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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 6, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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sweater pasha lives and making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine with the young men, have regions, and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort, we care. instead. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm elizabeth put on them and this is the news, our line from dog hawk coming off in the next 60 minutes, the anger and uncertainty on the streets of bundle dish. beyond the announce is an interim government after prominence to shaken, seen a fleas, the country following weeks of deadly protests. the united nations fires line
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employees of the un agencies of palestinian refugees. so the accused by his right of being involved in october 7th attack people uh scott or a beret or a desperate for the international community to hear that cries the un pains of dia pep, 2 of suffering. and don, as the international criminal court prosecution says those responsible will be held to account and fears of, of a session group. the united states as wall street suffers. it's west days since 2020, to the mando that has problems to shaken, seen a has resigned. and fled to neighboring india, the head of the army has declared the formation of an interim government and quote, for an end to the protest. the un secretary general antonio gutierrez,
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just calling for com and restraint from the child that he has moved from the have its own dock at protest. this time, the residence of bangladesh was prime ministers accessing a weeks of violent demonstration across the salvation country have killed at least 300 people in an address to the nation, the army chief confirm fussing i had to resign and sweat the country. he arched people to trust in the military to restore, come and ensure those responsible for the killings are punished. one multi, all the country is witnessing a period of revolution right now. i had invited all the leaders of political parties. they came. yeah. and we had a good discussion, we have decided to form an interim government through the interim government, the functioning of the country will take place and i'm giving you my word that we will bring justice for all the killings and the injustice that has happened. have faith in the army, unity armed forces. the protest started last month with the demand to end quote, as
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a government jobs reserved for relatives of people who fought in the world of independence . more than 50 years ago. there was a pause in the demonstration after the supreme codes prep most code as but students came back to district demanding justice for the families of those killed and the resignation of the prime minister. more than 90 people were killed on sunday, including 13 police officers. when demonstrators attacked the police station, the army has promised to form an interim government, but they are concerned about the lack of trust in the military among the protest. this is really a population that has been looking for accountability and justice for some years. now under a, you know, an increasingly authoritarian allow me lead regime. assume that will be crucial. i think the, the big food now i think should be that there may be a reprisals and violence against the photos of the ruling project. this is
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something that everyone's really worried about. and we will be hoping that the is able to keep the peace. and as well as introduce some kind of. busy into him system that can deliver us back to democracy in bangladesh. after the army chief spoke, a group which has spearheaded the anti government protest relays the statement, saying the military is not the solution. the students on the public will decide who it will be at pointed to the interim government. it's like the, it was not a student protest on was a movement against we'll talk proceed. that's why we're role here. the main concern would be those who are still behind the bars, not just says the recent student part of the thousands of political prisoners hoping behind the bar during event before the election. 76 year old have seen a warning vote straight term in january this year. the election was by crowded by the main opposition party. our party that want me league has been accused of rights abuses and corruption for years. sooners, resignation,
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and clean the country is being widely celebrated across spring. the dash bed restore income, assuring accountability and trust in the military. that is itself the q that of wide spread abuse poses a huge challenge in the days and weeks ahead. temperatures rate, i'll just see the doctor. well, military chief walk out, it was the mon has taken charge of the country during one of its worst, political crises and decades. the 58 year old was appointed head of the army on june. the 23rd for a 3 year period he previously so just the chief of general stuff or the same military operations and intelligence, as well as the country's role and un peacekeeping operations. he completed 2 towards the peace keeping himself and going to and liberia. during the career spending more than 30 years them on worked closely with former prime minister shea casita as a staff officer in the full says division south him all the is policy and advocacy manager at the ball. slowly school of international affairs. and he says,
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the army should have active suna, and i see this as a lack of quite a side business menu. what are you seeing so much of public outrage uprising happening? be the army should have taken preparation well in advance to be able to come into the position not taking over the country, but to ensure the security of the people until the inherent government and the members of the internal government are set in place, which would take some time of course, because they needs to be consultations with the intelligence here as well as the student smoke and meeting the protest. um, so that has not happened that as a result we're seeing this based on the risk and, and offering of tension on the, on the ground. and it's not very normal. it will take some time to do sort of a ring and normalcy in the, in the situation. and i told that the army would immediately come to the front of the piece and throw the security of the people out of the structure. and that's just one part of it. there's a lot of work left. it has to be a civil government and the,
