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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 6, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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examines the post war landscape and present the challenges for the regions youngest country. this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction. that's not possible the making of a states on that. just so you know, the protests is around sack the whole of bands with this as prime minister. i see for these the country off to weeks of deadly demonstrations. the carried on. so this is all just there. a lie from the also coming up is rose army with tons, 89 palestinian bodies to a hospital in gaza. causes media office accuse is the is very minute true kid not more than 2000 from symmetry since the war began. more riots in the u.
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k. prime minister, castanan, pharmacist, swift criminal sanctions for those involved and some of the worst in more than a decade. a huge rooting against the text, john google, us court says it's been illegally explored tickets to minutes. the funds with this just 5 minutes to shake has seen that has resigned and fled to neighboring india. the head of the army has declared the formation of an interim government and called for an end to the protest. you and the secretary general, i'm trying to get tara, she's quoting for com, unrestrained from the cha dre has moved from the capital duck to protest us from the residence of bangladesh. as the prime ministers accessing the wakes of violent demonstration across the salvation country have killed at least 300 people in an address to the nation. the army chief confirm testing i had resigned and select the
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country. the arched people to trust in the military to restore, come and ensure those responsible for the killings are punished with the one will feel the country is witnessing a period of revolution right now. i had invited all the leaders of political parties that came. yeah. and we had a good discussion, we have decided to form an interim government through the interim government, the functioning of the country will take place and i'm giving you my word that we will bring justice for all the killings and the injustice that has happened. have faith in the army, unity armed forces. the product started last month with a demand to end quote, as a government jobs reserved for relatives of people in the world of independence. more than 50 years ago. there was a pause in the demonstration after the supreme codes prep most code as but students came back to the scripts, demanding justice for the families of those killed and the resignation of the prime
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minister. more than 90 people were killed on sunday, including certain police officers. when demonstrators attacked the police station, the army has promised to form an interim government. but they are concerned about the lack of trust in the military among the protest. this is really a population that has been looking for accountability and justice for some years now under a, you know, an increasingly authoritarian alarm and lead regime. so that will be crucial. i think the big food now i think should be that they may be a reprisals and violence against folders is willing kaji. i think this is something that everyone's really worried about. and we will be hoping that the army is able to keep the peace. and as well as introduce some kind of a into in system that can deliver us back to democracy in bangladesh. after the army chief spoke, a group which had spearheaded the anti government protest released the statement,
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saying the military is not the solution. the students and the public will decide who it will be pointed to the interim government. it's like the it was not a street of protest on was a movement against or took receive. that's why we're role here. the main concern would be those who are still behind the bars, not just says the recent stood in front of the paul's once a political prisoner hoping behind the bar during saving before the election. 76 year old have seen a warning vote straight term in january this year. the election was by crowded by the main opposition party. our party, that warm in league has been accused of rights abuses and corruption for years. sooners, resignation, and clean the country is being widely celebrated across bring the best bed restore income, assuring accountability and trust in the military. that is itself accused of widespread abuse poses a huge challenge in the days and weeks ahead. temperatures rate,
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i'll just say to duck a military chief i had was a lot and has taken charge of the country doing one of its worst political crises. in decades. the 68th roles was the pointed head of the army on june. the 23rd for 3 year period, he previously served as a chief of general stop overseeing ministry operations and intelligence, as well as the country's role in un peacekeeping operations. he completed 2 tools as a peacekeeping himself. go to, unlike miriam, during a chris funding of more than 30 years, he worked closely with format 5 minutes to shape senior staff officer in the armed forces division. to aside how to use a policy and advocacy manage about the about city a school of international affairs. he says, the army should have acted soon to prevent funds. i've seen these of the lack of point 5 business when you, when you've seen so much of public outrage uprising happening, be the army should have taken preparation well in advance to be able to come into
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the position not taking over the country, but to ensure the security of the people until the inherent government and the members of the internal government are set in place, which would take some time, of course, because they needs to be consultations with the intelligence here, as well as the student smoke and meeting the protest. so that has not happened that as a result, we're seeing this based on the risk and, and offering tension on the, on the ground. and it's not very normally going to take some time to do sort of a ring and normalcy in the, in the situation. and i told that the army would immediately come to the front of the piece and throw the security of the people out of the structure. and that's just one part of it. there's a lot of work left. it has to be a civil government and the, and i'm glad that the army chief has mentioned that that'd be and certain government would be form and it will include the members of the intelligence here in the country. but when i say this, this member of the intellect and share this needs to come to public participation
