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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 10, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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use, how do we change this paradigm? studio b, o, b, a r series on a jersey to the mold and 100 palestinians are killed in one of the was to, is really strikes in guns. israel says it was talking about sizes, but hasn't proved anything we've many, we did dump doesn't guns were struggling to cope. they say victims of arriving in peace is the products of robin what you all just every life but headquarters here and also coming up police and the united kingdom ramp up that presents ahead of pro and anti racism protests across many cities. also investigate as a brazil recover the black box recorder from the play the punitive,
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but typically into the ground. all 62 people on board with the welcome to the public and we'd be getting goals, a city wide mold and 100 palestinians have been killed. it is rarely a tackle to school. this is the 8th time this month, but as well as the types of schools sheltering the displays to each time these really all because claims that have boss use as such schools, but military operational purposes. but during the 10 months of this war, israel has never provided any evidence of his ears. how shall milder up against all coverage as do broke, dozens gathered a warning prize of the shelter in a school moments of light. and then, besides head, turning the side into one filled with bodies. yes, i need to show that when i found out i thought the area strewn with dead bodies and
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body parts. it is very difficult for paramedics to identify ahold that body. there's an arm here, leg the bodies of rips to pieces. medical teams done helpless before the terrific scene. this is a school compound housing, the space families in gaza. for more than 10 months, hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been on the move, forced from the homes, or the to evacuate. and being promised safe, quoted tools. but such chapters soon turned into death traps. these righty armies to the death of 2 in this latest strike is exaggerated and it targeted him us, and he's like, do you have commanders? this isn't the 1st time. so this thought of the war that is ryan has plain schools have been converted into miniature compounds by factions that normally be in the i said that i bought had the, we strongly condemned this heinous crime. domestic perpetrated by the israeli
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ministry and cold on the whole low to condemn this attack. we also hold as rose army together with the us administration, completely liable for this mexico. the massacre comes at a good a good time. i've got an egypt bush for a new round to cease by tools to start next week. that's widely seen as a last chance for an agreement that's with the cottage policy a forward he's urging the us to and what it describes as blind support for as well . and to stop the killing of innocent civilians for the space and gaza. most of us struggling with the sense of loss this woman's entire family is now dead. and this guy isn't shocked off the scene, but he bought the guy who that's left while the estimate about a 100 is the event is, is beatrice responded to the latest attack and at
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a statement of x, it says it's full so tight to it calls terrorist operating in a military headquarters and the other 7 school complex. they are both in gaza city . these really i'll be went home to say that the complex has been used by her boss to hide in on where the group was putting. what's it called terrorist operations against israel? cyprus, robbie has both on the go daddy and capital m a. and if there is any evidence out there to support israel's version of events, then we haven't seen it just as we haven't seen any evidence to support their claims. with regards to any of the bombardments they've carried out on schools, hospitals, so called humanitarian safe zones in the last many months of this war. uh, you know, this attack illustrates really the same problem we've seen throughout this conflict throughout this occupation that israel continues to act with mere
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a complete impunity. now what they have said is that, that this uh, that this bombardment was precise. that simply doesn't seem to be the case when we see the images of the wholesale destruction of this school compound. they say they will try to minimize civilian harm on the ground. again, that is contradicted by the images we are witnessing coming out of gaza today. they say, based on his really intelligence, there were 20 fighters associated with him off and assignment jihad, including senior commanders operating from this compound. again, without any evidence to support this claim. and they also said that the death toll is not as high as being reported by god as authorities. but we have to point out within the past is really intelligence itself. is used. those figures coming out of authorities and gaza as accurate because they say those are the only accurate figures. and again, everything they're saying simply does not correlate with what we are witnessing coming out of gaza today. and even if there were fighters in those areas, there was a tweet by unreal commissioner general felipe less really that underscores how