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and i'm glad that the army chief has mentioned that that'd be and certain government would be form. and it will include the members of the intelligence here in the country. but when i say this, this member of the intellect and share this needs to come to public participation of representation of the students who have let the movement, the credit today for this victory, by the fall of uh, she casino and her government goes entirely to the students and the people in the wider population who joined us with a subsequent gait and made it so big that, that the government doesn't have to not stay in power any longer. so they deserve a charles to speak for who they want in the power. the, the united nations has completed his investigation into 19 staff members of the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees, as we had accused him of being involved in the october 7th attack. the un files
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know or insufficient evidence to support allegations against 10 of itself. the other 9 they said may have been involved, and the employment terminated on what employees around 15000 people and gaza. of all the un stressed israel, never handled over evidence to support us allegations for the organization to verify. one thing i'd like to point out is that since information use by as early as storage officials to support the allegations have remained in this really custody, weiss was not able to independently authenticate. most of the information provided to it. gabriel alexander has moved from the un headquarters in new york un saying 9 henri staff members may have been involved in the october 7th attacks on israel. but the key word may, the un admitting that it does not have conclusive 100 percent evidence. and that
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the un office of internal oversight services was never given full access to israel's evidence that it claims it has against the un personnel. the secretary general, antonio gutierrez ordered this internal review shortly after he's real leveled its claims against unwrapped personnel in late january. now because of legal and confidentiality reasons, this o i o s report will not be made public. meanwhile, since october 7th, more than $200.00 henri personell have been killed due to israel's continued bombardment of the guys a strip. gabriel is on don't out here at the united nations in new york who's gone . this is a former spokesman full on what and he's joining us live from london. always great to have you on out just there on this big on us. thank you for your time. firstly, what do you think of the un termination? 9 people's employment because they may have been involved in that type of 7th
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attack. when the u. n says that they haven't been able to independently authenticate most of the information provided to it. well listen to the facts long, this be reinstated. so these ratings told lies about in the case of father 9, there's no evidence the case have been dropped while the hopes that they will be reinstated as well. but again, that's again switch those up so that you know facebook letter of the remaining 9. if you look at the office of the internal oversight, the said it's, it's clear that there was no evidence that's been handed over by israel. other there was nothing, but it's been too fun a sense of cases. someone has to also question, oh, basis. all these people dismissal next look at the context here. the total reports by the former french foreign minister caps we colona was very clear that there's no
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evidence against the homeless stuff as you look at is well track record in telling the truth or not telling the truth about. there is a hassle of misinformation. that is what was put to time in time because the mass come on and control sensor under the l schiffer hospital. the troubles on the, on the closing closet. it turns out on closer examination. absolutely, no, since i'm afraid to say here we go again. morris re, accusations. i don't know what the song, et cetera ripples fall, nothing on the inside the report as far. absolutely nothing. i said i'll just 0 on the 26th of genuine. this 1st came up, this was the mother who lives. i'm not exactly what we seen today, proved fish. what's the model a whole lives. and i say to the united states that they only only done or not refunded a novel at so as an internal report. but as far as no room doing on deposit on
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the us should come back and reinstates its 350000000 dollars to an anonymous put the sorry episode by calling this it was move on was doing. it's monday to as many as 5900000000 post on refugees around the region. probably they all of this was less to be. they need protection. they need almost as a metal. the full can see. clean garza, mr. guns. why again, do you think that, that you, one has to the nice of these people's employment, given that you say they have not found any evidence to support the allegations against them and doesn't taking such action just emboldened the united states when it says that they not going to find the not going to fund unreal because of such allegations. i will, i think you have to all the question why has the you and dismissed these people all to you in itself? because i thought that there was a clear lack of clarity should we put,
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the likely contradiction might say between what we're hearing from the office of internal. so besides that, that's no trouble ration. there's no offense cation, there's no evidence on these ladies. oh, the sector generally say, which is an almost off may have done these things, it's almost all may have how come it's not legal sense? okay, just how come it's not been confirmed. so i don't know. i pray that this has not happened because of political pressure from these railways, both for the americans to be clear that has to be due process. that has to be the root of the not the one is nothing you in the bodies and nothing is safe to stand up for the rule of no more or less to see if some transparencies i would like to see some due process and i would like to see the un robustly defending his actions on behalf of the palestine refugees, they have suffered for far too long. i'm gonna need to put this story behind it. it needs to move on an adult saying it's guilty, narrative,
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i don't think i'm gonna necessarily use, but the us as a whole house to start, we can no longer carry on shopping on the, on the boss and tube about giving it services over the wsp and other agencies, besides, we won't be far, i don't want any as well in mounting this political attack is trying to do. we have to resist the cost because the region will be unstable unless there is a strong and wellness on the, on the delivery services. and that also has to be a political resolution because that will always be the width of the skin stability in a traffic light on the lease. if $5900000.00 people are left in the states of state, yeah, we seem to be split of the further from the political solution than ever at the alignment with the recent escalation supposed to gone us, there's one spokesperson also said, we want to make sure that the reputation of identification on was talking to them
