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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 9, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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to is, when you close to the house of the story, the new ground defensive in gaza is really forces launch of precious salt in the southern city of funding the single venue. it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 lives from the also coming up. it's time to end the sufferings. international mediators urge from us and israel to finalize that agreement for a ceasefire and the release of capital. the russian forces bite back in the course region where a state of emergency has been declared out through a large scale incursion by ukraine. a wanted man,
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spanish police say they will keep searching for former capital and needed to have carlos bridge amongst until they have proof that can use out of the country. the we begin in southern gaza where the is really military is launched. it's 3rd offensive into hon. unice since the war began, at least 8 palestinians have died, and the latest is really a tax and central and southern parts of the strip. on thursday, israel ordered people in the eastern hon. eunice, to evacuate once again, tens of thousands of palestinians, some displaced multiple times, have been forced to flee, yet again. they say nowhere in gaza is safe. houses, here is honey, my mood is in hon. you. and as for us, the language and orders gave extended right now it's going into areas that are, that are outside the area that was designated yesterday by it is really military. it is, it is extended to include other areas to include the eastern part,
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the entire eastern part of a hon. you and a city that has already been invaded by these really military. we're talking about a span of less than 10 days. there's really military wasn't that area destroyed the vast majority of its buildings and infrastructure and public facilities and lifted in ruins. completely of right now, we're seeing more of these evacuation order. the are largely perceived by the local resident of hon. eunice, across the district. uh, actually as a form of internal enforce displacement, people are pushed into this internal and force displacement a cube deepening. they are shutter sense of safety and permanent displacement because for the past 10 months it's been going on and people have been at her to, to, from one place to another over the a, the gaza strip. and every once in a while we hear the explosion. the heavy artillery is the eastern part of the city
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. just within the past 10 minutes we've seen a large cloud of dark smoke rising from the direction of the eastern part of han. you see there was a quite visible from the area. we are reporting a front, but we also had getting a confirmed reports of the massive and displacement of people poured into the central area. the central area of hon, unit city, the central part of the city, and moving all the way to the evacuation zone of the leaders of guitar. egypt and the united states have issued a joint appeal, demoss and israel calling for a gaza ceasefire agreement to be finalized. the statement says the time has come to conclude the ceasefire and hostages and detain these release deal. our teams have worked tirelessly over many months to forge a framework agreement that is now on the table and only the details of implementation need to be concluded. goes on to say we have called on both sides to
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resume urgent discussions on thursday, august the 15th and doha, or in cairo and implement the agreement without further delay. but he is really government. his band else is 0 from reporting inside israel. so i'm the so who is following developments from jordan's capital i'm on, as we did here quite swiftly for me is really prime minister's office benjamin. that's in y'all releasing a statement saying that he will in fact be dispatching and is really delegation to either cairo or doha on thursday, august 15th, to sit down with mediators and try to come up with some sort of solution for a ceasefire. prisoner exchange captives release deal. now there's a lot of moving parts here. remember that these relays are also waiting for some sort of retaliatory attack by it on, by his viola, by perhaps the food these in yemen. so the timing of the statement, the fact that it was signed by all of these heads, it states was quite significant. but there's also a wildcard here you have yes, yes. and one who's now the leave negotiator for how much he's seen as
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a hard liner. benjamin that's and y'all has been seen historically as a hard line. you're in these negotiations. he's even released a list of several non negotiable before starting negotiation. so how must have said that these are non starters for them. benjamin. that's in y'all. accuse of him as of adding amendments to the deal, but it's the 1st time that you're using, what is going to be the one to go shading with mediators. we're going to relay messages back to these rallies. it's shortly a last ditch kind of effort to see what can be solved here because there are heavy sticking points from both sides. the european union has sent close to $47000000.00 to help the palestinian authority pay salaries and pensions in the occupied west bank. the support will mainly benefit retirees and civil service employees. the p a has struggle to access some of the tax funds, which is real, collects on its behalf and transfers to a biased norway. israel has stop sending the funds to also in retaliation for its
