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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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the safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, nominator hero. now the the with the end to the effect that you have here, the scenes of the to the nation and bond to the shock. so as long the 7 prime minister resigns on police to india the federal on elizabeth autumn, and this is elda 0, like from don't ha! so coming to the united nations complex investigation into 19 staff, members of the u. an agency supposed to be invested cheese. so as well accused of
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being involved in the of august 7th attacks as well as on a return some bodies of 18 on palestinians to a hospital and gaza. one glasses, media office accused. this is randy military of taking more than 2000 bodies from cemeteries since the gab people of scott or a beret or a desperate for the international community to hear that christ and the un paints of don have had to of suffering. and saddam, as the international criminal quotes prosecute, says those responsible will be held to account the will begin in bond to the shade. casita has resigned as prime minister and fled the country to neighboring india. the head of the army has declared the formation of an interim government and called for an end to the protest. the ministry has also
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announced the nationwide costs you will end on tuesday morning. from vi tells me, begins coverage from dhaka. protest us from the residence of bangladesh has prime ministers accessing a weeks of violent demonstration across the salvation country have killed at least 300 people in an address to the nation. the army chief confirm fussing i had to resign and sweat the country of the artist people to trust in the military to restore, come and ensure those responsible for the killings are punished. one multi, all the country is witnessing a period of revolution right now. i had invited all the leaders of political parties that came. yeah, and we had a good discussion. we have decided to form an interim government through the interim government, the functioning of the country will take place and i'm giving you my word that we will bring justice for all the killings and the injustice that has happened. have faith in the army. unity armed forces. the protest started last month with the
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demand to end quote, as a government jobs reserved for relatives of people who fought in the world of independence. more than 50 years ago. there was a pause in the demonstration after the supreme codes prep most code as but students came back to district demanding justice for the families of those killed and the resignation of the prime minister. more than 90 people were killed on sunday, including 13 police officers. when demonstrators attacked the police station, the army has promised to form an interim government, but they are concerned about the lack of trust in the military among the protest. this is really a population that has been looking for accountability and justice for some years. now under a, you know, an increasingly authoritarian allow me lead regime. assume that will be crucial. i think the, the big food now i think should be that they may be
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a reprisals and violence against the photos is willing kaji. i think this is something that everyone's really worried about. and we will be hoping that the army is able to keep the piece and as well as introduce some kind of. busy into him system that can deliver us back to democracy in bangladesh. after the army chief spoke, a group which has spearheaded the anti government protest relays the statement, saying the military is not the solution. the students on the public will decide who will be appointed to the interim government. it's like the it was not a student protest on was a movement against, we'll talk proceed. that's why we're role here. the main concern would be those who are still behind the bars. not just since the recent stood in front of the thousands of political prisoners hoping behind the bar during event before the election, nearly $20000.00 opposition parties are behind the bus so, so they will be looking forward for just the 76 year old. have seen
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a warning vote straight term in january this year. the election was by crowded by the main opposition party. our party, the army league has been accused of rights abuses and corruption for years. sooners, resignation, and clean the country is being widely celebrated across spring. the best, but restore income, assuring accountability and trust in the military. that is itself the q that of wide spread abuse poses a huge challenge in the days and weeks ahead. temperatures rate i'll just say to talk of the the united nations has completed its investigation into 19 staff members of the un agency for palestinian refugees, who is one accused of being involved in the october 7th attack. they found no organs, sufficient evidence to support the allegations against 10 of its stuff. they say that 9 may have been involved and have to them and they said their employment on why employees around 13000 people in gaza. whether you want to stress that as well,
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never handled. are there any evidence to support us allegations but why it was was not able to independently authenticate. most of the information provided to it. that wasn't the hands of those really authorities. that was the, you know, that is information that remains in the custody of israel. ok, but that is also has more from the united nations. it will probably close the chapter for the more than 12 countries that suspended funding to under uh in january after these allegations came to light since then. uh oh, but one country have resumed funding again to unwrap the one that hasn't has been the united states. now this report will probably close the chapter because i do not see any of these countries that have resumed funding to unwrap. now saying, oh, i don't know, maybe we're going to revoke funding again. i just don't see that happening. i think
