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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 9, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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let's just see the, the new post receives fire and gaza cats on egypt in the us. cool. a gentle go. sions between israel and how much the hello, i'm sorry, i'm the why the this is alger 0, live from don't halls are coming up on the program. the, not the plea for a pause in the fighting in gaza. so children with hardly a can get gently needed treatment. the diagnostic, this new to israel's nest, of the invitation list for ceremony to monk,
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the atomic foaming of nagasaki. nobody's spoken, the pads bigger than me. and wrapping up the rhetoric and us presidential rivals. we'll face off next loans in a ton of ice debates. the mediators working on a cx 5 deals as well as 10 month floor on gaza. say it's time to end the suffering, a joint statement assigned by the, in their account. so i'm the president of egypt in the united states says the time is come to conclude the seas fired hostages and detainees release bail out teams of worked tirelessly over many months to forward your framework agreement that is now on the table with only the details of implementation left to conclude. we've cooled on both sides to resume urgent discussion on thursday, august 15th, in doha, or cairo to close or remain in gaps and commends implementation of the deal with
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outside the delay. is there any government has found out? is there a from reporting inside israel, so i'm just tell who it has the is writing the reaction now from amman it is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his office releasing a statement, confirming that in his really delegation will be dispatched to meet with mediators in either cairo or doha, on august 15th and what's now being widely considered as a last ditch effort to secure a ceasefire deal. now family members of this really captives have spoken out upon receiving the news of the statement that was signed by the 3 heads of state from the united states. but the, an egypt saying that the time for a ceasefire deal is now that benjamin netanyahu should be able to offer up concessions during these meetings in order to bring the sum of $110.00 is really captives back from gaza. but there are a lot of moving parts here. there is concern about a wider regional conflict in the region as israel prepares for some sort of
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retaliatory attack by the it audience, his beloved, or perhaps the food these in yemen. additionally, we have to remember that these relays are now going to be negotiating with yes, yes. and what, who is the new political leader of how much? he's not only the leader in gaza anymore. he's considered a hard liner. benjamin netanyahu was considered a hard liner. he's gone into these negotiations previously with several law negotiable and has added to that list. so mediators are now saying that there needs to be not only come in the region, but some sort of agreement as well, to ultimately, and the war on god. so essentially, it's just need all around the couriers of distinguished public policy following the american university, and they were 10, says pressure is mounting on you as president joe biden. and the democrats to secure a do a significant because you have had all 3 heads of state,
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send this together to the 2 parties. i might have some unless and you know, and the basically ordering them to get their act on the road and meet and by next thursday, the 15th and the framework is worked out. they said them, they need to work out the details now all together, which i think is been clear for months, a months we've known what the framework as and we know what the, what the agreement is going to be. there was only one major, you know before, which is what this really is the kind of the area totally or just partly or cube terms, forces somewhere this has to be worked on, but probably they have to get out totally. but so yes, i think it's versus, i mean, i also think the time is unbelievably significant. why the 15th? i think it's because the 2 most desperate people in the world now for a cease fire, other than the palestinians are coming to harrison just in genocide. joe biden,
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as he is well known to us now they're desperate to have the ceasefire happen. why is the 15 so i want them to start because the democratic party convention starts on chicago, on the 18th, and the 19th of the 22nd. they have to produce a democratic party platform which will shape pamela harris's campaign, which will also define a jo biden's legacy and possibly get the genocide purpose out of his uh uh, out of his name and other developments and following a rock. it has been fined. allison garza towards israel warning sirens were activated in the city of ash cologne. israel says it's an defensive intercept at the rocket. it is ready for it is important to schools in northern causa why palestinians were seeking shelter. at least 16 people were killed in the strikes. a
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number of people are missing and believed to be buried under the russell palestinian janice every mile. a highly lea has more on the attacks. now from the outside of school. in garza city. we are here standing inside of the school. also, it has been targeted by 2 missiles falling down on this cruise, directly resembling and killing many children and injured other civil defense forces unfortunately, have nothing to work with. i'm the, i'll not be able to risk you all the civilians proud under this is post. rather all the situation is very catastrophe. civilians are trying to rescue and they are using the don't because just to move a trust for stressful creation. as you can see, the situation is very catastrophe as civilians are the authorized here. a savannah, as you can see, the bones is, are trying to to of to, to do is to but unfortunately, um, we are like, oh,
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many equipment to save the people. and so. ringback he is trapped under this trouble. meanwhile, the world health organization plans to roll out a probably a vaccination campaign in gaza and wants to start immunizations next weekend. and his quoting on israel to declare a ceasefire on humanitarian grounds and wanting that some of the images and michael apples report a distressing pony. a virus eradicated from the gaza strip. 25 years ago. his back, a poor living conditions and the collapse of the health and sanitation systems of to 10 months of will have i should in its return, given the conditions of uh, uh, displacement, a little coding uh, sewage contamination, lack of clean water to an overcrowding. be the ideal conditions, sort of very high thoughts of apples. you buy this transmission which is plastic.
