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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 10, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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toes one's thoughts, extinct is still thriving in the coastal mountains of the sierra nevada nations frontline, the starry night tote on alger 0, the the clouds, the whole rahman you want to be able to, does it renews online my headquarters here in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes, bold and 100 pala city is a kill, and one of the deadliest is why the strikes in garza. israel says it was talking about fighters, but has improved anything. with many wounded adult does, and dogs are struggling to cope. they say victims arriving influences in other news, police in the united kingdom run up that presence ahead of pro and anti racism, folks that's across many large systems. i'm sure i'll stop it reporting from
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newcastle, a new england where despite a low turn out a protest, as the arrests have already begun and investigated and presented, recover the black box for quote of a plane, the plug expansively into the ground. all 62 people on board were killed on driven us with the sports that just 2 days of competition. the last of the powers games. if you, if he has a time around all that hasn't showed he'll leave the french come so with a gold medal after winning immense larson and then pick reco time the welcome to use our it's 1300 dollars gmc, we'd be getting calls the city levels at a 100 pallets to indians have been killed, and there's really a talk with the school. this is the 8 time this month, as well as a tank to school sheltering the display. so each time these really all because
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claims have, must use as such schools for military and operational purposes. but during the 10 months of this war, israel has never provided any evidence. how does that are attached to barbara begins? are coverage as do broke, dozens gathered for morning prayers of the shelter in a school, moments of light. and then besides head, turning the side into one filled with bodies. yes, i need to show that when i found out i thought the area strewn with dead bodies and body parts. it is very difficult for paramedics to event. fly a, hold that body as an arm here, legs the bodies of rips to pieces for the medical team. stand helpless before the terrific scene. this is a school called pound housing, the space families in gaza. for more than 10 months. hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been on the move, forced from the homes, or the to evacuate, and being promised safe courtney doors. but such shelters soon turned into death
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traps. these riley armies to the death to in this latest strike is exaggerated. an target to thomas and his lot make jihad commanders. this isn't the 1st time since this thought of the war. that is, ryan has claimed schools have been converted into middle trick on pounds by on factions. that being said, that i bought heavy, we strongly condemned this heinous crime. domestic perpetrated by the use, riley ministry, and cold on the whole low to condemn this attack. we also hold as rose army together with the us administration, completely liable for this massacre. domestic uh comes, okay, could you go time as an egypt bush for a new found deceased by tools to start next week? that's widely seen as a last chance for an agreement. that's what the cottage policy of photo is urging
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the us to and what it describes as blind support as well. and to stop the killing of innocent civilians for the space in gaza knows us struggling with this sense of loss. this woman's entire family is now dead. and this guy isn't shut off the scene by the bought the car. that's left while the as you're not about a 100, even the 60 okay. that'd be a text code of bias where the full says all the schools just this month. on august the 1st the crowd, the public school in eastern golf and city was bombed, kind of at least 15 palestinians. 3 days later, the 17 palestinians, including children and women, were killed in an attack on the other from a school on the who to school. though shelter, displaced people in the shape rod to a neighborhood west of kansas city. so 2 people were killed on august the full 5
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days. randy will planes, bomb diagnostics and how soon so like most schools in the alumnis, the neighborhood on august, the 8th is really plains bomb. the of those that have moved up and the hottest schools in the east of gauze and city which houses thousands of displaced. people, 17 civilians, don in the old say, i just the most real as usual, didn't give us any warning it strikes regardless of whether there are children, women, young people, or old people, the peaceful people in the most one of god's houses. there were people praying that were people washing and the people upstairs sleeping, including children and women, and old people. miss outset on them without warning. the 1st miss out and then the 2nd miss. so we recovered them as body part. it was in the school is housing, nearly 4000 people. what can these poor people do? where will they go? will they be left on the street? everyone is a target with a hit or elsewhere. we're all at risk. a tim,
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cuz we're using tonya this in southern garza jones just now hidden hello. it's a, a difficult time for people across the gaza strip to take stock of exactly what happened several hours ago is even more difficult for those that have survived this attack. and are trying to work out what's happened to the lives destroyed in a split 2nd. a definitely. so has people who survive this talk are saying that this is one of the worst days they witnessed since the war started on the covers trip. we're talking about policy news that we're holding prayers. they were praying a don and this is when the is ready for says target some with these 3 is right. 80 asterix. now civil defense seems till this point we're talking about more than 10 hours now are still trying to rescue and to pull bodies from under the rubble. so,
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so far as the civil defense seems set that they are a were able to, to do fine, 1100 dead bodies. but they're saying that there are more bodies still trap. now, most of the bodies are disfigured there, there are able to recognize who these college, teens are, and most of the other products in use who been injured were it either m. p take, did they have been very intense. uh, branding a injuries. and the problem is there's only one hospital facilitating now in the gover 50, which is the, at the hospital, especially after a c for hospital has been completely destroyed. it's a very horrifying day for policy news, especially those and the movie times teams. they're saying that this is something very hard. it was very hard for them to collect the body. parts of those pilots didn't use the worst. sheltering in the school in this a you in school is now not
