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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 7, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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is actually the best feelings and you're also going to have the worst life on your life out as you, as teens across the world, within latest global news, i didn't select from documentaries. when you closer to the house of the story the is ready strikes targets. so course you've been a to and save stones in gaza at least 50 and published and 2nd, the of the bulk of this. so just to have a life in doha also coming up video link, some insight in this way, the prison alleging the to shows so just sexually assaulting and kind of detaining
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pretty man a convict to the vinyl disorder in the u. k. police brace for another night of fall, right? violence and process law students capital becomes a goose town on the brink of collapse of civil services breakdown. $8066.00 was the thanks for joining us. as well as being bombing areas in southern guns that we should designate to they. so course humanitarians safe. so at least 15 palestinians have been killed in those attacks across the city of con eunice, the name of the dead for ben to lie talked to his reading strikes, it tends housing displaced, people view an agency, the piloting. and refugee says 86 percent of the gaza strip is now under evacuation or does, despite that as well, is continuing to bomb the areas it claims on the safe way as well as also targeted near a mosque in denver on a pallet or 3 people were killed and
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dozens injured and the attacks on tuesday would send black smoke billowing into the air is really showing as being reported across at least 4 areas of central cause. i'm just, you know, as, as travel around how small from that around by live in a warning view is may find some of the images in his report to study the, the, the heavy had been a bit about that had to be and this is the ultimate of yet and now the is ray, the aerial bombardment that had the it started with a single arrow tag up on and paramedics and people nearby rushed to help the victim as within minutes. when he's ready, we'll pines it launched ways of missile, is that the civilian area and more can see the tenants that we're displaced, palestinians with sheltering one of the people in this area was crammed with women and children. it wasn't because these riley only had to said it's
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a safe and implemented terry and zone quite. but i look as we speak permit x and civil defense teams. with the basic tools i went on doing everything they can to contain. the fire broke out off to the strong get off the ship and then they also searching for survivors will move victims under the rubble despite the dangerous conditions. it done less of a job. that's all i know. so yeah, let me use really forces cool. some residents and ordered us to leave. they fight a warning this island and we run for our lives on the 3 missiles will fight up this area in just a matter of minutes. the comments month. like i'm the big apartment, there is not a single say. so one of gauze, this rate is the length of the world there on occupation forced the treacherous enemies. they want people to leave somebody before anyone could move is right in plain spite mist solve the degree hold on, a dozen were killed. others dismember that bodies ripped apart. this month is a mother's watch on the i'm going to have to be live in the middle of a i'm a phone is i'm a most of the people here have been displaced numerous times from rough uh,
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town units and central gallons. uh now the real crammed into darrow bhalla. these riley's claim, it is a safe zone. why they show in the area now, this is old false propaganda. coming up, this is a very densely populated residential area. is targeted by as valuable things in the series of as strikes without any warning. as a result of the large numbers of palestinians were killed and injured, are still a blah, blah. i didn't get the all data, but what's up the bottom. this video has moved from inside the stair team in detention camp, showing is ready soldiers abusing palestinian detainees the footage leak by his way . the channel 12 shows this way, the soldiers dragging and allegedly essentially abusing and posting him prisoner hiding their actions behind. ryan shields, the facility and the negative deserts has been in the spotlight and weeks and weeks often, 9 is where the guns were arrested back. they've been accused of sexually assaulting a posting in prison, leading to his hospitalization. the army states attorney's office says it's
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investigating several 1000 cases connecting to state team and including the death of inmates and the beatings of prisoners with these ladies. supreme court is now examining a request by human rights groups to show the detention center hearings were interrupted by family is the best way to come tapes out in gaza. they came to the supreme court building to protest against the potential closure in a show of support for his way to god's no odor joins is now in the room. i live in the occupied westbank to look at this and a bit more detail. so this of course is space halloween video, isn't it? no, i not for the 1st time, this particular kind of has been on the spot and i, but what can we expect from this investigation as well? unfortunately, we can't really expect much human rights organizations have been documenting. shocking testimonies of palestinians released from is really detention camps. whether those who are, are of record people who been
