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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 9, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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as loud, holding the 5 foot 2 accounts as we examine the us each roll in the wall. on alger 0. the renewed fresh for a safe spot and does counter egypt on the us court on israel on time us to resume urgent negotiations, bridge. got the okay, we don't. so this is i'll just hear a lot from toe. so coming to schools, showing displaced, palestinians family so targeted by is ready as strikes at least 16 people have been killed. diplomatic dispute,
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soft to israel is not debt to commemoration to the victims of it. tell me only like a saki in world war 2. the non violence in kenny is capital police, confront, protest is president router to step down, the mediators working on a cx 5 deal for as well as a 10 month war on garza. so it's time to end the suffering, a joint statement signed by the mayor of cut off on the presence of egypt, and the us says, the time has come to conclude the c spot and hostages and detainees release, steal teams of wet toilet slate over many months. to forward a framework agreement, stuff is now on the table. is there any the details of implementation left to conclude? we have cold on both sides to resume urgent discussion on thursday,
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august 15th though, or colorado to close all the remaining gaps and comments implementation of the data without further delay of these very governments has banned houses here from reporting in israel. so i'm the song reports now on the is very reaction from jordan's capital. emma is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his office releasing a statement, confirming that in his really delegation will be dispatched to meet with mediators in either cairo or doha, on august 15th. and what's now being widely considered as a last ditch effort to secure a ceasefire deal. now, family members of this really captives have spoken out upon receiving the news of this statement that was signed by the 3 heads of state from the united states. but the, an egypt saying that the time for a ceasefire deal is now that benjamin netanyahu should be able to offer up concessions during these meetings in order to bring the sum of $110.00 is really captives back from gaza. but there are
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a lot of moving parts here. there is concern about a wider regional conflict in the region as israel prepares for some sort of retaliatory attack by the it audience, his beloved, or perhaps the food these in yemen. additionally, we have to remember that these relays are now going to be negotiating with yes, yes, and one who is the new political leader of how much he's not only the leader in gaza anymore. he's considered a hard liner. benjamin netanyahu was considered a hard liner. he's gone into these negotiations previously with several law negotiable and has added to that list. so mediators are now saying that there needs to be not only come in the region, but some sort of agreement as well, to ultimately, and the war on god. so essentially it's just need all, i'm so you have a time see is life 1st now washington dc. i should have how key is the us when it comes to reaching a deal, as well as we will know,
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it just takes one phone call really for all of us to add bite. and just as to the end of the pipeline of weapons, that is round diplomatic cover. i'm in fact, to be honest when, when this broke, given the, the nature of who's trying to the statements of that. but the heads of state of egypt caught the us together saying right now is the time we want this final round of tools next week? the question immediately that was all for is this something new grounds for hope? and new input is a new hardening of the mediators. position meeting will save us is that they will not find the apply that leverage for to get the fees for ideal done once in full i just got off a background. cool with a senior administration official. i have to say the impression that i got from that was no, not really. that's, this is randy just in the what are you in the sense of the administration official side of impatience and frustration of, of it was taking so long. and the whole process has not been moving as it should've been. this is about making a powerful state, but using the leaders of these 3 countries to put the names on those statements say
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now is now is the time. but i didn't get any impression of us who was prepared to use anymore, leverage on his route and it is route that keeps adding proposals to the ceasefire . whatever. whatever the ceasefire agreement seems to be seems to be close at for power 3 talks. we were told we'll begin and uh, fairly soon before next thursday, as tools. but there's no expectation to them that will be of yes, the people signing on the on the dotted line without 4 or 5 issues. we are told that needs to be worked out as review is about reviewing, resuming the price stuff. the administration official was all server. all you're trying to maybe head off any wrong in retaliation for these really escalation and the regional, the assassination possible. our leaders are on a loss leader by trying to say, look, val, we're going to get the cx 5 sort of out of his. he said, no, not really actually this, this, this is about getting the price that's on track is about be a patients to that done. however, he did say that if there is some huge escalation,
