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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 10, 2024 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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selling signs into the toes store from asia and the pacific one. 0 one east on out just sierra the . ready the, you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters, and i'll find teddy. you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. more than a 100 palestinians are killed and one of the worst is really strikes in gaza. israel says it was targeting from our fighters but has given no proof with so many wounded doctors and guards are struggling to cope. they say some of that that are arriving in p since probably some of you k increase their presence as far right.
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and rival demonstrators take to the streets. plus for testers, in survey as capital, oppose in a you plan to develop what would be the confidence biggest lithium mine. i'm going to get real sco with the latest from paris. 2024 is the usa when of record extending space and then pick women's football title beating for sale in the final the we're beginning gaza where is really forces of killed more than a 100 palestinians in an air strike on a school and gaza city. displaced people sheltering at the school and got a garage neighborhood were performing morning prayers. when the building was struck by several missiles. dr. struggle to cope as injured people and bodies of the dead . many in pieces were brought to the hospital. this is the 8th time this month.
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israel has gone to school sheltering, displaced and vulnerable people each time the is there in the army claims from us use as such, buildings for military and oper, tional purposes. but it has never provided any evidence. they attack has been condemned internationally. the leaders of cats are iran, egypt, saudi arabia, the u. s. and other countries around the world of olden down to the massacre and the head of owner, i called for an end to what she described as the horrors on folding under our watch . i'll just, here's how somebody about a begins are coverage. i was doing broke dozens gathered for morning prayers of the shelter in a school moments of light. and then besides head, turning the side into one filled with bodies, just need to show the final thoughts. the area is strewn with dead bodies and body parts. it is very difficult for power emetics to identify ahold that body. there's an arm here, legs the bodies of rips to pieces, medical teams done helpless before this horrific scene. this is
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a school compound housing, the space families in gaza for more than 10 months. hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been on the move, forced from the homes, or the to evacuate, and being promised safe courtney doors. but such shelters soon turned into death traps. these riley armies to the death to in this latest strike is exaggerated and it targeted him us, and he's like, do you have commanders? this isn't the 1st time since the start of the war. that is, ryan has claimed schools have been converted into ministry compounds by factions that normally being said that they bought heavy, we strongly condemn this heinous crime. domestic perpetrated by the use, riley ministry, and cold on the whole low to condemn this attack. we also hold as rose army together with the us administration, completely liable for this massacre. domestic uh comes
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okay, could you go time? i've got an egypt bush for a new found deceased by tool to start next week. that's why the scene was the last chance for an agreement. that's what the cottage policy authorities urging the us to and what it describes as blind support for as well. and to stop the killing of innocent civilians for the space and gaza. most of us struggling with as sense of loss this woman's entire family is now dead. and this guy isn't shut off the scene by the bought the guy who that's left while the semester. i just the right. well, let's take a look at the attacks carried out by is really forces on school this month alone. on august, the 1st the deadline, and most of that would be public school and eastern garza city was bones killing at
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least 15 palestinians. 3 days later, a please. 17 palestinians including women and children, were killed in attacks on the, on her mama and for the schools. both shelter displaced people in the shape of one neighborhood, west of gauze, a city 30 people were killed on august. the 4th as is really war planes, bomb the not certain how sunset i'm a schools and the and also neighborhood near fine eunice. and on august the 8th is really plains bomb dropped and foot have moved under the head of schools in the east of gaza. city, there were housing thousands of displays. people. 17 civilians died in the 30. how's this update from han, eunice in southern gaza. the people who survive this talk are saying that this is one of the worst days they witnessed since the war started on the covers trip. we're talking about policy news that we're holding per years. they were praying, don, and this is when the is really for says target some with at least 3 is right extracts
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. now civil defense seems till this point we're talking about more than 10 hours now. are still trying to rescue and to pull bodies from under the rubble. so, so far as the civil defense seems said that they are a, were able to, to do fine 10 at 100 dead bodies. but they're saying that there are more bodies still trap. now, most of the bodies are disfigured, they're there on able to recognize who these policy means are. and most of the other policy needs who been insured, where it either amputated they have been very intense burning uh or injuries. and the problem is there's only one hospital facilitating now in the cover 50, which is an at the hospital, especially after i see for hospital has been completely destroyed. it's a very horrifying day for policy news,
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especially those will be tons teams. they're saying that this is something very hard, it was very hard for them to collect the body parts of those pilot didn't use that were sheltering in the school. okay, let's bring in our correspondent samples that i'll be joining us from my mind in jordan because it is really government has been delta 0 from reporting in israel. and as a and 1st of all, israel's military has responded to the latest attack. what's been said and where may this leave cease fire talks as well. they've been trying to defend their actions throughout the day. but in the last hour, in a seemingly the p. r move and in assuming the impossible defense of, of you had another massacre and gaza. they released an info graphic with the identities of, uh, what they describe is 19 operators. people they say were fighters with the so i'm it to hard with some us that were sheltering this moss that were the target of this strike. they say that they hit them. they say that they used to 3 precision
