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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 10, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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or on god quizzical look, good us politics. the bottom line under contract, resulting exclusive stories, explosive results, which is 0 investigations. the . the you're watching, that is our live for my headquarters, and i'll find daddy, you navigate. here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. more than a 100 palestinians are killed and one of the worst is really strikes in gauze of israel says that was targeting him, us fighters, but has given no proof with so many wounds that doctors and gods are struggling to cope. they say some of the dads are arriving in places police in the u. k. increase
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their presence as far right. and rival demonstrators take to the streets were live in london for the very latest. on the black box has recovered from a plane that plunged into the ground in brazil, all 62 people on board were killed. joining us just go with the sports just 2 days of competition last at the paris games. if you, if he has time around the toilet, hasn't showed he'll lease the french capital with a gold medal of 20 mens mattress, send it in and then pick reco time the color we begin. this is our in gaza. where is really forces have killed more than a 100 palestinians in an air strike on a school and gaza city displays. people sheltering at the school and at that in our neighborhood were performing morning prayers. when the building was struck by several marseilles. and dr. struggle to cope is injured. people on bodies of the
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dead. many in pieces were brought to the hospital. this was the 8th time. this month is real, has gone to school sheltering, displaced and vulnerable people each time they as rarely army has claim time us use of such buildings for military and operational purposes, but a separate provided any evidence. the attack has been condemned internationally. the leaders of cats are iran, egypt, saudi arabia, and other countries around the world. old announcing the mastercard, and the head of warner while cold, for an end to what she described as the horrors unfolding under our watch. out 0 is, has some head battle begins. our coverage as do broke, dozens gathered from morning prayers of the shelter in a school, moments of light. and then besides head, turning the side into one filled with bodies, just need to show the final thoughts, the area strewn with dead bodies and body parts. it is very difficult upon emetics
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to identify ahold that body, there's an arm here, legs the bodies of rips to pieces, medical teams done helpless before this horrific scene. this is a school compound housing, the space families in gaza for more than 10 months. hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been on the move, forced from the homes, or the to evacuate, and being promised safe, quoted tools, but such chapters soon turned into desktops. these riley armies said the death to this latest strike is exaggerated and it targeted him us, and he's like, do you have commanders? this isn't the 1st time since the start of the war. that is, ryan, has plain schools have been converted into middle trick on pounds by passions. that being said, that they bought had the, we strongly condemned this heinous crime. domestic perpetrated by the use, riley ministry, and cold on the whole low to condemn this attack. we also hold as rose army
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together with the us administration, completely liable for this massacre. domestic uh comes okay, could you go time? i've got an egypt bush for a new found deceased by tool to start next week. that's widely seen as a last chance for an agreement. that's what the cottage policy of photo is urging the us to and what it describes as blind support for as well. and to stop the killing of innocent civilians for the space and gaza. most of us struggling with a sense of loss this woman's entire family is now dead. and this guy isn't shut off the scene by the bought the guy who that's left of the semester. i just the way okay. when i speak to the doctor for the 9 who's the head
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of the hospital and does a city doctor, father is joining us on the telephone from their doctor. we thank you so much for speaking to us. we are hearing that most of the bodies are so disfigured that they are unrecognizable as a result of this is really attacked. just tell us what you and your colleagues about to deal with in the afternoon. here is this morning at 5 o'clock the we received about 150 people. did i look at the age of the 77 of them where it goes into effect from yes, i'm coming in the and the about 5 about this couldn't be identified because they were in this is the and then head and different the possible anybody the we have also money under cheated, the injured people, the from multiple invitations, both the me,
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the new orleans and our lives. and we have a big number with the of these asia people with huge. why then the 2nd and 3rd degree about 50 percent, 70 percent of what the needs are the is to be the bid of the bees because of the communications of this is huge then areas. so how are you in the hospital able to cope with this? considering that we've been hearing for a long time now that's the hospitals themselves are running out of supplies. that we can see that we can't, we could go with this huge number of injured people. so alls depend, oregon is a small hospitality, is not prepared for this big number of injuries. but with time we have to to abuse many places to achieve a huge number of impatience. we originally, we had a 20,
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a bid, a hospital know we have about 100 in patients. and we had it done formed the, the church and the library to receive it. and we had to get that we need for function leading cfos. but our problem is be a number of the special ed, this is very limited. the we have a and a small number of the shows will come dealing with this. he will try and communicate the cases. and this, this, this team is working since the 10 months not installed. and these out exhausted the company that work for a long time and the money of the disposal this the incentives needed for decisions. i'm not available in the city and the we have to do
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that. i think sunday, the, the goal is the, the goal this we had been in the morning. i mean, in a school this to a couple of the homes that are in monique, it's, it's difficult for us to get to, to deed or to cope with. this is very difficult. it is the piece and dr. far the eyes. and you touched upon this a little bit at the start of this interview, but i wonder if you can just elaborate a little more for us on the types of injuries that are coming in and what you're seeing as a result of this attack. yeah, because the you have many people live uh, undefeated and my ticket invitations, the names of the names and a big number of the dispute letter also was banned about 50 percent of the by the area was down. second and 3rd degree. and this nick,
