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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 7, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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right now the challenges here with the video leaks from inside and is really prison, allegedly showing soldiers sexually assaulting a palestinian detaining the rock. this is alger 0 life i'm doing also coming up is really strikes targets, so called humanitarian save zones and gaza at least 15 palestinians killed
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the police brace for another native violence as far right protesters and counter protesters face off in cities across great britain. and the new head of bundle dish is entering. my government is making his way to doc com. the military shows the administration will take office on thursday, the leak. the video is found at a detention facility and israel appear to show the sexual abuse of a palestinian prisoner. is there any rights organizations have petitions? the supreme court urging it to shut down the facility? and then they give desert. the army says it's investigating dozens of cases at the set a time on, including the depths of inmates and the beat things of prisoners is able to hear
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reports from the occupied westbank highly. i mean, we, these, these videos appear to document the story of how the thing is between them is really present, repeated tell, see nothing being shackled. and we to not much and sexually abused when a seamless is where the soldiers at this the team in military base seem to be aware of their being filmed. i mean, they forcibly marked her palestinian prisoner and allegedly section abuse. i'm telling you they more than how you doing their actions behind the riots shields. but they would expose before the footage was made public, see my nephew, he needed surgery and his organs showed signs of internal damage. there's dr. treated detainees at the team in support, mainly palestinians from the research because of the trip. in this interview, he confirms one prisoners account of great, oh, he's not the only one to speak out about the violence and abuse, including torture. this new tory is detention center. and response is read,
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writes organizations petition the supreme court to order the closure of the team. and what some royce, when testers interrupted proceedings on wednesday, shane shane to show the way we see it. the court acts as the protective shield of the how much fighters and not of were soldiers. we want justice and this chord doesn't achieve justice. anger sneered last week when his really me, the 3 investigators the team reserve is accused of abusing the kind of thing in man who has not been named 5 or stealing custody. and being questioned about their imagined involvement to reportedly field the lie detector test. but these accounts are not limited to the team is ready for the rest of the police, $10000.00 palestinians since october. the 7th. a disease has interviewed many of
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those released very talented in humane treatment during the tension. they beat me up around here, around my sensitive area. it still hurts and they have this sticker. instead of pushing into my bottom, you kept pushing and i kept pushing away. finally, i managed to twist my buddy and moved away. then i collapse with and then how the city and prisoners organizations see these really made it to the once to give the illusion that the abuse is happening only in one facility. okay, and foster that happened was, i think this is all this raid. it's happening in all prisons. no, justin said a team and. and these courts have been integrating the status of prisoners for decades. what have they changed? some of the palestinians from gauze off or detained in this jail behind me? says israel's was started in october. we have met those in so for these prisoners and many tell us that the screams from the cells where it goes up, prisoners were held to hunt them the day,
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but he does eat off the occupied with bank palestine. and earlier my colleagues need barker spoke to sara mckelly, who is the international advocacy lead for a beach center and is really a human rights organization. and he asked whether sexual abuse against palestinian prisoners is state sanctioned. we've had a panel show on the story, the channel 12 news channel, where i guess appears to be publicly debating the merits of institutionalizing the abuse of detainees, including rape as a form of to tyrants. but it doesn't stop that. some of the things of also being discussed and the is really connected and i would like to play all v was a clip of that right now. laughter. me instructed not at all. no, i'm sure to bring that down that they may. good. cool. okay. oh me. too much the snow. okay. menu don't. yes, but i'm sure dorothy,
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just to clarify so of us. so when one of the little make us talked of not by they were referring to a particular i'm us a unit, but sorry to essentially what they messed up with. the bating is whether or not they should legalize the rape of palestinian prisoners. i mean, this is extremely disturbing, especially given that it comes from google may, cuz i have to say that in our society these days and is really society. and these kinds of shocking statements that one would have expected to possibly come from the very far which is of is the most extreme is elements of society. the fact that things are coming from very main stream, central explosives, from, from roommate to, from the journalist, to have a lot of rich is one of the most shocking examples of tomorrow, based of our society. this is raymond society has sunk to after october 7 in our report. i think we clarified,
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that's what these randy government has done essentially. and what and a minister of national security benefit incentives is speier is because we, we a argue that this is a reality is inspired by him by his racist agenda. is they have as sent a claim, manipulate to the shock, the trauma of his, where he needs a feeling off the horror as of october 7th, to essentially obtain an objective that they've been trying to reach a i hadn't been aiming apps for a long time. they utilizing, as i said, civically abusing the current in reality, in israel, in order to promote a reality without us premiums are effectively held in detention with no rights whatsoever. was no capacity to receive any sort of protection. i'm in some of the actual details of some of the violations details in our pool. i'm not
