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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 7, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm AST

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or the relationship between both come on out jersey or the is there any strikes targets? so cool humanitarian saved zones and gaza at least 15 posting accounts the on the bulk of business. i'll just do a life window. so coming video lead from inside. and this really present shows soldiers sexually assaulting or posting in containing 3 man convicted of violent disorder in the u. k. s. police price for another night, so far wrong filings and process. the view head of bangladesh is interim government is making his way to the dock of the ministry. he says the administration will take
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office on thursday the welcome to the program. israel has been bombing areas and southern gaza. we should designated to socal she military and safe stones. at least 15 palestinians have been killed in those attacks across the city of con eunice. many of the dead would put into life after his writing strikes at tens, housing displaced. people include re, has the details of the, of tax from hundreds. is there any forces target to attend to where a key 6 policy means were killed? those were displaced, palestinians who setting up their tent in assigning the eastern parts of can you and, and let me remind you that a court a couple of days ago, only the is ready for, says were withdrew from that area. and the policy is, do not have any other option other than setting up the kids on the rubble of their how says, or beside the rubber of their houses. and it's not,
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it's not only this target, but the, or as early forces also targeted the western parts of con eunice. and it's also targeted at an apartment in a very busy area where at least 4 policy news were killed. there was also another asterix in uh how much those are the buildings behind me. they also targeted apartments there. this is not the 1st time that is ready for us is target tense for this place, palestinians, but palestinians believe that's where ever they go. there's no place save despite the fact that this area was the significance as a safe so or a safe area by the is really forces the is where the forces continue to target. those areas policy me is in can units have been literally scattered around the streets, displays homeless over and over again where the is a force has invaded that area more than 2 times palestinians. now suppose she didn't come, eunice, do not know where to go at. destruction is everywhere. the infrastructure has been
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completely destroyed. palestinians do not have any place to go and specially the fact that there is but is very crowded for people. so they are relying on setting up their tents in an area that is either agricultural or ascend area, but the is really forces have this since the morning concentrated in the center in parts and particularly in 10 units is ready as strikes of also targeted ponce of central gaza with tens of thousands of displays, palestinians of sort, shelter 3 base so strong can even boss consider all bottom 3 people were killed, thousands injured and the attacks on tuesday would send black smoke billowing into the a is really selling is being reported across at least 4 areas of central guns, like i'll just say it was a chef i'm or has more from dan rob. i live in
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a warning view as may find some of the images in his report to stepping the, the heavy. it'd been a good bit about that had to be in it. this is the ultimate of yet. and now they is really aerial bombardment. it had be it started with a single arrow tied up on and paramedics and people nearby rushed to help the victim. as within minutes, when that is ready will panes it launched ways of massages that the civilian area. and more can see the tenants that we're displaced, palestinians with sheltering model political. this area was crammed with women and children. it wasn't because these really all me had to say it's a safe if you minutes, arians are in place, but i live as we speak, permit ics and civil defense teams with basic tools. when doing everything they can to contain the fire broke out off to the strong good of the ship. they also
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searching for survivors or move victims under the rubble, despite the dangerous conditional and then less of a job, that's all i know. it's a lot of these really forces cooled, some residents and ordered us to leave. they find a warning this island and then we run for our lives on the 3 missiles will find out this area in just a matter of minutes clements month. like i'm the big apartment, there was not a single say. so ms. garza, this rate is a line to the world there on look you patient for the treacherous enemies. they want people to leave some of the before anyone could move. is there any pains fight, miss alverado? hold on a dozen were killed, others dismember their bodies ripped apart. this month is a mother's was on the have that i had to be live in the middle of a i'm a phone is i'm in most of the people here have been displaced numerous times from rough uh, town units and central gowns. uh. now the ro, crammed into darrow bhalla is riley's client. it is a safe zone. why they show in the area. now, this is all false propaganda. coming up, this is a very densely populated residential area who's targeted by is riley. wal planes in
