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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 9, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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hope your husband ever experienced a landslide on this k of with this, so many people killed from around the world between those white coast guard ships and the blue vessel. that's where a 2nd tankers think last week is so close to the store. we can see it clearly with the naked die the a new ground defensive in gaza is really forces launched a fresh assault in the southern city of funding. the time several venue is good to have you with us. this is a life from the also coming up. it's time to end and the suffering. international mediators urge from austin israel to finalize in agreements for a ceasefire and the release of capital the,
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the kremlin brands ukraine's incursion into the course region. a large scale provocation will be live in moscow and the legal victory for media in the philippines. the government is ordered to restore the license of a news website. the we begin in southern gaza, where the is really military has launched a new ground defensive in the city of fun. eunice. it's threatening to forcefully operate against palestinian fighters there. the army says it's targeted more than 30 sites a day after issuing evacuation orders for the city, tens of thousands of palestinians, many who have been displaced, multiple times have been forced to flee yet again. they say nowhere and gaza say is really a tax and the central and southern parts of the strip on friday have killed at least 8 palestinians. i'm sure there is honey, not what is in the sun units. what's the situation there right now, honey?
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of the well, the city, the eastern part of hon unit city has been, is subject to is really relentless air. it strikes the overnight attacks almost it's re, air attacks carried out a different locations of based and part of the city of high new and is just pushing people into further internal enforce displays been destroyed, remaining infrastructure and public pacific reading is that a state of k as a, a mind, an already this place and a traumatized population because of the recurring displacement this recurrent incursions as well across the gods to be just making life much more difficult and worse. and each passing the palestinians across the gust of have a problem with the uh, the uh, ongoing repeated evacuation orders as the have been largely misleading. they have been vague and contradictory. for the most part,
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we're reading the same exact statement every time. these really military has an intention to invade an area or carry out the ears, strikes across particular a location or area in the gauze as to we're reading the same exact statement with no evidence. what so ever without pointing out exactly what's happening or who is responsible for what is happening or who are the after. and that's the what, what's being causing this happens across the guys is for people have no place to go through. now, what happened in high noon is we're looking at a span of less than a week. there's really military is back again with the same exact, with the same exact justification that there are infrastructure that needs to be dismounted. the operatives in the city of high news, the need to be targeted, and then the questions remain among palestinians here. what was going on within the pot, if during the past,
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during the 10 days that you spent in hon. you into scary and out the major and military operations. what we see on the ground is the quite the opposite of what we seen in the the statement more civilian casualties are caused, as well as the result of the tax. more infrastructure being destroyed, more public facilities, either severely damaged or destroyed the whole entire city becoming quite uninhabitable as of illumination. as of eliminating all of its social services, any gradually turned into more of a rubble amazed and a waste land rather than a city. the same exact scenario is taking place in the northern part of the guster, where it is really monetary within the past 24 hours. it should char borders for residents of the tunnel and the lion city and the surrounding area. and as the past 45 minutes is pushing deeper with gnostic, they are a tax people around jet valley,
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a city a in addition to the ongoing care, a tax on schools on evacuation centers on other areas across the northern part and go the city. all right, honey, my, well you're in hon eunice with eyes on what's happening there and that ongoing is really ground operation will be getting regular updates from you. thank you very much, honey. the leaders of guitar, egypt and the united states have issued a joint appeal to hum us and israel calling for gaza ceasefire agreement to be finalized. it says the time has come to conclude the ceasefire and hostages and detainees release deal. our teams have worked tirelessly over many months to forward your framework agreement that is now on the table. and only the details of implementation need to be finalized. it goes on to say we have called on both sides to resume urgent discussions. on thursday, august, the 15th and doha, or cairo, and implement the agreement without further delay, a honda so who joins this? i'm jordan's capital a mine on this topic because these really government has banned al 0 from reporting
