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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the money palestinians here say they are exhausted, tired of moving from one temporary shoulder to another being hungry and waiting in fear for the next attack. and now they also worried about the threat of diseases. the one person has died and 6 has been injured. so the liberties of group has bloss targets. no one is riled with drugs. the bottom line from so coming up age, palestinians, the kills during ongoing is ready rides in the occupied with bank, including a drone strike on the city of 2 name. thank goodness, as president adults columns, and what is the release of from a prime minister in child,
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the physician liter kelly disease and another neither of bonham's in you case disease. the prime minister found ryan group so face the full force of the move the we begin this hour in northern is round with one person has been killed after a number of rockets and drones were fired from southern living on the drones struck several areas, triggering air raid sirens, explosions were heard, and the customs said he is in a hurry, a at least 6 people have been injured in the attack to his belie has issued a statement, claiming responsibility saying, in response to the attack and assassination carried out by these rarely an enemy in the town of, of the islamic resistance find as lost an air attack with a squadron of swooping matches, targeting the headquarters of the golan eagle gate and the headquarters of the gods units and occupied. okay. and accurately fits the targets and achieved confirmed
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casualties of these ready government has been delta 0 from reporting from israel. so designed to best roughly joins us now from jordan's capital a mountain. can you talk us through just how significant these strikes sounds as well and then to as a patient of the promised retaliation that everyone in the region has been expecting from the ron and its allies in and around the region. this is certainly something that ratcheted of tensions. it's certainly sent a lot of people's hearts racing, expecting this to be the beginning of that retaliation. but as well as make clear that this is simply a part of their ongoing conflict across the border. ready with northern israel. now the latest that we're hearing as to what has taken place is, according to local reports, a number of israelis has been injured as many as 5 people from what is being
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described as a swarm of a drones that were launched from 11 on into north and is. ready into towns across the area, at least one person has been killed. according to these really ambulance service, sirens were sounded almost immediately after his rarely forces spoke about an attack that they carried out on multiple his blood targets. within an hour, there were sirens sounding across towns, including bids, a hurry, outrage, areas north of high for a site explosions taking place. now the mayor of no hurry said, several aircraft penetrated. there has been damage near the city in a report of casualties has been received. he went on to demand that these rarely government carry up some kind of retaliation that just thrown on his bullet. but also on the root is really iron don't, doesn't seem to have detected. most of these drones is rarely forced to say they only intercepted one of a number of unmanned aerial vehicles. and that ability is as bullet drones to
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penetrate this far. and this quickly into northern israel is certainly something that is going to. ready of great concern to his resources entity is really government in data. i'm sure it will be a 3. know if this is the same along the same lines as the to the tests strikes that we've been seeing pretty much since the beginning of this for, or does this market significantly escalation i think timing matters. i think we've seen that sort of constant back and forth between targets in northern israel and his full of forces. israel is targeted and specifically we try to hunt down a number of visible groups and units and commanders across the border since october 7th, we've seen in a can flag or ration at the border since october 7th. dozens of israelis have been killed in retaliation. attacks by his bull striking into northern israel. so there is an element of this being similar to what we've seen in the past. but
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timing matters. this comes at a time of, of enormous tension following the assassination of a smile here into her on following the fascination of a senior, his bullet commander and promises by a run by his bullet to retaliate against iran. so everything that happens right now feels more significant than it has in the past. okay, thanks so much for all of that to the time, best ready for us in a month. meanwhile, 5 people have been killed in and is rarely a striking self and living on a 2 story house with hits and methadone on tuesday morning is ready for us as also 5 to miss thousands. the towns key um and during one person. okay, let's uh go and speak with uh the husband who is in favorites or they can just run us through exactly what has happened and these like this strikes of the fact that the moment around 7 people
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or 5 or 7, a may 5th, wouldn't have gotten his ready so i got hit building the as also several midsize by launched by is ready will panes on he i'm, i'm hearing now. so he was on another side in the south. however, we don't have much details regarding what happened today on as the last name of festival disability for the attack on the set fire rocks between ica and, and the how do you does something also very significant? is that, as well as been blind beings and not the office can ation step by step on. this is part of what the bought the sale. what they're going to is ation say is the bank of stock it. now over the past 10 months, they were hitting one lane city in the north, which is pretty much more than the other targets were mainly the small communities
