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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 7, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the ones that will then, yeah, it's good to have you with us. this is the news our lives window coming up in the next 60 minutes. is really 4th is drank refugee camps and central gaza with tens of thousands of palestinians, or sheltering from us as a new political leader. yeah,
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yes. and war is chosen after the assassination of a smile. hand me a last week democratic presidential candidates. pamela harris reveals her running mates and walls. they'll take donald trump and j. d events. on the end of november . you know, these guys are creepy and yeah, it's just weird as hell. that's which is and bangladesh. interim government name's nobel laureates. well, how many units as a chief advisor, a main demand? protesters with most of the prime minister the is really are a strikes have targeted parts of the central gaza. were tens of thousands of displaced. palestinians have sought shelter, free messiah struck new or mosque in darrow by dozens were injured in the strikes laid on tuesday, which sent black smoke billowing into the air is really showing was reported across
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at least 4 areas in central guys. so let's go live the honey, my mood, who's in hon. eunice, southern gaza. honey, what more can you tell us about these latest strikes? of the whole is really air force is continued to strike across the central area. and what's really concerning right now, we're talking about large number of people who were forced out of rough. i had it 3 months ago old, concentrated in the central le, now have to endure this intense, concentrated bombing campaign in the center part of their bella, city. and the surrounding refugee, kansas, particularly yesterday, we time at the heart of their last city. it's a 10 sides, a close to residential building, the mosque in its vicinity. we're all targeted with multiple air strikes, causing just further civilian casualties. a dozen of people were critically injured,
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arrive to lock, so hospital and again, the kind of injuries arrived at a husband are in critical conditions and they're in severely bleeding. they have severe burns because of the bombs dropped to their, causing a building to good to, to catch on fire as well as the, the fact that one of the, the, the bond is still on the 10 side just causing further it fire into the area 3 people reported killed that, that particular attack with at least 2 to air strikes and one in that least within a few minutes and an earlier one that the time apart between these 2 ears, right, was less than 20 minutes. it caused the may. how many cars further internal force displacement, and also cause the any remaining sense of safety to be shattered for an already displayed a population artillery ceiling continue also to cause much of the destruction in the eastern part of the central layer that includes the refuge account as including
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a level as the and, and varies at the eastern part of the central area and pushing people into further internal and force displacement in any i was told there is to go back. it has been almost 10 days since there's been a military sharply order people to evacuated these areas that but no sides of them letting them go back to their, to their homes, or did their residential that like just within the past hour. another attack when a group of people caused by here we are killers, that could be heard easily from where we are standing here and reporting constant. our dealers shooting since early are hours of this morning. it's part of what is really military is implementing the buffer zone clearing much of the agricultural land, destroying remaining facilities, public facilities, infrastructure and residential buildings. now, honey, thank you very much. that reporting as options here as honey mountain with their reporting from the southern part of the gaza strip. and palestinians and gaza are
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still struggling to get food and clean water agencies accuse israel of blocking supplies into the strip. the united nations says the number of children and northern gaza hor, malnourished rose 300 per cent, between may and july. and children in the southern city of han, eunice faced long lines to get food and water and have the box for the key of life . he was on bearable very difficult. we were infected with diseases, the children's suffering, the heat. we bake bread with nylon banners. our children have been sick all day and the stomach crumbs never go away with tech fees. yeah, i mean we are deprived of everything going on with life. our children, as you can see, has no clue, no mattresses, to sleep on a no proper foot closer to the price of everything. even 8, what is it? we do not see. it lost his name. yeah, yes. in war as its new political leader, he succeeds this royal henry who was assassinated in ron last week. a sudden where
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has led homeless operations inside the gaza strip since 2017. and he is, israel's most wanted man nor day reports from ramallah and the occupied west. yes, yes. and what is elected leaders come off a week after the move miss for medical cheese? this my have you here was assassinated and founded on as the top of visual of him us and gaza. the 62 year old strong man was already at the heart of power. now he called all the shots about peace and war heavier than what was chosen unanimously. and this shows that the movement is aware of the nature of all the difficulties that it's facing. the goal is to asians were managed by leadership and sin. what was always present families of is really kept as a key, was benjamin netanyahu of trying to do real ceasefire talks by a fascinating honey. yes. who was the top negotiator for the group now is real. must deal with send want a man. it's imprisoned for over 2 decades and then released in
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a prison or exchange deal in 2011. but nothing. yeah. signed off on after that, send one who grew up in a refugee camp in san eunice was an unstoppable political actor. a fierce full for israel send word is closer to the military wing of her mouth, yet able to maneuver its multi layered political ranks and become its leader during a ferocious for a sin, one is at the top of israel's hip list, accused of masterminding and leading the october 7 attacks and with hundreds of fighters breached as well as borders and captured over 200 is really civilians and soldiers. c now he is the lead negotiator, faltering says fire talks, the regional and international mediators including the biden administration, desperately need to succeed. israel says it will not stop the war on garza until