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the situation was very difficult because this bad, the nick is a venture. i'm curious that these people come to come by and i was born in b is because of the publications or this is huge area of the been okay, we'll leave it there. we thank you so much talk to father 9. thank you for speaking to us or from dial. so any giving us an update on the situation. we'll take a look at the attacks carried out by is really forces on schools this month alone. so on august the 1st the deadline and most of the public schools in eastern golf, the city was bombs killing at least 15 palestinians. 3 days later, at least 17 palestinians, including women and children, were killed in a tax on the and have mama and done her. the schools, both shelter, displaced people in the shape of the blah neighborhood, west of garza city. 30 people were killed on august. the 4th as, as really were plains bomb the and also on test on said i missed schools and the, and also neighborhood near fun eunice. and on august the 8th is really plains bomb
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. the odds. in fact, the have moved the inside of schools and the east of kansas city that were housing thousands of displaced people. 17 civilians died. our correspond to attended for that. a hospice update from hon. eunice in southern gaza. the people who survive this talk are saying that this is one of the worst days they witnessed since the war started on the cover strip. were talking about policy news that were holding prayers. they were praying at dawn. and this is when the is ready for says target to some with these 3 is right. 80 asterix. now civil defense seems till this point we're talking about more than 10 hours now are still trying to rescue and to pull bodies from under the rubble. so. so far as the civil defense team said that they are a, were able to, to do fine, 1100 dead bodies. but they're saying that there are more bodies field trap. now
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most of the bodies are disfigured. they're there on able to recognize who these palestinians are and most of the other policy news has been insured, where it either amputated they have been very intense burning uh or injuries. and the problem is there's only one hospital facilitating now in the gulf of 50, which is at the hospital, especially after a c for hospital has been completely destroyed. it's a very horrifying day for policy news, especially those in the movie times teams. they're saying that this is something very hard, it was very hard for them to collect the body. parts of those pilots didn't use that were sheltering in the school or correspondence. a bus at avi is joining us from, i'm not in jordan because it is really government has bounds out as 0 from reporting in israel and saying that is really ministry has responded to the slightest massacre as is being described by many people what's been said and where does this
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leave cease fire talks of what we've seen a number of responses. they all look at each other. but in a statement that came out from the israeli forces almost immediately after this attack in a tone that almost comes across as nervous. they said that prior to the strength, numerous steps were taken to mitigate the risk of harming civilians, including the use of precise munitions, aerial surveillance, and intelligence information. they also went on to say that there were at least 20 hamas and islamic jihad fighters, including senior commanders operating out of the compound that they hid. and that the death toll isn't as high as being reported. now it has to be said that all of this information is presented either without any evidence to back it up or incomplete contrast to all of the reality that we are witnessing on the ground and the hours since the massacre took place. but again, this is another example of israel being able to carry out these attacks indiscriminately and with complete impunity. and even if there weren't evidence to
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support his claims of fighters present on the ground. bombarding such a highly populated densely populated civilian area is completely against any norms and international humanitarian law. now in terms of where this leaves of these talks, we were expecting parties to come together once again in 5 days and out the door or cairo. but what we're seeing is, when ever there is any sort of progress, 4 steps towards progress that seems to be coming up any time soon. is real, carries out a high casualty attack of this kind. and then do rails any progress from going forward, even the united states has criticized israel for trying to what it describes as purposefully sabotaged any steps forward towards negotiating any sort of peace talks a ceasefire. the release of is really captive the release of palestinians being held. it is really custody. so really it seems as though any sort of progress has been likely to happen in the current climate. and israel knows exactly what it is
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doing. it is binding, how much is hands a mazda set in the past, but it will not carry out any sort of agreement under as really, israel's ongoing aggression. and this attack almost cements that for not just tomas, but mediators in between as well. all right, saying thank you and bizarre, be reporting from my mind for us because benjamin netanyahu is government has bound, i'll just say we're from reporting in israel. well, the category for a ministry has released the statements saying that we strongly condemn the is really occupations bombing of a school in the gaza strip. we demanded international investigation that includes sending a u. n. team to investigate the facts regarding the occupations targeting of schools . we call on the international community to protect the displaced and prevent the occupation from implementing its plans to forcibly displace them. well, the use for impulse achieve, joseph burrell tweeted, horrified by images from a sheltering school in gauze i hit by an is really strike with reportedly dozens of palestinian victims. at least 10 schools were targeted in the last weeks. there is
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no justification for these last occurs. we are dismayed by the terrible overall death toll. israel's attack came soon after it agreed to send its negotiating team to attend a new round of cease fire talks. cats are egypt, all of us have pushed once again to try to finalize a deal. so a higher up takes a look at why and agreements hasn't been reached so far. to november 2023. a pivotal moment and is rose on gotten to the already see slide deal to have been a breed last it only 11 days, thoughts it led to the release of mold and haul for these really concerts taken on october 7. hum us and other functions in garza and also palestinian prisoners held in his randy detention centers. some to use many without
