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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 9, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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is the present the or what's the street on out just the or the and your ground offensive in gaza is really force is launch refresh, assault in the southern city of ton unit. the answer of any age good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 life from the also coming up. it's time to end the suffering. international mediators urge from us and israel to finalize a deal for guns, a ceasefire, and the release of captives the rush. i think
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there is a state of emergency and across the region after a major incursion by ukraine will be reporting from moscow. and the former cap land leader carlos ridgemont is back in belgium. having avoided a risk in spain. the . so we'd begin in southern garza where the is really military is launched a new ground defensive in the city of hon. eunice and threatened to forcefully operate against palestinian fighters there. the army says it has targeted more than 30 sites a day after issuing evacuation orders for the city, tens of thousands of palestinians, some displaced multiple times have been forced to flee yet again. they say nowhere and gaza is safe, is rarely a tax. and the central and southern parts of this trip on friday have killed at least 8 palestinians. alpha 0 is honey. my mood is inside the gaza strip in hon. unice honey. what's happening there as
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well? is really ongoing intense bombing campaign in eastern hon. eunice, coupled with the limited ground offensive still at the eastern part of the city is a really cause in civilian casualties and pushing people into further internal displacement. unfortunately, this has been going on for quite some time now is particular for the past month we see, and this is the 4th time, the city of hon. eunice is experiencing a ground offensive bite. is really military after a major one day to really destroy the city of han, you and it's including it's public facilities and host facilities. mainly we're talking about nasr hospital, but there is also a concerned right now which is people are, are experiencing this deep sense of permanent displacement. the fact that we're talking about a span of golf police that 10 days people we're making doorway back to an area though there's really a military how to really operated there and destroyed the vast majority of it,
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including their, their homes, the public facilities. they evacuation centers and which displays families were, were stay where sheltering and now they are pushed into further internal in force displacement. the fear that it's been a growing for the past month. so this is part of a permanent displacement, part of what a larger is really planned to push people or push palestinians out of their homeland is really military is conducting heavy air attacks in the area right now when we could hear it clearly the once in a while the, the explosion resulting it from the ongoing car killer. that is, go in every 5 minutes an explosion would go off as a result of these heavy artillery. but people are making their way to the center part of the city to the western area. here at the mos evacuations on and the fear right now if the, the operation continues for the coming day. is this a space right here behind me, this is part of an las evacuations on
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a full lead. some how it saves area, relatively safe for people. this part of the larger area, but we'll see here more people pouring into this. they are running it from the horror of the attacks of the, by these really military there. and also the reports of the people who did not have a choice. didn't have any place to go to because after 5 or 7 or 10 times of displacement, they get to the point where there isn't really any safer place. as garza have turned into a killing box. everywhere they go. there will either either be starved to death or be bombed it relentlessly. honey, my mood reporting from fun, eunice. thank you very much, honey. the leaders of guitar, egypt in the united states, have issued a joint appeal to homeless and israel calling for a g as a ceasefire agreement to be finalized. it says the time has come to conclude the ceasefire and hostages and detainees released steal our teams of work tires
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tirelessly over many months to forge a framework agreement that is now on the table. and only the details of implementation need to be concluded. it goes on to say we have called on both sides to resume urgent discussions on thursday, august 15th in doha, or cairo, and implement the agreement without further delay. i'm the so who joins us from jordan's capital in amman because these really government has banned out from 0 from reporting inside israel. i'm the what's these really governments thing about this new push by the, all the mediators to try and get a deal to as well. so it's not just a push by the mediators, but in fact, it's a push by the heads of state of the countries that are essentially spearheading the ceasefire negotiations for both sides. so it was quite significant. the timing of it was also significant. we'll get into that in just a 2nd, but these really reaction was quite swift,
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quite quicker statement immediately from these really prime minister's office saying, but nothing, you know, who will indeed be dispatching a delegation next thursday, august 15, either to cairo, or to do or how to sit down with these mediators discuss what the gaps still remaining are and try to move forward. now let's talk about the timing and the significance of all of this one quite significant, but it was the 3 heads of state, the meat of cup of egypt in president. and of course, the american president as well. but it comes as israel was anticipating some sort of retaliatory attack by the guardians, by his, by law, by the who these in yemen perhaps. so there was a huge fear of regional turmoil, of a larger escalation, surround the entire region throughout the entirety of the middle east. so they're trying to quell tensions. and even the united states has said the regional calm can be obtained through a ceasefire and gaza. but there has been some push back within these really government. you have members of the far right, like the countries finance minister bits and it smelt rich. who's