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a disappeared as the you and calls them from gaza or people in is rarely prisons that are known and under the administration of the is really prison system. and all of them thought it talk about torture, abuse, starvation, lack of access to family and to lawyers, and really lack of access to the bare minimum for survival, including, you know, a diminished time for showers, which is something that the is really minister of national security it's a might have been v or both, it's about, he considers that these stripping of rights are and accomplishments that he can present to his wider right wing public. and that's why the leading is really a human rights organization. but some of them in its recent reports, which is called, well come to health, said that these are not one of the incidents. these are not exceptions. this is a systematic policy that traces back to the top. of course, no,
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given all of these reports of abuse against policy needed detainee since the war started, the question is whether or if this is going to make a difference. and of course many, many questions about how and why this video was linked in the 1st place. absolutely, and it's amazing that the discussion of the controversy is about the the leak video . it's about the fact that soldiers are being questioned about this abuse, not about the abuse itself. right now we've heard from the united nations, from human rights organizations from is really human rights organizations. and all of them say that what is needed is outside intervention, in fact, independent to an experts have decried international silence. they say that states being silent about these potential war crimes could amount to complicity because what is happening is systematic. it's widespread and it's happening with impunity. and we have to kind of take box a step back and remind our viewers, but reports of is really abusive. palestinian prisoners are not new. they date back
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to the 1960 is in fact, and it's that it has been uh, you know, a deteriorating situation. the abuses of escalated, but it's nothing compared to what we've heard in the past 10 months. a new on experts say it's just the tip of the iceberg. no, are many things that know of that and robot i was, as you had mentioned that the human rights group in israel beth sell him, we actually speak to, sorry to me, kylie, who is the international advocacy lead of for the is ready, human rights organizations. she joins us from teller. you provide will welcome to you. so this is footage over alleged abuse that has been a leaks from inside. the side team in prison is a military installation. we know it's in the negative desert housing, thousands of palestinians. how consistent is this footage with abuse the organization has uncovered previously? i mean, i think what we would like to clarify is that the suspicions and of what happened
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was that specific case in the system on the tensions to send it to? yes, absolutely shocking. but the picture of the violence of abuse and specifically on it's officially sanctioned violence and abuse is not unique this the same on whatsoever. um we would thing fact say that's, that's a non is thinking one of the sites at all is that a part of these range present system that's from the perspective of palestinians have been tons since october 7th, into a network of torture, champs. this is what it's saying and said yes to the end, the day before yesterday in the reports, we issues on the big house, the testimonies of thousands of palestinians who eh, inmates who uh, imprisoned over the last 2 months. and since been nice,
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those testimonies we've taken and they what the pain look just inspector mom, in fact they with the tanks to out the prison system and we're talking about people come from different places in the westbank issues and gaza. gotcha. even inside israel, and they have a chilling, similar story of physical and mental abuse of extremely terrific conditions of systematic a starvation of the types of decaying g. is that something on the that's scope of the scale? and so that's for long period time it amounts to torture, which is an ego under any circumstance whatsoever. and so when these really, oh, sorry, these investigates one, is it an, admittedly, this is a shocking case. i mean,
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the suspicions that's been raised about the actions of these searches um are just absolutely shocking, but then not. unfortunately, they're not unique in our report. we're also uncovered. i'm of the groups and other organizations, media outlets and also a other a u. n. busy in experts have on top of all the cases where there was either sexual violence or gen the base 5. okay. i was sexual abuse. i'm keen in the end of time that we have to to get comfortable questions because i want to ask what it means for footage like this to be leach and the 1st place. what does that say to you about potential whistle blowers who want the public to know about this? i have to say that it is a quite a mystery to me as to how they sportage emerged. it's multiple
