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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 6, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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personal stories and public display, residents of the stuff a lot but know it will take more than thinking there was to bring less than change to their neighborhood. but the murals have had an important effect making a marginalized community feel seen again. the an interim caretaker government announced in bangladesh after 5 minutes a shift. i've seen of please the country the know about this, and this is obviously life and death. i'm also coming up a risk treatment and is really present a new report and covers the torture and abuse suffered by palestinians in jail. since october, the 7th judge and the u. s. rules the tech john google active, illegally to silence competition and maintain its online monopoly. power cuts
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across the south eastern us as tropical storm debbie pounds. the region with dimensional rain and high winds, the emitter trees taking control of bangladesh mouth. so as long time, 5 minutes to resign and flight to neighboring india weeks of mass protests forestalled cher christina, ending for 15 year, will demonstrate his port onto the streets around the country to celebrate her departure time. her charge right reports from the capital dot com, a protest us from the residence of bangladesh as prime ministers accessing the wakes of violent demonstration across the salvation country have killed at least 300 people in an address to the nation. the army chief confirm, pasadena had resigned and flipped the country. he arched people to trust in the military to restore. come and ensure those responsible for the killings are
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punished. one will feel the country is witnessing a period of revolution right now. i had invited all the leaders of political parties that came. yeah, and we had a good discussion. we have decided to form an interim government through the interim government, the functioning of the country will take place and i'm giving you my word that we will bring justice for all the killings and the injustice that has happened. have faith in the army. unity armed forces. the product started last month with a demand to end quote, as a government jobs reserved for relatives of people who fought in the world of independence. more than 50 years ago. there was a pause in the demonstration after the supreme codes prep, most co does, but students came back to the scripts, demanding justice for the families of those killed and the resignation of the prime minister. more than 90 people were killed on sunday, including 13 police officers. when demonstrators attacked a police station,
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the army has promised to form an interim government, but they are concerned about the lack of trust in the military among the protest. this is really a population that has been looking for accountability and justice for some years. now under a, you know, an increasingly authoritarian allow me lead regime. assume that will be crucial. i think the, the big city now i think should be that they may be a reprisals and violence against the fathers is willing kaji. i think this is something that everyone's really worried about. and we will be hoping that the army is able to keep the peace and as well as introduce some kind of a into in system that can deliver us back to democracy in bangladesh. after the army chief spoke, a group which has spearheaded the anti government protest relays the statement, saying the military is not the solution. the students on the public will decide who it will be at pointed to the interim government. it say, it was not
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a street of protest on was a movement against we'll talk proceed. that's why we're role here. the main concern would be those who are still behind the bars, not just says the recent stood in front of the paul's into political prisoners hoping behind the bar during event before the election. 760. have seen a warning vote straight term in january of this year. the election was by crowded by the main opposition party. our party, the army league has been accused of rights abuses and corruption for years. sooner his resignation and clean the country is being widely celebrated across bangladesh . but restore income, assuring accountability and trust in the military, that is itself the q that of wide spread abuse poses a huge challenge in the days and weeks ahead. temperatures rate, i'll just see the doctor. okay, let's talk design right now. he's live for us in dock. so the prime minister has not left the military has not been charged the credibility of the military as you
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were just saying in question. just took us through what's been happening in the last few hours. somebody with a capital is relatively common to that. still some tension in there because nobody knows what's happened next. several days are months business or they're open the front a lot. now the student leaders under 40 natives came off and celebrations that names social media. that said, look, we are going to make it blue page. and they did submit that blueprint as to how that in terms of government should be. and it should not be run by the armies. rather, we have put the list there. and the key later from the i'm in the 1st time to run the into government board based. not a lot of professor mama, you'll notice who has accepted the student's offer. they also put forward studying names in that lease who would be in that's coming, an intern governments. and that's what, unless those are accepted, the student might come out in the streets again, they said this revelation was not just the students but the public. and we have