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bombing a heavily populated civilian area is still an extreme violation of humanitarian law . in it, he said, parties to the conflict must protect civilians and civilian infrastructure at all times. it's time for these horrors and folding under our watch to end. but it should be pointed out, even after this massacre this morning, is, will continue to bombard targets and gaza. just a reminder that st. this probably isn't about enjoyed because he's really government has been down to 0 from reporting within israel us now because all the foreign ministry has released a statement saying we strongly condemn these by the occupations bombing of a school in the gaza strip. we demand an international investigation that includes sending a u. n. team to regard regarding the occupation targeting schools. we call all the international community to protect, to the displaced and prevent the occupation from implementing its funds to forcibly displace the the use foreign policy to use a better. l tweeted horrified by images from a sheltering school and gauze,
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hit by an is riley strike with reports of the dozens of palestinian victims. at least 10 schools were targeted in the last weeks. there is no justification for these messages. we are dismayed by the terrible overall death toll of us. there is an assumption we visited the school shortly after it was attacked heavy. i mean i bought on the all these blankets contain body parts, the civilians, these really ami perpetrated america, killing thousands of civilians. so with sheltering inside the turbine school building, the victims were torn to pieces. a medical teams collected the body parts but was scattered all over as we speak now. upon emetics and civil defense teams are still searching for missing because on the school building is strewn with body parts and time it excited that they haven't been able to find a dead body that is still home. it is estimated, the roughly $100.00 promised and civilians were killed and dozens more into. this
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is nothing but some of the body parts collected in these blankets belong to a few of the dozens of dead bodies ripped to pieces and scott, to donate. each blanket contains the body parts more than one pass and the scenes that we are seeing a horrific. this is a catastrophic situation. as we speak, civilian survive is emetics of still collecting body problem. as you can see, many are collecting the body parts of the run relatives and siblings by will measures. this is a mess, reminiscent of the one at the baptist hospital in october. we have witness sing, hod wrenching, painful seems bustle beyond any description. this child has lost all of his family members, and these really strikes on the school building. as you can see, this is the gateway to the schools primary. this is the most that was targeted on hit by the is randy. massage. it's located inside the school building. as display civilians prayed, he's ready will planes targeted this building even hours off the attack. metrics and display civilians are still collecting the bodies and the body parts of the victim. to think that is
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a units of communications specialist joins the lie from about in jordan. think i'm good to have you with us on i'll just say era. a ton of are all deal for children who are having to deal with that baba tackle the school buddies really minute tray . i was just wondering what your excess is the colleagues in the college district. i mean, obviously there are lots of charitable groups trying to get a good help across the strip. where does units that stand at the moment in terms of what it can help with? yeah, look, good. so now that really that day in the gaza strip days report suggest perfect. you know, they shocked me this morning and i think it's hard to be shocked. tough to the horrors that we've seen these 10 months. unicef, he's on the ground doing what we can to support the women and children of, of guys. we've been there for decades. and we've persisted through this conflict. despite the challenges that you mentioned was still able to get aiden, but the challenges distributing it have become increasingly difficult over the last
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3 months. so moving around the strip is hard, reaching vulnerable, lead people in certain places. these hod, including still in the north of, of gaza where this attack took place today. what you might want to bring into the strip of what you can bring into the strip depends on his riley position. what can you actually get into the strip right now? so for example, where in the process of trying to get back to nations and decide against polio as to the recent outbreak that was detected in the environment. even guys with that's incredibly important. we're still trying to bring in supplies like medicines and hygiene kids and construction equipment to help rebuild the toilets. but we do have challenges getting even some simple materials in. for example, i was told by colleagues last week, we cannot get recreational kids inspection rate in for children to try and reserve learning up to 10 months of no school. we kind of look at those in the well,
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that was uh, that continues to be incidence of warrantable diseases and skin diseases that children seems to be an infected wave. can you just look, gives updates on what the situation is like in whatever area you can talk about in terms of whether it's the north of the south, the strip in terms of the information that's coming in to you. yeah, so it looks at times um, well, movement is difficult. fortunately. have been able to access the midland and also the gaza strip in recent days. what i've heard from them is that the increasing outbreaks of these skin diseases, rushes scale these is in is really problematic. and parents are trying to do whatever they can to treat these rushes by boiling water with lemon and putting that on the children in the absence of having the problem of medicine from health care centers. because they really just these nothing that they can use. and as we know, hospitals are over whelmed with the really critical cases from a like a,