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a series of aspects without any warning, well, as a result of the large numbers of palestinians were killed and injured, are still a blah, blah. i didn't get the all the top to bottom videos of nice from inside the step team in detention come showing. is there any soldiers abusing palestinian detainees the footage leak? fine, is there a b channel 12 shows these are the soldiers dragging and allegedly sexually abusing a palestinian prisoner hiding their actions behind right of shields? the facility is in the negative, does it? and it's being in the spotlight in recent weeks, often not in this way, the gods were arrested that they had been accused of sexually assaulting and promising a prisoner leading to his hospitalization. the band couldn't walk beyond the state attorney's office to it's investigating several 1000 cases connect to the states even including the depths of inmates and the beatings of prisoners. and these
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rarely supreme court is now examining a request by human rights groups to shut the detention center down. the hearings were interrupted by families office where the captives held in gaza. they came to the supreme court building to protest against the potential closure and to show support for is re to god's right. let's talk about it. they said a bit more detail with no or day who joins us from ramallah and the occupied to westbank can nor i'm, it is of course not the 1st time that this particular campus being in the spotlight, a raft of allegations swell around the, in the military personnel who a base of this particular campbell, what can we expect from this investigation, given that the europeans to be acting with impunity of the moment as absolutely they are acting with impunity. and they are backed by many ministers in the governing coalition. even of the shocking part about this harrowing video and the accounts that we've been hearing all through the past 10 months,
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including at 55 testimony is released just 2 days ago by israel leading human rights organization. and it's centered on the abuse of, of the palestinian detainees that it wasn't titled, well come to hell, that's how prolific and systematic the abuse is. but the shocking part about the debate is well, about this is that the is really a mainstream. is really media is discussing whether such abuse, including right, including gang crate should be legalized, should be sanctioned, should be a matter of declared policy. and why in the world is the state prosecutor going after and investigating those soldiers, which is something that anybody in that position would normally do against allegations of this kind. so the mood in israel government by the right wing coalition really is not just excusing this behavior. it is endorsing it, and that's also what the best seller reports that had talked about, you know,
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years of changing the rules of systematically degrading conditions of palestinian detainee is tripping them of the most basic rights, including how much time they have to shower. um and then add to that the beatings, the abuse, the starvation, the sexual abuse, and the rape that is happening not destined statements, but also in other is rarely presents. yeah, so you, you mentioned that no, there is an extraordinary debate going on right now. and channel 12 and israel, mainstream television, and a permanent genest who dish listening to a sizing go. as you mentioned a piece to be advocating for the use of the rape as of the parent. i mean, it's, it's extraordinary, extraordinary, a thing to him says should be the case, given that it would essentially amounts to a potential war crimes. and given all the reports of abuse against posting and detainees since the war began, it does beg the question whether a shocking video like this will make any difference a to, as you know, a lot,
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i think, are making the argument that the only thing that will make a difference is outside intervention, because clearly one, the climate inside israel is ready to hear an argument like that. an argument saying that raping someone under your remind under your complete control completely powerless, no matter who that person is. if the, if the discussion, the raping that person is ok is it is a deterrent, it is justified. and there's really, very little one can expect from the institution that overseas, the imprisonment of palestinian detainees. and we have to point out to our viewers . but the person in charge of palestinian detainee is, is it's a lot of been v as a right wing extremist minister who is boasting about the fact that he has minimize the amount of food that palestinian detainees have access to. he has minimize the amount of rights that they can enjoy. he has forbidden access to
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a for a family and of lawyers to those detainees. so the institution itself is overseeing all of that. the expectation of intervention within the system is very, very low. and that's why you and experts have decried international silence about this they talk about, you know, entrenched in unity. they talk about international silence amounting to complicity . and they say that this, these for the detainees are basically hostages to an unlawful occupation really deeply, deeply disturbing footage good emerging from that single facility does part of the question. of course, how wide spencer is all of this across the past in the entire trees on the date, israel know many things of that normal day in romana. now is there any forces are counted out don't rates across the occupied westbank
