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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 8, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award denominator here on now the . ready ready the riling against racism, tens of thousands of people for tests and u. k. cities often anti immigrant writing the oh i marian m i z. this is alger 0 life from dell also coming up on the program. the death toll rises in gaza off to israel booms area is a designated humanitarian, safe subs,
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bangladesh for pest to swear in my home and eunice as the head of its new interim government off to weeks of unrest and ukrainian forces launch red cross border attacks on russia, hundreds of people, slaves of color, screech in the people describing themselves as anti fascist of riley to in the case capital. and also in all the cities taking a stand against anti immigration prototypes and been days of often violent and destructive demonstrations. of the false information was spread about the non accused of killing 3 young girls in south fort last week. but as charles dropped for now reports some residents of older shot saying that the anger has been building for some time of thousands filled the streets and cities across the country. after a week of some of the worst political violence, britain,
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decades this, i'm still east london. little boy . this was all the show, southwest of the capital. it's saying how people are, if you will speak to the increase in the dismissed in will tell you much. which fund really worrying on this? i'd really want, i want to send you an interest. it says no way that's coming. solve. we've seen the numbers around the you kindly call me some place on that. so clearly there's not enough of them. you know, we, we have to give them a demonstration by people asylum seekers here is actually the law joe turn out expected by far right. is increasing police presence at a false tracking. the sentencing of those found guilty of committing by. that's
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a 2 of the reasons folders, but there are some real st. jude problems that this child suffers for years. problems that many people who say repeated governments fail to address no, the security guards are on the look at the pulses international side. so it is being used to use as temporary housing for asylum seekers. last week, it was attract, rests were made. this residential building close by will also be use this housing for asylum seekers. the previous government planned on hold for months following public outcry. they reinstated it the day before the general election july cause passed by beeping their homes and supports of locals who come in re week to protest against the plans. have been for 2 years will continue place for me parked. i said
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nothing to do with any of these slides, so cetera. i'd like to say that was 1600 families around this area. have now been put at the bottom of the list to choose the government's policy yesterday about given illegals council pounds. these are the dates above. everybody else puts more adulthood. although 1600 people at the bottom of the cube, it's hard to tell. i don't have a union job on like i like we like sister song. i know it's going that it's streaming the events of we some days of shopped. many in britain determine stones against violence across the country may be put underlying causes, including a housing and cost of living crises, a still not being addressed. many people think they have been ignored for too long to start that, which is 0 nor a con is in bolton way account to protest as the saying that they welcome diversity
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in that community. here in the northern town of both and people have been anticipating all right, great. found out as i've seen, expected in a 100 places throughout the u. k. i'm actually surrounded by accounts. the price has here, sale thing, record you stop to fall right there or so that they say they will continue to come out. just stop, right? hijacking things communities. they say they're not part of the community. they're saying they all and minority. this is a very close that community is always being di, fast, always welcome sight versus face of a whole bunch of you. so what's been happening across the country? now, the government is also taking this very seriously this into emergency. these things help in downing street people take 6000 police offers range right across the country. the home office has also put out a statement on exponent switches, say,
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as the person sentences will be handed out for writing of yep, 10 years violence, a soda, up to 5 years criminal damage. up to 10 years on a story to rachel has the 7 years. they also keeping the quote, the longer wants to, to, to reggie. they want to have their own sentences to some of the spring leads us to create and would come to the st. louis homes out to 0, the, the israel has been bombing areas in southern gaza, which is designated humanitarians safety phones, at least 18 palestinians have been killed in the strikes across the city of con eunice bodies were taken to no ser hospital. many of the dead will bind to live off to is riley strikes, hit tens, housing displaced, people with united nations assigned the 86 percent of the gaza strip is under
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evacuation. notice that means that is rarely expect sconces population of $2300000.00 to be sheltering and the remaining 14 percent of land spike that as well, keeps forming the areas it says safe. i'll just have his hand on quarterly reports now on the attacks from hong eunice to. this is not the 1st time that is ready for us is target tense for displays, palestinians, but ballasting, you believe that's where every they go. there is no place save despite the fact that this area was this ignited as a safe so or a safe area by the is really for is, is the is ready, forces continue to target those areas. pilots to me is in a new and this has been literally scattered around the streets, displays homeless over and over again where the is a force has invaded that area more than 2 times palestinians. now suppose she didn't come, eunice, do not know where to go at destruction is everywhere. the infrastructure has been
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completely destroyed while as sydney is do not have any place to go. and especially the fact that there is but is very crowded for people. so they are relying on setting up their tents in an area that is either agricultural or attend area, but the is really forces have been since the morning concentrated in the center in parts and particularly in come, eunice is righty as drugs have targeted parts of central gaza, why? tens of thousands of displays, palestinians of salt, shelter. 3 missiles struck an area near mosque and darrow by 3 feet. 3 people were killed and thousands injured and the attacks on tuesday were sent. black smoke billowing into the app is ready, shouting, has been reported across at least 4 areas in the center of gauze that i was just there. as i shop i will, i'm right. has moved from darrow by that in a warning that view as might find some of the images in his report,
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disturbing the heavy it'd been a good bit about that had to be and this is the ultimate of yet. and now they is radiate aerial bombardment that had be it started with a single arrow tied up on and paramedics and people nearby rushed to help the victim as within minutes. when that is ready, will panes of launched waves of most all is that the civilian area and more can see the tenants that we're displaced, palestinians, we shall turn him up. but the people in this area was crammed with women and children. it wasn't because these riley only had declared it's a safe, a few minutes. arians are in place, but i live as we speak in her medics and civil defense teams with the basic tools of doing everything they can to contain. the fire broke out off to the strong get off the ship. they also searching for survivors or move victims under the rubble,
