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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 6, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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send you out from al jazeera news at using is that the protesters run sykes, the home of bangladesh as prime minister after sieve. please the country following weeks of deadly demonstrations. the robot. this of this is obviously a life and don't have also coming up, torture, hunger and humiliation report details abuse of palestinian prisoners and there's really jails since october. the 7th or us court tools for was mostly use search engine. google has a legally exploited its dominance and full cost of say, a tropical storm that said to us could get more dangerous in the next few days, the,
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the military is taking temporarily control of bangladesh off its long term prime minister, resigned, and fled to a neighboring india weeks of mass protests for stop shake, costly not ending her 15 year will demonstrate his port onto the streets around the country. to celebrate your departure time. your project reports from the capital dot com protest as from the residents of bangladesh as prime ministers accessing the wakes of violent demonstration across the salvation country have killed at least 300 people. in an address to the nation, the army chief confirm, pasadena, had resigned and select the country. he arched people to trust in the military to restore, come and ensure those responsible for the killings are punished. the one will feel the country is witnessing a period of revolution right now. i had invited all the leaders of political parties. they came here and we had
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a good discussion. we have decided to form an interim government through the interim government, the functioning of the country will take place and i'm giving you my word that we will bring justice for all the killings and the injustice that has happened. have faith in the army. unity armed forces. the product started last month with the demand to end quote, the government jobs reserved for relatives of people in flooding the world of independence. more than 50 years ago. there was a pause in the demonstration after the supreme codes prep, most co does, but students came back to the scripts, demanding justice for the families of those killed and the resignation of the prime minister. more than 90 people were killed on sunday, including 13 police officers. when demonstrators attacked the police station, army has promised to form an interim government, but they are concerned about the lack of trust in the military among the protest.
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this is really a population that has been looking for accountability and justice for some years. now under a, you know, an increasingly authoritarian allow me lead regime. assume that will be crucial. i think the, the big food now i think should be that they may be a reprisals and violence against fathers is willing, katya. i think this is something that everyone's really worried about. and we will be hoping that the army is able to keep the piece and as well as introduce some kind of a into in system that can deliver us back to democracy. valesh. after the army chief spoke, a group which has spearheaded the anti government protest relays the statement, saying the military is not the solution. the students on the public will decide who it will be at pointed to the interim government. it's like the it was not a street in protest on was a movement against to talk proceed. that's why we're role here. the main concern would be those who are still behind the bars. not yes,
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this the reason i stood in front of the thousands of political prisoners hoping behind the bar during the evening before the election, 76 year old has seen a warning boat straight term in january of this year. the election was by crowded by the main opposition party. our party, the army league has been accused of rights abuses and corruption for years, sooners, resignation, and clean the country is being widely celebrated across spring, the dash. but restore income, assuring accountability and trust in the military. that is itself the q that of wide spread abuse poses a huge challenge in the days and weeks ahead. turn each other agency to talk of the, the bodies of 89 and identified palestinians have been handed to stop at the nursing medical complex and con eunice by the international red cross. the palestinians have been held in detention by the is wally military. it's hasn't
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disclose the circumstances of the depths, know the reason for them being detained. the bodies are being buried in a mask, or even con eunice, causes media office is accusing israel of taking more than 2000 bodies from cemeteries since the war began. how much showed the feeling is tragic? one feels a deep sorrow and questions. how could this happen to us? it's devastating and above all this to lose a son and not be able to find his body. one becomes exhausted and emotionally drained, when seen everyone else retrieving and burying that dead? well, i cannot find out where my son or my father is. the situation is wherever me out. i'm very distressed. every day i follow up with everyone work in a civil defense where that's buddies. i tried to search for that and is there any human rights group has released a dining report on the mistreatment of palestinians held and is really present since october the 7th? as detailed that systematic abuse industry prisons car. busy thing the fact to torture comes some of the violations include severe physical and sexual violence,