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the destroys hemlocks and kills. it's prominent leaders. assassinating is my honey a propelled the us and ward to the home on the center of attention. now the whole world has to deal with him to end the war with all the address data. palestine is a mr. robbie joins us now is in your, in amman, jordan, of course, because the is really government has banned al 0 from reporting in israel. so how is israel reacting today given that they're public enemy number one? yeah, yes. and was, is now the new i'm us leader of the well, i think it is safe to say that they are reacting as expected, reacting poorly reacting angrily once again. she is the man that they hold responsible for carrying out the attacks on october 7th that reported leave a. ready a he did without consulting the political leadership of how much now he controls the military when he controls the political wing. and by virtue of that is the top negotiator is the lead negotiator with whom israel it's allies,
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regional partners, palestinian groups will have to consult and deal with with regards to any prisoner swaps. ready for this very sought after and elusive cease fire in gaza, so they are not reacting well. and that does not bode well for these talks. israel's foreign minister said that the appointment of sin or it gives israel yet more of a re. ready to assassinate him and continue it's no installation of how mosque israel's military spokesman. daniel regarding speaking to air of language media said that the plan is to do to send or what they've done to other hamas leaders in the past. so this is likely only to embolden what it spinning is rarely policy of picking off the top leaders pop from us, which even the us has criticize saying it does nothing but make it more difficult to bring home is really tapped, is being held in gaza and something that us has criticize israel for doing just simply seemingly sabotaged talks and prolong this conflict in gaza. this war in
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garza and continue to prolong the filings that palestinians are facing. and the suffering that is continuing to happen in guys are being offered by israel. right zane, thank you very much. the us secretary of state has commented on send wars appointments . how to go hand reports from washington, dc and a jury press conference with their counterparts from australia, the secretary state, and she secretary of defense, put a lot of their focus on what's happening in the middle east. again, entity blinking, urging for calm, say, no, and escalate the situation. and interestingly, he said the us has sent that message directly to around and also to israel. us doesn't have a relationship with its counterparts in around. usually they talk through the switch so that i want to find out more of how that conversation happened. but he was also asked about the appointment of general. yeah. so are to be the sole leader
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of hamas. and the way he answer that question was very telling, let's have a listen. he has been and remains the primary decider when it comes to concluding a ceasefire. and so i think this only underscore is the fact that it is really on him to decide whether to move forward with a cease fire. that manifestly will help somebody tell us that he is in desperate need women children, man for caught in the crossfire from us. as making a gaza whether we can put the guys in the region more broadly onto a more peaceful and secure path. so it only emphasizes the fact that that's been the case for, for some time. it really is on him as the present said today, following these conversations with president ccn with a new to me. this is the moment. this is the decisive moment. what's really
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significant. there is the language that he used. he didn't denigrates and we're at all uh you talked in a very helpful way about the status of the negotiations for a ceasefire. it says the law has launched a series of drones and rockets from 11 on towards israel. as pensions continue to rise on the border. several areas in northern israel were hit, triggering air raid sirens, explosions were heard in the coastal city of na herrera, enjoying several people is really army says it interested at least one drone and 5 hezbollah fighters have been killed and then is really your strike on 711 on it hit a 2 story house that was in my for doing the on tuesday morning. is really forces also fired to midsize into the town of cam injury. one person. as a babe was near 11 on southern border. some rockets were being intercepted. strikes going on right now. here's below the launching some rockets. and if i, if i can, if, if a camera men drive can show you in the sky. uh, we can show you the slight those that there's a,
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there's interception taking place right now. right now those those as rating defense is trying to intercept his below a rocket. just flying over a head right now, his bluff i, those rockets towards is ready positions and you can see some of those intersections taking place. that's just how tense is at the moment. we've seen strikes taking place all day. about half an hour ago we saw and heard his blood rockets trying to hit occupied golden heights. and this morning just such as taking place. if of us going to have that. and those rockets are being launched by his beloved from 711 on going right over our heads. i'd be intercepted behind us and some of those earlier got through and we could see or in the distance we occupied golden heights mean kit. so generally what happens is that his will of pretty well hidden in southern lebanon. they go into rockets, for example,
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for from where i'm standing now can see the is where you set to the front of metal . it's just a few kilometers away, but not fall from the border. and his rel routinely hits the lebanese position. so you're going back to cuz i'm gonna just do 3 kilometers away from here be. so striking. temperature can see um a time behind me, its been hit to hundreds of times since the beginning of this conflict in october. and that's just about cuz i'm except behind me. and generally what happens is that his bluff eyes rockets as well as pricing to set them some of the months to get through and sonic booms. somebody's really jets also rattled residents in bay route, as well as leader has issued a new warning, telling israel, the 11 on base group is close to responding to the killing of its military leader. flood shocker. st. ahold of reports from davids, a in a show of force is where they were planes, flu low over the lebanese capital. breaking the sound barrier
