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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 7, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the, the safe them even come in as an international anti corruption, excellence award denominator hero. now the the close of a rob and you want to be able to, to use our lives. will headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes and last name, jonathan was, as it's newly the following, last week's assassination of is money, intent wrong and well as being the groups top officially, garza since 2017. the israeli attacks continue to drive up the death, told him dogs at least 3 palestinians are killed in the latest strike. with dozens
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more intense, the lower home of the units has been named as the chief advisor of bung with that she's interim government. and the key to them to all the student, protests told the teacher government and the vice president take the sites as tim wells joins the democratic tickets. as campbell of ours is running mates and useful to more track goals for the united states. that the power selling picks for us, taking the menus 1500 me to on the winnings to 100 mates of conscious gabby thomas winning dot rex. the welcome to the news our. it's 2100 gmc and we begin in the gaza strip. how boss has named a new leader? yeah, yes. and what we'll replace as well heavier, in the role following he is assassination in time around last week said was that the groups operations inside garza since 2017?
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as well as accused him of masterminding the october 7th. how about attacks on correspondent dougherty. as in ramallah in the occupied westbank with more of the significance of sin was latest appointment. a yes yes. and a lot is on the top of the israel, a hit list of for him us leaders. he has someone that is wanted and pursued by these rallies, but now the shots are in his hands. the decisions will be uh, he will have the final call and so it will be interesting to see how, how much will maneuver this any decisions, any negotiations happening outside of garza will have to filter through all the hoops that have to be taken in terms of security in order to get to your shifts and war so that he can have the final phase. so that might complicate and per long any negotiation process. but it's also a message to israel, but how must as united,
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that there are no differences that there won't be any schism between how much outside of gaza, how much inside of gaza. there was a lot of debate on whether the assassination of this might honey, you're a pragmatist, a political leader would empower him. bolden, the hard liners. this is a decision that will take a lot to digest, but it also really speaks volumes about the multi layered and very sophisticated decision making process in house itself. there is a very, you know, a clear process of decision making and how much there are layers of that. and people take their roles very seriously. they vote on these decisions and the votes are respected. and so yes, yes, and water was not named by, you know, he was not impose, this is a man who now is at the helm of him, us by the vote of those with him in leadership ranks many that we know, but many more that we don't know about well these are the government has done dial
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0 for reporting in israel, sam the so they chose this now from jordan's comfortable about and has to be in any reaction from the as well. yeah, it's about this appointment, the full reaction across these really political while. let's begin with the countries for administer from said that sin want his appointment as the political ahead of him. us is more of an excuse to assassinate him. now i want to also point to comments made in an interview with their of media by these really armies spokesperson daniel her gallery, who said that the only preparations and intentions that israel is making force and watch is quote, the same state as him. some of the play, if you'll remember that israel claimed they assassinated him, us military commander, back on july 13th, but only confirmed that news just last week. so it just goes to show you within the is really political landscape and what's going on within his really media is that
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there isn't really this distinction between how masses, military leadership and the political leadership. when the war on guns that began prime minister, netanyahu gave a directive, but every single leader in how much political or militarily that they were one unit and that they were all going to be killed. of course, uh the appointment will also pump salaam those across the as well as well that already bracing themselves to retaliate tree attacks as well look, yes, yes. and what is public enemy number one? and before we even discussed the retaliatory attack, so you'll remember that israel will now have to negotiate with your case in mont. he's going to be lead negotiator for how much that israel is going to have to communicate with, through mediators. and this is not really being treated lightly among the lot of people. so there's going to be a lot of pressure on nets and yahoo by family members of captives who been begging these really government for a deal for the last 10 months. and israel is already on age over the past week or
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so waiting for some sort of retaliation by his beloved 8 on and perhaps the who these in yemen as well. we've seen just in the last day that their air defenses are not full prove that there have been several infiltration. and even the drone that has been la had launched was able to make impact and injure a number of people, including 6 is really soldiers. so there is a lot going on with it, israel, who say that they're preparing what they can defensively what are ready to quickly make the switch to office in the face of that attack. i'm definitely forced the in about the thank you. well, who is? yeah, yeah, send was, well about israel is accusing is the one who's being accused of best buy the we'll tell you. but 7th, a taxi was born in con eunice refugee camp in the southern gospel. and 1962. his assembly was refugees from the boxes of us colonial. what's now notice as cologne, after the creation of israel in 1940 eights and was spent 22 years of his life. and
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these are the prisons for allegedly planning the abduction and kind of give to his very soldiers in 1988. and is there any government assessment of his he has and detention described him as a resource and powerful. he used his time in jail to become fluent. in hebrew. sidwell succeeded as a smile, a heavier as habits as lita in gauze in 2017. and after the october, 2nd, the tank these really minute to described him as a data man walking that's bringing mambo, shot out as ever. senior political analyst joins. the stuff by skype from paris is today the palestinians very, very well. and a lead to that. they respect, he's got of a tough job to do if he's going to be a negotiator while he's still in gaza. yes, absolutely. that's a huge challenge. and it's a huge responsibility. especially at the time of war, i should say at the time of genocide again, this is on paper why he is resisting or hiding back into town homes in garza.