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about 200 people who have lost their lives since october 7th is fully recognized wherever the accountability for those 200 you one work has, has been code to be wireless. the accountability. that is a question that needs to be are not just awesome because the you in the system because i say they are adult to this guilty. now to all the done is with seeing benjamin netanyahu as your after lapses defense going to stuff on three's a. um, well, one of them has not been assassinated, but 3, possibly less than 3. how much leaders say all of so between comma cheap prosecute . well, they'll hopefully guys be under the rest. that's what the i c c is planning. so the possibility of accountability is that with the international criminal court of the international court of justice, but of my see cool in the hague. they are really the, the patient is illegal that it was, and that any member states that supposed occupation military support is of the come moment support for this. well,
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that is also supposed to be counted to you in that most sense of the mechanisms for accountability is the will goes to act. oh, it's a c, d i, c, j, individual national. choose diction. can take charge, take action, it's best, but we need the will to you and to talk about accountability, to talk about the root of law to talk about due process. because at the moment what we see is the human system, i fear paving, in the international pressure at the time when the agency is ongoing. special threat, the was it, it says, do we have to store this nosey coastal list behind? i'm really needs to move along. i need to move on rapidly because lights are at stake and just the last 48 hours as well as phones, 3 schools in garza. we're not talking about that, which we certainly we look at, we session the here on al jazeera, mr. gunners. unfortunately, we're run out of time, but we thank you as always for scott,
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us live in london. thank you very much. as the pleased for the palestinians have been told and the latest is rarely attacks and gauze us in sunday . 2 people were killed and full, enjoyed when several muscle struck flogged in the streets. and then on paula, a separate joint attack on a group of people collecting wood has left 2 children wounded. early on monday is where the drones target had a police call can and at least 8 offices. and the bodies of 89 on identified palestinians have been handed to stop the nozzler medical complex, and con eunice by the international red cross. the palestinians had been held in detention by this way. the military that has them disclose the circumstances of the death. no. the reason for them being detained, the bodies have been buried in a mass grave and con you this goss as media officers accusing israel of taking more than 2000 bodies from cemetery since the will began. i showed them at the end of the feeling as tragic. one feels
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a deep sorrow and questions. how could this happen to us? it's devastating and above all this to lose a son and not be able to find his body. one becomes exhausted and emotionally drained. when seen everyone else retrieving and burying that dead? well, i cannot find out why my son or my father is. the situation is wherever me out. i'm very distressed. every day i feel a lot with every one work in a civil defense where that's bodies. i tried to search, but where the honey, my phone has been at the burial size and con eunice and send this update. so this day has been clouded with many heart breaking stories, including the 84 bodies that were delivered to gaza in a cargo container on a truck. and earlier hours to the through the coordination with the red cross. the 4 bodies i believe, do the bodies of policy means were detained and killed in israel, or inside this detention. can the military detention come to this is very
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consistent with what we a good hearing from people who will release the copies were released. the from is really detention center is the told talk to us about the physical abuse, the torture, the, the sexual abuse in the, the old kind of, of torture and abuse of the how to goods when the many death. and the many stories of people died inside these detention centers for the past months. and fortunately, the scene was quite a tragic and heart breaking people were emotionally exhausted and drained. the gather at north or hospital is searching for any possible mark or sign leading through the these bodies. at least one of these body belong to one of the families or their children, their relatives. the ones have been missing for the past month, but unfortunately, they are fully decomposed with no signs whatsoever to recognize the. the bodies were buried in
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a mass of grave. the final rest of the list for these bodies fully identified. and this has been the stories from the past experiences as well. this is the 4th time is really military after it for a long period of time release bodies. this is rarely human rights group, but for them has released a dining report on the mistreatment of palestinians held in his way the presence since october. the 7th. the report filed systematic abuse in his way presents cooling de facto torture cans. some of the violations include severe physical and sexual violence, humiliation sleep deprivation and deliberate starvation. the number of palestinians in his way of the jails has doubled $0.96 the will began. at least 60 have died in custody on social on was detained in his way the prison and asked cologne in 2009. he describes the torture inflicted on him for 2 months by his ready gauze and says palestinian still being held and likely being treated even with but they're going
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to dictate needs that had been kept from causes a lot of them have come back, but the bucks to their families and they've come back, decomposed, and i've been detained in 2009 at that time, things were a little bit less, i think when it comes to the severity of the circumstances of the prison. most of the time i was sticking into administrative custody. i was in, uh, interrogated in, but the sticks up and uh, the change in and in, in prison, in atlanta. and also suffered solitary confinement. there you understand that these people have no rights. we have no rights. i wasn't able to see a lawyer until many months that had i wasn't able to see my comedy. i was told that i have a secret case and a file that has full sort of information about all the misdeeds that i have done and that they cannot disclose to me any of it. and that they would continually
