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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  August 11, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the. ringback ringback the, [000:00:00;00] the hello everyone, i'm little rock. this doesn't use our life i'm doing are coming up in the next 60 minutes. more than 100 powers 10 years killed. and one of the worst is rarely strikes on gauze on israel says it was targeting how most fighters, but that's provided no proof. and with so many injured doctors in gaza struggle to cope, they say some of the dead are arriving in pieces. tens of thousands rally in serbia,
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i guess with the mining the government says the protest is linked to a coupon. and the black box recovered from a plane that plunged into the ground in brazil all succeed you people on board were killed. i'm doing a guy's real skill with the lights is from congress 2020 full, and it's triple gold on the truck for the usa to wrap up the big wins on the final nights of and then pick out like takes competition the we begin to snooze our in gaza, where is really forces have killed more than a 100 palestinians in an air strike on a school and goes to city. all the space to the people sheltering at the school in the raj neighborhood were performing morning prayers. when the building was struck by several missiles, doctors, the struggle to cope is injured. people and bodies of the dead. many in pieces were brought to an end. the hospital,
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this is the 8th time this months that israel has bombed a school sheltering, displaced and valuable people. and each time is really army has claim to mos use as such abilities for military and operational purposes. but it never provides any evidence your tank has been condemned to internationally. the leaders of guitar, iran, egypt, saudi, the us and other countries around the world have denounced the massacre and the head of unreal called for an end to what he described as the horse unfolding under our watch. r 0 is that, how should the other begins are coverage as do broke? dozens gathered from morning prayers of the shelter in a school, moments of light. and then besides head, turning the side into one filled with bodies. just i mean to show that when i found out i thought the area strewn with dead bodies and body parts, it is very difficult for paramedics towards the end. fly, a hold that body as an arm here,
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legs the bodies of rips to pieces. medical teams done helpless before the terrific scene. this is a school compound housing, the space families and gaza. for more than 10 months, hundreds of thousands of palestinians have been on the move, forced from the homes or the to evacuate, and being promised safe courtney doors. but such shelters soon turned into death traps. these riley armies to the death of 2 in this latest strike is exaggerated, and a target to thomas and his lot make jihad commanders. this isn't the 1st time since this thought of the war. that is, ryan has claimed schools have been converted into middle trick on pounds by the passions. that being said, that i bought off heavy, we strongly condemned this heinous crime. domestic perpetrated by these riley ministry and cold on the whole low to condemn this attack. we also hold as rose
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army together with the us administration, completely liable for this massacre. domestic uh comes okay, could you go time? i've got an egypt pushed for a new found deceased by tools to start next week. that's widely seen as a last chance for an agreement. that's what the cottage policy a forward he's urging the us to and what it describes as blind support as well. and to stop the killing of innocent civilians for the space in gaza. most are struggling with this sense of loss. this woman's entire family is now dead. and this guy isn't shut off the scene by the boss. that's actually, that's not the as you're not about a 100 e, but let's take a look now at the attacks carried out by is really forces on schools this month
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alone. on august the 1st the, the be public school and eastern garza city, was bombed cooling at least 15 palestinians, 3 days later, at least 17 palestinians, including women and children, killed in attacks on the m. m a and, and who the schools. both shelter displaced people in the shape of dwanda neighborhood, west of garza city. 30 people killed on august. the 4th, as this really war plays bombed dom nasir and how soon this alarm a schools and the unnecessary neighborhood, near han, eunice, and on august the 8th is really plays bumped the abdul effects have moved up and saw her as schools in the east of gauze of city that were housing thousands of displaced people, 17 civilians killed and hauled it or has this update from home. eunice in southern garza, people survive this talk. are saying that this is one of the worst days they witnessed since the war started on the covers trip. we're talking about policy news
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that were holding prayers. they were praying, a don and this is when the is ready for says target some with at least 3 is right extracts. now civil defense seems till this point we're talking about more than 10 hours now are still trying to rescue and to pull bodies from under the rubble. so, so far as the civil defense team said that they are a, were able to, to do fine, 10 at $100.00 dead bodies. but they're saying that there are more bodies still trap . now most of the bodies are disfigured. they're, they're on able to recognize who these college simians are. and most of the other policy needs who been insured, where it either amputated they have been very intense burning uh or injuries. and the problem is there's only one hospital facilitating now
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in the garbage city, which is an at the hospital, especially after a c for hospital has been completely destroyed. it's a very horrifying day for policy news, especially those will be tons teams. they're saying that this is something very hard, it was very hard for them to collect the body. parts of those pilot didn't use that were sheltering in the school and all the reporting there are you and the special coordinator for the middle east peace process. a tour event as long as also commented on today's the textures or what he said. every day civilians continued to bear the brunt of this conflict on his hor, displacements and endless suffering. the cost and lives of this war is evident with every passing day. as we have witnessed a yet another devastating strike on the school sheltering thousands of displays, palestinians with dozens of fatalities seemed to salvia has more on israel's military response from amman. and reminder, as saying is reporting from jordan because benjamin netanyahu,
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his government has bound to 0 from reporting and israel, of late saturdays, really forces release the names and identities of 19 people they described as offered is fighters with hamas and islamic jihad that they say they were targeting, in the early saturday morning strike and gauze on a school and most compound that resulted in a deadly massacre. now israel says that they use precision munitions, that the damage cause to the facility and that the death toll being reported is not as bad as it is being made out to see. but it may be difficult for israel to convince people of his version of events when we've seen so many similar massacres in not just the last few days for the last few weeks and multiple times over and over again. during the course of this for attacks on schools, hospitals, humanitarians safety phones and all of this is international condemnation for this morning's master, continue to pour in. now at the same time,