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munitions that would not have caused the kind of damage that's being reported. that would not have caused the kind of deaths told that is being reported. but those claims, once again, simply don't track with what we are witnessing from our i witnessing reporting on the ground with images and videos that are coming out from people that are there on the ground. and as international condemnation continues to pour in for yet another strike of this kind. busy they seem to really be on the back foot and we have to remind viewers of multiple times over the last few weeks. we've seen similar strikes, not just on schools, but in the past they've attacked hospitals, so call to mandatory and say something. so israel is likely to find it difficult to convince the international community of its version of events on this one i'm saying we understand there are more anti government protests plans in israel tell us what you're hearing and, and how, how extensive they are. so that's exactly what we've seen
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process so far and high saw in tel aviv we've seen get more people for and young these weekly demonstrations people unhappy with the current government with how it is really carrying out this. we're continuing to push for this war to go forward. they say that the government is simply not prioritizing, bringing home the is rarely captives being held in guys are critical of the government of president benjamin doesn't yahoo for months now. and what they're saying is many are seeing these upcoming talks as you were talking about. we're, we're meant to be going into another round of talks and 5 days until our cairo, israel has committed to sending a delegation. and many of the families of those. it's really tough to say that this could be the last chance that they have to bring their family members home a live and they worry that the government simply isn't committed truly to seeing that happening. they're seeing attacks like the ones we saw today in the same way that everybody else is. it is putting these negotiations in an impossible position
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. israel's government knows that it is putting hamas and other mediators in the impossible position of having to talk about a potential ceasefire. having to talk about prisoners swaps in an environment of continued increasing is really aggression. and that is something hum also set continually that simply cannot acquiesce to all right. then thank you so much. and this robert reporting from my mind once again because benjamin natania, whose government has bounds out as a rep from reporting from inside israel. thank you. say, well, the white house has issued a statement on the is really striking cause all in fisher. joining us now with the details from washington, dc allen, what reaction has come through as well as the paragraphs and sean sabot, who is the national security advisor, spokesman. he essentially says that they are deeply concerned about the reports of civilian casualties and guys following the strike by is really defense forces. they say they are in touch with the israelis and the be say,
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the targeted senior. how much the officials in the strike, the statement continues that it is a weird but how i'm us in the american view has used places like schools and marks together and operate out old. but it is can good consistently asked israel to try and reduce the number of civilian casualties. and again, they say, well, the more in every palestinian civilian last than this conflict, this points up the need for i is the supply of talks to continue that statement. there's also been echoed by phil gordon, who's the national security advisor to come to the hottest, the democratic presidential nominee. and what is interesting is the talk about this east bar comes as we hear that the americans are prepared to send festival bill bar, who is the head of the c i a to the region in the next few days to try and progress these talks that weeks ago, we were told we're on the badge of success breton the got who is a bit. jo biden's middle east advisor is also in stand by to go to the middle east
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. he's going to talk about security arrangements, a routing the egyptian, a guy's a border as well, until he blinked and has hinted that he to me have a to the region over the next few days. if there is the possibility of this cease, why a deal actually coming together. so a lot of moving parts and all of that. but of course the whole situation could be complicated if there was any strike on israel by a run. after what happened to the, the leader of home us in the reading capital, if there was to be a response from toronto, then suddenly the whole calculus changes. but the americans certainly making plans to try and move into the region over the next few days to try and push these talks forward. all right, ellen, thank you for that reporting from washington dc as well. the category for administrators release the statements saying we strongly condemn the is really occupations bombing of
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a school in the gaza strip. we demand an international investigation that includes sending a u. n. team to investigate the facts regarding the occupations targeting of schools . and we call on the international community to protect the displaced and prevent the occupation from implementing its plans to forcibly displace them as well. there any president mr. republic scan has denounced the massacre. he said, design is to resume once again showed its real barbaric nature and it was done just under the support of governments that are the claimant's of human rights. the government stepped on one hand, talk about negotiations and cease fire. and on the other hand, they have no limit to support this brutal regime. they are definitely accomplices and crimes by adopting these dual standards that use for and policy achieve. joseph bureau posted on ex, horrified by images from a sheltering school and gaza hit by and is really strike with reportedly dozens of palestinian victims. at least 10 schools were targeted in the last weeks. there is
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no justification for these massacres. we are displayed by the terrible overall death toll. well, israel's attack came soon after it agreed to send it to negotiating team to attend a new round of cease fire talks. cats are egypt on the us have pushed once again to try to finalize a deal. sarah, hi, rob takes a look at why an agreement hasn't been reached so far. november 2023, a pivotal moment and is rouse who i'm going to the only sci fi deal to it's been a breed last it only 11 days. thoughts it led to the release of mold and haul for these really concepts taken on october 7. hum us and other functions in gaza. angels. so palestinian prisoners held in his really detention center has some to use many without trial to earn