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interviewed us until we let them know everything that they need to know about what is happening. we suffered from seeds of sleep deprivation. we would, for example, sleep in a room with lights above us. and we would, they would continue to come to our role and ensure that we stay a weeks. mostly the quality of the food is extremely bad. they don't want the t sometimes the fluid is not enough for everyone. there is no access to sunlight. we continuously get searched. unfortunately, it can also, sometimes it has to be sent up to dr. being able to become naked in front of the nest in austin, when you're doing normal times will be between 6 to 9 depending on the number of bunk beds. but whenever there is some kind of emergency that happens in the west bank or they would uh, actually um, punish the people in the cells. and they would actually put 14 to 16 of us in one
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cell little so people would have to keep on the floor. and people would also have to share the less fluid amongst each other, in addition to shifting one bathroom. sometimes the bathroom would just be a mere hole in the middle of the cell where people would, uh, would be able to do what they need to do in addition to continuous coughing. you know, the coughing would stay in your hands do what i can do, especially during the interrogation. they wouldn't coffee or feed your legs to do that during the interrogation. they would also scare you by putting other prisoners like you in closets, few closets, looking them up, and they're starting to shake the clothes and approve them around. so there's a lot of fear tactics that they also put in place is really full of carried out more rates and the occupied westbank on monday. they focused on the city of janine was very ahmed vehicles have been filmed, branding, palestinian cause. the palestinian web presence says that 5 people were injured
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including full with gunshot wounds and the judge agreed you before to reach the army storm strong. just i went to say that we work under the umbrella of the palestinian monetary authority. i am promised and in laws we do not finally so we respect the supervision imposed on we do not commit any violations. we do not know why this happened to us will finish off. i did in there was a raid on jeanine and we didn't have enough time to close the shop. we were surprised to see the is there any soldiers just outside on my car was parked in front of the money exchange and look what happened to it. and i was trapped in the show and i didn't know what happened outside of the u. s. defense officials say american military personnel have been injured and the suspect of august was hack on an air base housing us troops in weston voc,
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to miss halls on an asset base and unbar problems. a fuel supply station inside the base is quote fine and a still building. please say the missiles were launched from a truck. let's bring in that cost one of my for that been why have he's joining us from baghdad. what details do we have about this attack? of the willow this evening, the according to iraq, a secure with the sources, the a i in an submitted to the base which houses it us submitted to personnel has been targeted to up by miss sales at least to me silent hit the base at the injuring a number of the eh, mid, she us submitted to personnel, according to the pentagon, which told a just, you know that a number of us soldiers were injured for them. and that to me, so i'll attack. meanwhile, iraqi security forces had been deployed in the area and search for the suspects. they found a pickup truck with me. so i launch or on top of it, they also found
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a number but unexploded at mist size. and in a submitted sri base is the largest you submitted to the base in iraq, and it used to be hit to bite to eat on the lines of the groups. uh since the ministry campaign by israel and stopped at the at, on the visor on october the 7th. but during the past few months we've been witnessing a low in these attacks, especially after a the attack against d. 21 a in on the border between cd and jordan in january. now, this comes only at a week of to the the us at the 8 force is targeted uh, location that is sold about a bad clean get up for a hold of minutes. e and the public mobilization individuals at the last week. and remember this, it also comes within 10 days than that. i said that base was also targeted by
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muscle attack at last week. and the whole day has been a number of attacks on american forces and assets and iraq. since the war and gaza began. can we expect more, given the recent escalation intentions? this was definitely this can be read within the context of the reason to iran as well a conflict as you know that you're going, you know, for shows that have stated that to this is going to be at, i mean the response to as well as, as a nation of us might nadia and to hold on eh, they're planning to respond to this policy is going to be in a corporation or in quoted nation with that, that allies in the region. we understand that they have a lives in a rock that popular mobilization units in liberty and has butler in city and also the hoses in a am. and so this is expected to be a quote of nate to the response, but you're on and their allies. but given the fact that with the minutes we build
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up up by the united states in the region, you know, that worships the carriers and also made it to the personnel being deployed in the area. so the situation, is it a very tense with that deployment about us personnel in the region? the whole thank you very much for that. my phones at the head with mesas live in baghdad. the still ahead on now to sierra fall wide protest is clash with police in the united kingdom. communist a case, donald warrens launch or sales phase, the sole source of the the hello that was found down on the in australia where a series of cold from so sweeping across the south of the country. bringing some welcome of what weather to places that have not seen much since the start of the