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from the attacks like the one this morning. i actually spoke to him and got there a few hours ago and names this right. and i met her when i was in garza in january and then again in, in april. and she sent me some file size of how one year old boy and the rash on the side of his body is just to re freaking she's terrified. she has nothing to stop it from spreading and it continues to spread. these fish is that you can pop still within the show. it's a long time and perhaps account will certainly plan the full when you have a, for example, a bulb of time because that's a fact it children a window to the injuries of bass, physical in terms of the, the, as well as the break kitchens. do you then change your you might say your requests list, your priority list of a need to try and make sure you can get that in to the strip. i mean, what sort of timeline does that take? if you do, will 10 change that which list of age that could go into the strip? is that possible? look at is we really try and react to the situation on the ground. like i said,
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we're now trying to get over a 1000000 polio vaccines into the got the strip and we were also really focused on hygiene supplies, given the spread of disease is one of the diseases and these rushes. so we do try entered that, but of course there's so many variables in place. it really depends on the international supply chain where we have to bring these things from whether this slide coming into the region. and as we know, last week, there was disruption because of the regional tensions. so there are so many factors that can shift and change our response. but of course we try and prior ties, what the people really need. and to me, it's shocking that 10 months into these conflicts, we still just trying to make people basic needs shelter. food was a medicine we should have addressed those by now, but that is still the priority and that's really shameful. but that, that is where we're a to say good basically me to go to get your insights into the job. you do it, you'd assess and your colleagues as well. thank you so much for joining us from. i'm on. thank you. here's what was the time, comes soon after
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a degree to send us negotiating team to attend the new uh, the cx. 5 talks consul, egypt and the us have pushed once again to try and secure a deal. so i will call you about takes a look at one agreement, hasn't been reach sofa november 2023. a pivotal moment and is rose on gotten to the already see slide deal to have been a breed last it only 11 days. thoughts. it led to the release of mold and haul for these really concerts taken on october 7, hum us and other functions in garza and also palestinian prisoners held in his really detention center, has some to use many without trial to earn the. now how much does the temporary, the spot isn't enough and it wants to complete and to the rule is roll says
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this isn't possible until it gets rid of the palestinian group. and so his role continues to pound this liver of land daily needed, $40000.00 palestinians have been killed in the strip in less than a year, november the spot ended when each side accuse the of the failing to honor the times of the deal. since then, all attempts by mediating countries catch all agents in the us to secure another one has failed stalemate that us present. joe biden appeared to believe he could. and when he announced the 3 phase, the sly upon in may, it's time to begin this new stage. the hostage is to come home of israel to be secure. and the suffering to stop is time for this war 2. and
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that proposal would have been showed the withdrawal of his ready forces from a populated areas of garza, the returnable captives, the release of palestinian detainees, and a longer term plan to end the war fonts, all sides accuse each other of sabotaging ceasefire time leaks. report say is roles negotiates this belief, benjamin netanyahu is storing full political gains as faces calls to quickly as prime minister and follow right. government ministers like it's a small band there, and best those small church, a pressuring him to refuse any deal. the views expressed by mister smart for specifically, what is that sacrificed allies with his rarely hostages, his own countrymen? well, those of us close at supports is route on cod. it's also the voice criticism of its ally with the presidential election fairly 3 months away. many american votes has just stood by israel is conducting garza and the charges of genocide is ro,
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faces us, administration hasn't hidden its frustration. this deal is literally over most fully protects israel's national security interest. in fact, on the 3rd of july, over one monthly go, mazda accepted the key terms that had been demanded by the us says, israel has now completed nearly all of its major military objectives. but seems like this one of another school phones in gaza with more than a 100 people killed coming just hours off the is right. agree to most the slide talks is a bar in development. so many involved. the mazda is politically to and may negotiate, to smile, and they ad was killed in or on 2 weeks ago, the tensions in the region all the was they've been in decades. israel is prepared for its hollow tree attacks. it says it expects from iran has bought a lot and 11 on on gm. and suppose the rebels come us low is still firing rockets
