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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  August 7, 2024 9:30am-10:00am AST

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in the 1st part of the series of jobs, 0 visits is of a lot. but in mexico city, where locals are turning on a tortoise municipality to an urban utopia, a sense of community on the jersey to a new era and find a dish off to protest out deployment, associate casino, and full set to flee. the country imagery says it's now in charge of an interim. government is put in place, so it's fine with dish on a positive disability all the time. while this is inside story, the headed. i'm welcome to the program. i'm more a kyle of the 20 years and palate prime is a shade casino has resigned and fled to binds. a dash,
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i mean widespread protests. a government's bond is cracked down on this defense killed several 100 people. unfilled public anger began a student demonstrations against job quite as quickly escalated, needed to a solution of parliament and release of opposition. lead of the military. his steps in saying it was set up, an interim government bought protested a warning. they don't want it to roll up on your dash and says until onto the territory. many are asking who will lead the nation now and how come stability be restored without compromising demands for greater democracy. we'll discuss all of this without guess shortly. but 1st, this report from axel damage after weeks of protests and violence celebrations in the head of the bucket that she army confirmed prime minister, she casinos resignation and the dissolution of parliament, chicken membership company. and we have decided to form an interim government, which will not run the country. and when we are now going to meet the hon president
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and we'll discuss it's formation. steven, like protests were 1st through the july by a quarter system. your marketing suited after government jobs for specific groups, including the relatives of veterans, so funded this is 1971 war of independence from pakistan. hundreds of people were killed in a crackdown and the following weeks forced to flee a scene as the parcher ended, her 2nd student in power lasting 15 years. although she oversaw a period of strong economic growth. it was marred by accusations of corruption and her being seen as an incredibly hard line leader. many people in bangladesh now one to 9 to the violence of turmoil. the high expect a new government will run the country with all the state, the full, the paper and can live and sleep in case we need peace events. we are poor working
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class people with daily way to and as we just want to live in peace to commit a long time arrival to shake has seen a former prime minister in opposition leader kelly. the csi has been released after years under house arrest, and the leaders of the student protest started demanding bangladesh, she economist, and, and opened laureate to mohammed eunice to be the chief advisor to any interim government with the army. now in power is promising the form of what it's called a caretaker government. and general of bucket was the mind has called for the unrest to and something many find. but this one to see axels i move out to 0 inside story. well that's bringing a guess now and in the capital, duyka sharing hook is a human rights activist and founding member of the women's rights organization. now we poco in london fast and deep roman is a member of the islamic political policy, binded estimate as law me. that was banned by shade casino the dupes ball. the lead
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that policy was executed in 2016 off to being convicted in a will crimes trial. that was in saucily criticized. also in dock. uh, we have nadine sean, top my should associate professor of social work at the university of buffalo in new york who focuses on finding the best. if i welcome to all of you, it has been an extremely few days that in bangladesh. i'd like to start by getting some of your thoughts on these historic events sharing festival. you'll feelings on the exit of has seen a and the power of the protest of one would. i feel like static was long overdue. and my i want to say bravo to the young people who was deb hospice was commitment and were fitted occasions. but this was, i also want to take this opportunity to express my deep sense of loss at the loss
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of so many young lives, which was our mississippi and it shows up soon. it seems like i see that which led to the loss of these lives. nothing here will the inductor at the moment you're, you are a professor in new york, a lot of time to be back in bangladesh. this is something that you'll be talking about with your students for many years to comment on that. yeah, absolutely, absolutely. and my responses are similar, but you know, there's been so much disruption. there's so much violence on the street. right. you know, and, and of course, in the last 2 weeks, you know, i, i've been telling friends, i am living about like 2 years and 2 weeks, you know, and so much has happened. and it's not just of july mastercard that we've been talking. but now we're in august, we had seen a different kind of mastercard in the past. and here we are, you know, looking at something very different, but also still very difficult in terms of this uncertainty as we don't know what in
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coming. and so, you know, in terms of the pm and, but i wish i was, she had not left the nation in this pile of destruction. i think the people needed to hear from her. they wanted an apology and an apology. that never came. and perhaps a little bit of other apologies in how you know, because i called at the just would suggest that, you know, it meets people more upset and we know that sometimes it does. but then it creates these for reconciliation. and so i'm imagining that that is something that the students said wanted. they wanted to find a way to reconcile their differences with the state, having been betrayed on, on multiple levels from being held back from economic opportunities to being killed . and so i think the timing of the demand for an apology to a couple of weeks ago was interesting to again, it's when the pm had the former pm had involved to the roger cars less clear that the students used live nation war trip was their own which is the apology. and you