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trial. the. now how much says a temporary, the spot isn't enough and it wants to complete and to the rule is roll says this isn't possible until it gets rid of the palestinian group. and so is role continues to pound the sliver of land daily needed. $40000.00 palestinians have been killed in the strip in less than a year. november the spot ended when each side accused the of the failing to honor the times of the deal. since then, all attempts by mediating countries catch all agents in us to secure another one has failed style made us present. joe biden appeared to believe he could. and when he announced the 3 phase, the sly pon, in may, it's time to begin this new stage. the hostage is to come home for israel to be
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secure, the suffering to stop. it is time for this war to and that proposal would have been showing the withdrawal of his ready forces from e populated areas of garza, the returnable captives, the release of palestinian detainees, and a longer term plan to end the war fonts, all sides of choose each other of sabotaging ceasefire a time. leak report say as well as negotiates this belief, benjamin netanyahu is storing full political games as the faces called to quickly as prime minister and follow right. government ministers, like it's a small band there, and best those smoke church pressuring him to refuse any deal. the views expressed by mister smart, for specifically, what is that sacrificed allies with his rarely hostages, his own countrymen? well, those of us close that support is route on cod. it's also the voice criticism of
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its ally with the presidential election fairly 3 months away. many american votes has just stood by israel is conducting garza and the charges of genocide is ro, faces. us administration hasn't hidden its frustration. this deal is negotiated over most fully protects israel's national security interest. in fact, on the 3rd of july, over one month ago, mazda accepted the key terms that had been demanded by the us, says, israel has now completed nearly all of its major military objectives. but seems like this one of another school phones in garza, with more than a 100 people killed coming just hours off the is right. agree to most the slide talks is a bar in development. so many involved. the mazda is politically to and may negotiate the smile amelia was killed in her on 2 weeks ago. the
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tensions in the region other was they've been in decades, is road is propose routes, hollow tree attacks. it says it expects from iran has bought a lot and 11 on and c evans host. the rebels come us low is still firing rockets into israel and will continue to do so. it says on to israel accepts a permanent end to the rule. is role says it, so objectives haven't been met yet and will continue. so the height of all the 0. okay. well not like the daniel levy who's the president of the us. some at least projects and a former negotiator for the is really government joining us from the daniel levy. welcome back to elgin 0. we see this time and time again when, when there's a renewed push for cease fire talks is real, carries out another massacre and gaza, killing a large number of civilians. is this a tactic bite? nothing. yeah. who, what you're trying to achieve? well, and indeed, unless alignment with the all those things where we missing the readings. so we've had this yet again,
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the horrendous mass civilian killing event at this school in gauze. the city that just off job israel, conducting an extrajudicial killing, of the political leader of the movement with whom the mediators are conducting the negotiations. you have prime minister, nothing. yahoo was relentless insistence that the initial sci fi deal. he will continue the. ready war, we know that he's putting down conditions across many issues, whether it's the refusal on wherever his realm would withdrawal from on conditions for palestinians to move during a ceasefire, we didn't. goals were especially to the south, the conditions he's place to go back on what kind of palestinian prison is often being held without trial or off to time. who cool is really is ready. military court trials. what the conditions on those releases will be. i can, which we can literally split data broadcasting during which is really name to
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nominate right military officials and commentators telling us not to know who does not want to deal. and therefore, the owners shift to the country, the one government that has the leverage right now with israel, and i don't think they can be taken serious. well, that's just it's, i mean, this also happens on the same day that washington, that the state department so that it was releasing 3 and a half $1000000000.00 and military financing to is real. i mean, this washington simply not want to use the leverage that it has over israel. exactly, and i think one has to distinguish the comp blessings festival. there has been the ongoing uh let's, let's cool it correctly. dishonesty and you publicity of the us administration, which has been telling us that the only problem is from us. they now beginning to fluctuate, acknowledging that these, the, the deceit that it has always been nothing. yahoo does not want to cease by. then
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you have what? you know what really comes across to me at least the reading as she really a weakness is quite pathetic when john cubby, who you just quoted the, the spokes person that all the white house tons round and says, well this guy, but cells smart trips and what he said it's not smart rich, it's nothing. yeah, those policies and then they leak to that favorite media outlets. i'm not referring to you during a oh, by them got really angry. he got frustrated with nothing. yahoo! but you gave him 3.5 b unit homes. wow, that's realign this. it puts static. that's cool. if we want to understand it, we have to see that it's not just we just, it's also ideological alignment. the us government ease, the guarantor of the axis of design, is extremism. they may not like some of the details, but the lease is, well,
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they are backing and it feeds into the g of politics, which is why they turn around to a rollin and say, hey, you better stop on your proxies. what are they doing in terms of who they are, and in terms of what that means for escalation, for instability and for the impossibility of reaching a ceasefire? do how, how do you think, i mean, the developments on the ground daniel fit into sort of the larger picture when it comes to the region and the, and the escalating tensions in this anticipation of a possible iranian retaliatory attack on israel to the killing of 900 a year so that they could be ending up in a hypothetical sense, at least a small diplomatic move it because the 2 things are intertwined. of course, everything that goes on in garza and what is going on in the region and you will get a regional escalation until you get and then the kidding. and also by the way they shouldn't take the construction is what is in violation of i. c. j wings is in