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we're seeing this evening protests in haifa and tel aviv an anti government protest against prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his government, his handling of the war by families of is really tapped, is being held in gaza. now what these demonstrators have been saying all along as if they want their government to do more, to bring those loved ones home to bring those families home. and they say that their government does not seem committed enough and events like the ones we saw to the strikes on locations inside garza that would hard in the position of from us and mediators involved in the upcoming talks. the families of those captors are worried that that simply makes it more difficult to get their loved ones home. and they have been saying that these upcoming talks in the next few days and go home or cairo that is really committed to sending a delegation to could be the last opportunity to bring those as rarely captives home. and they say that the government of prime minister, benjamin, that's,
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and young is gambling with their families, lives in bus route, the o d 0 a mon, to the contrary. foreign ministry has released the statement, say, we strongly condemn the is really occupations bombing of a school in the gaza strip with the mound and international investigation that includes sending a u. n. team to investigate the facts regarding the occupations targeting of schools we call on the international community to protect the displaced and prevent the occupation from implementing its plans to forcibly displace them. and iranian presents, i'm assumed to possess kion that has denounced the massacre. he said design is to regime once again showed, is really barbaric nature and it was, and it was done just under the support of governments that are the claimant's of human rights. the governments that on one hand to talk about negotiations a ceasefire, and on the other hand, have no limit to support this brutal regime. they are definitely accomplices in
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crimes by adopting these dual standards. our fisher has more on the us reaction from washington dc. it took several hours after the reports and pictures coming out of gas so that we actually go to a response from the white house, a note from one of the senior officials, but from a sports test and from the national security council. the statement which was just to be part of graph set that they were deeply concerned about, reports of civilian casualties in gaza. we're in touch with others really, counterparts. who said the targeted senior, how much the officials and we're asking for further details. and of course, i've seen in the past where the united states has a lot of these relays to investigate issues which i've raised into national consent and investigate themselves. they say we know how much has been using schools as locations to gather and operate idol. but we have said repeatedly and consistently the israel must take measures to minimize civilian hom, the out that we more and every policy needs to be lost in this conflict. fucked to many civilians continue to be killed and wounded and underscores. the are to see of
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the need for a safe spot on that front. we are being told that there will be a number of delegations, perhaps heading to the middle east in the next few days. at bill brands, who is the head of the spies agency, the c, i is headed back to the region to try and negotiate a ceasefire deal, which we have been told by the americans that they are very close to reaching that they just have a few more issues to address brett my got to his job by the special advisor on the middle east is also in stand by to travel to title. and we're told that secretary of state on to the blinking is also planning a trip to the middle east. if it looks as if there can be expired, deal concluded the bite and white house would very much like a ceasefire deal. they see this as an important legacy issue for joe biden, as he prepares to leave the white house. but of course, everything has been complicated by the possibility of a run taking military action against israel because of the assassination of the hamas leader into iran just over
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a week ago. and that could mean that all of these ones are put on hold. certainly theres been calls from the street on the radians at from the white house, but all of the plans to push forward with a c spot could very much be put on hold depending on what happens in the coming days. also sure, i'll just see the washington. israel's attack comes soon after it agreed to send this negotiating team to attend the new round of ceasefire talks, guitar, egypt, and the us have pushed once again to try and secure a deal. so the height of takes a look at wine agreements, has not been reached so far. of november 2023, a pivotal moments and is rouse who i'm gone to the only sci fi deal to it's been a breed last it only 11 days, thoughts it led to the release of mold and haul for these really concepts taken on
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october 7. hum. us and other functions in gaza and also palestinian prisoners held in his ready detention center has some to use many without trial the now how much says the temporary, the spot isn't enough and it wants to complete and to the rule is rel says, this isn't possible until it gets rid of the palestinian group. and so is role continues to pound this liver of land daily needed for $40000.00 palestinians have been killed in the strip in less than a year. november the spot ended, when each side accused the of the failing to honor the times of the deal. since then, all attempts by mediating countries catch all agents in the us to secure another
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one has failed. stalemate us present. joe biden appeared to believe he could. and when he announced the 3 phase, the sly pon, in may, it's time to begin this new stage. the hearts easy to come home, or for israel to be secure, and the suffering to stop. it's time for this war 2, and that proposal would have been show the withdrawal of his rady forces from a populated areas of garza, the returnable captives, the release of palestinian detainees, and the longer term plant and the war fonts, all sides accuse each other of sabotaging ceasefire time, leak report say, as well as negotiates, has believe benjamin netanyahu is storing full political gain. some faces calls to quickly as prime minister and follow right? government ministers like it's, i'm all up and there and best those smoke church pressuring him to refuse any deal
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. the views expressed by mister smokers, specifically, what is that sacrifice the lives of his rarely hostile use his own countrymen? well, those of us close at support is route on cod. it's also the voice criticism of its ally with the presidential election badly. 3 months away. many american votes has just stood by israel's conduct and garza and the charges of genocide is ro faces. the us administration hasn't hidden its frustration. this deals with the over most fully protects israel's national security interest. in fact, on the 3rd of july, over one month ago, almost accepted the key terms that had been demanded by the us says, israel has now completed nearly all of its major military objectives. but seems like this one of another school phones in garza, with more than a 100 people killed. coming just hours of is rather agreed to most the slide talks