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a safe place. a nowhere across the gaza strip is not a safe place of the international community of watching this program. now can you tell them where it's safe in the gaza strip? so there's no place in the godless troop. we're talking from the south to the middle area to the north where ever, there's really 4 is, is, are claiming that those areas have been designated as safe. they're being targeted invest school that has been targeted. there were displaced policy news from bank law. here after that is really for says, ask them to evacuate. those palestinians evacuated to the school, thinking that this is a safe human terry and so that they won't be targeted, but they evacuated, they were forced to evacuated it to evacuate, leaving everything behind them, coming to you and tell her and still being targeted in this, you and shelter,
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there were 350 policy. and some of these we're talking about at least 60000, the 6000 individual of this school and all of the u. n. charters. and the se in the carlos group are packed in over ones with policy news. and that's why we're seeing palestinians who evacuated from the eastern parts of my opinion is to milwaukee and other areas cultured across the streets. homeless not finding any place to shelter. there is no place in the cause of the strip. so hard and we're after you go, you're a target and according to those policy, these have been in the side of and this displacement, they're saying that where ever we go, we are targeted and some of the people no longer evacuate after the is where the forces spread a leaf let's or, or throw in the fits on those policies because they totally do not trust the is
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there any forces that's one. second of all, they believe that we're every, the go there are target and those really forces were target everywhere across the causal in country force the in telling you this. thank you. a physical server to sign bas robbie, who's in a box in the jordanian capital. and with that because he's running the government has banned. i'll just say we're from reporting from within the borders of israel. high say is really military. apparently, i'd be very quick to respond to this particular attack, yet they haven't provided any evidence to say, as they claim it was a come under control center for how most that's exactly right. see if there is any evidence out there to support israel's version of events, then we haven't seen it just as we haven't seen any evidence to support their claims. with regards to any of the bombardments they've carried out on schools,
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hospitals so called humanitarian safe stones. in the last many months of this war, uh, you know, this is attack illustrates really the same problem we've seen throughout this conflict throughout this occupation that israel continues that with mere complete impunity. now what they have said is that, that this, that this bombardment was precise. that simply doesn't seem to be the case when we see the images of the wholesale destruction of this school compound. they say that we're trying to minimize civilian harm on the ground. again, that is contradicted by the images we are witnessing coming out of gaza today. they say based on his really intelligence, there were 20 fighters associated with hamas and islamic jihad including senior commanders operating from this compound. again, without any evidence to support this claim. and they also said that the death toll is not as high as being reported by god as authorities. but we have to point out that in the past is really intelligence itself,
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is used. those figures coming out of authorities and gaza as accurate because they say those are the only accurate figures. and again, everything they're saying simply does not correlate with what we are witnessing coming out of jobs are today. and even if there were fighters in those areas, there was a tweet by unreal commissioner general felipe less really that underscores how bombing a heavily populated civilian area is still an extreme violation of humanitarian law . in it. he said, parties to the contract must protect civilians and civilian infrastructure at all times. it's time for these horrors and folding under our watch to end. but it should be pointed out, even after this massacre this morning, is we'll continue to bombard targets and gaza. saying thanks very much for that up in st, but strongly that for us and the jordanian capital, i'm on, you know, the guitar re foreign ministry has released a statement saying that we strongly condemn the as bailey occupations building of a school in the gaza strip. we demanded international investigation that includes sending a u. n. team. regarding the occupations targeting of schools,
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we called the international community to protect the displaced and prevent the occupation from implementing its plans to forcibly displace them while a use foreign policy to use it. burrell tweeted, horrified by images from a sheltering schooling gauze, hit fine is variety strike. we've reported the dozens of palestinian victims, at least 10 schools or targeted in the last weeks. there's no justification for these massacres were dismayed by the terrible overall death toll. israel's attack comes soon after it's agreed to send us the ghost writing team to attend the new round of seas. 5 talks, cattle, egypt, and the us have pushed once again to try and secure a deal. so i will call that takes a look at why an agreement hasn't been reached. sites all a november 2023, a pivotal moments and is rouse, move on, gone to the already see slide deal to have been
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a breed last it only 11 days. fonts that led to the release of mold and hall for these really concepts taken on the type of 7. why, how mosse and other functions in gaza and also palestinian prisoners, held in his randy detention center, has some to use many without trial to earn the now, how must, as a temporary, the spot isn't enough. and it wants to complete and to the rule is rel says this isn't possible until it gets rid of the palestinian group. and so is role continues to pound. this liver of land daily needed for $40000.00 palestinians have been killed in the strip in less than a year. november the spot ended when each side accused the of the failing to honor
