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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 8, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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to follows the stories, the good, the bad allergies, the people allow us into their lives, dignity and democracy, asked me to tell this story as the other one on little rock. this is a news our life from the are coming up in the next 60 minutes volleying against the right 1000, show up to demonstrations against the for rights in the u. k. after a week, a variety is rarely strikes to at least 27 palestinians across the gaza strip since wednesday morning. most in the southern city of hon. units to add the
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new head of bundle dishes into a rim douglas, making his way to the cops. the military says the ministration will take office on thursday. plus 2, johns capitol becomes a ghost town on the brink of collapse as civil service has break down nearly 16 months into a brutal war. and is for no. i. lyles has saved on track to win in the lympics print, double the 100 meter champion finished kendra, and his 200 me to send me to reach the safe title. the size of the median in the u. k. were counter protests are underway in london and other cities after days of fall, right violence. people are now rallying against the recent rise condemning the right wing and calling for calm. on the violent started after false information
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spread about a fatal knife attack on 3 young girls last week. and there are still fears of further unrest with far right groups issuing calls for rallies and at least 100 locations across the country on wednesday, while count or protests are being held in major cities across the united kingdom, from new castle in northern england to brighton in on the south coast, well, thousands of protesters have turned out with many chanting pro emigration slogans and carrying signs, welcoming refugees and calling for unity. and there have been reports to confrontations with opposing fall right demonstrators in some cities. but most of the rallies haven't peaceful with protesters, say they want to send a message to the country and the world. they are because the race is who the way to the south
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side of the season, opportunity to try to sign and see goes across the country. spread to a general attack on any seems to be hit save because i have this mental health community just behind that supermarket, tesco, this dining room to racism. so place me in this community is supposed to be around 3 neighborhoods, multi cultural categories to be comfortable. culture once upon a time. yeah. just trying to do my dc and i'm trying to do my find help, keep people safe, feel safe. and i believe it's been great feel that we've done a good job so far as the advisor is in rather i'm in south yorkshire with more all right. gross has had
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a list online of modern immigration law firms that are dealing with refugees. that wouldn't be the protest this road and if any doctor you go a little bit further. but what we're saying now is that counter protests of empty racism and to fall right. plus the taxes have to come here. are blocking the road towards this low from basically protecting is i won't be also seeing this here, that the good news is also in front of them to make sure that i need a ride to the task con, get to this area. and this is a central ac in other parts of k as a moment. that's while there was a lot of anxiety in the fall, i protest what happened. the gun shops were close to cities were not required, but so far everything seems to be under control. and it's especially the counter post houses that are now on the 3 step process,
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i would just say around an hour con is in bolton in the northern england where businesses have been preparing for a night of unrest. harris the northern town of both. and people have been anticipating, all right, groups found out as i've seen, expected in a 100 places throughout the u. k. i'm actually surrounded by accounts of price has here sale thing, record you stop the fall, right? say or so that they say they will continue to come out. just stop before right, hijacking things communities, they say they're not part of the community. the saying fail and minority. this is a very close that community is always being di, fast is always welcome versus case they want to watch the happenings across the country. now the government is also taking this very seriously this into emergency . these things help in county street. the 1000 police officers range right across
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the country. the home office has also put out a statement on x for me to say, add the personal sentences will be handed out for writing of yep, 10 years violence is to, to, up to 5 years criminal damage. up to 10 years on a story to rachel haig. 0 to 7 years, they also keeping the quote, the longer wants to, to, to reggie. they want to hands on sentences to some of the spring lead us to create a home to the st. louis homes out to 0. michael walker is the political commentator and contributing editor at novaire out media and independent media outlet. and he comes to us from london. good day help us make sense of this moment. the tension is gripping the u. k. give us a big picture. how are you reflecting on this moment of the 2 over bullets as i've just sort of demonstrated to you? i think very well today is really the fast data feels like we're getting some
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positive news, which is the fees. so that would be far outcomes. patients would equal the demonstrations far right? riots around the country and most of them haven't come to posit happen, a few scuffles here, all that. but it's normally sort of, it seems to be it's sort of the dental figures. and so there are literally places where you see sort of a, a line of police around full guys looking like that's what we need. and in a far i outfit. and then you'd be go thousands of accounts of protest. is that clear that you know that the spirits of the nation did not waste the rights is of the past 7 days? the said, i mean there's no time for complacency. i don't think anyone expected to see those things that we saw on saturday and sunday, of course, most dramatically a most terrifying day. a couple of hotels being broken into and set on fire by right, isn't they will hotels, which what housing people do, virus obviously because it could have been in mexico. lots of people could have died. so that's why i mean,