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a hugh, i'm a deeper regional rule and that would make any issues 5 deal fall far more difficult. he also said that the, the administration completely rejects any sense that iran has the right to retaliate. because of his randy action, she have thanks very much. rodney curry is a distinguished public policy for the american universe to be rude. he joins us from boston. welcome to the program. what do you make of this joint statement? is there really anything new there that can be built on or i think it's significant the how significant we will find out in the next week or so. literally, it's significant because you've had all 3 ads of stayed the sun this together to the 2 parties have my some unless and yahoo and the basically ordering them to get their act on the road in mid and by next thursday, the 15th. and the framework has worked out, they said them,
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they need to work out the details now altogether, which i think has been clear for months, a months we've known what the framework as them. we know what the, what the agreement is going to be. there was only one major, you know, before, which is what this really is the kind of an area totally or just partly or cube terms for. so somewhere this has to be what the, what probably they have to get out totally. but so yes, i think especially let me, i also think the time is unbelievably significant. why the 15th? i think it's because the 2 most desperate people in the world now for a cease fire other than the palestinians are coming to harrison just in genocide and joe biden, as he is well known of the us. now they're desperate to have the ceasefire happen. why is that 15? so i want them to start because the democratic party convention starts on chicago,
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on the 18th, and the 19th of the 22nd. they have to produce a democratic party platform which will shape pamela harris as campaign, which will also define a joe by his legacy and possibly get the genocide purpose out of his uh uh, title for his name. so he will be known as joe barton, mcdonough sorry, joe biden is different. i can get the ceasefire. exchange the person that is on the cost to just get the is really the rebuild. yeah. et cetera, et cetera. so that, that i think it's tremendously significant. also the 3 countries together have done this and it's, it's a carpenter, i think of which to come, which and the next phase, the governance of guys are and all of the palestine. the creation of as a gentleman, balanced any and running government that just doesn't require much more international participation. and this tripartite process could be
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a harbinger of things to come. and finally, i think it's significant because it basically tells me yeah, who stopped playing games. you have to agree, and he's the only look now is the only obstacle to this. the is rarely government, the most of the government, the army, the people of israel. and they're all going to see as far so that they're essentially telling blame down the law firm. nothing. you know, the should have been done years and years ago, but anyway, it better let them know never. so we'd love to see this isn't optimistic reading of this, but i think it's something that is likely to happen. but let me see, let me ask you this time in this statement also says quote, as mediators, if necessary, we are prepared to present a final bridging proposal, reading between the lines. what does that actually me, what it means that they've got, they use the word framework. they say there's a framework that's been agreed and then the version proposal is the one that would
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take the positions of both sides that are not in agreement and bridges and bring them together to come up with an agreement that everybody can sign off on which will give none of nobody will get everything they want, but both sides will get the most important things that they want. and this is, this is the order for of mediation and diplomacy. i think of a combination of cut, the age of done the us leaving and why their international process to do this kind of surprised strong chance of success. but the most important thing, if you ask me, what's the most important thing about this? i think this is one of the few instances where we have seen a combined of western one. this can, somebody can, but obviously others are both supporting an effort to force these relays to stop doing the terrible things that they're doing. in other words, just one of the few examples we have of a concert at our, of international effort to pull back on the crime and the vicious boot tower the
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uh, the zionism industrial have shown the world in the genocide and gaza. and this is the 1st step to hopefully towards that process by which the 4 fair between both sides will stop and the political process to resolve their, their, to assure their rights both sides discharged. so we'll begin, but this is really significant difference, different happens like that for the, for them to use words like bridging and framework of this. they said we've agreed that we've got okay. all right, so then this is done to start, okay. forgive me. we're out of time the around the country. we appreciate insights . thanks very much. you about or is there any forces have bombed to schools in northern garza with palestinians was seeking shelter. at least 16 people