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violation of international door is all should stop negotiations for not without the dosage. so you could have a move with us just ok. we're going to achieve the ceasefire and then that code allow everything else to be dial down. i think there's an attempt to suggest that's happening, but we know that when push comes to shop the sofa and there's no sign that it will change of us, he's not going to do that. when it comes to the leverage all these route. what is right is trying to do, because there has been a shift in the balance of our region. toby, this is not going well for each route i tool. and so what i use, what i was trying to do is to restore a sense of, to terence and of escalation dominance in this conflict. and that's what it's trying to do. a great risk with these extra traditional killings with these other operations. and the question is, does the us lend a hand to that will get back thus far? it is chosen to lend a hand and therefore we're still in
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a scenario where escalation is very close. okay, daniel levy, thank you so much for joining us from london. the to the okay, now were more police have been deployed across the country over the possibility of more violence involving far right protests or as demonstrations by far right and opposing groups were held in manchester, a new castle writing broke out nationwide during the last week. and it was fuels by the spread of this information about the identity of a suspect in the murder of 3 girls who died in a knife attack in southport last month. violent mobs have targeted british black and muslims, as well as migrant communities. so protests are taking place in london as well. let's cross over to me, a lot of a vessel know veterans joining us from there. you just tell us what you're seeing, where you are and what's going on. the, well, the price is just file cost,
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so it's actually we're going to catch up with them. they've gone to, to follow this quote, just a couple 100 me to 30400 meters behind me. it's an anti racist product. is one of several taking part in the u. k. today at the protest as just file pulse, the gates of downing street, they started that johnny in front of the reform policy h q. now that is the policy of the newly elected member of solomon's nigel. and what people that we've spoken to say is that he had some responsibility post contentions in the last couple of weeks. for example, in the wake of the horrific, mad as in south for the day, off to the post of the video. which questioned whether the police was withholding some information and that was off to the authorities said that the identity of the suspect was that he was full in breast. and he also case a post on accident on the social media platforms about due to a police thing,
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which is one of the allegations we've had from some sections of the far right. the please deal more robustly with white watkins law people than they do with ethnic minorities. not large for audrey jack, only those allegations. he says he does not condone any violence and he has never taken pause in any street protests, but none the less, the people that we've spoken to you today do feel quite incense by an on to mike and vassar, a not just from him, but also from other elective politicians, which they say have, you'll the flames of some of the tension and the flash point that we've seen in the last few days. now, we're just going to catch up with these protests the several 100 of them, if not move to have gone in an unplanned march to, to follow the square one of the main sites here in london, the atmosphere. so thought. com, but a really strong police in presence around ok. melana thing to you will keep us across the story. thank you so much for the time being to well,
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investigators and brazil have recovered the flight, recorders of a passenger plane that crashed near its largest city, killing all 62 people on board. the aircraft had left the southern state of paranoia and was heading to south palo when it suddenly lost altitude and went down in the town of india. though, monica yanna, cal reports shocked. neighbors captured the moment a plain literally dropped from the sky. nobody on the ground was hurt, but all the 61 people on board died. so i'll shake your car. i thought it was going to forward in the yard. it was scary, but something called the with no victims among the locals. it seems that the people inside the plane with the real victims, though the plane fell in the midst of a residential compound, in the outskirts of brazil's largest city stone, following the flight had left the southern state far enough and was heading dest, don't follow when it's suddenly lost altitude and speed, the regional air line company void fast,
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confirmed that none of the 57 passengers and 4 pro members had survived. emergency responders rushed to the side of the crash to put out the fire before it spread to neighboring houses. very set, seen the plain catching fire i arrived, wayne happened and just thought about praying for these people because that's what they needed results present losing us who like us to interrupted a speech to mourn. the dead in white is considered to be the worst airplane accident in the country since 2007. ok. so for the door, i have to be the better of some very bad news. i'd like everyone to stand for a minute of silence with either the i'm or just sees was among some 10 passengers who didn't board the flight. should get you. i even argued with the man from the line who didn't let me board at the last minute. now i could only thank him, i don't know his name, but he saved my life. so let me have you look,
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the investigations are now under way to discover what went wrong. was it too much symbols of the what we have so far is that the across did not communicate with the control teams that there was an emergency. meanwhile, forensic teens are trying to recover the remains of the victims. airline company has released the names of all the victim, but forensic experts say that we're covering all 61 bodies and identifying them will take time. the plane was not only destroyed by the crash, but also caught fire, monica, and you all just euro. we addition narrow still ahead on the i'll just, they were news, our east on west bottles. we report from libya where it's un government has bracing for an attack and calls for a 1000000 man march and nigeria to mark 10 days of protests against the rising cost
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. of living and the incident that continues to effect sprint relays 14 usa stop coming up and support the low wow remnants. so what was once hurricane maria certainly did do a number in canada. so from montreal, dropping nearly a 154 millimeters of rain making it, it's what it stay on record that's by the number street level. yeah, well the streets are a swallow by the flood waters here. now in terms of where marie is going and remnants swinging through the maritime provinces, i think new brunswick will get more of a soaking the nova scotia. there are rain fall alerts in play for southern new brunswick for the pacific northwest. we've been dealing with some air quality issues that has to do with wildfire is burning in nearby california state.