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know, as you know, that the people still waiting for an apology from pakistan for atrocities in 1971. okay. and the fact that you're reading because it's a very interesting point that you raised a perhaps one that not many people are expecting that you don't think i've seen a should have left the country that she should have stayed. and seen over seen reconciliation by giving an apology for the tales for the depths of hundreds of students sharing. do you agree with that? you know, i don't actually, i think the time for the game was over the time for an apology was at least 2 weeks ago or 2 weeks ago it was too late. she had to go. but that does not mean she will not be brought to justice. the country demands the stevens to. 1 the people in the mine and you know that the student protests actually eventually done into a people's movement and said from jimmy up or the people joining in support of the students. which brought about the brand new don phone. and they want justice that
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they want to be and there are people that have been it can be the one justice she has to be dr. we'll have dr. how does that happen? assuring given that she is now in the india, potentially going to be a cave and she's not going to be returning any time soon. for my people, how do you get as if use asylum? but i don't know the may just news, but if she was to me, so i'm going to recommendation process, otherwise we have to go to the international juvenile court. okay. that, that's obviously down the line. that's a, that's bringing you, you know, because you'll see there in london, you're watching from exile from bangladesh. as you are a member of a band, it's not a political party. what are your feelings now that the political stage in bangladesh has been pretty wide open? yeah, 1st of all, i use a band body is not a band party. it was banned by
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a legitimate government, and that was the last 4 to divert the situation. but they didn't succeed. even off the i've seen us phone when parties were called to uh, bundled up on the address of president our party to for a forward. so i don't agree with you that demonte is actually banned. i'm 2nd of all, yes, uh the emotion is quite a mixed ad. on one hand, i'm part of a refund. because finally, if that's history with him, i've gone. on the other hand, we lost so many lives. i mean, in this, at the time in my calculation, more than 500 people died and most of them are young. and it 1215 years we lost so many lives. so many people a student missing have following up. it's my father's education,
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which was actually decided by everybody. it was not just, it was not just this, it was introduce you to me. i had to flee the country of following the abduction. most of my colleagues, it was exactly 8 years ago in august 2016 9th of august precisely. and my colleague me amendment custom was abducted and i was jacked my by my brother to the airport and i left without editing. and today when i talked to mom and been fussy him who were just really uh, i barely nice him. the last half of his weight is whole. competition was to, has been changed. he had 2 daughters. h a t o n 6, i believe. now they are, teenagers are in the how the days passed in last few years. it's you can imagine so, and finally it's over, but not over yet. we need is to, besides the country,
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we need law and order situation to back at and also destruction of dental policy. so we have a long way to go. is that the main vent? what we have? and nadine is the military in control the army cheese thing is empowered, it will oversee the formation of an interim government. is that acceptable to the student protests as to the people of bangladesh? well, our history with the military and bangladesh is violent and problematic. and mostly, and most important be on democratic and students have rejected martial law. that's not something that they want. and so no, i don't think, you know, steps that we were headed that's going to work. but the interim government is perhaps where there is hope. and that's where we have to see that, you know, we get representatives that are good for the nation. you know, i think if we reduce the problems we've seen in the past and put similar kinds of people in power,
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we're going to see the same kinds of problems. you know. so students have made clear that no or god's no own gatekeepers, no or systems right. so i need to see what that looks like. the role in this i have to create these new systems, especially when i've seen that has just been 15 years, dismantling civil society, dismantling independent judiciary, the free press. well, the time it was a time, but i think the students have shown that there is a re in which this can happen to students. i've shown how to work together collectively. they've shown us what shed leadership might look like. they have 6 people on top, and also that's not a democratic, democratically elected group. and so they perhaps also have to democratize themselves. but i think it starts with democracy from within, uniform, within parties from living systems and, and go from there. this will be hard, but it will, but i think the students have shown that it can be done, i guess, said you know, to view these, you know, so maybe more of that. okay, sharing,
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we've got the homicide unit, so he is name is being thrown around as a, as the students preferred option to hedge. the interim government has of course, move aloria to the pipeline. it might co finance, but in bangladesh. but just give us an idea of why he has been put forward as the pass and to lead by and with us through these couple of times it is probably the most respected and most acceptable citizen do you need a citizen in the country right now? um that is probably why his name had been put forward and i am glad to hear that he has a needs done to me and he will need to this thing a cabinets and then get him cabinet. so maybe not tonight. so be tomorrow. i'm. i think be a man of integrity. can you provide the nation, the kind of guide guidance needs at this point? as my being, i've also mentioned we have disturbing news though,
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often often and note an adapt some people and especially on religious minorities on den, goes on their business is on their houses. and so this is something that we don't really have expected the army when it's service in drugs to take care of the situation. and that in that that'd be, has been, it seems to me that i mention it just means that she'll be able to very good been getting government the better, the more chances that the base and which may have install who else may still be the interim government of showing if i can just jump in because a lot of women, lot of goals, the female students were part of these protests will they be wet, presented in positions of power as we move forward and buying a dash. and i would hope that not only that goes, but also the young boys to participate in the struggle, that there wouldn't be a representation of the young people who actually that the children who succeeded