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humiliation sleep deprivation and starvation. the number of palestinians in his many jails has doubled to 9623 since the war began. at least to 60, have died in custody. bonds or showman was detained and is rarely present in nashville on in 20 o 9. he describes the torture of inflicted on him for 2 months by his very gods. he says, palestinians still held are likely being treated even worse. but they've got the games that have been kept from us. a lot of them have come back, but the bucks to their families and they've come back to compose and i've been detained in 2009 at that time. um, things were a little bit less i think when it comes to the severity of the circumstances of the prisoners at that time i was sticking into administrative custody. i was in, uh, interrogated in bed, sticks up and uh, the change in and in
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a prison in atlanta and also suffered solitary confinement. there you understand that these people have no rights. we have no rights. i wasn't able to see a lawyer until many months that had i wasn't able to see my family. i was told that i have a secret the case. and the file that has full sort of information about all the misdeeds that i have done and that they cannot disclose to me any of it. and that they would continue with the interview us until we let them know everything that they need to know about what is happening. we suffered from seeds of sleep deprivation. we would, for example, sleep in a room with lights above us. and we would, they would continue to come to our role and ensure that we stay a week. mostly the quality of the food is extremely bad, very low, and what the t sometimes the food is not enough for everyone. there is no access to sunlight. we continuously get searched. unfortunately, it can also, sometimes it has to be split up to the to become,
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make it in front of the prison. this, the united nations has completed its investigation into 19 staff members of the u. n. agency for palestinian refugees, who israel accused of being involved in the october 7th attack. it finds no are in sufficient evidence to support accusations against candidate stuff. it says 9 may have been involved and have terminated that employment. but it adds with israel hasn't provided enough evidence to support its allegations against the employees around 13000 people in guns. one thing i'd like to point out is that since information used by as early as storage officials to support the allegations have remained in this really custody, weiss was not able to independently authenticate. most of the information provided to it that is very positive. cut it out. more rains in the occupied west by and cavities for people have been killed and another 7 have been injured. and also by near the city of 2 of us on monday,
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a bomb went off as an is really comes into the area. and engineering is really on the vehicles have been found to bombing palestinian cars. but the city and my present says 5 people were injured including 4 who were shot. the judge please you before we still haven't these ready army storm shops are going to say that we work under the umbrella of the promised to need monetary authority. i'm protestant in laws, we do not finalize the laws with respect to supervision imposed on. we do not commit any violations. we do not know why this happened to us will finish off. i did in there was a raid on jeanine and we didn't have enough time to close the shop. we were surprised to see the is there any soldiers just outside on my car was parked in front of the money exchange and look what happened to him. i was trapped in the show and didn't know what happened outside of the store today. recovering and trading on tuesday. the make
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a is up more than 10 percent and that increase follows a nose dive on monday. when stops filed 12.4 percent, that was the worst decline in japan in stock since 1987 sell offs around the world . on monday were linked to fuse of a recession in the us proper. brian's good more from sol as often happens following such historic falls and many asian markets rebounded strongly, especially the case in japan. on monday it recorded it's a single biggest points drop in a single section. when trading reopen, don't choose dates. it did just the opposite recording. it's a single day. biggest rise in terms of points. the cost speed. that's the main index in south korea also made back a lot of its losses. on monday, there is a feeling as though the losses that were recorded on monday was something of an over reaction according to the all star to use in japan and also south korea.
