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tv   Witness Imads Childhood  Al Jazeera  August 7, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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the, the colleges when the a hi them or a column, doha, these are the top stories on the out as era is where the strikes of talks at pots of central galls are wet. tens of thousands of displaced palestinians of salt, shelter, pre missed all struck narrow mosque and darrell bhalla thousands were injured and the strikes laid on choose day were sent, blacks mind blowing into the that's where the setting was reported across at least 4 areas in central gall so i'll just there as i stuff i'm or has moved from darrow
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bala. i don't want him to view as may find some of the images in his report to staffing the heavy. it'd been a good bit about that had to be in it. this is the ultimate of yet, and now they is really aerial bombardment that had be it started with a single arrow tag off on and paramedics and people nearby rushed to help the victim as within minutes. when that is ready will panes it launched ways of massages that the civilian area and more can see the tenants that and we're displaced, palestinians with sheltering. one of the piece of this area was crammed with women and children. it wasn't because these really all me had to say it's a safe and if you minutes, arians are in place. but i live as we speak environment, ics, and civil defense teams with the basic tools. when doing everything they can to contain, the fire broke out off to the strongly get off the ship and then they also
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searching for survivors will move victims under the rubble despite the dangerous conditional. and then lot of our job, that's all i know. it's a lot of these really forces cooled, some residents and ordered us to leave. they find a warning this island and then we run for our lives on the 3 missiles will find out this area and just a matter of minutes clements month. like i'm the big apartment, there was not a single say. so ms. garza, this rate is a line to the world there on look you, patient for the treacherous enemies. they want people to lead to some of the before anyone could move is right in plain spite missiles, i thought it was on a dozen were killed all this dismember, that bodies ripped apart. this month is a mother's was on the other that i had to be live in the middle of a i'm a phone is i'm in most of the people here have been displaced numerous times from rough uh, town units and central gowns. uh now the real crammed into darrell bhalla is riley's client. it is a safe zone. why they show in the area. now this is all false propaganda. coming up, this is a very densely populated residential area. is targeted by is riley wall plains in
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a series of and strikes without any warning. as a result of the large numbers of palestinians were killed and injured, arsenal, blah blah. i didn't get the all dated, but what's up the bottom palestinians living in a village and the southern is really negative. desperate holding a system. and if that ties on fine and the attempt to block is riley police from demolishing a home. the village of oak button this surrounded by police and full days as place of preston to arrest the residents, as well as previously destroyed thousands of policies in homes in the region. 35 other policy and villages are considered illegal blank as well. and on the front of demolition, the now disbanded type move forward. policy has announced that will form a new policy following in order to be dissolved from thailand's top quotes. because those are bombs, the policies lead is from political office to 10 years. this comes as the policy pledge to amends the country. strict closed against insulting the royal family move
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for the policy denied that they on tech tonight. i'm on a case a double. laura, how about unice has been chosen to head bank is s as interim government is appointment was demanded by student protests as long as they forced private associate casino to resign, to set the country to a neighboring india on monday. goodness has appealed for calm off the weeks of anti government demonstrations. much hundreds of people were killed. several 1000 people have been evacuated from russia's border region of cus, golf, to hundreds of ukrainian troops involved into it on tuesday. moscow assessment operation is currently on the way to repel the advance of ukrainian soldiers who are backed by tanks and armored vehicles as the largest ground incursion into russia since, as well on ukraine. because those are the headlines. i'll be back with. another news updates here on al jazeera of to witness stay with the
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on the
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side of these are always. ready ready ready ready ready ready find that out, the donno name, the the, the side of my vision to the side of the chatham. how does one down the
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. ready ready the. ready ready or the. ready ready to the gateway and what the applied one of that when i put in mine. okay, well i used to have the to the, to my case, i don't have a, can you give them much? i can know what this would be. julio, the good news. the candidate decide to sell them good. see nowadays, for the sign in to the 5 digit decide,
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i'll say 10 mazda still on the, on the router, which are, so i'll just be done on the side of the, to the hours by the, for the monday, monday, my use the sheet on the 9 includes each of these on the assign the, the, the
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the, the the,
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who am i going to be done? we must have done how you can say, even though the way that you are, you know, and yeah, zillow, ill, we do it, we have the lead done. yeah. not the one you see on the group the. # but then i can buy some,
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my not with the not 10. okay. i let me know there's no i'm gonna do what i've got an invitation veterans and how much the highlighted, what's the cost and not the via guzman. i am the one i've got on and i'll go on. google really does even is good for the government and was to good words yet i've can you just to disappear in covalent? good ok. dean
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the name of the the teacher that could be the one sided the
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feeder is the coffee party the just the extent of, of the, of either the with the the no, but the did you want us to provide us on the the
