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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 8, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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all the hello, i'm about this and, and this is the news our lives from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes. the police far tear gas and stung grenades in nairobi for canyons of venting their frustrations, demanding that the president should resign. nobel laureate mohammed eunice pays tribute to students who toppled the government in bangladesh and pledges to restore law and order. so of unity in a divided brick and tens of thousands of anti racism,
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protestations come together to take on fog lights, riotous and the world health organization size is going to send more than $1000000.00 polio vaccines to gossip. but it insists a ceasefire is the only way to ensure a smooth role lives and in support. there have been some top moments in the have tackle on at the paris games. so he advice and burns olympics ended even before she got to the start line. the german twisted ankle in warm up and was taken away in a wheelchair. the opinion of president william russo is facing the biggest crisis of his 2 years in office. hundreds of protest as have gathered in the capital nairobi. yes, again to call for his resignation. the police and 5 tier gas with the crowds and they made
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several arrests. the on the west began in june with valleys, against a controversial finance bill that would have raised the taxes. bluetooth deployed the army, cracked, and killed at least 60 people. finally, in response to protest as demands rudo struck the else and re shuffled his cabinet . but many canyons are calling for justice for the octave scales and an end to what they say is endemic government corruption. of a more in this we're going to talk to multiple lab, he's joining us now from nairobi. mark them over the last couple of hours or so we've been seeing very intense pictures coming out of nairobi just talk us through what's been happening. it was started with dozens of processes grew in number 2, probably a couple of 100, at least trying to gather just this area and within 2 or 3 blocks, the rounding here. but every time the choice together, the police have broken them up. we've to guess, we take a look on the screen that says we've got statuses,
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you can find them again and again. even the smallest numbers of processes through the process of nonetheless, examiners in case you know, what am i supposed to have concrete, 50 the last half hour or so before again, yet, mobile is, it's a guess of course it into the side street. they're still here, still not far away. you can still see it here. then you can also say 3 instruct, smoothly struck somebody who suggest the police to the now is completely clear. the 3 that are safe is angry. following president willing read those appointments of a new cabinet and today except some of the indices you, that's part of the problem. me. 5 minutes is inside cabinet and respond to these demonstrations and then reinforce it. several of the ministers and also included 3
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politicians from the political position out of the position. having led these process. they haven't really been involved as widely feet as a view to trying to cure his political position on the 9 foot and democrats in the city of physicians tend to grow extremely wealthy and coughing the tenants. government on preventing a black mass securities within route. that is government in parliament. i have 5 testers have been calling for. i didn't realize that one of the few ways, enough weeks that would be possible would be by phone and happy to close this play feel for this. and then the moving coffee line and very hard to imagine that happening alexis is on you here for another 3. yes.
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demonstrates as well as events. it will be calling for justice for the 1000 pounds . i know, sir, that thousands of people who feed a substitute missing many a bidding type of study that they've been targeted release others, others have been found lice a dead. and some of those still missing police denying extrajudicial feelings. right, great phase of the snake is responsible for this, and that is a countdown on the attempt by maybe young kenyans to express the good sense we've the government and morgan. we were talking earlier that day this began back in june. is there any indication that you have about whether or not the protests are continuing with the same intensity, or is that
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a change in the number of people or the types of people who are taking to the streets these days? it was a hot here uh people that on the busiest days uh its, um, well them, it was on the 25th of june, which is the good demonstration of the protesters. uh, entered parliament. uh, please. and here's the truth is responded to see thing. uh, dozens of them about 24 people died that day and not for the anger the crowd. now it was in the days following the president william, besides, he drew the controversial fine on the bill, which is the government plan. to raise taxes for the 2nd year in a row for the time when medicaid ends is struggling with the cost of living wages as stagnated for years. and uh, as well as the often to save the extraordinary displays of
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a personal private wealth by phone assistance to some new bonuses in something of a heavy shop to zillow that, uh, what's his uh, with tens of thousands of dollars. uh, people started pointing these things on social media formerly grew the angle grew and then the numbers on the street absolutely exploded at the end of june. the citizen, uh, we said, uh on the days when products i saw plan please. i have located some of the main roads leading into the city and says that people will be gain from some really low income areas on the periphery on throughout the pass a little. so see here, as we have today, please trying to stuff any demonstration from happening before. even start by guessing even the soonest. great processes. yeah. welcome. we're getting
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a sense of the, the size of the security forces presence on the streets just as you're, you're talking to. obviously we've been sleeping, watching what you've been showing to us and we can see them behind you for not a mile from web. and i roll, we thank you very much. indeed. the world health organization plans to roll out a polio vaccination campaign in garza virus was detected in waste water flowing through 10 camps last month. the w. rachel wants to start immunizations next weekend and its calling on israel to declare a ceasefire on humanitarian grounds. just give me one to give you a warning that some of the images may disturb yours and michael apple support the pony a virus eradicated from the gaza strip. 25 years ago is back poor living conditions and the collapse of the health and sanitation systems of to 10
