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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 7, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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is vulnerable in grooves in these riddles. relentless wore across this trip from the heart of the story as well as a still own government with its escalation on the ground. so between the areas that supports the b, u, monetary and sides of the coming to house introduces minnesota governor, tim was running names for the us presidential election. the hello, i'm elizabeth donovan. this is alice, just the online from jo. how also coming up? how about names? it's new political lead a yes, yes. and why takes over from a small him neo who was assassinated in a wrong last week is really just fresh from
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a residence, 11 on capital head of a new one and from has fall us leader. and bond divisions, interim government, and names, no doubt, laureate to mohammed the eunice as the chief adviser. akita mazda protested the pamela house as address the democratic party supporters with the new the chosen running made for the us presidential election. harrison, minnesota governor, tim was picked the background stage of pennsylvania. so this is riley, has described himself and was as underdogs in the election on november the 5th. but they both took aim at republican vitals. donald trump, i took on perpetrators of all kinds of the creditors who
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abused women rosters, scanned the consumers, the theatres broke the rules for their own gain. so here mean when i say the donald trump try again and again and again, trump weakens our economy to strengthen his own hands. the motto, laws he saw was chaos and division. and that's to say nothing of his record as president. he flows in the face of the cobra dry since he drove our economy into the ground and
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make no mistake, violent crime was under donald trip the that's not even counting the primes he committed. john hendern has moved from the riley of the woman who would be the 1st female president of the united states. take the calls himself a midwestern. yeah. 2 volts scope in plain speaking terms, are these well known for i said he grew up in nebraska plain is it said that he would have cala harris back at every point in the administration and promised that they would win, including right here in pennsylvania. he was a dark horse as a candidate at joshua piero. the governor of pennsylvania was, was one of those who was considered
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a very strong candidate. we spoke here in favor of tim walters and cumberland harris and was trying to present a dramatically different picture, a contrast to the republican ticket. donald trump, who calls himself a billionaire in j. d vance, who graduated from yale law school and became a venture capitalist. so the contrast hardly clear, and now the race is on john henry l. g 0 philadelphia. while the republican policies presidential candidate donald trump has commented on the new democratic tickets and the post on truth, social trump describe harrison walls as the most radical left you in american history and said, there's never been anything like it and never will be again. james davis is the former communications director for the republican national convention. i'm president of the communications for touch down strategies. he's joining us live from washington dc. thank you very much for your time, mr. davis. so,
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so far we've got trump and his wife's presidential nominee j the vans trying to portray walls as a fall left radicals. but give them that wouldn't actually be a winning strategy by the house campaign. do you think that line of attack will resonate with voices? yeah, i do think the support resonate for, for voice is i mean the reality as congressman was he, buddy with nancy pelosi, the 95 percent of the time. yeah. you don't know him, he's not a household name date or is this introductory period where voters will get to see him. but the headlines about them, a lot of his record will be dug into and ultimately opinion slowly shake the right out of the gate. so it is a race to define yourself in this situation. it's a really risky move to pick someone like governor was because he is so little known and it has not been really tested on the national scenes the way he would for a presidential campaign. so, so i looked at mister davis,
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i'm sorry to interrupt the call that also work in his favor, that he's not as well known to say the pennsylvania governor, mr. shapiro. because there's less to criticize with people who are less well known on country or actually his record is pretty significant. and when you're voting, 95 percent of the time with nancy pelosi, you can easily get defined by those votes as a radical left wing on activist. and so let me tell you what i said as of right. of course nancy pelosi is don't say yes, you get as a radical well, i mean i, i guess that's up for the bags. but again, if we talk about his his record and bringing that up because that actually work against the trump campaign because they pulled him so far, they've pulled him an incompetent liberal but was, was widely viewed as more of a moderate democrat. he wanted to strengthen the border, the coal for deficit reduction. so you've always had when the republicans against the bailout for big bags after the 2008 financial crisis as governor,