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otherwise, just a few scattered showers in the mix today on saturday had been some big downpours for arizona state around tucson. that's now pushing further toward the east, but otherwise months whom downpours in the forecast here. hot in florida, we're starting to see alerts pop up for the heat. there are some storms rolling through oklahoma and for a central america. i think the focal point will be around mexico's do content peninsula and southern mexico. there could be some funding here. storms move out of pedro in to ecuador and colombia. and if we did toward the south, it does start to come down for the river play. but wow, the rain has really dropped back. those temperatures and salt paulo just 14 degrees today. as the cost of all celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting between the serbian and because of albany and forces we were meant to be completely ethnically. cleanse people have power examines the postwar
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landscape and present the challenges for the regions. youngest country, this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction that's not possible the making of a states on that. just so you know, a sense of belonging. we always look for ways to be together. and the everyday heroes keeping communities together is, is transforming every day in the 1st part of the series of just 0 visits is of a lot. but in mexico city, where locals are turning on a tortoise municipality into an urban utopia, a sense of community on the jersey, the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, on the top stories on the al jazeera news, our more police have been deployed across the u. k. in case of more violence by far right protesters, demonstrations by far right and opposing groups have been held in manchester, new castle, as well as rallies in london. more than a 100 palestinians have been killed and it is really a talk on a school in garza city. israel claims that was targeting from us fighters, but hasn't provided any evidence. there's been widespread international condemnation on the victims of the is really strike, have been taken to the hospital, many are receiving treatments for severe burns during the past week. israel has carried out several attacks on schools where displaced palestinians have been
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sheltering. 10 members of the same family were among palestinians killed in an is really striking on the underside off the refugee camp. and central gauze up is really bombs wiped out an entire residential building and kill displaced people sheltering intense. nearby survivors say no warnings were given. victoria, getting the reports don't f as a mazda survived, and is really asked roy, go now to say, right, refugee camp, that her only child didn't. a daughter was killed along side 9 of the members of her family. the hash, we were sleeping peacefully, crammed inside the tent. all of a sudden, it all seemed like doomsday. my husband, daughter and sister in law were killed to serve. instead of all my family were killed, all of them. i am left with no one with nothing of the of the attack was carried
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out late at night without warning. drawing talking to you to residential building that was surrounded by tens full of displaced people saw. so we prayed. then the children went to sleep early because there's no power or lights. we woke up to an earthquake to hear screams, and i saw dead bodies everywhere. i do not know why the is really, are doing this task. they were innocent children sleeping in peace. outside the hospital moved a father moons, 2 of his children killed in the same attack. he and his family fled. goal is a city in the hope of surviving this war. most of how can i look for the photo for about in mount, if necessary. we woke up to a loud explosion and found ourselves buried under the debris. my son told me his brother, sister, and mother had been killed. then how does well have done this is zayna. she was the
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youngest. she was still breathing when i took it to hospital. she asked how i was and told me she was feeling cold. she a trip to let her stomach doctors tried to save her. she tight this morning and is real says it takes measures to mitigate against civilian casualties. but survivors say they live in constant fear of more tax. many here are asking how many more families will be devastated before the slow to end. victoria gates and b l g 0, a faulty is really a talks and guys come at a critical time that's as leaders of cats or egypt on the us ork all calling for a garza ceasefire due to be finalized. and they proposed holding talks that either go hot or kyra on thursday, saying that there is no time to waste. we can now speak to jose and heidi the has a former egyptian assistant for administered joining us from kyra. welcome back to l. just 0, sir. so egypt, of course, one of the countries i put out the joint statements with the us and cuts are saying the time has come to conclude a ceasefire deal. but with the slightest attack that we saw on the gauze of school,
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of choosing that is going to impact any ceasefire talks. well, yeah, definitely. it has an impact on our expectations of what we could expect from these dogs. if they take place on the 16th, the person i speaking i is putting our trusts, putting my trust and confidence in the is a government is almost non existent. and even though that he never meant announced that it would, since it's a legation to attend these folks either in the household and keitel, we have no idea. what are the possibilities of this is evaluation, is this is misses integration empower to sign the proposed by