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months of will have i should in its return, given the conditions of displacement, overcrowding, a switch contamination back of green wall to an overcrowding. be the idea of conditions sort of very high thoughts of apple you writers, transportation, which is trustworthy. people quarterly. the world health organization wants to roll out a polio vaccination campaign. on august the 17th, the 1st phase would target about $600000.00 children, younger than 8. some of the most vulnerable. it's calling for a ceasefire on humanitarian grounds. so it stops can move about safely and then handed. israel has rejected some of the applications in the past. most of the vaccines got there. then we need a massive change of the current environment, which is the only see if i add an and b so that the children can be vaccinated,
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but be also the live feed them of move. but at the end of july, causes health ministry declared the strip a polio epidemic zone. the health system is already overwhelmed by 1800000 cases of skin diseases and respiratory infections. on top of other communicable diseases and the level, we have founding the alarm and especially after these rarities have not allowed. the entry of vaccine is including the podium vaccine and on the virus is present and sewage water. these diseases, especially due to the lack of explanation of our children that come spread polio video. israel knows the danger a polio outbreak presents and began immunizing soldiers deployed to garza in the late july before the war. 199 percent of palestinians in the territory were vaccinated against polio and wall that figure has dropped slight key to 86
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percent. the w h o says any detection of polio is a public health emergency that could spread well beyond causes bodies. mike level, which is 0. some of the visitors closest allies have condemned comments made by mister barrett of small charge of our landing 2000000 palestinians die of hunger. sponsors claimed it might be justified on tomorrow to let them stop until is ready counted. so returned. those comments have been heavily criticized by the us, the u. k. and the european union on thursday for level as more on the us reaction from washington dc. just the bite and the ministrations one of about it. what seems pretty disgusted by these comment, and so it was a show statement that was released, but it was fairly to the point. it said, we all pulled by these comments. we reiterate that this rhetoric is harmful and it is disturbing. the presidents and the secretary of state have repeatedly stressed
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to meet and speak. humanitarian crisis in goal is to remove any obstacles to the flow of age and restore basic services for those in need. now of course, these comments will be welcomed by some in the fall right side of as well, but they have been widely uh, found a problem in the international community. i mean, be your opinion describes them as a well put them in place. i'm sorry if this is a little crime going to bit salvation. that's how you describe it in the front. said it how deep this may i what it called scandalous remarks on the case that that could be absolutely no justification for the for multiple perhaps. now that we've seen some strong words come from the us as well as close as dollars, maybe that will head home a little bit more. the government, hey, i is really having to struggle 2 lines at the moment because it is giving unwavering support. i am caught as to whether they using the israel in terms of its defense against, has prolong, underwritten, but at the same time it is clearly obvious. 3 post observations and screw leaks. the joe 5 is getting increasingly frustrated with prime minister netanyahu. i mean,
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just remember, last week when he was, i thought, advice, welcoming those hostages by russia. a couple of journalist, 3, some questions on him about the situation in gaza and certified and said, hey, meaning prime minister. netanyahu has the basis for a ceasefire. he's got to accept it and they also said that the killing of a small funnier had not helped. obviously a couple of harris who also met nothing. y'all who, when he was in town last month, who could be president in john? you're right. not the bill in the realms of possibility. she has said that she will not remain silence on the issue of cause. and so obviously there was a lot of pressure on out from the us. so in southern guys are these really armies that on some new evacuation or just for 9 tons and neighborhoods within the area of con eunice? israel's told palestinians to move to the so called designated humanitarian zone nearby and is really on the tunnel. i'm sure your address as wand is really sold as well. quote, forcefully operate against thomas spices in the area. israel's repeatedly targeted
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areas in killed palestinians and the so called safe zones and harbors in calling us in southern garza. i'm one kind of encouragement of people. they're going to have to move to evacuation. so in this plan, as we've just been talking about, they are likely to be targeted by these, mainly military. that's what, that's not the only issue. the biggest issue is people do not have a place to go to every where is overwhelmed and talks with palestinians, especially that, that in bella, which has more than a 1000000 of the space policy needs from different areas. and he didn't have units, as you see behind me, people are now setting up more tents. but now we have the latest lease that's by the is there any forces asking people from this red area to it back to a to a human tegan zone. but this is not the 1st time the same exact areas are warned by that is ready, forces to evacuate. this is this happened in the past month,
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and the same areas were warned and called to evacuate. and at that time, the palestinians did not have any place to go to. they were literally sleeping on the streets scattered without having any time to evacuate. but there was a couple of new blocks added to this month. now this comes after dudley a day yesterday for palestinians where that is where the forces targeted at least $210.00 that had the space palestinians. it's not only happening in can you in this? but there was also evacuations in best known in the modern parts of the gaza strip . and let me update you that is there any forces just targeted to schools in the gaza city, images that i yet in a, in, in the gods the city and at least 15 palestinians were killed. so we're talking about evacuating orders in hun you and as in the southern gospel group,