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inside israel. so let's start with this handout. the is really official response to this new push for see slide you well, the is really response has actually been quite positive. it just a few minutes after that letter was released by the 3 heads of state. we did get a response from nathan y'all's office, but said that he would indeed be dispatching a team to either cairo or door hot next thursday in order to sit down and meet with these mediators to discuss if the remaining a gaps that need to be branch if there can be some sort of agreement, we also heard from is really officials who we spoke anonymously and said that there is no length. israel will not go to in order to bring about the release of the captives. but you know, we're also hearing from members of the far right like mental is smote red. she's the countries finance minister, a known ultra nationalist who lives in the legal settlement. and i'm, she has said that the war actually must continue. and it's not the job of outside
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3rd parties to try and mediate a war that israel needs to continue fighting. so there is a wide range of spectrum of opinions and these really political aisle. but there's so much pressure from families up is really captives who told nathan, yahoo that the time actually is not now to get a deal the time has already passed and anything he can come up with to release the some 110 captive still being held in gaza needs to be taken seriously. honda can you lay out for of yours, given that this deal has been around the broad framework of it for more than 2 months. what has prevented this deal from actually, you know, getting done before now as well. looks fairly, you could argue that this framework was actually around from february when mediators had met with him and came up with this sort of 3 phase plan. and then the us president joe biden sightings previous deals that had been talked about stuff
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that was just floating around with mediators with meeting with both sides. he said that this is the framework. israel has now agreed upon. but in the weeks and months afterwards, you had israel that out of the conditions you had him asked that said that his role was taking too difficult of his dance. these really is who pointed the finger at him as saying, but they're the ones who didn't want to deal. so there were talk sticking points to remember how mass wants to see a comprehensive ceasefire, a total end to the war. and that means the withdrawal of his really troops, that means boots on the ground, that means is really security presence out that up of border crossing the philadelphia core door, drones in the sky. and these rally step so that they're actually not willing to do that in all of the phases of the war because they need some sort of guarantee of security control so that they can continue fighting the war. and that's in yahoo himself released initially, a list of 4 non negotiable that were quite difficult to even start these
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negotiations with, according to him. uh, so what mediators are now trying to do is say that enough time has gone by. is it a message perhaps, from mediators that they are becoming too frustrated and exhausted 10 months into the war? but you have to remember that these relatives are now going to be negotiating with us and why it was seen as a hard line or so there is going to be a lot of challenges in the week to come for mediators to try and find the middle ground here, and that's to say the least i'm the so who reporting from amman, jordan, because these really government has been l 0 from reporting inside israel. thank you very much. i or at least, really military says it's carried out there strikes on his beloved targets in southern lebanon. cross border attacks have taken place daily since the war on garza began but intensified in the past week with israel killing a senior military leader of the group houses here. as i said, bank has this report from 711 on were homes have been destroyed and villagers
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displaced the village of those 30 on and the surrounding areas have been hit the number of times by his ready forces. now this time of year, we'd have seen the population of this village increase to around 3000 people as people leave the cities and come here to spend the some us. but right now there's only 150 people here. most shops have closed. there's only one baker remaining sort of a home in the home and the bottom. you know, i live here in my livelihood is here and i'll die here. this land and houses are ours. we don't want to leave any other place. people in the village help lost their homes, and schools are closed because of the conflict. there's less work, but we are still standing. training phones by care on the 3rd of august killed 2 people, young member of his beloved and the 63 year old man. the damage from the track roll from that strike is still visible on the wall here that strikes the increased fears
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amongst the people that remain here. the frequency of a tax on this village may increase to more people left at this time of year would have seen these students packed with families and children. that's not the case. and many basic services here i knew the surrounding areas. i've closed down the when let's go a lot of noise just isn't in there. what's going on? i'm wearing braces to fix my teeth, but i have to travel a long distance to visit the dentist and they don't. there are no children to play within the village here. most people have been displaced to people's summer homes, vacant the streets are empty. the routine sound of his ready will planes and drones overhead. with this village being approximately 5 kilometers from the board to the constance signed of bombing taking place around it. not before the killing a flood. sure. because there was hope that this conflict may come to an end. but now many people believe it was on the escalate. i started big data. the study on