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yes. so there's that rain that starts to roll into southern parts of w a on choose day. we'll see some heavier falls in part by the mid week, but it wasn't much of a stray. a high pressure is in charge keeping things launch. we find dry, sunny and warm. we could see some coastal showers a case into queensland and got the showers pushed into tasmania, but it is looking brighter for that southeast corner, with temperatures slowly picking up in cities like adelaide. now, temperatures have been on the output cross in new zealand. it is largely settled here on choose day was slices, sunshine, pushing through the cloud. there's a rain that starts to increase the southern parts of the south island, bringing a bit of a wintery mix here on wednesday. that would be more than wave sunshine still in ok, and it looks pretty pleasant the by the mid week. now for east asia, we've got heat and humidity dominating across central and eastern areas, extending across into japan that we will see temperatures come down in tokyo with the arrival of
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a little bit of wet weather. but the weather continues to push its way further south, but look at that sheets in who had when she was day off to oppression for generations. there comes a time to fight for freedom and survival. as one of the highest ranking members of an indigenous civil defense force to columbia and grandmother fiercely protects her community and the world's largest cocaine for juicing regional land or death. a witness documentary on a jersey. viewing the facts, people with disabilities, they are the most vulnerable groups in israel, relentless or asking questions, you know, the number right now. what is the issue that reporting from the actions best
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feelings and you can also can have the worst out to see it was teens across the world within the local news. i didn't like from documentary when you closer to the house of the story the the, you're watching on to 0 of me, elizabeth put on and don't ha, reminder of on top stories, the sour shaken say that has resigned as bond divisions on minnesota and flipped to india, crowds of in celebration on the streets of the capital vaca. within 300 people have been killed in weeks of antique government protest. the launch of nations has completed its investigation into staff members, a visual,
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an agency for palestinian refugees is all accused of being involved in the ex or the 7th attack the you and found no or insufficient evidence to support the allegations against 10 of that stuff. the other line they said may have been involved and the employment has been terminated, is despised that you and not being given the evidence to independently verify it. and several american ministry personnel has been injured and this is spectrum could attack on an air base housing as us troops in western iraq. the rockies security officials also confirmed the attack. that group has claimed responsibility for it has been applied to end of medic have been killed. mine is why the astro, i can self 11 on the liberties health but just to confirm the death from the town of may. so i was just will, at least 5 hezbollah fighters have been killed in the past 24 hours in southern lebanon. the latest attacks come with the entire region on edge both has ball and around have voucher vitality age of to israel's assassination. of
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a has bullet come on to and be route added attack and which have mosley to is mind him. the of was killed and pet on as a bank has moved from marsha, you and, and southern lebanon. of this all is being discussions taking place, trying to get has below on their, on to kind of limit the retaliation we've had that it gets uh, from around the world arrive here in lebanon and baby to talk to the lebanese government to pass on messages to his blood trying to get them to kind of limit their response to his radius estimation of the senior commander, flight sugar in the suburbs of bay roots now his with i have promised to retaliation. so i'm not sure if that retaliation will be limited. as for iran with a ron and also require a promise to retaliation, in fact, the foreign minister has invited far invested as well as the head of permissions to a meeting in, in, in the run and no data again to discuss this retaliation. we also understand that the russian national security adviser,
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as well as the height of the location aren't there on a ring. and me just say is to discuss a by that's what the cooperation deal. but again, the pressing issue is this conflict is this retaliation that we're expecting, possibly from the, at the same time, iran and his below his act at the same time. and the real fear is, will this not escalate? and the united states believes that it, according to reports that this attack from iran and his block would be imminent. but they also trying to deescalate that they want to run a has blocked and limit their retaliation of any turn, put pressure on israel to limit their response to iran. and his beloved is that will happen or not is a, is a separate question altogether. and right now it's old speculation. we don't know when his blood and iran will strike or did you know is that they have promised or response. we don't know where they will strike and we don't know how expensive will, how wide spread it would be. us secretary of state antony blank and spoke at the white house and addressed the situation in the middle east. we are engaged in the
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test, the phone. pretty much round the clock with a very simple message. all parties must refrain from escalation of all parties must take steps to ease tensions. escalation is not that anyone's interest. it will only lead to more conflict, more violence, more in security. it's also critical that we break this cycle by reaching a ceasefire and guys that insurance a lot of possibilities for more than during calm not only and guys itself, but in other areas where the conflict could spread. but early on monday, yvonne's foreign ministry spokesman, also cannady set that on has to respond to as well as a question in order to restore stability, to the region of angel movie. as long as it on, if you're on talks of why it's right to punish the aggressor,
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this is an action to help consolidate security and stability in the region. we believe the consolidation of stability and security will be achieved by punishing the aggressor and creating a tyrant against the adventures behavior. and the extra territorial terrace of design is raising. well, this comes as russia security council secretary, so they shall go as in the routing and capital mason and security officials. moscow, this form of defense minister will also meet the iranian president and armies chief of staff. russian president vladimir putin last visited on and late 2022. but us state department spokesman matthew minutes has washington has been urgent contracts to advise around against acts that could increase tensions of the region. he says the us doesn't expect russian officials to dissuade iranian plans. we don't have any expectations that russia is going to play a productive role in the escalating tensions. we haven't seen them play a productive role in this conflict since october 7th. they have for the most part, been absent. certainly we've seen them do nothing to urge any party to take the sco