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that the minority people in this country are the mountain completely terrified because they don't know why these rights are going to pop up next. again, that said, we really don't know to what extent we, we should expect more of these rights in the future or whether they have fizzled. that there's a lot of uncertainty of them on a lot of uncertainty. a surprisingly, i mean, what have these riots laid bare? you know, what i suppose is the extent to which that are all this many binary racist people in the country. and again, you know, this is, this is not a huge section of society and the end of all the majority of people reject what that doing. but when i 1st or i have to say sort of as a, just on my show those rights and so forth. so how do you agreed in community the hers that come out to a free young goals? and then based on this information, you have rights that one of the things i said how much i was, you know, no one is going to see this and think i want to get involved, right? because these people are in the face, they interrupted a community when it is bringing things to cause trouble based on lies. now i
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thought, well, why would anyone want to join that movement? but to me, that was some people who wants to join a movement such as that, i think was also scared people. is that especially in some of these towns, a rubber room where you had the hotel. so i'm far nibble's as in other towns what residential property it was, i think is pretty terrifying to the fact that windows smashed. and then people find things that most is of the police haven't been able to get there in time with the numbers that they need really to keep people say. so obviously if you let them other communities and then you're going to have that much confidence. but if the was does happen, then you do end up with far, right, right. is on your street that the cops will be able to stop them. so i think that has been a bit of a lesson on the mining of trust and you will forward these to keep people safe. mm hm. well, what do you make of the handling of the governments and, and also how the opposition has responded to these riots to yes, i mean the government, the, have kept the messaging to be learned about the one about lowering older kids still in the household. and these riots as far as thoughts of that hasn't exactly been
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a little bit, an outpouring of messaging around anti racism. i think the, the label thoughts in newly elected one to be politicized. these other think they, they think the immigration is sort of an issue. they really want to raise the saying, and so now i personally think that's a big mistake. i think it's pretty rises ross and i should come out bit stronger. say racism is just a, is not as little as nest as the problem here. so we'll say rises in the conservative policy accordingly, a little bit all over the place. so you've got leadership candidates because obviously where she so you're not cuz now resigned is the, the leadership candidates such as the gen right q regarding out and saying incredibly inflammatory things. so this morning, the ultimately rolled it back, but this morning he said that anyone who says the law who i bought in the street should be immediately arrest is and which is obviously completely outrageous in races. he was, i should say, almost immediately is, will condemn the across. last positive it's called spectrum is now said he only meant if it was child to didn't sort of intimidating situation again and untenable position. but he's busy himself to the right. i've never been of
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a tory politician since it's pretty patel who has, i mean, she is actually used, we should say lots of the rhetoric that could be accused of in flaming that she's talked about left the lawyer. she's still trying to asians. and she has said that because this has nothing to do with, with previous projects, these are folks, these arrived to us and we need to come down really hard on them. she hasn't so slow to put them in the same way that some politicians. how is this as long before being institutionalized in britain to i mean, it's probably, i mean i, you know, we need to have perspective here to some degree. i don't think this is a moment to sort of everyone sort of say outputs and is this incredibly rises bias in any one is no one should be scared to be. i don't think that's the case. i think what you're seeing from these counter demonstrations today is that the vast majority of people in person welcome to the fact that we have a multi cultural society at the same time. i think what we have had in this country
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is especially from the conservative party, bring us the willingness to flaw with to adage, eyes to so give soccer to as long as sides. and that has created an environment where people feel empowered to sort of attack and be prejudicial towards most them. so city, there is a serious problem. at the same time, there is no elements of multi cultures, number in which, which do look just want to get a final thoughts from you. if i may, you know, a lot of people talking about the role of social media pointing the finger at social media as one of the me a call for it's for, you know, being that spark that shut off at this unrest. i'm just wondering, are we, are we over estimating the role of social media especially going by what, what you just outlined, that sort of thing. there is a vested interest among some in the budget establishment to blame. so to me, because i have someone else's problem, i mean, we do have a writing press in this country,
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you have to put many inflammatory stories on their front page. as it goes, it goes mainstream politicians, especially from the conservative party who had flood, who had flouted very strongly with amazon inside here in berry, inflammatory antique immigrant rhetoric and medicine. so i think it's key that, you know, one of the reasons these participants aren't predictable is because they're organized on platforms such as telegrams. and then also added to that you have evil musk buying tax. and he has especially by replying to fall right into accounts. really, really amplified the worst most of the base kinds of braces, conspiracies. so yes, there were some people who want to over stay there, all the social media, but i think it was a comp vehicle. right, michael walker, political commentator and contributing editor at novaire media talking to us from london. thank you very much for your time and your insights. thank you for having me. the
