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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 5, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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sense for a columbia and grandmother fiercely protects her community and the world's largest cocaine for juicing regional land or death. a witness documentary on a jersey the . 7 the is there any forces talk or 2 more schools? the guys are sitting, most of the dead and injured are young children. the more about us and this is all just we have a life from joe. have also coming up nearly a 100 people are killed in protests in bangladesh as calls grow for private associates. i see not to step down this is not to protest.
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it is organized violence u. k prime minister issues, a warning to fall right? protesters as the countries phases, it's the worst wires are in 13 years. the us state of florida, braces for the arrival of a castle, green one hurricane the . so we're going to be getting guys over at least 13 palestinians have been killed and is ready airstrikes and schools and gaza city. shortly after the attacks rescue was rushed to save the injured. 7 the 2 schools were shout,
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3 hundreds of people have been forced out of their homes because of civil defense force. it says 80 percent of the dead and wounded. our children is really ministry . i said it was targeting homeless fighters. the just setting down went up on the so in another hit, the school next to the 2 schools were housing, the display civilians and children that were being retrieving the remains of children for the past hour. this is so on for how long we remain like this. we are tired enough, is that the residence of god says he said this strikes came almost a symbol. tammy, as they all just see, it is uninstalled surely for reports and the is really were plans targeted her son. so lama school in l. o. u and the street in western gaza city. a number of people were killed and others were injured inside the school. after an error strike hit several classrooms, hosting a large number of displays people. i'm sure i had that be a demo. we can see a lot on the floor, the inside the school, the fire is still raging,
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grow. there are a number of bodies under the robot have, i'm sorry, this is the palestinian people. we all set fox. we are all mountains. we are on mountains. the huffman children and old people pick your women on the good will save us. what did the children do? the this was on these very these lists of targets. this is the shelter 5, the piece is children and women and bodies everywhere by the few months of most of them after the her son, salamis school was targeted. the nearby on after school was targeted. it filters thousands of internally displaced persons id pins and was targeted without warning about. there are a number of people killed and injured because of the are striking to be all over the last few days is really war plans,
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hip schools and gaza city leaving people killed or injured. most of them are women and children. the people are still searching for the missing. we're talking about 2 simultaneous arrow strategies. the 2 schools came under heavy air strikes. the you can see rescue efforts to pull a girl from the rubble. she is still alive. she is being pulled out now. she was saved. i'm because a lot is really air strikes have been concentrated recently on id p centers with shelter thousands of id p and the last centers to be hit were another school and her son so long a school. a large number of people were killed and dozens were injured. out of the city of i love, you know, the united nations is warning of what it calls up. frightening increase and hepatitis a infections among palestinian children and gaza. it's reported 40000 cases since the start of the war that's compared to 85 and the 10 months before the conflict
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began. i sent 100 reports to my luck. so hospital and dental bala, health facilities are struggling to co, overwhelmed, but still hanging on and still working the reception is causing and it's hot. it's the heat of some of the medical stuff try to keep some organ. okay. currently we have for us to break the 1st 1000 papers out the vehicles about licensed and there is a lot of homes the case. the case is the best i can see. we can present it to the board and its resources to be in such a large number of cases where it came to me in the emergency department in the hospital. and as you see, it's the complete chaos. children are laying on the floor. they do not have even
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beds to sleep on according to their mother. they have been waiting for treatment for hours of doctors are over well with the amount of injuries, the amount of diseases were not only talking about with injuries from that is where the air sites we're also talking about disease is like hepatitis a, b, b, o, and other skin diseases, human would know who s my yes, sits on her doctor how this 5 in the cory door and told them it's in there and i was shocked when i found out that my daughter has hepatitis a. she was suffering from stomach crumbs and high temperature for about 3 weeks. she's very sick now and doctor say her situation is dangerous. i think our illness is because of the lack of cleaning materials and sanitation hearing cause of a hard on the other outbreak. doctors here tell us is of and potato,
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skin infection. charles, after child are showing up here, suffering symptoms. the results for us to also bring can people into the him, over to crowded liquid there. so not a high level was last, a reason, lack of lice, loc, safety, lack of dignity. and 10 months into this, we're assuming glass of will on behalf of the international community to put far more pressure on israel to stop. and the address either the la garza has as well as, as, is carried out. another attack on northern israel is really military confirmed. several rockets have been launched from 11 on the on monday morning, an officer and a soldier were injured in the attack. they've been taken to hospital now the wife says is national security team is going to meet in the coming out is to discuss the