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is a bar in development so many involved. the mazda is politically the main, negotiates a smile. amelia was killed in her on 2 weeks ago. tensions in the region. all the was they've been in decades is road is proposed fruit salad tree attacks. it says that expects from iran has by law and 11 on on c evans. hope the rebels come us low is still firing rockets into israel and will continue to do so. it says on to israel accepts a permanent and to the rule is role says it. so objectives haven't been met yet and will continue. so the height of all g 0 and plenty more ahead on the news hour, including it is unlike anything that i have ever seen over the course of my career as adults, the under someone working in the humanitarian system. we speak to a doctor who has just returned from casa, and he says,
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the palestinian health system is in rooms and to have a police presence across the u. k. as far, right? an anti racism? protestors hold arrival rallies. the thousands are protesting in serbia is capital against a lift to your mind. they say, will pollute their allowed and endanger public health. in july, a serve year reinstated a mining company or we are, since those are licensed to develop its 1st european lithium line. the $2400000000.00 project could cover 90 percent of europe's listing of needs. but protesters say this is at the expense of public and their health of future generations will now tens of thousands took to the streets in belgrade, and jo and new shots was there and filed this report. the process in belgrade
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is the latest in a series that have taken place across serbia in early 50 cities over the past month . what's interesting is that the issue of fleet, do you mind if it's broad, more peoples of the process in terms of the percentage of a serious population, then the process again, violence, or don't focus on the issue of cost of all of this is currently a key issue, so be all on that. the current government inherited from the previous administration on the beach who was the prime minister in the 2020 to stop the projects under the pressure of mazda environmental brokers. now as the president of the national assembly, she along with inside spaces and she has supported the in july, the german can solar uh, all of schultz visits in belgrade and uh, during that time memorandum on critical role materials will sign marching the steps
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forward in the realization of the project. so previously the constitutional court of sylvia, the clear vision to start the project on the constitutional um, so here in belgrade uh, in previous days across serbia, we could hear from the people who says seem that they fear their lives will become a variable after the opening of the mind and they, they will lose access to clean water, air, and soil. on the other hand, although it isn't both where they're saying that nothing will be done without guarantees for environmental protection. but at the same time, they accuse the citizens of non, we've on the street because of late because they want to over to the government, the violently. we don't the legs. alright, let's take a closer look. now at the recent rise in global demand for lithium, the race to mind the minimal is being fuels by increased production of lithium ion
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back batteries for electric cars. china is one of the world's biggest listing producers. now that you wants to reduce dependency on chinese lithium, as it moves away from fossil fuels towards the green energy. let's say the proposed my in serbia is projected to generate enough lithium to meet 13 percent of the continents for cast demand in 2030. as serbia has been trying to join the european union for more than a decade and the presence, alexander, of which it says the mining project could be a game changer for serbia and the entire region. ok, let's get you more on these. the developments a would show it, which is a political scientist at the university of belgrade, and he joins us now live from the serve unit capital, a very warm welcome to alj a 0 sir. i'm told that this could possibly be one of the biggest lithium mines in
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europe. help us make sense of the significance of this project as well. on the one hand, as you already explained, clear to him, he's one of the critical role materials and the green transition into you is driving the demand for it globally. i think it is clear that the beneficiaries, so this project would probably be the electric vehicle companies into you and the consumers into your but the benefits to the people that need to start there are no, that's clear to be on this end of the other hand. and the location of the plan to mine is the very 1st dial valley investors are they are the local population fears, their lives we sold, which depends on agricultural would be lost. we've heard of many experts not only today of the broad as but years back pointed to the high risk of you reversible environmental damage with these kinds of projects. and what you have to understand about serbia is that this is a country with the very time these trust indecent uses. look very different from the rest of the region,
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but especially kite. and when the government says the project will benefit the depot and would not risk the environment, most people simply do not trust that. what we can see now in the balls are there is a broad, politically crow scott single position to the project. and what we see today in the streets is people coming from a cross. so it'd be from many parts of the serbian small cities and villages joining together and make change. one of the biggest protests that i've just seen recently saying that they, that they, that don't want the mind, they don't want the mind. because interestingly, this project was in the works now for some time a couple of years ago, the government canceled reopened toes the permits. the extraction operation as a consequence could not go ahead. but it says had a change of heart. you know, is it doing any outreach to the people to convince them of the benefits of, of this project? i think you're,
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you're right with said so the government has already back tracked from earlier, brought this promise. so after the protest in 2020 vonda, then prime minister, the time on the british revolt, the space of plan for the mine. and she said that this puts a stop 3 of the into serbia. and actually as we can see, knob, it was on the delay. and now people basically feel cheated. so they were told this will not go that now it's going on. so the government has back track of this for a combination of domestic and, and international. the reasons and what the organizations that are the local grocery with that logical organization that that'd be fines to date brought is simply have one demand and that's now a law that tooth and lead to them. and boy on mining is serbia. so the government decrees is not the mouse anymore because they have seen that it can be easily changed. now they want a change. legislative change, of course, a little can also change. we know this, right?