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that this issue has been put behind them for most of the countries that paused funding and then have sense resumed it. however, there is still some ambiguity to this, and it comes to some language that will probably still be discussed, and that is the un spokesperson saying 9 staff members may have been involved in october 7th, the un admitting that they do not have ultimate conclusive evidence. but they say that they have enough to indicate that 9 might have been involved in october 7th. but enough, the un says to fire these 9 employees. the lasers is where the attacks have killed at least 40 palestinians and central garza since sunday. 2 people were killed in full ended when several missiles struck the salon again. street and they're all gone to a separate joint attack on a group of people collecting wood has left 2 children wounded early on monday is
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when the drones targeted a police call can and at least 8 offices or the bodies of 89 on identified palestinians have been handed to stall for the most or medical complex, and con eunice by the international red cross. the palestinians had been held in detention by the israeli military, is rarely ami, hasn't disclosed the circumstances of the desk. the reason for them being detained . the bodies have been buried in a mass grave and con, you. this causes media office has a choosing. this really made the tree of kidnapping more than 2000 bodies from cemeteries since the war began. showdown and the feeling is tragic. one feels in deep sorrow and questions. how could this happen to us? it's devastating and above all this to lose a son and not be able to find his body. one becomes exhausted and emotionally drained, when seen everyone else retrieving and burying that dead? well, i cannot find out why my son or my father is. the situation is wherever me out. i'm very distressed. every day i follow up with everyone work in
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a civil defense where that's bodies i tried to search. well, honey, my who has been at the burial side and con eunice incense. this update this day has been clouded with many heart breaking stories, including the 84 bodies that were delivered to gaza in a cargo container on a truck. and earlier hours to the through the coordination with the red cross. the 4 bodies i believe, do the bodies of policy means were detained and killed in israel, or inside this detention. can the military detention come to this is very consistent with what we a good hearing from people who were released, the copies were released. the from is really detention center is the told talk to us about the physical abuse, the torture, the, the sexual abuse in the, the old kind of, of torture and of use of the how to goods when the many death. and the many stories of people died inside these detention centers for the past months. and fortunately,
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the scene was quite a tragic and heart breaking. people were emotionally exhausted and drained the gather at not their hospital is searching for any possible mark or sign leading through the these bodies, at least one of these body belong to one of the families or their children, their relatives, the ones have been missing for the past month, but unfortunately they are fully decomposed with no signs whatsoever to recognize the. the bodies were buried in a mass of grave. a final resting place for these bodies fully identified. and this has been the stories from the past experiences as well. this is the 4th time is really military after it for a long period of time release bodies. this is where the human rights group betsel them, has released a diamond report on the mistreatment of palestinians held in his randy prisons since october 7th. the report found systematic abuse in his way,
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the presence cooling the de facto torture codes. some of the violations include severe physical them, sexual violence, schumer, the ation sleep deprivation and deliberate starvation. the number of palestinians in his way to jails has doubled the $0.96 the will began. at least 60 have died in custody a month. so to me on was detained to those really prison in 2009. he describes the torch and inflicted on him over 2 months, byes, ready, guns, and says, palestinians currently held unlikely, suffering even worse treatment. but they've got the games that had been kept from us as a lot of them have come back, but the bucks to their families and they've come back, decomposed and i've been detained in 2009 at that time. um things when a little bit of a less i think when it comes to the severity of the circumstances of the prisoners at that time i was sticking into administrative custody. i was in uh,
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interrogated in bed, the sticks up and the, the change in and in a prison in atlanta. and also suffered solitary confinement. there you understand that these people have no rights. we have no rights. i wasn't able to see a lawyer until many months that had i wasn't able to see my family. i was told that i have a secret case on the file that has the full sort of information about all the misdeeds that i have done and that they cannot disclose to me any of it. and that they would continually interviewed us until we let them know everything that they need to know about what is happening. we suffered from seats to sleep deprivation. we would, for example, sleep in a room with lights above us. and we would, they would continue to come to overall and ensure that we say a week, mostly the quality of the food is extremely bad, very low and wants to do sometimes the food. there's not enough for everyone. there