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the now how much says the temporary, the spot isn't enough and it wants to complete and to the rule is rel says, this isn't possible until it gets rid of the palestinian group and so is role continues to on this liver of land. daily the need is full, 2000 palestinians have been killed in the strip in less than a year. november the spot ended, when each side accused the of the failing to honor the times of the deal. since then, all attempts by mediating countries catch all agents in the us to secure another one has failed stalemate, us present, joe biden, to pay to believe he could. and when he announced the 3 phase, the saw upon in may as time to begin this new stage. the hostages come home for israel to be secure,
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the suffering to stop. it's time for this war 2, and that proposal would have been shown with the withdrawal of israeli forces from a populated areas of garza, the returnable captives, the release of palestinian detainees, and the longer term plant and the war fonts, all sides accuse each other of sabotaging ceasefire a tim leak report say, is roles negotiates has believe benjamin netanyahu is storing for political gain as faces calls to quickly as prime minister and follow right? government ministers like it's, i'm all up and there and best those smoke church, are pressuring him to refuse any deal. the views expressed by mister smokers, specifically, what in fact sacrificed allies with his rarely hostile use his own countrymen as well. those of us close at support for israel on cards. it's also the voice criticism of its ally with the presidential election fairly 3 months away. many
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american votes has just stood by israel's conduct, and garza and the charges of genocide is ro, faces. us administration hasn't hidden its frustration. this deal is negotiated over most fully protest. israel's national security interest, in fact, on the 3rd of july, over one month ago, almost accepted the key terms that had been demanded buyers are. the us says, israel has now completed nearly all of its major military objectives, but seems like this one of another school phones in gaza with more than a 100 people killed coming just hours of is rather agreed to more sci fi tools. is a bar in development so many involved from us is political reed to main, negotiate to smile and they ad was killed in or on 2 weeks ago. tensions in the region. other was they've been in decades. israel has proposed
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fruits hollow tree attacks. it says it expects from iran has by law and 11 on on gm chose the rebels. come us low is still firing rockets into israel and will continue to do so. it says on to israel accepts a permanent and to the rule is where all says it, subjects is haven't been met yet and will continue. so the height of all the 0 the to the u. k. now we're more police have been deployed across the country over the possibility of more violence involving far right protesters. demonstrations by far right and the posing groups were held in manchester, a new castle writing broke out nationwide during the last week. and it was fueled by the spread of this information about the identity of a suspect in the murder of 3 girls who died in a knife attacked himself or at last month,
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violent moms of targeted british black and white slim as well as migrants communities. charles stratford has been a new castle where a small group of far right protest her is held her rally. so we are on the side of the show, cold fall, right, purchased a living the possessed as the few that remained and now being moved out of his area by the police. it was understood that this purchase within 3 pm, it is now 3 pm in this new people. a few people, charging our street approaches to be peaceful, but we have seen a number of arrest. the arrest, a protest is on this. so i, i'm going to be so cool for like groups for people to come here today to voice the goods. we don't know,
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we deal here today with no fee on pay like we don't doing any of the, i don't check the real skinny. i don't to, well, religion you follow. i don't, can. well, what gender, you are as long as you come here and except for each values and traditions and now ways of life, more for it. so you have the right state of mind in here to assimilate into our control way of life. i've no problem with the count to protest is with far greater number the rest and false track jail sentences kits and expected large number of right wing protest as a way. one thing that you would say is that this countries potentially had an inflection point and things like immigration talk to be addressed john stuff which is 0. you cause. meanwhile, there has been an anti racism demonstration in the u. k. capital midland, invest
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a lot of which has more it's an anti racist product as one of several taking part in the u. k. today. uh, the protest as just file pulse the gates of downing street, they started that johnny in front of the pool and policy h q. now that is the policy of the newly elected member of parliament, nigel barrage. and what people that we've spoken to say is that the best i'm responsibility for stroking tensions in the last couple of weeks. for example, in the wake of the race take medicine south for the day off to the post to the video. which questioned whether the police was withholding some information and that was off to the authorities, said that the identity of the caustic was that he was born in bristow. and he also pays the post on accident on the social media platforms about due to a police thing, which is one of the allegations we've had from some sections of the far right. the police feels more robustly with white walking floss people than they do with ethnic
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minorities. not nice for audrey, dec only. those allegations, he says he does not condone any violence, and he has never taken part in any street protests. but none the less, the people that we've spoken to you today do feel quite incense by. i'm on team i can graduate not just from him, but also from other elective politicians which they say have fuel, the flames of some of the tents. and in the last point that we've seen in the last few days, or we can now speak to katie brown, who is a post doctoral fellow at maintenance university in ireland, who has research focuses on how mainstream actors have given prominence to the far right. joining us from oxford and the okay, good to help you with us. thanks for your time. so just put this into context for us and, and explain that role that mainstream actors play in the, the sort of normalization of the far right as you describe it. so yeah, i think a lot of the, uh, the schools around this is focused on this information spread online,