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that's what they want. you are guaranteed that it wouldn't go right to thank you so much for your election for talking to us so greatly appreciate it. thank you. and to the u. k. now we're more police have been deployed across the country over the possibility of more violence involving fall right protesters of demonstrations the by of far rights and opposing groups were held in manchester and new castle riding, broke out nationwide. during of the last week, it was fueled by the spread of this information about the identity of a sub suspect rather. and the murder of 3 girls who died in a nice attack in south ports last month, violent moms have targeted the british of black and the muslim citizens as well as migrant. that communities jo, stratford has been in new castle where a small group of far right protesters held the rally. so we are on the side of the so called fall right, protest a living,
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the protested as the few that remained now being moved out of this area by the police. it was understood that this purchase within 3 pm, it is now 3 pm in this new people, a few people charging our streets the purchased to be peaceful, but we have seen a number of arrest. the arrest, a protest is on this. so i am going to be so cool for like groups of people to come here today to voice the goods. we don't there's no radio here today. there's no fee on pay. like we don't to don't any of the i don't check what the pro real skin is. i don't care well religion you follow. i don't, can well what gender?
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you are as long as you come here and except for each values and traditions. and now ways of life, more for it. so you have the right state of mind in here to stimulate into our control way of life. i've no problem with. the count to protest is with far greater number, steve of arrest and false track jails. instances kept an expected larger number of right wing protest as a way. one thing that you would say is that this country is potentially an inflection point, and things like immigration talk to be addressed jumpstart, but i want to 0. you close. and so head here on al jazeera donald trump's campaign team says they've been hacked or be alive for you in washington with the details and venezuela as president, 6 confirmation of his re election. this fights opposition, protest as sports, show me the metals, the usa for dollars are cheered on by one a very special fan as the only thing.
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the . the latest news as it breaks these lady forces thought, was it not? not schools in the west of the city. nothings got killed and brothers got injured with detailed coverage. we're not only talking about with injuries from that is where the air strikes. we're also talking about skin diseases from the house of the story. the pointers were inside this car before they did this and run away through the hills over there where they were hit. the, the magic has, of course has to, has this chinese academic victor, 12 percent of the people of taiwan say they want to unify that. it's not up to the people in taiwan to decide about the one to on the policy. exploring. china is defended. admissions, is he now president for like
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a true dictates. how can you explain for finding the transform ation of china? if you have to take the she had to head on that, just to get out the welcome back. you're watching out as a reminder of our top stories this hour, more than $100.00 palestinians have been chosen and is really a task on a school in gaza. city, israel claims that was targeting homeless fighters, but has not provided any evidence. there's been widespread international condemnation. the victims of these really strive care been taken to hospital many receiving treatments for severe burns during the past week. israel has carried out several attacks on schools or displaced,
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palestinians for sheltering. and the white house has released the statements saying they are deeply concerned about the attack and does of city. it also says that they're in touch with israel and asked for more details about what happened. all right, one, welcome. now we're aaron, a david miller, a senior fellow at the kind of get endowments for international peace and a former mid east alice at the us state department and it comes to his life from oxford, may now welcome sir. the us, we're least $3000000000.00 in military a. this is, as we're witnessing gossip in designated a staggering desk tow a schools turned shelters. now turn the traps, explaining the rationale for us. ok, anybody that's been following, you know, in the beginning of the 11th of this lord and one has been following this and wants to understand us for in the policy. um it's, it's critically important to, to realize number one,
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that in these 11 months the united states have been reluctant to impose a, any significant cost or consequence on israel, for policies during the prosecution of its organs cause it the reasons for it is very clear. uh and from the ministrations point of view, understandable number one with the present. we have one present at a time where the deep emotional bonding commit with israel. number 2 is the politic no american president, democrat, republican, i've worked for half a dozen. um wants to get into a fight with them is really prime is could be very costly. number 3 is the reality . that is fine with districts who wants to the end to end the war. it's got to get an agreement between is wrong and months and it's not one hand clapping. if you, if the administrators lots of press these rounds, they're going to have to press a mouse as well. and we'll see what happens on thursday. and finally, what 3 very clear about this. i cannot identify
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a single incident in recent years where the united states has pressure and brought serious pressure sanctions to bear on any of its allies and partners. not on saudi arabia, on that, on france, not on germany, not in japan. uh, not in color or not, i mean we, we don't leverage our allies in parks, but the sonata mostly sense i'm, but there's simply no, there's no, there's no track record for the united states. brittany, significant pressure. all right, any. all right, but just just to read it, i'm sorry for interrupting it, but you know, it doesn't mean that if it's real jumps off a cliff, your wife is willing to also follow it and jump off the cliff. i mean, it has a different means that it can exert pressure. it can make a military aid conditional, it can stop shielding every action that israel does. i mean,