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towards this. say not to say a senior fellow at the center for international policy. and he says, yvonne is in a predicament. they are very difficult position in the dangerous places and where they ronnie and say they don't want regional war and regional war would not be to their interests. but in the face of these iranian actions, the kind of school autonomy wrong that says the wrong, hasn't retaliated forcefully enough, and that they need to take more forceful action to restore deterrence at the school of thought as dominance right now. um, now i think the scenarios are had, are either or some kind of contained as the latoria situation like happened in april where you're on responds militarily. but the escalation is ultimately contains the us and other global powers playing an important role with that. or we could see a scenario escalation leads to this regional worst scenario that all the sites have been trying to avoid up until now with the exception of nathan, yahoo. but in terms of how runs tack may take,
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or there are stairs speculation, you know, that it could be coordinated with has bola and if you other, you're on the individual allies that could take the form of another direct missile in drawing the salt from iran into israel, it could even potentially take the form of something surprising, maybe even potential incursions on the ground from syria or 11 on, but it remains to be seen, but they will go, it seems like they're set to go up the escalation later, after the assassination of any of the stocks on wall street have problems with alter, early a sell off an asian and europe and equity markets. the downturn is linked fee is of a us procession textures. but among the worst has in monday trading the us stock market law some 3 percent of its value that solved to japan's new k index. last 12.4 percent. it's going through, it's worth decline. and so for his european,
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she has followed suit and dropped 2 percent on average hydro costa and looks at the reasons behind the sell off a year in the us. it was the worst day for the markets in nearly 2 years with the s and p 500 closing down 3 percent. why did this all happen now? we'll just on friday there was a series of concern of economic indicators that the us economy maybe slowing. there was not as much jobs added to the economy as expected. more unemployment claims were being filed and manufacturing appear to be sluggish. all of that leading to investors worries that there may be a recession on the horizon. and in fact, goldman sachs, economists forecast now that now there is a 25 percent chance of a u. s. recession within the next 12 months. the providing advice that experts are getting to american investors is to not panic. they say that today was likely an
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over reaction that still stocks are higher now than they were at the beginning of the year in the us. and the best advice that investors are receiving here is to just sit tight and wait and not, not rush to any quick actions versus problem. and that's the key. as tom is wanting, ross has targeting muslim communities. they'll face the full, full self employed as he tries to end the days of unrest. in the past few hours, robin hood clashed employment. some police describe the sustain violence. the nation wide demonstrations began last week on the 3 goals, the staff to death in southport, police say social media, post face feed length, and listen indigo. and for the attack, the government is urging social media platforms to stop the spread of racial hate. minute invest with individual, it's from south port where the community is in morning to the week on a town moons a week since the king of 3 young goes,
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the stabbing to death of alice b, b and l. c. should the nation. that's what those in the hometown degree is personal . it's just little goes to me today and then the way it's been distorted to it's just been discussed and then memory resto conway, the folks that but least respect. and you know, that we faced through true to these beautiful angels that we're just trying to have phone just do every kid. those officials paying the respect including so come mid divisions to minutes a i'll just say are here, what are your reflections on one week since this tragedy? well, 1st of all, i'm here on a private visit as the meanest of, of communities, 2 to 6 best mice sorted out and support to the community. in spite of how people have come together in the off to must up such a tragedy in a heartache. then to all the community to come together in a, in a pretty it might have to show the very inside of south for,
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for the committee stance for the u. k. as in 2 days, the fall, right. unrest viewed initially by misinformation online. so the suspect was them as an immigrant assisting even officer authority said he was born in person valleys, moving into an immigration riots. the case ethnic minorities targeted. 6 the keels of the last few days, speeding distant from the death of 3 young goals. that with the stocks for the interest, the police line putting off the crime scene is still of people still coming to pay their respect the show of what happens here. and the pain is deeply wounding this community. this charity wants to help heated collecting donations for families and
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fast responders. traumatized by the tragedy to the instance of last week took place right on our doorstep and we are a community organization. we are here so we can support them in the days the weeks and the months to come. is people gathered to remember the 3 little girls that was just sadness left young adult seeking and giving comfort and it the pain that overwhelmed this town. the end of a city to reach out to 0 south thoughts? well, some have blamed yvonne and the u. k. on misinformation but other say local media and government to back shred have also contributed or challenges. takes a closer look at what and who is behind the violence. they've attacked people, property and the police. and they're responsible for some of the most serious and sustained public violence, the u. k. c. and it decade. but who on the anti immigration protest is taking part