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the people quarterly. the world health organization wants to roll out a polio vaccination campaign. on august the 17th, the 1st phase would target about 600000 children, younger than 8, some of the most vulnerable. it's calling for a ceasefire on humanitarian grounds. so it starts can move about safely and then handed. israel has rejected some of the applications in the past. most of the vaccines got there. then we need a massive change in think that and environment, which is the only see if i add an and b so that the children can be vaccinated. but be also the live feed them of move, but at the end of july, causes health ministry declared the strip a polio epidemic zone. the health system is already overwhelmed by 1800000 cases of skin diseases and respiratory infections. on top of other
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communicable diseases and the level, we have founding the alarm and especially after these rarities have not allowed. the entry of vaccine is including the podium vaccine and the virus is present and sewage water. these diseases, especially due to the lack of explanation of our children that come spread polio video. israel knows the danger i totally outbreak presents and began immunizing soldiers deployed to garza in late july before the war. 199 percent of palestinians in the territory were vaccinated against polio, and wall that figure has dropped slight key to 86 percent. the w h o says any detection of polio is a public health emergency that could spread well beyond causes bo mike level, which is 0 a law also, our stock is one of more than
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a 1000000 displays palestinians in gaza to lose their livelihoods in the war. the 15 year old shelters and attend to narrow paula and wash is close to make some money. she tells alger there of her struggles as the family, so bread winner in her on what's going on there and the other then when it had good and she had z, i knew, i think you've got the terms. i can go look for the applause. i wouldn't have done, he was highly, i'm the guy, the guy, the same, the, you know, how do you know with just isn't zillow, just show it on a lot of like, if you're going to send any one about if i can go. so i'm just thinking about this doesn't need to be which of unless you, i need a set of mean mobile out of and i mean, what are you seeing of cit. oh yeah. oh no. the, the goodness, i still leave love of it on the
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2005 and that's it for now. and that's what i didn't know because i know it's been a while. yeah. i'd love to have them. and then in almost flash in the head now the, on the ultimate one of the feet, is that unless you're on the home, what if i really sort of a head color to godaddy? sure. they look, saw secession. oh and the other thing, how do we use this? i should i blah, blah blah, blah blah blah. let us know when and this what other for the gun when the season, the high speed it up 2nd. and if you watching this, well, i bought the image and the condition of the mine i had the kid is not in the gun will have the i know can push to defend the boon it contained. it comes so with that with me and younger students, i'm going to have it should be shaken as obviously, but i know that it was to me,
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i loved one of the city, how they pulled defaulting, the kind of good feeling different kind of good. we have decided next. it says yet it, no, no, i'm from the volt. the cubic feet of the other very low. now you are the issue with the food or not, but i couldn't be the mother of the month or so the had a have another israel is saying that it will no longer a credit, 8 and region diplomats based in tel aviv. we deal with the palestinian authority, comes off to noise decision to recognize the palestinian state is writing. foreign minister said there is a price for anti israel behavior when he made the announcement. noise as the decision will have consequences for relationship with the net 10. yahoo government and decisions and to invite as well as on boss. so that's the anniversary of us atomic bombing of nagasaki in world war 2. as triggered a diplomatic route on the west of mount box. it is not attending the 79th
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anniversary as a result of this, the u. s. u gain in canada or among the 5 countries, the roach this disease may a, urging him to change his mind. he says the decision wasn't political and then he wanted a peaceful ceremony without the potential for demonstrations about gaza. fuzzy salon may have more and this from nagasaki, of this event is being held every and the in a very uh, gone on very uh for them all the way to the man of the neck. a 2nd and associates has a key said that he wants to the victims, the surviving victims of the family members to observe this settlement in such a way. this is why he didn't want to see any protest. and any and diversity or something from attending or for that. so they invested that through the settlement last month he, he talked about his intention. nothing invites that id and both of them there's