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the times of the deal. since then, all attempts by mediating countries catch all agents in the us to secure another one has failed stalemate us present. joe biden appeared to believe he could. and when he announced the 3 phase, the saw upon in may as time to begin this new stage. the hostages come home of israel to be secure and the suffering to stop is time for this war 2. and that proposal would have been showed the withdrawal of his ready forces from a populated areas of garza, the returnable captives, the release of palestinian detainees, and a longer term plan to end the war. fonts, all sides accuse each other of sabotaging ceasefire time leak report. say is, roles negotiates this belief, benjamin netanyahu is storing full political games and faces called quite clear as
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prime minister and follow right? government ministers, like it's a small band there, and best those smoke church, pressuring him to refuse any deal. the views expressed by mister smart for specifically. what is that sacrificed allies with his rarely hostages, his own countrymen? well, those of us close at supports is route on cod. it's also the voice criticism of its ally with the presidential election fairly 3 months away. many american votes has just stood by israel is conducting garza and the charges of genocide is ro, faces. us administration hasn't hidden its frustration. this deals with the over most fully protects israel's national security interest. in fact, on the 3rd of july, over one month ago, almost accepted the key terms that had been demanded buyers are. the us says, israel has now completed nearly all of its major military objectives. but seems
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like this one of another school phones in gaza with more than a 100 people killed coming just hours off the is right. agree to most the slide talks is a bar in development. so many involved. the mazda is politically to and may negotiate the smile, and they ad was killed in or on 2 weeks ago. the tensions in the region all the was they've been in decades is road is propose roots hollow tree attacks. it says it expects from iran has bought a lot and 11 on and you haven't. suppose the rebels come us low is still firing rockets into israel and will continue to do so. it says until israel accepts a permanent and to the rule is role says it subjects is haven't been met yet and will continue. so at a height of all the 0 getting, the thing is i called this to the is my only needs, but the hertz enjoyed this stuff on television stuff. he could help you with this.
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again, no, no, to 0. there is a joint statement by catch all egypt on the us trying to push is right. let's come back to the negotiating table. is it was the paper that it's written. no knowing that america continues to get this route, the green light to a ton, cause a continually has to be seen by the frame. so what is it going to it slow to was the paper, the it's a blackboard aids because we didn't change your basic condition and the basic condition is a base or the problem is the bunch of minutes. then you all duty now completed. this very moment is objecting, any kind of fish fire. and as long as this is the case, or the nice words and the or the dice airports in vain. the only game changer will be when the americans we wake up and stop to it, not only to, to, as we've seen and heard that these, right, these will be sending this delegation to either talks in doe hall or in cairo, depending on where they decide to have these conversations,
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but it's obviously now being made very clear that these delegations from tel aviv that go really have no power. they listen to what's being said, that these conversations and report back to prime minister. that's an yahoo. so again, it does make that issue very clear about what is the point of sending these delegations and the 1st place. oh, there are many points 1st, you gain more time. and secondly, you pay lip service, which is full free. so you say no, no, we continue with the sions, and we are looking for a solution. and now it prevents them. very general said, look, truly convinced, cut the region for to convince the americans that is what it is doing. it's best to get to an agreement. it goes like this now for months, while the life of the hostages seizing risk and delightful, we saw just this morning, both stipends to delightful people's gossip every day that continues. this beloved
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boss continues demo crosby, incomplete to the more live subbing sector. 5496 the democratic presidential candidate capital harris was a raleigh less than 24 hours ago. her riley was interrupted by those who, who pro palestinian looking for a cease fire. she stopped what she was doing and she addressed those protest as by saying we need that ceasefire, or we need to bring the hostages as the americans are calling them. how. how problematic is this not becoming between? what is the vice president and the president because neither seems to be able to get that message to tell of these. i think i'll get the message because they do not think about it. that america americans have in the it should essentially leverage aubrey is by continuing its buys. it gets re weighed and not lead them to anywhere
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. and they know it, they 14, you always there in spices and the complaints and the condom based goes and continue with the same thing to i'm usually do not include additional weight. so why would this one listen to that? they know very weird what to do. the moment that the americans we call dish and they was a ceasefire that we'd be surprised, but the measure we have to wait to see then what does come out to all of these meetings? if they happen, i told them i have been getting unlikely thanks. so much for joining us from telling me. thank you. thank you for having me. the a lead to the united kingdom, the police of realm to the presence of head of mould potentially violent anti immigrant protest. riley against those protests is underway in the city of manchester. the interest started off, the 3 goals died and
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a nice attack in southport last month. the police, a social media post falls. we played a muslim immigrant with us jail time. so people encouraging disorder on social media have now been handed down. well, we have correspondence covering those valleys across the u. k, but later this element of it is funding by for us in london. we live in the north east of england with charles stratford, who is a new castle. the 1st that's closer with laura. com, who's in the north west of england in manchester. obviously lots of people gathering what you are, laura, who's turned up well, that's not keeping too per to us today. the 1st one we saw was organized by stand up to racism. it's a group that's been out on for re since out wednesday as a counter to the fall, right? person have to be seen across the country. and of course the riots that defend this problem that i'm just going to show you what's going on behind me. touch this is on the palestine so much as you can paying for it. now that come together with many of