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he also signed the savings of bi pauses on bills of these made statements on the border that have been weak sense that he allow protests to happen throughout his state, you know, in 2020. yeah. and drastic measures during the covered era. the supports of public option for health care reform, which is a government run health care plan and expansion of what obamacare was really. and so, you know, there's a lot to his record that is not positive and he's going to face enough to battle on it. he's going to get questions about those things. i'm glad that you brought up the, the protests and his date because it is one of the things that the trump campaign has attacked him even at the time. in 2020, we're talking about the protest following the killing of george floyd and trump has falsely claim since then that he ordered the national guard when it was actually going to waltz, who served in the army national guard for 24 years and was the one who deployed the
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minnesota national god, june. those protests was before trump refreshing to i mean he was under duress there the this the size of the day is the buyer. yeah. buy. so i have a control and i someone who used to be in the national guard himself, although he defected from there because he didn't want to deployed. so i understand he doesn't have a strong record in that space. i think he winds up losing, particularly as you match up his military record even to j. d man says military record as a former marine who did deploy and serve overseas. so there's some, the stark contrast between these candidates overall, and we'll see how that, how checked out in the end. but ultimately the tech to take off with a tech, to placate the base, just like on the republican side to pick vance wasn't picked to placate the base. i don't particularly love either strategy because they don't gain any real or wet toilet sway in the swing said in swing states like pennsylvania rare is own or
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other places that would have been out for play with a more moderate pick. mister davis, thank you for your time. we appreciate that. that is a james davis live in washington, dc of the home off has an als to yes, yes. and what is its new political leader? he's been named the successor to is my, the nea who was assassinated in iran last week. san juan has led him also operations inside garza since 2017, no day before it's from the mullah and the occupied westbank. yes, yes. and what is elected leaders come off a week after the move miss from vertical cheese? this might have been here was assassinated and thought on as the top of visual of him us and gaza. the 62 year old strong man was already up the heart of power. now he called all the shots about peace and war,
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heavier than what was chosen unanimously. and this shows that the movement is aware of the nature of all the difficulties that it's facing. the goal is to asians were managed by leadership and send what was always present families of these really kept as a key was benjamin netanyahu of trying to do rail ceasefire talks by a fascinating honey. yes. who was the top negotiator for the group now is real. must deal with send want a man. it's imprisoned for over 2 decades and then released in a prison or exchange deal in 2011, but nothing yeah. signed off on after that. so new ard, who grew up in a refugee camp in san eunice, was an unstoppable political actor, a, a c or soul for israel send. water is closer to the military wing of her mouth, yet able to maneuver its multi layered political ranks and become its leader during a ferocious for sin. what is at the top of israel's hip list accused of masterminding and leading the october 7 attacks,
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and with hundreds of fighters breached as well as borders and captured over 200 is really civilians and soldiers. c now he is the lead negotiator called training says fire talks, the regional and international mediators including the biden administration, desperately need to succeed. israel says it will not stop the war and garza until the destroys hemlocks and kills. it's prominent leaders assassinating a smile, honey, a profile, the us, and ward, to the home on the center of attention. now the whole world has to deal with him to end the war with all the address data. palestine is where the latest have been reacting to the developments as well has banned. i'll just say off. i'm reporting there. so a corresponding home to sort of following the story from jordan's capital. i'm on a, a lot of reaction pouring in across these really political aisle. let's begin with the country's foreign minister who in a post on x, formerly known as twitter,
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said that yes, yes. and why does appointment as the political head of him us now gives israel more of a reason to assassinate him and continue their annihilation of him us. we also heard from these really army spokes person, daniel, her glory, who in an interview with air media said the quote, the only preparations or intentions that israel has force and what is to give him the same state as him some of the place. you'll recall that israel claims to have a sas, unaided, the if the, from us military commander, back on july 13th, but said that they could only confirmed that news based on intelligence last week. but there is a lot of anticipation as for what's next and a lot of uncertainty because then one of the appointment did come as a surprise that the conversations within is really media, or that there is really no differentiation between how messes political wing and the military one and they say that's and why does appointment prove to that point, but there's also going to be a man's pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu from family members of is
