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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 10, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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0 now the challenges with the hello, i'm sorry i'm to my z. it's a 500 g m t o watching alger 0 life from joe ha. with special coverage from gauze up more than a 100 palestinians have been killed. and on his right attack on a school during the morning press, israel claims it was targeting him as fighters in the school in of the raj neighborhood, which had been sheltering. hundreds of displaced people, the
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was the information we have so far more than a 100 percent of things have been killed in this attack, which struck a school during the dorm pry. it happened in the out the rise neighborhood in central kansas city. thousands of the injured and bodies have been transported to the baptist hospital. israel has carried out multiple attacks on schools in the past week where palestinians had been sheltering. i was just, there is honey, my mood is in hon. eunice in southern gauze. i spoke to him earlier on as well. up till now. we don't know the exact reasons why it is reading military. that's how this particular school that's in the past few days. every time there's been a manager in the back. one of the evacuation centers, which by the way, we did a span of, of in the looking at or school them this morning due to the fact which center or school that the, it's one that the an average of of a school. and he'd been a breach 2 days, which is a lot compared to what we see it in. in the past, there's a concentration on the top on these evacuation centers and what looks like to be
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the final part of the knockout punch for civilians across the board. read, displace thomas high, they don't have any place to go to. but what we're hearing from from paramedics and civil defense because removing body to from the school, the are your body, the are an identified totally butter. and then there are those who, who have to be fixed up in pieces from the area where the area work, people with finding a few and a to perform. they're the only pay or they're, they're pieces of the flash. they get arrived to invest that the baptist hospital in its plastic bags, and there are other bodies that of why the shredded to the point that they are not recognized. those whose bodies are these the that's the, the, the tragedy of these attacks. it bombs are used by these really military draft is from the air they're, they're packed with mail. they're pack, which of
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a trap does small pieces with sharp pieces of metal that when the cost to the flush, the cost, the dear, the bleeding be old. so it costs to do or burned, uh, sport how and transferred people know that that's why many of the bodies of life to the hospital largely i'm identified and this is going to be a quite of a b, e, the heart breaking point for many of the families who are really, are we, you suffer from any trouble on daily basis that's from a large number of missing people. the data, no word the same as in birth and as we speak right. have you heard that on this, on this ongoing artillery in the area where we are staying as well a just a storage of the, the tax on the vanquishing centers a just that deepen dispense back safety and kind of protection points to julian's across because of the truth and the now the,
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the define of or what considered to be a secret place and displace families. it's not safe anymore. it's 100 percent risky and dangerous and people are in fact killed in the very place. they saw it going to provide a protection. they were told to do these places because they are safe and they are located in the human to carry in zones in the northern cards in kansas city. but so far it's not, it's not a collateral damage. it is not at a mistake. it's because it's happened repeatedly, it is deliberate, it is intentional. civilians are dying at the record number because of the repeated attacks on salters. well now israel's military is released a statement about this latest attack and a statement on x. it says that it's false, attacked to it, cold terrorist operating in a military headquarters and the l to be in school complex and they are most in gaza
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. city is right. it all me went on to say the complex is being used by a mass to hide in. and whereas the group was planning what it called terrorist operations against israel. i'm to sell who joins us now from jordan's capital amman, because the is ready, government has bind algae or from a forcing inside israel. i'm the tell us more about this reaction from to is right, the military of the will these really armies statement is similar to what we saw over the last week when they attacked 3 other schools in northern gauze. the claims of having us using the school for military purposes and saying that each one, including the one attack this morning that is killed, at least a 100 palestinians, was in fact they are claiming a mass of military command center and headquarters time and time again. we have seen this pattern from these rarely army, especially over the last 10 months. these bold claims of how most using these
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places for military purposes. but not once have we seen evidence of this not once? have we seen the intelligence that these really military is citing? so what else is the army saying? well, they're saying that this was a precise and targeted operation. intelligence base strikes carried out, enjoying cooperation and coordination with the internal security agency known as position. but they say they want it to use precise munitions in order to try and minimize the amount as to civilian har, which is a little bit difficult to believe, given the fact that a 100 people were killed in this one attack, which was 3 consecutive airstrikes. additionally, the military is saying that have us continues to violate international law quote, using civilians as human shields, but the flagrant violations of international law and human rights that israel has committed over the last 10 months can no longer be counted. you even have is really