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in getting the, the 3 that i mean by make space for me that makes paid for the young people. that's my i be, i'm not sure what will happen. but let us hope that you receive the presentation of young people. the of course to about to is allow me will be looking to be part of this process. looking to get back into some form of paula does the policy appreciate mohammed eunice as the mind to lead the nation at this time? a yes. how far did use actually made a statement that we need some sort of a national unity and i believe i'm mohammad. you know, he is in a right place to unite the country because he is accepted across the board. but i mean, the goal is to restore the democracy and the process,
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so it will not be easy wherever comes to the file. i don't see a support i r b at home and not my party at as i understood at because as i mentioned at the history of army and bung with this, it's not that good. on top of that, i know that there are allegations that they took part in after cities and induced end up to not only recent after cities bought the members, they are part of that. but at the direction back to the and who it is in famous for their uh uh, if there is any show kidding. so they are in back for a game. they have confidence also, they have to prove themselves before you. and because they're on integrations that you end vehicles where i used you and had a cup test where i used to kill innocent people. so um, yes,
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there should be some sort of entered involvement. and there would be to restore democracy in a data on institutions that needs to be quoted constituted up election commission. judiciary, please. uh, those are heavy. the party decides over the period a their way to effectively become big tripled. so of to adage, if anyone election, those institutions, i need it to be constituted with people who people will have trust on. okay, so, so it's 3. and if i could just bring something back in another one, just like this from uh, just as quickly as a how quickly elections can, could take place or need to take place in the constitution 3 months. but i think what is the most important is not just the holding of this to the elections and making sure that be addressed. but there has to be
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a process before we have thought about this is starting to introduce should be as it was just starting the government as it was, it's about default that the student has said all the law and the other people are saying as well. so either forms have to be in place in order for a good democratic outcome. otherwise we're going to have an elective government without democracy. nothing. what do you think about a 3 month timeline? kind of all those reforms be in place as an awful lot to do in a short period of time. is it bass? uh that the interim government has the breathing space as the time to get find the best back on the shore. a 1st thing before holding a general poll. i think there should be room for discussion about that and, and have everybody we in on progress and meet decisions as be, as they come. because it is hard to know how things are going to go from, from this moment on. right. it's right. but i think what's important is do is to
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democratize the political parties. yeah, i'm really going to be in be in the month and job to a party and any other is maybe even as donated saki and he's gonna some of the know, these are all political parties that need to regroup, find themselves democratized their own institutions. and then be ready for electability, you know, i think i think that has to happen. we don't long the same system of having one person represent a political party for the rest of the deadline. and it is only when they deposit that we can find a new leader and maybe not even then use of so i think that's the system we need to get rid of this, this royal family system. if you will let you know that you have not looking at this timeline going forward and buying the best use your point when you can return to your country. and i went to the town right now, but uh the, i mean you can do that because i'm such a drawing u k. i'm here for the last 8 years. but i,
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i will return as soon as possible. adding that to a michael, a whole bunch of defense points. so timeline, i think that is not a fact to go that moment i but as it says, this can be a put in place to have a participation, discussion and gauging with all stakeholders, including all the different parties. simmons societies do have some sort of unity. i level because it cannot function without dialogue, so we didn't have that in a lot a good couple of decades. so we need to start that and coming to an agreement, how democracy should function and how the other institutions like d shady as pointed out. even army of the allegation, so for the sizing army as well, so how those institutions it'd be make and they'd be made
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a function of ad and the ad for a democratic society is showing if we move to look at the state of politics within bangladesh, obviously have seen it has been in pa for 15 years. they'll position has not been in pa, for quite a long time. has seen as nemesis, kalita z a. she was released one of the political prisons to be released today, but she is in very poor health and she heads up the b and p. that is the of the leading policy in bangladesh. what is the state of the b and p? is it in any state to leave the country? i seem to be and be lost. it's good. the malady long ago. um this logan on the street today is that we did not get through the obviously 9. i'll do the good be anything we want to know done. it is, and i think that i've done it today. if it's something that then get them done when testing somehow if it's in the date and whether that would be
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a national government or what kind of government. i'm not sure yet. but. 2 thing that this bought it for them to do a whole different stakeholders and the dimension. one thing i wanted to mention one more thing, that in fact today, one of the issues i was with i went along with other activists who are working on enforce disappearances. do this, i office, which when a lot of people have been and i do people that found relief early this morning and we went, we wanted to find out, read that those are, but they've been doing that. they have no knowledge about, well, about having just to be a substitute people and but the, the problem is to give us information tomorrow. so these only issues that are coming up as well. there's not just such as up into the last 4 months, but what has happened over the last 15 years, and the number of and 12 disadvantages been high. and so this is something that i just wanted to bring up as an example of all the other issues that are going to