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good the the,
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the most to the reason i was the best buy a new video as well as the vehicle. am i kidding? there's much more cost uh the to the for the the
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for the for the dawn valley you for the village. they do say now i don't know how you got off of your fitness center because nobody's isn't in much better now, is that a mind a not shut up murder. what about what i'm not interested on the on us as i've got the last of us for 5. could you repeat that every month but i would have that because i have given them nice keys, which is enough not to know what i am on the they
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the i've got them though, whether it's in there that was let us, she lives out or maybe what does that mean right. okay. now the fema somebody may have i'm putting up a to say no, no, not to. no no no . to find you the boss to me mana, the real
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great, great k the the the
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a novice, the on the saddle. chatham
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has us the one that is the the, the . ready the one that has read the reason
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the name of the most or did you it's too much ma'am. let's go to the government. the
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system is on the job, the and it's a good night, you know, but some of them is easy so, but it will be charged no hard root canal or to nickel didn't the of the hard. when is, i don't know. what do you choose to do you mean even with you back and learn to i advocate it done with the doing the imagining the good as well. do you wash the music visit to no, no no, no, no, no no no
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no, no, no. yeah. the . ready i'm. ready the, the not this how do what am i when i do you know what,
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what i, what i, when i have to 90 with the 5 let me put the some of the push ahead of the month a month the
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we like the let's not do some of this stuff, let's be stuff like different on the system and they're able to the neighbor's house. so the so services they have a manager finished. okay. good being in this evening services. mm hm. i've seen long like most of it,
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good service. that's a decision recognizing decision mm . to the huh. to i have to know the silver, the silver, the silver deluxe stuff has to know how to is you dinner? no, no, no, no, no, no. not the most. oh, okay. mean connie. no email on this? no 2nd, mr. manada. uh the or the
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tool to set your pension and muck. setting the the, to the to the, to you friday. the ticket that you could use the and there's a deliberate mission of posting in humanity in western and it needs to be questioned. this is not the time to, to mr. kind of way. examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best, the
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safe them even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator here on now. but we look at the world's top place in the stores. what kind of response can we expect from china if tech talk is in the global markets in economies and small businesses, how time cube is wide economic problems be addressed?
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can they be fixed to understand how it affects the 9 south asia is growing for employment levels that actually fully why is that counting the cost? oh no, jew sierra the again, i'm lower calendar holidays. the top stories on the alex's era is where the strikes of tubs and pots of central gaza, with tens of thousands of displaced palestinians of sort shelter. free missiles struck now almost in darrow bhalla. thousands were injured and the strike flaked on choose day were sent. black, spite blowing into the a is ready selling was reported across at least full areas in central wisconsin and booth is where the forces have carried out don't raise across the occupied.
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westbank is where the army blew up the thoughts a headquarters in the ballasa refugee come in. annapolis is ready forces arrested several pilots today as well as reading neighborhoods in the dashboard and the refugee come net back to him about us citizens living in a village in the southern is waiting negative. that's a holding, a fits in a set time is on fund in an attempt to block is why the police from demolishing a home, the village of and by team that surrounded by police and full sizes, please of preston to arrest the residence as well has previously destroyed thousands of palestinian homes in the region. 35 of the palestinian villages are considered illegal flight as well and are on death threats of demolition. the now disbanded time move for the policy has announced it will form a new policy following in order to be dissolved from thailand's top court. the court also binds the policies lead us from political office for 10 years. as comes as the policy applies to amends the country strict laws against insulting the royal
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family move for the policy denies. thus it antagonize the monarchy. a nobel laureate obama june us has been chosen to head by vessels. interim government in the appointment was the mazda by student. protest is off site for 5 minutes to shake. i've seen that to resign. she said the country to neighboring india on monday. how many units is appeals to come off the weeks of antique government demonstrations and which hundreds of people were killed? russia says an operation is currently underway to repel the advance of ukrainian soldiers in the border region of cost. $300.00 ukrainian troops scented russian territory on choose day. i'm a box by tanks and armored vehicles. several 1000 people have been evacuated as the largest ground incursion into russia since, as well on ukraine, began. yup, stating out with all the headlines. i'll be back with more news here on al jazeera . that's off the witness. stay with
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news . she's done. the
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1st part is just, you're good for me. just checking hutcher when they know of course, you can kindly put the question to me once a month. so let me check, i'm on, i'm on seduce because she said it was too for me to say oh, just thinking about what is the zip, okay, for the ship. okay. what do you take? and if i was looking for a
