also hits a russian air failed in the rust of region. caves is one via tax damaged a russian, a defense system. laska is not confirmed. the claims defense that it's a alex,
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the top less explains the significance of the sinking of the submarine. and it's one of the big continued success stories for ukraine is our, it's operation around the black sea, the submarine it being hit. and so i mentioned earlier before by a storm sort of missile, it took a huge hole out the side of the submarine. it was being repaired but known as being hit in folk. now to give you an idea, since, since the war started russia's last a 3rd of its black sea fleet. so literally, more than 15 ships will be put out of action by various means. so much so the vs are actually thank you, pulling the fleet back away from the festival. the traditional headquarters for the black sea fleets has something to disperse it in ports and bases slightly further afield. to give you an idea of another attack, the ukrainians tools, the commode in such
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a forcing your offices in the tac last year in september. so it is the last, the most of eskimo structure on the 3rd of it, ships polling in the us, points to a post contest between carmella harris and donald trump. for the presidency. the cbs, you gulfport will show that nationally democrat tyrese's points a is a republican trump, but that's well within the margin of error and key battleground states. the, to a level iris has made a notable difference with black americans. now say they planned to vote that numbers jump to 16 percent since president joe biden pulled out. but trump has an economic advantage. move on to say that be they don't financially, if he's back in the white house, which is there as rosman. jordan has moved from washington dc a 2 weeks after joe biden suspended his re election bid to be us presidents and endorsed commer harris. the us vice president is a head of the former president, donald trump, by just one point in
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a new page from cbs news. and you got this pulled up, which in, fall to the survey of more than 3000 likely us voters indicates a real thing z as in search for the democratic candidate. 2 weeks after the big shakeup in her party side. there are more people who are described as african american who say they are now likely to vote as our an increased number of young people and an increased number of women who indicate that they are the way to vote . and that they are much more likely to vote for harris that they would, for trump, all 3 of these communities had been seen as putting forward lack luster support for joe biden. before the shake up in late july, for his part, the former republican president donald trump has put out a statement, castigating the result of the new c b s poll. suggesting that the interpretation
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pulled out by the television network has been biased and aimed at trying to boost the vice president. so standing in the polls some 2 and a half weeks before the democratic national convention. of course, it is worth pointing out that the c b s poll does say that according to the voters, they believe that trump would be stronger on immigration and economic issues. points which the campaign would like to see harris attacked on, but so far have had to instead watch trump attack tumble or howards is race and national origin. russell and jordan elders. era, washington. it is a prime minister terrace tom is said fluoride sugs will regrets taking part in recent violence. that's mostly targeted refugees and other minority communities across the country. and then of incident of it sent us this report from the pool another day. another battle between via to and the police. the front line, this time
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a hotel housing migrants in rolls around in the north of england. the far right protest advertised as peaceful, quickly descending into violence. police taking the brunt of it, trying to protect those draft inside. but there is no sign of letting off here who in other parts of england in millsboro, in the northeast police struggling to hold back riotous as the sort of spreads. stalled by full stream is online that a soft spect in the matter of 3 young gulls in southport a week ago wasn't most an immigrant. the british prime minister voting instigators, they will be punished. i guarantee you will regret taking paul to this disorder whether directly all those within this auction on line, the running away themselves. this is not protest. it is organized


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