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there are many tools that it could use, but unless, or until it does it, you know, the whole government has free rein. it was, let's be clear. again, i know it's not emotionally satisfying. it's not pretty your viewers and your listeners are, are probably rolling their eyes. oh, by now, and basically turned it into another chance. yes. over the last 11 months, there were several baskets of pressure points that the us could've imposed on his ro, included condition, military assistance to israel, could have introduced adults. you insecurity counter revolution, critical of his role. it could follow for a 147 other countries, including most recently other regions in the spanish and the irish and recognize a palestinian state, or it could have been named. and the whole notion of negotiated is really a must deal, and simply join the international community and demanding, essentially less to is. but for the 3 or 4 reasons that i just tried to explain to
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you, it is not done that. and in my judgement, given where the administration is right now, it's not going to do that. and that is a reality. and what mystifies me continuously for decades. now that is why why one observer is an analyst of the united states are willing to at least they may not like it, but why they're not willing to accept the constraint in reality self impose to a certain degree. and the final point, again, is clear. we do not pressure for a leverage in ways that are painful and consequential are allies. i can think of only want me when i talked to several $100000000.00 of american assistance to assistance to egypt as a consequence of egypt. human rights policies. but generally with our friends and partners and that includes i'm, i,
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there are friends and partners in the world. it was a brief moment when buying this candidate was willing to treat. haven't been so mine as a product, but now even he's become a partner cutter jordan, i mean the loose, the but it's not the same with all due respect. it's not the same. i mean what we're witnessing now for 10 months. it's just not normal. it is not defensible, it is intolerable. and it is, it is with the funding, i think, to the girl. how do you? well, what is willing to much is where i'm going with a very controversial is where we've government, which is that set on eradicating him. us, which a lot of people are, say, is not in a cheaper bill military goal. so, i was the newest version. i think the ministry genetics with you recognize that the eradication of a mazda is not a jeep for mazda, is going to survive either as an insurgency. or is it
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a little political force capable to insemination or were um caught taishan? oh, having an influence with whatever government authority emerges got if you want to understand why administration after miseries or by the way i worked for bush $41.00 and james baker, they denied his ro $10000000000.00 of how the loan guarantees to one off. it didn't occur during the middle of a, of a significant conflict, which from both commerce is initials, point of view is x a central or near x or central, you know, sort of conflicts. the influence of external parties is very limited. whether it's the g 7, b i, c, j, the i, c, c, the, you with the middle east, you know, this, the middle east is literally littered with the remains of great powers or wrong. we believe they could impose their will, their schemes, their dreams, and their visions of smaller what you may have accepted,
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you may find it morally morally bankrupt. i'm trying to explain to you why i think it 11 months the administration has been reluctant to impose a single cost or consequence on israel that normal human like you wouldn't, me would consider significant or serious pressure. it's for the, for reasons that i, that i've tried to explain to you. i'm not trying to persuade you. i'm trying to lay out what i think is the explanation. we understand the american. thank you so much, aaron, david miller, greatly appreciate that discussion. thank you so much. thanks for coming on greatly appreciate it. all right. all right, now 10 members of the same family were among palestinians. killed in a difference is really strike on a new say that's
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a refugee camp in central gonzo is really bombs wiped out an entire residential building and killed displaced, people sheltering in terms nearby. survivors say no warnings were given. victoria getting b or reports. i don't, i was a mazda survived in his radio store. i go now to say right, refugee camp that her only child didn't. a daughter was killed along side 9 of the members of her family. the hedge we were sleeping peacefully, crammed inside the tent. all of a sudden it all seemed like doomsday. my husband, daughter and sister in law were killed to serve. instead of all my family were killed. all of them. i am left with no one with nothing. the attack was carried out late at night without wounding the asteroid, talking to the residential building. that was surrounded by tens full of displaced
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people saw something we prayed. then the children went to sleep early because there's no power or lights. we woke up to an earthquake to hear screams, and i saw dead bodies everywhere. i do not know why that is really these are doing this task. they were innocent children sleeping in peace. as outside a hospital moves a father moons, 2 of his children killed in the same attack, he and his family fled gauze. the city in the hope of surviving this war must have . how can i look for a part of the photos about in mont? if necessary? we woke up to a loud explosion and found ourselves buried under the debris. my son told me his brother, sister, and mother had been killed. then how does, what do i have done? this is zayna. she was the youngest. she was still breathing when i took it to hospital. she asked how i was been told me, she was feeling cold. she a trip to let her stomach doctors try to save her. she tight this morning. the guy