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a say as to who would be in that, in terms of government. that's a key dimension. also acts paper to stop vandalism, violence against mine, art is there's been some incidents of where minority houses, right. barnes does a groups of people are trying to create the community of violence. a lot of public property is red, destroyed the parliament was vandalized. the prime minister's office was vandalized many houses as of the ruling party ex rolling party members. right. vandalized people were killed, belong to the ruling party member friends that needs to be saw. all the opposition party, the chief provide me stop the student leaves, everybody acts calm and discipline said this has to stop because the country needs to be united. we kind of gone on this, so this is the key method. and now we'll see how all this fall out in the next few days as far as what's in the freight, rob. yeah. temper just as you're saying that the prime ministers has no life, but of course the tension he continues on very attractive. thank you very much
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indeed. the, the parsley. decompose bodies of 189 and identified the palestinians have been buried in a mass grave and gaza after they were handed over by israel. they were received in blue plastic body bags with no information about who they are. israel hasn't disclose the circumstances of their debts, nor has it explained why they were being detained. the bodies were buried in come, eunice, how much so the so we on the feeling is tragic once it was a deep sorrow and questions. how could this happen to us? it's devastating and a bubble this to lose a son and not be able to find his body. one becomes exhausted and emotionally drained, when seen everyone else retrieving and burying that dead? well, i cannot find out when my son or my father is. the situation is wherever me out. i'm very distress. every day i feel a lot with every one work in a civil defense where that's bodies. i tried to search. and is there any human
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rights group has really said dining reports on the mistreatment of palestinians held in his very presence since october the 7th? it's detailed, systematic abuse in his very presence, calling them the fact to torture comes some of the violations into the severe physical and sexual violence, humiliation sleep deprivation and starvation the number of palestinians and is really jails has doubled to 9623 since the war began, at least 60 have died in custody months or show me it was detained in and is really present an article on in 20 o 9. he describes the torture inflicted on him at the time by his very gods and says, palestinians are likely being treated even worse now. but they've got the games that had been kept from causes. a lot of them have come back, but the bucks to their families and they've come back, decomposed and i've been detained in 2009 at that time. um things when a little bit less,
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i think when it comes to the severity of the circumstances of the prison, most of the time i was sticking into administrative custody. i was in uh, interrogated in bed, the sticks up and the, the change in and in a prison in atlanta. and also suffered solitary confinement. there you understand that these people have no rights. we have no rights. i wasn't able to see a lawyer until many months that had i wasn't able to see my family. i was told that i have a secret case on the file that has full sort of information about all the misdeeds that i have done and that they cannot disclose to me any of it. and that they would continually interviewed us until we let them know everything that they need to know about what is happening. we suffered from seeds of sleep deprivation. we would, for example, sleep in a room with lights above us. and we would, they would continue to come to oval and ensure that we stay
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a weeks. mostly the quality of the food is extremely bad, very low. and what the, sometimes the food, there's not enough for everyone. there is no access to sunlight. we continuously get searched. unfortunately, it can also, sometimes it has to be stripped up to the to become a kid in front of the prison. this stephen is completed his investigation into 19 staff members of the un agency for palestinian refugees, who israel accused of being involved in the a tober 7 attack. a spokesman said the un phones no are in sufficient evidence to support the allegations against 10 of itself. but you and says 9 others may have been involved and it's terminated. their employment spokesman also said that israel hasn't provided evidence to support its allegations. one thing i'd like to point out is that since information used by as early as story officials to support the allegations have remained in this really custody, weiss was not able to independently authenticate. most of the information provided
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to it was on has more from the un headquarters in new york un saying 9 unrest staff members may have been involved in the october 7th attacks on israel . but the key word may, the un, admitting that it does not have conclusive 100 percent evidence, and that the un office of internal oversight services was never given full access to israel's evidence that it claims it has against the un personnel. secretary general, antonio gutierrez ordered this internal review shortly after e's real leveled its claims against unwrapped personnel in late january. now because of legal and confidentiality reasons, this o i o s report will not be made public. meanwhile, since october 7th, more than 200 henri personell had been killed,