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the mediators as the community that communicate stated right? or is that sending a condition to just listen to what the, the mediators have to say because that a lot of what we're saying. yeah. because that's what we're seeing. certainly in the past where the negotiators just come, they listen, they have um, no power essentially. and then they go back and reports to nets and yahoo, what has happened? so are the instructions you think running out of patience right now, and if so, what can they do? a literally it's a smoke slip question of running out of patients, but the photos caught our attention in the community of august eights, that there was and mentioned that this was almost the last uh, the last effort or the last time. the mediators would uh do that best to uh, hand it to the palestinians. and the is that i use that each an agreement, of course,
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in case the comment that auto negotiations uh does not, uh, does not meets our expectations here. our expectations are for each a payment on permanency side and not on the on a ceasefire. but we, we, it's not the question of patients. my patients are running out of patients. i guess it's egypt, the national interest to keep trying because of course, the cost, the political, the cost of this, as you said, in your report, this lot are opinions on our borders. of course, we have an impact on the distribution public opinion, right. i'm just trying to harmon, you'd have to do something about it. yeah. and of course egypt does have a lot of stake. uh, when it comes to this as far as talks, because the is really, is, are effectively controlling data for border crossing and, and, and having a control over the philadelphia chord or buffer zone. but of course,
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in violation of the previous piece, of course with egypt. so there's a lot of stake for egypt, isn't there? yep, definitely. and we have made our position clear. the not on it was it up to the is it a it is but to the americans. and maybe this is why there is that i eat as yesterday, a last that they are about the result was that forces from the city still the future or the presence in the feel that, that he caught it or the still up in the air. but there is a position that they also they have to result from, from the sparks of the, of our board. the rest of is the gus a step. uh so uh yes, but most are how do you do just the final thoughts from you on the negotiations when it comes to how much? because the negotiations will not be happening. of course, with us. yes. and what, who is the new political leader of him? us, what do you think that means for how massive negotiating position or they are read
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lines 1st to to now there is that is one leadership, one command within the how much? uh, a for. so we do it for you. we hire you to get the us as a nation of mr spine. you kind of a us and we more steps. but before assessing nation, we have to negotiate. we're still leaders one into how much movement on the one hand was yes and what and on the other hand was my you had a a and the political b o. of how much know there is one voice talking on behalf or speaking on behalf of thomas and maybe this what, what to do to try cd paid thoughts. but on the other hand, on the other hand, it would be, uh, i guess, i guess we like something that thomas has chosen. mr. hudson was the leader or the
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chairman of the pretty beautiful of, of how may i ask because this is a 2nd. that was it, i use that after 10 months of slaughtering of destruction implies that the people of, of, of the scenes and the art of worlds are unified in facing is it a collection? and this claim, this is a claim that they would destroy. how much would never come to pass. okay, mr. office, and how do you do? thank you so much for speaking to us from cairo. olivia z, one recognize governments based in tripoli, has put its forces on high alerts as bracing for an attack by fighters loyal to the warlords funding for half dead in the east. the u. n. is calling for restraints from all parties. emergency services said 9 people were
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killed in recent battles. libya has been rocked by on russ since the 2011 overthrow of la mancha duffy in a nato backed uprising. monitoring now has the latest from the city of miss russell . the tense called in the city of toyota, east of the capital, a tripoli. that's after sporadic classes erupted between the rest, but a drawer armed group and these a, he does a b. yeah. of classes erupted on friday afternoon after the alleged assassination attempt of a prominent commander of the left, but the door of armed group. but she does have some caches erupted. according to the emergency ambulance service is 9. people were killed more than 16 people injured, including civilians. this isn't the 1st time that these 2 armed groups have class. they've been both have been vying for power in the strategic city of toyota law just last month of fighting fighting occurred and they,