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israel has been bombing areas in southern gaza, which in designated as so called humanitarian saved zones, at least 18 palestinians have been killed. and those attacks across the city of hon . you and us. many of the dead burnt alive after is rarely strikes the tense. housing displaced people, the un agency for palestinian refugee says 86 percent of the gaza strip is now under evacuation orders. despite that, israel is continuing to bomb the areas it claims are safe and the hold of a report somebody attacks. i'm tanya, is are the, is there any forces target to attend to where a key 6 policy means were killed? those were displaced, palestinians who set that up, their 10 in a bus on, in the eastern parts of con units. and let me remind you that a court a couple of days ago, only the is ready for says were withdrew from that area. and the policy thing is do
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not have any other option. other than setting up their tents on the rubble of their houses, or beside the rubber of their houses. and it's not, it's not only this target, but the, or as early forces also targeted the western parts of con eunice. and it's also targeted at an apartment in a very busy area where at least 4 policy news were killed. there was also another asterix in uh how much those are the buildings behind me. they also targeted an apartment there. this is not the 1st time that is ready for us is target tense for this place, palestinians, but palestinians believe that where ever they go, there is no place safe despite the fact that this area was the significance as a safe. so or a safe area by the is really force is the, is where the forces continue to target. those areas, policy me is in and units have been literally scattered around the streets, displays homeless over and over again where the is a force has invaded the area more than 2 times palestinians. now suppose she didn't
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come, eunice, do not know where to go at destruction is everywhere. the infrastructure has been completely destroyed. all this to me is do not have any place to go and specially the fact that there is but is very crowded for people. so they are relying on setting up there's tents in an area that is either agricultural or ascend area, but the is really forces have been since the morning concentrated in the center in parts and particularly in can eunice and the reporting there. meanwhile, is really airstrikes of also targeted parts of central gaza, or tens of thousands of displays. palestinians have sought shelter and the 3 missiles struck near a mosque and they're better of 3 people killed dozens injured in. the attacks on tuesday,
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which sent black smoke billowing into the air, is really showing has been reported across at least 4 areas in central goes on and al jazeera is, i should have a more i'm around as more from the better. and a warning viewers may find some of the images in his reports. distressing to the heavy it'd been a good bit about that had to be and this is the ultimate of yet. and now they is really aerial bombardment that had be it started with a single arrow tacked up on and paramedics and people nearby rushed to help the victim as within minutes. when that is ready will panes it launched ways of massages that the civilian area. and more can see the tenants that we're displaced, palestinians, we shall turn him up. this area was crammed with women and children. it wasn't because these riley army had declared it's a safe few minutes. arians are in place,
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but i live as we speak and her medics and civil defense teams with basic tools on doing everything they can to contain. the fire broke out off to the strong get off the ship. they also searching for survivors or move victims under the rubble, despite the dangerous conditional and then less of a job. that's all i know. it's a lot of these really forces cooled, some residents and ordered us to leave. they fight a warning, this island and we run for our lives on the 3. miss elves will fight up this area in just a matter of minutes of each month. like i'm the big apartment, there is not a single say. so ms. garza, this rate is the length of the world there on occupation forced the treacherous enemies. they want people to leave somebody before anyone could move is right in plain sight. miss alverado, hold on a dozen were killed, others dismembered their bodies ripped apart. is, is nazis and let us watch on the opposite. i had given live in the middle of a i'm a phone is i'm a most of the people here have been displaced numerous times from rough uh town
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units in central garza. now the real crammed into darrow bhalla. these riley's claim, it is a safe zone. why they show in the area now, this is all false propaganda. coming up, this is a very densely populated residential area. was targeted by is riley, wall, plains and the series of and strikes without any warning. as a result of the large numbers of palestinians were killed and injured, are still a blah, blah. i didn't get the all dated but what's up the bottom and it is really air strike and gaza has killed a charity worker for the n g o world central kitchen. and that includes was rushed to hospital after the attack when he died. later of his injuries, 7 of the organizations employees were killed in april. one is rarely stripe targeted. 3 of its 8 vehicles as well has unexcused have deliberately targeting 80 refers in 1000 and israel has washed more air strikes into southern level. not at least 2 people were killed in
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a strike in your way all 6 others were injured. and there were also strikes on the town of a total close to the border while these really attacks come after, as well as leader issue. just a fresh warning on tuesday that the group is close to responding to the killing of us military leader for ad sugar. and meanwhile, hezbollah says it's lar, several strikes on is really military size. a batch of rocket sparked a fire in the northern is really town of south it as well. leaders say the attack is in retaliation to a, strikes or killed. some of its fighters on tuesday is really artillery positions in the occupied golan heights area were also targeted. and the roots, a funeral, has been held for his ball, a fighter who was killed in a strike. i mean, but the dean was the nephew of verse, as slain has bullock commander. he was killed along with 3 other people on tuesday