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the prototypes of, from this morning, really with a unified message, one is on t for one is the gen, the israel's war on golf or on the other one is saying refugees, rocks and they don't want racism on the streets. is accounts to as i say, this is fine and that it, we've been saying in just over a week now that housing swift action from the police said out of is about 6000 right. nice to the street. also around 700 arrest and more than 300 people being shot. so they all taking it's important. have the serious seeing the hosting that was out of the parents. but i do have, i mean have a from stand up to racism with me. thank you. so much for joining us today now to do and helping to organize a lot of these counsel riley's, it has been a monumental shift in tone in what since, when say, tell me what happens if you just organize to break study people out for you,
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free ads plus, you saw something that you much the center we bought. frankly, we don't try do needs to be in a great uh, fix all together. but we are number then we have a 350 of us last. so they already 50 that. we had a public meeting on tuesday in town for 150 people tell you that and that'd be, but my pleasure. cheadle, whichever 500 attended and then today which, which i don't know, it could be a 1000. all you expect seeing more of this in the country and also do you feel that that romal underlying reason is it's just racism all. they're all the issues that you reboot full to do as well as the bottom where they've been of talk to about legal immigrants where they've talked about. so the students being terrace of the sort of language is they being the 3rd full of the fall rights. and for them, so people like for sure until the robinson from is the fastest is try to use that
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to organize. now i know you have a simple match to get to. so thank you so much for joining us. and just to say add, there are 8 people be sending in front of much of the crown court today, again being charged for fine and conduct in these riots that were called the for as a bunch of the things. so let's close over to the other side. of things and now a child start with the study by new castle charles, how i mean, how large is the gathering way you are to this tell you exactly what's happening here. so hail. so behind me, you can see over say, a heavy police presence, but a very small presence. it's so cool. all right, the testers, it's important for me to tell you that so that have that where a lot more earlier on, as you see here, anybody trying to get through these police told me is pretty rigorously checked. a lot of the people have moved on. we have seen a rest on the sofa, right? so a police process is better say,
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some pretty heavy handed police work as well. young men being thrown to the ground, taken away to the police vehicles across the road. now if you come with me, walk across the road and you'll immediately notice the camera can pick this up. there's a fall, great, a presence of the psycho counts. a protest is on this side. again, the numbers have shrunk in the last i suppose how our how full size. 2 we're down now to around 800150 people, 200 people on this side. now we haven't seen any arrests on this side of the protests, but this brings into attention this accusation against the government about to, to police thing. a lot of the people that we've spoken to amongst the circle fall right, protesters are accusing the government being treated with far more heavy handed action, then potential violent activities,
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violent purchases on the side. the people that we've spoken to on this side. i've said that they are confident that they have and there was one. and as you can hear this process now, which all, several very many will protest is then you. situation here has so fall, been pretty calm. but as you pertaining to the old, as laura mentioned that a big football games going on in this region, this one happening here in new call. so this afternoon it remains to be seen as to whether any kind of escalation or violence will happen later. but the priest police pleasant see, is very large and a many place hold up for london, many of the metropolitan police involved in this operation and only about the camera. i leave you now as this side moves forward to this place. golden, it's,
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i mean to show the straight in the face of what they say, the process protested. that's quite a few. there are of them on the other side of the road. thanks very much. sounds strong for that source in the northeast and city of new task. let's go to the pacific capital in london. why melina? southern, if it just standing by for us. hi melana. just give us an idea of really what the items raise like, what you, on what we're expecting. and the british capital for people are still gathering here in london, the target all the discontent. and at this point today, is the reform policy h q, which is right behind these. you can tell people still arriving here with this protest. now they are angry, particularly as the newly elected member of parliament nigel for us, because they say that he has been guilty of stirring up tensions in the wake of the recent south fluids and studying community and asked me tensions. and i'm lying,
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the points we have search engine here and they have mentioned a top listing top of incidence. for example, the day off to the attacks on tuesdays the post the video online in which he questioned whether the authorities were withholding the whole truth. and that was at the time when that was a not misinformation online about the attack, the identity of the attack have a full service reading that he was a miss in the side and see. cuz even though at that point the police had already said that he was born in versa. and now he also speaks about that so called a 2 tier policing system. this allegation that we've had recently that the police deal more robustly where the wide walk in closet and they do with academic minority is something that the police. but now also important say that 9 to for us are just sort of those allegations that the state any thought and inciting,
