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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 5, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm AST

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in the san abrasions in bangladesh, apartment associated casino is out of state and is fled to capital dot com. the head of the on the announce is the formation of an interim government and ask for testers the end, the month thrown on rest, which has killed hundreds of people, the hello i'm around and y z. this is algae 0 at life from del. how also coming up on the program at least 80 on identify bodies of palestinians, a handed over to gauze as nasir hospitals. they've been detained by the is really minute treat costs for the exchanges of 5, between israel and hezbollah, to medics,
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a killed in southern lebanon. and then you case prime minister says, all right, solve this will face justice as the country has west rising over a decade, the bond is actually appointment is to shake, casino has resigned and fled the country. the head of the all me has announced the formation of an interim government massage for testers to stop there on rest. thousands of people stormed residents in the capitol. these are some of the images from inside the compound which has been run. sikes protest is also attacked. statues of sure has seen his father and legit barbara law known as the father of the nation. tens of thousands of people, a celebrating shack has seen his resignation on sunday, at least 9074 killed during violence between government supporters. for those who
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wanted her out. students began protesting in july when a controversial job closest system that favorite children of war veterans was reinstated by the high cost that has since been scaled down by the countries comp codes that have found his ashes on a walker has a mind to confirm the resignation. of shack athena and also outline what happens next year. we know that there has been violent unrest in the country. i have all the leaders of all political parties to come here. and we have had a good discussion which we decided to establish an in from government, apple run the country. let's now go to time. the charge has been following developments out of the car over the past couple of hours and we've been seeing scenes all of the celebration in motion is running very high. tell us about the mood and the atmosphere in the capital now of the gen,
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everybody's joe bellanca unhappy paper. lot of kind of relay from all that happened last 2 weeks. so many people dead and then grab that it's over with, i mean, even show 9 in the mornings today or turn in the morning at least we have been desperately been fighting for gestures in a different location in the country as well as in the capital cost so if people are just like, if this was going to happen, why so many people die? they've been the last say yesterday and today, you know, there's been casualties. the medical hospitals are full with one that lives on the people, even as we speak today. these are something that people have to account for as from the states. people are unhappy that she is gone to speculation. is that the military, how they got that taken out to indian state of aggregate all of that's at least one of the indian indian outlet been saying, we don't know. we cannot independently confirm any of those. but the celebration goes on the map of the less people of the waiting to see how the inter governmental
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is from who will be in that police. are those people acceptable to run the show? and when will be next election day? and they would turn at least the announce because the election in 2024 in january was a widely criticized and was not accepted because it was on party suspended by most of the opposition parties and public in general. so a lot of questions for the future, but right now people are embracing the moment that in the workforce celebration, there's a lot of people in the prison, at least 10000 been people that been arrested last 2 weeks between does crackdowns . many of them is that students that would want them to come out also within the, during the general election in to $20000.00 opposition. members have been there. that's. that's all those people will be relieved to get justice to come out of the prison. all this things will be in the paper and how the interim government reacts . all this, do that bring people into accountability. the police is going to be active because
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of the bad guys in the last several weeks of operation because they've been very heavy under an act. so say anything has to be honest that and before that the story then right now, once to say, talking to many of them that i hope in future all the government was realized that it is a nation of the population and will go to the state if the government is not acceptable and we don't want any more dictates or defied everything. check out. so now i'd be faced for our economic role during our past 5 years or certainly ever since done very well for the country. a lot of people came out of property she. 5 that lives support are despite what everybody stays on, whether she or her family member comes back, has yet to be seen, but demand everything through the people saying it's over and we are happy. all right, are you not? tanya? chandra, of course, interest from the capital bangladesh call. whether that seems of celebration
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continue following the departure of sheriff, i've seen a well the head of the army had vowed to deliver justice for the hundreds of people killed in the unrest. but that also urging protest as to ends and movement. victoria gazing. v takes a look back now at sure i have seen as political career. shake casino was ede was 1st one is prime minister in 1996. but even then she understood bangladesh as toby and politics best of the most. as the daughter of shape mcgee, but rough mind considered the country's founding father. a history was closely intertwined with that if a homeland and violence would become a common scene. in 1975, mature a bu, subbing his president when he was assassinated, along with most of his family in a minute 3 to see now was approved at the time usually since she was elected to lead her fathers a warm lead party and allowed to return to bangladesh,