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is no access to sunlight. we continuously get searched. unfortunately, it can also, sometimes it has to be slipped up to the to become a kid in front of the prison. that's a hezbollah fighter, and a medic has been killed. bind as rainy as troy can. southern levin on the lebanese health ministry confirmed the depths of the town of may's eligible foot black smoke could be seen rising into the after the attack in the village of bay bay. if these 5 hezbollah fontas had been killed in the past 24 hours in southern lebanon as well earlier hezbollah said it carried out an attack on moving israel. that is why the military confirmed several rockets were launched from that. and on early on monday and officer and a soldier was injured in the attack and taken to hospital where the latest attacks happened as the entire region is on edge both has ball and around have voucher retaliation officer as well as assassination of a has bullet come on to and be rude and it attack and which have mosley to his mind honey. i was killed in pet on at the base because the license developments for
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marcia, you and in southern lebanon. this all is being discussions taking place, trying to get testable on their, on to kind of limit the retaliation we've had that it gets uh from around the world arrive here in lebanon and baby to talk to the lebanese government to pass on messages to his blood. trying to get them to kind of limits their response to his radius estimation of the senior come on to flood sugar in the suburbs of baby roots now his with i have promised to retaliation. so i'm not sure if that retaliation will be limited. as for iran with or on of also require the permits to retaliation . in fact, the foreign minister has invited foreign investigative as well as the head of missions to a meeting in, in, in the wrong and no direct again to discuss this retaliation. we also understand that the russian national security adviser, as well as the height of the location aren't there on a ring and media say is to discuss the by that's with cooperation deal. but again,
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the pressing issue is this conflict is this retaliation that we're expecting, possibly from the same time it wrong and his beloved act at the same time, the real fear is, will this not escalate? and the united states believes that it, according to reports that this attack from iran and his blood could be imminent. but they also trying to deescalate that they want to run the, his blood to limit the retaliation of any turn, put pressure on israel to limit their response to iran. and his beloved whether that was happening or not is it is a separate question altogether. and right now it's old speculation. we don't know when his blood and iran will strike or did you notice that they have promised a response. we don't know where they will strike and we don't know how expensive will, how wide spread it will be. is there any forces occurring on the move aids in the occupied westbank? the the the focused on the setting of jeanine. what is really on
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the vehicle was having failed robin tell us in the and cause. the palestinian red crescent says that 5 people injured including full would live bullets. the still ahead on knowledge 01. yes. and it says the rest in pocket stones, thousands of them run. com support us health protests demanding his release. items for to them take assets of back of, of a sense of when you had concerns about the which policies the had that was drawn down on the, in australia with a series of cold, from so sweeping across the south of the country. bringing some welcome of what weather to places that have not seen much since the start of the. yeah. so there's that rain that starts to roll into southern parts of w a on choose day. we'll see some heavier falls in person by the mid week, but it wasn't much of
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a stray. a high pressure is in charge keeping things launch we find dry, sunny and warm. we could see some coastal showers a case into queensland from dr. showers push into tasmania, but it is looking brighter for that southeast corner, with temperatures slowly picking up in cities like adelaide. not temperatures have been on the output cross in new zealand. it is largely settled here on choose day was slices, sunshine, pushing through the cloud. there's a rain that starts to increase the southern parts of the south island, bringing a bit of a wintery mix here on wednesday. that would be more than wave sunshine still in ok, and it looks pretty pleasant the by the mid week. now for east asia, we've got heat and humidity dominating across central and eastern areas, extending across into japan that we will see temperatures coming down in tokyo with the arrival of a little bit of wet weather. but the weather continues to push its way further south, but look at that heats in who had once used a unique
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perspective. i said i really not that because the i left and nothing is something you that we on hers voices. but the fact that we are committed to guessing best i can know all about you so much connect with our community and talking to conversations, you will find elsewhere. lot of these provisions, if there was problems or medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable that the hor, what's the stream on al jazeera, the of the, to watching all, just bear with me in the put ottoman doha reminder of on top stories. the sound