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when a stretch it a home in the southern lebanese town of may for the as a back is, is of 11 on with more of this be considerable activity had in 711 on is ready for these have been bombing towns and villages. we witnessed a striking cover killer not far from where i'm standing here and must show you. and now we understand in the town of do a, a 2 people killed his beloved flight to and the civilian and far to say 6 people were injured. now israel did came that they killed the commander of an empty tank and we saw unit. but his with us say that he was just a fighter. now, as a response to that, his beloved said that they've pocketed the northern colts. headquarters is a northern cope's headquarters in the ange. it's on base that his blood also reduced drone footage of peers appears to be a drone strike against that is really military personnel. terrier and occupied couple of show by hills. now we've also heard explosions, reverberating, have you've heard aircraft overhead as well as drones now,
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but what people are really waiting for is this promised his belie retaliation for the kidding of the senior commander flood sugar. and when that retaliation takes place, you don't know when or how will what it will be. but when it does take face, it could signify the next stage in this conflict. i started vague, i just there a mark j u in southern lebanon. k, i has formerly submitted a request, are joining south africa's genocide case against israel. it makes their key or the 7th country to file a request to intervene in several countries. i've also announced their intention to join, sit in costco. glue has more now from his stumble, a legal base for turkey and all those 6 countries that have made a visual press for intervention in the case filed against is swear by south africa at the i. c, j is i suggest that you the article number 6, this se, and if these some of these countries, applications are approved by the i, c, j,
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every single goal for solve these countries will also be part of the files. and there will be some written statements, of course, as by the registrar, a to tim believes that the more countries are involved in this case as interveners the countries that are bound by the genocide convention under the u. s. the song or the case will be against israel, is right. it is only supported by german adviser, wait a while. the sites took care of it as well as columbia, spain, and libya and paula sign are also involved funds. we are waiting for the i c. j to approve this process. of course, this will be binding for this countries as well. if i so j approve this legal process will put the responsibilities on this con, present legal process is expected to take 4 or 5 years or even longer genocide cases in the history of the i c. j. but it is very important because the international community will be impacted and is viable,
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will be held responsible for the war crimes haven't committed in gaza or turn our attention now to burger dash where people across spring that is, are struggling to cope in the aftermath of chaos that toppled prime minister shares has to, you know, families are calling for justice after more than 300 people were killed during a police crack down on anti government protests and nobel laureates. a mom and eunice is on his way to doc, off from paris, to lead an interim government under charge. we report sales from the capital dot com and then unprecedented event and bundle there stood to protest or later revolution on top of an author, attorney and government. it came at a cost of the hundreds of it kills and now people, $1.00 justice and their comfortability. pablo started, their son, just sign on that was selling water doing one of the demonstration when police opened fire, killing the 25 year old. a week later,
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the young man's wife killed ourselves. i want justice for the murder of my son and also for those students and the other innocent people who were killed. i wanted investigation by the united nations. cool. provide justice because uh the additional system has failed us. in recent days, there's been widespread vandalism and loading of homes and businesses belonging to the leaders of the from our governing party rights groups are also concerned by reports of attack targeted in those. traditionally, the minority community supports the own may leak share casinos, party. total volunteers are working with the military interest online order, many bangladesh at 1st, they hope this will be an era of political stability. worried about their safety. many police officers staying home because there are no traffic police officers, we're hoping is better and chairs 2 minutes to traffic on the road. so there are no
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bottlenecks, and people respect the rules on the road. on when is during their 1st public speech since 2018 colored as they are from a prime minister, unshared person of the opposition by me this nationalist party addressed are really in dock of via video link z. our call for peace, instead of revenge in order to rebuild the country, to taking g shop on the for the students who gave up on their dreams by getting involved in blood shed, we will fulfill those dreams. students have shown great intellect, courage, and bravery while fighting, which will help us in making bangladesh or republic loved the nobel laureate mohammed, do you know it's really the interim government? he has arched bangladesh, is to get ready to build the country. but the country has a way to go and is entering, the government will likely face many challenges in the coming weeks and months time of drudgery. i'll just say the doctor and the house on the motor is
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a professor at northwestern university and guitar and who research whose research rather focuses on finalization. he says and inclusive government is likely to be formed a collective effort by anti r c. the society as early as leading political parties and, and type groups as well as stakeholders in the, in the country. right. so it is going to be a holistic approach. just like i said before, that the movement itself was inclusive of diversity. people from all walks of life i participated in that in this negotiation is expected to reflect that kind of like diversity. so usually what happened before that people, i mean, the respected indiana indiana all infused in business employee, the consumer society in activism. they all are like selected a to be in the, in the interim government. i think i hope that this time you do it also be