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the 2000 and fours leader of the opposition, his senior was speaking to thousands of seclusion as a rally. when coordinates were thrown into the crowds, the attack kills thousands of people seen and was injured. but suffice. in 2007, she was arrested and charged with extortion in the murder of 4 people killed during political demonstrations under rest. but she was cleared and late to re elected several more times as prime minister. the long as she stayed in power, the more senior was accused of becoming increasingly or for terry. and we've many opposition members arrested will tried. a government was repeatedly accused of cracking down on defense and freedom of expression in 2017, during his dean is the time is prime minister a crack down by me and most minute tree a gates were hanging the muslims that to hundreds of thousands of were hang guessing to neighboring bangladesh, in the early days of the crisis,
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a scene of visited refugee camping coaxes bizarre, expressing sympathy and solidarity. the during her leadership shaken scene was credited with the seeing both rapid social development and economic growth in the country. that's home to more than a 170000000 people. the critics and opposition lead is set the gross fav at the country's welfare classes. after bangladesh is rooting alliance, one virtually every parliamentary seats in the country's general election in 2019. she can see and it became prime minister for a full time, a record. she promised to continue to develop bangladesh as economy, but also attacked her rivals the bangladesh nationalists policy will be in p. c. who are the main party being the subject?
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the way the boss decision, right? the the the, the then the home, the the the last 4 of the is the home i'll be presented in 2023 opposition to forces to the, to the street, to demand, to seen is resignation. and for her not to contest the 2024 election, she knew the crews and want to speak to him, you know, face after the opposition, boy quoted the election to shaken seeing his supporters. she was a beloved figure out. he forged a new pass for bangladesh. to her critics,
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i seen his successes even the can nomic ones came a too heavy a price. well, let's just take a look at how this on rush began. students 1st started protesting last month when a controversial jump quotes a system that favorite children of war veterans was reinstated by the high court. the government responded by shutting down universities and using the police and the military to crack down on protest. as prime minister shaken, seen it and posed a nation wide coffee, you and cost of access to phones in the internet. around 200 people, mostly students were killed. thousands were arrested on july 21st. bangladesh has top court stepped in. they will that the quotes is should be scaled back from 30 percent to 5 percent with 3 percent. so relatives of veterans last week demonstrations resumed in mid outraged over the violence and the killing for test is issued new demands, including bringing justice and accountability for those killed and for the prime minister to step down, she has seen a valid a strong response,
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quoting that demonstrates as criminals and sabotage, as, as a bus size is an independent south asia atlas focusing on human rights in bangladesh. he joins us live now from london. so i suppose the country is now entering a, a process where they will have to be a transitional government that eventually leads to free and fair elections. but how long do you think it will be before we see accountability for the desk over the past few weeks? as well at the moment we don't know what the mechanism for that accountability pretty fee and it has to be, you know, analysed as soon as possible because it was 10 selves to people who want that to come to the, to the accountability that actually brought to the present government, so the down and, and, and 60 to what they want to the demonstrators. but the interesting thing is that we don't know what is going to even happen with the political structure at the
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moment because it's a uh for the time being uh, the parliament is still in place. so it is possible that the public may not necessarily follow the kind of direction that the ottoman is taking. so it is possible that they will probably find another alarm. you leave the the, you know, to place the prime minister. so that is going to be one problem. however, the army seems to be active and moving in the right direction. because the information that i have is that they have not at the end of anything between the army chief and the political parties. some of the political parties may indeed be those of the alarm and the um, the b m p. well, not invited to that meeting. so that is quite interesting because it doesn't mean that the direction that the army is funding at the moment is by bringing someone
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who's not from either of this party as a replacement. but that could mean that there is some form of opposition to the armies plan if the parliament decides that they will try and resist the on these efforts for that to be a transitional government. you saying that's a possibility. that is definitely a possibility. and i think the 1st, the information that i have is that it is something that the people who are all the politicians right to buy them, the chief of all the stuff. all you all actually talking about of the suggestion that the mention is that the part of the month of got to be a pro roberts or dissolve for the time being an intern government. they've got to be in place and the 1st job of step into government really have to be to set