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foundations, findings to shake, casino has resigned and fled to india, crowns, and frames celebrating on the streets of the capital. at least 300 people have been killed during the weeks of antique government the contest. the united nations has completed its investigation into 19 in stock members of the u. one agency supposed to be invested cheese, who is run accused of being involved in the ex or the 7th attack. they found no orn, sufficient evidence to support the allegations against 10 of its stuff. they say that 9 may have been involved with that as well. it hasn't provided evidence to support the allegations against them. as well as nice as attacks of code, at least 40 pounds to them. since sunday 2 people were killed and 4 inches when several massaged trunks allowed in strange. a separate drawing attack. lot of groups of people collecting wood has left 2 children rooted. the new u. k. is new labor government is facing a national crisis as a was rising and setting yes. sweets the country. the bottles has been fueled by
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fall voice groups that began after 3 young bills for stab to death at a don's class last week. but the innovation, none of which reports from south port for the community is in morning in a week on a town moons a week since the king of 3 young goes, the stabbing to death of alice b. b. and elsie shook the nation. that's what those in that hometown degree is personal, just little goes to me today and then the way it's been distorted to it, it's just been discussed and then memory. i still can't really close that. but the suspect and you know that we faced are true to these beautiful angels with it, which is trying to have phone just do every kid. those officials paying the respect
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including so come mid divisions to minutes a i'll just say are here, what are your reflections on one week since this tragedy? well, 1st of all, i'm here on a private visit as the meanest of, of communities, 2 to 6 best mice sorted out and support to the community. in spite of how people have come together in the off to must up such a tragedy in a heartache. then to all the community to come together in a, in a pretty it might have to show the very inside of thoughtful for the committee stands for the u. k. as in 2 days, the fall right? unrest viewed initially by misinformation online. the suspect was them is the immigrant and persisting even after authority said he was born in britain, valleys moving into an immigration riots. the case ethnic minorities targeted. 6 the keels of the last few days, speeding distant from the death of 3 young,
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goes with the stocks for the interest. the police line, putting off the crime scene is still of people still coming to pay their respect the show of what happens here and the pain is deeply wounding this community. this charity wants to help heated collecting the nations for families and fast responders. traumatized by the tragedy to the instance of last week took place right on our doorstep and we are a community organization. we are here so we can support them in the days the weeks and the months to come. as people gathered to remember the 3 little girls that was just sadness left young adult seeking and giving comfort. and it the pain that overwhelmed this town. the end of a city to reach out to 0 south thoughts. the international criminal quotes to prosecute a cutting call and has presented
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a report for the un security council on this to ation. incidence, which has been racked by conflict since april of last year. he painted a dog picture of the situation in the country, which is facing the world's worst displacement crisis. as fighting continue is between the power military rapids support forces. concept. the court will soon take steps to prosecute. thought is guilty of committing will crimes and sit on i will be in a position, i believe we are. why. i hope by my next report, i will be able to announce applications for warren. so the rest regarding those or some of those individuals that have the most responsible for what we're seeing at the moment. people uh scott, or a beret or a desperate for the international community to hear that christ headed logan has moved from cartoon considering the fact that both were in size have failed to
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listen to any previous you and resolution and calls by regional countries for a ceasefire. and to allow for investigations, it doesn't look like these, where it's at least for the time being will resonate. so i think continues here in the capital costume. this is denise army announced on sunday that they were able to regain more control over more territories in the city of i'm the man. and there has been repeated artillery strikes by the rapid support forces in the city over the past year to that's in north and are for and that's the last army stronghold in the inside are for region. now, there has been reports of death of civilians as a result of the arts of the re strikes, health facilities. hospitals in impression have been targeted repeatedly by the artillery strikes by the rapid support forces. and then those are to lose track and the air strikes 5 of the new army which has less of civilian death. so uh for the time being it looks like both sides are focused on trying to win the conflict. i'm trying to get some upper hand over the other rather than listening to what the international criminal court prosecutor and the united nations security council is