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any violence that was seen as the last 2 weeks or so. he says he doesn't time donated. he says he's never taking part in any street protests, but nonetheless, people here feel that some of the language they see his views. but notice him all the politicians as well, has played a part in creating an atmosphere with some of the far right. felt in bold and to go out industries for violent lane, the immigrant community, or perhaps ethnic minorities on some of the problems that they may be facing in their wiring lives. but there is a big leasing operation here in london as well. and we know often down the country that more than 6000 rise trains offices on signed by ready to respond if they need to add that one is that 5 is what happened last wednesday when they were more than a 100 protests and how to protest that has not happened on wednesday, but the police is not being complacent. we've seen lots of rise lines around the
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arrow, lots of police, but at the moment people still gathering it's still coming on the way to the southern of which in london. thank you. $6.00 in china, produce southern history with the west of the weather as hello, china is capital beijing sides biggest rain storm of the year, 100150 millimeters, and parts of the city. so st swallowed by flood waters here a bit tough to get around out. all of that where they're moving into the northeast of china, expect some big down ports around harbin. and at the same time we've got tropical storm maria coming into play, northern hunt, you island in japan, looking to make landfill not too far away from san die early on monday? no, let's focus on the rest of china. ok. we've got some dry weather towards the north, mostly central areas as well. it's south of the game, see that those weather conditions are beginning to pick up. let's go to the middle east right now. the temperature is picking up here equates at $48.00 over the next several days. potentially. you could get up to 50 degrees and still with this
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freeze off the golf. it's humid in doha. but i don't think as you met as it has been, and we're in the thick of a heat wave for your ons, capital tater on just the other day. breaking a temperature record for the month of august, still temperatures around 40 degrees. and we're now seeing those bonds who range to pick up not only across southern india, but also for them all these and also for sure longer as well. so keep in mind the dark and the blue and the yellow, the more intense that rain is falling. so we could see some flooding here to well still head here on al jazeera, the east and west. we baffled reports, in fact, from libya where the un backed government just pricing for an attack. also longer that she's struggling to test us around the supreme court, demanding the resignation of the chief justice and the female a bump. so at the center of a gender, i would be let me fix wins,
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goals the own area. that story coming up is for the the latest news as it breaks these, ready for us to start with a ton of schools and the wisdom got to sit they, nothing's got killed and brothers got injured with detailed coverage. we're not only talking about, so i'm assuming is with injuries from that is where the air strikes. we're also talking about skin diseases from the house of the story. the pointers were inside this car before they did this and run away through the hills over there where they were hit the of african stories from african perspectives. i'll say i am a creative at heart 3 short documentary spy, african filmmakers from nigeria, south africa, and zambia. i like my children, i like them, i didn't go school, he didn't lead business to a sion of slaves and we all the same that the forest women of i've seen from the
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cape and a dream worth chasing. a new series of africa direct on. i'll just sierra the, [000:00:00;00] the book about to the i'll just there and use all with me. so hold on the reminder of all top stories. mold, 100 palestinians have been killed and is really a ton of going to school in golf. the city israel claims it was targeting her boss fighters, but says no provided any evidence. the victims of the as a, the strike of intake into a lot of the hospital, many of receiving treatments the bones during the past week. as well as carried out
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several attacks on schools, palestinians being sheltering. those folks passively for the ones that could be general continue to address, has issued a statement following the attack. and he said, the secretary general is being informed of the attack as the head of ross and the plaza really has said, this is another day of hara we are against all attacks on schools being used as facilities for the displaced and then says that they must be off limits to either side. civilians must be protected at all times. snow bottles, the sauces, a spokes person, so the palestine bed crescent society joins us now live from rebecca tucker with us . now i'm on the program. can you just tell us what your colleagues in the gaza strip have had to deal with in the aftermath of this particular attack, what did they say? good evening,
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thanks for having me. about us under the press and amazon seems responded to the attack on the school housing, hundreds of displays beeping and gaza city. i spoke to a worker leaks there and they have described for what it was like to. i understand even those karma that school have been working during the past 10 months and dealing with search, i thought they said they were surprised and the body flied by what they saw. they said there were so many just bodies to the extent, and it was difficult to know where to begin the how to walk between the bodies and pieces of victims to try and the kids injuries. i'm fine survivors. it was so difficult. i'm done. they have to take those sort of liabilities to hospital this as huge when that's all already over capacity,
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where doctors and nurses are exhausted and there is no enough medications or medical supplies to treat all of this number of injuries. indeed what, what a explosion like this happens at the bottom falls on civilians. perhaps we have an idea as people outside looking in about what the injuries might be. but there were lots of people watching this program, the one to actually understand what sort of injuries your colleagues are having to deal with. can you just give us an idea of the types of scenarios that they face literally in terms of they, they come across what people with missing lanes, cuts, bruises, shrapnel, nails, glass, all those that a lot more, i presume of all of these they how witness all of these injury is baron's very cryptically. a practical injuries along the