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people passed an it continuous asterix in the middle area. an ongoing asterix also happening in the another in parts of the gaza strip. so palestinians are left desperate, frustrated, not knowing where to go, and every where they go. they are targeted and 5, or you can con eunice in southern garza health. thank you very much. i israel is an honest is no longer going to a credit age norwegian diplomatic space instead of having to deal with the palestinian authority. it follows nobody's recognition of the policy. the states. nobody says israel's decision will have consequences. the palestinian foreign ministry is called the is rarely decision a dangerous precedent and a direct scribes to all countries. we can speak to either a or him whose life was from of a lot of what's behind this decision as well. what's really prompted this action by these rated government is the decision by norway and other countries,
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including spain on our island to recognize the palestinian states. these countries have said that they believe that there is a danger to the 2 state solution. they want to preserve it, and they believe that the diplomatic effort can it put a pressure on israel that is now putting in, in making and violating the international law when it comes to their measures against palestinians, including the extension of the indian is really supplements here. in the occupied with bank of the war that is being carried out the genocide in gaza. so that's why these countries of advance this decision. now israel seems to be implementing the threats, but it has been sounding ever since the decision of rick of next recognizing the palestinian state was made. they are saying that they will deprive those diplomats from any to rights basically is that they cannot have visas to enter as diplomats. it's seeing here, as you say, there by the, for the ministry as
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a dangerous precedent. but we know that it's best it's done before to other un officials, but as far as the pillows that were at the re general, she said she was concerned. he said that this is a breach of the violation of international norms. and he has been urging other countries to respond to the latest is randy decision, me me to give us a little bit of context here. why is this so significant in terms of norway not being allowed to operate, but it's dealing with a pot of standing authority just to talk to us a little bit about nobody's role in this conflict. it was this decision does not and is not going to be probably limited only to norway because they've said that they're going to be closing down the consulate and preventing them from working here in the occupied to us bank of the palestinian authority. but norway, specifically is not just any other country. it is we're palestinian and is really negotiators met and agreed to get a sign the also accords and to agree on that also accords which pays the way for
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the stablish means of the palestinian authority that was in 1993. and it's see me here in the occupied west bank as a major move by norway that was also called also 2 point oh for them to recognize the palestinian state that was supposed to come through negotiations. but as far as palestinians are concerned, israel since 1993 has been consolidating its occupation, has been expanding its indeed good supplement in the occupied with banks making the stablish rent of this palestinian state that was agreed upon and impossible to meet abraham in the room. i like me to thank you very much indeed. the new u. k. government says there have been no changes to his alms exports to israel, but it is reviewing advice on the policy opening the door for a possible bon. i'll just get his input. swaby has spoken to the police minister for development on of these dogs was visiting georgia. he began by asking about the
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progress on the review process of the new year. k. kaufman has been sorry, clear international humanitarian law is incredibly important and are these u. k. has a legal regime when it comes to the control of arms exports to any country, the new foreign secretary very quickly and office commission to advice on this issue, arriving the following of international humanitarian law. this is a complex area, but it's one that's very important. so we are proceeding with that pace urgently. we'll make sure that we're updating of course the u. k. parliament. i thought that as soon as we con, can you provide any specifics really wide enough to stop the war machine that is continuing to bombard guys, even if we, as we speak here today. so i'm obviously here as development minister and we've been desperately concerned about the monetary and situation that we see currently within garza and the u. k. governments with a new governments,
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we have ensure that we're providing additional supports support that will help 55000 people in gone. so to access the clean water and sanitation that's required. but we've also been clever, of course, that there has to be an immediate cease fire that must be the return of all hostages. and we need to see a search of age into casa, and of course, no longer time, we need to see that progress towards the 2 state solution that is required. now, i thought message has been coming lives in clear from you, u. k. government, a phone secretary has been in reach and twice since the election just a few weeks ago. obviously i am here in georgia and as well as to be very clear to find out message, also the need for the escalation more broadly in the region. the overloaded will come and eunice is taking charge. as the leader of
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a new caretaker government in bangladesh held the student uprising the top of defendant associates. i've seen that as quote, a 2nd independence and an emotional address and surrounded by student demonstrators . he paid tribute to those killed during the weeks of anti government protest. as the leader of the interim government, eunice will now have to ensure free and fair elections and established law and order after the nations deadliest on rest in recent years. into this get up covered up to the shooting and stuff protected this nation, and lots of the countries. rebeck, us, we promised to ensure the rapid development and progress of this new bangladesh. we want to protect this promise and stability. continue our progress topic, charging reports from duck, our units has laid out his priorities. the hey wants to bring discipline back. he wants to people to feel confident and secure the arch paper a lot to go on for bang, jones or reprisals. it doesn't want to see that sort of thing. so that says post number one priority. as you just mentioned, even highly emotional towards the student, he paid