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israel's continued bombardment of the guys a strip gabriel's onto out here at the united nations in new york. the. the u. s. federal court is find that the search engines google has been illegally exporting its dominance to cost competition and stifle innovation. and the case brought by the us justice department. the district court judge ruled that google is quote, a monopolist. the court had the company signed a multi $1000000000.00 contracts to ensure that smartphone makers installed google as their default search engine. the judge said it breached anti trust law. unblocked rivals such as microsoft being and dr. go. as a result, google controls about 90 percent of the online search market and it's the default search engine and 95 percent of smartphones. us attorney general medic gone and describes the judgement as of victoria against google at
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a historic when for the american people. google says it's going to appeal. oh my god, i got is a writer and contributor to wired. it's a technology and culture websites. and he says the court ruling is likely to affect google's operations. it is significant for google and that it could break up alphabetically, break up the parent company of google that own that own search and has 90 percent of the search market and 95 percent of the search marketing in mobile. so it's huge a significant other. there's talk of that this could mean breaking up a company, this could mean really decimating the company's ad business which relies on the search. uh, so its future locations for google i, i think what remains to be seen is, is what the implications will be for consumers for people who are using google search. the wagons are circling around this idea that these tech companies are not only becoming powerful in and up themselves the everything that we've seen up to this point of, of that with a i that they'll be even more powerful that data with the google search plus, hey, i have it, it's going to have to even, you know,
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even more spitefully for competition. so i think that's the fear in, in these atrocities against meta against apple against google is, is that, you know, a, i is looming over all of it. google's argument is people preferred google, people prefer to use google for search when given the choice, even if it's not the default browser, they would choose google. and you know, i question whether consumers or the winters here, or if microsoft isn't the big winner here because they are really the only viable competitor to google and search thing is the only thing that comes even close to go is, you know, isn't another alternative to people don't know about it, people don't use it as much. so being is really the only competitor, even in the ring with google and microsoft has done things like pay users to use it . they have, you know, incorporated into their windows operating system. they have really, really pushed, being hard and people just don't want to use the google search stokes in asia or re binding and trading on tuesday just finds net case closed back. some of mondays
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losses stops in the index funds more than 12 percent. it's worst one day decline says 1987 markets across asia. europe in the us faces similar arrived. some fears that the u. s. federal reserve has been slow to respond to assigns of a weakening us economy. the fed sought to reassure traitors that they see no sign of a decline output and will act in the face of a session fears. the still ahead and i'll just say to another nice have violence and the u. k. cities, the 5 minutes has warning for far life troops gone, several american military personnel are injured and the suspect of all could attack on an air base. the same depth analysis of the day sidelines he's right, is like his res, accusing that i was looking for them since informed opinions. this a person's 1st visit to no credit in 24 years. why is he making it now critical
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debate? i believe the selections will empower him in many way as well as voters in america inside story massachusetts. the group was fine to send on out jersey around the african stories from african perspective to say, i am a creative at heart 3 short documentary spy, african filmmakers from nigeria, south africa, and zambia. i like my children, i like them. i didn't go school, he didn't lead business to they sion of slaves and we all the same the forest women of i've seen from the cape and a dream worth chasing. a new series of africa direct on algebra. hearing the facts, people with disabilities they gauze off, are the most vulnerable groups in israel, relentless or i'll just see you as teens across the world. when you close to the
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house of the story the on the road, is it a reminder of our top stores? this are checked as soon as floods to india after design is find the dash as prime minister pods have been celebrating on the streets of the capital costs least a 109 people were killed in demonstrations across the country on the bodies of 89 and identified the palestinians who being handed to stuff with the nurse and medical complex and funding. and this is garza by the international red cross kind of streaming. and since being held in detention by the is very military and the u. s. federal court is fond of search engines, google has a legally exploit that it's dominance to cost competition and stifled innovation