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but there's one thing about some water that i'm not sure you missed in your, on your list of things about him to really get to know. and it's really important to the call the last 6 years from 2007 to 2023. i october, something happened for 6 years. he was the basically, the, the, you know, the already gone. gosh, garza was a, was running machine. some people on the north event under the thought of serial policy in the sense of the everything from you know, water and sewage it and it goes to do to. busy security on the order that you cation, medical and social for. so here you have the liter. busy august strip for a whole lot more than too many people, basically on the is really siege. and yet it's worth fish
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a couple of times don't want to talk to even run the now so that, you know, this could be a good thing for you, sir. and he actually spoke in his own cabinets in favor of supporting some, uh, seeing god against the policy. you know, it seems a little bit of you know, that since you are was not uh, you know, uh, was not going to be satisfied with cynthia, rudy over. i'm hoping that present or not his entire program was one of the ocean freedom for probably starting a full sovereignty for kind of started kind of during the refugees. which of course are, you know, most of the inhabitants. you guys have a call, say it has to be set by one, the one bends. terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. it's something that b is right. he's when he can't get that heads around. no committee. you might say european capitals in other have ready with how about sounds i you know, so you remember what we don't remember?
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certainly, but clearly much of the jewish underground by invitees. what is, was full service by the british mandate. and of course they call themselves freedom fired. that's why, in fact, the colonizers being as it may, this home was a storm terrorism, doesn't really taskmaster actually to get it to. it's a bit of scripts more than it's try find it so many ways. but yes, they know, he sort of that doesn't seem carnage for those are for the past 10 months to the, the that the government has worked on that kind of submission. so now there's no one in the world as you know, some form of any video, some kind whereby never since the holocaust house has beaten the way it was in october 7 because of the kind of operation that a, that's in one minute. but once again, uh, you know, as it's known again in, in,
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in, in, in fort shoes of life, there's action reaction. and then what happens in kaiser is if we are to do these are the occupation people and does our existence. but they are set fast. they are defiant, not to be by the not true of uh, of certain law reaction. these are the occupations inside of the association or how do you so you could say that the election said was com. oh, so reactions, reactions in general, all or not strategies, right? and these are reactions and so anyways, so much about talking to the person is constant. but as a reaction to is randy continuous repression, oppression, occupation. the legal stuff isn't qualifies ition. and as of late war crimes and genocide, and the reaction is by the, the seniors is electing a very defiant, very, you know, step task,
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let me know who spent but in years and is ready to jails. and who to day after 10 months and bravo. and genocide remains for is even more popular or seen use done before. but we'll leave it that for now. it's been good to get you analysis on the code and developing new story, bob, a shower, the opposite of a senior political analyst. lebanese group has flaw, was released, a saving following send was appointment saying the choice of brother. yeah. us and why is combination that the enemy's goals are killing? the leaders have failed. so it was, the choice is a strong message to the enemy and the united states and its allies. but the boss is united in its decision. while the commons come after has been all over a series of trial and broke it strikes towards his friend. on tuesday, they hit several areas, triggering air, raid sirens, explosions were heard in the coastal city of heavier, enjoying several people. bodies rarely all, besides,
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this intercept is at least one drive. meanwhile, 5 people are being killed and does really strike in southern lebanon. the attack has a 2 story house in may for dude on tuesday morning. the us back was reporting from major food in southern lebanon as i strikes. well, i'm going strikes going on right now, his beloved launching some rockets. and if i, if i can, if it's a 10 minute drive can show you in the sky. uh, we can show you in the slight those if there's a, there's an interception taking place right now. right now those, those is really a defensive front to intercept his blog rockets or just flying over a head right now. his bluff i, those rockets, tools is ready positions and you can see some of those intersections taking place. that's just how tense is at the moment. we've seen strikes taking place all day.