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which is hugely important and mainstream politicians all mainstream for right. politicians like 9 to 4. i should have played into that. but i think we also need to take a look at the broader political context in this scenario as well. we've seen the normalization of races and the demonized ation of most than not just from far actors like providers like tell me robinson. but also as a government, so the previous government under the conservatives, the former home secretary, so well abraham and spoke about as soon as running the country during the election . that was the stop the boat slogan from the conservatives, but not just them either. the labor party, since taking office has bound to fast track deportations by a conducting raise on nail bonds and sell loans. they labeled a. ringback security as a key priority. so i think whenever we're looking at these protests, these riots,
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we need to think about how they fit into this a, this border political climate that has in bold and the racism that underlies them. well, what ways we've also seen a report of atlanta was out on the streets in london and she was reporting on m t racism, demonstrations that have taken place as well. how would you assess the message that they're sending out and how effective it has been? yeah, i think it's, it's so important that we've seen thousands of people take to the streets to count to the far right over these past few days. and so these on to my systems durations of taking place across numerous locations in the country. on wednesday, the known as a protest, the men but these, these talking to the locations, but the far right we're looking to ryan top, we're in accessible in, in many places. so the people on the streets have been sending
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a very strong message that this is not what we want to see on our streets. and they've been showing we are resistance and collective solidarity. and so i think that people on the streets of showing the kind of leadership that we've actually often been lacking in government with this strong principle, the opposition to these riots and the ideas that underlined. and so what would you call on the government to do next? i suppose they would say look, we're policing now in order to get a handle on the situation. yeah, i think the government has a lot of attention on policing and punishing individuals. and we've seen how then when they, when we've not seen as many riots avery since they use, they've attributed that to the increase police presence and the threat of imprisonment appraise the testers. and then very little acknowledgement of the role
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that i'm to basis protest is, have played in this and what i think is a real concern. and well, i think the government really needs to look is, and they haven't reflected on their own role in creating the political environment that has allowed this politics to thrive, that a clear and t mcglatian positioning, the leadership block of support the palestine, the attack on trends right, all of the steps to and bold and those on the far right. but more than that, it will say contributions to the exclusion that these community space. so it's like going to tackle the fall, right? we also need to take a hard look at what we see in mainstream politics too. all right, katie brown. thank you so much for joining us from the ok. thank you. so hard on the i'll just there and is our a land slide at a huge garbage dumping you, john does. capital has devastating consequences then as well as president saves confirmation of his re election despite opposition. protests and china complete
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a historic sweep of the diving gold medals in paris. joe will have the best of the auction coming up a little later. the, you're just in time for your weather report across the middle east and africa, and here's what's going on. those temperature, it's starting to come up once again in kuwait. so i think over the next few days you could reach 50 degrees and still storing since southwest saudi arabia around s or providence, for example. and still that breeze off the golf for us here in doha so remain, skew me, but not as bad as it has been. as of late storms have pressed down those temperatures and parts of central asia that includes for curtis. don bish kicked now at 30 degrees. it's environment soon. rains and buckets done around punjab profits for
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example. and with debris is picking up off the black sea. that means we could catch a few drops and is stumble on sunday with a height of $32.00 degrees. but while the reins in west africa really picking up here around the center called again, be like any be so and guinea also see shows and storms across the huge swats of new share and chatted. so engineer, getting into some of these downpours over the weekend and look at this from the central african republic, south sudan, and that western side of the congo also expecting solid bands of rain to set up here. it's hot for southern africa, my pluto at 35 degrees and what and wendy and cape town, but not as bad as it has been. let's go 15 degrees for you. on sunday. the, as the kosovo celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting between the serbian and cause of albany and forces. we were meant to be
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completely ethnically. cleanse people are power examines the posts for landscape and present the challenges for the regions. youngest country, this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction that's not possible the making of a states on that. just so you know, a sense of belonging. we always look for ways to be together and the everyday heroes keeping communities together is tough. the laptop is transforming every day in the 1st part of the series of just 0 visits is stuff a lot. but in mexico city, where the locals are turning on a taurus municipality to an urban utopia, a sense of community on it's just the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the hello again, the top stories on the, i'll just, there are news hours. more than a 100 pounds of sentience. have been killed and is really a talk on a school and garza city. israel claims that was targeting him, us fighters, but hasn't provided any evidence. there's been widespread international condemnation. the victims, if the is really strikes have been taken to hospital. many are receiving treatment for severe burns, and during the past week, israel has carried out several the tax on schools when displaced, palestinians, for sheltering. the white house has released the statement saying they are deeply concerned about the of talking garza city. it also says that sarah touched with israel and asked for more details about what happened. we cannot speak to dr. james