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into israel and will continue to do so. it says until israel accepts the permanent and to the rule is role says it subjects is haven't been met yet and will continue . so at a height of all the 0. so head here, all the 0 east and west bustles, we reports from libya where it's us. government is bracing for the time pulse of ministry student protests to surround the supreme court. the resignation of the chief justice, the, the, it's the weekend. let's go with your weather forecasts right across asia, and we're in the thick of a heat wave in iran. so pedro, and since the beginning of the month,
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your temperature has been about 40 degrees. you set a new record for the month of august just on thursday and temperatures still while above where they should be at this time of the year. long term. it looks like there will be some relief coming next weekend. update on the bonds soon very and so while they're starting to pick up in southern india, around careless states and tell them that do but same goes for them all div and true long as well. so keep in mind the dark and the blue and the yellow, the more intense that rain is falling particularly to the north and the east of candy on sunday. there's also been some funding in cambodia with those rain starting to pick up there. otherwise, a bit more quiet in thailand, and if we go to china, the rains have filled in across southern areas. but it's swats of dr. whether to be found across the yellow river valley staging saw it's biggest rain storm of the year, 100150 millimeters in sun spots. the streets were swallowed up by those flood waters that's now all moving to the northeast. so downpours in harbin and at the same time tropical storm, maria, closing in on northern hunt. you island in japan looking to make land fall early on
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monday. not too far away from sun die. be careful out there. the documentary series, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle today's environmental catastrophe in columbia, the arrow, lots of people, scientists to understand why species of toes one's thoughts, extinct is still thriving in the coastal mountains of the sierra nevada. nations frontline, the starry night towed on al jazeera, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book about your challenges there with me. so rob, never mind to of all top stories, more than a 100 tell us. and he ends up being killed in this way. they have tons of schooling dollars a city. israel times it was talking about scientists, but does not provide any evidence. the victims of these very strong could be taken to a lot of the hospital. many of receiving treatment for that during the past week is ran is carried down several times on the schools. palestinians have been sheltering him. comprehends this update from calling you to send something cause a the people who survive this talk are saying that this is one of the worst days they witnessed since the war started on the causes trip. we're talking about policy news that were holding prayers. they were praying at dawn, and this is when the is ready for says target to some with these 3 is right
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extracts. now civil defense seems till this point we're talking about more than 10 hours now, are still trying to rescue and 2 pools bodies from under the rubble. so, so far as the civil defense team said that they are a, were able to, to do fine, 10 at $100.00 dead bodies. but they're saying that there are more bodies still trap . now most of the bodies are disfigured. they're there on able to recognize who these college teens are, and most of the other pilots in use who been insured, where it either amputated they have been very intense burning uh or injuries. and the problem is there's only one hospital facilitating now in the gulf of 50, which is an at the hospital, especially after a c for hospital has been completely destroyed. it's a very horrifying day for policy news,
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especially those will be tons teams. they're saying that this is something very hard, it was very hard for them to collect the body. parts of those pilots didn't use that were sheltering in the school. as investigators in brazil have recovered the flights of gold as of a passenger plane that crashed on the outskirts of its largest city. coming old $62.00 passengers on board, the aircraft had left the southern states to put on uh, was heading to south apollo, and it suddenly lost out jude and crushed into the town of and he to well the key on the cap referral's shock. neighbors captured the moment a plain literally dropped from the sky. nobody on the ground was hurt, but all the 61 people on board died. so i'll shake your car. i thought it was going to food in the yard. it was scary, but sounds good when no victims among the locals. it seems that the people inside the plane were the real victims. though the plane fell in the midst of
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a residential compound in the outskirts of brazil's largest cities on the phone. the flight had left the southern state fund and was heading to some follow when it suddenly lost altitude and speed. the regional airline company void pass confirmed that none of the 57 passengers and 4 pro members had survived. emergency responders rushed to the side of the crash to put out the fire before it spread to neighboring houses. very so i'd seen the plain catching fire i arrived. wayne happened and just thought about praying for these people because that's what they needed. results present reason, that's what we'll assume of interrupted a speech toward the dead in what is considered to be the worst airplane accident in the country since 2007 for the door, i have to be the better of some very bad news. i'd like everyone to stand for a minute of silence with either the i'm or just sees was among some 10 passengers