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were killed in the strikes. number of people are missing and believe to be buried under the rubble. meanwhile, in southern gaza, you is rarely evacuation orders are forcing displaced families to flee yet again. and who do any reports not from hong eunice to all the remains of what was once a classroom before is rooms were now schools have become regular targets for the military. there was an explosion and lots of sparks and then the wall fell on us. this is the 8 school israel has bombed in 2 weeks. it say's there are mass command centuries used to planned attacks against is ready soldiers. but for desperate policy and use this court in. this is a neighborhood of cause a city served as a temporary home. some came in search of show through but are needing wrapped in blankets. others are still looking for some where safe packing
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cards to the brim after is really forces issued new evacuation orders for 9 areas in newness warning they would for sleep operate against policy by tuesday or. no. it hasn't been 2 days since we went back to bonnie's to halo a well have mercy on us, have mercy on our children. look at what is happening to us. by the time we reach an area, these readies want us to leave it where their own land. the whole world is watching 12 months act and find a solution to continue after a tax on today's refugee comp and central clauses, dozens of injured people are brought to over crowded hospitals. in the past few days is where the forces have bonds, areas in the north, south, and center of the causes troop. the latest punctuation orders are causing panics among palestinians because with is rarely repeatedly targeting,
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so called save stones. there's no guarantee they will be safe. where they go next in the city, i'll just see it out. and eunice garza, palestine to israel, says it will no longer a credit to 8 know wage and diplomats based instead of eve, who deal with the palestinian authority that comes off to noise decision to recognize the palestinian state is very foreign minister said there was a price for anti israel behavior, he made the announcement no way says the decision will have consequences from relationship between young government. no day has more from l. roberts occupies westbank. it's really, really quite ironic for palestinians also is shorthand for the oslo accords, which of course were hosted or were the result of bilateral talks between palestinians and his really secret talks. but also hosted. and they resulted in the 1st glimmer of hope. palestinians had that the occupation would and now is real
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have for all intents and purposes, really abandoned that also process, abandon its agreement to end its occupation into the 2 states formula. which is what we heard, echoed by the norwegian for administered such a single up norway, a country that had the ad hoc lives on committee of donors of countries that a 5th and have been doing that since the early 1990 is the palestinian authority. and israel in maintaining that so called peace process in trying to reach to a point where these really occupation as really speaks volumes to where we are in terms of political positions where israel is, in terms of commitment to that, to states formula. and where the path ahead is really, if there is one and both of those from several of western countries have pulled out of an event in japan to commemorate the victims of the bombing of nagasaki. that's also the man refused to invite is rarely officials,
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tens of thousands of people were killed in the us that dropped in atomic bomb on the city in 1945. but the account repulse in a solemn ceremony and choose 10 of your machine and mark the 1st of the only 2 nuclear attacks against civilians. israel is presence at the event, 2 sharp criticism from anti war voices. major political protests are rare in japan, but since october, the 7th, it seems several of rallies opposing israel, the south and gas. it israel has not been invited to manufacture immersion on friday. the widely seen as condemnation of its war at all. but the mere and states, the decision is aimed at maintaining come come on the seizure taking idea and you know, to on monday i, this decision is absolutely not a political one. it is only so that we conduct the ceremony smoothly under solomon missouri. but several western invoice have withdrawn from the event they say
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negative stuckey smell of israel called russia remains banned from commemorations for invading ukraine, cause of false comparison between the 2 nations. they've written to the mirror urging him to reverse the decision. israel has actually no place invisible, and it is utterly outrageous that you know, people would even think that is real and should be invited. the russians and the valuations are not invited either. the west is perfectly happy with that, but when it comes to their ally, israel, oh wow, you know, this is we have to make a big steak. we have to make a big fuss. protesters have responders. we can kind of sydney and flags outside the us embassy in tokyo. seems like these are becoming more common in a country for people usually steer clear with global affairs. every week we're seeing people coming out into the streets. protests, the genocide demands a ceasefire, and demand that, you know, japan be more vocal to us,