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of representation of the students who have let the movement the credit. today for this victory, for the fall of the shake casino and her government been those entirely to the students and the people in the wider population who joined us with a subsequent gait and made it so big that, that the government doesn't have to not stay in power any longer, so they deserve a charles to speak for who they want in the power. the united nations has completed its investigation into 19 stuff, members of you, an agency for protest in, in refugees. israel accuse them of being involved in october 7th, the time you and found no insufficient evidence to support the allegations against 10 of its stuff. the other 9 they said may have been involved and their employment was terminated when you are employees around 13000 people in guns with you and
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stressed that as well, never handled the evidence to support his allocations for the organization to verify. one thing i'd like to point out is that since information used by as early as storage officials to support the allegations have remained in this really custody, weiss was not able to independently authenticate. most of the information provided to it. deborah is on the hospital and off in the un headquarters and you an un saying 9 unreal staff members may have been involved in the october 7th attacks on israel. but the key word may, the un, admitting that it does not have conclusive 100 percent evidence, and that the un office of internal oversight services was never given full access to israel's evidence that it claims it has against the un personnel. secretary
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general, antonio gutierrez ordered this internal review shortly after he's real leveled its claims against the unwrapped personnel in late january. now because of legal and confidentiality reasons, this o i o s report will not be made public. meanwhile, since october 7th, more than 200 under a personal had been killed due to israel's continued bombardment of the guys a strip gabriel's on don't out just here at the united nations in new york. at least 40 palestinians have been killed in the latest is many attacks in gauze as since some, the 2 people were killed and full injured when several missed all struck out in straightened down. but on a separate tro to attack on a group of people collecting wood is left to children. wounded area on monday is very drones targeted lease cars shooting at least 8 offices. while the bodies of 189, unidentified palestinians had been handed to stuff. and that's
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a medical complex and con unit of international red cross, palestinians had been held in detention bobby's very ministry. it hasn't disclose the circumstances of that. that's the reason for them being detained. the bodies had been buried in a mass graves and con eunice, causes me to office is accusing is rather of taking more than 2000 bodies from symmetries since the will began or how much the so we are and the feeling is tragic . one feels a deep sorrow and questions. how could this happen to us? it's devastating and a bubble this to lose a son and not be able to find his body. one becomes exhausted and emotionally drained, when seen everyone else retrieving and burying that dead? well, i cannot find out why my son or my father is. the situation is wherever me out. i'm very distressed. every day i feel a lot with every one work in a civil defense where that's bodies i tried to search, but where the, the honey mountain mood has been that the burial side in calling eunice sunset.
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this update to this day has been a clouded with many heart breaking stories, including the 84 bodies that were delivered to gaza in a cargo container on a truck. and earlier hours to the through the coordination with the red cross. the 4 bodies i believe, do the bodies of policy means were detained and killed in israel, or inside this detention. can the military detention come to this is very consistent with what we a good hearing from people who will release the copies were released. the from is really detention center is the told talk to us about the physical abuse, the torture, the, the sexual abuse in the, the old kind of, of torture and of use of the how to goods when the many death. and the many stories of people died inside these detention centers for the past months. then fortunately, the scene was quite
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a tragic and heart breaking. people were emotionally exhausted and drained. the gather at not their hospital is searching for any possible mark or sign leading through the these bodies, at least one of these body belong to one of the families or their children, their relatives. the ones have been missing for the past month, but unfortunately, they are fully decomposed with no signs whatsoever to recognize the. the bodies were buried in a mass, the grave of final resting place for these bodies fully identified. and this has been the stories from the past experiences as well. this is the 4th time, is really military. after it for a long period of time release bodies, us defense officials say american military personnel. i've been injured in a suspected rocket to attack on an air base housing, us troops and west, and the rock to projectiles hit and aside base, and unbound provence, a fuel supply station inside the base. as quote,
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fire is still burning. they say the missiles were launched from a truck by fluid. the other wind has more from the capital about that. once again, i submitted to bays and wisdom. the rock is targeted. the volume is science. the pentagon, as told i just needed that a number of us soldiers would enjoy it and receiving get medical treatment in a field hospital inside the base. meanwhile, iraqi security forces had been deployed in the area and search for the suspects. they say they found a pickup truck with a misfire launch or mounted on top of it. they also say they've found a number of unexploded at me size. this is the 2nd time and it submitted to the base. is it targeted by miss hines? within 10 days? it is the largest us ministry base in iraq and it houses us submitted c at personnel. now this comes as tension is rising in the region between one
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and israel, following the estimation of its value honey. the political achieve over how much into hold on, on wednesday, and meanwhile, as the united states has been sending, get up more minutes, treat that build up in the region and military personnel, including also the, the, the equipment including get patios and warships in the region within the context of the recent escalation with the head, a 0 above that it's close now to hardy, jo, castro, who's in washington dc for us now. hi the how concerned is the us about the tension in the middle east? a terry immensely concern and we just received word from the white house that the president and vice of president have been briefed about this latest attack on all sides base in iraq. the statement from the white house saying that they were briefed on stuff that the u. s has taken to defend its forces and respond. they