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the elections, the date for the elections. but at the same time panel of the 2 that they should actually to announce and mechanism probably seek assistance from international bodies such as the united nations and other international bodies to investigate the killings the attacks that took place. and i'm tripping people to justice. but this is going to be my, them as a lot of people upset a very difficult process because anything coming up um and anything can happen and it's, it's was obviously we're coming out of a period of unrest and pro test, which is what has led to this size and make a change in the country. how brutal was the crack down on these protest is it is, it wasn't very brutal. it was been very rude because, you know, students in the history of things of this happening all res,
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with the credit to 3. been going down to tell you, i'm sure it's. and the last thing that it's happened it was in the bank to ninety's . and due to that piece, you know, but it was kept in that sense that right, just some of the violations. sure. i'm there, but nothing of the skin that we have seen today. that for example, the 3 hundreds of people to die is actually by the police force shooting at them. a lot of people have been taking him to detention more than 10000 according to the latest information that i have. so this level of violence is very ready. you know, it's is on par with the level of the violence as you can see in an offset. the tutorial stage starts out in the on mountain china. now in other places, when people that are actually challenged, the, uh, sits in government. and that was what happened because as you know,
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the chef should have been able to actually this month of the institutions of this, that just amount of the, traditionally, the change, the format of the police force, you know, put their own people at the very top. so every wrong, if the force of the country was on the phone on the has from on there has room and she was very confident that secret just use all of those in order to maintain herself in panama. but as i said earlier, a lot of the young people in bangladesh along with the certainty, 1000000 people employed, but wanted to change who wants to share the items to the district. and that's it. practices that kept them in poverty. and that is what really brought to have down for the shipment in terms of stand that so thank you very much. a bus size independent test,
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outpatient. unless joining us giving us some insight on this massive change we've seen in bangladesh. thank you. all is much more still to bring you on the program, asian equity markets plunge on the back of is of a recession in the us, driven by disappointing employment fingers will tell you more about tropical storm debbie, which is strengthened into a category one heart cane is it makes land for us states of florida, the as china ramps up to full patients of north korean, defective human rights groups say they face imprisonment, torture and even death in the country. in desperation, some involve dangerous journey. one. 0, $1.00 east reveals the north korea's claim to factors on al jazeera, the
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safe them even come in as an international inside corruption excellence award, nominator here on now. the call choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself, and that person's shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life,
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or at least in my life, those dentures. we want we want to break because the women in my country democracy become about to on we are not denies all of who we are. a few mom being then deserves to be treated equally. we are in the footsteps. our officers claim that has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see the vision as clear as you do the the,
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i'll come back a reminder of our top story. the seller, bangladesh has appointment, associate, casino has been ousted and has left the capital dot com. tens of thousands of people have been out on the streets, celebrating a resignation and departure, protested a storm to a residence in dotcom. meanwhile, the head of bangladesh is ami walker is a mind has announced the formation of an interim government is also called for an end to the protest. the promise of military would launch investigation into the protest crackdown and which at least $300.00 people died. the now is right in shelling is targeted a group of palestinians in darrow, by the latest attack in gauze or on monday wounded, were taken to unlock the hospital. it's not known how many people were killed. those congress had was struck while on slot had been street and darrow are sitting at least a t on identified palestinian bodies have been handed to the nurse or medical
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complex, and hon. eunice by the international red cross. the palestinians have previously old been detained by these writing ministry as car e. no information on the circumstances of that desk, or the reason for them being detained as go live now tiny mom who to joins is from han, eunice in southern gaza. well, what can you tell us about these on identified bodies, honey yes, well this is the 4th time we're seeing the bodies of palestinians detained and killed or removed from that's it created a graveyards across the gaza strip. uh, the through coordination with the red cross being brought back to god. now the, the, the, the heart breaking part of this is, none of these bodies is identified by people. there is the tragic a story going on here. there are at hundreds of families here. they're searching
