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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 7, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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is being that it's just a dream to the background, part of it was a nightmare. so it's a nightmare and a dream come together. i think the dream has overtaken the night. the coming of harris and her newly chosen running mates size up their republican rivals . donald trump is not fighting for you or your family. he never set it back kitchen table like the one i grew up at the time about this and this is out to 0 live from dell. i'm also coming up israel's most wanted by named gaza, is now officially the new political chief of homeless. so in together, whatever they can find,
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the tailors helping palestinians prove lost nearly ever since the war. on bangladesh has interim government appoints a nobel laureates, chief advisor, cheatum ok to protest. the come of the house has finally democratic party supporters with our newly chosen running made for us presidential election. minnesota governor 10 walls joined towers for their 1st riley together in the background state of pennsylvania, of john hendon reports from the event in philadelphia. and the women running to become the 1st female you as president chose america's midwestern dad is a running that so tim waltz burley bald former high school teacher and football coach who became governor of minnesota describes himself. donald trump's not fighting for you or your family. he never, he never set at that kitchen table like the one i grew up at,
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wondering how we were going to pay the bills. he said his country club in mar lago, wondering how we can cut taxes for his rich friends, the vice president comm away harris told the philadelphia crowd, she's been looking for a lead pennsylvania. i'm here today because i found such a leader the, the re energized crowd had more in common with rock as donald trump round. isn't those held by president joe biden? huge fired up in wearing their candidate on their sleeves. this line wraps around a large city block the size of 2 football fields twice. and this is where they enter thousands of people lining up to see the 1st hair as well as campaign events. and many of them tell us they are excited to be here. i am here to help make history. yeah. not history. i 1st during the more energized about the
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campaign, now that she's at the top of the chicken. yeah. without a doubt, it's like, it's like a different world. we're living in the last 2 weeks. the democrats, fortunately for us, have an embarrassment of riches. i mean, it's a wonderful thing. why wouldn't i be here? g, d, bn, sports is republican, vice presidential rival was also in philadelphia, holding his line of attack. the biggest problem with the tim was fixed. it's not tim waltz himself is what it says about. com over here is that when given an opportunity, she will been the to the most radical elements of a party. that's exactly what she did here. that's what she's going to keep on doing . as president harris fired back him and i have a message for trump and others who wants to turn back the clock on our fundamental freedoms. so we're not following the, with a new energy on these democratic base for harry center,
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new running made. the race is only be good. john henry and l g 0. philadelphia, or james davis is the farmer, communications director for the republican national convention. he says, governor was, is going to have to work hard to raise his profile among american voters. i don't know him, he's not a household name. there is this introductory period where voters won't get to see him, but we have arms about them. a lot of his record will be dug into, and ultimately opinions will be shaped by navigate. so it is a race to define yourself in this situation. it's a really risky move to pick someone like governor was because he is so little known, it has not been really tested on the national seems the way you would for a presidential campaign. his record is pretty significant and when you're boating, 95 percent of the time with nathan polosa, you can easily get defined by those votes as
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a radical left wing on activist c. allow protests to happen throughout the state. you know in 2020. yeah. and drastic measures during the covered era, the supports of public option for health care reform, which is a government run health care plan and expansion of what obamacare was really. and so, you know, there's a lot to his record that is not positive and he's going to face enough to battle on it. he's going to get questions about those things. there's some stark contrast between these candidates overall, and we'll see how it, how checked out in the end. but ultimately the tech to pick was, was a pick to placate the base, just like on the republican side to pick vance was picked to placate the base. i don't particularly love either strategy because they don't gain any rule that pull uh sway in the swing set and swing states like pennsylvania rare zone or other places that would have been up for play with a more moderate pick. the