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maintains that the bombing of hiroshima and nagasaki was justified in world war 2. few in japan agree for many here. the destruction in gaza is a painful reminder of japan's own past. pretty a car which is 0. and so to come on, i'll just share a desperate need for agents to don off the hundreds, lose the homes and slipping under a warnings was to be to come to us. i look forward to the debates because i think we have to set the record straight the public and the presidential candidates. donald trump says he has agreed to 3 d banks against a democratic run coming to parse the . here's how it's shaping up across the americas on fridays. so that's the storm
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system around the river. plate winds will turn lighter. rain will shift out over the open water, but look at this special green for the southeast corner of brazil, not too far away from sao paulo. we can trace this out. this is a long line of showers and storms pushing into bolivia, pay route up against the wet weather towards the top end of south america. but let's go to central america right now. rain comes point in some mexico's yucatan peninsula that western side of cuba. so some pretty good down ports here we saw flooding just the other day outside of mexico city, but i think the area of concern could be that you could tend peninsula. so debbie starts to pull away from the carolinas in virginia. it's going to pick up speed as well as it does come through the mid atlantic and the us northeast is going to dallas this area. we just saw some flooding here in new york. and new jersey certainly could see a repeat of this over the next 24 to 48 hours to the west. we go not as cool as it has been in winnipeg, i 21,
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some air quality issues for the pacific northwest that has to do with wildfire as burning in northern california. not too far away from the state capital sacramento . the park fire has now become the 4th largest fire on record to tear through california c. later. the this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive nation sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country holdings, more beauties than just those use, looks like beaches, historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties the
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the watching. i'll just remind to of a top stores aside, atari, egyptian, and us leaders have close to gauze as the spot to resume on august 15th and the joint statement. they propose to host the the, the car and said it is time to conclude a ceasefire. agreement is ready for 6 and funds to schools. shouts from, displaced to students, east of kansas city. the 16 people have been killed, posting and official site is very forces and it's moving 170 shelters. most of the schools, since the movie can bestest from several western countries of tools out of an event in japan. tremendous victims of us funding of another stock, including us off to the next piece to invite is raising officials
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a canyon. the police a thought tear gas and bubble, but it's doing demonstrations calling on the president when a route to resign. well, the $170.00 people are arrested and several injured, including just the demonstrators are demanding justice for more than 60 people killed in a crack down on the protests that began last month. welcome, web reports from now rudy. police made it clear between the 8th week of anti government protests. we didn't want any demonstration here in central nairobi until it was a few a people when it some of the previous demonstrations the trust. and the government is still a love to know the the couple different options and take a look at this country. you know, it wasn't in this country, we're doing the and we're doing the us. meanwhile,
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president william utilize for in a new cabinet he'd, we shuffle that in response to previous protests. being operating through the cabinet. secretary of kenya now includes 3 members of the political opposition, which he says makes it more inclusive. we have lost many opportunities to walk the johnny of transforming kenya with everyone about leaving some citizens unable to connect with policies, programs, and projects that have been brought it out to our country. the demonstrations haven't be led by the political opposition protests to say roots or bringing them into government and re appointing other ministers perpetuates endemic corruption and shows there's no real change the deals . they want justice for the dozens of protest as they've been killed. and so that's still on the street. the little
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group doesn't know if i process it several places throughout my life. and we're having a job, a place to the guy. so anytime the cloud has already been, please slide to a gas, a generalist somewhere, hit by canisters at close range, several were injured including our producer, patrick, new guy. and this report to read off the top media menu. what do you have showing us the? well, we are going to use what the been sent to do. medics, treating people injured in the street, said more generous to arrange it than any other day of demonstrations. meanwhile,