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southern lebanon is in the japanese city of nagasaki. the annual ceremony is taking place commemorating the dropping of the atomic bomb, which marked the end of the 2nd world war. but the city is decision to exclude the is really ambassador from the event has prompted a diplomatic spat. rob mcbride reports to in c, ring summit, temperatures, people gathering nagasaki to solemnly remember the dropping of the 2nd, the atomic bomb, but forced upon to capitulate. and during the 2nd world war, conspicuously absent, the us ambassador, choosing don't to attend in protest at the exclusion of israel's ambassador. the us is accused the organizes of politicizing the event by excluding israel. but the city says the decision was taken for fear of any protest. i'll come on that and put it on this decision is absolutely not a political one. it is only so we can conduct the ceremony smartly under a solemn atmosphere. the dropping of a single atomic bomb on the city. on august,
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the 9th 1945 killed more than 70000 people latest white brought from the japanese 3 days earlier, the 1st atomic bomb dropped on the city of hit, ashima killed 140000 pieces commemoration in that city was attended by the way the ambassador, which prompted a protest by people opposed to his presence and to israel's will and gaza in washington. the state department has stood by the us and basset as decision not to attend the event and nagasaki, install it down to you with as well. so i thought it was important that these really master b invited us investors of other countries have been invited, that no country that should have been singled out to not be invited to the celebration. in fact, the ambassadors of russia and bella roost were also excluded because of the war in ukraine. and basset is from america's west and allies sent letters protesting a decision that seemingly puts israel. it's in the same category. but i think it
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was a political decision about one based of security to draw a moral equivalency between brochures and israel. one country that invaded versus one country that was a victim of it, based on the us ambassador along with his rotation is really counterparts. instead of 10 did another commemoration nathan nagasaki bombing held in tokyo, rob mcbride out, is there still a head on al jazeera. nobody's spoken to bridge bigger than me. ramping up the rhetoric the us presidential arrival is we'll face off next month in a televised debate. and we'll have more on the whereabouts of the former cap land, separatists leader carlos put them on twos, evaded the rest in spain. the the
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hello 1st things 1st, let's put the colors on. you know, the drill right dr. the read the hotter it is and virtually all of portugal and spain under some level of heat alert, especially when you consider many spots in spitting closing in on 40 degrees. that's today on friday. let's keep this theme of heat going, but look towards the long term and for monday, south west of england, london, crossing 30 degrees, paris up to $34.00. but let's focus on the short term back to today. and we do have rain point into denmark, southern norway, and sweden looks worse though, for the mountains of norway, looking to catch about a 100 millimeters of rain, showers and storms wandering across central and eastern europe, from ukraine, dipping down into romania. a few scattered throughout the bulk ins as well. and there has been some pretty powerful storms in northern italy that have produced some flooding out for turkey. mostly in the clear wildfire burning not too far away from east mirror, but i got to get you to africa. storms have come as far north as southern egypt.
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tiers, se libya producing some flooding really right across chide and we've got sand and dust storms for a sydney share. and it is weather maker after weather maker for the western cape providence in south africa. so it looks like we've got a couple windy days ahead, especially on saturday, stay safe of the a sense of belonging. we always look for ways to be together. and the everyday heroes keeping communities together is to philip is transforming every day. in the 1st part of the series of just 0 visits is a lot, but in mexico city, where locals are turning on a tortoise municipality to an urban utopia, a sense of community on just either the,
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you're watching else 0 or a reminder of our headlines. this our, these really military has launched a new ground defensive in gauze, southern city of san eunice. it threatened to forcefully operate against the palestinian fighters. their tens of thousands of people have been forced to flee yet again. the leaders of katara egypt and the us have issued a joint appeal to homos and israel's calling for guns a ceasefire deal to be finalized. they proposed holding them on thursday in doha, or cairo, saying there is no time to waste at least 6 people have been wounded in a series of drone attacks on the rushes,
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western border region of vps explosions and power outages were reported. thousands of people were given orders to evacuate from for nearby villages. the residents of the nearby cossack region have also been leaving their homes after and attacked by ukrainian troops. russian state tv showed footage of people packing their belongings. there are reports that russian civilians also came under fire while they were in their cars. moscow says hundreds of ukrainian forces crossed into russian territory on tuesday. let's talk to houses here as your, your shop of all if you're in the, you're in moscow. in the capital, we're just hearing that russia has now to cleared a federal emergency in the region. of course of the absolutely right, this is the latest information we're guessing here as well that said the state of emergency, it has been introduced in the course region to supplies all the previous reports from the russian side that the situation is not crisco thus. and that the russian