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japan. but the time you didn't confirm it to just the last week, he confirmed that he's not going to invite visit. i didn't bunch of that on that as a created as the me, i think, sort of the, a few days ago the me announced that they received the letter from the g 7 addressed as the busiest the vendor. but incentives of those use of integral except for japan, they all seem to be going through that he did, his position is decision not to invite that. i did a bunch of that because that as they said with the with is that i on the same level, so to show which is not the invited for the 5th consecutive year because of his suggestion to an invasion to. are you kidding uh, regardless of that, the major services. okay. he uh, yesterday he appears in uh, but his confidence on the, uh, the offense is decision bus is not going to invite the, by the bus. so that he mentioned that there isn't time that these that is afraid or
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for some protest, that's what happened to the, to protest the but a sense of the days that i invested there regarding the contacting goes up. the date has been set for the 1st us presidential election debate between comma harris and donald trump. 2 candidates have agreed to a tell him lies faceoff next month, and trump has proposed 2 more debates before election day broke. reynolds has more the republican presidential candidate donald trump said he has agreed to 3 debates with democratic opponent, commer harris in september. in addition to one vice presidential debate from repeatedly mispronounced, terraces, 1st name and disparage the vice president's intelligence has got, but she doesn't know how to do a news conference. she's not smart enough to do a news conference, and i'm sorry we need smart people to leave this country. there was no immediate
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response from the harris campaign, but one us tv network announced both harris and trump had agreed to debate on september 10th. meanwhile, harris and newly chosen running mate, tim walls held a campaign event in the critical swing state of michigan. the true measure of the strength of a lead or is not based on who you be down. it's based on who your list rank and file democrats appear. energized by the hair is wants to get. after months of despondency over the prospect of trump defeating president, joe by trump's press conference appeared to be an effort to was the harris campaigns momentum. recent polls show over gaining on trump in many swing states, and some recent surveys even show her running ahead of him nationwide. among other misleading statements from exaggerated the number of people who have entered the u . s. without authorization, described inflation as multiple times higher than it is in reality,
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and mischaracterized harris's role in border enforcement. he took umbrage when a reporter asked about the large enthusiastic crowds harris has been drawing on the campaign trail. i've spoken to the biggest grabs. nobody's spoken to patch bigger than me. crowd size is a long time preoccupation of the former president's rob reynolds, l. g 0 washington. same. so i have for you on the program with focusing on a i, a last american countries of pushing to become leading for says with the new technology, all side down maybe out the 100 meters olympic champion races with coded as an african sprint and makes history in paris the the,
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there a heads up that humidity is going to pick a big time up and down the golf on friday. good to see. let's hop into those details. the heat though, picking up for kuwait, set $48.00 spot. now we go into the golf and here's why we get this breeze coming in off the golf. so for us and go high prices down the temperature, but the humidity shoots up. so the heat index is going to feel about 6 feet on friday, $58.00 on saturdays. so definitely some hazy conditions. not humid, but hots in either on capital tater on matching. it's hardiest august state on record 42 degrees. temperature is coming down to bits on friday 40 and there is our monsoon range and bucket started taking a bit of a breather, but certainly did produce some flooding in the capital. it's all about the other day wildfire. bernie not too far away from woodrum and turkey, a spin dry and it's been windy and spilled. those winds off the g. and there then look at this cluster of storms. really rate across chad here. some of that pushing into new air,