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smith, who is an emergency physician who returned from a medical mission to gaza in june. he's joining us from london. doctor smith got to have you back with us on alger 0, but when it comes to the slightest attack, we're hearing that most of the bodies are so disfigured that they're actually unrecognizable. tell us what your colleagues on the ground i've been telling you. so i've heard from, from several colleagues who are working in gaza city as we speak, they corroborates what you've just mentioned more than 100 people. what, what coupons during that as a result of this mexico early this morning and many more engines colleagues. so saying that almost everyone the present pseudo was taken to the hospitals in gaza. 6, you presented with terrific bands more than 40 percent of the 40 surface area covered with, with the buttons. many of those buttons are supposed to be at the patients. what
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will something not suffice and the injuries that have been sustained. they also reported a tens of patients presenting with traumatic computations of arms or legs or, or both. so many patients taken to the awhile for treatment facility of buttons, at least 2 of whom died on the operating table. and despite the best efforts of the surgical teams, the little reset colleagues of accounts that are some of the most to really fix that i've heard over the course of the last 10 months. i mean, we spoke, we spoke to a doctor earlier from gaza, who was saying exactly that, that he's seen burn victim severe burn victims as well as they're getting a lot of amputation cases. i mean, what, what a bird victim, or someone who needs an amputation comes into the emergency. and so the, in a how to these hospitals, which are really struggling to co proceed to help them. well, i mean,
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i have to be clear that even under the most well resourced of circumstances, the injuries but colleagues are describing incredibly difficult to manage. but with what we're talking about here. but the reality in god sits in the notes of god. so right now is the health system that has been systematically strangled over the course. ready of not only 10 months, but of course more than 15 years now, we have the key, a postilion doctors, and nurses, and surgeons. we have hospitals that have been deprived of the most basic medical resources. also deprived of course of the fuel required to keep the lights on in the operating rooms and so on. and the sort of treatment that they require, immediate stabilization transferred to the it's a complex deprive him and, and wound management and operations to salvage lens. a or to,
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to perform safely, and a complete sort of amputation of, of ladings to, to avoid data from, from blood loss and so on. the sort of operations are incredibly difficult amounts it to perform under the under the conditions that have been imposed on the health system in garza city. look, you were there in june, a correct me from wrong from what you saw on from what's transpired over the past few months. i mean, how would you describe the scale of the medical under humanitarian crisis right now? on it is something like anything that i have ever seen over the course of my career as a doctor under some of them working in the humanitarian system. what's happening in god's and now what israel is doing to the people living in gaza. it requires a whole new vocabulary. there is no way to effectively describe what israel is
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doing to palestinians and gaza. what happened this morning was another mess. okay. the mastic is, i mean, the definition of a massacre is a deliberate brewer soul by right? upsize a on, on a, on a large group of people, typically a mastic to provo provoke, so from a wide spread come the nation. an action is, it's inconceivable to me that we're talking about hundreds of my sections that have happened over the course of the last 10 months. the flower massacre on the coastal building garza city. the tenants, my success in ra, a, a pay tree. my kids, my success in the say that and now another message to the prey and mexico this morning in which more than a 100 people have been totaled. and all that seems to provoke is, as you mentioned, the consent from the us government. now the us government in recent days, has again issued huge ministry. again,
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financial support to the is ready. the regime is just, it's absolutely wild to me that the us government can publicly states the concern. while pro, finding ministry support for the violence. the israel is a not thing against the palestinian people. a situation that as i say, there are no words to adequately describes a brute pharmacy a the, the israel isn't acting against the palestinian people and what is left of the kind of system. okay, thank you so much talk to jane. so thanks for speaking to us. once again, alda 0 ton members of the same family were among palestinians killed in an is really striking the and said off the refugee camp and central gaza is really bonds wiped out an entire residential building until displays. people who are sheltering intense nearby survivors say no warnings were given. victoria gates, the reports don't have the mazda survived in his radio strike. oh,
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no new say right? refugee camp. that her only child didn't. a daughter was killed along side 9 of the members of her family. the hersh we were sleeping peacefully, crammed inside the tent. all of a sudden, it all seemed like doomsday. my husband, daughter and sister in law were killed to serve. instead of all my family were killed, all of them. i am left with no one with nothing. the attack was carried out late at night without wounding yes, drawing talking to you to residential building that was around by tens full of displaced people saw. so we prayed, then the children went to sleep early because there's no power or lights. we woke up to an earthquake to hear screams, and i saw dead bodies everywhere. i do not know why this really is,
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are doing this task. they were innocent, children sleeping in peace. as outside a hospital moves a fall, the moons 2 of his children killed in the same attack. he and his family fled gauze . the city in the hope of surviving this war must have going to look for part of the photos about in march if necessary. we woke up to a loud explosion and found ourselves buried under the debris. my son told me his brother, sister, and mother had been killed. then how does well have done this is zayna. she was the youngest. she was still breathing when i took her to hospital. she asked how i was been told me, she was feeling cold. she a trip to let her stomach doctors try to save her. she typed this morning, the going to come up with israel claims it takes measures to mitigate to gain civilian casualties. but suffice to say they live in constancy with more tax. many here asking how many more families will be devastated before the slow to end.