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civilians including children and women. and the major challenge was as were to take all of this number of injuries, we have transported them to an ad focused hospital. this hospital is a trudy, not pain medications and medical equipment and even a medical personnel. so they will be able to provide health care service for all of this number of categories. which is the palestine are the best and saints over and over. there is no safety place in garza for the ashton months civilians incomes have experience charter part of ration and measurable losses, or even those who are managing to survive. they say they, they don't know when they are going to stay alive. they are even maybe they could be killed at any minute they seeing about there and i'm based in that no matter what happened to them,
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no matter what happened and gone so nothing was changed to police, have been against any cause of our feelings that the situation is only getting worse and worse with the international community. it is now taking serious measures to protect them or even to provide them with protection and, and for this ongoing nightmare that is still happening every single minutes with no serious action in the international community to protect them. the national and human nature of the law. yeah, so as far as insurance, in terms of the i don't know what you're trying to say. we have many, many, and the lesson and politicians coming on the probably going to repeat exactly what you've said there about the international community leading to doable. just get back to the public school public started but presents in terms of the infrastructure. can you just give us an idea of how many working ambulances you have, and how many physical working personnel you have to deal with those ambulances in
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bringing the injured from a bomb location to a hospital? so um, the products under the crescent uh is working across all the grocery stores. we have almost 3 ambulances that are working across the trip to transports accounts with a jeez to the hospital is almost a $100.00 at a m t, as well as our administrative staff sappers who are working with the emergency medical services. the teams are working across the process trip, and they are truly an over exhaust that they have been working tirelessly. they, i'm not trying their best to save as much people and they can box that there is such a very dangerous work. they have to do every single day where themselves are also beginning to try to get it repeatedly,
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why they are on duty at the destruction of the infrastructure and the streets even makes. it's so much hard for the ambulances to move. and i the locations where i, i'm a transport the casual disease. it's also a challenge to transport the kids with it to use to hospitals that they barely can afford to providing the minimum emergency medical service to the god forbid. it is funds they are lacking. i think they are lacking medications, medical equipment, to the extent that even goal of it in some hospitals is not available. indeed, i'm so sorry. i know that you're not a politician, but we do need to ask this question. considering this scenario that installed it today was very important. did any of your medical personnel at any time? see any, have us fighters, any munitions or any command and control structure in the building when they went to go and rescue people?
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a word to say that the pad is still under the trust and it's something which we are a vendor of the trusts and they're depressed times we think many, many times as you're an accused of what is that too late. these 2 have fighters, which is not true, and it's just a lies to justify that. if you did a fact on medical person in on a hospital and even schools, 2 of our hospitals were taken out of service because of the diet. is there a way of hospitals, what hospitals should be protected? civilians should be protected, but turns out that as well. and as such dramatically started getting civilians, hospitals, and medical personnel, journalists, and wherever there are any percent with no, there's no accountability. it's only have repeated accusations, only repeated justification to try out just before you surface water crimes against
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humanity because the international humanitarian law is clear that by hands on the human he terean's hospital should be protected and the respect that we will have to leave it. thank you very much. if you're talking about the fact that from the palestine red crescent society in ramallah, thank you. the investigators in brazil have recovered the flight record as of a passenger plane that crashed on the outskirts of its largest city, killing old 62 people on board. the cross had left the southern states for although was heading south pilot, when it suddenly lost altitude and crushed to the town of an heed to what a key on the key of principle. a shock neighbor's cap to the moment. a plane literally dropped from the sky. nobody on the ground was hurt, but all 61 people on board died. so i'll shake your car. i thought it was going to
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forward in the yard. it was scary, but something called the with no victims among the locals. it seems that the people inside the plane were the real victims. though the plane fell in the midst of a residential compound in the outskirts of brazil's largest city stone phone, the flight had left the southern state far enough and was heading just don't follow when it's suddenly lost altitude and speed. the regional airline company voice pass confirmed that none of the 57 passengers and 4 pro members had survived. emergency responders rushed to the side of the crash to put out the fire before it spread to neighboring houses. the various that seen the plain catching fire i arrived, wayne happened and just thought about praying for these people because that's what they needed results present losing us who ruled us to interrupted a speech to warn the dead in what is considered to be the worst airplane accident
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in the country since 2007. part the door, i have to be the better of some very bad news. i'd like everyone to stand for a minute of silence idea and we'll just seize, was among some 10 passengers who didn't board the flight. should get you, i even argued with the man from the line who didn't let me board at the last minute . now i could only thank him. i don't know his name, but he saved my life. the investigations are now under way to discover what went wrong. was it too much symbols up? the what we have so far is that the across did not communicate was a control teams that there was an emergency. meanwhile, forensic teens are trying to recover the remains of the victims. airline company has released the names of all the victims, but forensic experts say that we're covering all 61 bodies and identifying them will take time. the plane was not only destroyed by the crash,