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there's nothing fundamentally wrong with either economy and they've been trying to calm the. there's also a feeling as though the markets had room to fold with both wall street and the nic . a trading at record levels recently as far as the bad economic data coming out of the u. s, which seemed to present this a full is that still exists. but there's also a feeling as though the federal reserve, which failed to cut interest rates that its last session may now be prompted to do so, or find other ways of stimulating the us economy, especially in the election. yeah. but there's also a feeling as though that could be more uncertainty surrounding the us elections a combined, of course, with the fear of a why the middle east war old costing a shadow. i'm promising more volatility, public pride, i'll just say era. so us federal cords find the search engine google has been
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illegally. exploding is dominance to cost competition and stifle innovation. and a case broad for the justice department. a judge ruled that google is quote uh, monopolist. the quote had the company signed a multi $1000000000.00 contracts to ensure that smartphone makers installed google as their default as search engines. the judge says a breached anti trust law. unblocked arrivals, such as microsoft being docked on, go as it was on google control is about 90 percent of the online search market and it's the default search engine on 95 percent of smartphones. us attorney general, i'm not a gone and called the judgment historic when for the american people, google says it's going to appeal which solves as the competition director of attorney at the electronic frontier foundation. he explains the possible run locations of the rules for google. this is the case the that began a during the trump administration, and it involves a whole host of us states as well as the,
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as well as the federal government. but really, it's a pretty momentous moment that the courts have recognized that google has monopoly power over the general search engine market. and there's definitely going to lead to some sort of remedy the narrow version. it is, it would be required to stop the use of exclusionary practices that were identified in this decision interview, particularly that they're collecting massively large payments from, from apple and from various browser vendors to be the default search provider on those platforms, particularly on i phones. so the narrow version would be simply to get uh, requiring google to stop making those, those deals for a default placement. and the broader version would be breaking them up, would be forcing google to divest some or all of its advertising businesses from its search business. removing the incentive to, uh,
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compromise users privacy uh, you know, in pursuit of, of scale. and the court said that, you know, google's conduct had hurt competitors like dr. goats, compact competing search engines that had a stronger focus on privacy. so i've had customers do fear and the amount of surveillance that google, particularly it's, it's integration of search and browser and advertising and many other things. uh, the amount of surveillance that that google can conduct on users um its monopoly power over search use the engine that fuels. it's your surveillance machine. it's not like i, i think that's a lot of what's underlying the suit as far as discharge several homes and put does as more at risk in the us state of california. people are being taught to evacuate to homes and a neighborhood in the city of san bernardino. the place started on monday, it's burned across at least 2 heck stairs. the fire department says hot weather is contributing to it, spreading rapidly. heavy rain from tropical storm debbie's drenching folder and all
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those southern states, us authorities, had a strong contributed to the depths of at least 4 people. product and strength wins about rooted trees and brought down power lines. reynolds has more debbie came of shore on the big ben coast of northern florida is a category one hurricane with heavy rain and top wind speeds of close to 130 kilometers per hour. it was quickly downgraded to a tropical storm. but what makes debbie dangerous is not wind but soaking rain. some areas were forecast to get up to $76.00 centimeters of rain in a 24 hour period we have seen inundation, we have seen and will continue to see flooding in very parts of the state of florida. the storm is expected to move throughout north central florida and likely go into georgia and in the carolinas. meteorologist say record high ocean
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temperatures, resulting from human cause, global warming make tropical storms, gain strength faster, and carry a heavier load of water than they did decades ago. power was knocked out for 235000 customers in florida, according to power outage dot com. in sarasota, residents were coping as best they can. the biggest problem is there's so many cars that are on your wireless oil all over the place. so trying to get back there is a little bit tricky. part of the east officials in charleston, south carolina's largest city. we're preparing for a potential disaster tropical storm. debbie is now forecasted to ring historic levels of rain to our area with predictions ranging between $10.00 to $20.00 inches over the course of the next few days with the potential to reach up to 30 inches in specific areas. this unprecedented amount of rainfall poses