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despite the dangerous conditions, it done less of a job. first of all, i know it's a lot of these really forces cooled, some residents and ordered us to leave. they find a warning this island and we run for our lives on the 3 missiles will find out this area in just a matter of minutes clements month. like i'm the big apartment. there is not a single say. so ms. garza, this rate is a line to the world there on occupation, force the treacherous enemies. they want people to leave somebody before anyone could move is right in the plains fight. miss alverado, hold on a dozen were killed. others dismember that bodies ripped apart. this month is a mother's was on the have that i had given live in the middle of a i'm a phone is i'm a most of the people here have been displaced numerous times from rough uh town units in central garza. now the real crammed into darrow bhalla is riley's client. it is a safe zone. why they show in the area. now, this is all false propaganda. coming up, this is a very densely populated residential area. was targeted by as volleyball players in
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the series of at strikes without any warning. as a result of the large numbers of palestinians were killed and injured. are still a blah, blah. i didn't get the all did it, but what's up the bottom and is ready as striking gauze as killed a charity. welcome from the wells central kitchen. now the salut died of his injuries and hospital. 7 of the organizations employees were killed in april. my name is rodney stride, target history and it's a vehicles now took care is formally submitted a request to join south africa genocide, case against israel at the international court of justice. it's now the 7th country to find a request to intervene. several more say they intend to join. and i'm because to glue has more in this now from assemble a legal base for to channel those 6 countries that have made a visual press for intervention in the case filed against israel by south africa at
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the i. c, j is i suggest that you the article number 6, this faith. and if these, some of these countries, applications are approved by the i, c, j, every single goal official. these countries will also be part of the files. and there will be some written statements, of course, as by the registrar and believes that the more countries are involved in this case as interveners. uh the, the countries that are bound by the genocide convention under the u. n. the song or the case will be against israel, is right, is only supported by german advise way why of the sites through care of and as well as columbia, spain, and libya and palestine are also involved. but we are waiting for the i c. j to approve this process. of course, this will be binding for these countries as well. if i lose this legal process, will put the responsibilities on this con, present legal process is expected to take 4 or 5 years or even longer general 5
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cases in the history of the i c j. but it is very important because the international community will be impacted and is viable, will be held responsible for the work times a haven't and not appointed to form an interim government in bangladesh, nobel laureate. and i'm the dentist is expected to be sworn in on thursday. the families of those who lost loved ones in the protests that top of the apartment, sir, she has seen of renewing that calls for justice tons of child reports on this now from dot com. and then unprecedented event and bung with their starting protest or later revolution. on top of that, an author, attorney and government, it came at a cost of the hundreds of it killed on. and now people one justice and their
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comfortability. but most of their son just found on that was selling water doing one of the demonstration when police opened fire, killing the 25 year old. a week later, the young man's wife killed herself. i want justice for the murder of my son and also for the students and the other innocent people who were killed. i wanted investigation by the united nations. cool. provide justice because our, the additional system has failed us. in recent days, there's been widespread vandalism and loading of homes and businesses belonging to the leaders of the from our governing party rights groups are also concerned by reports of attack targeted in those. traditionally, the minority community supports the only share casinos party. total volunteers are working with the military interest on law and order many bangladesh. at 1st. they hope this will be an era of political stability. worried about their safety. many
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police officers staying home because there are no traffic police officers, we're hoping is better and chairs 2 minutes to traffic on the road. so there are no bottlenecks, and people respect the rules on the road on wednesday and their 1st public speech since 2018 colored a z are from a prime minister and chaired person of the opposition by move this nationalist party addressed or rally in dock of via video link, z or call for peace, instead of revenge in order to rebuild the country. taking g shop on the for the students who gave up on their dreams by getting involved in blood shed, we will fulfill those dreams. students have shown great intellect, courage, and bravery while fighting, which will help us in making bangladesh or republic. a nobel laureate, mohammad, the universe related the interim government, he has arch bangladesh, is to get ready to build the country. but the country has a way to go and is entering the government will likely face many challenges in the
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coming weeks and months time of drudgery. oh, just a dot com. so i had for you on the program. we're looking at pilgrimage. that's tied into a protest against economic hardship in argentine also, citizens capital becomes a ghost town on the brink of collapse. civil service has breakdown nearly 16 months into a civil war. the, the hello there has been extreme flooding in southwest. how do you radio unfortunately, that looks like it could continue on thursday, particularly for answers. providence, a pushing in some neck of providence. mecca itself has seen some pretty good down port. this energy slides into that western side of government as well. so the flood
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threat there to temperature is picking up inc awaits. 49 degrees for you over the next little bit. and let's talk about this heat wave going on in iran, tater on. we've got you and 42 degrees on thursday. if you get there, you could match your august temperature record which is 40 to drop down a bit, but your temperatures still well above where they should be. at this point in the year, few showers for turkey has black sea coast a bit more sunk 5 calm, but we'll call it for is stumble at $31.00 degrees and showers in storms pretty much stretching from to dad. virtually all of chad, pushing into new jersey. we'll find that out toward the western side of africa. so some showers and storms around the gambia, for example, on thursday had a pretty good down part of the other day into wallace. still a few more showers to go on thursday and to the south. we go whether disturbance moves into the western cape providence. so this is going to be a rain and wind combo for cape town on thursday.