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victoria gates and b l g 0. the thousands are protesting, and serbia's capital against olivia mind, they say, well pollute their land and in danger, public health. in july, serbia reinstated mining company reopened to his license to develop its 1st european lithium mine. the $2400000000.00 project could cover 90 percent of europe's lithium needs for protests or say, this is at the expense of the public and the health of future generations. let's cross over to you and i close. i close joining us from belgrade. so elena, this started as a protest against the developments of from lithium mine, but now it appears to be a wider and ongoing demonstration against the government. is that a fair assessment on the well, according to the authorities? absolutely. uh, 1st president,
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alexander booted you down to prime minister mutual attributes accused organizers that the their primary goal is not to stop the lead to mining projects. but to over to the government violently, we don't elections. i have to say we saw it tonight, the family gathering and we so people with families, children, babies, bets and friends. and so i have to say in this point the process is over, but the organizers called a for a blockade of a highway to the bad grades. so the process is over, but nothing is over yet. this is the main issue, is serbia. uh and the, there is something different about these demonstrations. uh, 1st of all, the organizers are environmental organizations that are no political part. there's no political symbols. the other thing is that there are much more people here on the lead to the subject,
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then who audra previous wrote the even those against violence up to, to match shootings in serbia last year. and even in those protests to read the costs of allies, the issue, it seems like the the lead to manage to get are more people than anyone that it and you any other subjects. so. 5 the government accused or people for a political assignment about the what we saw and what we hear from people from other citizens, serbia, is that both of who took the voters and the position voters should be united in this topic and that and that, that there, they have to stop the ability to project in serve you. okay, thank you so much you all enough for that reporting. thank you. or at least 12 people have died and others have been injured after a land slit fill and you've gone. does capitol compile collapsed homes?
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people and animals were engulfed by the garbage dump after heavy rainfall. people living around the cheese, the garbage disposal sites, say it's full, needs to be relocated. katherine sawyer, reports these people in tennessee are looking for their loved ones, beneath heaps of garbage. people walks to this tragedy of the section over rubbish, disposal sites in the copy to compile a lot among those buried underneath why duckling no matches. a sister renaud and 3 children. my people have been buried under here. i think i'm seated on top of them. i've lost them. what should i do? this see, they've also not found their relatives. everyone is in shock. i didn't know upon this so long. i had 15 tenants and some of them are nice of those. i'm missing.