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really captive as in what is now going to be the we've negotiator for him us. but israel is going to have to speak through, through mediators, and these are family members of captives who have been protesting for months, calling for new leadership, saying, but that's, and you always should give whatever concessions to the other side in order to bring back the captive then it comes on the heels of an anticipated attack that could be when digging israel any time. and it's something these really have said they're ready for, but are still anticipating what's next. have this and who's just either a man or the us secretary of state has commented on us and law being made him off. those new lead to patsy. calhane has moved from washington dc, a joint press conference with our counterparts from australia, the secretary state, and she secretary of defense, put a lot of their focus on what's happening in the middle east again. antony blinking, urging for calm, say, no one should escalate the situation. and interestingly,
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he said the us has sent that message directly to around and also to israel. us doesn't have a relationship with it's counterparts in around. usually they talk through the switch so that i want to find out more of how that conversation happened. but he was also asked about the appointment of generally a similar to the, the soul leader of hamas. and the way he answer that question was very telling, let's have a listen. he has been and remains the primary decider when it comes to concluding a ceasefire. and so i think this only underscore is the fact that it is really on him to decide whether to move forward with a cease fire. that manifestly will help somebody tell us that he is in desperate need women children that were caught in the crossfire from us. as making a gaza whether we can put the gaza and the region more broadly onto a more peaceful and secure path. so it only emphasizes the fact
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that that's been the case for, for some time. it really is on him. and as the present said today, following his conversations with a personal ccn with a new to me, this is the moment. this is the decisive moment. what's really significant. there is the language that he used. he didn't denigrates in our app. all you talked in a very helpful way about the status of the negotiations for a ceasefire. the secretary of defense lloyd austin, was also asked about the attack on us service members in iraq. and he did say that they will not tolerate attacks on their personnel. and he did say that he thinks that they didn't read back a militia group was behind, it didn't say no, there's going to be any kind of response. because again, the main focus from washington dc, is that the situation there cannot escalate and should not escalate. to go ahead
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and alj a 0. washington. still ahead on knowledge of sierra a cup of milk is full, they'll get so now the health that's needed for refugees of confidence arriving in uganda, the hello that was not in south asia, and the rains may have eased across the western parts of india. but the flood waters remain flooding temples in maharaj, so there's lots of water logan to be found here. the showers are still then noticed heavy and intense as they have been instead was seen, the bus rang pushed farther north and further east. and the days ahead was thunder storms for places like bung with dish, heavier rain for me and my up and super time. and that pool. it's not as heavy. that rain for pockets done it twice up in the south on thursday,
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but still live. a the shower has the on size day and there's more heavy rain to come for east asia in particular for northern parts of china, you can see the menu from the dipped its way slightly. so bringing bus rains to shinji and shang don't over the next few days. remains very hot and humid picture for the south of this. what temperature is it picking white top for the likes of lou hand and to shanghai? that heat will extend its way for the south of the next few days. we have got high warnings for those very high temperatures. we're expecting that intense heat to continue pushing out for the east for the korean peninsula and japan on 1st day. that's your weather update of the discussing the defining issues of our time. the reason that we're able to see so much progress with machine learning is because it is predicated on the exploitation
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of labor somewhere else, exploring the implications for the global south as the artificial intelligence revolution, etc. ring to where the benefits lie. and with the light, we're betting my entire future on a technology that is fundamentally very sustainable studio b. b. i series on a jersey though the the 2 watching elders here with me. elizabeth found them in the heart of a mind to yvonne told stories to silence us democratic presidential nominee coming the house has made her 1st campaign appearance alongside a newly announced running mate. minnesota governor house and waltz purchase of interest in the background stage of pennsylvania. come off his name. yeah, yes,