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but gotta tell you new. sure. certainly could see some sand and dust storms over the next try. 4 to 48 hours is all showers and storms, but the storms across lake victoria bubbling out through, you've gone to and into kenya, and it is still a windy pitcher for the western cape profits in south africa on friday. so yeah, the unique perspective, i love that i really not that because the i left and nothing is something you that we on heard voices that we are committed to guessing best i can now for all of us, give me so much connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. lot of these positions, if it was part of the medical facilities in golf as it would be preventable. that's the heart of what's the stream on our, just the or the
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the that out. is there a look at the main stories now? capturing egyptian and us leaders of cold for gaza sees 5 talks to resume on size day, a proposed hosting them in either dough or kyra, and say it's time to conclude a cease fire agreement. israel says it will send a delegation, a rock, it has been 5 out of gaza towards israel. warning sirens were activated in the city of austin on. israel says it's a defense is intercepted the rocket. what is prime minister case dom are saying heavy security and harsh sentencing of fall. right, right says the sofa prevented move islands. but despite the new sense of calm off
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the days of anti migrant protest, let me say they are still living in 5th. step voss and reports now from northern rather than an old mining sound in the north of england, has long struggled with unemployment and poverty. for 2 years ago, the town rose to fame and workers held a year long strike, trying to stop the mines from closing down last sunday. well, the room attracted the world's attention again. when this happened, hundreds of people attacked the hotel. i was in nearly 200 asylum seekers. refugees and migrants also from other hotels, have to be rushed to safety. i think he is in good on barefoot. well, how much a refugee from iraq is now staying with a local family? he asked us to protect his identity, a key, and uh huh. i certainly fee it for my life. they could kill me or come here seeking protection. i'll have come here to live to find security. another bridge. the u. k
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. is a country with the rule of little 6 men and boys have been charged over the hotel of tech and police are looking for at least $21.00 more the attack on this hotel that's less money in this community and around the country. and so, even though threats of more fluoride violence, there's not materialized on the wednesday. the wounds inflicted in society are still fresh and many fear. what could come next? with many in the room struggling to get by some put the blame on refugees. and mike, when we look for a day for me, still coming in, but without any clue for a to me, if the government should realize that they work for us with, oh no, between the starting with no, that's the problem. so what do you want? the government to do, i have the folks we have to advise you to do something about this other country. this is over all these other states and we have avenue right to be here the same
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and we will defend it. to bring communities to gather and present more violence, speak and feel batch with how the vigil for peace in his church use as the government to pay more attention to communities. we don't feel hurt. we do need a positive negative about the kind of values that we want to express in british culture on that for me, it's really important that we're looking after the vulnerable and the marginalized folks, those who have grown up and live here. but also those that find themselves in difficult such situations and come here for refuge message coming from a town and to region. that's often fields forgotten by those far away in london. step class and l to 0 rather than protest as a fault with police and kanyes capital during demonstrations, calling on president william router to resign. the volunteer gas
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interest in several demonstrators. people are protesting, despite concessions by bhutto in the past month. demonstrates is also demanding justice for more than 60 people killed during a police crank down elsewhere. 26 members of i'm groups in the democratic republic of congo has been sentenced to death. the leader of the coalition of on groups including the m $23.00, was among those found guilty of war crimes and treason. there were wanting to back to m. 23 is made advances in the east of the country as these 5 deal collapsed earlier this week. days after it was signed between contrasts and kick gully bangladesh. his new need as has fixing lower and older is his top priority. mom was eunice, is interim government takes charge of to weeks, of alignments, crackdown on student lab pro tests. the demonstrations full department is to share, i've seen a to resign. she's flat to india. tons of charter reports from dotcom, the historic beginning of