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soldiers who document their own crimes and post them on social media, which is being used against israel in these cases of carrying out and perpetuating genocide against the palestinian people in gaza at these international chords. these really military has maintained for months that they do not target civilians would we have seen time and time again, the targeting of doctors, nurses, medical staff, civil defense crews, 1st responders, journalists, and all other civilians who are essentially trapped inside of gaza in relentless is really bombardments whenever these really army also tells people to evacuate to these areas that are known as designated safe zone. designated safe areas evacuation areas is there a time and time again attacked to those places, airstrikes on tens of displace palestinians who are sheltering outside of hospitals or in the safe zones. these really military uses this justification of targeting
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have us in order to target and kill palestinian civilians on the ground. and it's really important to note that not once have we seen any of this evidence or any of this intelligence that the military claims about him? us using this infrastructure for military purposes. there are efforts being spearheaded by egypt. cats are in the united states for a cease fire agreement. what is israel position on this? well, these really prime minister's office released the statement shortly after that joint statement from the leaders of the top of the united states and egypt saying that there will be and is really delegation that's dispatched to either cairo or del house on august 15th saying that the only thing that can really con tensions in the region, according to the united states, is a cease fire deal in gaza. but every time that again we get closer to any sort of
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negotiations for a ceasefire. there is some sort of large scale is really attacked that completely the rails, these discussions a couple of months ago. our reporting had sighted this. there was some movement in the talks and then how must have released the statements saying, but continued is really aggression all over the gaza strip. is something that needs to stop if they are going to take these talk seriously. but israel has repeatedly accused him us of being the one who is not coming to the table and offering up concessions. meanwhile, benjamin, that's in yahoo! going into these negotiations back in june, had said that he had a long list of non negotiable, as in fact, his office releasing a list of 4 of them to be exact. but these rarely as have accused him as being the ones to add conditions to the list. it's a bit of back and forth a pointing the finger as to why these talks have been collapsing, but according to officials who speak anonymously to is rarely media. they say that mentioned y'all who's hard line position is not something that is conducive to
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obtaining a deal. they say that often times these mediators have gone just under the pressure of the united states with no sort of mandate to actually negotiate a ceasefire. but rather to wisdom and bring back those points to nets and yahoo, who ultimately these really public says is neither capable nor willing to secure a deal to release the remaining is really captive. and also alternately bring about a ceasefire and the ends of the war. and i want to also note, this is going to be the 1st time these rallies are going to be in directly negotiating with the yes yes and was who was now the leader of him, us in all political aspects. he's seen as a hard liner, but you minutes and you all who was seen as a hard liner. mediators behind the scenes are scrambling to not only get this deal to stop the war and gaza. but there is so many other things that are going on within the region. israel says it's bracing for some sort of retaliatory attack that has been promised by the audience from is by his bottle up by the food these
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in yemen as well. so the only way the american sage to com regional tension is for the ceasefire deal to happen in gaza. but again, we are nowhere closer to this deal since the last one we saw in november. we've been discussing these talks on how to get a ceasefire on what each side is wanting on the top sticking points for each party, but time and time again, we have seen the ceasefire talks repeatedly collapse many m. okay, for now. thank you very much. how does all hoot in amman and jordan as we can now speak to honeymoon, he is a correspondent based inside gaza or, and he's been following developments in kansas city following the attack on this school in kansas city. more than a 100 people have been killed. honie joins us now from hon. eunice and southern gaza. honey, what are you hearing about the the off them off of this attack and of the raj of
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the will the tragedies keep on folding since the attack took place the earlier hours the this door and as people were inside the that'd be in the school that's in the doors neighborhood in gaza, city a densely populated area, overcrowded space we're talking about at least 6000 people inside this evacuation center, the that school that turned into a shelter for the displaced families. some of these family just moved. in recently the flip, the horror of the artillery showing the unpredictable fall in bonds in the eastern part of garza city and more recently from a different one in neighborhood and from other and evacuation centers that were bombed by these really military. so that situation right now, the conflicts that we're looking at that people are, are fleeing from one evacuation center to another,
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seeking protection and safety fully to get bonded relentlessly as what happened at earlier hours. the don't our, as people were gathering congregation to performance, don't pray or just for your prayer when they were bombed in the scenes and of the, of the footage that we looked at, excuse me. of people picked up it from the ground in pieces they put in plastic bags or they were shredded. they would put in a blanket wrapped in a blanket and transferred to the hospital that is already struggling on daily basis . as of right now with this huge influx of injuries and casualties poured into the hospital, it's on a brink of, of collapse and sufficient medical to stop and lack of medical uh, medical supplies that it prevents the middle of the available medical stuff from providing a proper medical care, a 100 people confirm gold and the number is still increasing and then now there is the fear the number will increase as many of those arriving to the hospital,