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about half an hour ago we saw an hud has below rockets trying to hit occupied golden heights. and this morning just such as taking place. if of us going to have that. and those rockets are being launched by his beloved from 711 on going right over our heads and be intercepted behind us. and some of those earlier got through and you could see in the distance the occupied golden heights being hit. so generally what happens is that his will of pretty well hidden in southern lebanon. they go into rockets, for example, for from where i'm standing now can see the is where you set to the front of me. it's just a few kilometers away but not fall from the border. and israel routinely hits the liberties position, so your own back to columbia just to 3 kilometers away from heavy. so striking capital killer young a time behind me, its been hit to hundreds of times since the beginning of this conflict in october. and that's just about because i'm into it behind me. and generally what happens is
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that his bluff eyes rockets as well as pricing to set them some of that money to get through spin levels, coupled by root, the sound of sonic boom boom is really just rustled. residence on choose day was late and the leader of has lot issued a new warning about the groups response for the killing of its military lead. fletcher who said ahold of has more from buried in the show of force is where they were planes, flu low over the lebanese capital. breaking the sound barrier several times and creating sonic booms. they were the loudest heard by residents of baby route. since hezbollah opened up a front along the border to help garza 10 months ago. and this happened minutes before, as well as leader was to address the one week memorial for their slain military leader for ad shocker during which he made clear you run has the law. and humans who tease will respond to isabel's recent progressions,
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regardless of the consequences. what the in, in shaw, a lot of responses coming. god willing, the question is whether we do this independently or will it be a coordinated attack from all the members of the access? this is an option. maybe we decide that it is in the interest of old is each responds alone. we may all respond to the same time. this is a big baffled and that the that will what of israel killed as well as chief of staff loud sugar in an air strike in the southern suburbs of bait. it was last week, hours later, the political head of how much this mile heavy it was assassinated and the iranian capital. an attack iran blamed on israel hours before an us for the speech as well as air defenses failed to intercept exclusive drones launched by his beloved that reached some 20 kilometers south of the border with lebanon. despite the heightened state of alert, israel has been bracing for the promised retaliation. officials are defiant,
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saying the country is prepared for any scenario, including a swift transition to a fence. and we currently fighting at 7 fronted war by iran that is seeking to strangle us. but we are, of course, seeing down the terrace proxies. tensions are as an all time high street are almost empty. it wasn't the 1st time we've heard is ready, just flying overpaid roads. but the loud booms creates a panic. people were shaking and headed home. now they and the region waits for what comes next in a dangerous, the escalating conflict that wait, according to this role is part of the punishment. does that include their elders? either they don't the why to us just released a stipend saying us present drive by them. this other cool. if caught all is the magic to mean been home and the tiny. and it says they address the efforts to de
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escalate regional tensions. including through and immediate c saw and hostage release deal president bite, and then shake to name agreed on the urgency of bringing the process to closure. as soon as possible. both leaders and the teams agree to relate in place coordination over the coming days. a white house correspondent, company how it gets has more so the white house is conducting a wave of diplomacy with us allies as it tries to limit the size of the attack conducted by a ron. a guest is real. the white house believes that the response by iran has not yet occurred by both ron or has the law still, it says it believes that it may be imminent, and as a result, it is monitoring the situation closely. on tuesday us president joe biden spoke with the leaders of egypt and caught tar and stressed in a white house. read out that it was important to try and achieve an immediate cease
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fire. israel's war on gaza, not only to alleviate palestinians suffering as search humanitarian aid, but also to bring about a release of captives in exchange for palestinian prisoners in is really jails in order to deescalate regional tension. while we do not believe the response has started yet we remain concerned by the increase in violence, including defined rooms by hezbollah, into israel. and we're going to continue to have those conversation to continue to try to de escalate the situation that with us for us. it in on monday consulted with the king of jordan as the secretary of state and to the lincoln also consulting with his counterparts and cut r and egypt over the weekend. also speaking with leaders in the u. k, france iraq and g 7 nations. now the pentagon has also been preparing to work
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alongside these really military positioning assets in the region, including naval ships, air defenses, and fighter jets. the concern is that an attack is evident, and that is why the united states is preparing to defend israel for and tactic could occur at any time. kimberly helped him out to 0 white house that is really strongly called central gulf. it was co 3 palestinians and ended mold, and 10 of those 2 homes are targeted along with a sites where tens have been set up to house displaced. people holding 10 have been injured amongst them. women and children, meanwhile is very strong, equal to having goals. the city is that's at least 2 policy instead. another 20 in jet and the attack on the mcgraw be area rescue teams will be working to freeze. the volume is from the russell. both inside to 9600 palestinians have been killed by his very attacks across the street since october or
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the is based with the days of these not to bring the dash where they know but lower it mohammed eunice has been named as the chief advisor of the countries entering government, it's amazed student protested, so i've been calling for after supposing, prime minister, shake athena, to resign and flee the country. now the time all comes up to weeks of anti government demonstrations, which saw a violent least cracked though at least $109.00 people were killed and more than a 1000 in to, during those demonstrations. on monday, let's take a closer look at who mohammed to you. this is while he was born in 1940 on a scene as bangladesh, his most distinguished economist, and on top of that, he was so was seen as a major political threats by the administration. under shake casino, but he was international prominence in 2006 when he fold grooming bank and won the nobel peace prize for providing small loads of micro credit all easy times to
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people in poverty. the latest they can see this administration, we've got a series of investigations after useful a political policy in 2011. how to do this was fired as the banks managing director, allegedly violating government regulations on retirement. late the face bowl charges involving other companies. each crate is then january. he was sentenced to 6 months in jail, violating a label, but later grunted fail obama. that's just president has also dissolved parliament towers after students tracking double action. if not, demand was not met. time the child dre has moved from the capitol, dr. celebrations, but these are on certain times the bottom of this your problem and has been resolved. and the long time arrival to the former prime minister checks. i've seen a former prime minister in opposition liter color that csi has been released. after years under house arrest. the army met with student protest are the coordinators of
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weeks long. cortez really is this video on facebook of the demons. also talk to the we will not accept any other government other than the one post by us. we will not accept the government supported by the military or the fastest. any proxy government or government against the people will not be accepted. on the streets. there's still display of the events of the past few days from a prime minister. shake custody knows residents once impossible to penetrate, overriding by the people the blank of the headlines across the country as the now please, everyone is talking about it. we need peace, vincent, we are poor working class people with daily way to it is we just want to live in peace. our i think what happened on monday, the vandalism. it was not appreciated. the palace belonged to the people like us. we will have to pay for the construction of the question. now, what will bind with dishes political future look like?