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mashhad. so it wasn't, there was no big city that's being hit. now with this head close to aucker, i'd also maybe the saw. so the how do you, it probably has a lot is taking this confrontation and step for the just the bearing for the retaliation. the, the promising cost is going to be also another retaliation for this attack in may for doing so. we are going to be seeing a series of attacks. we don't know whether this is going to be separated from the larger retaliation got from is promising by it's going to be connected to it. however, just as set as a or say, the issue all the drones as well as strong seems to be some of the moments the various. busy a paper or cause that they are putting on the table. ok, thank you so much. any, any question for us in favor or
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a palestinians have been killed during ongoing this friday rides in the occupied west bank full were killed in its abbas light on monday and another full engine in on tuesday morning. when it's ready, forces have carried out drawn strikes, buildings, roads, and infrastructure in the city. it been bulldozed by these ready army and residential homes damaged or destroyed. the, the abraham has more from the straits of janine sedate, just in this area, which is the eastern side to air strikes where hit one of them in the area where we are right now that ended up killing for palestinians. now, not only the air strikes are making kind of simians lives difficult, but also the ground troops in raising it, janine area and its refuge account. so as usually happens, after every is way to raise the teams come and try to help
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fix some of the damage that has been caused to the infrastructure at by these really forces as they have been raising. what do you mean since yesterday afternoon rocking? have a really and if it tells you anything, these 3, it's tell you the story of what happens when it's ready. forces rate has to be in cities, towns at w, g, cab. people here were telling us that they believe that this is all intentional. this is part of israel's plan to make it difficult for palestinians to their homes where they've been living for decades and decades. and the only that they say that is really well specific leave her message with the is where the air strikes that have been really increasing, really intensifying since the beginning of the war. that anyone who tries to do anything that is seen as a confronting or resisting against israel's continued me. the 3 of you,
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patients of has been spawning are for decades, will pay the price the, the banquet issue. parliament has been dissolved following weeks of unrest and violence. the fullest prime minister, shaken, seen it to resign, and flee to india. the latest on the student protests had called on demonstrations to be ready to take more action if demands full column and to be dissolved earlier on choose, i would miss. on monday, at least 109 people were killed during demonstrations, and more than a 1000 injured, stephanie deca has more crumbled dynasty, former prime minister, she has seen his residence once impossible to penetrate. now overrun by the people . the blind could headline across the country. i've seen a fools please. everyone is talking about it. we need peace. that's.
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we are poor working class people with daily way to it is. we just want to live in peace. our monday, i think what happened yesterday, the bundling it was not all appreciate that the balance belongs to the people like, oh we, we have to pay for the to the construction. the coordinators of weeks long student protests produced this video one facebook. also, we will not accept any other government other than the one post by us. we will not accept the government supported by the military or the fastest. any proxy, government, or government against the people will not be accepted. they are calling for economist and nobel laureate mohammed eunice to be the chief adviser to any interim government. 84 year old eunice, $1.00 to 2006 nobel peace prize for his work and come back and poverty. politicians are meeting to figure out a way out of this chaos. the army has cooled for com. stephanie decker,
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which is 0 for the life, is beginning to attend the challenge ray, who is in deca for us, and to be a problem in spain. dissolve the authorities, seemingly listening to the student. lead is what happens now of the, well everybody's anticipating for dog kind of the meeting between the army chief and the students and we've been waiting since the afternoon, but nothing came out yet. it's probably haggling, going on between different groups. there's also the politicians involved, civil society members involved. but i was trying to say, look, waiting, everybody's anxious, and what is the next? for all practical purposes, the army is in charge right now. there's a serious concern for our law and order as a police are not any way to be seen. the student took the role of vigilant, is that actually managing the traffic, guarding public property is from any vandalism. and i'll send that back, which has been a serious concern since yesterday many a low macros houses had been damaged, burned hotels,
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been burn. those belong to the previous ruling party members. so that's the serious concern about that. now the army put drugs back in the street and the students are helping coming the situation. but in the end of the day, everybody wants to know what is what is going to happen. what is right about the income of government? is it army or elizabeth, in term of government backed by the army, which the govern. students say they won't accept that. so everyone is waiting to what is next into front of the things that we know that the students are pushing for is to have the nobel peace prize winner. mohammed's eunice to leads any interim government. can you just explain a little bit more about them and how significant he is to the people of bangladesh? of his very well respected son wouldn't be very much accepted by the general population. although he came under a lot of legal laptops during the check. as soon as redeem a lot of legal cases against him,