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and judgment comes almost a year. often the start of a case of joints by the us, justice department i be reading from tropical storm. debbie is drenching florida and other southern states and the u. busy s, a thought he said the strong contributed to the depths of at least 4 people out of constraints wins about rooted trees and brought down power lines. roeburn says more debbie came ashore on the big ben coast of northern florida is a category one hurricane with heavy rain and top wind speeds of close to 130 kilometers per hour. it was quickly downgraded to a tropical storm. but what makes debbie dangerous is not wind but soaking rain. some areas were forecast to get up to $76.00 centimeters of rain in a 24 hour period we have seen inundation, we have seen and will continue to see flooding and very parts of the state of florida. the storm is expected to move throughout north central florida and likely
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go into georgia and in the carolinas. media role just say record high ocean temperatures, resulting from human cause, global warming make tropical storms, gain strength faster, and carry a heavier load of water than they did. decades ago. power was knocked out for $235000.00 customers in florida, according to power outage. dot com in sarasota residents we're hoping is best they can. the biggest problem is there's so many cars that are on your wires, oil all over the place. so trying to get back there is a little bit tricky. part of the east officials in charleston, south carolina is largest city. we're preparing for a potential disaster tropical storm. debbie is now forecasted to bring historic levels of rain to our area with predictions ranging between $10.00 to $20.00 inches
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over the course of the next few days with the potential to reach up to 30 inches in specific areas. this unprecedented amount of rainfall poses a real risk of a life threatening flash flooding across charleston. the us weather service has forecast an unusually intense hurricane season for this year. with up to 13 hurricanes predicted, rob reynolds alger 0. the u. k prime minister cares. tom is wanting to write as targeting muslim communities will face the full force of the law as the choice and days of unrest. 5 of groups of clashed and the city of send that same what police describe as sustained the violence. nationwide demonstration started last week, up to 3 goals were stopped to death in southport. please say social media posts falsely blamed a most immigrant for the attack and governments urging social media platforms to stop the spread of racial hate within
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a vessel in and makes reports from south port for the community is in morning and we own a town moons, a week since the beginning of 3 young goals, the staffing to death of alice b, b and l. c. ship the nation. that's what those in the hometown degree is possible. just little ghost of him today. and then the way it's been distorted to it. it's just been discussed and then memory resto conway, the folks that, that the suspect and you know that phase 3 through so these beautiful angels with it, which is trying to have full just do every kid does officials paying the respect including the com. i made divisions to minutes a i'll just say are here, what are your reflections on one week since this tragedy?
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well, 1st of all, i'm here on a private visit as a minister for communities, 2 to 6 best mice sorted out and support to the community. in spite of how people have come together in the often must have such a tragedy in a heartache, then to all the community to come together, you know, in a pretty it might have to show the very inside of south for, for the committee stands for the u k, as in 2 days, the fall right? unrest viewed initially by misinformation online. the suspect was them is the immigrant and persisting even after authority said he was born in britain, valleys moving into an immigration riots. the case ethnic minorities targets it. 6 the chaos of the last few days, speeding distance from the desk. the 3 young goes with his box for the interest, the police line putting off the crime scene is still of people still coming to pay
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their respect. the show of what happens here and the pain it holds deeply wounding this community. this charity wants to help heated collecting donations for families and fast responders. traumatized by the tragedy to the instance of last week took place right on our doorstep. and we are a community organization, we are here so we can support them in the days the weeks and the months to come. is people gathered to remember the 3 little girls that was just sadness left young adult seeking and giving comfort. i made the pain that overwhelmed this town. the land of a city which out 0 south thoughts. so just as a volume to keep fighting until pakistan's former prime minister was freed from jail. it's a year since the arrest and imprisonment of him long con. i'm size and support into
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the swampy district to demand his release from a height i sent this report. tens of thousands of papers kept road getting all my day long. these are people who are heading to, to run your so i'll be a major power shall by the project on that it can solve one the after him are on con, registered by the government. several of their leaders out in j. but does, of course, has not diminished the into the demo. this the board does open boarding from across the country from the southern programs of things from the fun job i'd rather i'd rather just on drawing. but the larger shaw board is going to be a head. and so i'll be a clear message or the government they're there, they're the numbers regarding to these people are just on the stand with them wrong calm as he is. the only truth will lead to in this concern who is be put in jail for one, yet by the corrupt government struggle will continue until he is released. and i've