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the capital city is come by chance. the police started writing the regular duty is due to concern for their own safety. so the vigilant is on the military are patrolling the streets. tunbridge audrey, i'll just say the dock uh as well to the u. k. now we have bonded rights continue in several cities across the country. raja is driven by far right. groups of targeting immigrants, refugees, and people of color probably be this the care style, but has promised communities that they will be safe, but has midland facilitates reports of middles, but minority groups, especially muslims. scott mohammed is cleaning up the optima of the violence that swept through his town as wide as botched through the streets of middles vera, where he's a foreign student. he cowered in his bedroom and could only watch as his call was being vandalized. then to tell you it was the best way god. then i tried to attack the most. i am dropping. my family told me to come back to bucks on sunset,
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the even the bucks on his will say that you get a just a few streets away. a multi surrounded and because house trying to break down had to move all scared because of we had the smash, we had them trying to get into the house. we were all looking from his desk when i called, when i go in there, look the dogs and much in the do come in. then what happens re com site because that will be outnumbered. and if you do fight will be it will be to the traces of what happened to you on sunday. still visible, this area bore the brunt of the disorder. people's cause smashed. we've seen so many broken windows and things still feel a bit on edge here. there is a real feeling of tension and then the of the listening community is bracing for more trouble. security. now come on site. the mosque. this helped anyone was this achieved and lead as boring young men not to take things into their own hands. we
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know there was a lot of feet in the town and most of might be a talked in human, came out to defend the most in inverted commas. and for the time they did the right thing. this of outside the most of the listen to the elders in the community. the local moms encouraged him to stay to be respectful to the police and cause no further issues in terms of audience. but suddenly some of them all young. the elements of the crowd begun to spin it off and eventually begun to fight him with the riotous from the office and the helps nor one. the angry divisions that have scott the nation will 2 of us in this town mean that there was a need to reach out to 0. middlesborough is the last name is professor and of media and communication at lester university, specializing and media. and just on the side of you, she says, the covington rest is the result of years of political say this,
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where we have seen these, why it's going across the country right here, where i am in less that we've seen the rise happening over the last few days the rise of also spread to places up north in brought the room in middlesborough. we've seen it in southport and unfortunately these, this is a combination of seamless inventory that has been galvanized and building up for the last 10 to 15 years by the media of this country as well as the political a meat. when listenings and margaret communities have been scape goat, the folder that this country is dealing with. and very mind, this is also happening and unfolding in the context of mt palestinian hatred. so anybody who had an axe to grind came out in full force, and unfortunately that's what we have been seeing on the street in the last few days. the current government under stick a case bomb is only been in charge for the month so so, so really we need to take a broader look and look at what's been happening over the last 1015 years when the
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tory government has been in charge and they have been using this rhetoric of i'm to most the mountie a, an immigrant, a, a rhetoric to essentially take the public's attention away from the hills that this country has been plaguing with. we have had so many problems across all of our public services from education to the criminal justice system to foreign policy. you name it that have been problems that the tory government was equipped to deal with. and so this has been used to sort of died, but the public attention away from all of those issues. now what happens is a consequence when you build up the years and years of anti uh, most of hatred and i'm to my grand hatred is that it becomes a, a, a go to normalization of attacking muslim spaces. so in any event, a very unfortunate event, like the beginning of the 3 little goals happens, it immediately quotes fire and right wing politicians like told me robinson and nadia for ours can then come out to the streets and take advantage of that existing
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negative a public narrative to galvanize a criminal. uh people that are coming out to the streets as we have been witnessing as the lawyer of about who was kicked and stumped on by a police officer mentioned strap or it has revealed new allegations during a press conference. i mean, otherwise says, pardon me, that the mother of the alleged victim was also beaten badly by police and suffered from a racist attack before she entered the apples with a warning of the pictures and no recalls. reports of distressing this video has caused a major pull out the suspension of a police officer, a criminal pro, protest. don't buy it by stand in men, just the airport on july, the 23rd. it shows 19 year old here um of seemingly impressive types. it was officer stump from him, kicks him in the head, his brother leg on the ground nearby. a 2nd video was released publishing to show
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what happened prior to a fight breaking out between a mas, his brother and police. this prompted mazda is found the lawyer to hold a press conference, saying this video was a deliberate attempt to smear the family alma on what says the video likes context . and instead of being sent to the legal teams, it was sent to a politician. context came about because secure cctv for each for highly secure place. i might just stay at home somehow find its way into the media somehow it was showing on the bottom the me a great to my interest and it makes the question who would do that? why would they do that? that's important information and wish i knew allegations getting context that brought his anger at the airport as he says, the mother champagne doctor had racially abused all the flights to london. when she reached out to san, she pointed out the mom from the flight. there got an altercation when the police