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the same. thailand's move forward party has announced it will reform as a new party follow in order for it to be dissolved from thailand's constitutional court. or the court also bound to move forwards, leaders from holding political office for 10 years, they willing comes after the party pushed to amend the country strict laws against insulting the royal family. tony chung reports from outside the court in bangkok to arriving for his big dang, cost his policy and the spotlight peter lived to run, read the leader of move forward is keen to be seen to be following the letter. the little where inside the court jurisdiction is the good news any more before the verdict, the full amount of his registration, the constitutional court ruling on whether the policy is cool to reform, the less met just a little was illegal. it seems a long time since last year,
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the general election, which moved forward one convincingly since then, the punch has been blocked from government, but not elected up a house and plague my legal challenges. the lesson results don't matter because the winning policy is being solved. and then the 2nd lot is winning potty is also harass persecuted set time, 5 minutes the is the time so you could be removed from office next week. and then the verdict itself a panel of 9 judges unanimous. and that decision to the policy should be dissolved and its executive members banned from holding office for decades. time media now waiting to move forward, slated to come out and make some kind of comment. but also we've just seen extra security come into the building. a lot of expectation that will be huge disappointment now the policy, the one, the election 15 months ago just being dissolved. the man who could say should have
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been prime minister is putting on a freight face, but also indications the policy will be by the way, good to move for you to hold. i can't say anything at the moment i'll say of the press conference. our concern is that i'll keep moving forward just outside the part of the matter of the outside, the government house. and i can say at the moment, you may try to move forward with it feels as though timelines taking a big step back, tony ching, out to 0, think of as so head here on alger 0, russian lose air defense systems to the course for nuclear power plants moscow confirms ukraine launched a cross border offensive plus will explain why nigeria and protesters have been arrested for waving russian flags and so forth. the humble french basketball court
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that rivals and the parents. so we think venue for popularity centers here with that story for you in just a moment. the, the hello again, there's more rain and wind coming off the atlantic. this is going to play the islands of ireland and britain certainly is bringing in a fresher field just $21.00 degrees in london, but nothing to ponce, any weather alerts at least as of now bigger pulses of rainbow for scotland than this rain is on winding through scandinavia dropping down into central europe. so let's go in here for a closer look, particularly for poland. we start to see the storms bubble up dropping down into so back. yeah. through hungry dark of the blue. the more intense that rain will be falling. so there will be some sundry down pour scattered around budapest, youtube could catch a thunder storm over the next 24 hours or so. looking good in turkey. yeah,
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we've been dealing with wildfires in southern greece, but really from southern greece, italy right across iberia sheet alerts in play. not hard to see why, right look at madrid, 39, maybe even 40 degrees off to african. we go showers in store and so i'll look at this from sudan. virtually all of chad is dealing with active whether that comes right across west africa. what call it around? guinea, for example, on thursday to the south, we go whether make or moves in to the western cape providence. that's going to impact cape town. looks like the rain will move in by late afternoon or evening on thursday. so yeah. as the cost of oh, celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting between serbian and because of albany and force we were meant to be completely ethnically. cleanse people have power, examines the posts for landscape,
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and present the challenges for the regions. youngest country, this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction that's not possible the making of a states on that. just so you know, this matthew has, of course, has to, has this chinese academic, victor 12 percent of the people to taiwan, say they want to reunify that it's not up to the people in taiwan to decide about the ones on the policy. exploring time is the front of admissions. is he no president for like a true dictate? how can you explain for find the transform ation of china? if you have to take this, you had to head on that just to get out the
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welcome back. you're watching out as a reminder of our top stories this hour in the okay, counter protests have been taking place in london and other cities. after days of far right violence communities rallying against recent riots and racism against minorities. several businesses and mosques have bordered up their shops out of fear of andras and israel has been bombing areas is designated as so called humanitarians saved zones in southern gaza. at least 18 palestinians kills and attacks across the city of han units and the new as long as it shows the interim government. this is on his way to the gulf from paris. soon purchase is demanded. his appointment. after they forced time and associates, i see not to resign. the new governments, we'll take office on thursday. the
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russia is moving air defense systems to the course, the nuclear power plant and where he's at the latest recreating a tax on it's eastern border may threaten its security. russia confirmed ukrainian troops so large an offensive into its territory, and a state of emergency was declared in the region. you're the shop of all of our reports from oscar. the ukrainian troops use drones, tongue send ahmed vehicles to cross the boulder into the coast creature. and the russian defense minister was quick to report that tax were repelled on the ukrainian sabotage, had withdrawn. but the statements were edited after publication and all mentions of the retreat later disappeared. one command to serve the situation corps, cuz under control and ukrainian equipment and troops have mainly been destroyed.