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hey, listings in the gaza strip as easily as long. lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanize as is readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best, the the watching outlanders era life from down on the main stories now,
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tens of thousands of people have rallied in the u. k. capital and in all of the cities against far right groups. demonstrations of condemned the violence by anti immigrant protest as they are cooling for. com. israel has been bombing areas that designated as humanitarians safe zones in southern gaza at east 18 palestinians have been killed in attacks across the city of han, eunice, and the new ad of bangladesh was interim government. muhammad eunice is juice take office on the 1st day, shooting protest, as demanded his appointment to answer. they forced 5 minutes to cher casino to resign. and all the news coming to harris, his address to riley in a 2nd us battleground states. as she steps up her bid for the presidency, harrison had democratic running mates and walls of campaigns in michigan and wisconsin. earlier they tulsa forces, the policies of republican rival, donald trump, with damaging the country. or meanwhile,
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republican vice presidential candidate, j. d. vons has also been showing up voted to support in wisconsin. donald trump is running, make blame to combat harris for the southern board and migration crisis and for high inflation. russia is moving at defense systems, the curse nuclear power plant. why the latest ukrainian attacks on its eastern border lights, president, security, you know, shop a lot of the reports on the story now from scott ukrainian troops use drones, tongue send almond vehicles to cross the boulder into the cursed creature. and the russian defense minister was quick to report that tax were repelled on the ukrainians so because had withdrawn, but the statements were edited after publication and all mentions of the retreat later disappeared. one command to serve the situation corps, cuz under control and ukrainian equipment and troops have mainly been destroyed. for too many personal greg detective with the ukranian side is trying to distract
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attention and pull back some of our troops, which is now successfully advancing into the next direction. but we have enough resources to cope with us and you have to come. several civilians including ambulance workers, were killed in the boat. at times, many more wounded authorities have moved hundreds of residents away from the shout areas. another 1000 have fled. the acts in government edged people not to panic. some of that is, is on the situation of the borders tense, but we are cooperation with the security forces. the army and the board of cards. bottles are going, you're trying to provide assistance to civilians leaving the region reports addressed rusher. last a had a call to enter the tongues. allegedly, several dozen of us troops were taken captive while ukraine lost in that defense system several times since all meant vehicles presents letting the police and discuss how to come by the search and ukrainian activity with the defense ministry and domestic security service keeps giving. here's the key of regime has carried out another large scale publication. it is indiscriminately fire in various types
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of women's, including besides, it's a volume buildings and residential buildings and ambulances. someone verified social media repose, suggest to ukraine is transferring more resists to the boulder. present patient has emphasizes the number of times that the special mutual peroration in ukraine is going according to plan. now that russia's board of regents have come and talk and people, celine da, hose a source. he is here on say in public at least whether that too was part of the blind us or bob oliver ultra 0, most square. moving to nigeria where security forces say they've arrested more than 90 people that protest against the government's economic reforms. and the rising cost of living money with carrying russian flags which is considered an offense of treason, tens of thousands of nigerians, of, and protesting. since the beginning of the month, against the worst economic crisis in the country for decades,
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an interest has more of this now from a blow job. the appearance of russian and north korea flights during the projects on the streets of nigeria raises questions and debate among public. come into this in the country. most of these incidents, why the court in states though closer to and is your probably quite last year. there was a military cool and we so how those flags uh, sort of dominated public processions and riley's image in a public and also in virginia fossil and mommy, but a game there is also a big question when these flight to are raised, there was also the most participant openly, what calling for an over to a democratically elected government. imagine and this, this a go to ages. imagine to say, is reasonable group of people who will start to come pick some buses come pick waving flags. so all the countries i'm calling for military pick of up government. this is not a protest,
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but i know finish a prison that the police are listed in number of them to do because we thought for the the security agents, it said they would submit separate arrest in respect of these incidents, of course. and i did it and they've taken some of the cues to the courts of law for persecution. meanwhile, the projects themselves uh sort of slowing down across the country 20 the 7th day of action on the streets of nigeria, businesses to return to almost normal in the business capital. because, i mean, i'm going to hear markets out open shops and other businesses. i've also reopen, but a game that has several offices, government offices, and private offices that continue to remain closed because of fear that pilots move erupt again. how many degrees? obviously that saddam's capital is on the brink of collapse off to 15 months of