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got involved on was says that she too was beaten by the office. it is alleged that the mail officer still has his teaser drawing. then using his right hand, it is a ledge. he strikes mrs. act to directly in the face using his pace or as a weapon. she was very, very upset, and that's what triggered everything. and, and she still told me she's certainly traumatized. she's suffering undoubtedly from post traumatic stress disorder. and she's very emotional. this thing didn't happen . you know, in a vacuum. the police officer was being investigated on suspicion of assault and gross misconduct by the police watch. so the i a p c. and also great and not just the police that were view ccd footage from the airport and also the police for the cameras for the lawyer as it finally says, some of these weren't turned on great demand just to police really statements saying some of the offices were in judge,
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but i also understand that the concerns raised with them. well, many equating else police brutality. and while the pro continues investigators to make clear, the police can use pulse only if it's reasonable for pushing it and necessary. laura found out, is there a bunch of steps just so head. hey all the all does it renews? uh, we take a closer look at 10 walls. the mountain us vice president campbell a. how is this fixed as have running mates also? it was full of the fighting series of gauze. female focuses on, they will have that stories up to the by the had lower that there's lots of fine dry and settled whether to be enjoyed across
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the central parts of your you can see belly account in the sky on that satellite image. now there is going to be a change to come. we've got some west weather, cleaning it to the edges and area of low pressure that's going to bring some heavy rains west and pots of russia. so shaw was it to ukraine as well. the balkans are looking much dry of that on wednesday behind that is that if i came back in to head to that place in maryland, whether us actually sense the blinking to speak now to the media. it's just listening to the region in this and this job. a big part of that trip was with secretary austin. we did 2 plus twos with the philippines and with japan. um, i was actually on the far mr. long. we were together also for the quite meetings of japan at the harder of our work in the in the pacific is our alliance with australia today. yeah, another step forward in the evening. strengthen that alliance. present button is
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called it an anchor for peace and prosperity, window pacific and around the world center with the 70 years and our countries working together and made our people a little bit more free or secure or prosperous. but just over the past 3 and a half years, as i believe we've made the relationship stronger than it's ever been. we've enhanced our defense cooperation including expanded re rotations to darling. we created office with the u. k. to bolster regional global security. the turbo charge or defense industrial basis. we have the 1st cohort of australian workers just driving pro harbor for training and maintenance on nuclear power and submarines. and we continue to broaden the scope of our partnership from collaboration on advanced. they are in quantum to combat in this information. when prominent is struggling easy and present by more or less to get,
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they talked about and agreed on plans to really advance what we call and innovation alliance. they inaugurated us during the state visit in october and they continue and we continue to elevate science technology and clean energy collaboration. as a fundamental part, the work that we're doing together to our critical mentos task force were strengthening supply chains for components that are essential to electric vehicles, to batteries, to solar panels. many of the things will be at the heart of the 21st century economy. and they're also critical to combining climate change over the past, just 2 and a half years. us has invested more than $5000000000.00 in australia for critical models. yesterday we also announced a partnership using satellite imagery to better manage that for resources. and to help us tackle climate change throughout austin, we also discuss threats to our shared vision of a free and open ended pacific region that's stable. it's peaceful. it's prosperous
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or sovereignty international law respected where human rights are promoted and protected. we read on the importance of maintaining peace and stability and the south china seas. these strategies encountering any attempts toward, as we're united on the need to maintain peace and stability across the time on straight to resist any actions that escalate tensions or undermine the status quo. we're also committed to deepening strength to make the architecture that oppose the shared vision for the region and working more and more with other allies with other partners to advance the shared vision that we have. we've been enhancing our cooperation with pacific island countries. we're taking, of course the next steps on august were advancing an affirmative agenda for the plot. where penny and i were just engaged a few days ago. we re, from the importance, also a bridge in the,
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in the pacific and the trans atlantic theaters. i'm very grateful that australia is the largest non needle military contributor to ukraine, providing here defense capabilities to helping train new training personnel in the united kingdom. fundamentally we agree with finance dropping easy that as he called it, ours is in alliance with the bright future because it's an alliance for a better future. lloyd and i are both incredibly grateful to penny and richard for the partnership and for their friendship. tony, thank you very much. can i 1st think sick if you blink them tiny secretary austin void for hosting richard an i a at this remarkable facility on these beautiful grounds and we really appreciate the opportunity to be here all night. so stop with the just to read the straightly inform is roll. so
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and repeating the things to american house that full that supports and punish. let's bring in particular hain who draws from washington dc. we were also expecting secretary, blinking some states to be talking about tensions in the middle east. but of course that is a meeting with the australians about their safety relationship and in asia pacific . as things some would go as has things sometimes happen in television. i believe we had just gone through a break when the secretary of state anthony blinking and just started talking about it and really reiterating much of what we've heard from him. he did say the us president joe biden spoke to the president, egypt, the mirror of color, and that they are trying to work out a way to g escalate the situation. i believe he also said that the us messages, no one should escalate the situation and he directly, they've communicated that directly to around and to israel. the us doesn't really
