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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 9, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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what's the, what's the street on out just the or the a passenger plan which 62 people on board has crashed and brazil's sol paulo state, the president says, all upper zoomed dead. the hello everyone, i'm, we'll herancha this is i'll just 0 life i'm doing. i'll also coming up israel launch is a 3rd offensive on hon eunice, thousands of house to news fleeing the area. a mazda official is killed in an is really air strike on the lebanese port city of side on an nicholas mother. all is in courts as well. as the top traditional body considers whether to certify the
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presence disputed reelection. the all right, and we begin this broadcast with breaking news out of brazil where a passenger plane has crashed in south polo states. 62 people were on board and present a lot says all are presumed dead or the a t r. a 72 plain operated by a local airline was traveling from the southern states of a parent of video shared on social media shows and playing, limiting down into a cluster of trees, followed by a large team of black smoke a fit for the door. i have to be the better of some very bad news. i'd like everyone to stand for a minute of silence. the plain has just crashed in the city of the night. go into a pilot. there were 58 passengers and full crew members. it seems,
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all of them have died. you know. all right, let's take you an hour to brazil, a to monica, yet it keeps a, she joyce's life, some rio de janeiro, monica. what more do we know? well, this was the local flight. it's a small company that fly does a lot of regional flights, and this case it was going from the southern state of but enough towards the city of san baltimore. and it was flying at 700 feet almost getting there. when all of a sudden it plummeted, 4000 feet and in a very little time and it just dropped out of the sky, fell on top of a house. luckily there was nobody in the house but by the images we have been see, everyone is really likely to be dead because the plane was totally destroyed. flames went up. uh it's, it's uh, in a crowded area. so people were very afraid that their other victims would have uh,
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it would have killed other people or hurt people around hospitals were being prepared already in case there any one needed any help. they sent all the investigators from the air force, the federal police, the mayor of the city of any of those was on his way also. so everybody, it's a very shocking accident and they have been commenting here in brazil that it has been the worst in, in recent times. and monica at this stage, do we know if this is a rescue operation or just purely a recovery operation? at this time there, there it's just people are, there's go, the people are going there to look at what's happened. everybody is saying that they think everybody died because of the images. i mean the plane is it's called
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debris and ashes and a lot of smoke. nobody has been mentioning much about the victims except that everyone's things are presumed dead. what we don't know the. 1 is that the company called voice thoughts? it's a small company, but sometimes it operates together with a bigger company called left town, which is an international company. this small company told it's crew members that have any one was not feeling comfortable to fly in the next flight. which there were they could stay on ground and a couple of the pilots of the next flights have said that they prefer to stay until they have an idea of what happened. it was very, very sudden that the flight it was going very, very normally when all of a sudden it last altitude, it lost speed and it just dropped out of the sky. right. it just the, literally, as you said, it just fell out of the sky. and this was a domestic flights a if i understand correctly. and we heard from president lula of brazil
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a just a moment ago. what did he, what did he say? well, he was in the middle of an event that had nothing to do with this. he was in another state, and the minister, one of his ministers, came over and told him that this had happened that this airplane had fallen. and so he interrupted his speech to say, i'm sorry that i have to be the bearer of bad use. but this just happened, he asked for a minute of silence and he said, he said he thought it was presumed that all people had died as he already was asking for a minute of silence. so that is basically what has what he said. and now everybody wants their investigating to see what happened. right. investigation. now ongoing monica are you on a keys for talking to us? and we are just narrow on that to breaking news or just to repeat breaking news out
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of brazil where a passenger plane has crashed and sa, paulo state, monica, thank you so much. i of the and to gauze on next where the is really military has once again bombed areas, it designated a so called humanitarian save zones. at least 35 policy and use or tools across the strip on friday. and the victims included 6 people in my, where c or west of hon, eunice, 2 of them children, the narrow strip of land is densely populated with displaced families living in terms and holidays sense. so this reports from hon. eunice, the latest victims of is really army restricts on garza. many have been displaced numerous times and now they're fleeing yet again much i didn't know how to work
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without warning the is really war. planes, types of carpet bombing, our area, coupled with also showing those were killed, torn to pieces with body parts all over the place. we only run for our lives, and we still are without shelter, food or water. these riley alleged that i saved zones, but there is no safe inch. indeed, todd gauze, us through the is where the army or the policy news to leave the eastern part of hon units and move to what's left of the western suburbs. it's stepping up a tax on this densely populated residential area in southern gaza saying troops are operating forcefully against palestinian fighters, oppression again. and they said this is a safe area. there is no safe area. i'm telling you we cannot find a place to stay. we're thrown into the streets, i'm calling on them to see us because we are tired by god we are tired of