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how much as an odyssey i assume war is it's new political lead. he's been named a successor to s, and i was funny. yeah. it was assassinated in iran last week. similar as lead, how most operations inside guys us since 2017 new to all day reports from ramallah in the occupied westbank? yes, yes. and what is elected leader of him off a week after the move miss for medical chief this my have you here was assassinated and thought on as the top of visual of him, us and garza, the 62 year old strong man was already up the heart of power. now he called all the shots about peace and war, heavier than what was chosen unanimously. and this shows that the movement is aware of the nature of all the difficulties that is facing. negotiations were managed by leadership and send what was always present families of these really kept as
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a key was benjamin netanyahu of trying to do rail ceasefire talks by a fascinating honey. yes. who was the top negotiator for the group now is real. must deal with sin, what amount it imprisoned for over 2 decades, and then released in a prison or exchange deal in 2011. the nothing. yeah. signed off on after that, in one who grew up in a refugee camp in san eunice was an unstoppable for medical act, or a fierce full for israel sin. what is closer to the military wing of him off yet able to maneuver it's multi layers political ranks and become a leader during a ferocious for a sin. what is at the top of israel's hip list accused of masterminding and leading the october 7 attacks. and with hundreds of fighters breached as well as borders and captured over 200 is really civilians and soldiers. now he is the lead negotiator, faltering says fire talks,
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the regional and international mediators including the biden administration, desperately need to succeed. israel says it will not stop the war on garza until the destroys hemlocks and kills it's prominent leaders. assassinating is my honey, a propelled the us and ward to the home and the center of attention. now the whole world has to deal with him to end the war with all the address data. palestine is really the, those have been reacting to the developments that all the 0 has been banned from reporting inside israel. so our correspondent handle consult, is following this drawing from jordan's capital. i'm on a lot of reaction forwarding and across these really political aisle. let's begin with the country's foreign minister, who in a post on x, formerly known as twitter, said that you, he, us, and why this appointment, as the political head of him ask, now, gives israel more of a reason to assassinate him and continue their annihilation of him. us,
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we also heard from these really armies spokesperson, daniel, her glory, who in an interview with air media said the quote, the only preparations or intentions that israel has force in what is to give him the same state as him. some of the play, if you'll recall, that israel claims to have a sas, unaided, the be from us military commander, back on july 13th, but said that they could only confirm that news based on intelligence last week. but there is a lot of anticipation as for what's next and a lot of uncertainty because then one of the appointment did come as a surprise that the conversations within is really media, or that there is really no differentiation between how messes political wing and the military one and they say that's and why does appointment prove to that point, but there's also going to be a man's pressure on prime minister benjamin netanyahu from family members of is really captive as in what is now going to be the weed negotiator for him us. but israel is going to have to speak through, through mediators, and these are family members of captives who've been protesting for months,
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calling for new leadership, saying, but that's, and you always should give whatever concessions to the other side in order to bring back the captives. then it comes on the heels of an anticipated attack that could be landing in israel any time. and it's something these relatives have said they're ready for, but are still anticipating what's next. have this and who's just the, you know, i'm a well, the secretary of state is commented on some more being made homeless new leader, particular haine has more from washington, dc and a jury press conference with our counterparts from australia, the secretary state. and she's the secretary of defense, put a lot of their focus on what's happening in the middle east again, anthony blinking, urging for calm, say no, and escalate the situation. and interestingly, he said the us has sent that message directly to around and also to israel. us doesn't have a relationship with its counterparts in around usually they talk through the switch so that i want to find out more of how that conversation happened. but he was also
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asked about the appointment of generally a similar to the, the so leader of hamas. and the way he answer that question was very telling, let's have a listen. he has been and remains the primary decider when it comes to concluding a ceasefire. and so i think this only underscore is the fact that it is really on him to decide whether to move forward with a cease fire. that manifestly will help so many college studies in desperate need women children that were caught in the crossfire from us as making a gaza. whether we can put the gaza in the region more broadly onto a more peaceful and secure path. so it only emphasizes the fact that that's been the case for, for some time. it really is on him as the present said today, following his conversations with as president ccn with