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have any sort of arrangement to speak with a re renewed officials. they usually go through the swiss, so we're going to wait and see exactly what kind of communications have taken place . but this is what we've heard from the us consistently since that attack is that they are concerned that there is going to be an escalation. that's why you've seen them send another aircraft carrier, more fighter jets to the region because the us to set a will defend israel if it is in fact attack. so it's a signal emails that ran also must not escalated, but also israel. that seems somewhat significant. but i'm getting, the big question is going to be when the, or i take questions usually of these things. it's 2 questions from australian journalists and choose from us journal. so of course we've monitoring to see if he expands on that any further. of course we'll come back to you pass. he is the one that does have to claim that for us in washington d. c. thank you. to stay in washington dc. we can join richardson, he's a j, a political consultants, a non resident senior fellow at the atlantic council. good to have you with us at
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the moment. it does seem to be at the relationship between the us. it is relevant payment as that as well seems to be out stepping uh the us in the us is having to follow because of this. i implied support. that's no any creating tensions in the us. but we can see the tension is creating of them, at least well, that's right. and that's going to be with you i, i think actually the ramifications of the us is real relationship are planning out even in domestic politics. we saw today that a couple of harris, instead of picking joshua bureau, the governor of pennsylvania, who in many circles, was considered a more formidable sort of running, made against the trump. uh, and dance ticket shows to go with 10 walls from minnesota. and many people think that this was as a result of pressure about uh, uh, shoot bureaus, strong support for israel previously. so this relationship between the united
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states and israel is showing jenaris. that's that unique. and it plays out and terms of how both the geo politics and the domestic politics of both countries. a kind of play out there. so i, i don't know, it's, it's hard to say now is especially with the recent attacks that we saw in live in on and in tech, drawn, involving assassination of, of the, sort of a mouse. and here's the leadership. how this is all going to play out, what is there going to be a war? is there going to be an escalation? how will that play out? and. busy diction, israel and in the united states and, and, and the palestinian authority is this past name time. okay, let's just say one pet at a time then as well and rich, because now we always know that the americans have military hardware in the mediterranean and normally sort of a fleet carry of some shape or form that is already that we know that. but that all these extra troops go again, we know that that are all senior military officials. it is well right now. preparing for said evidence attacked by israel by iran and its
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allies potentially. it all seems to be building up, but it's also a holding pass and not holding pattern is making as well that being the best right now. a well, it's a very interesting to step game in the sense that, uh, the, by the ministration of in washington in general right now are sympathetic to the suffering of the palestinians and anxious to put an end to the fighting and gossip . and therefore, putting pressure on net yahoo and saying, hey, go slow here. and uh, you know, they wrap this up as quickly as you can. but trying at the same time on the 2nd level of this game which is in iran, is real geo political rivalry regionally. to say iran don't make this, you don't, don't mistake. the fact that the current administration has sympathy for the suffering of the pulse, the name people for a carte blanche for you to do what you want to do. regionally. i mean, it's age within washington. both democrats and republicans are firmly aligned with the idea that israel is under direct threat from iran and,
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and that the united states should help his rule against that threat from it wrong. so it's an interesting dilemma for the bi limits are sort by and harris administration, and that they're trying to say, we don't approve of your policy a 100 percent and what you're doing and draws us to stop. but at the same time we're trying to deteriorate, ron, and say, whatever you do, we're going to send an aircraft carrier and a enter craft wing. and a sort of an air wing and all sorts of munitions and all, all the reinforcements that is real needs. if you're on conduct a direct attack and if you actually flip this on the other side, which for all v was as well, it could work in a very different way. america could stop sending munitions to israel. that would allow israel to then stop it's attack on gauze and then would pressure test runs not to attack a tool because they would find a way to either stop the war on garza or find a ceasefire. so this is a fascinating question because it comes down to
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a basic element of, of trust. do you trust in the rationality of the other? if you think that iran is sincere and it's a sympathy for the palestinians and that were the ones the minute that israel shows a little bit of a sort of concession towards the palestinians that it will stop. it's drugs. and it's very, i mean, apocalyptic rhetoric with regards to is real let's, let's see the even safer elders here of heroes of yours that your ron's rhetoric, with regards to israel is pretty apocalyptic. but it's the great, the middle shaping, the united states, has a great site and that needs to be destroyed. but let's put that all aside and say, even if you say ok, they're honest and sincere and their support for the palestinians. where is the trust? well, at what point do you both build enough trust? so that is real mex, a concession to iran, or to the pals stand hard line leadership that they're willing to say, okay, we actually recognize the right of israel to exist. or we're, you know,
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we're not gonna say that what happened on october 7th and those attacks was legitimate. we have such a fundamental. ready lack of trust between the israelis and. ready the hard line arabs, and certainly iran, that between the us and iraq supporters in this region. it's hard to see how that all comes together. so what, what comes out as a dog, eat dog? very bitter and, and, and very 0 sum game indeed, and it's some distrust as being decades in the baking. sadly, we'll get more. i'm sure analysis from you rich out some in the coming days. so the moment thanks so much for joining us from washington dc. so to be with you. thank you. the, the us vice president, couple of hours so selected have running made for november, presidential elections. she's chosen minnesota governor that tim welts on a 60 year old as a 2nd time governor with a down to a midwest and