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there were many families in this area. environmental, they say this was a disaster waiting to happen. the non feel is to be on its capacity. it's one of 2 garbage sites in the city and takes in an estimate of 2000 tons of rubbish daily. and many of the cells and those people leaving here see it's how hard for now they moans demos as a try to find and seize those who have survived. cathy, sorry, i'll just hear you wrong. president has re appointed and how much slimy is out of the countries atomic energy organization. slimy will also serve as one of several vice presidents. iran remains under heavy sanctions by western countries following the collapse of the 2015 nuclear deal. it was designed to limit to runs nuclear ambitions and exchange for sanctions relief president semester,
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who has ex gone says he wants to revive the agreement to russia hasn't post trip security measures in 3 border regions after a major ukrainian incursion. ukraine and forces storm to the russian border early on tuesday and swept across some western parts. of course, screech and russia has the point. additional troops and equipment, including tanks and rocket launchers, to try to stop the troops advancing. the russian president vladimir boots and called the attack and major propagation, the chief justice of bangladesh. so are they doing how science has these agreed in principle to resign, protest, or is gathered outside the supreme court in the capital calling on him to quit? how son was a pointed to the court last year on the scene as loyal to the host of prime ministers? if i see, you know, she since been replaced by nobel peace prize winner mohammed eunice, the governor of the banquet festus central bank has also resign. citing personal
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reasons. a magnitude 6.8 earthquake has struck officer pounds north coast. it's the 3rd earthquake to hit the country since thursday on friday, a magnitude 7 point one tremor was recorded in the south western island of youtube . the government has urged people to avoid panic. buying residents on the southern coast were encouraged to be ready to evacuate if necessary. north korea's leader control who has visited people force from their homes by reason, flooding along the border with china. images released by state media. so came visiting a camp and delivering food parcels and other aids. north korea was hit by heavy rain and major flooding and late july. and the rains and the northwestern regions flooded $4100.00 houses and nearly 7 and a half 1000 acres of farmland. and then as well as president, has labeled the opposition leader maria corina machado a terrorist well ruling else negotiations over a disputed vote. the supreme court is to decide on whether to confirm nicholas
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monteros re election this as the president's political opponents, an anti government protest, or as are arrested, or line america, editor of the sentiment reports, smiling broadly. president nicholas my brutal arrived at the supreme court for a hearing before electoral chamber judges. it was a formality to accelerate my buddhist strategy to obtain the courts approval, july 28th, highly contested presidential election results. the supreme court was controlled by government lawyers, so the move is highly unlikely to resolve we uproar over to really one. the electro council is getting published the tally sheets as the law requires, much as my little one by 51 percent of votes. vice president does 0, the v is dismissed calls at home and abroad for an internationally supervised audit . i think that much sooner. the international hysteria about the tally sheets the can make
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a netflix series called the venezuelan tallies collective hysteria. opposition leaders instead suggest the electro drama should be called how to steal an election . the opposition has allegedly obtained and published tally sheets of 81 percent of them, as well as electronic voting machines, presumably smuggled to them by sympathetic members of the electoral council is valid. they indicate that president nicole last month who wrote in fact, lost the election by a hefty margin. when he was asked if he would allow for dialogue with opposition leader of my vehicle. do you know my travel against whom an arrest warrant has been issued on and only i think we are only one who has to negotiate with them. a child low in this country is the general prosecutor. she should surrender bikes. it. and so for the crimes she committed. meanwhile families and supporters of more than 2000 people under
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a wrist including $100.00 minus and held up digital for their release. in venezuela, we are living in constant fear. we are afraid as a samuel, but we must resolve voice because anyone here who did speak of games could be gene, can become a political prisoner. a situation that has alarmed the entire region, which is worried that the height intentions will spearhead a greater exit. his opinions, wayland migrant throughout the americas to see in human how to 0. still ahead on the houses, there are news our, the sports news. show me the metals, the usa is football. those are insured on by one very special phone bill and the, there's a delivery mission of pulse in western and it needs to be questioned. this is not the time to, to,
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to kind of wait examining the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the, the, the safe, the mean, big summit as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now
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the, the chose with us for all the latest on the parents olympics to that's right there in yes, it's a busy, nice, have athletics of the powers olympics. one of the most thrilling performances has come from the use save messiah russell, who took gold in the women's 100 me to hurdles. the 24 year old who came 1st move us olympic trials. want to see pub, fine, or she finished in 1st place by just 100. the 2nd head of front to sit in some by my ela, jasmine camacho, queen of puerto rico, taking the romans was pretty close to in the men's 800 meters, is can use a menu, a one, young e, just hello will champion marco a rope of canada, twin gold, when young you with a personal best, a woman at 41.19, algeria is jamal,
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said jesse, clinching brands, and one young use copatrick faith. keep your going. one, a wrote her name into the history books is a 3 time one of the women's 1500 meters. the walls buckled, hold of setting a new olympic best time of 3 minutes. 51.29. to finish ahead of a straight is jessica. how i'm buttons georgia bo. the yacht club in the britson of norway has clinched the mens 5000 feet to title the 23 year old finishing head of ronald murray, who took silva and gilbert's and adding to his too well titles in the event and his gold and the 1500 meters at the 2 olympics earlier the mens maryland go to new champion if you if you tell me right total a one in a reco time having been a late entrance for the rice 2020. well, champion finished 21 seconds out of belt as the sheet of the little and picnic old time of 2, i was 6 minutes and 26 seconds bring in and to elliot can showcase to minutes.