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army still offset a counter attack. so it's been, they have been going on since tuesday afternoon, due to the re deployment of bus resides a. but the situation is quite di, at the ends, according to locals. and they say that the situation is catastrophic and co colette of cables. uh also, or she's trying to improve things. they do deploy a temporary accommodation sensors for those who try to flee that homes and schools. they also try to impact curious people. but these efforts, i know enough because the situation is deteriorating as we see the notes. so we've got a group of civilians recorded a video trust of let's me present a because they things that lets me patients ducks know how guy the situation is in the region. of the course, the region and in the town of soon just in particular,
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and many people did not receive enough age and many are in deep stuck in the subject. and con, be, is not q a all so we had discussions around the god distribution space and in subject because the reason distribution center that which is the entrance of a gas pipelines to ukraine and then further to europe and countries like ultra check in slovakia, they receive that gas from russia, ukraine, gas prices. so the news about the ukranian in for asian, but as some believe that the capture of sewage, you mean the capture of the gas station and the station of gas supplies to europe. and that can possibly be used as leverage in negotiations between ukrainian or russian size. so i'm saying that the korean officials were painting recently. now
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you'll, your shop of all of the reporting from must go. thank you very much, julia. the court in the philippines has ordered the media regulator to reinstate the license of online new site wrapped blur. the outlet was shot 7 years ago after alleged foreign ownership violations, its founder, nobel laureate, scenario ressa has long said rattler was targeted for criticizing forum president rodrigo the territories administration. the fcc on bond violated the hierarchy of courts and ignored procedure. these actions have no place in a democratic state route with the flaw, right? it returns these were all the things that we were say we had said in 20172018 highlands main opposition move forward. party has relaunched under a new name and with a new leader, the party was dissolved on wednesday and its leaders banned from politics for 10 years. highlands top court founded guilty of insulting demonica flew forward,
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which one last year of selections campaigned on a promise to amend the stringent law against defending the royal family and thousands of taken to the streets across nigeria, protesting against the rising cost of living demonstrators of voicing their anger over recent tax rises in skyrocketing installation. let's go live to address, who is in condo in northern nigeria for us. it's, it's pretty quiet where you are. but what if you've been seeing and hearing in condo, it was 0. it's, it's quiet like you said in the introduction, the streets are com. i think what time in the past few days was the quite a few imposed by the government to cut a looting and balance across the state. but i am in one of the locations that has been vandalized by lucas, be joining the contest. this is a building housing, a technological hop and high speed you have for the entire northwest region of
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nigeria. 6 of these have been built across the country and it's meant or they are meant to both newest tops and encourage the growth of i c t across nigeria. when the vital, when the project started. hoodlums overpowered security forces in this particular area and invaded this place. what they did was to stream the entire building of servers, of computers, even furniture and carpets have been fortunately stripped off this building. the entire building is now like a ghost area. those and of course windows have been sort of ripped from the building and it's now laying waste. and now what we also understand is that the markets up to talk to the reopening. but of course, because of the violence of the past few days, what do we see in the markets happening and across in shops across the stage is the prices of goods have risen by more than 30 percent,
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unfortunately. and that's one of the main things. but the protest is full practice organizes what competing is the high cost of living and the cost of that purchase of the past 8 days both. so what we see is a negative uh, reversal of what the, what actually fighting for. so basically this is a situation here in coddle is com, but because these are the last 2 days given by the protest as there is not fear that bothers me, you're up again, although the coffee was still on. okay, i'm gonna address reporting some kind of you will continue to monitor that for us. thank you very much for your reporting of the date has been set for the 1st us presidential election debate between commer harrison donald trump. the 2 candidates have agreed to a televised based off next month, and trump has proposed to more debates before election day. rob reynolds has more,