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several times and creating sonic booms. they were the loudest heard by residents of baby boot. since hezbollah opened up a front along the border to help garza 10 months ago. and this happened minutes before, as well as leader was to address the one week memorial for their slain military leader for ad shocker during which he made clear you run has the law. and humans who tease will respond to isabel's recent progressions, regardless of the consequences. what the in, in show a lot of responses coming, god willing, the question is whether we do this independently or will it be a coordinated attack from all the members of the access? this is an option. maybe we decide that it is in the interest of old is each responds alone. we may all respond to the same time. this is a big battle that the, that what, what of israel killed as well as chief of staff loud sugar in an air strike in the southern suburbs of bait. it was last week, hours later,
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the political head of how much this mile heavy it was assassinated and the iranian capital an attack iran blamed on israel hours before an us for the speech as well as air defenses failed to intercept exclusive drones launched by hezbollah. that reached them 20 kilometers south of the border with lebanon. despite the heightened state of alert, israel has been bracing for the promised retaliation. officials are defiant, saying the country is prepared for any scenario, including a swift transition to a fence. and we currently fighting at 7 fronted war by iran that is seeking to strangle us, but we are of course, seeing down the terrace proxies. pensions are as an all time, high streets are almost empty. it wasn't the 1st time we've heard this. ready, just flying, overpaid roads, but the loud booms created panic. people were shaking and headed home. now they
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and the region waits for what comes next in a dangerously escalating conflict. that weight, according to this role is part as a punishment. does that include their elders ita bailed the us, vice president cumberland harris has addressed democratic party supporters with for new running mates. the 1st time minnesota governor tim was joined harrison the battle ground state of pennsylvania. john henry was that the campaign wrote of the women running to become the 1st female us president chose the americas midwestern. dad is a running man. that's how tim waltz burley bald former high school teacher and football coach, who became governor of minnesota, describes himself donald trump's not fighting for you or your family. he never. he
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never set it back kitchen table like the one i grew up at. wondering how we were going to pay the bills, he said his country club in moral lago, wondering how he can cut taxes for his rich friends, vice president cumberland harris told the philadelphia crowd. she's been looking for a lead pennsylvania. i'm here today because i found so to leave the, the re energized crowd had more in common with rock is donald trump round? isn't those held by presidential bite? huge fired up in wearing their candidate on their sleeves. this line wraps around a large city block. the size of 2 football fields twice and this is where they enter thousands of people lining up to see the 1st hair as well as campaign events. and many of them tell us they are excited to be here. i am here to help make history. yeah,
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not history. i 1st during the more energized about the campaign, now that she's at the top of the chicken. yeah. without a doubt, it's like the, like a different world. we're living in the last 2 weeks. the democrats, fortunately for us, have an embarrassment of riches. i mean, it's a wonderful thing and why wouldn't i be here? judy vance boxes, republican vice presidential arrival was also in philadelphia, holding his line of attack. the biggest problem with the tim was fixed. it's not tim waltz himself, it's what it says about calmly here is that when given an opportunity, she will been the to the most radical elements of her party. that's exactly what she did here. that's what she's going to keep on doing. as president harris fired back him and i have a message for trump and others who wants to turn back the clock on our fundamental freedoms. we're not following the with
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a newly energized democratic base for harry center new running made. the race is only be good. john henry and l g 0. philadelphia. james davis is the former communications director for the republican national convention and he says the announcement of walls as heresy is running mates comes with the risks. i don't know him, he's not a household name. there is this introductory period where voters will get to see him, but we have arms about them. a lot of his record will be dug into, and ultimately opinions will be shaped right out of the gate. so it is a race to define yourself in this situation. it's a really risky move to pick someone like governor was because he is so little known, it has not been really tested on the national seems the way you would for a presidential campaign. his record is pretty significant and when you're boating, 95 percent of the time with nathan polosa,
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you can easily get defined by those votes as a radical left wing on activist p. allow protests to happen throughout the state. you know in 2020 yeah. drastic measures during the covered era, the supports of public option for health care reform, which is a government run health care plan and expansion of what obamacare was really. and so, you know, there's a lot to his record that is not positive and he's going to face in october. i don't want it. he's going to get questions about those things. there's some of the stark contrast between these candidates overall, and we'll see how it, how it checked out in the end. but ultimately the tech to pick was, was a pick to placate the base, just like on the republican side to pick vance was picked to placate the base. i don't particularly love either strategy because they don't gain any rule that pull uh sway in the swing set and swing states like pennsylvania rare zone or other places that would have been up for play with a more moderate pick,