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the wounded ones are in critical conditions and there's no it proper in the medical interventions and to save their lives, they were just about the situation that within a span of 10 days. this is the 5th 5th school's 5th at the school that turn into shoulders. been bombed by these really military, with no prior warning whatsoever for the past. in these we've seen this patterns of attack happening. there is a concentration on attacks on, on evacuation centers, whether they are the public schools or private or, or honor was schools. the no warning is given whatsoever. people are dying at a record number, but these tact, this don't early are hours attack compared to the past 4 attacks. it's the largest that caused massive civilian casualties so far and a great deal of destruction of the to do the facility itself. the school itself is judging it from the, the, the,
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the number of people arriving to the hospital and the, the, the casualties arriving. we're seeing it with children. we're seeing women, young young adults also arriving either soaked in blood, already pronounced it from the bottom side of the paramedics and volunteers are still working around the clock to remove to remove bodies of from the bond side. there is difficulty as these a 3 bonds that were dropped. the line does not look too high. no. so if you forget me and causing this large number of casualties, but also cause fire to the facility, honey, and can i ask you about the nature of some of the injuries, the types of injuries we typically see after an attack like this? many people are rushed to hospital if they do survive these attacks. they cause an explosion of nails, shrapnel, and then very often a fire engulf the area. so people also suffer from buns
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or will it just be clear about what's happening? good in terms of delete the weapons used by these very militaries at the initial weeks of the world. but these really military deployed large amount of dumb bombs of what it described. these are just drugs on areas annihilating entire residential buildings or residential blocks and causing a severe good, severe number of casualties. people who died right at the spot. there are cases where people, there were no signs of them existing because the just completely evaporated or mixed with these dots. then the powder caused by the level of destruction at this particular stage of the war as announced by these really military the, there's talks the good about that. it's more precise, it's more directed into targeted guilt killings. but, and these weapons that are use are much more accurate in terms of the targeting can
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. but when we examine this on the ground, these allegations made by just really military. and we look at the kind of targets they're being hit. for example, the past 10 days, again 5 to see a 5 is schools that that means and then it one school and an average of one school every 2 days and the number of casualties, the kind of casualty that we're seeing, the following because of these attacks these bombs, as these really military, they are precise, but they are also very lead filled. they are packed these bombs that dropped the with a lot for at the start with the on packed with nails. they're packed with a strap, nose, a small pieces of metals that wouldn't be explored, not only the phones massively and causing a the fire into the place, but also the flight piece is the strap, those, the nails, the sharp pieces of metal, the cutting through the flush of young children of women, of elderly people who have of that diseases and cannot get it cannot take this kind
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of, of injury cannot survive this kind of, of injuries the, these pieces of metals and nails. because through the flush, the cost, severe bleeding, tennessee, just simple calculations of the situations and the time it from the bottom side into the only remaining a operation of hospital at a if the risk is high for the injuries to lose their life. and then we talk about a very low capacity in terms of health facility in terms of ambulance vehicle dispatched through the bonds side a just the risk of, of people losing their life is very, very high end. the medical estoppel is find it's very, very difficult and extremely challenging to intervene right away to stop the severe bleeding to treat the severe burns and the lack of equipment, the lack of video pain medication making it very difficult. so the vast majority of type people are left due to the lead, the death on the floor of the hospital. and we've seen this with our own eyes here in the central area. and in hon. eunice, earlier at the doctor hospital where the influx of injuries arriving in,
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but there is an insult. there is insufficient medical to stop the lack of medical supply, causing the more depth of these injuries. the same exact case or scenario that we're looking at right now as, as we, we heard of from paramedics describing one of the video to describe the situation that rubik inside the hospital. there are many people are on the floor of the hospital with no medical intervention or care what so ever simply because they are over whelmed, they are exhausted, they don't have the capacity to intervene and to save lives. okay, for now. thank you very much, honey. my mood joining us from han, eunice, and gaza. also following developments in the united states, vice president cumberland harris has either late his presidential campaign raleigh interrupted by protest as demanding a ceasefire in gaza. the democratic candidate was addressing suppose in the hotly contested state of arizona, but she stopped her speech to speak directly to protest as who were calling for an
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end to the war. so let me just save it on topic of what i think i'm hearing over there. let me just speak to that for a moment and then i'm going to get back to the business of the. so let me say i have been clear, new is the time to get a ceasefire deal exclusive else more and is now joins is leih from washington to hear this rhetoric from washington about the need for a cease fire agreement. but it comes just as the by the ministration will send an additional 3 and a half $1000000000.00 to israel, to spend on us made weapons and military equipment as part of a $14000000000.00 spending bill that was passed by congress on top of more than $3000000000.00 of a annual us military a to israel. right?