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a republican presidential candidate donald trump said he has agreed to 3 debates with democratic opponent, comma le harris in september. in addition to one vice presidential debate from repeatedly mispronounced terraces, 1st name and disparage the vice president's intelligent, this guy, she doesn't know how to do a news conference. she's not smart enough to do a news conference, and i'm sorry we need smart people to leave this country. there was no immediate response from the harris campaign, but one us tv network. and now it's both harris and trump had agreed to debate on september 10th. meanwhile, harris and newly chosen running mate, tim walls held a campaign event in the critical swing state of michigan. the true measure of the strength of a leader is not based on who you be down. it's based on who your list rank and file democrats appear. energized by the hair is, was too good. after months of despondency over the prospect of trump defeating
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president joe biden, trump's press conference appeared to be an effort to was the harris campaigns momentum. recent polls show over gaining on trump in many swing states, and some recent surveys even show her running ahead of him nationwide. among other misleading statements from exaggerated the number of people who have entered the u . s. without authorization, described inflation as multiple times higher than it is in reality, and mischaracterized harris's role in border enforcement. he took umbrage when a reporter asked about the large enthusiasts, the crowds. harris has been drawing on the campaign trail. i've spoken to the biggest grads. nobody's spoken to bridge bigger than the crowd size is a long time preoccupation of the former president, rob reynolds, l. g 0 washington. same as the tropical storm. debbie has made a 2nd land full in the us hitting areas in south and north carolina. heavy rain has
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flooded entire neighborhoods in the city of marian damaging infrastructure. at least 6 people have died because of the storm. in the coming days, forecasters say debbie is expected to move to maryland. washington upstate new york and vermont. a former cath lab, separate just liter carlos bustamante has been spotted in belgium following a brief appearance in barcelona on thursday. you may be surprised return to address hundreds of supporters near the regional parliament's police set up roadblocks and barcelona. and on the roots meeting out of the city, but the former leader escaped, capture, put them on is facing charges in spain related to his role. and they failed. cancel an independent spit in 2017. let's go live to bernard smith in in barcelona. burton . we cover a lot of important stories. this is one of the more sort of curious, extraordinary ones. really. how does somebody as high profile as this political leader who has been in exile for years come in to barcelona and leave evading
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capture? what do we know about that? yeah, and there's been a bit of a lot of head scratching going on in the city about not here. it was had apparently since tuesday night, according to his, the leader of his policy. he was speaking on the spanish radio. this morning here in boston, lona and jodi total set the food them on less on thursday night. so not straight. talked about riley, but he held on thursday morning and charles accompanied him to the french border with spain you open board is causing your we don't know how to go back to belgium, but you can was a trained you can get or you can drive up because he liked we had didn't fly because you'd have to show identity documents. but he managed to do all of that without the spanish police arresting in 2 police officers. local police officers are under arrest for allegedly helping him evade captcha. but it's the 1st time the preaching mom has been spotted on spanish soil since the last 102017. and that was
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just stuff to pete how he declared council on independence. he was a lady, was ahead of the regional government after a referendum. the supreme court declared invalid that voted in of, of independence, freedom on the left. not long after that happened while of them let's see, was passed by the supreme court back in may for the leaders, the people behind the referendum preach them on. and 2 of us were recording the supreme court. no eligible body is why they arrest warrants still start burning it . thank you very much for all of that. it is pretty extraordinary. thanks for those explanations and for the reporting. that's bernard smith in barstow. luna high ranking officials from latin america have met in columbia to chart the way forward in the regions development of artificial intelligence. they're pushing for a joint position on financing research and regulation of the technology. julia, go you on a reports from mexico city, like the interrupting fees you, i'm giving it up to you. a latin american governments are looking for the region to
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take a leading role in the adoption of artificial intelligence. hoping to walk the fine line between capitalizing on its potential for economic growth while protecting the rights and privacy of those most vulnerable to its united nation estimates. a i will contribute a 5.4 percent growth to the regions g, d, p by 2030. but that is only a 3rd of what's predicted for north america, like a public spending in technology, science and education is hindering that growth mean be thought, see on, i invite all of us to change these dynamic right now. we must go from being exclusively users of these technology being producers of it is a project in many in the private sector of a. i would argue that governments are playing catch up to an industry that is already blossoming in the region of latin america. lag behind the internet adoption and the mobile revolution for decades due to very high prices and lack of infrastructure. but now for those in the a i world here, there's
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a sense of excitement that this technology may provide a level playing field in this region. high bench.


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