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a special tribute to one of the students who in the beginning of the protest i was cited in wrong for bangladesh, was defined, he was stretching his hand, it became the symbol of the products he was almost barely marched without paying tribute to him. uh, besides and paid great respect for his you know, i gotta sacrifice for these products. uh, very much touching towards that student really now he should be coming out various thrown and heading to one of the government state desktops and most likely where they'll have more meeting to sort out things. we speak to all sorts of people on the ground, and most people really, from intelligence, they have to ordinary people, say, hey, you know what, it'd be good for. they knew enter, and government stays for a long time. clean up the system, we need independent judiciary, independence election commission. and the police defies all the system. because whenever there's a political governments, there's a lot of people who are loyal to the government, they're given a higher position and that whole system gets corrupted. corruption in the banking
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sector everywhere. so people actually would like to say somebody like, you know, taking on that with the right type of, uh, cabinet that will be from. but of course, the political parties will put pressure that the under the constitution, you're supposed to given the election within 90 days. that pressure would be there . but it could be compromise and stretched out the coachman. these executive director at the center of a policy dialogue button, but as she's joining the style from doc, i thank you very much. indeed for being with us as we were just hearing units is saying that the law and order it says priority follow up. of course, by free and fair elections longer time. what's the next thing that he has to look out for bangladesh? i do see the strongly on the movement of this tv has to be because of the destination and discrimination which were present during the last 15 years under the regime over sheet. because enough,
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so the underlying causes all the students, mormon was to remove that discrimination. boy had started with the motor full, but you'd actually called florida and discrimination towards the end. and that is what includes the parts of the video to be boxed as well as the suffering because of the one hand to be a scene for the last 2 in tip top view and also the secondary fisheries. so high that the time you go to purchasing, followed up on dpi, fixed income move to locate me. and on top of that, we have seen that along with the political institutions getting read, the economic institutions have also been destroyed. and the soft bar 90 now is to be broken in the sense that the math type, it always debility which we observed earlier that has weakened tremendously. and
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these are b, b, 2 videos. economic fundament does, which are blinking right now. to stop, we'd be no investment beach, private domestic investment or important investment new to, to be doing things for to make changes then your employment create. it shouldn't be a bad deal the economy nor do you need the issue at all. not you need any indicators of the economy been on the dollar, what pins and the injection, the 2nd, the interrupting, but there's $1.00 to $1.00 of this. one elements of this, of course, has been that has been driving these processes is corruption within the economic structure within the government structures about yesterday, there was a story during the runs that have on me several central bank officials were forced to resign off to $3.00 to $400.00 of the employees of the bank pro tested. are we likely to see that's kind of action increase against i is more and more cases of
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corruption become apparent. yes, exemption has been well received as prostate cannot be expected. bending sector is one of the key, one case in point, in case the other uh here. you also be finding the investment projects make so that sort of big projects. we just finished with the card option and waste the resources and back expected have been also destroyed during the last 15 years. because by changing the badging company, you can see, but all of the directors of politically connected to be have use the followers. and now do change the rules, immediate feedback, as it is the best known before to find out with the us. and these are we for the funders who how soon do the money from the mass, we just actually public money. so this is one area, but as i mentioned to them,
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he got projects before he leaves the structure to the west. it's a good option has to be so high that the cost is collision of each and every property has to be mas dines compared to the new shift project. i knew it as well and a position to the judge in front of the new indenting golf way is to do institution of the polls. the government in the previous government had shoddy believe so is tradition of default because it was trailing the people. the next step between the place she had the business minutes have really created assistance where they want to get involved in the game. why is depriving the rest of the population as it is that we see that there is not enough investment to be in the environment for the youth who are, you know, really seeking for jobs. and that's going to be called
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a system which was in. ringback a lot for the public sector, joel, it was basically a distribution of you know, the guy to do the payment to the lawyer of the finance bought the got the assignment. i talked to him, you're gonna have to forgive me. i do apologize for interrupting you. unfortunately, time is against us, but i'm very grateful to you for being with us on to 0. thank you very much indeed . thank you. the british prime minister cares tom or is expected to charity emergency meeting to discuss riots by the fall rights across the country on buttons stay thousands of i'm to racism. protests is turned out on the streets a day off to the far right demonstrators of types, police and targeted homes and business is linked to minority groups. so i'm gonna say is a sentence in rioters is working the fact we didn't say, but the sort of that we said is because we had police deployed in numbers in the right places, giving reassurance to communities. we're able to demonstrate the criminal justice