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of these ready army has blown off the fund to a headquarters and the bloss refugee company in nablus as well. also arrested several palestinians for reading neighborhoods in a day shape refugee camp near bethlehem. published and he was living in a village in southern israel's negative deserts of trying to block is where the police from demolishing a home that likes a fight of ties estate just sitting in the village of on button. the house was surrounded by police and bold as it is, and office is threatening to arrest the residents, as well as choice thousands of posting homes in the region. the . okay, let's take you to the united kingdom now what prison sentence is being handed down to 3 man involved and file right arrives in southport and livable, livable crowd quotes sent him cement between 20 most and 3 years behind bars that were found guilty, yvonne with disorder and resulting
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a police officer that being riots and nationwide on ras following a fatal knife attack on 3 young girls last week. crown prosecutor, jonathan egan, says anyone participating and then will be swiftly punished. meanwhile, police the pricing for an escalation on wednesday night with calls for fall right. riley's in more than a 100 locations and count of protests and potentially 30 several business owners in london have bought it up the shops, immigration centers, and legal offices are expected to be the main focal points in the demonstrations. lower cons in the u. k. town of both in the north west of england when there were clashes on sunday and more uh, more concerns about unrest later in the day. what are people expecting? they're both well, it's just like exactly what you said about loans and we're seeing shops quoted up all the way across town. i mean, just down this road it's showing up to shot. they've just taken down the shot to most of them shot around to pm. i just speak to some,
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so keep us on some russian own is just pull that. and many of them say a lot of these people from the far right groups are coming from outside. they don't believe it's in that town. they say it's a very close that town to very diverse town and you see even many of these restaurants are flex dots, diversity in their food. so um, i've also spoken to the out full the books in champion. i'm a cons father. he came here in 1970 from pockets on his left to ever since said he's always felt welcome until now. this thing is a lot of racist language coming from these groups. and just to show you the id you'll achieve, that's a hundreds of these protests expect to be across the country. not going to be outside immigration sent. it's about to it's ready to clear out are the only cheap and i'll just need to box to funds the. there was scenes of absolute tales in this town. many outside fulton town hall. there are many purchases who came out against
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immigration in the country, unloaded on 2 races, protested on the bus number people for many weeks of life payments. try to send them off with a police and they run around 14 people grace a bunch of. so please gave them extra powers of a rush, but we have seen sweeping arrest now across the country. and the government rate is taking this very seriously lower cost. the government has promised to come down hard on those a taking part in dividing some sites in the violence. are we seeing any science of finding action? we are absolutely seeing signs about a 140 people sofa being charged by the police across the country. and somebody now being sentenced in the crown for 3 people was sent sentence. derek drummond at 23 years, which was more than any of them. another mind. james nelson,
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he's actually from here in bolton. he's in his late teens. he was sentenced to 2 months out him for criminal damage, the full the for a sold. so they're all some very serious charges. i'll take it very seriously as the government is held to emergency basis. so there's part just to about how to deal with this with the police as well. they've sent a full serv around 6000 police offices. right? offices across the country just to be ready for these 100 patients. and at what does they're expecting to see things and any more throughout the week, but they just say they want to get the written leases. they also want plus the pieces and the quote, the quote services to stay open for longer and throughout the coming we can. so they can hand down these sentences quickly and try to touch this from happening essentially to restore, come to the street. and of course com is the overwriting. hi pay or isn't it lower? many things that laura count and bolton in the north west of england. the still
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ahead, the lounge is 0. i will explain why nigerian protest is a been arrested for waiting. think russians fight so in together, whatever they can find, the tailors helping palestinians who has lost nearly everything in the war. the the latest news as it breaks the united nations hopes, but the focus on the refugee team will help people understand the stigmatize ation . marginalization and violence suffer by refugee with detailed coverage. the appropriate has never experienced a landslide on this k of with this. so many people killed from around the world between those white coast guard ships and the blue vessel. that's where a 2nd tankers think last week. so close to the store, we can see it clearly within they could die a week. the look of the world still place in the stores. what kind of response can we expect from china?