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police published a statement saying they recognize the constitutional right to protest. and so they rested with it a 170 people. it will started over government plans to increase the taxes, which is like the script that demonstrate to say they won't, we'll change that and corruption and improve services under the government. so not listening, malcolm went out to 0. maybe people already struggling to cope passed a heavy flooding in. so dawn are facing the prospect of most storms in the coming days. hundreds of homes have been destroyed since july. and on top of that, the ongoing conflict between the army and the power mitre rapid support forces is humphrey relief efforts, even more than the pulse of homes and ruins and properties under water. this is the aftermath of days of heavy rain and about how much in so dense river and allstate,
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the storms caused to flash floods that swept through residential areas. displacing hundreds of families in the here is it i because of the city planning when the floods came, the houses when they were washed away, the floods reached the railway line and couldn't go any further. so the water levels here rose just for a district cut off the sudanese red crescent. it has dozens of people have been killed and hundreds injured. and more than 20000 homes destroyed, including temporary shelters belonging to people who fled behind to escape the conflict between the army and the baron military. rapid support forced as a fucking of heavy we're heavy and that he on it on the word came. and you can't imagine how much we suffered, we left in our travel through several states and arrived in oklahoma 10 days ago. now the rains and floods have destroyed the house. we were living in. it's gone. we lost some of our last billing and the rains and flash floods also blocked to major roads river and i isn't the only states effected the highway linking metal we in
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northern states to the rest of the country has been swept away and in the west are for more destruction, the rapids support forces which controls the state has declared a disaster zone, but why would they 5, give them? the situation is difficult. the worse it came in at 5 am and so much the houses, they will collapse and there is nothing we can do as far as the se, tens of thousands of people in 7 states are homeless. i think to the displacement crisis caused by 15 months of fighting and was humanitarian aid supplies already stretched, then both forth from their homes by the floods worry, they won't get assistance any time soon. hey, bill morgan, i'll just say around in a search and a number of cases of m folks in african countries is alarming health cheese. most of infections in depth. so in the democratic republic of congo for the disease has also been detected in the why the tenure and variety,
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the world health organization is called an emergency meeting. and then fox was 1st discovered in lab monkeys in 1958 and these endemic and parts of central west africa. the cases have been increasing on the up 160 percent compared to this time last year. in 2022 world health organization declared a global emergency. initial symptoms are similar to flu, including ex fees and spelled in glands that followed by a painful rush that forms blisters. and pulse spreads through physical contact with infected people, as well as contaminated surfaces and objects. victoria gazing be has more than a 100 warning, some of the images in her report on distressing of the young week. a career was suffering from impulse is one of around 27000 people in the democratic republic of congo, who's been diagnosed with the virus since the beginning of last year. but because it's certainly the best se made the research was do their best, let them work hard to find
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a cure and the called helped them to. it is with god's help that they would succeed in finding a cure for this disease. impulses an infectious disease from the same family of viruses, a smoke pulse, the outbreak has killed more than 1100 people in the d. c. since early 2023. most of them children. gifford. play a long day as my daughter had a high fever and then she started to get legions on her body. she had brushes on her arms on her abdomen and even on her tongue, i was told m fox is a serious illness that could kill her. so i brought her to this treatment center, the advocate centers for disease control and prevention say impulse has been detected in 10 african countries. this year. cases are wrought by a 160 percent on last year. and tests have increased by nearly 20 percent. it's going away because good no skills and we've all ready that some investigations are being carried up properly and there was no follow up of contacts of consumed cases
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. we hope we will be able to organize the b service, especially in camps for displaced people. this is how we hope to break the chain of transmission the. the world health organization has released $1000000.00 from its emergency fund to support the response to impulse. it's also called an emergency meeting to discuss the potential for the disease to spread further based on the continent and globally, victoria gates and b, l, g 0. mean, not it states the states has been set for the 1st presidential election space between come to harvest. and donald trump. 2 candidates have agreed to attend, advised face off in september. and trump is proposed to more debates before election day rentals as well. a republican presidential candidate donald trump said he has agreed to 3 debates with democratic opponent, comma le harris in september. in addition to one vice presidential debate from repeatedly mispronounced terraces, 1st name and despair.


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