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a real bundles. how's the story? like many americans are worried? a few weeks ago. not many people outside of minnesota knew who tim waltz was, but he changed that with one simple word. weird. these are weird people on the other side. they want to take books away. they want to be in your exam room that's . that's what it comes down to a don't you know get sugar coating this? these are weird ideas. we're not gonna play their game. we call them out for the weird nonsense that they believe was this notion that there is something fundamentally odd about donald trump is running made j. d bands and their policies on health care, abortion rights, family issues, and more caught fire with democrats, trending online, and repeated by many others. pamela harris, herself, as the world is more than just a democratic name. color is, are 2 terms, is minnesota governor,
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including during the wide spread protests following the killing of george floyd in minneapolis in 2020 i spoke this evening to uh, to george floyds siblings quite extensively. and i understand that rate, we talked about it, we understand what else to happen. well served in the minnesota national guard and worked as a public school teacher for 2 decades before running for congress. then the governor's office, as governor, he oversaw a major expansion of labor rights protections for abortion, free school meals and family and parental leave. well says called for a cease fire and gaza and called people who do not support the by the administration's policy. there civically engage, voters asking for change. waltz has a plain spoken midwestern sense ability and a willingness of taking on his political flows in blood terms. attributes that the hair is campaign hopes will catch on with voters rob rentals and how to 0.
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well, it's cost over $12.00 correspondents on hand when he's in philadelphia where we have both capital, harrison to well, it's about to appear on stage. john, it's all very exciting waiting to see them both together and to see what they're going to say about that journey to november. the 5th, this is right. this is the 1st ever it seemed watch event. just show me a here is, this is susan bailey. if you will, and people who don't do in line, you fired up, they lined up by the thousands. what you're looking at here. these are the people who did not make it in. and you might hear some, some anti goals or protesters as i'm speaking. this line is over people we're hoping to get into overflow. we don't figure all going to be able to get in even to the overflow room. but that's that arena bits. 14000 people here at temple
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university. and we watched people lineup stumbling around the block, a block about the size of 2 football fields she get in there. sounds, isn't them unable to make it still lined up around the block because they want to hear what which this candidate has to say. and a number of people we asked, are you happy or are you more fired up? the cumberland harris is that the job of that ticket in jo variety, every single one we talked to said yes, one person said you liked uh, biting. but he was happy. harris was there other than that, literally every what he said here here's is they're fired up about this new to john . good sense of what's going on outside the whole philadelphia, of course, we'll join you as things progress. thanks very much. all right, let's close over to washington dc. what joy training is a political strategist and lawyer and joins as hell and i'll just say a joy. i'll just preempt the fact that we may have to interrupt this interview if color does get on the stage, but hopefully she, she hasn't come on yet with her too. so yeah,
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let's hope dots. let's how much was took, what, how much of a surprise to him? well says to this, what everybody was expecting as the pennsylvania should pay right to perhaps be on the ticket instead as well. this has been an unbelievable election season, so we should be surprised by anything we. i mean it was a surprise. many of us were looking at josh appear or, or, or others. but you know, the more i learned about the governor, well, the more, you know, i hear people who has interacted with him personally, including supposed in the right community, who interacted with him around or boy us. and people who worked with the folks are really pleased with his choice, a little bit of a sleeper. but she clearly had a connection with him. and you know, the fact that he coined our weird phrasing that is a winner in and of itself. silver please. yeah, i mean the thing is no, i suppose that both tim and kimball,
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i have to know any pull them together and show that front to the american public. but they also have to go in the opposite direction and get the message across. and for him, it is a very tough ask, isn't that he's got to look at the midwest map and say, i've got to win. lots of people over to the democrats is like, oh, that's right. i mean, she clearly just chosen someone compliments for right. she definitely is well known all over rice president, but very much still on the east coast west coast. and he is going to be well known in the midwest and we need her there to. we need him on the coat. we need them everywhere, but we certainly, i think that there are many people who have midwest value, midwest, americans who are going to see themselves in him. he is direct. i love the fact that he's a teacher. i love the fact that he served in the military. there is no way that anyone is going to be able to paint him as not being of the people and not being down to earth and not knowing what's happening at your american kitchen tables all
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over. that will be an impossible task. i mean, typically is a life. yeah, i mean, the republicans are already starting to hit by like, holding him a crazy liberal. you know, he's, he is a pro abortion. he is, proceeds 5 a garza, he's all the things that the republicans are against right now. also anti is ryan, is while a, if the, if, if the narrative uh, the truth of the republican side is that something you think he's strong enough to count? i mean, he's a 2 time dealt with that. he dealt with the, the, the, the, the lloyd bad over as well in minneapolis. i mean, he knows how to deal with stress as i've quite pretty high level. and he does. that means he has been the governor governor of a left of center state. right. so they're different, they're reliably blue face, but very much a moderate date. and yeah, i mean, those, those policies that you just name those views are more progressive, but they're also to view the vast majority of american people support. the vast