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system working. so easily, so yesterday you soul the sentencing of individuals with been involved in disorder, days ago, some of them getting sentences as long as 3 years. that's. that's a very powerful message. but i also think that the work that's being done jointly to reassure our communities is becoming more effective. lower kinds live for us and manchester, the original rights for the far right shots, the united kingdom. but also the response that we've seen in the last 24 hours or so by those against the far right seems to also have taken people by surprise. a lot sort of a, a took off by surprise. we were racing ourselves. i'm the media was people across the country where police, why as they were expecting, bolden a 100 places across person to have a fall, right. protest this congregating there. um mostly outside these legal offices that
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were protecting and supporting assign them because in the u. k. was dispatched to shred the audiology of many of these people on the far right, but of course we then so people coming out on mass as anti racist groups to organize this many just came out and at home base as well, and joins and place it there around $25000.00 people in major cities across the country now permits the kids come and will be crediting himself for the massive plans. police operations have circle health to emergency maintenance. he will be holding another one. it's off to noon, as you set the search to will the people who are holding up pa costs saying they don't want racism in this country, that they will not tolerate best. and they don't want to follow. right. take, you know, the bed now it say hi jack king. what they're saying is an incredibly diverse country with close next community. so i was actually in both and a town just north of pare, once again a very diverse community,
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people all coast that they said that they were shopped to see these rights taking place on sunday evening they, they created account of protests against them at the time but no one expected this show for us. we've also seen up 6000 offices, ready to take them on and about 400 the rest with many people as the set being served. very half defensive. it says, laura, thank you very much. indeed that's lower con, talking to is from manchester and the okay. what do you guys, ne, as bracing for more flooding as tropical storm debbie gets me into his jeff check of the weather to hey, there is, here's where a tropical storm debbie is right now. don't seeing the carolinas more western parts of the state. this is pushing into virginia state today on thursday. it is low moving, but it is moving up the eastern seaboard. this put this a day for it on friday watch. it does pick up some steam through the mid atlantic and the us northeast. probably going to give us more flooding to states like new
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york and new jersey by the time friday rolls around to the west suite. go look at this breeze through when it takes 16 degrees, that's almost 10 below where you should be at this point in the gear and the number of wildfires burning in northern california around the state capital sacramento. the park fire has now become the 4th largest wildfire on record to tear through california. there has been some funding around mexico city, i think today on thursday we could see some for the not too far away from tickets to go put in hunter as an a line of showers in store and setting up from what's called a round pedro to that southeast corner of brazil, but while we've got a weather in baker coming in of the south atlantics giving us driving rain for the river plates and really whipping up those wind. so for example, montevideo today on thursday, you could see wins post pads, 75 kilometers per hour, and that could cause some damage. stay safe. still ahead and i'll just set up a search and the number of cases of
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a disease called m fox is triggering alarm and african nations. and after days of dogs for 10 kilometers swimming madison is it under weight. and of, of a sudden the latest power someone picks up the pod came in to be used. is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing. yep. on his government with these 5 digit you say getting less of a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that you assigned him a present as not that important factor. he had the story on talked to al jazeera in depth analysis of the case. headline, what strategic purpose do you think this assassination serves? israel informed opinions, people who have been 18 years old seem to be given
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a chance to best to be a bold critical debate. russia has decided that the war crane as a defensive war inside story house. will it change the security relationship between both countries on out jersey or the you're watching or is it a reminder of i told stories, this are the hundreds of protest as of gathers in the capital, nairobi and yes, again to call for william rooters resignation,
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crucified to gas and the cars are made to several arrests. is where the forces of bombs to school sheltering displaced, palestinians, east of guys, a city, at least 15 people are killed. part of sending officials say there's really forces have had more than a 170 shelves. most of and school since the war began and the head of bangladesh was interim government mohammed eunice as paid tribute to the students killed in the weeks of antique government demonstrations, is going to take me over from the county hours of to the deadliest process of decades which, let's be honest to find the associate i've seen in ukraine. the fighting in the east has intensified as russian forces tried to break through ukrainian defensive lines and done. yeah, it's a defense editor, at least, could tell from those, explains why russia's offensive is that a crucial stage. fighting an eastern ukraine is rage for months with few gains on either side. but it now seems as though russia is slowly grinding down. ukrainian