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a woman was killed in the crossfire people here are calling for doug the government to hold those responsible to justice. they want to see a count to billy. people are angry and they want to see an end to these fighting between on groups. now try not just there. that's right, the right people, including 2 children, have been killed after a landfill and the guns and capital kampala collapsed media. there is reporting that homes, people and animals were engulfed by the garbage dump after heavy rainfall. excavators are shifting through piles of rubbish, as crowds try to identify loved ones. 14 people have been rescued and taken to hospital. a protest organizers and nigeria are calling for a 1000000 9 march on saturday to mark the end of 10 days of demonstrations. the raleigh, getting the gains, poor governance, and the rising cost of living, including a demand to reinstate a fuel subsidy. a high degree is reports in the northern city of condo,
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where there have been killings and looting warehouse manager. well, how much sunny surveys the destruction left by looters or rated the business in the early days of protest? i guess the rising cost of living is as goods was $2000000.00. why the stolen or destroyed some will decay to this is what we put on our stock before distribution to retail stores. they emptied almost everything and destroyed what the rioters couldn't take away in. this was to see, you know, a week ago when the white house was rated, a section of protest just broke from the demonstrations to pillage, businesses and government institutions. the government's regional information and communication technology job lies in williams wire to strip this i. c t p, it's one of 6 built by the government across the tech talked ups. some to 100 computers
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was pulled in from here as well as a service. even full tires have been removed. and i did as bracing for possible riots as a 10 day practice ends on such a day organizes of quote for a 1000000 man march nationwide. the police say they're ready. we don't take chances. we uh, mobilize in the security business for deployments. though, i don't have to say that anything that will come up and kind of go in there. why did less business as a beginning to open the others choose to wait until the protest or the coffee and please is lift residency prices of many goods have jumped by more than 25 percent because of the products the opposite. attractive. what the protest as
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a bridge other say they come find enough to restore the money. i've been trying to get things that please let you get valuable for for use us vets. i couldn't get much to chat for didn't but tutor was one of the leaders of that kind of protest. it says, although the government was full spread, the knowledge of the hardships faced by nigeria as it is yet to meet the demands of the protest is sold. they want to change the face of governors from within the we uh, even good planning to create on fi too, which is plenty of do use to get over some end of the advice of the elders so that you'd come, come and take over others of the 1000000 man march on such a day or for some concessions from the president, committee agrees. oh, you see that the chief justice of bangladesh by do a pass on says he's agreed in principle to resign, protest, or is gathered outside the supreme court in the capital,
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calling on him to quit. how sign was appointed to the court last year and is seen as loyal to the host of prime minister shakes. i see. no, she since been replaced by nobel peace prize winner mohammed eunice. the governor of the bank will dash bank has also resign citing personal reasons. tons, your child re has more from the capital dot com to the product. so it's really going on in the front of the supreme court. it happens when the student hard that that's a chip just, this was having a problem meeting with the appellate division justice. and now they're just, this is, they've viewed that by the sort of a judicial key. and that happening to the quickly gather that the supreme court housing says jordan and demanded that he immediately resigned it, decided to resign. a formal letter would come after consultation with the president . another student had been putting pressure on the lot of the athletic, or just as, as well. they said that highly politicized. we didn't get justice from them. the police decides with the last government and they won those 7 members of the
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athletic division also to resign. now this come just stopped us a day when the central bank governor also resigned due to the student prototype. so there's a lot of demand by the student to the police besides the system. and there is probably one of the land motors having the footprint card for us to reside under protests from the study. and $6.00, magnitude earthquake has struck cost japan's north coast. this is the 3rd earthquake to hit the country since thursday on friday, magnitude 7 point one tremor was recorded in the south western island of can you shoot. the government has urged people to avoid tonic buying. residents on the southern coast were encouraged to be ready to evacuate if necessary. i still have my news, our china complete a historic suite of the diving gold medals in there is joe will be here and she'll have the best reaction coming up after the break.