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fighting between the army and the power of military rapids support forces or through an electricity supplies intermittent, and roads and buildings have been damaged or completely destroyed. i'll just, there is have a morgan spoke to people who is struggling to get basic items. and cartoon buildings carry this cars of the fighting roads littered with ammunition casings and cars, rebuilt with bullets holes. this is what's most of the dance capital looks like. after 15 months of conflicts between the army and the rapids support forces. so basic services have been disrupted in many areas. so diety lives in the mind. the 2nd largest city. she fills up her barrel at the once a truck twice a week. artillery selling has the 3 types and supply network invest neighborhoods. why the way any, i don't think you're going to, the only way to get water is from tankers. we struggle to get clean water, we get tired from carrying it. and when we get home, we can barely do anything,
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and there isn't even enough when we get water from the trucks, every 3 or 4 days, cleaning the house and washing clothes is difficult. everything needs water. street battles have damage to electricity pools, interrupting power supplies. this is the 1st time in months is that abraham has had electricity. the army recently regained areas from the parent military group and repaired some of the power grades. the electricity is a necessity in life. it is a major part of our lives so which restoration encourages people to return home. i had reached a point where it was a luxury to find some way to charge my phone and call my family outside the country . now finally, i can do that at home. us, in some neighborhoods, science of restoration can be seen, but they're only a fraction of the capital. the money in parts of undermine the damage is extensive, so it's difficult for us to provide electricity there. it may be some time before
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we can fix it, and there are parts of the city that are still under the control of the rapid support forces. so we can get there to restore power. and some services aren't easy to restore. hospitals have been damaged limits and people's access to health care and law and order no longer exist in areas under our self control. because of that, most of the streets in the capital now look like this. one is very little signs of life and activity and reminders that they were once people here have since been forced to leave her to was one's home to more than 8000000 people. many have left because of the violence or lack of surfaces. and those who they have to deal with what it's become a battle field for 2 generals, one through all that together. he but morgan, alta 0 on their mind cartoon. now a religious pilgrimage is taking on extra meaning and argentina. economic challenges have added a political dimension. has thousands of catholics made their way to
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a church in the capital to raise above met some of them on the streets of y. desirous of the long lines of people waiting outside the sun, cuz he peno century when a site is he's the patron saint of reading work in a country with poverty and unemployment around the rice. because the rush for san antonio says, she's concerned about the current situation in argentina, maybe a part of the advice that i came with. so i'm here so that we can improve so that our future, our children don't have to leave here for what they need for all of them. so they don't go hungry or cold. because argentina is such a rich country, so rich, and yet we have to endure such hardships that our children are leaving. that's why i come every year, thousands of people to attend the mass. but this time it was different. labor unions and left when groups decided to march from the parish towards the proceedings of paris to protest against the government of have you had
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a really like this one are happening almost every week. and one of the latest that around 55 percent are poor. this means that around 25000000 students taking office 8 months ago really has ordered the live of almost 50000 state employees. or the old public works lifted subsidies on electricity, gas, and transportation, among other measures to bring down the deficit to 0 and reduce inflation. is where the house salaries are not enough because everything seems to be going up in price . i come here to find people who have things in common with me. this was the one we done, the economies say, and asperity plan what's necessary knowledge in tina to stabilize the economy. but there are concerns about when the economy will start to recover. my thought is that
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your look able to go full, not move forward. what receives a sharp drop in people's incomes, pensions registered in former workers, a drop that we have not seen since the crisis of 2001. and that generated a recession. that obviously helps the country to reduce inflation, but it is a concern. it is started to recover, but continues to be very slow. have you had any light came to power with a promise to reform argentina's economy? but there are growing concerns about what will happen if he fails city. so we'll just see that when a site is focused on taylor swift has cooled off 3 concepts in australia this week because of fears of a possible attack. police have made to arrest in relation to a suspect and paused against an event in vienna. swift was due to play in the capital over the weekend.


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