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yeah, i mean, it's almost like 2 power. oh, well, you've got the us sending 3 and a half $1000000000.00 a military aid to israel at the same time that president biden. i'm vice president harris on post grabbing, increasing the frustrates with israel and its lack of progress towards accepting this, these 5 deal. i mean, we saw president buys and just a few days ago, he was welcoming those american hostages back to the us from russia. he was throwing a couple of questions by john lists about the situation in gaza, and it was clear that he was frustrated. he was quite country, but he was to the point. he said, hey, referring to prime minister netanyahu. he has the basis of a ceasefire. he needs to accept and then when he was asked about the assassination of his mouth today, he said, you know, it hasn't helped. i'm, this is a line that we have seen repeatedly from campbell of harris to remember. she's got to rouse now because she's a vice president and administration, but is pushing for us the spy. she's also a presidential candidate. so, and have role as vice president. she supports the by the administration for head
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team is also key to make sure that she is seen to be the one that can also pushed through these 5 because she's linked to every success of jo biden's. but she's also linked to any faith, diesel perceived, 5 years of job items. and that is why i thought raleigh, we saw her address this. this is actually the 2nd time that she's being interrupted by protest is she was interrupted in michigan. and i go to a, go back then her response was a little blog to the point. she just said, say that if you want donald trump to be elected. but i'm speaking at the moment, best response was a little more respectful of the people considered, especially because she knows that the congress of watching and her role as vice president. she is part of this administration. so she has to be talking about how to bring the cx 5 forward and how to bring those hostages back at the same time that she's fighting and swing states like michigan which have a strong, large arab american population. and all of this comes not just as the selection is about to happen in the warren gauze. it continues,
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but there are serious concerns about the middle east getting closer to the brink of an all out role. should iran, depending on how iran respond to the killing of a smile, honey, a in the country? what do we hearing from washington about this as well, there would be daily maybe more than once a day calls between officials and washington. i'm use right. he called them in, so there was a meeting or a telephone conversation, while the between secretary state anthony blinking on these ready defense. when is that you are long? yes, the day i'm just gonna read you what we were told by the state department. they told us secretary of state anthony j blinking spoke with his randy, defense minister, you'll have kalonde today. now, yesterday, the secretary of defense minister discussed ongoing efforts to de escalate to tensions in the region. the secretary we have from the united states, i am cloud commitments, it was raised security and discussed how escalation is in no policies. interest for secretary reiterate to the urgent need to reach
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a ceasefire in gaza that would secure the release of hostages. allow a search of humanitarian assistance and create the conditions for pools or regional stability. he also on the school of the importance of reaching a diplomatic resolution that allows, but it's really, i'm lebanese companies to return to that homes and these conversations like say all happening on a daily basis. and we, we got these readouts every day. it might be on sunday, blink, and secretary of state speaking to the as ready, defense minister. it might be lloyd austin for us defense minister speaking to him . i'm it almost all all. but for the same, it's almost like they've been copied and pasted because they sites 3 things. they talk about festival 3, i am club support, but the us has for as well known wavering. and that was iron clad is used every time. secondly, they talk about the escalation, this is a, at a time the us is basically moving military resources into them at least hold up, maintains that is for defensive purposes only. i meant that there is not mention of a ceasefire. and we saw this at the united nations security council last week where
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the deputy us some boxes of the un said the same thing we support as well. we have in cod support, but we must not forget the need to bring the ceasefire forward to bring those hostages back. and this is the message that we hit every single day. but then when to see uh like events like we just seen in garza and the last few hours when we had those statements from these ready finance minister the other day. but he effectively said it would be just a 5 will to let all of gauze us solve until the hostages control back. all of that stuff does not help us, which is in this really quick tricky position where it's having to struggle that line. thank you. so much for the valve ring as well. the nice is from washington fayetteville. north de joins us now from ramallah in the occupied westbank. i know it just to put this attack on the school in gaza city into some context as well as continue bombardment from land air and see that is reported across much of gauze a. so you all seen continuing civilian casualties,