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a warning that's in yahoo, not to quote, fall into the dangerous trap of mediation, saying that is real needs to continue the war on gaza despite the fact that more than nearly 40000 palestinians have been killed. i'm not, you say israel is going to dispatch a delegation. so that's supposed to be next thursday, august 15th. but we've been through this before. and what matters is whether or not that delegation is empowered to make a deal on behalf of netanyahu's government. so far they, they haven't been right. it hasn't worked. do you have any signs? are there any signs that netanyahu might be ready to make a deal this time? well, it depends who you ask if you ask these really public who has been told almost weekly about it is nothing y'all prolonging the war for political gain. a vast majority of those respond and say yes, that he is holding off on a deal, extending the war for own political purposes. however,
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the is really delegation. those who are involved in it anonymously have spoken out to was really media and have said that whatever mandate they were given by nothing yahoo was not flexible, was not even one they couldn't negotiate with. they have gone to previous meetings, under pressure from the americans and nothing yahoo just have sent them to listen not to negotiate. in recent months, there was a little bit of movement towards a ceasefire deal, but again it had failed time and time again. these really slips from us for adding amendments. when we don't know that to be true, what we do know is that benjamin netanyahu himself released a long list of non negotiable. initially it was for and then there had been items that were added to the list. so these were essentially non starters for him, us who wants to cnn to the war, and that's a young when he is really to say the war has to continue. so there are a lot of bridges to try and go over now as these rallies and how mass are coming to
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the table with the mediators to try and find some sort of resolution here. we're going to mark august 15th, on our calendars, there's a lot that could happen between now and then as the past has shown us a honda. so who reporting from? i'm on. thank you very much. around me. corey, from the american university of a root says pressure as mounting on us president joe biden, and the democrats to secure a ceasefire deal. or it's significant because you have had all 3 heads of state, send this together to the 2 parties. i might have some unless and you know, and the basically ordering them to get their act on the road and meet and by next thursday, the 15th and the framework is worked out. they said, and they need to work out the details now all together, which i think is been clear for months and months. we've known what the framework as and we know what the,
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what the agreement is going to be. there was only one major, you know before, which is what this really is the kind of an area totally or just partly or cube terms, forces somewhere this has to be worth to, but probably they have to get out totally. but so yes, i think it's versus, i mean, i also think the time is unbelievably significant. why the 15th? i think it's because the 2 most desperate people in the world now for a cease fire, other than the palestinians are coming to harrison just in genocide. joe biden, as he is well known of the us, now they're desperate to have the ceasefire happen. why is the 15 so i want them to start because the democratic party convention starts on chicago on the 18th, and the 19th of does a 22nd. they have to produce a democratic party platform which will shape pamela harris, his campaign,
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which will also define a jo biden's legacy and possibly get the genocide purpose out of his uh uh, out of his name in japan. the annual ceremony has taken place to commemorate the us dropping an atomic bomb on maga. zaki, which marks the end of the 2nd world war. but the cities decision to exclude these really ambassador from the event has caused a diplomatic spat. rob mcbride reports to ensue ring summit temperatures, people gathering nagasaki to solemnly remember the dropping of the 2nd, the atomic bomb, but forced upon to capitulate, ending the 2nd world war conspicuously absent, the us ambassador, choosing don't to attend in protest at the exclusion of israel's ambassador the us is accused the organizes of politicizing the event by excluding israel, but the city says the decision was taken for fear of any protest. i'll come on that
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and go down to this decision is absolutely not a political one. it is only so we can conduct the ceremony smoothly under a solemn atmosphere, the dropping of a single atomic bomb on the city. on august, the 9th 1945 killed more than 70000 people, latest reports from the japanese 3 days earlier. the 1st atomic bomb dropped on the city of hit ashima killed 140000 pieces commemoration in that city was attended by the way, the ambassador, which prompted a protest by people opposed to his presence and to israel's war on gaza in washington. the state department has stood by the us and basset as decision not to attend the event and august saki in solidarity with as well. so i thought it was important that these really master b invited us investors of other countries have been invited at no country that should have been singled out to not be invited to the celebration. in fact,