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40 me 40 take you to check on the cost you could check this us doing? yeah. man, good or bad is also it off. uh it has not yet. yeah. now the good news for the
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because the with the new bicycle, bicycle desk,
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i mean the shift i mean at the 90 we mean the, the email and the video, but the desk the uh the
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uh the the, the issue on the bill. the one that you did a lot day cuz she was lost soon. a mazda do as long as you want. i just want
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to have as easy as you did have more wonderful. how does this just for me? sure. a lot of interview and i am just trying to get a sense. yeah. yeah sure
3:41 pm
. have baggy. uh huh. yeah. the same. yeah. yeah. go see, i think i gave you the, the, the file size setting that up. and so i
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medi medical which can be applied and i was out of his daughter and he's telling me advisor and is out of his funds and then he home nowadays we much co sign dollars for the this loose is a monitor. this is sort of not just as you know size and on this on the message to keep design it is for the for the new item is less than 100 bucks. off on the face of the deal with him. i said we have cedar just plan on the him. uh huh. and if he's on learning, i didn't have it on my zone, but i was, i said i was on my dentist now. my 51 isn't, isn't on my something, says your plan not to that. i've been in g. s. you don't need the
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gaming anymore. but it's not always you know, on the
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of the
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husband the harvest about how to work of the song and not be lazy. sonya movie on it run. you're not even though what to go to is i did not realize she really the way the way you had and then was
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an out of enough i even can they just was done like the little joe of can but said the kind of thing this the only thing that gave me a fuck they me give me the the the position. i don't know the
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yeah. oh, i see to hello brandy here. yeah, well we can work in the side of the ltd start working so i'm still on. yeah. bored. it goodness
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really quick to coveted inside of really a good cause cause you shake them on the contrast. yes. yes yes. okay. the the,
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the younger head when he mentioned. ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready ready the . ready the, the on the flash really last such that we should do
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the the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the,
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the, the. busy no fee with this man handle it up any other way he found out about it. uh the set of the transfer. you know the the
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the the, the the is. ringback the, i'm the one of the do you got in here? yeah, sure. sure, sure. yeah. the,
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the, the not the, the
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with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us wants to keep the war in ukraine going until russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line, my wife and i said you to in the admin of financial 2010 to 20. the fun digital has the twin box won't qualify. mean you don't have a contract and now we'll have this was one. then you had the last 2 digits of the beneficiaries who have books on the kids, about 400000. those are the best coverage we believe not only financially a bar and these young guns with alternate training them. unimed, providing mentors for them. today, on the 2nd largest employ of labor in the private space of soap with a states of mind, 0 on russian sci space is
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a fall or use. it creates technology oriented opportunity to use words like with driving. so if you ever did you show the light in jump creation. oh, well, so as showing the inclusive excellence, empowerment because the women move found empowering african entrepreneur is the it's wednesday, august the 7th. let's go with their headlines for the americas and tropical storm. debbie, still ringing out its moisture over the carolinas here. this one's slow moving, so by this time it's all said and done. some spots could see over half a meter of rain. now at the same time for the us. ne, just wrench with rain. there's been some flooding in new york and new jersey, and debbie is headed up towards this area by the end of the week. so there could be some more flooding to come. now to the west, we go. the disturbed weather spills out of canada and to the northern plains,
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bit of a stiff when there. and let's still call it hot for the pacific northwest portland at 32 degrees. also hot for southern california into the desert southwest. so $43.00 in vegas is hotter than it should be at this time of the year. and again with debbie, that's where most of the energy is, but it's dragging up rain through the bahamas. otherwise, some pulses of rain through nicaragua, costa rica and panama today on wednesday on if showers and storms pretty much stretching from kito ecuador to that southeast corner of brazil. so yeah, it's raining there and then look at this disturbance. we have given us a lot of rain of the south atlantic and blustery winds by a blanca. you should be 17. this time of the year, just 2nd decrease on thursday. the security concerns and political uncertainty are just some of the issues facing the organizers of the 2024 olympic games in paris. as millions turned their attention
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to friends with the whole nation, be ready to welcome the world on july. the $26.00 stay without a 0 for the latest updates. the of the kyle, this is denise our live from coming up in the next 60 minutes. is there any on the shelves or something that galls or at least 6 people kills and thousands injured and con units returning home, buying that as new in from lita is own route to duyka. but the minute to change says he is confident in the country is headed towards a democratic process. times constitutional cooled holds as the old position move
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forward. policy beads as old saying at vonage that the constitution plus switched jumps to 3 man jails for their involvement in the fall. i bought.


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