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in israel claims it takes measures to mitigate against civilian casualties. but suffice to say they live in constancy with more tax. many here are asking how many more families will be devastated before the slow to end. victoria gates and b l g 0. dr. james smith is an emergency physician who returned from a medical mission to gaza in june and he says, what happened today is a massacre. and it is unlike anything that i have ever seen over the course of my career as a doctor under someone working in the humanitarian system. what's happening in the gauze. and now what israel is doing to the people living in gaza. it requires a whole new vocabulary. there is no way to effectively describe what israel is doing to palestinians and gaza. what happened this morning was another mess. okay. now must, because i mean the definition of a massacre is
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a deliberate group. so above eric attacks on, on a, on a large group of people, typically a mastic, a provo provoke so from wide spread condemnation, an action it's, it's inconceivable to me that we're talking about hundreds of my successes that have happened over the course of the last 10 months the flower massacre on the coastal road in garza city. the tenants, my success in rough uh at the bay tree. my kid must have come in to say that, and now another message to the prey and must secure this morning in which more than a 100 people have been killed. and all that, that seems to provoke, is, as you mentioned, the consent from the us government. now the us government in recent days, has again, issued huge ministry and financial support to these ready regime. it's just,
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it's absolutely wild to me that the us government can publicly states deep concern . while i think military support for the violence, the israel is a nice thing against the palestinian people. but the situation that, as i say, there are no words to adequately describe the brutality. uh, the, the, the israel isn't acting against the palestinian people. and what is less of the kind of system the public and the presidential contender, donald trump, campaign team says they've been hacked spokesperson. steven chung is claiming what he called foreign sources, hostile to the united states. the campaign is suggesting that era on actors are involved. but has not provided specific evidence, so let's get you more. she advertising joins us from washington, dc. what more have you learned? yeah, i think that was key suggesting that iran were involved with medical information as
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to who was responsible for this hacked up the trunk of a house confirmed as has happened, but politic kirby political magazine here in washington started getting emails from, from a someone saying that we got information from inside the trunk campaign. he produced some documents relating to faxing installation on jane. the violence is now from his wife's part of the book presidential nominee mancha rubia who was in the running and they said, look, we, we can get you more if you want. so political, also trump campaign from campaign and said look, the these, these, these documents where you know hacked from from us. but it should be pointed to a microsoft report on friday that said it wrong had been trying to hack them. indeed, had broken into the account of a high ranking official in one of the election campaigns, but they didn't name which election campaign and the trump, the trump campaigns. and it looks like they have an information on this actually was it wrong? this is what microsoft were referring to, to the battery. so we can say is the trump campaign was hacked by someone or, or for him, a foreign source of some sort. we called her to go much further than that,
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but to be clear. so i have concern, and i mean there could be another wanting not to click on links and e mails from people who don't know. good advice. she advertise a reporting from washington. thank you. the investigators in brazil have recovered the flight, recorders of a passenger planes are crashed near its largest city, killing all 62 people on board the aircraft. i had left the southern state of a persona and was heading to sell palo when it suddenly lost altitude. and went down in the town of via though monica got a key for reports. shot neighbors captured the moment a plain literally dropped from the sky. nobody on the ground was hurt, but all the people on board died. so i'll shake your car. i thought it was going to forward in the yard. it was scary, but sounds good when no victims among the locals. it seems that the people inside the plane were the real victims. though the plane fell in the midst of
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a residential compound, in the outskirts of brazil's largest city stone phone, the flight had left the southern state far enough and was heading dest, don't follow, when it's suddenly lost altitude and speed. the regional airline company voice pass confirmed that none of the passengers and crew members had survived. emergency responders rushed to the side of the crash to put out the fire before it spread to neighboring houses. very set, seen the plain catching fire i arrived, wayne happened and just thought about praying for these people because that's what they needed results present losing us. what we'll assume of interrupted a speech toward the dead in what is considered to be the worst airplane accident in the country since 2007. ok, so for the door, i have to be the better of some very bad news. i'd like everyone to stand for a minute of silence with either the i'm or just sees was among some 10 passengers