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recognition of palestinian statehood as well on the is really army. are still trading. fire is really air strikes on 711 on earlier on friday, killed 2 people. wireless really media report. 10 rockets were fired from 11 on acid. vague has this report from 711 on where homes have been destroyed, and villages displaced. the village of those 30 on and the surrounding areas have been hit the number of times by his ready forces. and at this time of year, we have seen the population of this village increase to around 3000 people as people leave the cities and come here to spend the some us. but right now there's only 150 people here. most jobs have closed. there's only one baker remaining summary home and the on the bottom, you know, i live here in my livelihood is here and all the i hear this land and houses are ours. we don't want to leave to any other place. people in the village help lost their homes and schools are closed because of the conflict. there's less work,
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but we are still standing. right in chrome strike here on the 3rd of august, killed 2 people, young member of his beloved and the 63 year old man. the damage from the track roll from that strike is still visible on the wall here. that strike the increased fears amongst the people that remain here, that the frequency of attacks on this village may increase to more people left that this time of year would have seen these students packed with families and children . that's not the case. and many basic services here under the surrounding areas. i've closed down this book when let's go a lot of noise just isn't in there we go. no, i'm wearing braces to fix my teeth. but i have to travel a long distance to visit the dentist and they don't. there were no children to play within the village here. most people have been displaced to people's summer homes, vacant the streets empty. the routine sound of his ready will planes and drones overhead. with this village being approximately 5 kilometers from the border,
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the constant signed of bombing taking place around it. not before the killing of flex fuel cards, there was hope that this conflict may come to an end. but now many people believe it was only escalate. i started big data. the study on southern liberal in the japanese city of nagasaki. the annual ceremony has taken place commemorating the dropping of the atomic bomb which marked the end of the 2nd world war. but the cities decision to exclude the is really ambassador from the event has prompted a diplomatic spat. rob mcbride reports a lot. he must been searing summit temperatures, people gathering nagasaki to solemnly remember the dropping of the 2nd, the atomic bomb that forced upon to capitulate, ending the 2nd world war, conspicuously absent, the us ambassador, choosing not to attend in protest at the exclusion of israel's ambassador. the us is accused the organizes of politicizing the event by excluding israel,
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but the city says the decision was taken for fear of any protest come on, the record of this decision is absolutely not a political one. it is only so we can conduct the ceremony smoothly under a solemn atmosphere, the dropping of a single atomic bomb on the city. on august, the 9th 1945 killed more than 70000 people, latest reports from the japanese 3 days earlier. the 1st atomic bomb dropped on the city of hit, ashima killed 140000 pieces commemoration in that city was attended 5 years where the ambassador, which prompted to protest by people opposed to his presence and to israel's war on gaza in washington. the state department has stood by the us and basset as decision not to attend the event and nagasaki, install it out to you with as well. hopefully thought it was important that these really master b invited us investors of other countries have been invited that no country that
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should have been singled out to not be invited to the celebration. in fact, the ambassadors of russia and bella roost were also excluded because of the war in ukraine. ambassadors from the americas western allies sent letters protesting a decision that seemingly puts israel in the same category. that i think it was a political decision about one based of security to draw a moral equivalency between brochures and israel. one country that invaded versus one country that was a victim of thing based on the us and pass it along with his rotation is really counterparts instead of 10 did another commemoration nathan nuggets. saki bombing held in tokyo, rob mcbride out, is there us . russian authorities have declared a federal emergency in the course of the region following across the border incursion by ukrainian forces. earlier this week, the russian defense ministry says it is deploying additional troops to counter the
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attack as fighting enters a 4th day. a baffled is taking place dozens of kilometers from the city, of course, shut off with of course nuclear power plants is located. in a russian artillery strike on a supermarket in ukraine's eastern town of constand that comes down to me has killed 2 people, an injured 17 more. a rescue operation is under way to freeze survivors trapped beneath the rubble. alpha 00 your shovel valve a joins us now from moscow you're, we wanted to talk to you to find out what russian and russian authorities are saying about the baffle in chorused against ukrainian forces the right, right. so when the sign that the war is officially own, the russian soil be the region of course is on the fly and of flores. he's, as you mentioned, to having to choose the states of emergency. they say that trying to triple the
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efforts in order to save the civilian population. but these assets seem to be know enough. will correspondence for food a high months tried on the cold war of russian soldiers here. realistic and decor, a screeching picture show, many casualties that called boy of russian ministry trucks, along a highway. and a lot of criticism is now heard about the decision to send that cold voice a be calling the troops where ukrainian tories were able to sell them. and that actually became an easy prey pulled down because of the ukrainian side easily they, they were able to strike them. so just apply the products that the russian side, if we're supposed to be situation, what's stable, i know that chris cole and the offset says straight off to noon, the russian army has been launching counter attacks and was read,