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for their family members and loved ones for the past, and 9 months or so since the initial weeks of the war, who just now have their children or family members missing for this long period of time or the they don't know about anything about their we're about the now to see in earlier today at last in hospice on the has the cargo container arrive and it's hard to unload the bodies, the scene, and the looks on, on people's faces. those who have been searching for family members for the past 9 months, the quite heart breaking the, the, the search, the through the, the bags those, the blue. yeah. blue color, plastic bag, with hebrew inscription on them to trying to find out the look for any signs of identification of, of their loved ones and family members. some shouted that i remember the last time we seen this at person or did the my, my child or my husband or my sibling, they were wearing this or do where they put something on the watch. do wear wearing
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look like this. they tried to come up with any sort of signs that could lead into identification, but unfortunately what we're looking at is it completely on identify bodies. largely deacon bowl is to the point. it's hard other unless there is a dna test which is not available right now. across the gospel and none of these bodies are going to be identified. these bodies again, part of these bodies were taken from desecrated. graveyards across the golf steep as these reading military search for hostages in hon. eunice in the northern part in gaza. city, others were detained in killed inside. these really detention centers were brought back today. ok, thank you very much, honey. my little 14 to us from han, eunice and gaza and other developments one medic and one has been applied to have been killed. mine is riley strike in southern lebanon 11. these minister of health confirmed the desks and the ton of mace out of trouble in type. a thick black smoke
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could be seen rising into the air off to the attack. at least 5 hezbollah fighters have been killed in the past 24 hours in the southern lebanon alia, has butler said that it carried out in a tackle northern israel is right. the ministry confirmed several rockets, one only from lebanon, early on monday, an officer and a soldier were injured in the attack and taken to hospital as a by joins as live now from lodge. i own in southern lebanon, anticipation appears to be building for some sort of a collective response that would include iran and has bala, watts at like where you are moment the way it's been relatively active this morning. there's been lots of cross border strikes, taking place. the is right across to have broke the signed battery, not only here in southern lebanon, but across the country. now that routinely happens. uh, this comes with just the day after his, with the 5 a volley of rockets towards these ready positions. but you've been talking about some of these efforts start taking place on the back door negotiations,
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trying to de escalate the situation that we've had different months come to lebron and baby to meet the needs government to try and pass on messages through his been trying to get them to submit the retaliation we've had. the jordanian farm is the 8 months stuff i'd be visiting data on one of his best visits in 9 years now. he says it's not to be da to, but of course there will be discussions going on in the united states believes that they can somehow convince it wrong that his without to limit their retaliation full for iran, for the assess the nation of how much political chief is, might have you have, who is this estimate it in there on, on his beloved for the king of this senior come on to a slide show. good. but the issue is that both iran and his brother have said that there will be a retaliation. and it's very unlikely that they will heat cold from the united states to limit their response because they're on struck israel back in april after to just senior generals were killed in the strike in damascus on the embassy compound on both sides, both sides, his beloved and iran need to have some sort of depends on who feels that they need
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to have it determines, uh to of, for israel to stop, take care of kind of got the strikes. and the fear is that this conflict as lost even contained to southern lebanon, may escalate, not just across the country, but to in the entire region. okay, thank you very much aside bank or forcing to us from joan and nothing and us i want to bring you some of the stories now the u. k. is new labor government is facing a national crisis as the last why it's saying is 13 years sweeps the country. the line is by far right groups follows the fatal standing of 3 young girls and a dog's clause in southport last week, or even a 140 people have been arrested since saturday night. you k 5 minutes tick has dom or said what he describes as far right funds will regret taking part in the violence. there's mostly targets in refugees, in other minority communities across the country in terms of the scale of the
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process. this is where it stands, not just delivered to the nursing him, a just a few of the cities web demonstrations were held on saturday. on sunday, police responded to violent disorder in lancaster, middles, bro. bolton, and rather than lena invested in yvette, she sent us this report from liverpool another day. another battle between via to and the police. the front lines this time a hotel housing migrants enrolled around in the north of england. the far right protest advertised as peaceful, quickly descending into violence, police taking the brunt of it, trying to protect those draft inside. but there is no sign of letting off here who in other parts of england in middlesborough, in the northeast police struggling to hold back riotous as the sort of spreads.