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in riots across the country. they might be present police or the soft boards. people traveled into southport to perform these extreme exclusive great was these people where, you know, almost was a jew to the gods and stand full then nation inexpensive. columbus. and i could have teeth so she's a sophomore and riots. so i think we are seeing is the people from the outside coming in the most, the locals, you know, kind of protesting. and i'm writing a quite violent and reprehensible boys. a loose decentralized network of fun rights activists to the produces consumers and shares of the digital means and misinformation that are fewer local and they use messaging apps to coordinate protests. the scene is something of a 2nd head is telling me robinson real name, steven yaks. the land and he sets up the now the expanded english defense league and his county out of the country with a warrant issued for his arrest. but for use anti immigration sentiment is benign
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provide by the u. k. is right wing newspapers and was used as a wedge issue by the form of conservative governments go for 10 or 15 years, having a large the uncontested right? reading and extreme right. we got a newspaper media showing that rita is this country is desperate straits. a lot of politicians on the right seeking advantage in that position and that that is the whole kind of cocktail against this research taking place is will run pop criminal justice. they've already made hundreds of arrest. it's now k as tom is problem to solve his challenge is to crank down on the violence and find some way of taking this thing out of the immigration issue. this brought the u. k to the brink pro retirements, how to 01 year after the arrest and imprison that into full of pockets dani palm minutes to him on con,
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thousands of protest as have taken to the streets in swaby district to demand his release. come on. hi. that has moved from there, the games of thousands of papers get ready to get along. it does long. these are people who are heading to the right in new york, so i'll be a major flower shop by the project on that. it can solve one, the author on hundreds, they're registered by the government. several of their leaders out in j, but does, of course, has not diminished then toward the demo this, the board does open boarding from across the country. from the southern prominence of things, from the fun job, i'd rather i'd rather just on drawing. but the larger show board is going to be a head. and so i'll be a clear message or the government they're there, they're, the numbers regarding to these people are just on the stand with them wrong calm as he is. the only truth will lead to in this concern who is be put in jail for one,
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yet by the corrupt government struggle will continue until he is released. and i've got the gutters by the events in buckler. there's rare, i've seen a larger, there's already less items of all because in female the only purpose of that gathering here in swaby is to protest for the release of alita iran. calm look at what happened to his senior wishes in bangladesh. she to suppress people's voices and just the same and practiced on, i think that chavez, she re flu, run like the method paper. let's say it's loud and clear that once the paper, the size, they're ready ready for the data go up in the international criminal thoughts. chief prosecutor has presented a report to the un security council on saddam, which has been racked by conflicts since april of last year. he painted a dog picture of the situation inside the country is 5 and continues between the army and the power military rapids support forces. cutting cons of the court will
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soon take steps to prosecute those guilty of committing will crimes and sit on. so i will be in a position, i believe we are. why i hope by my next report, i will be able to announce applications for warren. so the rest regarding those or some of those individuals that are the most responsible for what we're seeing at the moment. people uh scott or a beret or a desperate for the international community to hear that price. hey, the morgan has moved from courtroom as considering the fact that both were in size have failed to listen to any previous you and resolution and calls by regional countries for a cease fire. and to allow for investigation. it doesn't look like these, where it's at least for the time being will resonate. so i think continues here in the capital costume. this is denise army announced on sunday that they were able to
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regain more control over more territories in the city of from the mind. and there has been repeated artillery strikes by the rapid support forces in the city over the past year to that's in north and are for and that's the last, are me strong, cold in the inside are for region now there has been reports of death of civilians as a result of the arthur, there were strikes, health facilities, hospitals in impression have been targeted repeatedly by the artillery strikes by the rapid support forces. and then those are to lose track and the air strikes 5 of the new army which has led to civilian death. so uh for the time being it looks like both sides are focused on trying to win the conflict. i'm trying to get some upper hand over the other rather than listening to what the international criminal court prosecutor and the united nations security council is calling for both sides to do, which is for accountability from the international criminal court and for a ceasefire from the united nations security council, us soldiers have withdrawn from the last american military base and they share the commons more than a year off. felicia is another treat of
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a vote to deal in order to american forces to leave the country. the foundation was home to a major us operations base in the desert city of august is the us military used to base and its efforts against the groups in the region or to the head of knowledge. a 0, a controversial celebration would explain. why don't everyone in cambodia is welcoming a massive new construction project. and the spiritual rating is shaking things off of the past games. but it's the length of churches overriding and down
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the the
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the and the us storm debbie has uploaded trees and knocked out pal across florida and some neighboring states. power constraint wins tor through towns is debbie made. last one monday. flooding has been reported across large parts of the state and just trying to subvert each of the pots with a se authorities or advising residents in effect to the areas to wait for the storm to subside. before returning home, a mass burials of people killed the lads lives close by. heavy rain has taken place and the indian stays with catalina. at least 215 people died last week. the landslide happened in the early hours of tuesday morning when most people sleep, and thousands of people in india is western city of food that has been evacuated from their homes and low line areas, which levels into major rivers as well as following torrential rains. seasonal monsoon rains in the country that starts at the end of may have triggered one