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deploying is resides, seems like the situation was things like it's no the case because the situation continues to deteriorate. rate. uh the you want to parent situation is no easy that i've uh many people say that they do not receive and no a b, b, they con, evacuate from the top should supplements and a group of people reported a video to let him be patient because they think that luxury pretend. d doesn't know how this situation is where they are in the course region and uh, basically they were trying to explain to him what's uh, what was going on as well. so residents of the course region here, less dangerous areas for managed to leave that dangerous areas. are going to receive one time payment of $10000.00 roubles, which is a little bit more than $100.00 according to the his government. but
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also many criticize the decisions saying that the people are losing basically everything they lose the loved ones that lose that pope safe to lose that belongings. and the sum of money, of course is not enough, but the supply that the, the, the government also has also permits to pay more for these well, as they say, the korean publication. and also you mentioned steve nuclear power station in the city of port shots, us and according to a source, he's all services where event. normally, the situation in the area is tens because the military activities ongoing and well just doesn't kind of meet as a way actually from the plants, but the situation is stable that. and also if we hear about the situation in the city of send you out what the gas distribution station is located. so basically it
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stays the entrance of gas pipeline to ukraine and for that to europe. and we know that countries like australia. d slovakia and check here are receiving gas from that pipeline and also gas prices. kite rocks has also been use of of the ukrainian in cash and caused by couldn't. who does this take sense? uh, some believe that the capture of subjects would mean the capture of the gas station, and that probably will give additional leverage in negotiations between the russian and ukrainian sites. you'll hear something valid reporting from moscow. thank you. you'll be a still a head on alpha, 0 legal victory, some media in the philippines. the government is ordered to restore the license of a news website. the
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of the 0 who tells the stories of 2 reading era writers who challenge conservative thinking in iraq and sepia. to see all the just the idea of what did these ideas about iraqi identity divided opinion, especially among the political and religious leads. and during this, so that's a new roof, newspaper column still popular. they were read at every level of league in society, revel writers, iraq and libya on 0 to 0. the mood and untold stories from asia and the pacific. on would you say around pod hitting intervenes is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on these governments with these 5 digit you say getting russell, a thought provoking on the e. you made weapons of being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive
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way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take the fact that you decided to present as not that important factor via the story on talk to how does in the, the, the, you're watching else or 0. a reminder of our headlines is really military has launched a new ground defensive in gaza, southern city of fun, eunice, and threatened to forcefully operate against palestinian fighters. there. tens of thousands of people have been forced to flee yet again. the leaders of casara egypt and the us have issued a joint appeal to hamas and israel, calling for a gaza ceasefire deal to be finalized. a proposed holding talks in doha,
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or cairo on thursday, saying that there is no time to work. russia has declared a federal emergency and of course can reach and after an incursion by ukrainian forces. earlier this week, the defense ministry released footage and says shows ukrainian armored vehicles being destroyed in border areas intensified fighting between man north military and a powerful rebel group has killed at least 200 ethnic were hanging near the border with bangladesh. tony chang has spoken to several people who witnessed the attack and sent this report which contains disturbing images. the names of those who spoke to have been changed for fear of reprisal bodies strewn at the mouth. so the now for the, the border between me and my and bangladesh. s nick were hanging men, women, and children, hundreds killed, drowned as they trying to escape the fighting between mazda military and
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a powerful rebel group. the era can only when people gathered around the fence and beach at about 5 pm on monday, the drone flew over the crowd, which came from choice village. after that, more drones arrived from se ways and from the crowd of the thousands of fled from the town to bundle on the board with bangladesh. but the around choice village to the north west was under the full control of the erica and army. at the time, 12 members of your attends timely, were killed, one academy drop bones. some people run through the water. and also academy is dro google eggs is pulling to follow them and drop them. these are also so the people drowned and the war to trying to escape the bones. yes, yeah, exactly. as that the, the rebels have been fighting the military for control over kind states, just by public denials. they appear to have indicated several attacks on ethnic.