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who didn't board the flight. should get you. i even argued with the man from the airline who didn't let me board at the last minute. now i can only thank him, i don't know his name, but he saved my life. well, me have you look, the investigations are now under way to discover what went wrong. wasn't too much symbols up there. what we have so far is that the across did not communicate with the control teams that there was an emergency. meanwhile, forensic teams are trying to recover the remains of the victims. airline company has released the names of all the victims, but forensic experts say that we're covering all 61 bodies and identifying them will take time. the plane was not only destroyed by the crash, but also caught fire, monica, and you all just euro. we addition narrow to the light came to the police of rent up the presence of had
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a will potentially violent anti immigrant protest rally against those protests is underway in the cities of manchester and new castle. lima started up to 3 goals, dies and they're not talking southport last month, but police a social media post falsely blamed a muslim advocate. now the 1st trail time, so people encouraging disorder on social media has been handed down. so there's a northern cities. let's go to the british capital one, but later selling the rich joins us. and of course people are out in manchester and the new castle seems to be getting pretty busy behind you as well. that's right. this part of hearing loss of these houses across the street from the pool hall, t h q in london, that is a party of the newly elected member of parliament. nigel for so many people that respecting j. c is said that he is full, full, amplifying the messages of the fall ride. for example, in the wake of this,
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however, if it gets hot in south engine monday's a day off to on tuesday, you questioned whether the authorities was having us the whole truth, whether something was being withheld with us. he was around the condemned for that because many people, the costs, but he could spectrum said that an elected member of and should not be questioning authorities now as far as key since uh, knowledge of processes use, taking part in notes, incitement of silence. he condemns it. he says, and he has never taken part in street protests, but that nothing is quite a lot people here protesting against him. and again, i can say the threat good. they say he and his policies have involved, and if you have enough in rehab there are not supposed to say refugees, welcome to stop the far right. we have also seen a lot of and had lots of tons of people welcoming refugees that we can out tool to k, seeing zario. hi guys, you live and i'll just verify a few people come here today. can you see? first of all,
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you do want to tell me why you're here today. what prompted you to come out? yeah, we just wanted to be here to stand in solidarity with refugees. submitting floods, awful trauma and distress, and really didn't think that they should be experiencing this finding some good things in the u. k. and sorry, if i can all see you and seen some really all these themes in the last 2 weeks a. so i'm trying to protest and 5 is we're token son today. when he decides not really i knew that nothing was responding very well to this anti anti immigrant feeling sentiment. so um i think the cd shows again that there's no, there's no place here for races and patches. and so i was confident that will be a big crowd. and again, we yeah,
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which we stand against the riots and whoever, submit it to them and, and just read these won't be the cases that we have in front of the recall body h q, the policy of nigel for ours. i mean, what you also would be last few days, hearing some of those, the things, i mean, we must say, i'm not surprised to see rejects, that he's been putting in sizing any kind of violence, but as far as what is the significance of this occasion? i think it's just the, the rest. right. so we've been using hearing people like inflammatory really. yes. strikes a dangerous scam. it should be you guys. thank you so much. the season to be a to be a k t n. dario. nancy, most people here behind me tons of streets uh street. really, this is just one of the products is happening off and down the country. there is a pretty significant police presence here, but other environment things in london. very calm,
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because we'll keep in touch different with you throughout the day. but let us elizabeth bitch, that 1st lender. so the chief justice of bangladesh. oh, but the hudson says that he's agreed in principle to resign. protest as gathered outside the supreme court and the god rebecca, calling for him to quit person was appointed to the court last, jo and the scene is loyal to the else to be to check and see that she's being replaced by the level peace prize for the amount of units now the governor of the bangladesh states bank has also resigned citing personal reasons. these people, including 2 children, have been killed for landfill in the guns and capital kampala collapse, local media, reposing the haves people and animals engulfed in the garbage dump past the heavy rain excavators. so sifting through piles of rubbish as pans look on to identify the looks of libya's you and recognize government based in tripoli has put its


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