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but the public generally accept things to be upfront state just well educated person is respected around the globe is the only person who brought nobel peace prize for buying of that. so he would be accept the student leaders that they have conversation with them yesterday and persuaded him to accept that a cheaper admitted chief. can't they go to administrator and our interim government administration shape. but this is not an official news. this is pretty much in the media and pretty much everyone, except that he reluctantly accept the thing to fit the ration in the front of his wallet. dialing out, except that he would return to bangladesh shown once it's announced. but right now we're still waiting works, then they go station between the army and the students and the student states exhibit their demands and not to that. they'll be back in the streets. it's a power for the student and the public that site. okay, thanks so much tend to as always, we really do appreciate to the you bring us the light is from a banquet dish. it's still a hit. anyone else?
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is there a judge in the us role search engine? google acts as a legally to silence competition and maintain its market monopoly and young women and gone to continue the books and classes despite the ongoing board around the same depth analysis of the days headlines. he's ready slack. he's raised accusing that there was an okey dokey, the point them cents informed opinions. this is her 1st visit to no credit in 24 years. why is he making it now critical debate? i believe the selections will empower him in any way as well as voters in america. inside story massachuset, the group was fine to send on out. just as china ramps up to pull patients of north korean, defective human rights group,
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say they faced imprisonment, torture, and even death in the country. in desperation, some involve dangerous journey. 101 east reveals the north korea's claim to factors on al jazeera. the . ringback the the,
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you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the south. one person has been killed after a number of rockets and drones were fired from southern living on. it's in northern israel. the trying struck several areas, triggering air, raid sirens, at least 6 of the people have been injured in the attack. and died. palestinians had been killed during the ongoing is rarely rides in the occupied with the bank for were killed mid to boss slight on monday and another for janine on tuesday morning. we is ready for us as of carried out strong strong bank that issue. parliament has been dissolved upon president, delayed as a student purchase. this head cold on demonstrated to be ready to take more action . if it wasn't dissolved, the sour comes up. the long term problem is dish. i can see that resigned on monday and slips to india. but this being an unprecedented number of russian drones strikes on ukraine in the past 24 hours. more than $750.00 strikes were reported on
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ukrainian positions across all front lines. ukrainian forces, say russia also 5 for the $100.00 multiple loans, rocket systems on trip positions and populated areas for us, defense officials say several american military personnel have been injured and the suspected rocket attack on an air base housing, us troops in western iraq to miss house at the n l. a file base and i'm a province of fuel supply station inside the facility court. 5 police side of rockets for launched from a truck to cease 5 deal between the democratic republic of congo and wrote one that has collect shortly after it came into effect. the ripple m 23 group has taken the town of the sasha on the border with you can to thousands of companies, refugees have use the town and surrounding areas to flee the advance by im 23 finances a u. k prime minister k s dom or is wanting rods,
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is targeting muslim communities will face the full force of the law as he tries to in days of unrest. rival groups have class in the city of plymouth and what police describe as sustained violence. the nationwide demonstration started last week up to 3 goals with step to death themselves pools. police say social media posts falsely blamed the muslim immigrant for the attack that the government is urging social media platforms to stop the spread of racial heights. where we challenge looks at what and who is behind the violence. they've attacked people, property and the police. and they're responsible for some of the most serious and sustained public violence, the u. k. c. and it decade. but who are the anti immigration protest is taking part in riots across the country. they might be, for example, useless off boards, people traveled into southport to perform these extreme history. so great was these people where, you know, almost was a jew to the gods and stand full the nation,
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any glass of columbus and, and could have teeth. so she's a sophomore and riots. so i think we are seeing is people from the outside coming in. but it was a little cause, you know, kind of protesting and i'm writing in quite violent and reprehensible ways loose the centralized network of fine rights activists to the produces consumers. and shares of the digital means and misinformation that are fewer local and they use messaging apps to coordinate protests. the scene is something of a 2nd. head is telling me robinson real name, steven yaks, the land. and he set up the now to expanded english defense league and his county out of the country with a warrant issued for his arrest. that fee is empty. immigration sent him into his b 9 per 5. by the case right? wing news papers and was used as a wedge issue by the form of conservative government because for 10 or 15 years having a large be uncontested. right?