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defensive and ukraine's position is looking precarious. in the south. russia has re taken villages in last last year, while in the north elite units are pushing towards cock, if. but it's in the east in the next will. ukraine's position is increasingly tenuous. russian forces are inserting the eastern towns of chest of y'all until risk and threatening consultative con. you create new troops. so using the road leading from across as a major supply route. and it's been cuts off by russian not 10. are we 5? why does this matter? if russia takes consent to meet the comments? was because the beginnings comfortable these are important boot or rail junctions to the west for the north components. another significant vote or bell junction is also under pressure. these towns would be strategic gains for russia, at least 80 percent of its supplies. i munition of fuel a move by rail, and these junctions would allow russian forces to rapidly advance west threatening
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caulk if on like russia. ukraine is not build extensive defensive positions and is struggling to hold its front lines. the danger for you creating now is for a russian breakthrough into open country and ukraine. do think significant territory or russia is also moving air defense systems to the cost nuclear power plant and what it's calling intense. baffles on its side of the border. state of emergency has been the cabinet called screens you enough to your training and troops stage the late largest incursion into russian territory since the watering ukraine began. you're the shop of all of us. joining us now live from moscow. how, what more do we know about what's happening you? so the laser is that the course original source has that report saying that the ukranian armed forces has no advanced any d for into the coast region, but retreating inside and the situation that in the region is stable and under
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control. but we can't deny that'd be fighting between the ukranian and russian on. forces continues according to various sources, underwood correspondents as well. the ukrainians manage to advance up to 15. can me says the a lines into the course region on or coupon at least 11 settlements. however, the restroom is your defense denies the information and say that the ukrainian forces all being successfully destroyed on the boulder. so many military on the list here are skeptical about the ukrainian offensive in terms of its impacts on because of the russians, ukrainian military confrontation. and they say the ukrainian on forces do not have enough means to hold the captured type of trees in the course region. according to russian house ministry to achieve full civilians. no, i know that in children are currently in hospital and to go and treat twins. and 9
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people, including famous will correspondence to receive one child getting for do may have been taken to most current i on wednesday he's caught was head vine, s p v drone in the, in the region on his crew was an escaped. but he received some really happy brands and heading to his and i was also heard from advise it to they had to be ukranian president's office. we hardly pulled gently off. and he said that the ukrainian forces attach the post regions to improve kids position in negotiations. with most curse because he says that the rushes law says of that type retreat and people as well as equipment would have a positive effect on the degree stations. because from, from, keeps points of view. i russian to sense the language of fools you yourself about about talking to us from moscow you later. thank you. i want to fly an arrest warrant form, a council on septic system does call us pledge among has returned to spain after 7
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years of self imposed exile, which amount addressed a large crowd of supporters and box alone on thursday morning. it was then nowhere to be fine night presumably slay. this is a police officer was arrested on suspicion of collaborating in his escape. according to spanish media which won't faces several charges which include organizing an illegal independence, referenda in spain. in 2017 done part of the last pay the over yes, they persecuted us for listening to the voice of the people of catalonia years where there was a hush for prussian from prison to exile. that effects of the lives of thousands of people for being pro independence, sometimes for the may effect of speaking capital on this making being caught salon . something suspicious. austrian police say a 19 year old man's confess to planning a suicide attack at a taylor swift concept being held this week. the pop star cancelled 3. so it was being held at the end of this week,
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which right expected to be attended by tens of thousands of people. a 17 year old was also arrested in connection with the clause. c and 19, yeah, like a 19 year old australian citizen was arrested this morning and turn in. another related arrest was made this afternoon in vienna. the suspects radicalized themselves on the internet, the 19 year old citizen of level austria swore legions to the currently the of islamic state of the beginning of july. subsequently, the suspects made concrete preparations for a terrorist attack to a surgeon. the number of cases of a disease called impulse and african countries is alarming health chips. most of the in factions and death are in the democratic republic of congo, but in cases of also being detected into the wanda can yes, i'm going to about health organizations called any emergency meeting to determine if the big constitutes a global emergency. and fox was 1st discovered in lab monkeys in 1958, and it's in demick to parts a central in west africa,
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of cases have been increasing 2022. the world health organization declared a global academic initial symptoms are similar to fluid including ex fever and swollen glands, followed by a painful raj that phones blisters and fox and spreads through physical contact with infected people, as well as contaminated surfaces and objects. it can also spread through contact with infected animals, victoria and gave reports of the young week a career was suffering from impulse. he's one of around $27000.00 people in the democratic republic of congo who's being diagnosed with the virus since the beginning of last year. but because it's certainly the best se made the research has do their best, let them work hard to find a cure and the called help them to it is with god's help that they would succeed in finding a cure for this disease. impulses an infectious disease from the same family of viruses as smoke pulse. the outbreak has killed more than 1100 people in the d o. c