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a drone video in the us state of florida has kept at the moment a stranded man was rescued from his vehicle in the wake of tropical storm debbie, rescuers waited through waist high water in manatee county to pull the man out of his car. 6 people have died in florida and 300000 households have no electricity. storm debbie is expected to strengthen and make landfall in south carolina on thursday. hundreds of flights have been canceled up major airports in the us because of severe thunderstorms. the heavy rain hit new york city, causing flooding and traffic disruptions. officials a warning people to take extra precautions as the downforce are expected to continue on wednesday. the president of the democratic republic of congo has refused new negotiations on a ceasefire off the truth with we're wonder, collapsed just days after coming into effect. fighting between the m 23 armed group, and the drc, the army has intensified in the countries east and recent months. congested accuses
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could earlier backing the fighters accusations that his neighbor denies refugees leading. the violins have been arriving in uganda. now. come, what reports these people having run for their lives now join more than one and a half 1000000 has been displaced by 3 years of conflict in east and democratic republic of congo. they fled fighting between the rwandan backed and 23 on group. come guys, government forces, and other armed groups. they arrived at this primary school in neighboring uganda, which congress government, i'm the you when say will say backs and 23, making them last us. when fighting for a couch between the my, my and the f t a uh, my husband and eldest child were killed and i've slept with these children. on the way here. we passed through intense fights in between the 2 groups. across the board, or in condo, my, my and the f d, a law or among the groups that the government forces have backed in an attempt to
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defend that surgery from the neighbors. many people here, so the government lost control of the on the groups. some have turned on each other for london back and 23 recently took control of the board, a town of his sasha. they now control border crossings and mines of coal times and other minerals to canada and millions of dollars every month. so whoever controls them, a cup of porridge is over, new arrivals get for now. they'll get more help in a long time refugee settlement. this question is come, though. yes, the receiving the new outright was as a way to say within them the number had to go to big that's know, normalizing about to really say with them on a data business. you can to deny supporting the m 23 and create for wonder and you gone to invaded condo in the 1990s. has been accused of meddling,
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inducing minerals ever since. and for as long as people here haven't had peace malcolm web elders era. well, a lot or yeah, county joining us now from goma in the eastern part of the, our condo. so our, and walk us through this decision by the president. i mean, a few days ago it was less negotiate with them. 23, and now it's no new negotiations with the rebels as well. this is a big question when people in the comes with the lights analysis nighttime, the time they present that uh uh, came out with the speech. people wondering why is this position because it has been a big push on across the country is these people are visual in the civil society. everyone. so people, uh wondering whether they are to see when this edition is not good for the deal to sit on the, on the grounds. why presidents phillips is, are they still going strongly with the same position we have students need those
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into rejoining. they've been doing their best, they've started with the president who uh can you tell, for example, to bring for an extra security to get with the for governmental history distribution so that it's going to allow for the next talk between the 2, the government and the diesel has faded or solely, i've seen many times it does fairly, between the data, see, and then by sending didn't additionally, and on the last we've, many people will finally be leaving that. so i'm sort of showing the piece for the initial we've come out from well, from this meeting, the president felix look at the i've shown again that is not on this. so i know you need to talk, which was expected even though the them to intrude themselves. they are no longer uh like you're watching for this or do a piece taking different areas and now controlling i was part of what does it do for them? i think the losing too much money and but on the ground,
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the data on me is not really so we decided awfully gaining the ground and now people be or in the country. what would it be next? would it be absolutely that which has been part and then i've done this since last december doctor, we live in diana laptops and gladly but we don't seem to be doing was flying through, especially in order to find a solution. unfortunately, it doesn't even hold for now, here in the country. okay. hello. we are connie reporting from the, from eastern new york. see, thank you very much for that. i'm still ahead on else 0. i'm rob mcbride and sold south korea and jo ring, a heat wave that's proving deadly impossibilities staging. the i had a lovely that there's lots of fine dry and settled whether to be enjoyed across the
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central part of europe. you can see barely a cloud in the sky on that satellite image. now there is going to be a change to come. we've got some west weather cleaning it to the edges and area of low pressure that's going to bring some heavy rains west and pots of russia. so show is it to ukraine as well. but the balkans are looking much dry of that on wednesday. behind that there's that band of rain that swept away from the north west, bringing a heavy rain to scanned anavia dribbling down into germany, bringing some showers as well to the out. so you could see a storm or 2 here. and in northern parts of it to be a behind that the sky is clear up across the western front. so lots of sunshine coming in for power is $25.00 degrees celsius. the but that we move in the way of rain pulling across prison and the island of envoy some heavy falls to come for scotland on thursday. it's much dryer for the south of this for the library and potentially for spain and portugal. lots of settled web. the sheets continuing to