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we're having good communities in recent months, but the us state department is also accused the military still king ethnic tensions . recent reports indicate the me and my regime has taken deliberate steps in rocking state to use internally displaced persons. many of them are a hindrance. as human shields, i made the conflict or erica, naomi says those were hanging who remained among the we'll have safe passage to the north. few believe them now. not really because you're moving on between the economy and the other 2, you think your phone charges for basketball at 8 o'clock at the bottom of this is the people. so i am, but i think it's very hard to, to say, i believe the, the also don't, don't want the x. and just not technically that's like, uh, it is pretty hard to believe. come, well it isn't the bad thing, go the lie. the difficulty is the right hand go. we're facing those who remain in
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me and my facing will. persecution is military role collapses. others making the decision. now is the time to flee. tony chang out is there. at thailand's may not position move forward, party has re launched under a new name and with a new leader, the party was dissolved on wednesday and its leader was banned from politics. for 10 years, thailand's top court founded guilty of insulting the monarchy move forward, which one last year's election campaigned on a promise to amended the stringent law against defaming the royal family and appeals courts in the philippines. as ordered the license of online new site rattler to be reinstated, the outlet was shut in 2018 on accusations that had violated foreign ownership was its founder a nobel laureates. maria rest has long said that rattler was targeted for, criticizing the administration of former presidents. rodrigo do thursday. barnaby lo has the latest from manila. when the bell peace prize winner and maria rest uh
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and her online news company rattler celebrating another legal victory. this time as the court of appeals, the philippines and the 2nd highest court. reversing a decision by the securities and exchange commission declaring that ratner had violated foreign ownership rules. here in the philippines, media companies are not allowed to have more an owners. now this was back in 2018 when the president was for the bigger the 3rd router. i had been critically reporting about the turret as warren drugs and maria risk and her company had maintained that all these cases that have filed against rattler and maria, well were cases of harassment, political persecution by the 3rd to now the securities and exchange permission back then determined that ratner had violated for an ownership rules because it had issued an investment instrument called philippine depository receipts to
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a foreign entity. but rattler had argued that this was a normal investment instrument that other companies also use. and now the court of appeals has cited with rattler. in addition, the court of appeals said, or underscored the importance of press freedom in the philippines in that even if the court of appeals said rattler had violated for an ownership rules, the punishment should not be tantamount to the dissolution of rattler. now maria, reza and rattler had already won all tax evasion cases, but they're on, they're not out of the woods yet. there's still one unpaid dummy case in the work boards and maria ressa and another former journalist from rattler still facing up to 7 years of imprisonment for cyber libo that is now at the supreme court. barney below alger 0. many of the former account plan separate this leader of carlos,
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whose dom on is back in belgium, following a brief appearance in barcelona on thursday. that's according to a party official for demand made a surprise address to hundreds of supporters near the regional parliament. there's a warrant out for his arrest and police set up road blocks in barcelona, hoping to intercept him. the separatist is facing charges related to his role in the failed bid for catalonia to secede from spain. this was back in 2017. alpha 0 is bernard smith has the latest from barcelona. so according to georgie tower, teryl, he is the jodi totally the lead to a put him on the policy jones. and he said the pj, a mom was in pasco, enough from tuesday nights until thursday evening. and then he was escorted to the folder with friends by sorrow and was able to then carry on his journey back up to belgium while he's been living and self imposed exile since 2017. so it's a pretty cool judge is demanded of the most soft spot. the name of the regional