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got the gutters by the events in buckler. there's rare, i've seen a larger, there's already less items of all because in female the only purpose of my gathering here in swaby is to protest for the release of alita iran. calm look at what happened to his senior wishes in bangladesh. she to suppress people's voices and just the same and practiced on, i think that chavez, she re flu, run like the method paper. let's say it's loud and clear. that was the paper, the size. they're ready ready to read the data. go all the of us defense officials say several american military personnel have been injured in a suspect as rocket attack on an air base housing us troops in western iraq to massage hit the anal aside to base in on by province a fuel supply station inside the facility called fire police say the rockets were launched from truck officials in the white house in the us have been following
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developments in iraq hydro castro as more from washington dc. the white house, as president biden has been briefed on the attack on all us thought air base, any rock add in a statement by and said he and his national security team discussed steps to defend us forces and respond in a manner in place of the us is choosing. meanwhile, the pentagon says that in the last 24 hours us forces detected and destroyed several attempted. who is the strikes targeting us and coalition forces and merchant vessels? us and com says that it is troy 5 who see drones and who seek control territory and over the gulf of a den and the red sea. the us also destroyed a drone ship and an anti ship ballistic missile in the red sea. as the clock takes toward a possible iranian strike against israel, the us says there is hope yet for diplomacy to bring down the temperature. your
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secretary of state on to me blinking can lead a last minute virtual meeting with his g 7 counter parts on sunday. in an effort to try to exert diplomatic pressure on a ron and on its proxies to minimize retaliation. hydro castro alj a 0 washington to china is national space agency as long as the 1st of 15000 satellites. it seems to deployed before 2030 on monday 18 satellites were launched from ty out in space center. and since the province it's part of a wider effort to build a network. the beijing hopes will challenge us projects such as those of space x around a $110.00 more satellites are expected to be launched as here to japan is mocking 79 years since the us atomic bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki. minnes silence is being held to remember the hundreds of thousands of people killed and named in 1945 representatives from
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a 109 countries with an attendance american national, and called for what leaders to shift away from nuclear weapons as the wars and gaza . and ukraine continue. weather is next to then it's going to be inside story on robotics and stay with us. and obviously the low, the, the heat has continued to build across the north east of africa. and a lot of that will have flooded across into the events. we've got temperature warnings out. the places like israel temperatures. however, for the south of this, across the gulf are expected to come down as a simone wind is, is, and instead we are expecting the humidity to pick up in places like it could talk. we could see a split or spot of shower for the you a and a month. but the heaviest of the rain by the mid week still pouring into western
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parts of human, affecting western areas, the saudi arabia as well. we could see small flash flooding from those torrential downpours, and we are expecting thunderstorms in america to choose day. and that'll bring the temperature down. now temperature as haven't been sitting as high as it were a few weeks ago in morocco for the north west of africa, they'll sit very high. however, for the north east, for egypt, for the south of us as a story of wet weather, some of that dipping into southern parts of egypt, stretching across the western parts of africa and picking up for the east. we all like you to see some heavy falls in the days ahead for kenya as well as tons in the thanks to a weather front putting in of the sea, but as long as you fine and dry down in this south, it is however, going to get cooler in cape town, by the end of the week. the unique perspective. i not that i really not that because the i left and nothing is
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something you that we on heard voices, but we are committed to guessing best i can know all about you so much connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these provisions, if there was problems or medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable, that's the horror of what's the stream on our juicy or sign in the cloud. and one pause of water and sewage on what age as being blocked by the war insides, warnings that will spread throughout the country. as the conflict takes a devastating told on civilians what can be done to help them. and this piece possible. this is inside story, the
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hello there and welcome to the program. i'm laura kyle. there's a humanitarian crisis ensued on one that could have been prevented from it and has been declared.


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