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spread flooding in recent years. this cambodia as prime minister has let us ceremony to mock the staff of what kind of 1700000000 dollar canal connecting the capital non pen to the closed. but questions remain about who's funding it and the environmental impact on the me calling for the tony chang, reports externally meant to choose along the bank. so the make up the river for the integration of the food and tip code can master of ceremonies. prime minister, one minute, the construction of a deep or the canal from the capital for them pen directly to the gulf of thailand, project proposed by his pond consent. seen it is the big gong national project, at least him approved yet. i am sure that the goldman will do it and completed by all means at all costs, because that is a legitimacy,
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especially for the new generation or leadership. but there are other questions about the legitimacy of the project to remain on said residents living along the 180 kilometer roots of the canal, the being told they'll have to move the little else about the compensation they'll receive. yeah, the poly, the, i feel empty inside. we are losing the place where we lived in happiness. there was be no problem living here. a new location would be like the place we we used to. it's also unclear who by the cost of $1700000000.00 us dollars. the project comes under the auspices of china is belts and road initiative. all of the prime minister recently stated, the 51 percent of the funding is coming from cambodian firms. a neighboring countries have expressed concerns about the environmental impact of the canal. if they can manage the, the active flow playing around the canal,
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then it's possible that the environmental and social impacts to cambodia and to be a non, are potentially small. but we just don't know enough about the project right now to, to make that judgment. vietnam's particularly worried about the drainage of fresh water from the me come delta and the impact that will have on millions of farms. some fishermen rely on the river downstream. tony chang, elder 0 of the finally, this bulletin disposed of breaking is about to make it 1st and then to compare. and it is the only event to debut at these games has organized, has looked to attract younger audience for ways reports from paris. this is what break dancing is always hot. it's how on the streets with a group of friends, stereo and debates to this group. it's the streets of paris,
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one of many places that is embrace the culture that originated in the bronx and new york move in half a century ago. but now the movement that styles itself, one of the full pillows of hip hop, is made it to the grand stage of the olympic games. as frightening as it's now known, it makes its debut as power as 2024. from what it's clicking sing close to see if it's for me breaking now has a big opportunity to fool this, but there was a preconception about it when i started dancing, my parents didn't want me to do hit public. it's a dense, the thugs, etc. but now the fact that breaking is it, the olympics means that people's fee is a different. they see that it's open to everyone. it's cool, it's fun. the pine is a breaking came for book policies. while the 1st electric brake has a people watch world champion victim montalvo, the your site depends all style t. the plus the wording of metals has been contentious in
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a scene that doesn't always embrace set the rules criteria. one thing that makes writing difficult to judge it's unlikely olympics is it as a physical and technical side, but also an autistic side. there's also been at the bank about whether it was always been a culture should really be the sport. they've been complaints since olympic bosses and put the ballroom dancing federation in charge of breaking up the games. many in the old school on top of that's how far the roots of the movements have been left behind. but the new generation seems to be honoring the past, won't embracing the future i'm in favor of the lympics because it is making the dogs more in the spotlight. good. you have to have the technique but also have fun play with the music be autistic and technical at the same time. 2 feeling picks but like may be short lived with the look for the next games in los angeles. and for years time breaking has already been dropped.
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full rece out is era, paris and that set from a elizabeth from carry. johnson will be here in a moment. for more today's news, the african stories from african perspectives. i'll say i am a creative at heart 3 short documentary spy, african filmmakers from nigeria, south africa, and zambia. i like my children, i like them. he didn't go school. he didn't live is a to relation of slaves and we are already seeing the forest women of i've seen from the cape and a dream worth chasing. a new series of africa direct on algebra.
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the pod came in to be is israel, it nope, school to pieces. i think that the new thing you have one of these governments with this, this part that you say getting russell, a thought provoking nonsense. that e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the fact that he was signing a present as not the need for the fact that he had the story on told to how does era, as the cost of over celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting. that 3 sir, being that cause of our baby and force we were meant to be completely ethnically.
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cleanse people are power, examines the postwar landscape and present the challenges for the regions. youngest country. this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction as possible the making of a states on that. just a, you know, the protests is around sack the whole of bands with this as prime minister. i see for these the country off to weeks of deadly demonstrations the carried on. so this is all just there. a lie from the also coming up is rose army with tons, 89 palestinian bodies to a hospital in garza. causes media office accuse is the is very minute you kid not
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more than 2000 from symmetry since the war began. more riots in the u. k. prime minister, castanan pharmacist,


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