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even in the 9th the actually travels, they will frame the distance. we will say that was the long to lie, as it says, some need to lives as part of streaming as soon as we need the tension. not like a stomach champ that we know that is a life. but what has been happening since october 7th is simply above and beyond anything with exp. ready and israel has been bombing areas in southern gaza, which it designated as so called humanitarian saved zones. at least 15 palestinians have been killed in those attacks across the city of hun, eunice, and many of the dead were burnt alive. afters really strikes it. tense housing displaced people the year one agency for a mil, for palestinian refugees says 86 percent of the gaza strip is now under evacuation orders. but this fight that is real, is continuing to bomb the areas it claims are safe and the holiday has details of
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the attack from honeywell. this is there any forces target to attend to where a key 6 policies were killed? those were displaced, palestinians who set that up their tent and assigned in the eastern parts of con units. and let me remind you that a court a couple of days ago, only the is ready for, says were withdrew from that area. and the policy thing is do not have any other option other than setting up their tents on the rubble of their houses, or beside the rubber of their houses. and it's not, it's not only this target, but the, or as early forces also targeted the western parts of con eunice. and it's also targeted in apartments in a very busy area where at least for policy muse were killed. there was also another district in how much those are the buildings behind me. they also targeted an apartments there. this is not the 1st time that is ready for us is target tense for
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this place, palestinians, but palestinians believe that where ever they go, there is no place safe despite the fact that this area was the significance as a safe. so or a safe area by the is really force is the, is where the forces continue to target. those areas policy me is in can units have been literally scattered around the streets, displays homeless over and over again where the is a force has invaded the area more than 2 times palestinians. now suppose she didn't come, eunice, do not know where to go at. destruction is everywhere. the infrastructure has been this completely destroyed. all this to me is do not have any place to go and specially the fact that there is but is very crowded for people. so they are relying on setting up their tents in an area that is either agricultural or ascend area. but the is really forces have been since the morning concentrated in the
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center in parts and particularly in can eunice, us and the ongoing of moss has released footage that appears to show as fighters using explosive devices against is really troops and an attack east of hon. units the customer number gates, the says it made the bombs using material extracted from is rarely rockers and israel has launched more airstrikes into southern lab or not. at least 2 people were killed in a strike in sure where ya, 6, others were injured. while israel also carried out strikes on the town of r to room close to the border and these really attacks come after hospitalized liter issued a fresh warning on tuesday that the group is close to responding to the killing of its military leader. for ad sugar has been losses is launched,
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a several strikes on is really military sites. a batch of rocket sparked a fire in the northern is really town or suffered as well. a leader say the attack isn't retaliation to a strike that killed some of its fighters on tuesday. is really artillery positions in the occupied syria and go on heights area. we're also targeted and in be roots, funeral has been held for a has bullfighter, who was killed in a strike. i mean, but the dean was the nephew of a slain, has full lock commander. he was killed along with 3 other people on tuesday when a strike hit a home in the southern lebanese town of may for doing i said bad choices now from merger. you said a lot of activity on the southern border in the past. 48 hours. well, can you tell us about the latest strike that hit the southern level? not absolutely. it has been a considerable amount of activity along the oven on the southern border. now this
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drone strike, we believe in joy, i killed 2 people that has been the flight to and the civilian authorities this say a ride 6 or 7 people, the inject induct attack. and this seems to be a tactic by these, right? he forces they struggle to find a way and when his launching rockets from so what they tend to do is go after individuals, not this time, julia is around 15 kilometers from the 11 on southern border. so they're going deeper inside, separate onto talk at these individuals. the old days we've been hearing. is there any aircraft overhead we've had drones over the last 2? i was recent witness to strike and comfort killer, which isn't far from here. but also his beloved said that they've responded to that drones try can do a by targeting the northern colds headquarters at the ends at the base, but also the release of drugs footage. what appears to be a drone, talk to me and is really minute treat personnel carrier in the comfort of the occupants offered show by hills now as well as upset,
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there's been considerable activity had there's been a sense of explosions reverberating around the hills. but well, people are really waiting for us by the israelites dissipating. is this expected retaliation from his beloved for the kidding of the senior come on to and that retaliation could signify. the next stage in this conflict with us at baker reporting from 711 on thank you. the the m u. k. counter protests are under way in london and other cities across the country after days of far right. violence of people are now rallying a guess that we should riots condemning the right wing and calling for calm on the violence started after a fatal and nice attack on 3 young girls last week. and these are life pictures that were showing you were here. police are bracing for more unrest with far right
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. the issue with far right groups rather issuing calls for rallies and at least $100.00 locations across the country on wednesday. and again, this is a live look there for you. in a moment, we'll hear from cit, fasa who's live for us in bother him. but 1st i want to take you to button, so to speak. with laura con laura britain, you know, in a grip of riots, are people bracing for more unrest at this hour? what are they telling you of the well absolutely. they have been bracing for more. we've seen in bolton all day, but i just want to take you back to the 29th of july. this is when side leave. the 3 goes with basically stopped. and since the end of the 6 huge amounts of this information online with the name not yet released of the past and charged for legal reasons, many people were pointing to it the, the present big a most club of hops and assigned them see car. so on the day of the visual,