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build, look at that image would, would be touching nearly 40 degrees a by thursday, lots of heat across the mediterranean, as well, with those fine and dry conditions extending into the southeast. athens at 35 degrees celsius on thursday. the unique perspectives could be really not done because you have to be i left and nothing is something you val, we on heard voices, but we are committed to guessing best i can. all of you so much connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these positions, if it was part of the medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable,
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that's the horror of what's the stream on al jazeera, the, the . ringback the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the watching else has 0 reminder of our headlines is really strikes, have targeted parts of the central gauze over tens of thousands of cars. things are sheltering stream is style struck near a mosque and their obama dozens were injured in the attacks which sent to black
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smoke billowing into the mazda is named yes, in wars, this new leader following this estimation of his male, him in temper on last week. and war has lived a group from inside gaza since 2017. let's talk a little bit more about that. marco and jones joins us in the studio. your associate professor media analytics at northwestern university could talk. so send war gift or curse is real, hear me out. why do i say gift? because being israel's public enemy number one, you could argue he gives them cover to be completely intransigent. right, and flexible towards gaza. yeah, i mean i do think it's a gift for israel and in particular netanyahu. we've had had gary daniel, who, gary the, the idea of spokes person say that they are still planning to kill him. and this is a kind of a very bizarre state besides, because everyone was somewhat surprised when israel assassinated honey a. it was seen as the reason with us and, but he was the political, you know, head of how about us. and it was unusual that they would kill the one of the key
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negotiating part is that right? and now the very kind of thing, while we're going to kill the other key negotiating party. and i think one that shows israel i'm interested in diplomacy, which again shows that the interest is to basically demonize how mass show that they run out of a show. they are dangerous and base them. now having said well as the head of the team and the negotiation basically says, as he said, he's public. i mean even number one, we're going to kill him. not only that is that everyone sort of agrees that he is the sort of the military figuring awaiting the non profit profit. so he's a much easier target to demonize. so yeah, and yeah, he'll be capitalizing office. meanwhile, i'm still reading about behind the scenes negotiations for ceasefire. does sin worse and worse now the political leader? he's also running the war from inside guys, so he's basically running everything. this is the prospect of negotiations or negotiations harder. now that he's the, the, the leader of hamas, lincoln seems to be saying, well,
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he would say everything running through him since the beginning that blank and says the end part. that's possibly true. i'm sure the same time blinking is trying to minimize the significance of the assassination of negotiating positive right. blinking hasn't been shy and has both israel and he will not want to be seen to be poor in fly a on israel's incredibly a brazen assassination. so i do think it will change the status. i think the whole point of this attack was to try and put increasing pressure on him as i'm not saying one knows he's sort of go alone. and it might then say re making more willing to make concessions is right, which has been nothing, you know, strategy all along. however, i don't think, what can i think an important aspect of this is, is a strategy. and i'll give you even the creation of how much has been the way in which is real government trying to radicalize the palestinian opposition. they did it with a payload to try and divided. they've done an indication of how may i ask because for them creating this radical opposition. as we said earlier, makes it easy. not just to demonize how mass, but demonize all of palestinians. and when the thing is wearing aspiration of
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record, generally we have small trips, the finance minister a couple of days ago saying that they'd happily that old gods installs, but the world won't allow it. so i think what we're going seeing here is this continued a time by as row to create this idea that old palestinians are terrorist and that he spent, why is emblematic of them because now he is the head of thomas. the other massive thing in the region of course, is the expected retaliation by iran, by his, by law possibly other iran, a line groups against israel, following assassinations of his beloved commander and the that the how much later. how were you thinking about this? help us frame this in the right way? you know, our viewers know this is something's going to happen and we don't know what, how should we be thinking about this? well, something will happen. i think the only thing that i would say is significant and maybe moderating the potential of a larger range. and response would be the fact that they might be using some of this as leverage and negotiations. that might be saying, listen, we will moderate our response. now if there is going to be significant development
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in the, you know, they do this, these fine negotiations. i think that one could also argue that iran and talking self interested and exploiting the palestinian coast for their own games. but i do think that the last significant retaliation we saw in april from iran, this massive trend attack many which then said, except it will give israel a level of expectation, right? they will know that they might expect something similar. and they know that historically they've had the capability of intercepting those things. on the other hand, we, so i hope, the drone go through and kill someone and tell a baby. so a has ball on this, aldo ellipse has the ball themselves co people in ok. if i go on right, so is i will also be kind of wondering, do we have the continued ariel defense capabilities to stop as ronald know that so they will also be thinking, do we actually make the tax bigs next time? because we might actually spend a better chance a moment, so i was going through which could escalate things. so i don't know whether we'll see the same nature of the talk to actually might be a step down in terms of showing us marco and jones,