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a new to me. this is the moment. this is the decisive moment. what's really significant, there is the language that he used. he didn't denigrates and we're at all. uh you talked in a very helpful way about the status of the negotiations for a ceasefire. really 1700000 palestinians. it'd be made homeless by israel's war on garza. many of them i've had to leave behind many of their belongings. we con eunice taylor's astonishing fabrics so they can make calls for people who've lost everything. every single full reports person's sofa covers and full drapes. in this workshop in han, eunice bits in box of materials are transformed into dresses. that comes with risks and the some of the live. this material isn't fit for humans in the middle of some of the fabric from curtains and sofas is high and police to which makes the heat how to best and leads to various types of allergies. forced to leave his own home,
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mohammed opened this shop for customers who have lost nearly everything. he salvage sewing machines he found in a bomb doubt. tailoring store. after is really war, planes struck shops, markets and factories across the strip. palestinians fled with little more than the clothes on their backs. and now many a falling apart at the seams. physically they've got you for the demand for fixing and mending clothes has become a much larger appearance. came here to tyson the own. a close to suit the children and the one blouse or a pair of trousers has been used by 2 generations of the same family. often deposit a little of a 100. over 10 months of conflict, israel has kept the strip under seat only allowing in some humanitarian supplies. every day. goods, such as new clothes, have become a luxury, almost impossible to come by, distributed by end up in this season. we don't have new fabrics. so what we do now
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is just tight and some clothes that have become too large for their owners who have lost weight because of the war and the shortage of foods. otherwise we repair some torn clothes and other simple things like that. these taylors are using their jobs to patch up their lives and give others a sense of dignity. soon they could run out of fabrics, red and even needles. they say reopening all crossing routes into garza to bring in supplies is the only way they can keep going. if to some good food al jazeera, the nobel laureate of mohammed unice, has been named chief advisor to bangladesh as into the government. his appointment was demanded by student protesters after they forced to finance a shake of cnn to resign. so as a 5 the country, the neighboring india, the termite follows weeks of anti government demonstrations, which sort of violence, cruise cracks down bangladesh as president dissolved parliament hours of to
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students threatens more action if the demands will not match. dom bridge drive, it reports from dot com celebrations, but these are on so if you turn the bottom of this, your problem in has been resolved. and the long time arrival to the from a prime minister check, i've seen a former prime minister in opposition leader color that csi has been released after years under house arrest. the army met with student protest are the coordinators of weeks long. cortez really is this video on facebook of the demands. also talk to the we will not accept any other government other than the one proposed by us. we will not accept the government supported by the military or the fastest. any proxy government or government against the people will not be accepted on the streets. there's still display of the events of the past few days from a prime minister shed custody knows residence once impossible to penetrate,
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overriding by the people the blanket ahead lines across the country as the not please. everyone is talking about it. we need peace. vincent we are poor working class people with daily way to and as we just want to live in peace our i think what happened on monday, the vandalism, it was not appreciated. the palace belongs to the people like us. we will have to pay for the construction of the question. now, what will bind with dishes, political future look like? the capital city is come, but the trends, the police side of writing the regular duty is due to concern for their own safety . so the vigilant is on the military are patrolling the streets. tunbridge audrey, i'll just say the dock are still ahead on order 0. is there any jets, russell residents and 11 on capital? a head of a new warning from pest ball. those lead to i'm the owner of a northern ireland cafe. set a light in anti immigrant protest charges 0. who's gonna have to move to
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a safer area. the, the hello that will stop by looking at the satellite image for the middle east and the event. and you can see patch of cloud. that's one that across some of the gulf states that pro, that's pulled cloudy skies to the likes of guitar. the u. a and oman, bringing as well as shower, to the skies. do start to get wednesday into thursday. we'll see temperatures come down for cities like doha. we are expecting the humidity to pick up with that. elsewhere we've got no bus of heavy rain across the western and south west and pots of saudi into western areas of. yeah, i mean we could see some flooding from that more intense range. but farther north remains a very dry and hot picture with a fee is heat coming back in for