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calling for both sides to do, which is for accountability from the international criminal court and for a ceasefire from the united nations security council, us soldiers have withdrawn from the last american military base and these, yeah, it comes more than a year often asia as military revoke to do in order to do as far as, as to leave the country as to how nation was home to a major us operations based on the desert city of august is the us military had used the base and us efforts to 5 on the groups. and the region address has moved from a boucher of the departure of the american forces and the lions. there wasn't any relations between his yeah and the united states since the military quote in the country and july 2023, few months after the cool. there was tense relations between the united states and this year as the june to the pigeon to the start of leaning towards weiss, you for support. now the departure of this group, or that they may use the closure of the base, and i guess i will create
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a huge divide to them in terms of security. this is following the departure of french, the french from an is yamisha, is a very large country with lots of other govern spaces. the military base or the going to be using i get is provided some form of jobs to the local community and through the united states, the opportunity or the avenue to launch strikes. i guess i'm groups operating in this i'll under my group areas, especially around the area. so i out of the board is with ad julia and other countries now on it's part of the government. the government team is you have the ability to enter this as well. the americans have been there, but they have seen little progress and talk to the local security issues. now what we're going to witness probably is an escalation in the violence in that country. and this i, you and country and the last one year, the number of i'm for as often as you have been killed by i'm groups operating in the country fall. i saw a number, the number of ministry personnel killed and the former democratic government of mom
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and by zoom, who the ministry june to accused of failing to sort of secure the country. a lot of people will be watching the next few days, how things are timed out. and this is coming also at the time when the russian listen to a girl who is yeah, or many syrians i've been hoping would be to part. and as you have to deal with technology issues, i've taken a direct hit in the last one week or so in the operations in money. how many degrees ologist data. i'm just now jerry, as president bull attendant who has held an emergency meeting with security chief as in the wake of nationwide protests against the soaring cost of living crowds rallied for a 5th day despite didn't lose the field to stop the demonstrations because it has been declared in the north western states of kaduna, after reports of widespread looting, protest as the demanding fuel subsidies on economic reforms. the president said on sunday, he has introduced new policies and asked for patience. one year after the
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arrest unimed present, meant to form a pockets, donnie promised to em. wrong con, thousands of protest as have taken to the streets and swap. the district to the mom has released a correspondence. come on hi. that has moved from there. the 10s of thousands of papers get ready to get along my dies long. these are people who are heading to the right in new york. so i'll be a major flower show by the project on that. it can solve one, the author on hundreds, they're registered by the government. several of their leaders out in j. but does of god does not diminish the into it is i'm of the supporters open bordering from across the country. from the southern prominence of things from the fun job i'd rather i'd rather just on drawing. but the larger shaw board is going to be as bad . and so i'll be a clear message to the government. they're, they're, they're, the numbers regarding to these people are just on the stand with them wrong calm as
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he is. the only truth will lead to in this concern who is being put in jail for one yet by the corrupt government struggle will continue until he is released. and i've got the gutters by the events in buckler. there's rare, i've seen a larger, there's already less items of all because in female the only purpose of my gathering here in swaby is to protest for the release of alita iran. calm look at what happened to his senior wishes in bangladesh. she to suppress people's voices and just the same and practiced on i think that chavez, sharif flu run like the method paper. let's say it's loud and clear. that was the paper, the size. they're ready ready to read the data. go all the stops on wall street has promised it all to earlier set off. so the asian and european equity markets, the downturn is linked to rise and fee is of a recession in the united states. the dow jones industrial index opened 2 and
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a half percent noah. earlier japan's me k closed 12.4 percent noah loving it's was to decline in several years, while london's for c $100.00 closed to present noah. the mancha panic is being driven by weak us economic data. the dr. lawn mixed really uh, went ahead of the and then picks the spot concerns of the pollution levels and the river. some practice sessions will canceled in the river on sundays are to prove also quality power suspend of a $1500000000.00 to reduce sewage levels. monday's res produced a swelling finish with gemini when goals that a smith has moved from paris. although the practice session for the mix relay try a problem, it was cancelled on sunday. the race went ahead on monday, although.


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