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a real risk of a life threatening flash flooding across charleston. the u. s. weather service has forecast and the unusually intense hurricane season for this year, with up to 13 hurricanes, predicted rob reynolds alger 0. the head and all does it have another night of violence in a few cases a, the prime minister has warning for far right groups on this board of breaking shaking things up in the power of games. but it's a lympics future is already in the had low the, the heat has continued to build across the northeast of africa and a lot of that will have flooded across into the live. and if you've got temperature warnings out the paces, like israel temperatures, however,
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for the south of this across the gulf are expected to come down as a simone when eases. and instead we are expecting the humidity to pick up in places like could talk. we could see a split or spot of shower for the you a and a month. but the heaviest of the rain by the mid week still pouring into western parts of human, affecting western areas, a saudi arabia as well. we could see small flash flooding from those torrential downpours, and we are expecting thunder storms in mecca to choose day. and that'll bring the temperature down. now temperature as haven't been sitting as high as it were a few weeks ago in morocco for the north west of africa, they'll sit very high. however, for the most east, for egypt, for the south to visit the story of wet weather, some of that dipping into southern parts of egypt, stretching across the western parts of africa and picking up for the east. we are likely to see some heavy falls in the days ahead for kenya as well as tons in the that thanks to a weather front, putting in of the sea, but as long as you fine and dry down in the south, it is however,
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going to get cooler in cape town, by the end of the week, the is how much is happening? before the end of the question, why have limits like this? now let me get this quote. on it's area of relief foundation the the
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you're watching, i'll just say to remind or top stories. these are checks i've seen that has fled to india after design years buying lessons prime minister products have been celebrating on the streets of a capital dock on more than 300 people have been killed in weeks test against the government. the bodies of 18 are on identified palestinians. so being handed to staff with the nurse and medical complex in con eunice, in gaza by the international invest, cross kind of things being held in detention by because really minutes us federal courts funds search engine google has illegally exploited its dominance to quash competition and stifle innovation judgment comes almost a year after the start of a case brought by the us justice department u. k prime minister cares. tom is wanting rioters targeting muslim communities. they're going to face the full force of the law as he tries to end days of unrest.
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wible groups of clashed and the city of center for monday, and what police describe us sustained violence demonstration started last week after 3 girls died and a knife attack and so forth. but they know the rest of the individual reports from south port for the community is in more of the week on a town moons a week since the beginning of 3 young girls, the stabbing to death of alice b. b. and elsie shook the nation. that's what those in the hometown degree is past, just little ghost of the way it's been distorted to it. it's just been discussed. and so then memory resto can't really process. but the suspect and you know that face true true to these beautiful angels with it, which is trying to have full just do every kid officials paying their respect,
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including so calm, a made divisions minister out there here. what are your reflections on one week since this tragedy of festival? i'm here on a private visit as the meanest of a community, 66 best mice sorted out and support to the community. in spite of how people have come together in the often must up such a tragedy in a heartache, then to all the community to come together in a, in a pretty. it might have to show the very inside of south for, for the committee stance for the u. k. as in 2 days, the fall, right? unrest viewed, initially they missed information online. the suspect was them is the immigrant assisting even officer authority said he was born in person rallies, moving into an immigration riots. the case ethnic minorities targeted the
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chaos of the last few days, feeling distant from the desk of 3 young goals. that with the stocks for the interest, the police line putting off the crime scene is still of people still coming to pay their respect. the sure what happens here and the pain is close, deeply wounding this community. this charity wants to help heated selecting the nations for families and fast responders. traumatized by the tragedy to the instance of last week took place right on our doorstep and we are a community organization. we are here so we can support them in the days the weeks and the months to come. as people gathered to remember the 3 little girls that was just sadness left young, you know, seeking and giving comfort. and it, the pain that overwhelmed this town. university to reach out to 0 south thoughts
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us defense officials say several american ministry personnel had been injured in a suspected rocket attack on an air base housing us troops in western iraq to marseilles, hit the and our son base in onboard problems. the fuel supply station inside the base called fire police or the rockets were launched from a truck by one of the one that has more from the capital bank that and once again i in an admitted c. b, as in west of, in the iraq is attacked by a rockets. the pentagon says that a number of us ministry individuals was injured in the attack and they were transferred to the field hospital to, to receive medical treatment inside the base. meanwhile, iraqi security forces had been deployed in the area and search for the suspects. they say they found a pickup truck, with a rocket launcher mounted on top of it. they also found a number of unexploded rockets in the pick up a truck. this is the 2nd time i said the admitted to the base is attacked by