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the ambassadors of russia and bella roost were also excluded because of the war in ukraine. ambassadors from the americas western allies sent letters protesting a decision that seemingly puts israel in the same category. that i think it was a political decision about one based of security to draw a moral equivalency between brochures and israel. one country that invaded versus one country that was a victim of invasion, us on pass it along with his rotation is way the counterparts instead of 10 did another commemoration nathan, nagasaki bombing held in tokyo, rob mcbride out of their russia, has declared the federal emergency and it's cross region after ukrainian troops cross the border earlier this week and carried out attacks. state tv showed footage of people packing their belongings and leaving their homes. there are reports. russian. civilians came under fire while in their cars. moscow says hundreds of
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ukrainian forces crossed into russian territory on tuesday. you are your shop of oliver reports on this from moscow. as the situation is quite da at the ends, according to locals. and they say that the situation is catastrophic and call it a k or uh, of course, he's trying to improve things. they do deploy a temporary accommodation senses for those who try to police that homes. and of course they also try to is, are curious people, but these f, it's a no in not because the situation is deteriorating as we see the notes. so we've got a group of civilians recorded a video dressed of let me preach and a because they think that luxury patient doesn't know how guy the situation is in the region in the course the region and in the town of us soon just in particular and many people didn't know,
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receive enough age and many are in deep stock in the subject. and con b is not created. also we had discussions around the god distribution space and in search here because the reason distribution center that which is the entrance of a gas pipelines to ukraine and then so the to europe and countries like ultra check in slovakia, they receive a dock gas from russia ukraine gas prices also the news about the ukranian intrusion, but some believe that the top 2 of sewage, i mean the capture of the gas station and the station of gas supplies to europe. and that can possibly be used as leverage in negotiations between ukrainian or russian sites. something that the korean officials were painting recently. still ahead on alpha 0,
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a legal victory for media in the philippines. the government is ordered to restore the license of a news websites. nobody spoken to patch bigger than me ramping up the rhetoric so us presidential rivals will face off next month in a televised debate. the the, we're off and running with your weather report kicking this one off in australia. so here's the thing, whether make or moves closer to w a, but it is going to be mostly pitcher, perfect day in purse on saturday because the rain moves in late saturday, early on sunday, but then it swoops out of there. we'll drop down temperatures 19 by monday. that's actually where you should be at this time of the year for new zealand. but whether it starts to clear away from the north island, but still kept catching a few drops and gets bitten. for example, at 14 degrees and send down ports into forecasts for not only called them for,
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but also singapore also looking particularly wet for northern and western sumatra that will include the dang. and if we live north of the series of the south trying to see means it's humid, northern vietnam and rate through china is high and an island. and we're shaking up the weather pattern in china. there's been a change here. so the rains now filling in across southern china, so that's drop down temperatures pretty well anywhere from the yangtze river valley south. and after a drenching of a day envisioning that rain moves away, pulls into ne china. but at the same time, here's an update on type for maria. it is moving closer to japan's hunch you island sunday weekends to a tropical storm looking to make land fall on monday. not too far away from san die . of the african stories from african perspective to say i am a creative at heart 3 short documentary spy african filmmakers from nigeria,
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south africa, and zambia. i like my children. i like the me that goes in the business to a sion of slaves and we are all the same the forest women of i've seen from the cape and a dream worth chasing. a new series of africa direct on outages 0. the for one thing else is 0. a reminder of our headline. the is really military has launched a new ground defensive in goes a southern city of san eunice. it threatened to forcefully operate against the palestinian fighters. their tens of thousands of people have been forced to flee
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yet again. the leaders of katara, egypt and the us have issued a joint appeal to hamas and israel calling for a gaza ceasefire deal to be finalized. they proposed holding talks and don't, or cairo on thursday, saying there's no time to waste. russia has declared a federal emergency and it's western curse region following a series of cross border attacks by ukrainian forces. state television shows footage of people packing their belongings and leaving their homes is a former a cap, land, separatist leader of carlos food. the amount is back in belgium, following a brief appearance in barcelona on thursday. that's according to a party official. pushed him on, made a surprise addressed to hundreds of supporters near the regional parliament. there's a warrant out for his arrest and police setup roadblocks and barcelona hoping to intercept him. the separatist is facing charges related to his role in the failed bid for catalonia, to secede from spain in 20. 17 houses here as bernard smith is in barcelona.