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a rock and 28 on thursday. and fees. heat is the story across the north of africa, not just for the northeast, for cases like egypt, but also algeria where we've seen temperatures peak up to 49 degrees celsius. is very hot and dry here, wednesday to thursday, much west to for the south of this for the likes of sedan, we could see further flooding here. and flooding is likely around coastal areas of kenya and tanzania. as a little weatherford works, its weight further in land, largely settled for the south of this. apart from cape town in south africa with the weather front approaching here, sweeping in by thursday. the midst of how much is happening before
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the end of the question, why it's happening, like this, letting denise this call your mind it's area of relief. foundation of the george and i'll just see it. a reminder about told stories they saw us democratic presidential nominee campbell, the house has made our 1st campaign affairs alongside for nearly a notice of running late to minnesota governor tim was congress unbox have been speaking to support us and thoughtful going states for pennsylvania. i'm us as name here. yes. and why is this view liter following the assassination of baseball. funny. and so from last week,
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somebody's mind the group from inside guns since 2017 a sunny boom boom is ready. jacques of ruffled residents and 11 on capital. and as well as leaders issued a new warning about, the groups responds to the kenning of its military leader. for sure. santa caught a reports from them in a show of force is where they were planes, flu low over the lebanese capital. breaking the sound barrier. several times and creating sonic booms, they were the loudest heard by residents of baby boot. since hezbollah opened up a front along the border to help garza 10 months ago. and this happened minutes before, as well as leader was to address the one week memorial for their slain military leader for ad shocker, during which he made clear iran, hezbollah and humans, hotels will respond to as well as recent progressions, regardless of the consequences. what the in, in job a lot of responses coming,
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god willing, the question is whether we do this independently or will it be a coordinated attack from all the members of the access this as an option? maybe we decide that it is in the interest of all. if each responds alone, we may all respond to the same time. this is a big battle that will what of israel killed as well as chief of staff loud sugar in an air strike in the southern suburbs of bait. it was last week, hours later, the political head of how much this mile heavy it was assassinated and the iranian capital an attack iran blamed on israel hours before an us for the speech as well as air defenses failed to intercept exclusive drones launched by hezbollah. that reached them 20 kilometers south of the border with lebanon. despite the heightened state of alert, israel has been bracing for the promised retaliation. officials are defiant, saying the country is prepared for any scenario, including a swift transition to
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a fence. and we currently fighting a 7 fronted war by iran that is seeking to strangle us, but we are, of course, seeing down the the terrace. proxies, pensions are as an all time, high streets are almost empty. it wasn't the 1st time we've heard is ready, just flying overpaid roads. but the loud booms create to panic. people were shaking and headed home. now they and the region waits for what comes next in a dangerous the escalating conflict. that weight, according to this role, is part of the punishment. does that include their elders? either they don't. you guys probably ministers try to reassure people. they're going to be protected from violent protests, some demonstrations of targeted immigrants, refugees, and people of color, bartos malayna, vessel, individual points. and a ton of metals brought minorities, especially muslims,
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say the fight. and as mohammed is cleaning up the often most of the violence that swept through his town as wide as bulged through the streets of middles. very well, he's a foreign student. he cowered in his bedroom and could only watch as his call was being vandalized. then to tell you it was the best way god. then i tried to attack the more i am broken. my family told me to come back to back to son, son. see if you even go to the box on his most event that you get a just a few streets away, multi surrounded and because house trying to break down had to move all scared because of we had the smash, we had them trying to get into the house, we were all looking from his desk when i called when i go in there, look the dogs much in the do come in. then what happens become site because that will be outnumbered. and if you do, fight will be it will be killed. the traces of what happened to you on sunday still visible, this area bore the brunt of the disorder. people's cause smashed. we've seen so
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many broken windows and things still feel a bit on edge here. there is a real feeling of tension and then the in the missing community is bracing for more trouble. security. now come on site, the mosque. this helped anyone. what's this achieved and lead as wanting young men not to take things into their own hands. we know there was a lot of feet in the town, and most of might be a talked in young men came out to defend the most in inverted commas. and for the time they did the right thing, they stoled outside the most to listen to the elders in the community. the local moms encouraged him to stay to be respectful to the police, cause no further issues in terms of audience. but suddenly, some of them all young, the elements of the crowd begun to splintered off and eventually begun to fight them with the riotous from the office. and the helps no one the angry divisions