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and lot of you need to, following the assassination of his mind, honey. an intent on last week, some lot has led the group from inside gone. so since 2017 while lebanese group has of all that has released the statement following and was appointment saying, the choice of brother. yeah, yes. and what is confirmation that the enemy's goal was of killing the latest have failed. from last choice is a strong message to the enemy and the united states and its allies. but how mazda is united and its decision on his viola has launched a series of drawing and rockets strikes as tension rises on the southern border with israel. several areas will hit triggering air raid sirens explosions were heard in the coastal city of nadia and during several people. as well as honest as an inception, at least one drawing, 4 and 5 has been applied as have been killed and in his riley as strike in southern lebanon. the attacks had
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a 2 story house in may for doing on tuesday morning. sonic booms from his wally jets have rational residents and 11 on capital as well as leader has issued a new warning about the groups response to the killing of its military lead. a full, i've sure, could say to hold the reports from babyhood and to show a force is where they were planes, flu low over the 11 east capital. breaking the sound barrier several times and creating sonic booms. they were the loudest. heard by residents of baby route since hezbollah opened up a front along the border to help garza 10 months ago. and this happened minutes before, as well as leader was to address the one week memorial for their slain military leader for ad shocker, during which he made clear iran, hezbollah and humans, hotels will respond to as well as recent aggressions, regardless of the consequences. what on the in, in shaw,
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a lot of responses coming. god willing, the question is whether we do this independently or will it be a coordinated attack from all the members of the access? this is an option. maybe we decide that it is in the interest of old is each response alone. we may all respond to the same time. this is a big battle that will what of israel killed as well as chief of staff loud sugar in an air striking the southern suburbs of bait. it was last week, hours later, the political head of how much this mile heavy it was assassinated in the running and capital, an attack iran blamed on israel hours before an us for the speech as well as air defenses failed to intercept exclusive drones launched by hezbollah that reached them 20 kilometers south of the border with lebanon. despite the heightened state of alert, israel has been bracing for the promised retaliation. officials are defiant, saying the country is prepared for any scenario, including
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a swift transition to offense. and we currently fighting at 7 from tidwell by iran that is seeking to strangle us, but we are, of course, seeing down the terrace proxies. pensions are as an all time high streets are almost empty. it wasn't the 1st time we've heard is ready, just flying overpaid roads. but the loud boons created panic. people were shaking and headed home. now they and the region waits for what comes next in a dangerously escalating conflict. that weight, according to this role, is part as a punishment. does that include their elders? either they don't? the nobel laureate, bahama, this has been named the chief adviser of bonds and finishes entering the government . it was at the mazda student protest is off the full st. promise to shake casino
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to resign. she also fled the country to neighboring india. the to him was follows weeks of anti government demonstrations which to a violent police crackdown well bound to the issue of president. as all parliament owls off the students present more action if the demand's weren't met on features that a report from the or celebrations. but these are on certain times the bottom of this your problem has been resolved and the long time arrival to the former prime minister check. i've seen a former prime minister in opposition leader color that csi has been released. after years under house arrest. the army met with student protest are the coordinators of weeks long protest really is this video on facebook of the demands the we will not accept any other government other than the one proposed by us. we will not accept the government supported by the military or the fascists. any proxy,
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government, or government against the people will not be accepted on the streets. there's still display of the events of past few days from a prime minister. shake custody knows residence once impossible to penetrate, overriding by the people the blanket of headlines across the country as they not please. everyone is talking about it. we need peace events. we are poor working class people with daily wages. we just want to live in peace. our, i think what happened on monday, a vandalism, it was not appreciated. the palace belongs to the people like us. we will have to pay for the construction of the question. now, what will bind with dishes, political future look like? the capital city is come by trends. the police side of writing the regular duty is due to concern for their own safety. so the vigilant is on the military are patrolling the streets. tunbridge audrey, i'll just say the dock. uh well,