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situation in the middle east earlier as well as prime minister benjamin netanyahu warned. and ron and its allies, that his government would exact what he called heavy price if it was attacked as follows, voted to avenge the killing of a top come under by israel algo this week undermines blaming israel for the assassination of how much politically that is small kinda into on, on wednesday, and also who ties more from jonathan's capital a month. that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu conceding a meeting with top level security and defense officials on sunday. and it comes after the country's defense minister jo of delano convened a different meeting in order to present ideas to these really prime minister on what they could possibly expect in a retaliatory attack by the it audience. his vala and perhaps even the food these in yemen. now these really armies spokesperson daniel, her glory and a press conference on sunday. so that is real still doesn't know from where the top
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is going to come from, but that they are prepared on all fronts and that they are prepared to act both offensively and defensively. several images on social media that have been circulating, showed iron dome missile defense system batteries that were being deployed and replenished all over the country, as israel seems to be bolstering its air defenses in preparation for whatever might come. now there are also reports within his really media that to be shouldn't bet that's the internal security service, has opened up a bunker for his really officials underground and even distributed satellite phones to his really officials should the comes be wiped out in any sort of attack but his really officials say they are at their maximum level of preparedness and they are doing what they can to prepare for this attacks that could spill the region over into a wide spread conflict from the central jersey to a man. let me just remind you that honda is reporting from jordan because israel is government has bandages here from broadcasting inside the country. and i've,
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united nations is calling for violence in bangladesh to stop at least 91 people have died. demonstrations and calling on prime is a share. i've seen a to step down and they say security forces. she'll be held accountable. often more than $300.00 people were killed in the last month during protests, which began against government jump quote, as terms of traffic has more from dr. of the protest as in bung with that of one demand. the government must step down immediately and they said they will stay in the straits until the 2 students in opposition. supporters when just is often estimated, 200 people were killed and thousands injured last month, one protesting against a government job code a scheme. the scheme has been dropped, but that's not enough for the protest. there's the suspicion and been brothers and the problem is happened because of the government and the failure to have done all
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this collect kendall preston. nothing would happen if they would have met the demand, the quote that for the students have gathered across the city, including a shutout square by the doc or university campus. we're getting reports of classes with police and grueling parties. member different parts of the frontier. the whole wall of time, dangerous silence. as a result of this classes between the students police supporter from the opposition groups and supporters of the ruling party. the a warming lead authorities have pro schools and universities across the country block the internet access and impose the chute on site courtesy. she thought they could stop us by closing educational institutions. but you cannot stop us. still, there was the math blood stains on the road. protest is one to bring the
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whole country to a stand stable. calling on the public, stopped working and paying bills. a group, i talked to major public costs, but the community center homes have been vandalized and some threats and more of the old, the ministers are in hiding. wait to see how the people will go into the wrong department house check. i've seen it doesn't resign voluntarily. to take our next step is she b dot bnb, delmar casino, blaine's the main opposition, the bangladesh, a nationalist party, and then the right thing. jim updates let me party for instigating violence and has plates to investigate the depth and said with protesters, but they said they only wanted resignation. then reach out to the i'll just say the com u. k problem on a secure summer said that what he describes as far right fog, the 2nd, a regress taking part in violence that's mostly targeted refugees and minority communities and the rest of the individual centers their support from levels
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another day. another battle between via to and the police. the front line, this time a hotel housing migrants in rolls around in the north of england. the far right protest advertised as peaceful, quickly descending into violence. police taking the brunt of it, trying to protect those draft inside. but there is no sign of letting off here who in other parts of england middlesborough in the northeast police struggling to hold back riotous as disorder spreads, dogs by full stream is online. that is suspecting the matter of 3 young girls in southport a week ago wasn't missed, an immigrant, the british prime minister, who, wanting instigators, they will be punished. i guarantee you will regret taking paul to this disorder
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with directly all those with the not this option online, the running away themselves. this is not protest. it is organized violence, february, it has no place on all streets or on line. the nights, the city of level pool, so some of the west violence youth tilting their road. neighborhoods the damage clear in the light of day with a smell of smoke. here is a, the welding. the space was refurbished only 18 months ago. it's good children's clauses, the community hub and in library it host adult i. t clauses which people his say the community desperately needs their welfare offices here as well that come and help people with the phones orals that go on and one nights violence to the onset as to why this happened isn't simple. so gives a, makes a sudden,
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obviously there's a large amount of file, right manipulation on social media. there was also an element of disaffection from all the people getting involved. but there's no excuse for the type of criminality and seeking to try and damage and ultimately destroy community facilities. we're not going to lance, that small minority divide. those we're not gonna let not small minority when that's why we're going to bring this policy back into use. and equally as well, we're going to look at how we support the wider community to build back from yesterday's on acceptable events. this romanian shop was the target of looting was left to pick up the pieces off the days of violence. communities can only hope it. oh, and soon, you know, that was to me to reach out to 0, livable. so ahead and i'll just say that we're going to look at why molly's cotton diplomatic ties with ukraine also russian masters were killed in an ambush. and this a how rich the