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a new chapter in bangladesh. after 15 years, i've been ruled by the same party burglar that she has witnessed the swearing of a new in term government. on thursday, while addressing a press briefing at the airport, the new leader of that transitional government, muhammad, the, in those, had this to say. using the means of revolution pending additional create as a new dawning of keeping this vision, the heads of us. we have to keep going ahead. i want to express my gratitude and praise to the youth who have made this possible. they have protected this country and giving it to the best. and we wish for this new bring the dish to progress with speed among the advisers right now. hey, this loan and i'll see if mama to student and leaders of the protests double up to prime minister should casinos. auster the tough to much sacrifice with a lot and leaving many of our friends is injured in the hospital. we feel that if
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we succeed and i'll promise i'm commitments, then we will genuinely be happy to get a dealer on kind of human rights activist and a lawyer who face relentless, judicial harassment and prison sentence during has seen us government is selected as an advisor in the interim government, our 1st really organized, fabulous. and then a woman's right activist is also one of the advisors selected. and also i think the main economic condition mom of unit phase. his priority is to restore laura in order his condemn, attacked against minority groups, and emphasized that everyone should be protected. there's been no official
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confirmation regarding the duration of the nearly form in terms of government. senior opposition later from bangladesh and nationalized parties, phase eunice will succeed in his mission. so many not ship. the arguments need, sexy or direction. the biggest challenge for the new entering government will be the starting line order and strengthening the economy and to fulfill the students keep demand for reform in all sectors can be jobs. are y'all gives it a dock? the residence of rushes curse region has been leaving that homes officer and attack by ukrainian troops. russians de tv showed footage of people packing that belongings. now reports russian civilians came on the file while driving on roads
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in the region. most gross as hundreds of ukrainian forces pushed into russian territory on choose day to hi ranking officials from latin america, amazing and columbia to show the way forward in the regions development of artificial intelligence. they're pushing for a joint position on financing research and regulation of the technology julia galley on a report from mexico city. like the interrupted pc, i'm telling you that the latin american governments are looking for the region to take a leading role in the adoption of artificial intelligence. america hoping to walk the fine line between capitalizing on its potential for economic growth while protecting the rights and privacy of those most vulnerable to its united nation estimates. a i will contribute a 5.4 percent growth to the regions g, d, p. by 2030, but that is only a 3rd of what's predicted from north america, lack of public spending in technology,
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science and education is hindering that growth mean beat that she on. i invite all of us to change these dynamic right now. we must go from being exclusively users of these technology. being producers of it is it was a good many in the private sector of a. i would argue that governments are playing catch up to an industry that is already blossoming in the region of latin america, lags behind the internet adoption and the mobile revolution for decades due to very high prices and lack of infrastructure. but now for those in the a i world here, there's a sense of excitement that this technology may provide. a level playing field in this region. hi ventures is a venture capital firm based in mexico city. they have provided seed money for dozens of a start ups in latin america in recent years. they range for mental health support platforms to e commerce applications. since the way it's managing editors things this region is uniquely place to grow exponentially. and basically we're sitting, invest your support on the outside,
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which is actually been your in the off of artificial intelligence. so there's a unique opportunity to leverage that, that the 500000000 people or, and actually use it for good for businesses and for providing better services for people. so everyone's ready for tomorrow since a is trying to do just that using a i and gather data to optimize company's ability to meet their customers needs. but it's co founder agrees. the technology can be a double edge sword. i do think that that needs to be, you know, some form of global consensus has to, you know, where the limits of these models should be just to ensure that that's still, you know, it's still technology.


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