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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 8, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the residents need accreditation. spectators, one passes through a lottery and there been complaints some people saying their home no longer feels like their home. adding to the question of whether this will all be worth it when the olympics have packed up. unless the for sure, of unity in a divided, written tens of thousands of anti racism. protesters come together to take on the far right writers the time several venue. it's good to have you with us. this is eleanor has your life and also coming up nobel laureates. mohammed eunice is set to be sworn in as inter meter of bangladesh after a student. the uprising top of the prime minister. nowhere safe and gaza is really
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forces carry out a series of attacks across the strip, including on the 10th sheltering, displace palestinians, the former capital and separate this liter. carlos preaching month returns to spain and mid fears that he could be detained. the 10s of thousands of people across england has rallied in the you case capital and other cities taking a stand against the far right anti immigration writers. there been days of violent and destructive demonstrations after false information was spread about the man accused of killing 3 young girls and so forth. houses here as charles stratford went to the town of old, a shot west of london, where people describing themselves as anti fascist or out in full force of thousands filled the streets and cities across the country. after a week of some of the worst political violence, christmas decades misunderstood each london
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little boy. this was all the shop southwest of the capital. it saying how people are worth it. you will spend much time, which i find really worrying. and i'm genuinely interested to know where that's coming solve. we've seen the numbers around the kindly call based on that. so clearly there's not enough of them. you know we'd, we'd be given them a demonstration by people asylum seekers. here is actually the law joe ton of expected by far right. is increasing police presence at a false tracking. the sentencing of those found guilty of committing by that's a 2 of the reasons folders. but there are some real st. cc problems that this town
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suffered for years of problems. but many people who say repeated governments failed to address no, the security guards are on the look at the pulses international folks. so it is being used to use as temporary housing for asylum seekers. last week, it was attacked, rests were made. this residential building close by will also be use this housing for asylum seekers. the previous government put the plan on hold for months. following public outcry, they reinstated the day before the general election july call was passed by beeping their homes and supported locals, who come in re week to protest against the plans. have been for 2 years. will continue place for me, parked. i said, we'll go nothing to do with any of these slides, so cetera. i'd like to say that was 1600 families around this area. have now been
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put at the bottom of the list to choose the government's policy yesterday about given the illegals council pounds, these are the dates above. everybody else puts more adulthood. although 1600 people at the bottom of the cube, it's hard to turn don't have a union job on like i like we like sister song. i know it's going that it's streaming the events of we some days of shopped. many in britain determine stones against violence across the country may be put underlying causes, including a housing and cost of living. crises are still not being addressed. many people think they have been ignored for too long. so stuff that will just 0. laura hahn is in manchester for us. laura. it's really interesting because yesterday the country was bracing for more riots. but the opposite happened,
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and i'm not sure anyone quite saw that coming the well, no one expected this monumental shift in tone across the country. people have said what, bracing themselves for these fall right groups to congregate in more than a 100 places around the country. as they have discuss widely on social media, they were mainly going to be outside assignments. they could solicitor's office and some of the, some of these legal places i think supporting refugees and assigned them see cuz and instead antivirus group said around 25000 people came out on the 4th around the country that simply had enough holding up progress as you saw in child strap as peace thing, hope not have refugees. welcome. as far right groups are not. so we did see a couple of how many pop hits fall, right groups in the country, but i mean, it was barely a foot note in terms of what we saw last night. so that has been some distance
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sense spies ation processes. by at the police and government, they sent $6000.00 additional, riot trains, police across england and wales in order to begin to deal with the commonality. we seen from these groups from the writing, lucy, even trying to burn down hotels that were holding assign them c, cuz so they're seeing this as a great thing that happened last night. we didn't see much volume of with suddenly with the more less twin groups most i've best friends and just to tell you i was in bolton. yes. today. it's a small town just north of here. on sunday we saw street bottles taking place with some of these groups that congregated that some real violence and people are saying this is a diverse and very close knit community. they were community in shock and we also saw a member of that community coming out yesterday to stand up against what they was saying was racism and fuck hurry up. but in charleston, up to this at piece is, is