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associate professor and media analytics at northwestern university contort. thank you very much. and nobel laureates. mohammed unice has been chosen to head bangladesh as interim government. his appointment was demanded by student protesters after they force prime minister shakes. i've seen as a resign, she flip the countries and neighboring india that was on monday. hundreds of people have been killed, thousands have been injured during weeks of antique governments, demonstrations time go. treasury is live for us from dr. tunzia or what you know about this new government. i mean, the headline is it is being headed by the nobel laureate, by mohammed eunice. what else do we know of the weather studies had a long meeting more than 6 hours with the precedent head of the armed forces. those to renounce professor from doctor university were also present sick. 10 doubt a list of names that one the student ones in the new in terms cabinet professor
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then said they'll discuss this with the political party is a civil societies and other concerns. and they'll come back with that proposal if any of those are, most of them will be accepted because that's going to be a lot of polluted. no haggling, also there's a lot of political parties to watch people up there tries to be in the interim government, particularly the main opposition party back with us nationally as body was lead. our loves really is just the day before a primary problem or probably minutes. so i big in color those. yeah. so a lot of sales is, but the main thing is that people are relieved that that lives, that blue the road map to the interim government is on it's with the leader has been selected. i purpose, i eunice, might be here tonight or tomorrow, or even the day after he is in france right now, because people were concerned about the power vacuum. there's also the constitutional challenge. so there's a parliament has been dissolved under the constitution that has to be an election
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within 90 days. so those thing has to be sorted out. the political parties will be pushing for our election 10 year. there's also re shuffling a forwarded within bangladesh as security forces. what's happening as well? um the there's a loud list. 63, shuffling the militate. chopped brass, one of them was forced to resign or retired and the others had been distrustful to less import in the military roll. there's the police chief has been changed. one of the lead police unit for the rapid action battalion, which was on the sanction from the us. it's direct agenda, has been changed to build confidence among the people. because of one of the goal is to be politically of size the police because they are not attending that do this because they are off their own safety and security. the police stations are empty. the government now has an military of deployed something called on stuff, which is that kind of military to you and have them the large number of come by train people with guns. they're not doing police. do this with the help of the
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student that visual and protecting a lot of minorities. 10 close on houses as also which came under attack because traditionally the hindu population environment that supported check, i've seen a party many of the farm i lawmakers, houses is also a under attack. so the law in order is a major concern, and that's why the shows and many fig rollers are trying to make this under control . you tend to try to be reporting on this rapidly developing story out of bangladesh as capital doc. i thank you very much down there this more than 200 ro hinge and muslims have been killed and fighting indian mars northern rac kind states in the past week. dozens of bodies have been seen off the drone and artillery strikes believed to have been carried out on the banks of the naff river . heavy fighting has taken place in the area between me and mars, armed forces in the era count army. one of the most prominent armed groups in the country assigned to korean is founder and president of ro,
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hendrick justice initiative, bangladesh, that's a civil society organization. documenting were injured testimonies to joining us from cox's bizarre and bangladesh. so thank you for being with us. could do what have you learned about what happened in the pictures that we just saw. thank you so much for what we do. would you say with trisha to show the tell you fired especially as the 3 you can do to bring charles on last part of us the time that you were drawn under with me every day. yes, i want to do insurance that, that into this and in your so i'm going to be post bit 1st about photos and people
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in social safety and security for them. sense of tend to do both sides to seek and we are to find a way to get to the others to save their lives. but what do we, uh we looking for the list to is it to the others because the other supporters most or we can get and there is not any which way i'm talking to them. others parts have been on to seek it is huge and big turnover. narrative on teams to august on the groups of doing good people. we tend to go to set for the which we entered into the this to about $200.00 to $1.00 way of kids to buy the benefits and about more than 3 hundreds or they can do it. that's something in your people that have brought to my mother's for treatment and nobody lives in the other. we are doing. i was all about wasn't goes, isn't it?
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yeah. and is doing it actually doesn't get into nobody lives. yeah. not only boost of mazda bank, the to me is ethics, i guess, infrastructure there was, you know, there's always just and was this bill right. so there wasn't give you the phone and also, yeah, it was associated against or india. and this doesn't do anything. yeah. okay. and illustration, you know, done, okay. size nice. yeah. and patients and concerns of my job. as i do look, thank you very much for your time. we're having some audio issues. i can't understand absolutely everything through the connection. it's a little patchy, but this is an important story and we're trying to piece together what happened after we got those pictures that showed dozens upon dozens of uh, over a 100 people having been killed in fighting in record and states in india and more . thank you very much for your time today. its outside lanes top court to set the