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just these early years. people were allowed to return to this neighborhood to what remains of their homes, but soon found themselves and gave them by meant the swan off, we were warrant to leave immediately to a humanitarian zone. however, these really work plans in droves opening fire on us. they were killed and injured, we left dead bodies and pieces all over the road. we will panic down by unable to sleep or living in a misery. this is the human cost of israel's war and cause of pain, suffering despair. now we taught, if this life like gold, we have fiddled death as best as in this country cl situation and find a solution we tired. we thought, you know, i don't like we've died 100 times is rose late. this evacuation orders are causing panic among palestinians here because they say there's no guarantee they will be safe wherever they go next. in the city,
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i'll just see it f one eunice because of palestine. the you and the human rights folks and has the condemned comments made by is really finance minister resolve a small bridge about letting 2000000 palestinians and gaza died. of hunger, smart treasure claimed it might be justified and moral to let them starve until is really captives are returned. such statements, especially by public officials, must cease immediately. they must be investigated and the found, if found to amount to a crime must be prosecuted and punished the style violation of civilians as a method of warfare is a war crime. the collective punishment of the palestinian population is also a war crime of this direct and public stipend risks, inciting other atrocity crimes. such statements, especially by public officials,
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must cease immediately. thing must be investigated and the found is found to amount to a crime must be prosecuted and punished all earlier the warehouse and national security spokesman's that the barton administration won't allow extremists, including in israel to push gaza ceasefire talks off. course john kirby said that the small treasures claims that a deal would be a surrender to him, us or that hostages should not be exchanged for prisoners. are quote, dead wrong. let's get you more on those comments. standing by a white house correspondent to kimberly house. good. kimberly. john kirby responding to the criticisms of the framework by small trade show. what more did he have to say of the well, what he was responding to were the criticisms that is not rich posted on friday on
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x, namely that he called the framework agreement a dangerous trap. and that outrage the united states. and so national security council, suppose person john, kirby said that these are flat out to an accurate in terms of the criticisms smart richard. going on to criticize the framework agreement as being a surrender to have mosley cap. this should never be exchanged for prisoners and that the war should go on indefinitely. and the united states is saying that this is a ray just as misleading me is really public. and so don't for me, took apart this argument point by point say that prisoner exchanges save lives. there is no surrender in that. and it speaks to the principles of the united states as well as the other negotiators, including egypt and cut our stand for. and then when it comes to the idea that the united states would put israel's national security at risk. well, the united states says that is just factually wrong. in fact, i'm privy,
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calling this outrages and absurd even make that suggestion. now kimberly hire 6 talks are now slated for august 15. how confident is the white house that they can get this over the finish line a well, jennifer re speaking on behalf of the national security council, the white house and saying that there is a bit of confidence because of a couple of things already. we know that israel has put out a statement saying that it will be at the table and the white house is welcoming that. and now there are indications via katara, but how much is also going to be represented. in fact, john kirby telling repair. 7 owners but the categories of indicated that they will work to get how most represented on thursday. when those discussions take place, whether it be in the hot or in cairo. and what we understand is that there are some details to be worked out. they may take a few days,
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but the customer has assured the other negotiators, including the united states, but how much will be appropriately represented. and the united states is taking this as an encouraging sign. all right, so it can we, how good reporting? thank you. mazda official at a palestinian refugee camp in lebanon has been killed, and it is rarely strike 2 others were injured in the attack that targeted a car in the port city of side on while across border attacks have taken place daily since the war on gossip, the get well earlier the is really military carried out more air strikes on border towns in the south. it comes at a time of heightened tension after israel assassinated. a senior has bought commander for a short last week aside. diabetic has more now from southern lebanon for the liberties health ministry say that one person has been killed and to inject and then his reading strike on the port city of. so i don't know how must have said
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that they are officials summit or how just killed in that strike. although they have denied reports that he was some sort of security efficient at the palestinian refugee company in that city upside down. and how do i know this isn't the 1st time is read, has talked to the mazda officials in january, the killed the deputy lead. uh, sorry, i, i rudy in a suburb of a route a may. i must say that one of the commodities had been killed in a strike near the lebanese syrian border elsewhere here in southern lebanon, as well as continued it strikes on tens and villages along the border. i, the chavez, hip couple of kids. uh, you know, many tons of villages through hits. we've heard is ready, a crust overhead and the sense of explosions reverberating around the hills here that his beloved also said that they've targeted is rating positions. they said that they hit the set to month of manada into i forget they like that. they targeted the some mca sites on the occupied couple or show by hills and also hitting good at shimoda with rockets. and we understand there's videos of that,
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you know, this comes us a time when his relatives anticipating their retaliation from his, with off of the kidding of the senior, combined to flood sugar. and it seems like, what is, what it is doing is increasing its, it strikes on areas around southern lebanon, in just a patient of the strikes, trying to send warnings to his beloved. i said vague, i just ate a mazda you in southern lebanon. the turn our attention out to venezuela, where prisons nicholas model, as appeared at the supreme court as a topic judicial body considers whether to certify his re election or the court has asked the national look toral council to provide detailed voting records. it has the 15 days to study the data, but it can ask for an extension. opposition. politicians say they have proof that