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reading and extreme right, we got a newspaper media showing that rita is this country is desperate straits. a lot of politicians on the right seeking advantage in that position and that that is the whole kind of cocktail against which, which is taking place is, will run pop, criminal justice. they've already made hundreds of arrests. it's now k as tom is problem to solve this challenge is to crank down on the violence and find some way of taking this thing out of the immigration issue. that's brought the u. k to the brink pro retirements. how does there to global markets now depends. next, a mdx has caused with frequent single diag guides to rarely and training on tuesday . cool back, most double digit, lots of stuff with on monday, the stokes on the index funds more than 12 percent and this was one day decline since 1987. but we're bound to buy more than 10 percent on tuesday. markets across
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asia, europe and the u. s face similar routes. they were shaking by fears. the u. s. federal reserve had been slow to respond to signs of a weakening us economy. if it says it will act to count the risk of a recession. us a u. s. federal court has found the search engine google has been legally exposing its dominance to cost competition and stifle innovation. and the case support by the us justice department, the judge ruled google is quote, a monopolist. the cold hood, the company, signed multi $1000000000.00 contracts to ensure smart fund makers, installed google as their default search engine. the judge says that bridged anti trust laws and blocked rifles such as microsoft bang and dr. go as a results google controls about 90 percent of the online search market. and this the default search engine on 95 percent of smartphones. us attorney general marigold and describe the judgement as a victory against google and a historic when for the american people. google says it will appeal a mock like
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a is a rise and contributor to wired. the technology and culture website. he says, the cold rolling is likely to affect google's operations. or it is significant for google in that it could break up alphabetically, pick up the parent company of google that own that own search, and has 90 percent of the search market and 95 percent of the search marketing in mobile. so it's huge, a significant other there's talk of that this could mean breaking up a company. this could mean really decimating the company's ad business which relies on search. so it's huge locations for google i, i think what remains to be seen is, is what the implications will be for consumers for people who are using google search. the wagons are circling around this idea of these tech companies are not only becoming powerful in and up themselves the everything that we've seen up to this point of, of that with a i that they'll be even more powerful that data with the google search plus, hey, i have it, it's going to have to even, you know, even more spitefully for competition. so i think that's the fear in, in these atrocities against meta against apple against google is, is that,
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you know, a, i is looming over all of it. google's argument is people prefer google, people prefer to use google for search when given the choice, even if it's not the default browser, they would choose google. and you know, i question whether consumers or the winners here, or if microsoft isn't the big winner here because they are really the only viable competitor to google and search thing is the only thing that comes even close to go is, you know, isn't another alternative to people don't know about it, people don't use it as much. so being is really the only competitor, even in the ring with google and microsoft has done things like pay users to use it . they have, you know, incorporated into their windows operating system. they have really, really pushed being hard and people just don't want to use the google search is which on is national space agency has launched the 1st of 15000 satellites, it ams to deploy before 2050 on monday, 18 satellites for launch from ty on spice. sent it, and shawn she,
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provence is part of a wind, if it to build a network badging hopes would challenge you with projects such as those of spice. 6 around $110.00 more satellites are expected to be launched this year. israel's war on cause that has destroyed the sports facilities across the street, preventing athletes from practicing and depriving young people of places to exercise and have fun. a group of female boxes who have been forced from their homes to 10 camps, and con eunice, continuing their training in the midst of the foaming and destruction. you know, a clay has more, are one to 3 for all of us. what were these young women and a southern gaza throwing punches as a temporary escape from israel's brutal war? their box and club was reduced to rubble. so this is where they train now in the sandy space between the 10th. when uh, when we were in northern garza, we had a club where we trained and we had equipment including hand drops bandages and boxing rings. but the club was destroyed in the war and we were forced to move to