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. since early 2023. most of them children. i guess that's why i'm on j. as my daughter had a high fever and then she started to get legions on her body. she had brushes on her arms on her abdomen and even on her tongue, i was told m fox is a serious illness that could kill her. so i brought her to this treatment center, the advocate centers for disease control and prevention say impulse has been detected in 10 african countries. this year. cases are wrought by a 160 percent on last year. and tests have increased by nearly 20 percent. it's going okay because good looks good and we've already that some investigations on being carried out properly and there was no follow up of contacts of consumed cases . we hope you'll be able to organize the b service, especially in camps for displaced people. this is how we hope to break the chain of transmission the. the world health organization has released $1000000.00 from its emergency fund to support the response to impulse. it's also called an emergency
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meeting to discuss the potential for the disease to spread further based on the continent and globally. victoria gave some b, l, g 0. i'm sorry, we need to mach 7 to 9 uses the atomic bombing object. time has become embroiled in a diplomatic ro, nagasaki, city officials declined to invite the is really, i'm positive to friday so many over the war on gaza. ambassadors from several western nations and crew to view k, the us and friends pulled out of fighters, settlement and protest. since the full scale invasion of crane in 2022, bella, russian and russian invoice have not been invited. i guess at least 40 people have been killed and 5 more are missing. after flooding in yemen, heavy downpours triggered flashed flooding the sweat through villages and the data on hygiene provinces. demons, rainy season losses from late march to mid august or july and august, seeing the highest rainfall and dozens of people have died. you to flooding in
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western sudan officials in west off for which is controlled by the parliamentary rapids support forces, say sizes of homes were destroyed and elegant, and more heavy. rain is full cost this week. why would they find the situation is really difficult, very dire. at about 5 in the morning, our homes were flooded by walter. many homes were leveled, and all of our property destroyed a religious pilgrimage has taken on political significance in argentina. more than half of ours and turned in to fall into poverty as a country inbox and a controversial asperity program. now, thousands of chopsticks were joined by labor unions and all the less rain groups at a church and the capital 3 simple met some of them on the streets to find a sense of the long lines of people waiting outside the sun crazy dental center. even when a site is he's the patron saint of reading work in
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a country with poverty and unemployment around the rice. because the rush for san antonio says, she's concerned about the current situation in argentina. maybe a part of the advice that i came with. so i'm here so that we can improve so that our future, our children don't have to leave here for what they need for all of them. so they don't go hungry or cold. because argentina is such a rich country, so rich, and yet we have to endure such hardships that our children are leaving. that's why i come every year, thousands of people to attend the mass. but this time it was different. labor unions and left when groups decided to march from the parish towards the proceed into a palace to protest against the government of have you had a really like this one are happening almost every week. and one of the latest that around 55 percent are poor. this means that around 5000000
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since taking office 8 months ago really has ordered the lives of almost 50000 state employees voted on public works lifted subsidies on electricity, gas, and transportation among other measures. to bring down the deficit to 0 and reduce inflation is where the house salaries are not enough because everything seems to be going up in price. i come here to find people who have things in common with me that this was the one we done, the economies say, and a very to plan what's necessary knowledge in tina to stabilize the economy. but there are concerns about when the economy will start to recover. my thought is that sure they'll be able to go full, not move forward. what we see is a sharp drop in people's incomes, pensions registered in former workers. a drop that we have not seen since the crisis of 2001. and that generated a recession. that obviously helps the country to reduce inflation. but it is
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a concern. it started to recover but continues to be very slow. have you had any light came to power with a promise to reform argentina's economy? but they are growing concerns about what will happen if he fails. that he said, we'll just see that when a site is the best one is top prosecutor says he's investigating the publishers of a website which showed election tallies, collections by opposition, supporters find this where this opposition disputes the results of last month selection electoral authorities said nicholas my doodle won the presidency with 51 percent of the vote. sizes of protesters have been demanding the election results the overtime. so the head of knowledge is 0. it's rising to the top in the laser. i've got the 1st electric gold metal that's coming off of the
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the the it's time for us for his father. thank you so much, rod, after days of doubt. and so we're rather with go ahead the women's 10 kilometers swimming marathon took place on the river. some training sessions were canceled or disrupted, and the build up to the event due to high levels of eco lie in the water. but the river was declared, save on the morning of the race and a closely fudge at contest. sharon van or a window of the netherlands, repeated her gold from rio 2016. she's an inch of 5 seconds ahead of australia is malisha johnson. the men's race takes place on friday. tal risk has more wells on home and all might be making a case for performing
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a very best when there are problems with water quality. she want to last olympic gold medal in the women's technical moments american swim every year. 2016 when there were concerns about sewage off a co pay cabal on a beach. very different here in paris, the authorities to spend 1500000000 dollars trying to clean up the sun despite that several training sessions for the previous traveling events. what kinds of old after failed? well, it's a quality tests not didn't happen at for the mattress and the competitors were able to train in the send the day before this race. not all of them putting the heads in the will to, after some traffic lights had full and now after their events, not necessarily at this stage linked to the wall. it's a call, let's say, but this is the 1st time the a merits in swim. absent olympics has been held in a river the competitors having to fight. not totally, perhaps the psychological thoughts of getting ill afterwards, but also have a very difficult occurrence in the sense it's bound to holland off with his 2nd