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united states women's team have won a record extending 5th olympic full title hollywood act to to increase was one of the many funds packed into the home of power centureman for the final usa beating for the one that will to seal gold. mallory swanson guessing the co, the title is a good turn around the us who having crushed out of last year as well. comp in the round of 16 station fonts, has successfully defended the men's volleyball title. the french speaking poland sealed with gold, a pax crown. what said troy, i'm totally different, seem to tokyo, where they want to talk to me in an empty arena during the corona virus pundum, it was a suite of gold medals on the waters, new zealand, lisa carrington, when the women's clinic, single, 500 meters title and a 3rd and final competition. the gold of these games having also top of the podium in the k 2 and pay for finals. and it brings a cray hold to an impressive 8 and then pick goals metal. spite of what stopped out
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on the golf course that was move gold from new zealand as lydia code to the women's title. the 2 time major went on former well, number one, putting in a buddy on the 18th green to invite to strikes that it was also enough to see her qualifies the lpga for the same china completed the historic and then pick the only thing clean suite. the whole i to the events when tell you 11, the women's 10 mesa platform, one, the men's 10 me to platform final twins. now you will look up the gold with a big score on his toughest sides of the composition, afford. 4 and a half, some salt in the 6 rooms depends recruiter to my 6 to the head of great britain. no williams on china is female, gymnast pulled up a stunning rhythmic gymnastics. victory becoming the 1st none of your pain country twin and then pick old and a group event between israel and it's really russia had dominated the team competition since it's made. it's olympic debut in 1996,
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but the team is absent from paris because of the band following on ukraine. the female book sort, the center of agend around says attacks over her eligibility to compete makes her gold medal victory. most special and police dominate her wealth, white fight against china is young, new to win, and the unanimous decision and become the 1st al jerry and the arab an african woman to win and then pick books and goals. police, along with the lin, you tang of taiwan who flight slates of gold have faced the scrutiny during the games about their right to compete against women. they were both fund by another governing body last year for possibly failing agenda eligibility test. ada t. uh, some people in volume fully qualified to take part in this competition. i am a woman like any other woman. i was born a woman. i lived as a woman. i competed as a woman. there's no doubt about that. they are enemies, enemies of success. this is what i call them. it makes my success extra special for
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me because of these attacks on the face of the international and that committee president thomas, by has announced to be stepping down next year for this new way of living. i was my age. i am not the best captain. your time's you are calling for a new lead us the 72 year old has been in charge of the i see since 2013 and this 12 year limit had been due to expire. thoughts, members of the committee austin, to change the rules to allowance state. now by set the games are best served with a change of leadership. all right, that is all useful for now. have full field. i said 3, all right, so thank you so much. well, the international day of the world's indigenous peoples has been marked with periods and cultural displays in mexico. it comes as the mexican government looks to implement the constitutional reforms which and to reverse decades of neglect on
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marginalization of indigenous communities. julia got you on a reports from mexico city, a call for recognition for mexico's indigenous communities. they march to mexico capital to mark international day of indigenous peoples. the color and tradition of their cultures were on full display, but there was a clear message to within the field. this is not a fill of ration. this is a way to protest and let the government know that we are here. our go to us and divisions are here. we are reminding them we are still a light. there are around 70 different indigenous groups which make up 15 percent of mexico's population, most live in poverty, and let the influence and resources to make decisions about their own communities. there's an underlying,
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seem to fit your marks the upcoming approval of the indigenous right constitutional reform. a project being promoted by president elect. claudia. shameful. always promises to enshrine into the, the rights and customs of indigenous groups in mexico. the reform which also includes upper mexican groups, papes away for communities to have the right to self determination. according to traditional customs shame, dom headset, the reform will be a priority for her government as well as reversing decades of neglect and marginalization of indigenous communities. so i'm just going to be nasty and we are constantly discriminated against. we go to health centers and we do not care if one of us is detained, but denied proper translation from that dyna language. we're also going to be made visible is the incoming president serious about trying to reverse that trend? she faces a big challenge, making a difference to these communities that have been pushed to the margins for far too
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long. julia go the i know i'll just euro mexico city. ok, that's it for me for this is our thanks for watching the rocks with you in just a moment and she'll have much more of today's news by the pod came in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing, the f one is government with the says 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. nonsense. the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table, hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake. the fact that he was signing up present has not been able to affect the,
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via the story on talk to how does era the, [000:00:00;00] the
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safe them even come in as an international insight, corruption, excellence award, denominator here on now, we know what's happening in our region we know how to get to places that others can know. as far as i said, i'm going on the way that you tell the story is what can make a difference. the more than $100.00 power stadiums killed and one of the worst is really strikes and gaza. israel says it was targeting homos fighters but provides no proof. hello everyone on the rock. this is audra 0 life,
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although also coming up with so many injured doctors in gaza struggling to cove. a say some of the dead are arriving in pieces. please send that. you can increase


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