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stalled by full stream is online that a suspect in the matter of 3 young girls in south booth a week ago wasn't missing immigrant. the british prime minister voting instigators, they will be punished. a, i guarantee you will regret taking paul to this disorder with directly, all those within this option online and then running away themselves. this is not protest. it is organized violence soccer, right? and it has no place on all streets or on line. the nights, the city of level pool, so some of the west violence youth tilting 0 neighborhoods. the damage clear in the light of day with a smell of smoke. here is a, the welding. the space was refurbished only 18 months ago. it's called children's clauses. the community has been a library, it host adult id clauses,
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which people here say the community desperately needs their welfare offices here as well that come and help people with the phones orals that go on and one night violence. the answer as to why this happened isn't simple. it's like it was, it makes a sudden, obviously there's a large amount of fire on manipulation. on social media, there was also an element of disaffection from the people getting involved. but there's no excuse for the type of criminal, let's say, and seeking to try and damage and ultimately destroy means facility. we're not going to lance, that small minority divide, those we're not gonna let not small minority when that's why we're going to bring this associate back into use. and equally as well, we're going to look at how we support the wider community to build back from yesterday's when acceptable events this romanian shop was the target of looting was left to pick up the pieces of the days of violence.
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communities can only hope it. oh, and soon you know, that was to me to reach out to 0, livable, stressful storm debbie is strengthened into a category one hard tennessee approaches us state of florida. full cost to say the oregon has a wind speed of about a 120 kilometers per hour and it's moving northwards at 19 kilometers per hour. it's currently located south west of the city of tampa shelters it being prepared in some counties as unprecedented. rifle is expected to come or is i could look at what global markets have been doing in the futures on bull street. they've been tumbling on the back of alias that often asian equity markets. because v as a rising of a recession in the united states, japan's nick a index, close 12.4 percent low logging, it's west to day decline in several years. equities also we can to elsewhere in asia with the m. s. c. i which excludes japan sliding 4.7 percent of those of in
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volatility in indian markets. and all of this is being driven by wasn't expected employment figures from america. and concerns of the federal reserve hasn't moved quickly and often low interest rates to head off for recession. molly's minute to reduce it, who is the saying that they are causing diplomatic relations with ukraine? they've accused kiva of supporting torque fights is inside. molly announcement comes off to thousands of molly and soldiers, and most injuries from russia's wagner group were killed by tory fighters in the north. last week of news from north korea, the country has on valve what it says is a new type of type to cope. and this thickness side launch a leader kim jong appeared as an undisclosed location to view what state media described as a pivotal attack weapon. $250.00 missile i launch is wrong display south korea's military size is monitoring the development closely. a hi miss on more than going to kind of been able to give south korean and us intelligence so far as he's
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continuing to track the trains of north korea's military weapons development. i will attend. i'm from building your, you know, we believe this is intended to be used to a tech, all threats and south korea. and finally in cambodia, the prime minister has on val to 1700000000 us all the time to link the me calling with the to the see with a can now as country. 1 show as it is historic, the $180.00 columbus a project was announced with much funds and next to the river, but hun monitor voucher to finish it at all costs. that's it for me, for now, i'll see you like the the
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of the the auto sound. i'm going to jump in here. yeah, i'm, i mean, every move around when actually a sudden when you see and not include knowledge. finkel, council am monday, a monday at the moment, or the english, the at told champ them on. i will put them with you or the torso, but i will say, you know, the more money, i mean movie and they are putting me on because she had a mind the
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tell me a way here. oh, i knew. or here what camera. so sound the cool or my let me move it. can you walk us them last i'm wondering yet attending pending for that's all or chime in on that polish. ask them it'd be editing the
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film for modeling a symbol or to read and call back. one row, a good. that sounds a model or henry to me this month. we have some 70 d i let us see if this is a hand last actually i'm going to see and you can reach him for me. and the contest you see what was it? my cost 0 my for from you know, us and also the we in all for the and then you say from the po, i assume the will you be the by all right? will be a while, know it to me, i add you into we are from vi is as a, with him said vanelle also it'd be up up up with the new for possible robust went