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the south. we tried to set up a new club with new girls and we train with available resources about done with no gloves or mouse guards. they use every day items as protective gear. but this isn't any other thing. we have nothing to help us hold proper training sessions. we have only all hands, pillows, and blankets, despite the turbo situation and cause we would continue training these teenagers, even though we don't have anything. what are we some, how much a u has been displaced multiple times since october. but his dedication to empowering these young women remains step just from one camp to another. he's building a community of fox or is all right then just another. how many? when i came to con units, again, we managed to set up a $7010.00 camp where the initiative expanded to include a big 10 teenagers on other boxing is how it goes, becomes stronger and more comfortable in this to the extent the parents. so now relying on them more aware of how to protect themselves,
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these young carter's art just learning to defend themselves. they're also trying to shatter gender stereotypes. and i'm what there was also bullying about the bulk thing. because people believe the sport is only for boys. my message to the world is that the sport is not only for boys, it's for girls as well, and there's no need to feel ashamed. oh, i don't live in boxing has become a way for the young women to cope with the trauma for offering them some rest. spite and distraction from israel's attacks is a habit of somebody and then we left the newest. so many places in the sy and this has affected us badly on the psychological level to help ourselves give ourselves a push and encouragement. we decided to join the books and clubs. yes, because sports is very useful, particularly for girls to defend themselves. well, now the end remo hoped one day to participate in international competitions like the olympics until then they say they'll keep training no matter how many times they're forced to move, channeling their aspiration into every punch, dean,
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all the all clear as a 0. well, that's often they tell them the credit for the moment so you can find much more on the website where there is an expense on story. we'll examine the humanitarian crisis and so done, which agency say is getting even with to stay with us. the had a lot of there, it's a tale of 2 extremes across east asia. well, central, any east scenario. we've got lots of why, but very hot weather, with temperatures sitting very high in shanghai, we've got heat, lots out to you. the highest looks full that heat way people are desperately seeking water to cool down. but water is the issue further north, we seen intense flooding across the north east of china, that persistent rain just continuing the days and days. and they'll be more of that,
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thanks to the may you front searching all the way from the north west towards the northeast, bringing some pretty heavy, intense down pools of rain here. that we some rain coming in to japan as well. that was the temperature of slot a full a soccer and took care that they will be on the out once again. lots of hot and humid weather to be found here on the eastern areas of china, we're hung and shanghai at $38.00 degrees celsius. that on thursday, and it's very way across the south asia, thanks to the south west monsoon, but it has slipped sides. it's not as heavy across the western parts of india or pakistan. instead, we'll see the heavy rain pick up for eastern india, pulling in to bangladesh. as well with seeing those thunder storms through the day on 1st day i of the of the 0 who tells the stories of to the thing era writers who challenge
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conservative thinking in iraq and sepia. so see all the, just i really what are these ideas about iraqi identity divided opinion, especially among the political and religious beliefs and during this. so that's a new roof, newspaper column. so popular, they were read this every level of libyan societies. revel, writers, iraq, and zip you know, to 0 fine and declared, and one pos of water own search on what age is being blocked by the war and sides warnings that will spread throughout the country. as the conflict takes a devastating total and civilians was coming down to help them and this piece possible. this is inside story the .


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