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model last, last month's disputed election. all right, want to turn now to our latin america editor or the see a new when she joins is from santiago, chile. let's see. i just wanna ask you in terms of, you know, venezuela now plunged into crisis. well, did you did sherry be able to break the stalemate? me? and i would say that what is happening right now is certainly not something that will break a scale made. and the reason is very obvious, because it was president nicholas my who to himself, who asked for this to be uh to be put into the hands of the electoral chamber of the supreme court, which is the final arbiter. and this means that it is, he is bypassing the electoral counsel, which he should 1st have to challenge before he actually takes it all to the supreme court. and what does that mean? that means where he, the members of the supreme court are moodle. so loyalist,
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there's no question about that. while members of the electoral council are divided, the majority do support the government, but there are at least 2 members that are considered either sympathetic with the opposition or neutral. and we also know that somebody or, or some people within the electoral council allegedly slipped the results on that election. the audit that comes out of each machine more than $30000.00 of them, 80 percent of those machines after the election day have to put out a, a strip that gives you basically a summary of how people voted and they were passed on to the opposition. the opposition put them on line, so that is public now, while the local council has still not publish them. so that is the real question now. who has the real data president? my model is, has been giving a news conference. now, after having gone to the electoral council, which he relevant to the supreme court, which he hopes will validate the initial results of his other victory. and i, and he says that the opposition is lying that 80 percent of the results are fault.
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he's been saying that all along, but so far we have to wait and see what happens next. it, it is a real impass. it is a real impass. what is the situation right now in general? in this situation is extremely tennis. i've been talking to people in kind of like us for capital and being told that people are very frightened. many, many people, thousands have been detained. even people who are not members of political parties, but who were basically chosen to sit at the, the various pull labels on election day to. and then also of course, the, the people who are there from the different political parties and have a right to oversee the process throughout the whole time that the polls are open. so there's been a lot of opposition, people in prison and there is a lot of fear. apart from that it's, it's a strange situation. people don't know what is going to happen next in this
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situation, but my little has just said just to wrap up, that there will be no civil war then everything is com. all right, so we'll see a newman. thank you so much for your reporting. all right, so head here on al jazeera, russia declares a federal emergency, and it's western course region deploying more troops to repel a ukrainian attack. and plans for yours largest alysia mines spark a mass usually against the exploration in serbia. the documentary series. exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle today's environmental task in columbia, the arrow, lots of people, scientists to understand why species of toes wants to take things. it's still
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thriving in the coastal mountains of the sierra nevada. nations frontline, the starry night towed on alger 0 african stories from african perspectives. i'll say i am a creative at heart 3 short documentary spy, african filmmakers from nigeria, south africa, and zambia. i like my children, i like them. i didn't go school. he didn't live is a 2 they sion of slaves and we all the same in the forest women of i've seen from the cape and a dream worth chasing a new series of africa direct on. i'll just sierra, the
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welcome back. you're watching l. just a reminder of our top story is this our a passenger plan with 62 people on board has crashed and brazil present losses all are presumed dead video shared on social media shows the plains, falling from the sky into a cluster of trees is followed by an explosion, and these really military has launched a new ground offensive in gaza. southern city of con eunice, tens of thousands of people have been forced to flee yet again. and our mazda official out of boston, numerous which he, camp 11 on, has been killed and it is rarely strikes. 2 others were injured in that attack that targeted a car in the port city of side on turning our focus no to the u. k. were far right, an anti racist protestors have gathered in belfast in northern ireland police. i
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have created a barrier between the 2 opposing who's the far right waves, the british flag and held the placards against the immigration, a much larger group of anti racist protesters also gathered you face to face the week of fall, right? writing with police say they are expecting another spike and violence in the coming days. meanwhile, pharmacist or a cure stormer said, robust security measures are in place, and that's swift. justice has helped quell the disorder, as well as the united kingdom are continues to face far right, riots and counter protests. a new survey shows migration is a top issue for the whole british population. despite that new research in the okay shows, margaret helps stimulate the economy and push down that lower con reports from manchester in the north of england. shopping and prepping for a busy friday. my level restaurant is a month just
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a staple. a business established in 2002 and loved by local, you know, we got people from different background to conceptual background community, but the divide block asian, you name it. and the phone thing that we've always been advised bringing people together to feed into hospitality. and that's probably our unique expense, i would say, you know, and our business, this restaurant, he says represents the diversity of mine, just to residents from $108.00 to $9.00 countries on where at least 90 languages spoken. the latest you got to. so they say the immigration is a top priority to the country with 51 percent of people picking it. bought independent analysis of the public finance. it's fine. the high, the migration to move beneficial to the public power. that's because most new market is coming in, are working age, it's finds that contributions will reduce pressure on government that those the 50 years. and then look at every of these sites. what it shows you is going to give