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the investigative journalism is quite chewing, walking through here, sensing that last horrible mind, but of the journey voices from different corners of organization survival. it's survivable. survival runs for reparations. and justice stories from other angles, life is actually music of the way people talk, the way we walk programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of the world today. on now to sierra of african stories from african perspectives. i'll say i am a creative at heart 3 short documentary spy, african filmmakers from nigeria, south africa, and zambia. i like my children, i like them, they didn't go school. he didn't live is a to relation of slaves and we already seen the forest women of i've seen from the
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cape and a dream worth chasing. a new series of africa direct on algebra, the the hello again. here's joe with the latest in the parents olympics. thank you very much. dream can you believe just 2 days. evelyn pick action i left and we have a new champion in the men's mattress and this time around paula, one in record time. the if you, if you are in the enter the race 2 weeks ago for an injury, rules out teammate to say, lemme see 20 tons to well, champion, finish 21 seconds ahead of belgians, but she update and then and then pick record time 2 hours, 6 minutes and 26 seconds bring in to any of the kid showcase dominance. the host
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nation fonts have successfully defended the men's volleyball title. the french speaking poland seals, the gulf packed crowd, which said try him. but hopefully different seemed to tokyo, where they won the title in an empty arena during the kind of virus ton demik. fonts as women, however, didn't manage to retain that handful goals, no way between them. 2921. this is the time then regions have this title have in place, consecutive goals in 2000 nights and 2012. it was a suite of gold medals on the water as easy as lisa carrington won the women's clack, single 500 meters title and has said and final competition that says the gold of these games. having also took the podium in the k $2.00 and pay for finals, and it brings had 3 who to an oppressive 8. and then pick goals, metals love china complete to the historic and then pick diving, clean, sweep a to be given. and how you 11, the men's,
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10 minutes of platform final 20 on your own. lots of the goals with a big school on his toughest size is the competition afford 4 and a half somersaults. in the 5th of the 6 rounds japan's recruiters, some i took silva, had a great friends, you know, williams. since he moved to look forward to on saturday and creating a high jump back as canceled with test, boston looks to defend his olympic title. for reese has moved from paris. one of the biggest stories that they saw in picks could come from one of the biggest friendships cats halls, new types of boston, up against young mark. hey, tom barry of italy in the men's height jump final these to have a special bond. they decided to share the gold medal. it took care of 2020. instead of taking part in a tale break for the gold not funds was shown in the hates for this event. when at ball she pulled up injured and some very immediately rushed to his side. could be the last olympics for both of them and both of them and with the chance of becoming
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the 1st month to win back to back. hi, jump olympic gold. there's another chance for metal, for capsule in the men's beach volleyball. they are facing off for bronze against the norwegians later on sweden, germany, competing for gold, back on the truck and the women's 1500 meters can use face kept going, will be going for 3 pates. she won't gold out. we have 2016 took care of 2020. i'm hoping to round that off with gold hay in paris as well. she'd be the 1st woman to do that. and then for the house, it's one of the toughest assignments in the world of schools. friends trying to beat the team you i say the modern day dream team in the men's basketball final pull. reese, i'll just say era, paris to the female bulk certain the center of agenda rouse as a tech so for her eligibility to compete makes her gold medal. vic treat most special in mind. police dominated her well to white fight against china. is young
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you to win in any unanimous decision and become the 1st algerian arrows and assets and women's women and then pick books and goals? police, along with when you king of taiwan, who fights a go late to face scrutiny during the games about their right to compete against women. they both, they were both signed by another governing body, lawless chase, but supposedly failing agend eligibility test ada t. it some of the people in volumes, fully qualified to take part in this competition. i am a woman like any other woman. i was born a woman. i lived as a woman. i competed as a woman. there's no doubt about that. they are enemies, enemies of success. this is what i call them. it makes my success extra special for me because of these attacks. elgin's nephew made history by becoming the 1st athlete to win 3 consecutive hep tassel and gold medals. 10 edged head of great britain's kathrina johnson thompson, also pre k c seasons. best in the pronouncement event,
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the jungling. going into the last discipline, the 800 meters johnson thompson needed to beat him by 8.5 seconds to be chrome champion. both run career best with the bridge finishing t m. but the gap wasn't big enough to snatch the goals the, the lympics has also starting up some brilliant images and he's now the iconic moving to chicago, a rich that looks over to competitors for crossing of for gold. well, she sped post, great britain in germany, in the fun league of the full by 100 research relates to lead her team to victory. it was the 1st and then pick gold off the getting silver. and the 100 me cuz i was just calling to disappoint the missing out on childcare 3 years ago, because the suspension for cannabis use, the usaa amend didn't fair as well. they booked that change over which is qualified as under the cross and could candidates victory in the men's full by 100 meters. so i'll have her go to the sofa in an african record time and great britain finished with the problems. and that is all useful now have multi lights and 3 we'll see you
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later on. so thank you so much for that. and thanks for watching the news. our were back in just a moment with much more of today's news and all the latest headlines out of god. so thanks for watching the officer oppression for generations. there comes a time to fight for freedom and survival. as one of the highest ranking members of an indigenous civil defense force to columbia and grandmother fiercely protects the community and the world's largest cocaine producing reach of land or death. a witness documentary on a jersey to
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the the, the safe. them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award. denominator. here are now discussing the defining issues of our time. we are the subject of a i, we're not the users of a i going beyond the artificial intelligence hyphen, big tech propaganda to explore how to code the sites an ethical ai, the racial biases, get worse, you get more of those in power. are the ones with the resources to decide where it's used? how do we change this paradigm?
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studio b, b a r series on a jersey to. we don't simply focus on the politics of the concept is the human suffering that the reports are pre brave bullets and bombs. and we always include the views from all sides. the more than a 100 palestinians are killed and one of the worst as really strikes in gauze off israel says it was targeting how much fighters but has given no proof with so many wounded officers and guards are struggling to cope. they say some of the dads are arriving in pieces the, you're watching all to 0, like from a headquarters in delphi and getting you navigate to also coming up for lease in
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the u. k. increase their presence as far right. and rifle demonstrators take to the streets for live in london for the latest on the black box has recovered from


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