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a really important question, is this is a, why is it happening? you did say this happening among a cost of it in crisis. people aren't able to afford housing. so many people who are out there yesterday said it's simply racism, but i'll just at the state coasting refugees and microns for a much bigger problem. laura, how is prime minister storm or handling this politically? it's it's, he's only a few weeks into his terms. so i think it's fair to say this is the biggest test he's faced. oh, absolutely it's, it's, and he's been dealing with this really had on he how to imagine see me things about this. he was speaking to the head of police across the country. as i said, he sent 6000 police them, but who are highly trained and rights across the country. they also kept quotes open for long ago, prosecutors ready. they wanted to see the waste of justice,
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and they certainly saw that more than a $140.00 people were charged. and there were many people who was sentenced one to 3 years violent conduct from these fall right groups. um, the head of the metropolitan police is also spell accounts. a monk rody, he told me that 70 percent of the people arrested over violence on team a grant protest. already have criminal record, say we're looking at where the high levels of violence organized criminality that were taking place across the country. and this is certainly not something that at the prime minister kids selma wants to have as part of his legacy at the beginning of his government. so that taking a very hot stones, laura han reporting from mattress to thank you very much for all of that. laura or the amana pointed to form an interim government in bangladesh, nobel laureates. mohammed units is expected to be sworn in on thursday. families of those who lost loved ones in the mass protests,
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the top of the prime minister shaken siena or renewing their calls to justice. more than 300 people were killed during the police crack down on the anti government demonstrations. alpha 0 is 10 to i've tried to write reports from dr. the unprecedented event in bangladesh, certain protest or literal revolution. on top of an author, attorney and government, it came at a cost though hundreds of it kills. and now people, one justice and their comfortability. but most of their son just on, on that was selling water during one of the demonstration. when police opened fire, killing the 25 year old. a week later, the young man's wife killed herself. i want justice for the murder of my son and also for the students and the other innocent people who were killed. i wanted investigation by the united nations. cool. provide justice because odd judicial system has failed us. in recent days, there's been widespread vandalism, and loading of homes and businesses belonging to the leaders of the from our
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governing party rights groups are also concerned by reports of attack targeted him . those, traditionally, the, the minority community supports the own may lead share casinos party. total volunteers are working with the military interest online order. many bangladesh just says they hope this will be an era of political stability. worried about their safety. many police officers staying home because there are no traffic police officers, we hoping is better and chairs 2 minutes to traffic on the road. so there are no bottlenecks, and people respect the rules on the road. on when is during their 1st public speech since 2018 color does the former prime minister unshared person of the opposition by move this nationalist party addressed or rally in dock uh via video link z or call for peace instead of revenge in order to rebuild the country taking g shops,
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no need for the students who gave up on their dreams by getting involved in bloodshed we will fulfill those dreams. students have shown great intellect, courage, and bravery while fighting, which will help us in making bangladesh or with public love. the nobel laureate mohammed, the universe related the interim government he has arch bangladesh, is to get ready to build the country. but the country has a way to go and is entering the government will likely face many challenges in the coming weeks and months time of drudgery. oh, does it have dr. russia is moving air defense system as to the course can nuclear power plants and then what it called intense battle is on its side of the border. a state of emergency has been declared, and of course, the region after ukrainian troops stage their largest incursion into russian territory since the war and ukraine began. you'll hear some of oliver reports from moscow. the ukrainian troops use drones, tongue send ahmed vehicles to cross the boulder into the coast creature,