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the i had a lot of that. let's have a look at the weather for the middle east and live onto it. so can you launch the unsettled across the southern parts of the region? you can see the cloud showing where the heavy rain has been phoning across the south west as saudi arabia. that's called flash flooding and washed away some roads and bridges. then now the threat remains, we have, but warnings out well that southwest corner stretching western areas of the red sea . we've also seen some heavy falls across the western pots of yemen. and we could see the rain pick up as well in mind. we have what's warnings out here, if you spit some spots of rain as well, expected of course some of the gulf states. now, temperatures have come down here though. how is things such a 9 degrees celsius? we are expecting the humidity to pick up with that in katasha temperatures,
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however, it will recover by the mid week. we all seen them sit around the average for the north of this across much of the event that we have had some relief to the exceptional heat across the north west of africa. but temperature is offset to pick up and places like morocco in the days ahead. it is largely dry, however its way across most southern parts of molly shot as well. and we'll see some very heavy rain start to walk into tunzia and kenya as we go monday into tuesday, march trial across the self, the midst of how the nothing's happening. in general question like tablets, like let me just call you
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monetary. i'm really foundation to the the washing i'll just eat a reminder of a top so is this are, is really attacks and to schools and guys of city have killed at least searching palestinians, press your say 80 percent of the dead, an injured a children. israel said it was targeting homeless fighters, 91 people, including 13 police officers, have been killed in bangladesh during protest. as the primary associate cost fitness steps down, the situations pumped to the united nations a call from an end to the buttons you're creating says it's received his 1st batch
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of american made f. 16 fighter jets. speaking to the precedent, undisclosed location president luxury is that lensky says the plains will boost the country's war efforts against russia. belgium denmark, the netherlands on norway. i've committed to providing ukraine with more than 60 f sixteens in the coming months. grains military says that sancho russian submarine in the box. the products of us to poll, it also hate a russian air field in the last of region came, says one of the attacks damaged the russian air defense system. moscow has not confirmed the claims of defense attitude, excuse homeless, explains the significance of was thinking of the somebody or it's one of the big continued success stories for ukraine is our, it's operation around the black sea, the submarine of being hit. and so i mentioned earlier before by a storm sort of missile it took a huge hole out the side of the submarine. it was being repaired, but known as being hit and sunk. now to give you an idea,
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since since of all started, rushes lost a 3rd of its black sea fleet. so literally, more than 15 ships will be put out of action by various means. so much so the vs are actually thank you, pulling the fleet back away from the festival. the traditional headquarters for the black sea fleets has something to disperse it in ports and bases slightly further afield. to give you an idea of another attack, the ukrainians tools, the commode in such a forcing your offices in the tac last year in september. so it is the last, the most of eskimo structure. on the 3rd of it, ships molly's ministry voters, say they're cutting and diplomatic relations with ukraine, acute kiva, supporting product fighters inside molly, and ask when it comes off to dozens of money and soldiers unbiased and res, from russia's wagner roof were killed by product sizes. in the north last week, mommy's on to has used wagner, massive ways to bolster its military since taking part in 2020 under leibovich. is
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it a search father was actually on the institute and he's a specialist. and this a hell on north africa. he says, the possible presence of ukrainian intelligence was one explanation for the devastating losses incurred by the wagner group, as well as those of the v. r o. give ition that outside support emerged 1st from pro wagner sources, particularly on telegram and other social media. there are allegations, as you're creating systems to also french and other systems, which again would fit with the propaganda that bothers us to push about outside of position outside opposition to their efforts and tamale's efforts. but then it also fits with the overall attempt to explain why this attack are so devastating, particularly when wagner forces in molly had not encountered a sort of resistance like this before. now there are multiple reasons why that might be a force. outside training is the one possible explanation that doesn't really
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explain what happened. and i think we'd have to look at the facts with this. this expedition that was largely wagner personnel with some molly, independent before st. alongside that uh that it took place very far away from any support in very typical conditions and in an area that has for decades and who's been a stronghold of various battle groups in democratic republic of congo, them $23.00 on groups taking control of a key time in the border was huge and the majority ethnic towards the movement sees is shasta on sunday without facing any resistance. it happened as a cx. 5 deal came into force between the categories government under a wanda. because all the has repeatedly denied accusations that 8 box the m $23.00 level economy reports from the regional capital of coma. i thought i was the only one, but the remaining would you gone to in terms of customs in this area to we have to
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remind view of the them from the to the fight to get or mostly like it. so they do for 3020 lights now we must see see where the. busy is also helping them to stuck the tone of what am i yeah. well yeah, because they're almost on, on, on the mid golf and go my here controlling the monitor that are on the socket. then you go and the other side off a little bit, all the up and then another for july. and the last last to what last month. and now the, the template, it's almost the top and the gaming area in this, in the take it off auto table. and this is making things more appropriate, get it done would severely on. this is why it was already many people. as we said previously, it was amazing less well because they've done was wondering, was wondering how would the government would make this walk and this is exactly. and then the continental, this call is shown in which them trinity level is a way to know them on it's called if the said or would during the day that they were coming, they would coordinate the march. and this is exactly what they have the,