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displacement and destruction of houses as well. as ground incursions and heavy fighting, what is the situation in gaza right now as well? the situation in gaza is absolute desperation. you have a population of over 2000000 people, half of them children. they're starved as a matter of policy, as we've seen from several independent to and reports. and because israel has systematically decimated the health and infrastructure in gaza by targeting hospitals by targeting health workers, the killing hundreds of doctors and nurses, detaining many of them some dying from torture in is really the tension comes and because the civilian infrastructure has been decimated. so much we've seen the outbreak of polio which was eradicated from gaza in the late 19 eighties. we see almost in demik levels of hepatitis
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a affecting children and the elderly and others some dying from that because of the lack of medication and because of humanitarian assistance is not getting in before the war up to $500.00 trucks of goods or entering the gaza. strip now we're talking about merely a few dozen if at all, every day. and so we're talking about a situation that is beyond desperate where hospitals are operating without disinfect, that's without anesthesia, without some basic medication, where people are deprived of the most basic things like shampoo and soap and suffering from infections that are sending their children to hospitals. when they could be very preventable, and in that context, you have the entire population almost displaced several times over the past 10 months, moving from one place to another, and the bombs following them from one place to another. and,
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and so no place to save is the understatement of this war. and um, am, i mean over the past couple of days he's ready ministration, 3 new evacuation orders and know that and southern gauze. and they've already been these areas already on the evacuation notices. but all of this means i suppose, that the population us squeezed into overcrowded, tiny, tiny areas. this is already in a densely populated piece of land which makes their living conditions pretty unimaginable and completely on sustainable. absolutely. just to the, in the past 2 weeks, we heard from the u. n, saying that israel has shrunk the areas where it says, tell us the news can be to less than a 3rd of the area of the gaza strip. if you can imagine that the got the strip before this war was one of the most densely populated areas in the world. now most of the buildings there have been either damaged or completely destroyed. the areas
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where as well as pushing people are tiny strips of land in the southern gaza strip . it is an area of sand use, no infrastructure, no water, no electricity, no services. and, and so that's why people have really no choice even when they're ordered to evacuate. they know that there are no more spaces in the evacuation centers in the schools that keep getting targeted, even in the school. there are no spaces for more displaced people. and so a lot of them either had to open spaces to, to the street and sleep on the street. and we've seen heartbreaking a images of children and families just sheltering, hobbling in on the street. or they say put in whatever remains of their home or in their tents, knowing that they're in danger. but because they also basically are certain that there is no place that can be, can offer them safety. and in many ways that is driven a lot of people to say,
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we're just waiting for our turn. we know there's no place safe. we know that we could be next and we have no, there's nothing that we can do about it to thank you very much. for now, nora day reporting to us from ramallah in the occupied westbank on the situation in gauze of right now. this as we've been reporting on another attack at a school in gaza city more than a 100 people have been killed. but our correspondent and gaza was saying that the death toll is likely to rise. this was in the out the rush neighborhood in a school where people displaced, people had been taking shelter, seeking safety from the conflicts. and so we know that this attack took place just to go on when people had been lining up to say that, pres, so they would have been people gathering in an around this building. and we also have reports that civilians will actually off to the attack. they would trapped inside the school because of a fire that had been binding.


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