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the day off to the stoppings, people came out on full, somebody's fall, right? cruise sausage taking breaks and residential properties trained the police, they attract to most. and since then, we've already seen this right spread across the country down here in boats, and it has been bryce throughout the day. people have been just pacing what could happen just behind me. there is a counter process going on. people are holding up on a saying refugees, welcome and stop the fall, right? but it's really important as well to say the government is taking this very seriously. so while they have helps to emergency may change. they've taken a course of 6000 offices out onto the street, and they're giving some very cost sentence to anyone seems to be creating this kind of buying of some tales that we've seen over the past week. laura con, reporting a from bolt, and thank you so very much. and i'd like to turn out to step 5. so she's in the british town or rather, i'm in the south yorkshire and step,
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i just want you to situate to for us. i mean, where do we find you and what's happening around you? well, far right groups. i mean, that's driving a midst of more transfer tea law firms. emigration laurie. yes, that would be the target of protests at 8 o'clock this evening. and one of the addresses of these law firms is right behind me here in this industrial area. but what is happening now is that 200 or more columns of protest as anti racism before taxes and to far right. plus taxes are gathering here, making sure that the road is blocked so far rises would not come here to actually effect this law firm right behind me. and the police is also in the front line here, making sure that so this road where people from the far right for possibly comes from that this road is not blocked so far. we haven't seen any post taxes. but
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there's a lot of anxiety and a lot of unrest, especially in this whole region here. we've seen shops close the front requires a lot of people are very worried about what was going to happen tonight. but as i said so far, every single try the news, only the pounds or protests which are here stepped fast, the reporting from robin, i think you and still had here on algae 0 term oral anti politics. the main opposition party forced to dissolve, but defiant leaders say fails simply form a new one. and the humble french basketball court, the arrivals and e parish olympic venue for popularity that coming out after the spring, the officer oppression for generations. there comes a time to fight for freedom and survival. as one of the
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highest ranking members of an indigenous civil defense force to columbia and grandmother fiercely protects the community and the world's largest cocaine producing regions. land or death. a witness documentary on it, just as the cost of all celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting between the serbian and cause of albany and forces. we were meant to be completely ethnically. cleanse people are power, examines the post for landscape and present the challenges for the regions youngest country. this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction that's not possible the making of a states on that. just so you know the
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of the welcome back here watching out. as a reminder of our top stories this, our footage league spine is really tv channel shows is rarely soldiers allegedly sexually assaulting a palestinian detaining in the for the time on the present is really the court's examining a request by human rights groups to shots the facility and israel has been bombing areas is designated as so called humanitarian save sellers in southern gone. so at least 15 palestinians have been chosen a tax across the city of hon units. and the large pictures here for you from the u . k. were counter protests are under way in london and other cities after days are
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far right. violence communities rally, i guess recent riots and racism. i guess minorities police have been racing for unrest as more demonstrations are expected on wednesday. at least 9 people have been killed and 11 others injured in an explosion in northern syria, a truck bomb started a fire and as, as destroying cars and motorcycles, the city is not under the control of the government in damascus. and the civil defense says to toll could rise. no group has claimed responsibility so far. this one, turn our attention out to thailand, because tyler has moved forward party has announced it will reform as a new party following an order for it to be dissolved from thailand's constitutional court. while the court also bound new fords, leaders from political office for 10 years, and a ruling comes after the party pledged to amend the country strict laws against
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insulting the royal family. tony chang, a reports from outside the court and bangkok, arriving for his big game cools his party in the spotlight. peter lived here and read the leader of move fold is keen to be seen to be following the letter. the little where inside the court jurisdiction is the use anymore. before the verdict, the full amount of his registration, the constitutional court ruling on whether the policy is cool to reform, the less may just stay low. was it legal? and it seems a long time since last year's general election, which moved forward one convincingly since then, the opponents has been blocked from government by an i'm elected up a house and plague my legal challenges. elected results don't matter because the winning party is being solved. and then the 2nd lot is winning potty is also harass
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persecuted set time, 5 minutes the is the time so you could be removed from office next week. and then the verdict itself a panel of 9 judges unanimous. and that decision to the policy should be dissolved and its executive members bend from holding office for decades. time media now waiting to move forward. slated to come out and make some kind of comment. but also we've just seen extra security come into the building, a lot of expectation that will be huge disappointment now the policy, the one, the election 15 months ago just being dissolved. the man who could say should have been prime minister is putting on a freight face, but also indications the policy will be back. we're good to move for you to hold. i can't say anything at the moment i'll say of the press conference. our concern is that i'll keep moving forward just outside the part of