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more than what the 2 cops. so the foster force, while you're looking at one half, i've served this country. that's almost 511. i've been, uh never, i've been a bus driver. i've been a police officer. i've been, i've loaded me out of this beautiful city. we visit the home phone and boxing waltz champion. i'm a cons father who moved to bolton in 1970 from pocket some. he says diversity is an important part of being british and narrative that he says was the source. if i fall right groups to, right, it's here. i'm across the country and the what's happening all over england. but, you know, but a lot of people that are from outside of a little little because they don't locals, i don't think. and then. and you re, as, as, as community, we all get on. i don't think the genuine, both tony and c a r involving the saw of that riots. i really don't think so. he says his son is
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a purchase ball national sporting here and many thousands of turns out on the streets to count to the full right to wednesday. agree that it's diversity the makes the country drive north han out to 0. bunch of stuff. the russian era strike on a shopping mall. i'm ukraine has skilled at least 11 people and injured more than 40. it happened in the town of cost johnson you've got in the eastern domestic region. it's the 2nd major attack on the town in almost a year or last september, a russian missile had an outdoor markets, killing 17 people, as when i should have a desire to book. now we started climbing out of the window. we were badly outside . we turned around and everything was burning. the post office was on fire and smoking. i started running one way, my colleague run the other stuff. all russia has declared an emergency and its
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western course region after ukrainian troops across the border earlier this week. additional troops have been deployed to counter the attacks and fighting is nearing the city. of course, utah. so where a nuclear power plant is located, mama changed room reports in russia's western curse region bordering ukraine. the fighting hasn't sense and people are worried. the men resealed the dragon was hovering above us. we break into the co in time. there was an explosion right in front of us. look just so much here. so it all started a to a. yeah, we didn't speak to the morning and then the show started flying. it was terrible that this footage from the russian defense ministry shows russian soldiers battling ukrainian troops were earlier this. we cross the border and launched an attack. the kremlin has branded a large scale provocation that some people are stocking up on emergency supplies,
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and many are volunteering to donate blood videos posted on social media, show people packing their belongings, as well as long lines of cars as they try to flee the fighting russian officials say hundreds of ukrainian troops across the border on tuesday using tanks, armored vehicles and drones, and the u. s. has largely prevented ukraine from using american weapons to attack targets in russia. at the pentagon journalist asked whether the latest fighting meant that's changed, it is consistent with our policy. and we have supported ukraine from the very beginning to defend themselves against attacks that are coming across the border and for the need for cross fires. so they're taking actions to protect themselves from attacks that are coming from a region that are with in the us policy of where they can operate, you know, our weapons, our systems, our capabilities, the acting governor of the course region brief, president vladimir putting on the evacuation plans via video link with my uh,
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the sort of the we have reached an agreement with the russian railways. 3 trains have arrived in which we can accommodate 2000 to 400 people. another 8th trains can provide humanitarian, 8 and evacuated. people immediately go to the pets region, which is near curse can even deeper into russian territory also came under attack. the cross border result is one of the cranes largest since russia launched its full scale invasion in february 2022. the question now is, how long will it persist? how much it will just either to and people in a small village and sir, we are fighting to block and you backed, lift the mar, and there valley. last month, the government restored mining company. your rio team chose a license to extract some enroll, which is use in electric vehicles. environmental is an activist of plan to major rally in the capital downgrade on saturday. so the higher that reports these
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fields in west and so it'd be a, could soon disappear if alicia mining project gets to go ahead and when greenery disappears. so do the insects i've done a couple of it. she's worried not just for his bees. it's also for his health and even his community play out. i'm defending the property and the existence of my family and my children have replied with all the lives of such things. in yes, all valley blue pen as mark and exploration sites on land. so rich in the future, european union is keen to benefits mining joints. re, i tend to discuss with the mineral hit a couple of decades ago. lithium is using rechargeable batteries for electric vehicles, among other items. bought mass protest in 2020 to look the global corporation from opening its 1st year p in line. all that change last month. so when started be reinstated,
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it's license prompt thing nationwide. demonstrations environmental groups to concerned about their repairable pollution. a mine would quote and the impacts on sources of food and water upon the planet of the smith did he attend to explaining the mining valleys to be 3 verse, which often slots seals and could carry any toxic material downstream. so this is a huge risk to the entire read to not only for the either but the, for everything down stream on the 3, not salary there's and for about great a, the sub you in government which names misinformation. so the protest is trying to forge close to ties with the you on the block wants to reduce dependency on chinese lease. yeah. we're, we're not talking about deciding are we going to do something at the expense of the environment and people's health or not.


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