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that have scott the nation for 2 of us in this town. none of us who need to reach out to 0 me those bro. when the on say i'm a going sentiment is also being felt in northern ireland for protest as of target and muslim owned businesses. these are images of a coffee in belfast its own. it says it was set on fire during a protest on saturday. comedy just explains what happened. the people did time passing by and shouting, and it's even the shouting on my name because uh they know that located over it as uh, the smarts, the windows and doors. and they were very, very aggressive against me and my stuff because of a lot of me, grand, and we are listening sometimes. so it was very, very dangerous. but our life is scary as the woman i kind of and it's
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a cause it is totally damage. there's nothing i can take out for him, he's got it. so my plan now is to find exit at the reveal kids business somewhere else. i see it. the mindset is an option because i was shocked. so immediately i decided not to above the coffee at all. no, because i found that so it's only about the business. it's about my life, my somebody slice. so, um, but after then, you know, after this, uh, some blogs, but it was a good people all over those. and i then i overseas, you know, 80, uh, people are eating nissan, rogue um, social media. so my email, so as, as supporting me, they standing with me, they asking me to read is done. uh, it started my business again. so uh, that's what i can do. coffee, is it gonna be most i gotta do is the same area and those area that they've been in
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is the last 10 years and come and do this business for the last 10 years around the same area. but of course, you know, the, so this little guy and didn't tell me to stay long, i have to go to different areas. they some areas is, is better as it your business is the lawyer for them on kicked and stumped on by a police officer at manchester airport in the u. k. says the victims mother was also badly beaten on one has accused police of a racist attack. now let me warn you, some of you might be distressed by pictures, and laura con, support. this video has caused a major pull out the suspension of a police officer, a criminal pro, protest film by a by stand in men just to airport on july. the 23rd, it shows 19 year old for here i'm a seemingly, inc. precipitated warrant officer dumped on him and kicks him in the head,
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his brother laying on the ground nearby. a 2nd video was released, putting to show what happened prior of a fight breaking out between a mouse, his brother and the police. this prompted a mazda, as found the lawyer to hold a press conference, saying this video was a deliberate attempt to smear the family. alma on watch says the video likes context and instead of being sent to the legal teams, it was sent to a politician. context came about because secure cctv for each form. highly secure place. i might just stay at home somehow find its way into the media. somehow it was shown to on the bottom, the mir agreed to my interest in the back of the question. who would do that? why would they do that? that's important information on wish i knew allegations getting context to the products. i'm good at the airport as he says, the mother champagne doctor had racially abused all the flights to london. when she reached out to san she pointed out the mom from the flight. there got an
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altercation when the police got involved on was says that she too was beaten by the office. it is alleged that the mail officer still has his teaser drawing. then using his right hand, it is a legs he strikes mrs. act to directly in the face using his pace or as a weapon. she was very, very upset and that's what triggered everything. and, and she still told me she's certainly traumatized. she's suffering undoubtedly from post traumatic stress disorder. and she's very emotional. this thing didn't happen . you know, in a vacuum, the police officer is being investigated on suspicion of assault and gross misconduct by the police watch. so the i a p c. and also the great and not just the police that were view cctv footage from the airport. and also the police 40 cameras for the lawyer as a family says some of these weren't turned on great demand just to police really
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statements saying some of the offices were in judge. but i also understand that the concerns raised with them. well, many equating else police brutality, and while the pro continues investigators to make clear the police can use pulse only if it's reasonable for pushing it and necessary north on out to 0. bunch of stuff, a cx, 5 deal between democratic republic of congo, and the one that has collapsed to just officer a began fighting is b, intensifying in the east despite attempt, suppose the conflict is forced millions of people out of their homes. refugees have been arriving in neighboring uganda. welcome web reports. these people having run for their lives now join more than one and a half 1000000 has been displaced by 3 years of the conflict in east and democratic republic of congo. they fled from.


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