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telling 4 pieces of related to so i, i honestly don't feel like it, i can, i can even has a big a grow. yes. as to how is appears now in the public. well ok, i also want to, i'll see you then talking about the public about public perceptions around the allegations of abuse against palestinians. we've had a panel show on the side of the channel 12 news channel, where i guess appears to be publicly debating the merits of institutionalizing the abuse of detainees, including rape as a form of to tyrants. but it doesn't stop the some of the things of also being discussed and this really connected. and i would like to play golf view is a clip of that right now. the national news did not at all sure to bring at them that they may good. cool. okay. oh my thoughts hold on a few of them. uh no. okay. menu yes. my name is your darcy and just to
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clarify 2 of us. so when one of the little make us talked of not by they were referring to a particular, i'm us a unit, but sorry to essentially what they messed up with. the baiting is whether or not they should legalize the rape of palestinian prisoners. i mean, this is extremely disturbing, especially given that it comes from google because as i have to say that's in our society these days. and is there any society and these kinds of shocking statements that one would have expected to possibly come from the very far riches of the most extreme is elements of society. the fact that things are coming from very mainstream central, a sole series from, from roommate to, from that journalist who have a lot of which is one of the most shocking examples of tomorrow, based on our society because rated society has sunk to after october, 7th, and in our report, i think we clarified,
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that's what these really government has done, essentially. and what, and a minister of national security benefit amazon is aspire is because we, we a argue that this is a reality is inspired by him by his racist agenda. is saying, as cynically manipulated the shock of trauma with his where he needs a feeling off the horror as of october 7th, to essentially obtain an objective that they've been trying to reach a i'm having a been aiming apps for a long time. the utilizing, as i said, sent it to me, abusing the conference in reality, in israel and all the prolonged a, i mean, honestly with out of studios are effectively held in detention with no rights whatsoever. was no capacity to receive any sort of protection. i'm in some of the actual details and some of the violations details in our full,
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i'm not even eh, benign, they're actually travel that they would frame them differently, right? they would say that was the long to lie, as it says, some lives as part of students in his reading the tension, not like a stomach champ because we know that is a life. but what has been happening since october 7th is simply above and beyond anything we've exp. ready okay, sorry, mikaela international advocacy lead for bed setup. it's been a very important to hear your expert views and opinions on this. thanks for joining us. a thank you very much. the so in the you, k, prison sentences have been handed down to 3 men involved in far right. rise in south fulton livable, livable crown, quote sentenced the man to between 20 mountains and 3 is behind. balls are found
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guilty of violent disorder and assaulting a police officer that'd been riots and nationwide arrest following a fatal nice attack on 3 young girls last week and prosecuted. jonathan to egan, says anyone participating in them will be swiftly punished. meanwhile, police are bracing for an escalation on wednesday night with kohls for the far right. riley's and more than a 100 locations along with counter protests. and potentially 30 several business owners in london who voted on that. shops and immigration centers are expected to be the main focal points in the demonstrations will help them as a columnist for the observer and president of the academy of social sciences. he says several factors for the fuel, the unrest of those. you generally take some young sugs of actually in a company, gazing and causing may have throwing rocks at the place. i mean, uh, you know, it is that and secondly, i think there is a, a feeling is good enough. they've got some years that actually um
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the products, the country where this has been going on a web point, a lot of asylum seekers have been shunted and, and catching hospitals and hotels awaiting the assign a claim to be processed. and i think there's a lot of resentment and some of these communities that, that any of that kind of left behind the only use the very many there are very many good joseph, good wages. uh, but actually it's a kind of it is it, this dining is a dumping ground, is a central ac by the way, the rest of the country is using them as a place to kind of host asylum seekers and others who waiting their clients for citizenship to be processed, there's a lot of that. and then of course, you know, there is this information isn't just about the fundraiser of these dreadful, these dreadful fee motives of these kind of $3.00 young goes and south, whatever we get. the destination is kind of much more rampant. i mean it's, it's,