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to a piano. what do you mean for the dns or he'd be out on the challenge for sound? so maybe as, let's see, we give me flat. i tried, he'd be a and is a couple months we, we, i'm a student, you know? so i'm good that some of you say target or, you know, yeah, that is between 5 and somebody that carries the amount of money into my way. and to me anyway, a sort of chevy vi time. yeah, we're usually not the one a lot sent away into my wish. i wish i quit going to my country. maybe i know i'm fine. cham from i think i'm a good guy when they jump from my a cigar and then we had a quite a trouble. so be able to have more guy and i'd be present. and that we're, so you have the court at the boys to time. at the same time and the vehicle should die with them. if i send to my winning and googling it for you, i guess open to think that we're frank and maybe to say,
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we are on another call across the days. i just said i didn't know that it was today . samuel do you mind if i say to watch i be wow or from oh my intel will continue on. i guess that one's going to media would do $1.00 and $1.00 that was where the hell even on those on demand files on parameters. so as i say in check, why am i doing one? well, for the now this to my mind grew into that one for, for her. so big one been yes, i see, i guess where you might not want to know even on the and there by a normal as somebody because they have feet and it won't be think about if i
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don't last, when you, when input fee, then i mean we've got kind of a cost and then we could dump them. i will give you more number aside and for more to 40 penny or thinking in your you rep. they figure out new quote to be on the call. yeah. what's in my opinion or to my, sam it'd be a number put down income would be. so it'd be, i mean, why assume because i'm a different, why am i bet to infinity for anyone now? dream needs to, to crime it, say by me, by m. s. it will be 3 so sad you form which one for depend, what say or you mean by that? i want to move 1 am which an accidental. i said, what do i go and what is that?
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so let me know, maybe 2. what does that mean? i'm going to see how much of your rock sound set, and i know i won't be a initial buy, a manage and somebody named miss, i know it's a seamless so i'm back. it's in our slow lumber now monday, let's say, you know, is it a guy says somebody connect you to my it will have him call me. yeah. and if not, then they are the one sending a little bit different game. wow. what was the name of the alarm panel? the only thing for you, and then i say that when do i need to make some money in what kind of us that one kind of the, as i said, i'll just say me and i know, you know, we're from your, from united and union. i'm not saying anything and you know, said when did you pop up at the bottom. net as an inquiry say, or yes,
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i didn't say to say i was the day is i know, so i had the baby now it will be it shouldn't be alex guntee or not nothing in your sample. as so many months, the attendant needs to be being setting usually when we need the se. and we'll, uh, we'll see. oh wow, no, be okay. we got that in the mail. okay. that was a bit starting the engine. here's one word. yeah. i'm wondering when you go forms, i'm one of yours in the agreement. i mean, okay. instead of the call or the mean the any, well, there's a minimal price. you need more than 20 and the quote to us on the monday,
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if we have some will or change it, assuming this i mean, call times 70 percent. and why that annual shadow is this? by chef i asked the add to it for the advisor to the summit. that miss redwood denton. yeah, by one hour. i mean the, the very says the newest one will be a new to me. i see the
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every monday and it t piano was 70 bucks, concert sample, know what i said. it was all to me by multiple kind. ask them on the test. it was last time i went to, i'm a good job, get them on the by the, the, the limit of what you're up to you. i will get that into what i mean. campbell, a local bobby enough. i've been a customer to bo, i don't know. so we need to do about that i'm, i'm really getting the i'm going to be appointed to be
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a one year. yeah. let me tell you about how much are the it was a mess all morning when i would be fast, i mean by a champion even as bad as a mile back. okay. so what kind of credit trunk until the last moment
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i know your records as soon as the last time i did buy it as, as a waiting in your household i my own without the dental and the only positive. yes . that it was the assigned their amended samuel sam. it's the same. yeah, i've run to be and we'll still go on more by no, go by them and i am but yeah. and by so i started football my available,
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my last name is jose. and when you have a 6 digit one semester, most of what you might in the
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how and i live the just as a let me say i the lady that had to lose the limbless, the. 7 the, the people who, who lives i'm a little but what about the right to me a like apple for when i do it, where it was a system from,
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we made a the of the law i go whole i use the one was the i, i here we go, i don't know, are you still one of the i have the, the matter we go to the bus. i do a hold will have all of my narrow and those will, i will do a matter of i lose. i felt going on with the