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for too many personal fact detective with the ukrainian side is trying to distract attention and pull back some of our troops, which is now successfully advancing into the net direction. but we have enough resources to cope with us any upcoming. several civilians, including ambulance workers, were killed in the boat. at times. many more wounded authorities have moved hundreds of residents away from the shout areas. another 1000 have sled. the acts in government edged people not to panic. so this is on the situation of the borders tense, but we are cooperation with the security forces. the army and the board of cards. bottles are going if you're trying to provide assistance to civilians leaving the region reports addressed rusher. last a had a call to enter the tongues, allegedly, several dozen of us troops were taken captive while ukraine lost in that defense system several times since all meant vehicles presents letting the peace and discuss how to combat the search and ukrainian activity with the defense ministry and domestic security service keeps giving. here's the key of regime has carried
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out another large scale publication. it is indiscriminately firing various types of women's, including besides it's a volume buildings and residential buildings and ambulances. someone verified social media repose suggest to ukraine is transferring more is this to the boda? present patient has emphasizes the number of times that the special mutual peroration in ukraine is going according to plan. now that russia's board of regents have come and talk and people are fleeing the homes of flores. he's here on say, in public at least whether that too was part of the blind you leadership of oliver ultra 0 most square. and joining me now is lawrence corporate, he is a former assistant secretary of defense and he comes to us from washington dc. good day, sir. um this is being described by some as possibly the largest ukrainian incursion into russian soil in the past 2 years. ukrainian forces, as you might know,
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have already been losing control of some small villages on the front lines to russia in the past few months. so what's the strategy here in your view? how do these raise fit in with the picture of the war as a whole right now? i think this is more psychological than military. and what they're trying to demonstrate to the russian people is that you're not completely saying this war is not simply this idea where you can go in and take over you pray. i think it also was a confidence builder to the ukraine. people who was the russians are slowly but surely taking a lot of their, their, their territory. and i think the russian people are now going to feel that the narrative that get a po, there's not to better thing come this far in for the chicken licensed. for your
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power plant there. right now. um, the flooding report has responded saying, you know, this is quote, a major profit cation and quote, um, you know, would you consider it to be that, i mean, i, the us has been very skeptical in the past about ukraine of launching attacks on a russian soil well i, it's not a problem occasion because russia was the one we started this war. they've taken over lots of parts with ukraine already about 20 percent of the country. so it's not a problem vacation. the fact that you had to say it was, i think, shows how supplies they were, that it happened, and the damage that it did. a militarily though, i mean how effective is it to, you know, take the strips away from the front lines where all the heavy fighting is taking place to launch such a, a deep offensive within deep within russia. in the short term.
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probably, militarily, it doesn't change things, but i think the key thing is in this, well, we've got against the russians to negotiate with ukrainians as something like this demonstrates to the russian people that they are now winning this war. the way that they claim. i don't forget russia has wash over a 100000 troops, killed or wounded already. so i think the brushing people going to say, wait, we've had all was cost and money and wives, and we still can defend, you know, of a place where we have a nuclear power plant that's not really on the water. that's a significant distance into russia. and give us the us perspective, i mean, um the white house already said that they're going to reach out to ukraine to clarify, keeps objectives in these cross border rates. um, it's not really helpful as well. i think what the white house has tried to send
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a message to the russians that this was in our idea. we didn't have a great deal to do with it. but by and large they, we all, i think are really plays that been i what happened because we think that this will lead to the base negotiation, which is why we want this war. nobody's going to win this war, provided that we continue to help the ukrainians, and the russians get help from north korea and iran. but the fact is, about orig rusher has to be willing to negotiate up to now they thought they would go to a window saying, or take over, you know, most of the volume crane this shows that even given the games they've made it ukraine. they're tell a warrant still ball laurie's court, but a former assistant secretary of defense talking to us from washington d. c. thank you. thank you for having a good discussion. the police and nigeria say they've arrested more than 9
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d people protesting against the government's economic reforms. and rising cost of living for we see those arrested, including $7.00 polish nationals were carrying russian flags which is considered quote, h reasonable offense. well, tens of thousands of nigerians have taken to the streets since the beginning of the month to protest against the worst cost of living crisis in decades. and among in length. the list of demands is that a fuel subsidy be reinstated on the injuries reports from about most of the incidents recorded well in states that are closer to the neighboring media to public y last year. there was a cool and we, so the proliferation of russian chinese and those according flights in those countries, in that country and similarly hosting saving money and looking at possible where there is a military take over. there's a little bit of this content on the part of some of the protest dispute,
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all but the relationship between nigeria and the west. and that's one reason some and on the side dressing. but again, there is also um, when concerning the issue with that piece, a go to it just as imagine are talking about they said during the process they heard several interview just pulling open me for the overall of a democratically elected government. that the security officers or security a cheese addressed in a press conference. they held yesterday at the defense headquarters here in a boot where they said they placed royalty to democracy and they would, they would defend democracy at all cost. imagine it. so basically it's about this content about the an inability of security. it just has to deal with several issues as well in terms of security, life and property in the north of the country. but also it's also about those calling for the over to us government democratically elected government, according to security sources. yeah. you know jenny, a, i'm an interest there. the world fluid program and some don is res. seem to deliver