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police in castillo needs to monitor a detailed explanation of the operation they were supposed to catch. guzman wyatt failed on a detailed explanation. and a list of the posts. now involved on the must off of how to press companies a defensively, very defensive 2nd level. we set up a citizen of catalonia, that deny suggestions that they colluded and allowing food them on to escape a site. in fact, that they were going to were arrested with the most opportune time, so it was not to generate public disorder. but the put them on took advantage of the number of people around him. unplug the scene in the vehicle of the most of the tried to stop, but failed. so he's back in belgium was able to gressick a dress, a crowd of supporters on the thursday morning without interruption. and that is why it seems of causes embarrassments at the national level, although no national, the national leadership of the governor has not yet commented on. donald trump says he's committed to 3 televised debates next month with his rivals to the us
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presidency during a news conference. the republican candidate blamed come to harris for the migration crisis. and she's not doing any news conference, you know why she's not doing because she can't do a news conference. she doesn't know how to do a news conference. she's not smart enough to do a news conference. and i'm sorry, we need smart people to leave this country because our country has never been in this danger before, both economically and from an outside. from an outside perspective, russia doesn't respect us anymore. shy that doesn't respect us anymore. north korea, kim junglin liked me a lot. he doesn't like this group we. we are in great danger with great change of being in world war 3. that could happen. a couple of harris is campaigning, and the state of michigan with her running made tim was she spoke to the union members in wayne county, about the importance of leadership to measure of the strength of a leader is not based on who you beat down. it's based on who you lift
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and you know, this version that happened in our commentary in the last several years. where there's a suggestion that somehow strength is about making people feel small, making people feel alone. what it is, is that the very opposite of what we know unions no, to be strength. it's about the collective. it's about understanding. no one should ever be made to fight alone. a tropical storm debbie has made a 2nd land full in the us heading areas in south and north carolina. heavy rain has flooded entire neighborhoods in the city of marian damaging infrastructure. at least 6 people have died because of the storm and in the coming days, forecast or say debbie is expected to move through maryland. washington, upstate new york and vermont. a new method. it's a me 0 then yay. whether it's next on alpha 0. then inside story asks if
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a real change is possible in the there's been more flooding in the middle east, we'll get there one sec. but we'd begin in asia pacific keeping tabs on tie for maria, still the type phone on saturday, looking to weekend to a tropical storm. by the time sunday rolls around, does creep closer to japan's northern high country island. but the land fall is forecast to happen on monday, not too far away from the sun died. now the weather pattern is changing in china. the weather now mostly contained toward southern china dropping down those temperatures. and i did promise, see, we get to the middle east. so here's where the flooding was in goodman's capital, sun, a copious amounts of rain have been following here, but that's also extended into southwest saudi arabia,
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where there's also been some funding here. all has to do with 100 downpours parked over this area. as for providence, in saudis, same goes for make a profits as well. now the other big story across the baby in peninsula is the humidity. we've cut that breeze off the goals. so for us here and the temperature of $38.00, but you factor in the humidity ceiling closer to 60 degrees paid on hottest august . stay on record on wednesday, 42.4 degrees. it come down a bit to 40 on saturday. and the monsoon range will be mostly heavy toward northern india over the course of the weekend. bye. for now, the, the magic has, of course, has to have with the chinese academic, victor, 12 percent of the people to taiwan, say they want to reunify that it's not up to the people in taiwan to decide about the ones on the policy. exploring time is development and additions. is he now
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president for like a true dictate? how can you explain for find the transform ation. ok. if you have to take this, you had to head on that just to get out. he gave in to protest of demons, withdrew a controversial bill and re shuffled his cabinets. opposite, cutting and present is still under pressure. tens of thousands of people have been cooling for an end to what they say is corruption and mismanagement. so as we'll change possible in kenya, this is inside story, the hello there and welcome to the program. i'm nora. kyle kenya is on the edge again, protests against a finance bill have become a nationwide with.


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