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who didn't board the flight. should get you. i even argued with the man from the line who didn't like me bored at the last minute. now i can only thank him, i don't know his name, but he saved my life. the investigations are now under way to discover what went wrong. wasn't too much symbols up there. what we have so far is that the across did not communicate was a control teams that there was an emergency. meanwhile, forensic teens are trying to recover the remains of the victims. airline company has released the names of all the victims, but forensic experts say that recovering and identifying them will take time. the plane was not only destroyed by the crash, but also caught fire. monica, and i'll just euro. we addition arrow for this, where it was president as labeled oppositional leader a maria career machado, a terrorist ruling out negotiations over disputed vote. the supreme court is to
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decide on whether to confirm the cross model. so we election in this as the president's political opponents and anti government protesters are arrested. our latin america editor, and we see a new when reports smiling broadly. president nicholas moodle arrived at the supreme court for a hearing before electoral chamber judges. it was a formality to accelerate my buddhist strategy to obtain the courts approval, july 28th, highly contested presidential election results. the supreme court was controlled by government royalists. so the move is highly unlikely to resolve the uproar to really one. the electro council is getting published the tally sheets as the law requires, much as my little one by 51 percent of votes. vice president does. he did all the vegas dismissed calls at home and abroad for an internationally supervised audit. i
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think the, the international hysteria about the tally sheets, the can make a netflix and res cold. the venezuelan tallies collective hysteria of the opposition leaders instead suggests the electoral drama should be called how to steal an election. the opposition has allegedly obtained and published tally sheets of 81 percent of venezuela's electronic voting machines, presumably smuggled to them by sympathetic members of the electoral council is valid. they indicate that president nicole last month who wrote in fact, lost the election by a hefty margin. he was asked if you would allow for dialogue with opposition, leader, money, equity, number travel, against whom an arrest warrant has been issued your credit. okay. the one and only corporate i think the only one who has to negotiate with them a child low in this country is the general prosecutor. she should surrender bikes. it and so for the crimes she committed. meanwhile, families and supporters of more than 2000 people under
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a wrist including $100.00 minors and held up digital for their release. and venezuela, we are living in constant fear. we are afraid as ascending, but we must resolve voice because anyone here who did speak against coverage, you can become a political prisoner. a situation that has alarmed the entire region, which is worried that the height intentions will spearhead a greater exit. his opinions, wayland migrant throughout the americas to see and human out to 0. so i had here on al jazeera in spartan dazzling this way to achieve something never done before. joanna will explain all in a few moments. was discussing the defining issues of our time. we are the subject of a i,
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we are not the users of a i going beyond the artificial intelligence hyphen, big tech propaganda to explore how to code the sites. an ethical ai though is racial biases get worse. you get more of those in power. are the ones with the resources to decide where it to use? how do we change this paradigm? studio b, b a r series on a jersey to adopt commentary series, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle today's environment of the task. in columbia, the arrow walkers, people, scientists to understand why species of toes one's thoughts, extinct is still thriving in the coastal mountains of the sierra nevada. nations frontline, the starry night towed on al jazeera,
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the of the and your 0 with the latest from the personal impacts. hi joe. hi, layla. thank you. the us, i have one, the men's, and then pick boss cable title for 5th time in a row. the stuff started line up of the end, the ice finest, including liberal and james, down front cecile gold united states between the host nation $98.00 to $87.00. the victory means us. i have won the crown. 17 times. the last time they didn't win. gold was in 2004. when auction tina triumphed. the american men and women swept golden, the relays on the final nice of athletics action at the games. right, benjamin and creating the men's team and the full by 400 meters holding off. what's one is that c like table, whole on the final leg and
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a bunch of 2 individual goals medalist the 400 hurdles champion votes and as a late addition to the team and he's lived in a lin pick reco time. great britain took bruns and look like the usa, women would set a new world record is the full by 400 me to victory. instead, they miss out like just 110th of the 2nd, but left the rest of the field. well, behind the netherlands, fit to so, but had a bright person. well, jamaica drop the box on, i would disqualified. now the usa victory, the monkeys heights of finish and the women's 100 meter hurdles beside russell who came 1st and the us olympic trials. typical like just 100. so the 2nd from the french woman said, i know some of my ela judgements. i'm not sure when of puts a rico no problem. it was pretty close to in the men's 800 meters, is can use a manual when young he just held off. well jumping mall co, a role of candidates when goes, when young you with a personal best of one minute,
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41.19. 0 dear is jamal suggest tease continues from and one young he's come, patrick faith, go on the right to name into the history books is a 3 time when there. so when is 1500 maces the world's record? hold a 2nd you and let me pick the best time of 3 minutes 51.29 to finish out of a straight is jessica. how i'm brings georgia bally. yes. so thank you. thank you. britson of no way has please them. and 5000 meters tied to the 23 road finishing ahead of run a bundled familiar e. if you took silva in groups and adding, take 2 well titles in the event on his gold. and that's 1500 meters at the 2 lympics. now you might room, but this eye clinic moment from the last and then picks in tokyo when couples with us boston should high jump gold. when it's least gen mako 10. very sadly though that would be no repeats of the thrilling rivalry in paris temporary was dealing