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don't understand how this could happen. how this man, who's been fugitive for years, been on the run, can come into barcelona undetected make this speech and leave on the well, it's what the national government is asking now because he's le, leading, ready to some embarrassment spain's national government. we now know, according to the leader of john slots, call us food. humans policy is lead a. jody carol has been on spanish radio and he said he's at the boot. you mom was in spain since tuesday evening, and he left on the 1st day evenings and not immediately after about raleigh on thursday morning seems to school to to the board of by george a total the french florida crossed i went back home to belgium where he's been living in self imposed exile for the last 7 years to cancel on police officers were arrested on suspicion all healthy regional leave to seattle to
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a faith rest of the prosecutors in madrid. and then monday, with the most of the name of the regional police force in catalonia, they've been finding that they provide a detailed explanation of the operation that they were supposed to have for pad to catch food. jim on wyatt failed and a detailed list of the personnel involves the roadblocks, set up a round box hello. now, after a while to john was speaking, but they didn't catch him. okay. is beyond the, the legitimate questions about how, what are the wider implications as i said, potentially very difficult situation for the national government led 5 hydro son. she has a lot of this has to do with this. i'm this the law that was passed in may the, i'm the single was passed. i didn't were ton separate. his parties were to give the
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support to sanchez's government. he needed support after inconclusive elections last year. but the supreme court excluded 3 people from i'm a single one of those is preaching mom, saying he still defies arrest. i'm trial for the impossible to present, but it's a funds body's money used to pay this legal independence referendum held in 2017. so because of that page amount and 2 of us comp benefit from this, i'm the still a now the leader of the party on the radio again this morning and it was saying the situation in catalonia has changed the sort of a hinge or an indication maybe the support sanchez is getting from them cannot be relied on if the i'm this big old doesn't applies everyone. they thought it was going to applies. bernard smith reporting fun, barcelona. thank you very much. the bangladesh is new leader says restoring law and order is his top priority mohammed eunice is interim government is taking charge of
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the weeks of crackdowns on student led protests. the demonstrations forced prime minister shake. i've seen that to resign on monday. i shall. zeros 10 got showed read reports from the capital doc, the historic beginning of a new chapter in bangladesh. after 15 years, i've been ruled by the same party, bangladesh has witnessed the swearing of a new in term government on thursday, while addressing a press briefing at the airport, the new leader of that transitional government, muhammad, the, in those, had this to say. using the means of revolution, pending additional create as new dawning of keeping this vision, the heads of us. we have to keep going ahead. i want to express my gratitude and praise to the youth who have made this possible. they have protected this country and giving us a deep breath. and we wish for this new thing addition to progress with speed among
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the advisers right now. hey, this loan and i'll see if mama to student leaders of the protests double up to prime minister should casinos, auster, the often much sacrifice with luck and leaving many of our friends is injured in the hospital. we feel that if we succeed in our promise of commitment, then we will genuinely be happy to get a dealer on kind of a human rights activist and a lawyer who face relentless, judicial harassment and prison sentence. during i've seen those governments selected as an advisor in the interim government really organized and then a woman's right activist is also one of the advisors, selected the
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main economic conditions mom of unit phase. his priority is to restore laura in order his condemn, attacked against minority groups, and emphasized that everyone should be protected. there's been no official confirmation regarding the duration of the nearly form in term government. senior opposition later from bangladesh and nationalized parties, phase eunice will succeed in his mission. so many not ship. the arguments need, sexy or direction. the biggest challenge for the new entering government will be to starting lower in order and strengthening the economy and to fulfill the students keep demand for reform in all sectors can be jobs. are y'all gives it a to thailand's may no physician move forward parties as we launched under