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emergency assistance to 13 areas that are at immediate risk of famine. you when declared the famine interesting, she kept in the northern door for region were hundreds of thousands of people are sheltering. they say more than 25000000 people. that's half of the population are facing, choose hunger as a result of pro long conflict between the army and the parent military rapids support forces. it's been extremely difficult and to get assistance. and so we need a massive expansion of humanitarian access and association of hostilities, particularly in the conflict hotspots, like f usher or 2 other areas and that are 4 parts, which is 0 states basically everywhere where there's conflict on going is where people are trapped and facing largely facing the highest level of hunger and, and are struggling day by day to get by us as capital is now on the brink of collapse. after 15 months of finding water and electricity supplies are
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intermittent and rose and buildings are damaged. millions of people have flipped the country. abram oregon spoke to people struggling to get basic items and hard to building scary this cars of the fighting roads littered with ammunition casings and cars, rebuilt with bullets holes. this is what's most of the dance capital looks like. after 15 months of conflicts between the army and the rapids support forces. so basic services have been disrupted in many areas. so diety lives in the mind. the 2nd largest city. she fills up her barrel at the once a truck twice a week. artillery selling has the 3 types and supply network invest, neighborhood. why? the, the only way to get water is from tankers. we struggle to get clean water, we get tired from carrying it. and when we get home,
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we can barely do anything. and there isn't even enough when we get water from the trucks, every 3 or 4 days. cleaning the house and washing clothes is difficult. everything needs water. street battles have damaged electricity, poles interrupting power supplies. this is the 1st time in months is that abraham has had electricity. the army recently regained areas from the parent military group and repaired some of the power grades. the electricity is a necessity in life. it is a major part of our lives so which restoration encourages people to return home. i had reached a point where it was a luxury to find some way to charge my phone and call my family outside the country . now finally, i can do that at home and some neighborhoods science of restoration can be seen, but they're only a fraction of the capital. in parts of under man, the damage is extensive, so it's difficult for us to provide electricity there. it may be some time before
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we can fix it, and there are parts of the city that are still under the control of the rapid support forces. so we can get there to restore power. and some services aren't easy to restore. hospitals have been damaged, limiting people's access to health care and law, and order no longer exist in areas under iris of control. because of that, most of the streets in the capital now look like this. one very little signs of life and activity and reminders that they were once people here have since been forced to leave. the hutsel was once home to more than 8000000 people. many have left because of the violence or lack of surfaces. and those who they have to deal with what it's become a battle field for 2 generals, one through all that together he but morgan, alta 0 on their mind to return to the united states and our democratic our presidential candidate. cala harris has held a riley in the battle ground state of wisconsin or running mates, minnesota governor to waltz campaigns alongside her. a day after he was officially
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announced as her v. p choice. they both slammed republican candidate, donald trump's policies, arguing the week in the country at home and abroad. democrats are seeking to gain support in wisconsin, which is seen as key to winning november's presidential election or, and republican the v. p candidate to judy there's also campaigned in wisconsin on wednesday, trump's running mates of land harris for the migration crisis as the southern us border, as well as for high inflation. he added to being called weird for his conservative views. by tim waltz is a quote, badge of honor, mostly 1st well in president nicholas, my daughter says more than 2000 people have been arrested since the disputed election. my daughter boasted about their detention describing them as paris and criminals during the rally at the presidential palace. widespread protest broke out
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and cut back us following the election with people are choosing model of stealing for votes. so have here on al jazeera is one of the boxes at the center of age under controversy has reached and elliptic final center will be here with her story the
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the, the, and surface for testing on. hi, thank you very much for the here. well, i know i love has moved this step closer to his tex than the gold medal at the paris games. but the american didn't win his 200 meters semi final,
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the 18600. that was the thing in the 2nd place, a by let seen as a broker, to sign off having to come. what is that low enough for? allows it to progress into says there's times will decide the lyles this aiming to become the 1st month since you assembled. why, when both event, when i'm not sure. if he started to stand behind me, became the 1st man in almost a century to successfully defend the mazda 3000 meters. duplicates of title tenants also to time will attempt in, in this event immense, $400.00. the meat of final produced a dramatic finish at britons of matthew hudson. the smith denied gold as he was overtaken at the lineup by american quincy holes. e pet. run the fools and fits your costs as times in the history of the kansas city. move one of the female boxes at the center, open ended disability role and is a through to the her limbic final tie ones and then you tang bases. so kids is
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stuff in this go home on things to you. none of us at points decision you thing and alters in mind. i need to have a face controversy officer reportedly failing during the test ahead of last year's will championships. your things took, his opponent appear to make an exit. jessica with her hands and post test often who defeats? it's a reference to the symbols for female chromosomes. the police will be fighting, so her goal is metal and the 66 kilograms a category. on friday, the 25 year old it says. busy she has been the victim of onset bullying in paris, but she has no shortage of support in her home country, as david stokes reports, to family and friends of a man who leif celebrate. how late is victory that coming out to you area emotions are running high given the controversy surrounding her participation in paris. between the close the findings and the semi finals we were on edge,