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they've done the right to now, and we don't know to model what would happen again. but the old would in the minutes 12 digit go to of it shows a way to know ok that we distribute it on the don't protest as a projector calls from nigeria and president obama to know. but for an end to nationwide demonstrations, thousands of people who are on the again streets again on sunday, demanding fuels subsidies and reforms to tackle the soaring cost of living understands nationalist says at least a $13.00 protest as have been killed in a police cracked out and after 4 days a protest president to boost as really introduced policies will lead to improve conditions. but some people remain unconvinced by the president speech or from the speech that the president has made so far. it doesn't address the needs of the nature of peoples by reducing the few fries back to 200 thinking back subsidies, reducing the cost of education in the board. that then yes,
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does someone like it too seriously? honestly, i don't expect any too much from him because he's more like a dictator. he's someone that smokes wherever he se drives it's uh for his own benefits. so if he hasn't been defeated from the nation, the yet he, i'm used to call about this. nothing much he can see about on me all the interest has more from lagos. that was how much it's practitioners, president, when he addressed the nation even before the address on the people. one looking at hoping for a quick resolution of the crisis and to the project. so the businesses and all other activities can resume. however, many of them felt disappointed, but the pressure said his government was open to the stand, the pain and the pro solutions that drive this projects. and i want to assure you
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that our golf rate is coming to, to listening on address and the concerns of us citizens. what we're more smoke, let valid lives and destruction to our nation that popped, let nobody me same for i'm is educate you about your country. all tell you that your government does not care about you or do that. i've been many dashed, oops. and the pups as we are in the new era of renewed hope in regards to the business hop. i've had to see i started slowly, early in the morning when you arrived here, the only less than 10 people on the streets, protesting against the rising cost of living late that we saw 2 other people joining them for the number of security agencies, our number to protest is 10 to one. however, as the purchase continued, then
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a section on the for just as said, the process with this 1st level says yeah, judicial level suite for the president to perform. if he doesn't perform definitely of the above treasury is that if it was going to be 3000 independent, be under, we put this now over there on that part of the road. is this the end of the project as we don't want the punters to end? it was waiting for the use of our mission position. i'll just make make it to announcements. ok under that to be will be forwarded to the nationalist. that'd be a plus soon. you know about what the public, what else doesn't go into the sports. it means that what we do is we'll just move stuff from what you will see die 50 minutes. why should we take and see what i'm thinking? also what it's about to see the reload this money. so just to meet out if the company would generally there is a sense of division among the protest considering lagos as to what is exactly happening, how many degrees i just need a lagos. nigeria,
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cambodia is probably minutes, has unveiled a $1700000000.00 plan to build a canal to link a river to the see. the 180 kilometer project was a known as the by the me calling river. and how much was about to finish it at all costs the project games to reduce the countries depends as of yet none for transport is expected to be partially funded by china. the following in the united states seems to show the gaps not only between capital harris and donald trump ahead of november's presidential election. the pole is being carried on by cbs. you . gov. it seems to indicate that nationally democrat and house is appoint. hey, the republicans from, but it's worth remembering that's what within the usual margins of, at a, at this stage and the campaign in 2016 hillary clinton won the popular vote, but she lost the election in key baffle, grimes states, the 2 are set to be level powers incentive made an impact with black americans. many more, i'm not reported to be saying they planned to vote. that numbers jumped 16 percent
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since president job. i pulled out. but trump seems to have a stronger economic message. more votes of say they'd be better off financially if he's back in the white house, all just as long as when jordan's got more not from washington dc. a 2 weeks after joe biden suspended his re election bid to be us president and endorsed commer harris. the us vice president is a head of the former president, donald trump, by just one point in a new poll from cbs news. and you got this pole which in fall to the survey of more than 3000 likely us voters indicates a real thing z as in search for the democratic candidate. 2 weeks after the big shake up in her party side. there are more people who are described as african american who say they are now likely to vote, as are an increased number of young people and an increased number of women who
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indicate that they are the way to vote. and that they are much more likely to vote for harris that they would, for trump, all 3 of these communities had been seen as putting forward lack luster support for joe biden. before the shake up in late july, for his part, the former republican president donald trump has put out a statement, castigating the result of the new c b s poll. suggesting that the interpretation pulled out by the television network has been biased and aimed at trying to boost the vice president. so standing in the polls some 2 and a half weeks before the democratic national convention. of course, it is worth pointing out that the c b s poll does say that according to the voters, they believe that trump would be stronger on immigration and economic issues. points which the campaign would like to see harris attacked on but so far have had to instead watch to.


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