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if tech talk is in the best fits in economies and small businesses, how time cube is wide, economic problems be addressed, trying to be fixed to understand how it affects d. 9 south asia is growing for employment levels that actually fully why is that? counting the cost, oh no, just sierra with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us wants to keep the war in ukraine going. rushes will is broken, but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on concept, the quizzical look good us politics, the bottom line, the, [000:00:00;00]
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the out to 0. his, their mind about top stories this, our israel has been bombing areas designated to so cool a few minutes and save them. some southern girls are 15, power seems to be killed and attacks across the cities con eunice is leak, spine is really tv channel shows is rarely soldiers allegedly, sexually abusing upon assuming detaining the stats human prison is very cool. so examining a request by human rights groups a shot the facility, the new capers and sentences have been handed down to 3 man involved in far right. rise himself for the living hole. that would be nationwide. unrest following a stifled knife attack. 3 goals last week. police of bracing from all street violence on wednesday the new head of bangladesh interim government bomb and eunice is on his way to call from paris suit and protests is
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demanded. his appointment after the 4th prime is to shake a scene to resign. the ministry says the transitional government will take its oath on thursday. units. that's cool for com and told people to get ready to build the country. so i'm looking forward to going back home to see what's happening and how we can organize ourselves to get out of the trouble. thank you very much for your help. well, our roland talk to you just fish and thank you. the police in nigeria say they've arrested more than 90 people protesting against the government's economic reforms and rising cost of living. police say those arrested including 7 polish nationals with caring and russian flags which is considered a treasonable offense. tens of thousands of nigerians have taken to the streets since the beginning of the month to protest against the was cost of living in
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decades like a lengthy list of demands is that a fuel subsidy be reinstated, address reports of abuse you most of the incidents recorded well, in states that are close to neighboring media to public y last year, there was a cool and we, so the proliferation of russian chinese and those according flights in those countries, in that country. and similarly, hosting saving money and looking at possible whether it's a military take home, or there's a little bit of this content on the part of some of the protest dispute. all but the relationship between i did in the west and that's one reason some of these i don't think. but again, there is also, um, one concerning issue with that piece. a go to it. just as imagine are talking about . they said during the process, they heard several interviews just calling open me for the overthrow of a democratically elected government. that the security officers or security a cheese addressed in a press conference. they held yesterday at the defense headquarters here in a boot where they said they placed royalty to democracy and they would,
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they would defend democracy at all cost in that general. so basically it's about this content about the an inability of security. it just has to deal with several issues as well, in terms of security, life and property in the north of the country. but also it's also about those calling for the over to us government democratically elected government, according to security sources. yeah. you know, judy, a self exiled castle. i lead says he will return to spain for a regional parliamentary vote called his push them out in the says he's begun his journey back to spain, a spot, a pending warrant for his address, united because the loony region in 2017, the sled, following a referendum on independence deemed illegal by the spanish chords. please, mon made the announcement on social media a day before the capital on parliament is sent to confirm a socialist politician. response, he doesn't believe in independence from spain and but as will be extra, the thought on this,
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the legs become the journey to return from exile. i'm convinced that there is no other way to democratic normality than the end of political repression. an end that is contemplated in the latter and in the spirit of the amnesty. lo, if we believe it, if we wanted to be a little that covers everyone, we cannot remain silent in the face of rebellious aptitude, in which some judges of the supreme court have been cut down. several 1000 people have fled russia's border region of cruise, cuz russian forces fight of cross border raised by ukrainian soldiers for 2nd day military chief. but larry could ask them of the claims, the cleaning and offensive has been stopped. at least 2 people have died and dozens of being injured and the pricing was the largest ground incursion into russia. since when you crank began. then a televised cabinet meeting russian president vladimir putin has said he'll meet with defense ministry and domestic security service has to come back the search of ukrainian military activity. i'm not sure it's video,