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and the russian defense minister was quick to report that tax were repelled and the ukrainian subtest had withdrawn. but the statements were edited after publication, and all mentions of the retreats later disappeared. one command to serve the situation corps, cuz under control and ukrainian equipment and troops have mainly been destroyed for too many personal good, thank you. with the ukranian side is trying to distract attention and pull back some of our troops, which is now successfully advancing into the next direction. but we have enough resources to cope with us. send me, ask them. several civilians, including ambulance workers, were killed in the boat at tax. many more wounded authorities have moved hundreds of residents away from the shout areas. another 1000 have fled. the acts in government edged people not to panic. some of that is, is on the situation at the borders tense, but we are cooperation with the security forces. the army and the board of cards. bottles are going to you're trying to provide assistance to civilians leaving the
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region. reports addressed. russia lost a helicopter and to tongues allegedly, several dozen of us troops were taken captive while ukraine lost in that defense system several times since on the vehicles presence, letting the peace and discuss how to combat the search and ukrainian activity. with the defense ministry and domestic security service keeps giving. here's the key of regime has carried out another large scale publication. it is indiscriminately firing various types of women's, including besides it's a volume buildings and residential buildings and ambulances. someone verified social media repose suggest to ukraine is transferring more. is this to the boda? present patient has emphasizes the number of times that the special mutual peroration in ukraine is going according to plan. now, does russia's board of regents have come and talk? and people, celine da, hose a source, he is here on say, in public at least whether that too was part of the blind. you leadership of oliver
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ultra 0 most square. the, the guys are now aware of multiple is really are a strikes in the past 24 hours have killed at least 27 people is really forces are also attacking the city of han eunice for a 2nd day in a row. they've talking to the house in an area just outside the city, and at least 9 people were killed there. on wednesday, israel bombed areas in the south west that it had designated as humanitarian safe stones. at least 18 palestinians were killed in those attacks on, on the wasi. many of the victims were burned alive. officers really strikes hit tense. the power has displaced. people now says there is honeymoon, who does in hon. eunice inside the gaza strip. honey, tell us about the latest on the ground. what are the latest notable events for you? the the,
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you know, thorough. the images of the, those were burned alive and the inside their tents are still haunting many of the palestinians here, particularly those who were another hospital and right at the emergency department when they were transferred to not their hospitals. the images were very graphic, very horrifying to see this way, a group of people that's a fan, that inside the accountants when this particular family was hit by at least one or tillery shelves inside the scam side, just burn all of them a live causing further civilian casualties and cause of destruction to the 10 side . they are the camp where people are moving out right now into other areas because of the shutter sense of safety. it doesn't exist anymore. no safety, no protection, not even in areas where they were told to evacuated to and right here we are reporting it from this is the last evacuations on this is the only part the remains of from last the evaluations are that hasn't been targeted yet. it's very, it's very small,
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and it's hard to imagine people are going to be pouring into this space and it will be over crowded very, very soon as of so far. what we're looking at these really military has pushed already close to 1200000 people, and it's in the small city of there, but i city i already doesn't have enough. and sufficient infrastructure is comp number of people. the 27 people reported killed within the past the 24 hours in very relentless and horrific attacks across hon. you and isn't the centrally, emilio and still i had been that connects areas between the central area and the city of han, eunice. and further through the western part of the city, very close to a loss. evacuations on 18 of the 27 people. oh, happened to be from han you and is city. and the remaining numbers are from the central area and parts of the gods to be including. and are they the, the attack of the earlier you, the hours of yesterday and the, the, the person reported killed is
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a driver for the w. c. k. for the world central kitchen, after finishing his admission in an area between hon eunice and there, but i was moving back to hit his quarter when he was hit by a flying a trap. now, from a bond homes on the side, on the side road, these really military continues to try, continues to cause a further civilian casualties and continue to cause shared level of destruction. that is a quite visible right now. if it, where you go, there is high level of destruction, of residential homes, of public facilities, of infrastructures. and in some areas, it's hard to, to walk mid alone to drive vehicles in these area. just making every bit of palestinians life are really displeasing a traumatized because of the ongoing situations extra extra difficult. honey hood reporting from hun eunice inside the gaza strip. thank you very much. honey. in the