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a new name and with a new leader, the party was dissolved on wednesday and its leader is banned from politics. for 10 years, thailand's top court founded guilty of insulting the monarchy move forward, which one last year's elections campaigns on a promise to amended the stringent law against defending the royal family and appeals court in the philippines as ordered the license of online new site wrapper to be reinstated, the outlet was shut in 2018 on the accusations that had violated foreign ownership laws. its founder, nobel laureate maria rest has long said wrapped. it was targeted for criticizing former president rodrigo, the territories administration. the fcc on bond violated the hierarchy of courts and ignored procedure. these actions have no place in a democratic state. rule of law, right? returns. these were all the things that we were say. we had said in 20172018
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below reports from manila. when the bell peace prize winner and maria ressa and her online news company rattler celebrating another legal victory. this time, as the court of appeals the philippines, the 2nd highest court, reversing a decision by the securities and exchange commission declaring that ratner had violated for an ownership rules. here in the philippines, media companies are not allowed to have for an owners. now this was back in 2018 when the president was for the bigger the 3rd the router had been critically reporting about the thirty's warrant drugs and maria reza and her company had maintains that all these cases that have filed against grappler. and maria were cases of harassment, political persecution, by the 3rd to now the securities and exchange commission is that then determined that ratner had violated point ownership rules because it had issued an investment
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instrument called philippine before supported receipts to a foreign entity. but rattler had argued that this was a normal investment instrument that other companies also use and now the court of appeals has cited with rattler. in addition, the court of appeals said, or underscored the importance of press freedom in the philippines in that even if the court of appeals said rattler had violated for an ownership rules, the punishment should not be tantamount to the dissolution of a rattler. now, maria ressa and rattler had already won all tax evasion cases, but they're on, they're not out of the woods yet. there's still one anti dummy case in the lower courts and maria wrestler and another former journalist from rattler, still facing up to 7 years of imprisonment. for cyber libo, that is now at the supreme court. barney below algebra, manila,
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searching rescue operations in the indian state. this carol, a nearly complete after was hit by land slides. last week. heavy monsoon rains led to the worst natural disaster in the southern states since 2018 killing at least 225 people. nearly 1600 people have been was rescued from the surrounding areas and more than 8000 people are being sheltered in camps. at least 9 people have been killed and 26 injured in a bus crash and turkey. officials say the bus struck a bridge support near the capital entre investigators and looking into the possibility that the driver fell asleep at the wheel. the bus was traveling from ankara to the city of execution here. that is really not position activist, have held a vigil for prisoners arrested in a crack down after last month's contested election. at least a 1000 people have been detained on position figures. say they have proof. president nicholas monroe lost the vote. he was re elected for a 3rd 6 year time tropical storm. debbie has made
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a 2nd land full into us heading areas in south and north carolina. heavy rain has flooded entire neighborhoods in the city of marian damaging infrastructure. at least 6 people have died because of a storm. the and a date has been set for the 1st us presidential election debates between come to harris and donald trump. the 2 candidates have agreed to a televised face off next month, and trump has proposed another 2 debates before november. the 5th, rob reynolds has more republican presidential candidate, donald trump said he has agreed to 3 debates with democratic opponent, comma le harris in september. in addition to one vice presidential debate from repeatedly mispronounced terraces, 1st name and disparage the vice president's intelligence, his gap. she doesn't.


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