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said in a manner in place of this country's choosing. they were also briefed on the ongoing tensions in the region on the movement of us war ships and war planes into the region in an able to better protect us forces as well as lend support to israel is in when iran launches and attack all of that side, there's also still diplomatic efforts going and the white house still is hopeful that that can prevent further escalation. the president and the vice president were briefed today on those efforts as well. how do you, thanks very much indeed. so to come on, al jazeera will tell you more about tropical storm debbie, which made land for them in northern coastal florida warnings of height, weight and heavy flooding the
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halo that let's have a look at the weather across north america. and it is a divided picture, we still got very hot and dry conditions dominating in the west, but out east what it is looking very wild particular for the southeastern states of the us. thanks to hurricane debbie now it has weakened off to making land full in florida, but it will continue to work its way on tuesday, across into georgia, it's bringing the threat to full nato's powerful wins. but it really is the incredible amounts of rain the of concerned we could see a catastrophic flooding situation. now by wednesday, it's expected to bring those conditions to the carolinas. it will bring a very wet situation to the eastern seaboard through to the end of next week. now, elsewhere across the u. s. was still seeing since of use booms, pick up a co central pots of canada,
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pushing across the midwest. so expecting large amounts of rain here, but out west, it's all about the heat and the dry conditions with temperatures continuing to rise in california and the depth it's south west phoenix sing. 43 degrees celsius that on choose day. the temperatures will dip down slightly as we go into the mid week, but you can see that heat continuing to build across the deep south with dallas at 41 degrees on wednesday. the officer oppression for generations. there comes a time to fight for freedom and survival. as one of the highest right king members of an indigenous civil defense force. columbia and grandmother fiercely protect. so community and the world's largest cocaine for juicing. we just then, or that a witness documentary on the jersey,
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the welcome back reminder about top stores. this shake casino has resigned those funds with dish as prime minister that to india crowds of incentive rate's streets of attempting to come. 300 people have been 2 weeks and an anti government protest. united nations has completed this investigation into stuff met this. are you an agency out of can invest in cheese, israel, cheese to being involved in october 7th. un found not sufficient to support the
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allegations against 10 of its stuff of 9 they said may have been in austin. devin flemings has been terminated despite us not being given the evidence to independently verify. several american military personnel have an engine suspected broky to attack an ad base housing us troops, west tinderbox rockies security officials. so, so to confirm the attack, my group has payment sponsibility for s. o u. s. federal court has found that the search engine google has been illegally exploiting its dominants to quash competition and stifle innovation. for the judgment comes almost a year off, the stones of a case brought by the us justice department. the judge said the company had violated anti trust little by requiring smartphone makers to install this as a default search engine. the company says it will appeal which starts his competition direct runs the attorney at the electronic frontier foundation. he
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joins us from san francisco. welcome to the program. so put simply, what could this routing mean for google? well arranged to be seen what sort of remedies the cord is going to impose on google, but this finding is the combination of all you have to very well in case of animal or bi partisan case. this is the case the that began uh during the trump administration, and it involves a whole host of us states as well as uh, as well as the federal government. um, but uh really uh, it's pretty momentous. uh a moment that the courts have recognized that google has monopoly power over the general search engine market. and there's definitely going to lead to some sort of remedy potentially. then how would google be forced to change it's business model as it what the narrow version is. it would be required to stop the use of exclusionary practices that were identified in this decision area,
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particularly that they're collecting massively large payments from, from apple and from various browser vendors to, um, uh uh so it's gonna have to be the uh, uh, default search provider on those platforms, particularly on i phones. um, so the now version would be simply to get uh, uh, requiring google to stop making those, those deals for default placement. um, the brought up version would be breaking them up, would be forcing google to divest some or all of its advertising businesses from its search business. removing the incentive to uh, compromise users privacy uh, you know, in pursuit of, of scale. and when it comes to the power of tech companies, what is it that the thought is and indeed some uses uh, actually fit uh,
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a lot of it comes down to privacy. uh and the court said that, um, uh, you know, google is conduct had hurts competitors like dr. goats come to compact competing search engines that had a stronger focus on privacy. so i've had customers do fear the, the amount of surveillance that google, particularly if it's integration of search and browser and advertising and many other things. uh, the amount of surveillance that, that google can conduct on users. um the, its monopoly power over searches, the engine that fuels. it's your surveillance machine. it's all great. i think that's a lot of what's underlying this suit. okay, the for the image stokes. thanks very much indeed for joining us. thank you. stokes on wall street have plummeted off the area set offs in asian and european equity markets. the downturn is linked to this of us recession. well, texas were among the worst hit in monday, trading us stock market last summer,