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occupied westbank now is really forces have wounded 7 palestinians during raids on calculate you further south, the army blew up the house of resistance fighter mom in size on the cell. now he was killed earlier this year, forces evacuated the family before rigging the profit to you with explosives is really forces have launched more airstrikes over the border into southern 11 on thursday. several prophecies and farm land were destroyed in the striking of the town of missouri and the district of tire is really army and has belie and loving on had been exchanging near daily strikes against each other as an ally of homos, as the law says, its attacks are in support of palestinians in gaza. the still ahead on else is era, an existential threat. why ocean temperatures in and around australia is great. barrier reef of origin to their warmest and 400 years. the
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it's, there's a, here's your forecasts for europe in africa. more outbreaks of rain coming for the islands of ireland and britain. nothing to prompt any weather alerts here. so the rain should mostly be light and we just got to get through this wishy washy weather . then watch what happens early next week. temperature showed up dark. the red, the hotter it is london teetering on 30 degrees in paris, back up to 36. but back to the here and now today on thursday, rain hops from germany to poland, down through the check republican to austria as well. pretty good burst of rain to the south of san diego. could be some century down. port is mixed in here. now for thursday there is a wildfire, bernie not too far away from foot drum. it's been hot and dry and windy still. this breeze of the g and today on thursday, and it's been hot across siberia, i mean look at madrid, 38 degrees. i think you could string together 3 days in
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a row of 40 record to be for the month of august. this 40.7. so certainly you could get their students pretty much from se, libby a rate across chad, pushing into the share and for quino fast. so and then we've got a storm system coming into the western cape province for south africa. cape town, you could see your winds pushed past a 100 kilometers per hour today on thursday. see you later i it was a journey through every story. every step is in there to a separation of what we cannot choose when to reach the welcome to simmons and exclude does the redesigns luxury living crafty, no signature? today we create
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the the, you're watching out for 0 reminder of our headlines this, our tens of thousands of people in the u. k. have rally with against the far right groups. the demonstrators condemned the violence by empty immigrants protestors and called for com. it follows the stabbing of 3 young girls last week. israel has been bombing areas designated as humanitarian safe stones and southern gaza. at least 18 palestinians have been killed in attacks and sign your nobel peace prize winner. mom and eunice is due to be sworn in as the interim leader of the caretaker government in bangladesh. that's after
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a student. that uprising ended prime minister shaken scene is 15 year term in office. 10 bureau toad re is live with us from the bangladesh capital dock. i september. i believe you are expecting mohammed universe to touch down. i'm told you're at the airport right now and you're expected us to touch down imminently. yeah, so we are at the end of sorry, the sha zillow international ad pods and he's playing as land that show. he shouldn't be actually coming out very soon. we can see the inside part of it, but he should be out very soon. and then head out to, for a meeting with the army, chief, i'm the president. most likely that's what we know so far. okay, what happens then? well they'll have to talk out who are the advisors that that fits in the name list and advice i listened to in terms governments proceeds. but chief advisors are the
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leader of the in term government that has been bennett out yesterday by the president and civil societies. politicians as well as our main shape. now, will it be acceptable to everyone the once it's publicly declared is another question. but i'm sure i preface that you're supposed to consult the about the names on normally, most people are non controversial. is the least has been given the films to for the, for one who put far on that fits in life. and we don't know if all of them were accepted for that of the most. we know right now till 8 pm local time. when you'll be sworn in, which is about 14 gmc, that's run, we'll probably know little more about the advisory committee in the interim government. yeah, antonio, just so you know, we're putting up on the screen, the live feed that we just got of inside the airport. so when we see movement there, we expect that we might see mohammed eunice and appearing within the frame. certainly that's where he's expected momentarily. okay,
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so then the next stage of this he's sworn in, they have to choose the interim government. can you, we don't the, the, the process around choosing who's on that team, who's part of that cabinet you've explained? is a little bit opaque. do we know what the next step might be in terms of possible elections? because you have told us multiple times that constitutionally election should happen within 3 months. yeah. so the best way, no. the under the constitution, once the parliament which was dissolved 3 days ago the election has to the house within 90 days. unless that is a consensus to stretch a little bar for a little more. wow. and due to a different circumstance. so that could be one possibility, eunice, himself say that he doesn't want to be a long term. can't take a government a if you know is primary objective is to have an election as soon as possible. and that's what the opposition,