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rockets within 10 days. and this comes as tension. it is rising in the region. it between it you want and as well for the nation of us main honey. a into that on, on wednesdays made any of the political lead over him, us into it on, on when his day and as the united states is deploying a more troops or ships and cat is in the region within the context of this conflict. now, you really know for sure this had been threatening to attack, is really an immunization of this as a nation of us my, in any. yeah. and any attack by era is expected to be coordinated with their, with its allies in the region, especially the hoses and human has bella and living in and what a so called dyslexic resistance in iraq. and that includes, includes that you're on the line, i'm a groups in iraq. i'm with the head of just either by that as well the u. s. white
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houses that have been watching development center. i tried to jo castro reports from washington dc. the white house, as president biden has been briefed on the attack on all of us thought air based any rock add in a statement by it and said he and his national security team discussed steps to defend us forces and respond in a manner in place of the us is choosing. meanwhile, the pentagon says that in the last 24 hours us forces detected and destroyed several attempted. who's the strikes targeting us and coalition forces and merchant vessels? us and com says that it is troy 5 who's the drones and who seek control territory and over the gulf of dun and the red sea. the us also destroyed a drone ship and an anti ship ballistic missile in the red sea. as the clock takes toward a possible iranian strike against israel,
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the us says there is hope yet for diplomacy to bring down the temperature. your secretary of state on to the blinking can lead a last minute virtual meeting with his g 7 counterparts on sunday. in an effort to try to exert diplomatic pressure on a ron and on its proxies to minimize retaliation. hydro castro alger 0, washington international criminal courts, chief prosecutor, has presented a report to the un security council on the situation in so done since conflict pro cards in april last year is painting a dire picture of life inside the country i made fighting between the army and the pot of military rapids support forces having con, says, the court will soon take steps to prosecute people guilty of committing more crimes . in so done, i will be in a position, i believe we are. why i hope by my next report, i will be able to announce applications for warren. so the rest regarding those or
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some of those individuals that have the most responsible for what we're seeing. at the moment. people uh scott, or a beret or a desperate for the international community to hear that price. hippa logan has more from hall to considering the fact that both wearing 5 have failed to listen to any previous un resolution and calls by regional countries for a ceasefire. and to allow for investigations, it doesn't look like these words, at least for the time being will resonate. so i think continues here in the capital costume. this is denise army announced on monday that they were able to regain more control over more territories in the city of the mind. and there has been repeated artillery strikes by the rapid support forces in the city over the past year to that's in north of dar for and that's the last army, strong cold in the and tides are for region. now, there has been reports of a depth of civilians as a result of the arts of the re strikes,
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health facilities. hospital in impression have been targeted repeatedly by the artillery strikes 5, the rapids support forces. and then there's our newest stripe and the air strikes 5 of the new army which has left the civilian death. so uh for the time being, it looks like both sides are focused on trying to win the conflict. i'm trying to get an upper hand over the other rather than listening to what the international criminal court prosecutor and the united nations security council is calling for both sides to do, which is for accountability from the international criminal court and for a ceasefire from the united nations security council, in this way, the prosecutors have launched a criminal case against opposition leaders accusing them of starting on insurrection. investigators also accused mario covey and i'm a shadow. and there's one that gonzales of conspiracy, and announcing a false winner. now positions disputed the results of the presidential election last month that are being protest soft to the electrical. the 40 declared, the nicholas my doodle had been re elected, was 51 percent of the vote. on this for the breaking is about to make its 1st and
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then pick appearance is the only event that they do with these games. as organizers look to attract a younger audience, police reports from powers this is why breakdown thing is always how that's how on the streets with a group of friends, sorry, i debates to this group. it's the streets of paris, one of many places that is embrace the culture that originated in the bronx and new york move in half a century ago. but now the movement that styles itself, one of the full pillows of hip hop, has made it to the grand stage of the olympic games. as a frightening, as it's now known, makes it stating at paris 20.


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