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we went sleeping, we were tired, we were under pressure and we were afraid that these attacks would have fixed the psychologically. but thank god we sore a month in a good state of mind. he grew up in the revel. village of i in ms by a, tell him, was spotted by a local books in coach and it was this gym while she 1st stepped into the ring. a new generation of fights has, has been inspired by had you any email on file? would you mind is a woman she was born a girl lived as a girl in boxes, as a woman, hard criticism and a tax don't affect her. we say to him on, continue your career and pursue your dream with just to win the goals metal and 1st place. and then the guy came in, floss and saw fight isn't coaches at the gym has been impressed by how, how leap is performed in paris. despite world wide media retention and significant online abuse, what do you live on? would you definitive the same way? hey, what am on how difficult has stopped grew up and evolved to the conflict between the international olympic committee and the international boxing association would only strengthens her determination and desire to prove that she is the books and
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champion of these powers games. there's no doubt the crowds will gather again when he least goes to the gold on friday. david stokes o g 0, australia having the best of a lympics with the countries goals, metal count now at 18. they be present in the final of the management teams for food to feed, the quickest warbled out of contention. on the final lap. i'll surely winning the 1st gold in this event. this is 2004 absence. and then i saw my of the netherlands has become the most successful female sailor and olympic history . she won gold in the thing, the closer it was her 4th and then pick metal and 2nd cold, the post bronze or targeting a back to back input finals in the men's basketball french plays have made a big impact in the north american and be a league as the game continues to grow and popularity, police reports from pass on the banks of the kennel some time you'll find
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a basketball court. that's well famous among street bull is often crowded, plays wait patiently for that turn to show of the scale of popularity of the gym on playground is boosted impulse by the likes of my my social media influence that who gets millions of hits and states french touch is fluidity, beautiful, basketball more, it's less one. and one more passing. it's more of the group, little basketball. the americans don't understand that. it's not just at street level front as long produced world class talent. the most successful export is totally ok. 214 and be a championships with the san antonio spurs. but it's in the last 2 years this things have really taken off with the frenchman, victor when been yamma. and zachary researcher being drafted as the and the number one picks is that microphone. so i'm thinking that the americans are starting to realize that we have time and friends,
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whether that's pro hold on the street. there's lots of americans who come to my court. unfortunately, the culture and basketball will always be american, but have friends, we have a coach that's incredible. you have to live in thanks to the success of play as like the 7 footfall, when bun yamma, known as when the many site basketball has never been so popular in france. there around 750000 registered players of nearly 70000 don't. 2 years ago, french basketball is thriving at national same level and in the n b i. but also on the streets this cruelty started famous. but people come to play here from all over the world. we're all for one time. come here people were the was all because they were this guy today bought through as a way to well, sorry, the way we've been messaging you. oh, hello. wrong. let's see. tall, so i come here and i always this guy with the wells very best on show here in paris
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. the olympics is yet another opportunity to grow the game in front, especially if the national team can finally get that's the elusive going to metal pull race out. is there a power while the united states lead the way in the meadows table, just ahead of china, australia have consolidated their position and said $25.00 goals? metal events are coming up on the stay pass hosting the unique metal ceremony early on wednesday, 2 and a half years off. the competing on the beating winter olympics, american and japanese fitness cases were presented with new metals. why should i have been drops from gold to bronze and the team events following camelia bought a buzz a doping bad? it means us cases are now, especially in big tempest and best always bought for me. i do back to later. thank you so much that i'd greatly appreciate it and that does it for me. so not thank you so much for your company. i'll be back in just a moment with more of
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a day. see, see you then the in a sense of belonging. we always look for ways to be together, and the everyday heroes keeping communities together is, is transforming every day. in the 1st part of the series of just view of visits is of a lot. but in mexico city, where locals are turning on a tortoise municipality to an urban utopia, a sense of community on the jersey, the african stories from african perspectives. i'll say i'm a key to that heart. 3 short documentary spy african filmmakers from nigeria, south africa, and zambia. i like my children,
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i like them. he didn't go school. he didn't live is a to they sion of slaves and we are already seeing the forest women of i've seen from the cape and a dream worth chasing. a new series of africa direct on algebra. the sound of rocket fi can be heard and the way to cover him up. the village with mountain views was once a sort of the retreat. few remained here there. the streets of empty houses damaged or destroyed. the conflict between his beloved and his reading forces along left it on the southern border as forced tens of thousands from the hens. we suddenly felt something heavy falling on us. i asked my sister if there's been an earthquake. my mother and other sister were sleeping and the glass telling them my head was injured. the story of this religion is one of many and on this folder, almost everything within 5 cuz i'm because of his regular physicians have been talking to. when you visit villages along the board, did this one think that striking assignments,
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there's no science of movement of people's talking of children. think people have been forced from the homes and are too scared to attend. i still don't know whether this conflict with turning to an or the actual the the, [000:00:00;00] the for one of our offices and use our alarm from dark coming up in the next 60 minutes . the rallying against racism in the united kingdom. thousands gather in major british cities to purchase violent riots targeting immigrants and minorities is really strikes co at least


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