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main opposition party bank with us national his party and other opposition party. another political parties here because 1st i want to see is the election as soon as possible to hold on. we're seeing mohammed eunice lives as he arrives in bangladesh . so his plan punched down a short while ago and he's just arriving. now. this is a remarkable moment. mohammed is a nobel peace prize, glorious he was, he surprised but his work on fighting poverty, specifically providing very small loans. it's called micro financing, and he's credited with having lifted millions of people out of poverty. he is. he's an elderly man now of over 80 years old, but he is the man that the student protesters who have hosted, shake has seen it. he's the man. they wanted to leave this transition. so we're arden, extraordinary juncture in the, in the history of this country. where mohammed eunice had been sidelined,
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save at least by shakes casino who's now in exile in india. and here he is, back on bangladesh. she soil being greeted by the pharmacy center as, let's see if we can hear that question one second. okay which he didn't want to talk. he was, sorry, journalists were essentially trying to get some kind of reaction out of him, some kind of official word or statement. in his 1st minutes back in bangladesh, he didn't take the bait. so he didn't, he didn't want to offer any, any specific or official comments at this particular stage. as a reminder, as $100.00 was explaining to us,
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he's about to be sworn in as the leader of this interim government. and that will then presumably take the country to elections, possibly within that 3 months, the timeline to attend to your mention could be a little longer. really, we don't know it's, it's uncharted territory type here while we're looking at the, at these pictures of mom and eunice of the airport. and i believe this is a, a replay of what we just saw a 2nd ago. it is. so why we're looking at that time, dear, can you explain his appeal? why was it him that student protesters wanted to run the country? why did he, why does he command that respect? well 1st of all, in 2006 and he won the nobel peace prize and that's a big honor for the bargaining dish itself. and the man is known fridays, micro credit loan and micro finance, global social business concept, and is widely regarded around the world almost as a celebrity. brings it
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a lot of precedent for the country. and the students loving me, that is a man offline controversially, is an honest person. the 6th grade is humbly, is that simple person, you know, and that's accepted by the society as a whole, particularly the young students. and they want it, if somebody was non controversial, non political, somebody who can be neutral, has a global connection and bring some things in the tables for bangladesh at this moment, which is in crisis. and he is for them. i think for most people is probably the best choice for an intern government chief. okay, just before i let you go, we expect them to be sworn in. what in, in the next hour or so? no, it would, may logo time a p. i'm the president house and that would be international time would be. 1 basically a 14 gmc right in between, i'm sure he'll have a sitting with pressure, then the chief of armies stop and out there. okay. alright. 10 via thank you so
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much for your reporting. this is all happening at lightning speed, mom and you know, this again was in paris receiving medical treatment. amongst other things, when shaken, seen a fled the country. and he is, you know, by his own admission getting still wrapping his head around all these developments . and now he's back in bangladesh. time via you'll be walking us through all of this. so a few hours before he just went in and thank you very much. and i've tried reporting from the international airports in dr. sharp, this kathlyn separate this liter carlos preacher montez returned to spain after 7 years of self imposed exile and in defiance of an arrest warrant for jumanda, dressed a large crowd of supporters in barcelona. a short time ago. he faces several charges which include organizing and illegal entertainments, referendum in spain. this was back in 2017 and he is now likely to be detained over an outstanding arrest warrant for alleged embezzlement. something which he denies done, bottomless, niga. it's they persecuted us for listening to the voice of the people of catalonia
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years where there was a hush for prussian from prison to exile. 10 that effective the lives of thousands of people for being pro independence sometimes for the mere fact of speaking capital on this making, being canceled on something suspicious. as an army, warnings are in place in japan after 2 powerful earthquakes struck off the western coast. waves of up to one meter or expected to hit coastal areas, the magnitude $7.00 quick struck at a depth of around 30 kilometers. there are no immediate reports of damage and new studies suggest sauce trail is great. barrier reef is experiencing its warmest waters in 400 years. scientists drilled into the reef and they were able to measure average summer temperatures dating back to the 17th century. the research indicates ocean temperatures remain stable for hundreds of years and then began to rise at the beginning of the 20th century. since then, our sees have become warmer by an average of 0.


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