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3 percent of its value not soft to japan's, and the current index. last 12.4 percent. it's going through it's west decline and several years. european shares, photos suit and dropped 2 percent on average. the u. k. prime minister customer is wanting rod, it says targeting wisdom communities. they'll face that full force of the duel. that's the choice to end days of unrest in the past few hours, rival groups of crushed and slimmest police describe a sustained phonics. nationwide demonstration started last week of the 3 goes with step to death in southport police, state social media posts full sleep lanes. is named immigrant for the attack. the government's is urging its social media platforms to stop the spread of racial haynes. dana, that's the benefits reports, not from south port where the community isn't morning, as we own a town moons
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a week since the beginning of 3 young goes, the stabbing to death of alice b, b and l. c. ship the nation. that's what those in that hometown degree is personal, just little goes to me today and then the way it's been distorted to it, it's just been discussed. and so then memory resto conway, the folks that, that the suspect and you know, that we faced are true to these beautiful angels that which is trying to have phone just do every kid. those officials paying their respect, including the com, a made divisions, minutes to, i'll just say are here, what are your reflections on one week since this tragedy? well, 1st of all, i'm here on a private visit as a minister for communities, 2 to 6 best mice sorted out and support to the community. in spite of how people have come together in the aftermath of such a tragedy in a heartache,
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then to all the community to come together, you know, in a pretty it might have to show the very inside of south for, for the committee sense of the u. k, as in 2 days, the fall, right? unrest viewed initially by misinformation online. the suspect was them is the immigrant and persisting even after authority said he was born in person, valleys moving into an immigration riots. the case ethnic minorities targets. it's the chaos of the last few days, feeling distant from the death of 3 young goals that with the stocks for the interest, the police line putting off the crime scene is still of people still coming to pay their respect. the sure bye, what happens here and the pain is close. deeply wounding this community. this
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charity wants to help heated collecting donations for families and fast responders . traumatized by the tragedy to the instance of last week took place right on our doorstep. and we are a community organization, we are here so we can support them in the days the weeks and the months to come is people gathered to remember the 3 little girls that was just sadness left young adult seeking and giving comfort. and it, the pain that overwhelmed this town, the land of a city which out to 0, south thoughts are off to be arrested in prison into a pocket stones, former prime minister in wrong con, thousands of protests as if taken to the streets in that swampy district to demand his release, honda has moved from the the games of thousands of papers get ready to get along my day long. these are people who are heading to the right in new york, so i'll be
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a major flower show by the project on that. it can solve one, the author on hundreds, they're registered by the government. several of their leaders out in j but does, of course, has not diminished then toward the demo this the board does open boarding from across the country from the southern programs of things. from the fun job, i'd rather i'd rather just on drawing, but the larger shaw board is going to be as bad. and so i'll be a clear message or the government they're there. they're the numbers regarding to these people. the ability a mom hug does not stand with them wrong calm as he is, the only truth will lead to in this concern, who is be put in jail for one, yet by the corrupt government struggle will continue until he is released and i've got the gutters by the events and buckler days, where i've seen a larger, there's already less items of i'll be consuming. the only purpose of my gathering
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here in swaby is to protest for the release of alita iran. calm look at what happened to his senior wishes in bangladesh. she to suppress people's voices and just the same and practiced on i think that chavez, sharif flu run like the method paper. let's say it's loud and clear that once the paper, the size, they're ready ready for the data. go all the international criminal records. the chief prosecutor has presented the reports of un security council on sit down which has been rocked by conflicts since april last year. he thinks a dark picture of the situation inside the country was fighting continues between the only power minutes we rapid support forces carrying con, that says the quotes will soon take steps to prosecute those guilty of committing war crimes ensued on this. i will be in a position, i believe we are. why i hope by my next report,
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i will be able to announce applications for warren. so the rest regarding those or some of those individuals that are the most responsible for what we're seeing. at the moment, people uh scott or a beret or a desperate for the international community to hear that price. us soldiers have withdrawn from the last american military base and is that it comes more than a year off and it says, administrators both to do and order the american forces to leave the country. this, the whole nation was home to a major us operations base in the desert city of those us minute tree use the base and its efforts against i'm groups in the region across the cases in venezuela. i have noticed a criminal case against opposition leaders investigates as a choose. yeah, i mean, the shadow on that window gonzales of instigating insurrection conspiracy and
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announcing a false window. but as well as opposition has disputed the results of last month's election protests. but i'll talk to the electro authority said it was due one the presidency with 51 percent of the heavy rain from that tropical storm, deadly as drenching florida and all that southern states. some of us thought to say the storm contributed to at least 4. that's higher, can strength wins, upper to trees and brought down power lines, rentals has more. debbie came ashore on the big ben coast of northern florida is a category one hurricane with heavy rain and top wind speeds of close to 130 kilometers per hour. it was quickly downgraded to a tropical storm, but what makes debbie dangerous is not wind but soaking rain. some areas were forecast to get up to $76.00 centimeters of rain in its.


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