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let's take a closer look at mohammed eunice. he was born in 1940 and a state as long divisions, most distinguished economists, an entrepreneur. he was identified as a major political threat by shaken. see this government even as rose to international prominence in 2006 when he formed the main bank and won the nobel peace prize for providing small loans to pay for them. poverty. a laser shaken, seen as administration began a series of investigations off the uniform dependent, to go potty in 2011. he was fired as the backs managing director accused a violation. government regulations on retirement lakes has units faced move charges involving all the companies he created in january. he was sentenced to 6 months jail for violating a naval. that was basic, wanted bail the most difficult as far as well as the executive director of south asia perspectives. that's an opinion magazine. and he says, mohammed, even this is what will be challenging. you wouldn't be the head of the government because you know, everything has broken and broken by the previous slides. the 2nd so you're not
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caught up shows the units to do so. no institutions left in the country. everything is part is part of the judiciary. the media and the f else and integration molinas duties have nothing left in the bottom of this. so it will be a huge challenge for across the industry, build this institution and to rebuild the country. and i think he is, he will be the right man because he has that. that is my, the need to see because he's on the, he's coming back who going to be another prize and he has, he doesn't have any, any, any, you know, political biased and that's, he's a neutral person so far. and so obviously he didn't think they'd tell his, i think he would, you would inform his advisory board to do like minded people, those who loved the country and to do those who really wants to contribute for the nation. as the case. prime minister has again tried to reassure people, they'll be protected from violent protests across the country. some of the people
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involved hoping, targeting immigrants, refugees, and people of color. but has malayna vessel benefits reports from middles for minorities, especially muslims are frightened. mohammad is cleaning up the often most of the violence that swept through his town as wide as bob's through the streets of middles, vera, where he's a foreign student. he cowered in his bedroom and could only watch as his call was being vandalized. then they tell you it was nice, my god, and then i try to attack the most. i am broken, my family told me to come back to back to some sense if you even go to the box on these will save them that you good. i just a few streets away, a multi surrounded and because house trying to break down had to move all scared because of we had the smash, we had them trying to get into the house. we were all looking from his desk when i called, when i go in there, look the dogs and much in the do come and then what happens become side,
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because that will be outnumbered. and if you do fight will be will be killed. the traces of what happened to you on sunday still visible. this area bore the brunt of the disorder, people's ca smashed. we've seen so many broken windows and things still feel a bit on edge here. there is a real feeling of tension in any of the missing community is bracing for more trouble security. now common site, the mosque. this helped anyone was this achieved and lead as boring young men not to take things into their own hands. and we know there was a lot of feet in the town and most of might be a talked in young men came out to defend the most in inverted commas. and for the time they did the right thing that stood outside the most of the listen to the elders in the commune. the, the, the local, the mom's, we encourage them to stay, the be respectful to the police cause no further issues in terms of audience. but
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suddenly, some of them all the elements of the crowd, began to spin it off and eventually begun to fight them with the riotous from the office. and the helps no one the angry divisions that have scott the nation. will 2 of us in this town mean the city and reach out to 0 middlesborough neesha is willing by the treat. you says it's cutting diplomatic top ties with ukraine and solidarity with molly, which did the same just days ago. malia choose this cave of support and twine advice was inside the country. the fight has killed thousands of molly and soldiers and most and race from rushes walked a group last month. the decision to 7 times comes after you claims intelligence spokesman said rebels had been given information to conduct the attack cave has cold molly's decision short slice of a hasty at least 33 people have been told and around $100.00 injured off to heavy rain for the flooding and so don,
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the house ministry says 7 states including west the food has been effected. the us has sit on his face and one of the wills was humanitarian crises. after fighting between the army and power mother treat rapid support forces displace more than 7000000 people to a cease fire deal between the democratic republic of congo and lawanda has collapse shortly after coming into effect fighting has been intensifying and the east of the country disappointment attempts to pull the conflict that's displaced millions of people. refugee is affected by the violence aveena arriving and neighboring uganda . i'll come web reports. these people having run for their lives now join more than one and a half 1000000 has been displaced by 3 years of conflict in east and democratic republic of congo. they fled fighting between the rwandan backed and 23 on the group. come guys, government forces.


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