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the matter of the outside, the government house. and i can say at the moment he may try to move forward with it feels as though thailand's taking a big step back, tony ching, out to 0, bank of the new head as long as the dishes entering the government, mama to eunice is on his way to duck off from paris soon, protesters demanded his appointment after the forced prime minister. she casino to resign. the military says the transitional government will take oath on thursday, eunice has called for calm and told people to get ready to build the country. i'm looking forward to going back home to see what's happening and how we can organize ourselves to get out of the trouble. thank you very much for your help overall and fish,
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and thank you. and house on the move to is a professor at northwestern university in guitar, who's a research focus is on bangladesh. and he says, an inclusive government is likely to be formed a collective f word by anti r c. the society as well as leading political parties and, and type groups as well as the stakeholders in the, in the country. right. so it is going to be a holistic abroad. just like i said before, that the movement itself was inclusive of diversity. people from all walks of life i participated in that and this negotiation is expected to reflect that kind of like diversity. so it was really what happened before that people, i mean, the respected indiana, indiana all in sealants in business employed, the exclusive society in active. he's them, they all are like selected
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a to be in the, in the interim government. i think i hope that this time you do it also be the same, the police and the nature of say, they've arrested more than 90 people protesting against the government. economical forms and rising cost of living, police say there was arrested including $7.00 polish nationals or carrying russian flags which is considered a treasonable offense. tens of thousands of nigerians have taken to the streets just the beginning of the month to protest against the worst thing. the cost of living prices. in decades, among a lengthy list of demands is that a fuel subsidy be reinstated. the world health organization has called an emergency meeting to discuss the jumps of em hawks cases spreading from the democratic republic of congo that we had show which chief says urgent action
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must be taken the length of this period of and pokes outside the odyssey. and the potential for the part of the international spread within and outside africa, i have decided to come to be an emergency committee under the international regulations to advise me on way that would be outbreaks. 3 prisons, a probably killed the emergency of international consent or state of emergency has been declared in russia's course region as russian force has not been fighting off cross border rates by ukrainian soldiers. for the 2nd day of russia has released a video of what it claims is a helicopter strike on ukrainian military and the army chief of valery. are there some cursing me off? says the ukrainian offensive has been stopped. at least 2 people have died and dozens have been injured in the fighting. and in a televised cabinet meeting our russian presence, why don't we put in?
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who has said he'll meet with defense minister and domestic security service has to combat the search of ukrainian military activity, much which videos will have to start vance on folding in the cast region. as you know, the key regime has undertaken another large scale provocation that aspiring indiscriminately from various types of weapons, including rocket at civilian buildings, residential houses, and ambulances of them as much as a sports. there's now for your al jerry and box, or a man. felicia will be fighting for an olympic gold medal on friday. please was faced has faced rather an eligible eligibility route. after reported, we failing a gender test ahead of last year's world championships. david stokes reports family and friends of a man who leif celebrate until late is victory. that criminal g area emotions are running high given the controversy surrounding her participation in paris. between
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the close of finals and the semi finals we were on edge, we weren't sleeping, we were tired, we were under pressure and we were afraid that these attacks would affects us psychologically. but thank god we saw a month in a good state of mind. he grew up in the revels village of i in ms bar. that's how it was spotted by local books in coach. and it was this jim, while she 1st stepped into the ring, a new generation of fights as has been inspired by had you any email on file? would you mind as a woman? she was born a girl, lived as a girl in boxes, as a woman, hard to criticism in a text or an effect, or we say to him on, continue your career and pursue your dream, which is to win the goals metal and 1st place. and then we die, don't pay me floss and saw fight isn't coaches at the gym who'd been impressed by how high leap is performed in paris despite world wide media retention and significant online abuse audio. and then we'll do the affinity. we're hey, what am on how difficult has stopped grew up unevolved as to the conflict between
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the international olympic committee and the international boxing association, who would only strengthens her determination and design it to prove that she is the boxing champion of these powers games. so there's no doubt the crowds will gather again when he least goes to the gold on friday. david stops out to 0. a. and how strauss or targeting back to back olympic the finals in the men's basketball french players have made a big impact in the north american m. b league as the game continues to grow in popularity. police reports from paris on the banks of the kennel. some time you'll find like basketball court, that's well famous among st. paul is often crowded to play as wait patiently for that turn to show of the scale of the popularity of the gm's playground is 1st impulse by the likes of my my social media influence that who gets millions of hits and states french touch is fluid. it's beautiful basketball more,
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it's less one on one move, passing. it's more of the grid, more basketball. the american style understood.


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