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regular will my normal level of the lower and and i'm going to get all of our lives . some refundable federal programs, these items. so you'll whole as you were getting the little a lot while you we can send the so it's not a good the i really want to this mailings and civil and fill out another was the notification that someone who by the name or whatnot as well as that in the meanwhile with the,
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the, the model when you sort of a sudden hello ways to uh, what was the see do you by the color of the mama was the visit. hazel is over, but i don't know about what i believe is the one who's like google. so so give a kind of a guess, a hole. so the guy, the hook idea when the
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or as as long as the new full high to low hole is, you give us the wagon the, i'm a i'm of the bob hope awesome mama that we're getting on the spelling of the of the my, this is the
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last a little i came in the for whole and then i'm comp time and because know who the wilkinson just have a really, really do is to let the, because it's for just now it will lead to of would be well, no. when i did so, if there is only good lives of for you to get one on the printer to level reduce saying to good i'm is yeah, that's all i what i will a local looseness. they do not want to have universe to was on the 10 most fifties at the inside of his let's do the full go. no. most of the hurry
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is like you literally told them when i did those it was all was most likely to go. i will not even so when i look, when they go go, it is like just saying they don't have them the care. the way bottom is that was past the, the
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the, the month i wouldn't up, i was interested. i never put on the lid, the wheel was suddenly level, but the one loading is the one i'm not saying useful tools of uh they won't say they're like into the say, oh my, when you get that i got a window and then i let it go full, what kind of silly and megabyte the guys will bring you within 10 by 10 in the little window and pad without it the levels go level is better than the yeah, i guess they're heading in limbo. we miller, most the village that goes over the world. oh, nice way for him. oh,
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we're very similar and wonderful. fine. i had a little bit of zillow for a little of, but is that right? yes. then the 2nd you're good to hear by the the h h h e d mary a by any daughter olivia or the
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my regular like to know my mother mainly the my line the little attacks it will give a little worried. i go to the, with the lip is spelled and what do i get is i get it for high? well, 2 by little, by giving me and how about going over one order mckinley the on the, on the, the home button, the the
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bottom of the the, the, the, the what was
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a little tiny little plate. but wanted to do anything until the 12 and then we'll go to what you tell us in those overrides. oh no, the the good or the magic force has to, has says chinese academic 6 or 12 percent of the people to taiwan. say they want to reunify that it's not up to the people in taiwan to decide about the ones on the
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policy. exploring china is development. admissions is, you know, president for like a true dictate. how can you explain for find the transformational china, if you have to take this, you had to head on that just to get out the had a lottery that, let's not in south america, and there's more unsettled whether it's a come. we're going to see the rain pick up across the move in areas with some heavy falls to come for equitable to ruth stretching down to bolivia and now the weather front pulling into patagonia, bringing some wet and windy weather. and some wintry, whether it's of the likes of chile, we are expecting more snow on the andes. it will be little quiet. so across the moving parts of origin, tina that what loss you can see on choose day, those thunder stones rumbling that way farther north into southern parts or brazil as well. but i don't know if that is
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a pretty quiet picture. lots of pleasant weather to be found across from the central and eastern areas of brazil. now things have settled down across the caribbean and that's because oregon debbie has pulled away moving across the florida peninsula. it's lucky to bring catastrophic flooding because it's a large amounts of rain that are of concern with this one. on monday into tuesday, it'll move across the georgia eventually expected to pull out to see the full refund planning on moving in to the carolinas. elsewhere across the us and got some pretty 5th thunder storms rolling across the great lake spring and the falls of rain here. but it's a lot quieter and hot out west the . there's a deliberate mission of posting in humanity in western media and it needs to be questions. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies
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everywhere. here at the listing the best, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm around and why is the welcome to the news our life from dell hall coming up in the next 60 minutes, the celebrations in bangladesh apartment associates, i seen a is ousted and misled the capital dot com. the head of the bangladesh she on the announce is the formation of an interim government and calls for an end to the month long post tests. at least a t on identified bodies of palestinians, a handed over to gauze. as naso hospital,


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