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but also caught fire. monica, not you all, just euro. we addition arrow. russia has imposed strict security measures in 3 border regions after a major ukrainian caution. ukrainian forces strolled through the russian border early on tuesday and swept across some of the western parts of the coast region. russia has deployed additional troops and equipment, including tanks and rocket launch has to stop the troops advancing. the russian president vladimir putin called the attack a major pro vacation libya 0 to recognize government based. and tripoli has put its forces on high low ties bracing for an attack by fighters loyal to the will cause a half to the east. united nations is quoting for restraints of old policies, emergency services that 9 people were killed in bottles between the old groups. now, libya has been wrecked by interest since the 2011 day with
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a mock adolphe in the nato backed uprising malleck train to has the latest from the city of mister, brought to the tense called in the city of toyota, east of the capital of tripoli, that's after sporadic classes erupted between the russ, but a drawer armed group and these a he does a b. yeah. of classes erupted on friday afternoon after the alleged assassination attempt of a prominent commander of the left, but the door of armed group. but she does have some caches erupted, according to the emergency ambulance service is 9, people were killed, more than 16 people injured, including civilians. this isn't the 1st time that these 2 on groups have class. they've been a both have been vying for power in the strategic city of toyota law. just last month of fighting fighting occurred and they, a woman was killed in the crossfire people here are calling for doug the government
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to hold those responsible to justice. they want to see a count to billy. people are angry and they want to see an end to these fighting between on groups. now to right now, i'll just there is right to the chief justice of bangladesh with all of her son says that he's agreed in principle to resign. protest as gathered outside the supreme court and the company calling for him to quit. cason was appointed to the court last year and the same as loyal to ousted leadership to see that she's being replaced by the bulky, surprised with that. but how many units the governor of the longer the bank has also resigned? citing personal reasons, temperature rate has moved from the capital dot com. the product says really going on in the front of the supreme court. it happens when the student hard that that's a chip just. this was having a problem meeting with the appellate division, justice and other justices. they've viewed that by the sort of
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a judicial key and that happening to the quickly gather that the supreme court housing says jordan and demanded that he immediately resigned it decided to resign to form a letter would come up the consolidation with the precedent that the student had been putting pressure on the lot of the athletic for just as, as well. they said that highly politicized. we didn't get justice from them. the police decides with the last government and they won those 7 members of the apple of division also to resign. now this come just stopped us a day when the central bank governor also resign due to student products. so there's a lot of demand by the student to the police besides the system. and there is probably one of the land motors having the footprint card, forced to reside under products from the store, the a $6.00 to magnitude, as quite because drop off depends knowles coast. it's the 3rd of quite to hit the country since thursday on friday. a magnitude 7 point one, the quake was recorded in the south west an island, duke tissue. the government of
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a people to avoid public by or those 3 is the, the conjunction is visited, people falls from the homes by reason, flooding on the border with china. image is released by state media shoak and visiting account and delivering food parcels on the other raid. north korea was its by a heavy rain and major flooding along this border with china and late july. the reins in the north western region flooded 4100 homes and 87 and a half 1000 acres of farmland, a whole still a head hey, all the new use of the incident that continues to affect sprints related tv usa that's coming up. and they've actually ran the on counting the cost is of a u. s. recession put the presidential campsite of couple of harris to the test was from european nation, still buying washington oil both take a look. plus nigerians angry,
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but other presidents reforms to blame for that hardship. counting the cost on al jazeera, the safe, the mean comment as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now
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the the, the target, the latest olympic news, which i think you say just 2 days off and then take action last and we have a new champion in the men's martha this time around until the one in racquel time. the if you, if you and, and get into the race 2 weeks ago, due to an injury, to teammate, si se, lemme the 2022 champions. that is 21 seconds ahead to thousands and that's your id . and on and then pick reconcile as to i was 6 minutes and 26 seconds. bringing in and i did give to you guys, dominance, the math. imagine the one the previous 2, but failed to finish this one. plenty more to look forward to on saturday, including the high jump is catalyst new tests, boston looks to defend is a bit tight. so pull race has moved from paris. one of the biggest stories that they saw in picks could come from one of the biggest friendships cats halls, move types of boston up against young mark. hey tom barry of italy in the mens high
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jump final these to have a special bond. they decided to share the gold medal it take care 2020. instead of taking part in a tie break for the gold not funds was shown in the hates for this event. when at boston pulled up injured and tom barry immediately rushed to his side. could be the last olympics for both of them and both of them and with the chance of becoming the 1st month to win back to back. hi, jump olympic gold. there's another chance for metal, for capsule in the men's beach volleyball. they are facing off for bronze against the norwegians later on sweden, germany, competing for gold, back on the truck, i'm the women's 1500 meters, can use face kip diego and will be going for 3 pates. she won't gold out. we have 2016 took care of 2020. i'm hoping to round that off with gold hay in paris as well . she'd be the 1st woman to do that. and then for the house, it's one of the toughest assignments in the world of support. friends trying to