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it's, um, this is the oldest, are about to tear policing, which is that kind of really wrong. i mean, it's not the case. it's actually if you a white and a sort of white young man, you're more likely to be cushions than have been in a black, young man. i mean, i should say all the way around your 4 or 56 times more likely to be cushion. georgia stopped by the police if you blackboard assessment color than you want if you're white. but that is, that is really gain ground and seen as a whole cocktail of things here. it's not, there's no one course. there's no one thing you could point to and say, god says a settled ahead on that would just say that the new hand of bangladesh is entering governments, making his way to dot com. the military. he says, the administration will take office the oh to 0, who tells the stories of to the thing? era writers who challenge conservative thinking in iraq and sepia. to see all the
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just the idea of what did these ideas about iraqi identity divided the opinion, especially among the political and religious beliefs and during this. so that's a new roof, newspaper collins, so popular. they were read that every level of living in society, revel, writers, iraq and zip you know, to 0. the . ringback the security concerns and political insurgency are just some of the issues facing the organizers of the 2024 olympic
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games in paris. as millions turned their attention to friends with the whole nation, be ready to welcome the world on july. the $26.00 stay without a 0 for the latest updates the . the book back you without a 0. it has remind you about the top stories this hour. the u. k. prison sentences, it'd been handed down to 3 men involved in far right. riots in south fulton livable be nationwide on the next following a cycle. nice attack on 3 young girls last week. police the bracing from the street, foreigners wednesday, as well as being bombing areas that designate to the circle she amount of time, insights those southern guns at least 15 percent of students be killed and the tax
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across the city could easily find his ready tv channel shows is ready soldiers allegedly, sexually abusing a protest in detaining estate team in prison. is there any quotes or examining a request for human rights groups to show the facility? as well as long small ass strikes into southern level? at least 2 people were killed in the strike july us 6, others were injured as well also carried out strikes on the town of i to rune as close to the buddha. these ready tanks come off to his bull. as lita issued a fresh warning on choose day that the group is close to responding to the killing of his military leader. for sure. cool. that's going to aside bank who joins me now from launch. a unit has side that has been an awful lot of activity on the southern board during the last 24 to 40. and how is that? tell us about the slates of striking southern level a. yes, so much activity here on the southern border. now this late to this tact took place
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and time called you i, i understand the drone talk to individuals on a motorcycle can 2 people. here's the fight to and a civilian. we also understand from the authorities here, the southern people have been injured. now israel came that they have killed a commander of a detective. he saw unit, and his beloved have said that it was just a fight to. now this is been of the strikes head into foreclosure. he strikes, we've been here to get craft overhead. there's been a place called re hon, just north of march, i you and here the game is ready, a craft of talk to that business sides of explosions or breaking the run the hills here tonight before we came on. and now his beloved said that they talked to them is really personnel carrier in the come 1st occupied professorship by hills. and also as a, as a response to that, don't striking a joanne has with us say that the fund, the nodes in the northern come months headquarters infecting banks. so these 2
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enforce costs that meet ongoing over the last 24 hours. this thing is rate the strikes, there's been a, has been not targeting is ready positions just be not turned restricted as radius activity. instruct sometimes of really just along the southern border of cost is comes off to his blogs need to have send us through law said that he's organization . his law had escalated operations and everyone is still waiting for that retaliation from his beloved for the killing of the senior commander fled, sugar. ah, said pagan, something 11 on that. many thanks to the new head of bangladesh. as interim government have been, eunice is on his way from duck up to duck around the from paris. student protest has demanded his appointment of the fullest 5 minutes to shake a scene. that's a resign. the ministry says the transitional government will take over on thursday . you, this is cool for com and told people to get ready to build the country. and my hood is a professor at northwest university of castle on whose research focuses on bangladesh
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. he says an inclusive government is likely to be fault. isn't it collective if followed by anti r c, the society as well as leading political parties and, and side groups as well as stakeholders in the, in the country. right. so it is going to be a holistic abroad. just like i said before, that the movement itself was inclusive of diversity. people from all walks of life i participated in that in this negotiation is expected to reflect that kind of like diversity. so usually what happened before that people, i mean, the respected indiana, indiana all, and seems in business employed the continuum society in active use them. they all are like selected a to be in the, in the interim government. i think i hope that this time you do it also be the