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come up on the, on the day. and you said in the beginning that you wished how seemed to have remained in bangladesh to be held accountable for the desk of the protesters recently for the enforce disappearances for the state, but she's left the country it. how do you think bangladesh kind of reconcile with the past few, couple of decades? how can they move forward and find justice for the crimes that have been committed? well, like i said, you know, my resources that should remain in bangladesh and then a trial, right? and that would have been the best case scenario in my opinion, because that would allow the people to fade so and it would allow her to face the people and perhaps be in that reconsidered to repeat the space where you can have dialogue, perhaps in a courtroom but that's not going to happen. and so, you know, she's upset before maybe you know, it'll have to happen to other mathis. but i'm not sure how that's actually going to
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work, you know? and so i don't know if that won't happen and i don't know how yeah, i, i don't know that's, that's a hard one. i think the uh, once truly is things changed, you know, and um, there are other laws that come into play and their systems that are different, you know, and, and it depends on where she goes and how those systems work. so i think things get quickly out of our control as people leave the nation, and we know this from the killers of shape machine to, to um, to everybody else. right. well, perhaps the question would be better put to a james, who of course has 1st hand experience with the execution of his father in 2000. and 16 on the shake has seen is rule. you see can retribution for that. and um, you know, we are agreeing but as of our party to
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a doctor, so if you're on uh on that we are not for revenge. parson are they are you, as you mentioned, i'm aggrieved from many reasons. i lost my dad. i was kicked out from my homeland and i'm really excited for last 8 years. i lost my colleagues at so many people, but i'm not for events. i don't believe the events will do any that sort of frequency . let's just sedation at just it needs to be done. box cannot prevent and not even for judiciary. so when we said justice, 1st of all the people at least to know what happened, what the perpetrators and then the after that there might be some sort of frequency relation between parties that happened in south africa. and so many places. i mean, i lost 15 years so many people lost a so many things to be a beloved at one to start with. and not only that, i'm in it, not on the lives on last event. for about this last i'm in this all the way people
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don't. revenge is and a violence and he dropped it. i can stressed that violence is moderate as soon as possible law and order such as it should be stored and then or the poppy traitors, they should be brought to the justice. i'm talking about check. i've seen that even if she fled outside the country in india or usa or you get whatever she goes. so i think so really the we have the i just want to get a final thoughts from you because the events of instead of braces is binds as, as a 2nd independence. but is the country now and for a rocky ride? i think we are inputting located i there's no doubt about that, but that is true of fun. that was to be from the 1st independence. that's when people are saying on the streets. this is the 2nd independence degree of different to me as i've got 2 different died. so that was really bad. but that was definitely
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the updates good to be smooth. and we have to be the bed divide certified by that 5 this process up to the, to it shouldn't be a. okay. and we will be watching every step of the way, many things. indeed for a great discussion today, serene hook. and that'd be not a problem on and nadine shanta machine, i'm thank you to for what check you can see this program again, any time by visiting a website that's out there a dot com. but discussion to go to a facebook page that facebook dot com forward slash h a inside story. you can also turn the conversation on x all hands with apps, a j inside story. from me laura kyle: i'm the whole team him is bye for now. the at the sound of rock, if i can be heard on the way to cover him up,
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the village with mountain views was once a sort of the retreat. few remained here through the streets of empty houses, damaged or destroyed the conflict between his blood and his reading forces along left it on the southern border as full tens of thousands from the hens. we suddenly felt something heavy falling on us. i asked my sister if there's been an earthquake . my mother and other sister were sleeping and the glass telling them my head was injured. the story of this religion is one of many among his folder, almost everything within 5, cuz i'm because of his regular physicians have been talking to when you visit villages along the board to document this one. think that striking as the silence, there's no sense of movement of people's talking of children. think people have been forced from the homes and the 2 scared to attend. i still don't know whether this conflict with turning to an or the actual pre us a call. we have in fact the people around the world, this has been going on for
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a number of years. so he's going into a national perspective to try to explain to global audience, how is this to impact the lives? this is an important part of the world and how to do this very good. the bringing the news to the world from here. power defines out, well, we live here, we make the rule, not the people empower, investigate, expose this and question the youth and abuse of power around that. go on out of there. the are the
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ones that will then yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is the news our lives and coming up in the next 60 minutes is really forces drank refugee camps in central gaza with tens of thousands of palestinians. a sheltering from us has a new political leader. yeah, yes. in war is chosen after the assassination of a smile hand me a last week democratic presidential can.


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