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rules on whether a progressive party violated the constitution with pledge to amend the country strict laws against insulting the royal family. if the court rules against the move forward party, which one the most votes in the 2023 election, the party couldn't be dissolved and its leaders banned for 10 years. thailand has some of the strictest oil in salt laws in the world. critics say the military bank government use the law to clamp down on free speech as go live to tony chang joins us from bangkok. tony, what's the expectation? the head of this verdict? we just so move, thoughts, policy, lead a p. tell him during read, arriving at the constitution code about 20 minutes. he was bringing pretty tight lips about what he was expecting, saying he couldn't speak within the jurisdiction of the cold. as the feeling i think generally is not very good. this is the 2nd time he's been to the constitutional code in the last 6 months. last time he escaped naturally,
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but the party didn't. and i think that is a real concern here. the policy is facing this solution. we expect the results to be read in about 20 minutes. it is a very substantial charge that's being put against the move forward policy, the, the pledge to reform the amount of key and time. and despite it being a constitutional monarchy is damaging to the monica. and but also the dissolution, this is, remember the policy, the 15 months ago won the election with the majority votes. they have a 148 a m p as in paul them. and they got not currently the policy of government because of the opera house, which at the time was still controlled by the metrics. but i think the thing the constitutional code is just deciding at the moment whether or not this policy can survive. it's going to be very problematic for a lot of time. voters who wanted to see the party survive and wanted to see its
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platform of reform in thailand inactive. ok, so tony, help us understand saved a constitutional court decides today as it did, i believe it was in january as it did in his 1st ruling that the party is indeed guilty in its campaign to change these legs, measures the laws, then what happens? well it then gets disqualified, its executive branch will be banned from politics most likely for 10 years. and it's m p 's will have to find other policies to, to represent them or will have to step down from politics altogether. but remember, this isn't the 1st time we've seen this move forward is the reincarnation of future food which stood effectively on the same platform came 2nd in the elections before last. they were also banned because the policies of reform with dislikes very much by the conservative establishment. so i think what's most likely to happen is the
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move forward will be dissolved, but another for a policy will form and it's placed. i think this is the problem. many people feel the thailand is calls in the cycle. people want reform, they want punches to represent reform. but the conservative establishment doesn't particularly the military and the monarchy at every time anyone steps forward trying to pose those reforms. they get knocked back down. we seem to be locked in a cycled at the moment and there's every suspicion that the days, uh medic, by the constitutional court will just reinforce that. the okay, tony chang will speak to you as soon as there is a verdict from the constitutional court. you're reporting from thailand's capital bank cox. thank you very much. the countries in east asia are experiencing an unprecedented heat wave with scores of people dying of suspected heat stroke. rob
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mcbride reports like these children in the chinese city of shanghai. people across northeast asia of finding different ways to get through this publishing. so ring temperatures have set the daily record from maximum dm on the pallet. great. as the city of 25000000 people tries to keep cool. in japan, the heat wave has proved deadly. with a hold of 100 people dying of suspected heat stroke in tokyo in july, a month the recorded the country's hockey's day since reco it's begun with temperatures. this ca mold in 2 degrees above average. the authorities of setup cooling centers and miss spring stations. the tourists and local people are like, who is the model of the spending to i was funding here. i get so sexy. i can literally squeeze out the sweat from my shot. in japanese schools, children and the teachers are also suffering. the children can no longer do what they used to do, like playing in the school york. this is the reality of school life today. a while
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inside some older schools, a lack of installation means air conditioning systems strain to keep classrooms cool enough. in south korea sold has activated that special situation room to coordinate efforts and st cleaning trucks. so being used to cool road surfaces to keep temperatures down, especially in the cities mold in 2 weeks. so like many other major cities has enjoyed the so called tropical night phenomenon with nighttime temperatures, that inconsistency above 25 degrees celsius. with this heat wave set to continue for at least another week. in north korea, unprecedented summer rains have caused extensive flooding along its border with china and prompted leader kim jong, going to dispatch thousands of volunteers to help in what state media calls
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a revolution reconstruction campaign backing. so the successive one find the ring finally growing, but none has after 10 years of cultivation seems to point to a change in climate hold. i thought, you know, the fact that the bananas produced and sold means the climate is becoming sub tropical. and was this huge wave is over. the question for south korea around its neighbors is what next summer might bring public broad. i'll just say era, so it's still a head on elsie or that you k 5 minutes to reassure as minority communities. they're safe as violent spotlight protests continue. algeria is the mountain somebody phase one flights away from the gold medal, as the gender controversy continues to surround olympic box.