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same to downs. capital is on the brink of collapse of to 15 months of fighting between the army and the permanent entry rapids support forces. water and electricity supplies are intermittent, and roads and buildings of damaged millions of people in the front of the country during the slicing, the morgan spoke to people struggling to get basic items in call to a building scary. this cars of the fighting roads littered with ammunition casings and cars, rebuilt with bullets holes. this is what's most of the dance capital looks like. after 15 months of conflicts between the army and the rapids support forces. basic services have been disrupted in many areas. so diety lives in the mind, the 2nd largest city. she fills up her barrow at the once a truck twice a week. artillery selling has the 3 types and supply network invest neighborhoods. why the yahoo? the only way to get water is from tankers. we struggle to get clean water,
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we get tired from carrying it. and when we get home we can barely do anything. and there isn't even enough. when we get water from the trucks, every 3 or 4 days, cleaning the house and washing clothes is difficult. everything needs water, street battles have damaged electricity, poles interrupting power supplies. this is the 1st time in months is that abraham has had electricity. the army recently regained areas from the parent military group and repaired some of the power grades. the electricity is a necessity in life. it is a major part of our lives so which restoration encourages people to return home. i had reached a point where it was a luxury to find some way to charge my phone and call my family outside the country . now finally, i can do that at home us. in some neighborhoods the science of restoration can be seen, but they're only a fraction of the capital. the money in parts of undermine the damage is extensive,
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so it's difficult for us to provide electricity there. it may be some time before we can fix it, and there are parts of the city that are still under the control of the rapid support forces. so we can get there to restore power. and some services aren't easy to restore. hospitals have been damaged, limits in people's access to health care and law, and order no longer exist in areas under our self control. because of that, most of the streets in the capital now look like this. one is very little signs of life and activity and reminders that they were once people here have since been forced to leave her to was once home to more than 8000000 people. many have left because of the violence or lack of surfaces. and those who they have to deal with what it's become a battle field for 2 generals, one through all that together. he but morgan ologist era undermine cartoon. a several 1000 people have fled russia's board, a region of cross coast russian forces fights of cross border raids by ukrainian
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soldiers for the 2nd day ministry chief. but anyway, you can ask them off claims. the ukraine defensive has been stopped. least 2 people have died and dozens have been injured and the flexing. okay, that's it for me. the bulk of weather is next. then it's inside story. make sure you get to new pushing stuff on which is 0. sickness for that. the hello there has been extreme flooding in southwest. how do you ravia? unfortunately, that looks like it could continue on thursday, particularly for answers. providence pushing into a neck of providence, mecca itself has seen some pretty good down port. this energy slides into that western side of government as well. so the flood threat there to temperature is picking up inc awaits. 49 degrees for you over the next little bit. and let's talk
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about this heat wave going on in either on tater on. we've got you and 42 degrees on thursday. if you get there, you could match your august temperature record, which is 40 to drop down a bit, but you're temperatures still well above where they should be. at this point in the year, few showers for turkey has black sea coast a bit more sunk 5 combo will call it for is stumble at $31.00 degrees and showers and storms pretty much stretching from sudan. virtually all of chad pushing into new jersey. we'll find that out toward the western side of africa. so some showers and storms around the gambia, for example, on thursday, had a pretty good down poor the other day into wallace. still a few more showers to go on thursday and to the south. we go whether disturbance moves into the western cape prophet, and so this is going to be a rain and wind combo for cape town on thursday. the. the
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magic has, of course, has to head with the chinese academic victor. 12 percent of the people to taiwan, say they want to reunify that it's not up to the people in taiwan to decide about the ones on the policy. exploring china is the front of. i'm admissions. is he now president for like a true dictate? how can you explain for finding the transformational china, if you have to take this, you had to head on that just to get out? he's a wanted man and in hiding. yeah, yes. and why is name to the political leader of how much after the assassination of this martin honey, with no engine side to israel's war on gaza? what does this mean for ceasefire talks? and well, how about us understand warranty? different? this is inside story. the
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