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olympic gold, the men's mouth and swim should be going ahead. walter tests a lot going on friday. patrice elgin's era, paris. now let's bring you up to speed on what's been happening in the athletics so far on thursday. i live in some top for moments and how to catch long stormy is a sophie rice and burgess and make it to the start line. she heard all in the warm up within an ankle and was taken away in a wheelchair. and that in american, and the chary, hawkins failed to clear any height in the hi jim. jim is 3 times at 1.71 which was a shock because her personal dust is 1.85 of her face set at all. and she realized that she was also out of the games usa or the favorites. and the women's a 4 by 100 meters, really all 4 of their sprinters of metals and individual events, including 200 meters champion. gabby thomas, shari richardson. saw them home in their seats, had
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a quick break and the man are safely through as well. they haven't actually won this event since sidney 2000, but they'll be favorites with 100 meters champion. no eliles expected to be added, jamaica surprisingly, failed to qualify. and it was meant to play well, what lives didn't take part in that race because he'll be in the 200 meters final later, he's moved closer to a 2nd gold but was beaten into 2nd by it's sally to the whole of botswana blouses. amy's become the 1st man since you same boat when both events, demands 400 meters funnel produced a dramatic finish, britons matthew hudson. smith was denied gold, as he was overtaken apolline by american quincy hall. the pair around the 4th and 5th fast. this time in the history of the events found this village. i'm raven saunders has qualified for the women shot, put the final, but it's the americans had where that caught people's attention. saunders was
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wearing a full face of black mass as a silver metal, as from tokyo, made the final 12 to china to gold in the artistic team swimming and event that has been dominated by russia who had one, every single gold medal in the categories. since the 2000 sydney games, china, while the judges with an impressive routine finishing ahead of the united states, he took silver. it was the 1st ever gold medal for china in the event olympic organizers are considering adding a mix to what team for the 2028 games creating space for men to compete in the system. and then you should have secured their 1st gold metal in the games after venturing leanne drove on demand speed coming event taking place as an individuals . and for the 1st time, we in our to be that we've hired to the top, your face and watson, one bronze and world record time beating his own record for the 3rd time. i'll certainly is, are celebrating their record breaking performance at these games. they've 118 gold
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medals so far the most they've ever won addison olympics. their athletes, one for gold in a single day taken palmer was part of that record hall. he successfully defended his part. skateboarding titled, american thomas shar took silver, a goose to a key when bronze for, for itself on, uh, is it absolutely on. uh, you know, just being able to be a part of that crew that was able to beat the world record for us, you know, of 18 is it, it really doesn't get much better. you know, and i'll surely is where i learn how to walk, talk, skate, serve jerry, think i know how to do so. that's not as while. so represent australia is because that's where it all went down for me. so they deserve to have a goal and they'll come back for the stuff they've given me. i'm the united states lead the way in the middle of the table, just ahead of china australia have consolidated their position. and 3rd, to one of the female boxers at the center of agenda ro is 3 to her olympics final tomlins, lynn. you tang beats or kias s, right? you'll dis, carmano, thanks to a unanimous points decision,
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you tank and al jerry's amman. cleats has faced controversy after for partly failing gender task ahead of last year's world championships. you change the turkish opponent peer to make an exit gesture with her hands in protest and a reference to the symbol for female chromosome. but continued scrutiny has been condemned back home in taiwan. suffice say, 3 times i've done. i've wished to grow up since he was little. so i know very well, but she is a go. they're just jealous. i've seen her practice very hard and take it seriously . are cheapens today and not easy. they come from us strength and dedication to training. this is our results. and that is all your support for now that t rob far i thank you very much. indeed. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more and all the stories that don't forget. of course, you get a lot more in the sport as well as all the background, the most stories on the website. obviously you don't come from a box and stay with the
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what happens in new york has implications all around the world. it's an international perspective with a human touch, booming way in and then pulling back out again. the system even come in as an international inside corruption, excellence award, nominator hero. now my wife and i said between the admin and financial and
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2010. today we need a new fund. digital has between about 1 o'clock, 5 mean you don't have a contract and now we'll have this was one. then you had the last to reduce the beneficiaries who have bought a book that about 400000 does our 1st african we believe not only financially a bar and these don't have the guns with alternate training them. unimed, providing mentors for them today on the 2nd largest to have a play of labor in the private space of stuck with the states of the 90 on russian side space is through a fall or use. it creates technology oriented opportunities, worthwhile were driving over to you ever to, to sure, look at the lighting job creation on wheels assuring to sleep economic empowerment because the women move foundation and powering african entrepreneur is the, the,
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the nowhere is safe and god is rarely forces target to schools sheltering, displace palestinians can at least 15 people the time about this, and this is on the 0 in life and to have also coming up fine, good actions, nobel laureate, mohammed you on this is judy, be sworn in as the head of an interim government officer, a student uprising top 5 minutes or 6. i see not the.


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