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or the the but you case prime minister has again tried to reassure people that they will be protected from violence. far right protests, some of those involved in the riots have been targeting immigrants, refugees, and people of color, but then invest the end of its reports from the town of middleton to know how much is cleaning up the often most of the violence that swept through his town as wide as botched through the streets of middles vera, where he's a foreign student. he cowered in his bedroom and could only watch as his call was being vandalized. then to tell you it was the best way god. then i tried to attack the most. i am broken, my family told me to come back to bucks on sunset, the,
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even the bucks on his most event that you good. i just a few streets away. a multi surrounded and because house trying to break down had to move all scared because of we had the smash, we had them trying to get into the house. we were all looking from his desk when i called, when i go in there, look the dogs and much in the do come and then what happens re com site because that will be outnumbered. and if you do fight will be it will be to the traces of what happened to you on sunday. still visible, this area bore the brunt of the disorder. people's cause smashed. we've seen so many broken windows and things still feel a bit on edge here. there is a real feeling of tension and then the of the listening community is bracing for more trouble. security. now come on site. the mosque. this helped anyone was this achieved and lead as boring young men not to take things into their own hands. we know that was a lot of feed into town, and most of might be a talked in human,
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came out to defend the most in inverted commas. and for the time they did the right thing, they stoled outside the most of the listen to the elders in the community. the, the local moms encourage them to stay, to be respectful to the police cause no further issues in terms of audience. but suddenly, some of them all young, the elements of the crowd begun to spin it off and eventually begun to fight them with the riotous from the office. and then that helps me nor one. the angry divisions that have scott the nation will 2 of us in this town mean that there was a need to reach out to 0 middlesborough? russia's defense ministry says ukraine has carried out air attacks on the border region. of course, that comes a day after you cranes largest ground incursion into russian territory. since the warren ukraine began. moscow said it sent reserves to repel hundreds of ukrainian
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fighters and tanks that crossed into its territory. houses here was really a shop of olivers in moscow. yoga, tell us more about these attacks on russian soil as well. i guess i can conflicts have reports from the region right now. there's currently no independent confirmation of any information coming from that. i just find that plan, that'd be russian defense ministry. a report said that those ukranian subatomic groups had retreated from the career screening tests. i didn't have a treat. it seems like it's not the case of fast reports about that type of began appearing on choose day. there's a trace and has been unraveling for about 24 hours. now, the ukrainian army attempted to break street into the russian bull course screech. and the flashing was reported near the states hills. a sutra, according to russian pro, 10 of your own channels. the ukrainians managed to occupy several sacraments that
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plus the premium electric cap should young russians call scripts during the fighting. the administrative blow goals are reported from the scene. the fighting was underway in the border areas and russian troops destroyed more than 22 pieces of ukrainian military equipment and a large number of pass. so now the number of victims in the course region g to that tax has not increased between to age people. many of them civilians, including ambulance workers, the drive and power magic were killed in that talk. and many people were taken to hospital. the action got to know the region code, of course residents to donate blood in those. so we're hearing from and there is a hard right here is for administer sparks pass. and he has said that this is yet another attack called civilians. so it's also reported that to missiles and for you printing, you are these what shall down over the course gradient over night. as you said, the ministry of defense reported in the morning, but the full drivers have been destroyed. and over the course region of the night,
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plus the governance also said that some missiles were destroyed also. okay. and the quite to dangerous situation in this is you have control to where the course can you clip, how long does, okay, that turns were a spoke to that as well. you'll, your shop of all of the reporting for must go. thank you very much. so there's been 2 more track goals for the united states of the powers olympics, the us taking events, 1500 meter and women's 200 meter titles. gabby thomas was the clear winner of the latter 100 meter champion julian, alphabet of saint lucia claimed silver. and l julian box, or a monitor leaf is in with a shot of winning gold metal for leaf along with time when he's fighter menu thing have faced an eligibility controversy. after the pay or record at least failed the gender tests ahead of last year's world championships. felicia defeated thailand, john jones to want to ping in the 66 kilograms semi final whole race reports from paris. the. now the files that a month to lease as well as the rates the final, as
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a boxing in paris came against the same opponents that she beat up the international boxing association world championships last year before being disqualified for an alleged failed eligibility. blood test on the international boxing association, the i'd be set on monday, that's because says and chromosomes were found in hub bloods. and in the blood of another box, i hear the lympics letting you take off tie one that's a dispute that has overshadowed the women's books and compensation here in paris. now the international olympic commit to the i, r c has come out very strongly in support of both boxes cooling. it's a which and the only eligibility they need is to be female on the passport that seems very little down to a mancha leaf. was born and raised to go in all jerry, i have finally been speaking out this week. now the only be i have been discredited already by the i would say no longer recognize i because of the bounce over the
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ethics that governance refereeing in front at los angeles 2028. the next olympics boxing may not even get on to the program unless a new will governing body can be found for the sport. full rece. i'll use era paris and that does it for this news hour. i will be back after a short break in just a moment with more details need stay without the these officers solutions that gives us no for a future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs on. i don't think that has a number, think about it as a person yourself and that person shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life and at least in my life,
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those stages we want. we want the education reward because the women and my country, they're not sweet to come up to us. we are not so nice all a to we are human beings in this area to be trees and the coins. we are working in their thoughts, that's our officers. whatever has been done before can be done even better. as long as the human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is clear. african stories from african perspectives to say i am a creative at heart 3 short documentary spy, african filmmakers from nigeria, south africa, and zambia. i like my children, i like the me that was the the lead business to a sion of slaves and we all the same the forest women of i've seen from the cape and
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a dream worth chasing. a new series of africa direct on algebra 2 years health captive white, i saw a life altering experience for any victim most so when to use is half of your life time a 4 year old, you'll see the boys struggles to recover from the trauma of abuse and the witnessing of unspeakable atrocities. i met childhood, a witness documentary on a jersey to this is really forces a strike refugee camps and central gaza, or tens of thousands of palestinians, or sheltering the single vineyards. godaddy with us. this is allison,


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