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so we'll have to start van some folding in the cast region. as you know, the key regime has undertaken another large scale provocation that aspiring indiscriminately from various types of weapons, including rockets at civilian buildings, residential houses, and ambulances. and most miss drawing videos come to the moment destructed. mine was rescued from his vehicle awake of tropical storm. debbie in the us state of florida. rescue was waited for waste, holly flood waters and manatee county. before pulling the man out of his car, 6 people have been killed in florida and 300000 to be left without electricity, storm debbie is expected to get even stronger and big landfall in south carolina on 1st day. meanwhile, hundreds of flight, so it being canceled a major efforts across the us because of severe thunderstorms. every rain hit new york city, closing flooding and traffic disruption. officials, a warning residents to take extra precautions as heavy downfall was expected to
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continue. this island president nicholas majority says more than 2000 people have been arrested since the disputed election in the country, but there are boasted about their detention describing them as terrorist and criminals during the valley of the presidential palace. once by protests broke out in caracas, following the election, but protest as accusing the door of stealing the vote. the 2200 and 29th terrorist of already been captured and we have evidence on fact today that will be transferred to high security prisons which are ready for the terse so is rouse wong guys as full silly 1700000 palestinians out of that homes, many of them have had to leave all their belongings behind, but now tailors of the city of con eunice, a solving subject different types of material to help people in any way. they can have some gwen for good thoughts. curtains, sofa covers and full drapes. in this workshop in han,
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eunice bits and bumps of material are transformed into dresses that comes with risks. and the cost of living. this material isn't fit for humans in the middle of some of the fabric from curtains and sofas is high and police to which makes the heat how to best and leads to various types of allergies. forced to leave his own home, mohammed opened this shop for customers who have lost nearly everything he salvage suing machines he found in the bomb doubt. tailoring store. after is really war planes struck shops, markets and factories across the strip. palestinians fled with little more than the clothes on their backs. and now many a falling apart at the seams. physically they've got you for the demand for fixing and mending clothes has become much larger. appearance came here to tyson the own. a close to suit the children and the one blouse or a pair of trousers has been used by 2 generations of the same family. often deposit a little of the 100. over 10 months of conflict. israel has kept the strip under
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seat only allowing in some humanitarian supplies every day. goods, such as new clothes have become a luxury, almost impossible to come by, distributed by any sort of industries and we don't have new fabrics. so what we do now is just tightening some clothes that have become too large for their owners who have lost weight because of the war and the shortage of food. otherwise we repair some torn clothes and other simple things like that. these taylors are using their jobs to patch up their lives and give others a sense of dignity soon they could run out of fabric, red and even needles. they say reopening all crossing routes and to gaza to bring in supplies is the only way they can keep going. if to some good food al jazeera, are okay, don't forget all websites, i'll just do it. they'll come lots more of our top stories, including the continue this really offensive across casa,
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the rise and casualties. the not to mention many more days of the unrest in the, the united kingdom concerns about the more trouble across the country. i would just say what continues those accounts of the cups the hey there were off and running with your weather report for asia kicking this one off and focused on the monsoon range, picking up through punjab, providence through the north of the country, but really it's not as heavy as it has been, just a few showers have to actually be parts of the drive across in providence to india we go pulses of rain for the north, west central and the northeast. for example. second highest level are its issue for not only assault and state, but our natural dash as well. turned a bit more quiet through indo china, but still keeping those flood alerts in play across the philippines, palawan island, hot,
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humid and hazy rate across the yangtze river valley. the go to the yellow river valley. the square a seasonal summer rains are more particularly for the western slice of the river valley there and a line of showers in store and setting out dropping out of mongolia, pushing into beijing. that's going to happen on fridays. so i take this a day forward with this patch of what weather are coming in. we could see half a month's worth of rain and 48 hours that much rain, that fast certainly could produce some flooding for china's capital. well, in this weather report in this part of southeast asia, where we see the rains pick up for borneo island, particularly the malay side. and let's call it central kelly, montana on thursday. that's it for me. i'll see you a documentary series, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle today's environmental catastrophe in columbia, the arrow,
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lots of people, scientists to understand why species of toes one's thoughts, extinct is still thriving in the coastal mountains of the sierra nevada nations frontline the starry night towed on alger 0 the . busy i made her instead of get a, this is counting the cost on. i was just the way you know, we can look at the world business and a couple things. this week. theorists says, domination of the global economy is a decades, but the world is friendship by geo political tensions and globalization is facing


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