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with illness and easy lives. hamish code was on his home. he wanted to jump off over the usa is shelby mchugh, and at the height of the $2.00 washington drums to make sure all these reports from paris. because while it was in the end to be no sequel to this fairytales also humans, hodge them final from child care. 2021 capitals, new tests, boston and john mark. hey tom barry, as it's really had shed the gold metal injury and illness hit them both in the run up to the powers. finally, in fact, tom berry was in hospital on saturday. at before arriving at the stopped the front on struggling to an 11th place finished, that still left boston with the chance to become the 1st month to win back to back gold medals in the high jump out the lympics. he helped us settled for brunswick that left shelby mchugh and, and hey ms. cook, to populate out for gold. the american new zealander deciding not to share the gold medal in, in the end to winning the jump off. so no fairy tale finish. football. shame in
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this final but he's had a fairytale career. 3 well titles, one olympic goals to olympic silva. i'm now olympic bronze, winning metals, up full consecutive olympic games. full res. how does their powers to japan go that says gold medal in the women's chaplain when her real quick. it's a good. she crushed the competition with her 1st throw 65.80 meters. she was also the world champion in budapest. no she it? oh yes, she stalls united states women's team have won a record extending 5th olympic football title. hollywood act to tom cruise is one of the many funds packed into the home of power centered on for the final usa beating, present one know to seal gold. mallory swanson guessing the go. the title is a good turnaround before will be us having crushed out of law, she's woke up in the round of 16 spots, presenting and football legend month to full back to the she exits the elliptic stage one last time we made
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a $195.00 parents as for her country and 6 world cups and 6 and then picks, this was the final match and the famous yellow and green jersey for the 38 year old, with a gold medal and dating home once again. despite the watery stop using and lydia co took gold in the women's gulf, the 2 time major went on former welding the one parting in a buddy on the 18th green to invite to strikes that also i saw her qualifying for the lpga hall of fame on the 27 year old even came to an end to her career. i had great days and i'm like, i want to play as long as i can and then i have days where i wake up with the you know, with a sore low back and i'm like, i don't think i can make it any more. so it's, i don't think there is a specific date, and now that i've got in the hall of fame, i don't know if that affects anything but for now i just want to enjoy this moment . china's e mail, jim that's full of stunning rhythmic gymnastics,
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victory becoming the 1st known european country dwindle and pick gold in the course event between israel and italy. russia had dominated the team competition since it made it. so let me save you in 1996 spots. the team is absent from paris because of a band following the rules on ukraine. on the face of international committee president thomas bob has announced he'll be stepping down next year. for this new way of living, i was my age. i am not the best captain. your times are calling for a new lead us. the 1770 year old has been in charge of the i a see since 2013 and this 12 year limit happened due to expire. i bought members of the committee, austin, to change the rules to live and stay now, but has said the games the best of the change of leadership. all right, that is all useful for now. it is back to the show. thank you so much. thanks so much for watching. we're back in just
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a moment to look for news the surfers around the world. no. okay, hold on. a famous wave crashes on the reef just offshore, but the olympic games are turning this paradise upside down. not everyone sees the benefits of hosting the competition. it serves as public safety for them. a minimum part of the population profit from the gains, were used to common nature. now we're seeing cars and trucks every way. people here are also worried about long term damage to the environment. a controversial new judging tower built on the coral reef. olympic control center, feeling what used to be fields of crops, with rocks and temporary tent. it doesn't matter if you're on a boat, a surfboard where you live in the village. most people aren't getting close to the
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action. residents need accreditation. spectators, one passes through a lottery and there's been complaints. some people saying their home no longer feels like their home is adding to the question of whether this will all be worth it. when the olympics have packed up and left with americans, more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us wants to keep the war in ukraine going until russia's will is broken. but is that strategy working? what to do if there is no day after israel's war on cause a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, african stories from african perspectives. i'll say i am a creative at heart 3 short documentary spy, african filmmakers from nigeria, south africa, and zambia. i like my children, i like the me then goes to the lead business to a sion of slaves and we all the same as the forest women of i've seen from the cape and a dream worth chasing
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a new series of africa direct on outages 0. i'm going to cover all of latin america for most of my career, but no country is a light and it's my job to shed light on how and why, why the, [000:00:00;00] the color of one i'm we have a rock. this is the news. our alarm from don't are coming up in the next 60 minutes . condemnation from around the world after one of the worst is really attracts hits the school and gaza, doing more than $100.00 palestinians. and with so many wounded doctors and gosh,


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