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majority of american people support some type of sensible, responsible gun control. the vast majority of people support. right. to have an abortion, you know, the vast majority of people support a peaceful resolution in the middle east. so, you know, i, i, i really think that what the republicans are, you're barking up the wrong tree per usual. and they are out of step. and he feels very much in line with the americans that i talk to that are from my own town that you know, using very much in mind. but most americans. so i think we're going to feel very good about his bit. of course, the thing is that now what he has to do as does a couple of harris is us. they get the point because they've got to get the policies out that it's not just about. so it's like his tim walls. they now go to get the message across because they want this to be
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a mud slinging issue about personality and about look, so whether people smile too much or laughed too much, the democrats who want to get the policy issues out. the absolutely, i mean that's what's great about this, you know, these 2 is a really represent, you know, the best of america. we're going to have fun with this less than, i think you've already seen it with some of their social media posts. but we're also going to do the work. there is no doubt that governor wall and by best practice here is a governing democrat, their property official, they are public service. they have the ability to actually get the things that they have said they want to get done on. so yeah, i mean, i think we can pivot to talking about policy of a feeling is a part of meeting is so important is your other guess the fact that so many people, tens of thousands of people are in line waiting for the democrats. haven't seen those numbers in a really long time, so that's exciting. but then also very exciting because they know that we can build
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on what the biden harrison ministration has already done. and take it for what i want to see from the new harris. what the ticket though is, what are their policies for the future? we sort of knew where they stand on things in the past, but we really have the opportunity to drive our nation forward. okay, we can swing by then we would have to stop with that before i told that we will save calls. what does happen in the days that thanks so much for joining us in washington dc. the will to dispose of his on the thank you so much. so the ripping to a truck goes to the united states of the parents olympics. the us taking the men's 1500 minutes on women's 200 me to talk to is gaby. so almost explained when of alaska relates attempting to announce for this, unless your claim silver is thomas's 1st individual goes out of global events. second metal for st. lucy's side.
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easy every step of the why use the past they to surprise they're in the final and then 1600 american you call could say king's old erase. it being previewed as a jewel between jessica and noise that you are coming to put in care of. great person for the 2nd defending champion, the end of britson. he finished out of the metals waters swedish pulse on the plan, so it says already left his mark on the games, breaking the world's record on his way to gold on monday, tuesday. so we're missing out with these countries king and consume placing the next phase of his career. i feel like i have a lot of higher heights and i don't really care about the future right now. i, i, i'm enjoying this moment very much. and i'm just gonna enjoy when i've done the trauma myself into a, with my family and friends and my cousins don't worry about anything else other than the teacher will come out. jerry and books. and my alif isn't with
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a shelter of winning a gold medal. alief along with time and he's fine sir. and then you change your face and eligibility control the see after the pass. reportedly filed gen the tests ahead of last year's world championships leave to face its hollins. john john c. one opinion that 66 kilogram. semi final for you not to stay so site on track to retain the men's basketball title. the problem jane was uncovered, paid to presenting that quote, a final be useful if i serve you in the last full house friends will take on germany and the other semi that are plastic success has helped move the us back of, of china in the metals table australia, there is a 3rd of to taking goals in the women's pock scapegoating or i plenty will sports coming out from parents, but let us, i will looking for that. thanks very much on day. let's close. uh you helped me what's the, i'll just say when use i will continue to follow the presentation of a couple of harris and tim waltz in philadelphia shortly. but until the form of
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these team here in denver, thanks for your time and your company. the unique perspective that i really not done because definitely i left and nothing is something you val with on heard voices, but we are committed to guessing all about you. be so much connected with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these provisions, if it was part of the medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable that the horror of what's the stream on our, just your investigative journalism is quite chewing. well, can you, through here sensing that last horrible mind? what of the journey? voices from different corners of organization survival, it's survivable. survival runs for reparations and justice stories from other
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angles like this actually music of the way people talk, the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on now to sierra the noel press for palestinians in garza for it is say the polio virus has been detected and stores and contaminated water is really a talked of caused extensive damage to ga, the source systems. that's the nation of plants and water supply networks. even before october, the 7th palestinian did not have enough to clean the water line going 8 agencies and the you and for daily deliveries. we have begging for help. we have begging to be saved from the suicide. people are locked in, their homes can't go out. as well as, as part of vaccinating exposure as in dog to protect them against the virus which can cause deformities and paralysis. many palestinians here say they are exhausted,
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tired of moving from one temporary shoulder to another being hungry and waiting and fear for the next attack. and now they also worried about the right of disease of the, [000:00:00;00] the times that around what can be opposite when use online with headquarters in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. couple of harris names. minnesota governor, tim waltz has have running mates in the event, but will be live useless. l v shows me, but waltz is making his 1st campaign appear in sounds. the vice presidential candidates also must age as the political leader. yes. and will take 7 from it


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