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beat the team you i say the modern day dream team in the men's basketball final pull race. i'll just say era. paris to this email box or the sense of agenda. ralph says, a tax i have a eligibility to compete makes her gold bottle that treat most special you mind. cliff dillman a said how well to wait. 5 seconds trying this young lady to win and a unanimous decision and become the 1st out. jerry and our as african woman, so went on an empty boxing gold police along with the new thing of taiwan, who fights the gold laser. the face discreet today during the games about their rights to compete against women. it was a fund by another company for the last year reports of exciting ident, the eligibility tests, maybe a t, uh some people in volumes, fully qualified to take part in this competition. i am a woman like any other woman. i was born a woman. i lived as a woman, i competed as a woman. there's no doubt about that. they are enemies,
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enemies of success. this is what i call them. it makes my success extra special for me because of these attacks to uh these are the scenes increase home country is, finds a celebrated house victory, algeria winning its 1st books in gold metal since 1996. it was also an historic occasion for belgians and nephew tm, who became the 1st athletes when 3 consecutive had passed along. gold medals, c. m, edge, the head of great britain's kathrina jumps, and thompson after producing a season's best. and also best events. the jacelyn going into the last disappearing the 800 meters jumped, symptom submitted to btn by 8.5 seconds to be crowned champion. both run korea best with the brits finishing ahead of 10 blocks. the gap was not big enough to snatch the gold t m becoming the 1st multi event athlete, $2.00 and $3.00 titles. while johnson thompson silva was assessed and then pick met a bill and picks has thrown up some brilliant images. and here's another iconic
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environment as a carrier. it just looks over to our competitors, the full crossing area. but for gold, she sped pop, pasta, great person, and jem, the final lack of the food by 100, which is really to lead her team to victory. it was her 1st and then pick gold also getting silver in the 100 races. is it coming to disappointment is missing out on take a 3 years ago due to a suspension. so kind of as you, straight away from gabby box, the usa is men did not serve as well. they books that change a button to a disqualifies as andre the grass and could canada to victory in the men's 4 by 100 meters. south africa took silva in an african record time. and great persons finished with the bronze off the as being the nearly line in the 400 meters hurdles . vive benjamin finally has his gold medal. benjamin finished behind well and back with hold of costs environments. okay. i'm twice in the world championships to finish the head of the new way to empowers. he says a new approach wanted for him. this whole experience of being in the village, actually having
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a real olympic experience just. it's been amazing so far and try to different approaches here. try not to be like to tends to serious and just have fun and just, you know, be like, be cool. can use beatrice to that, made it double go to. she added the 10000 me to so i suppose i have 5000 mesa crown . it's all these and now the bus is leslie. he just missed out on the paid him initial to re scrub silva, head of defending checking to see if on his son natalie, i feel thoughts the women's shelter, the final foot you may see organ leyha. she recovered today from the the setbacks to produce a 20 me to throw on have final attempt since the window on these 1st golden this event for 28 years. the team easy lives, madison, the we see who have to settle silver. china have as the head of the united states, the top of the middle table with one more gold. that was also just the one gold separating japan and heist fonts. and that is all useful for now. today we'll have more later. thanks 5 and 7. and of course i'll be back the more news on the other
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side of the break until lifting chapman myself and then use our team here in the home. thanks so much good time. 100 the surfers around the world know table booth. a famous wave crashes on the reef just offshore. but the olympic games are turning this paradise upside down. not everyone sees the benefits of hosting the competition. it serves its publicity for them. a minimum part of the population, profit from the gains were used to common nature. now we're seeing cars and trucks every way. people here are also worried about long term damage to the environment. a controversial new judging tower built on the coral reef. olympic control center filling what used to be fields of crops with rocks and temporary 10. it doesn't matter if you're on a boat, a surfboard or you live in the village. most people aren't getting close to the
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actual residents need accreditation. spectators one passes through a lottery and they've been complaints. some people saying their home no longer feels like their home. it's adding to the question of whether this will all be worth it when the olympics have packed up, unless huge. i mean to be, is israel, it noticed the cold peace? i think that the new thing you have on his government with these 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking odd since the e. you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way . that's our facing realities. you're running, mean what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential, could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he was signing up as an, as not that important effective. he had the story on talked to al jazeera, discussing the defining issues of our time. we are the subject of a i, we are not the users of a i going beyond the artificial intelligence hyphen, big tech propaganda to explore how to build the sites an ethical ai,
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those racial biases, get worse, you get more of those in power. are the ones with the resources to decide where it's used? how do we change this paradigm? studio b, b a r series on a jersey to the mold in 100 pallets. city is a killed in one of the was to is really strikes in golf. the israel says it was talking about sizes, but hasn't proved anything with many we did dump doesn't guns were struggling because they say victims of arriving in peace is the thoughts of robin which we all just ever life. but headquarters here in also coming


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