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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 11, 2024 6:00am-6:30am AST

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from a london broadcast center on al jazeera, the israel's military ones, palestinians living in pots of southern garza to evacuate. is it steps operations in hon. eunice? the order comes less than 24 hours after school. nice. okay. and gaza? well, the lead has condemned these riley attack. the hello, i'm sorry, i'm the was the, this is alger 0. live from don't halls are coming up on the program. figuring out what went wrong. the investigation is how brazilian passenger plane plummeted into a housing complex. and a desperate search for loved ones of rubbish dump collapses in. uganda is capital engulfing family homes.
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the palestinians living in southern gauze, or i've been told by israel, is military to evacuate the area if they have them to ready moved the notice is for people living in areas south of hon. eunice, if he center introduce you know, sir, our book on the lawn is really ami, says how nice continues to launch rockets from southern gaza. israel has stepped up attacks and so cools humanitarian, safe zones when moving 400000 palestinians of sort shelter. the evacuation order comes less than 24 hours off the israel's latest mass. the current gauze is searching, killing more than a 100 palestinians have been sheltering inside. a school need has, from around the world has condemned the attack displays before performing them. morning prior, at the school in the aldo raj neighborhood, when the building was hit by several missiles,
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talk to struggle with the color of his injured people and the bodies of the dead money. what in places it would then take them to the alahi hospital. this is the 8th time this month alone, that israel has boned to school sheltering, displaced and vulnerable people each time as well as on the is kind how nice uses the facilities for operational purposes, but it's never support. provided any evidence to support this. i was just there is alice. sherry visited the school shortly after it was attacked. a heavy i just, i mean i bought on a slow i'm almost all these blankets contain body parts of civilians. these really ami perpetrate to the massacre, killing thousands of civilians who were sheltering inside the turbine school building victims were torn to pieces. a medical teams collected the body parts but was scattered all over. as we speak now, paramedics and civil defense teams are still searching for missing because on the school building is strewn with body parts and time, et excited that they haven't been able to find a dead body that is still home. it is estimated,
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the roughly $100.00 palestinian civilians were killed and dozens more injured. this is nothing but some of the body parts collected in these blankets belong to a few of the dozens of dead bodies ripped to pieces and got to donate. each blanket contains the body parts more than one pass and the seems that we are seeing a horrific this is a catastrophic situation or product as we speak. civilian survivors and medics are still collecting body problem. as you can see, many are collecting the body parts of the run relatives and siblings by will measures. this is a mess, reminiscent of the one at the baptist hospital in october. we are witnessing heart wrenching, painful theme. so beyond any description, this child has lost all of his family members, and these really as strike on the school building. as you can see, this is the gateway to the schools primary. this is the most that was targeted and hit by the is really massage. it's located inside the school building. as display civilians prayed, he's ready will planes target to this building even hours off the attack. metrics
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and display civilians are still collecting the bodies and the body parts of the victim. what, let's just take a look at the attacks carried out by is riley forces on schools this month alone. on august the 1st the, the law, i'm not going to be public school in easton garza city was boned killing at least 15 palestinians. 3 days later, at least 17 palestinians, including women and children, were killed and attacks on the outline and out of the schools. both shelter, despite is painful in the shell, read one neighborhood west of gauze, a city search, and people were killed on august 4th as his writing war planes bummed. oh, nice. that are and has done so long as schools and the oh, nice of neighborhood. yeah. hon eunice and on august, 8th is rainy plains, on the of those for to have moved and saw her are schools in the east of gauze, a city that were housing, thousands of displaced people. 17 civilians died and not attack. same as raleigh has worn out on the israel's military response,
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and are aligned to that same is in jordan's capital because benjamin asked me all his government, his bond alger, they are from reporting inside israel. the late saturdays really forces release the names and identities of 19 people they described as operatives, fighters with hamas and islamic jihad that they say they were targeting. in the early saturday morning strike and gauze on a school and most compound that resulted in a deadly massacre. now is real says that they use precision munitions, that the damage cause to the facility and that the death toll being reported is not as bad as it is being made out to see. but it may be difficult for israel to convince people of his version of events when we've seen so many similar massacres in not just the last few days for the last few weeks and multiple times over and over again. during the course of this for attacks on schools, hospitals, humanitarians, safe phones, and all of this is international condemnation for this morning's master,
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continued to pour in. now at the same time, we're seeing this evening protest in haifa, intel a vive, an anti government protest against prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his government, his handling of the war by families of is really tapped, is being held in gaza. now what these demonstrators have been saying all along as if they want the government to do more, to bring those loved ones home to bring those families home. and they say that their government does not seem committed enough and events like the ones we saw today. the strikes on locations inside garza that would hard in the position of from us and mediators involved in upcoming talks. the families of those captors are worried that that simply makes it more difficult to get their loved ones home. and they have been saying that these upcoming talks in the next few days and go home or cairo, it is really committed to sending a delegation to could be the last opportunity to bring those as rarely captives
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home. and they say that the government of prime minister, benjamin, that's, and young is gambling with their families, lives in basra, the old is 0. i'm on it's you and special coordinator for the middle east peace process tour. one is and has commented on the attack. now he is saying that every day civilians continue to buy the brunt of this conflict, and it's tara displacement. and unless suffering, the cost and lives of this war is evidence, evidence with every passing day, as a way of witness yet another devastating strike on a school sheltering thousands of displays, palestinians with thousands of fatalities. whitehouse statement on these riley strike is saying that we are deeply concerned about reports of civilian casualties and gaza, following astride by the israel defense forces on a compound that included a school or in touch with our as riley count of fonts. have said they targeted seeing the have mass officials and were asking for further details. we know
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a mass has been using schools as locations to gather an authorized household. but we have also said repeatedly inconsistent me that is around this take measures to minimize civilian home. well, you as my as president, come with the harris says, the israel has a responsibility to protect civilians. she made these remarks during a campaign stop in arizona. yet again, there are too many civilians who have been killed. i mean, israel has a right to go after the terrorists that are her mom's. but as i have said many, many times, they also have um, i believe an important responsibility to avoid civilian casualties. kind of golf is a former executive director of human rights watch, and he says that israel is trying to cover office will crimes and casa, and we're seeing these incidents over and over and over again. every time is real, says on wherever targeting a boss,
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every time they she to school turn shelter and their large numbers subsidiary in cash. it's now it will come why harris didn't quite state international humanitarian law correctly. you know, she's partly right in the center. israel has a presumptive flight to attack some us fighters. of course, this is more, but it is supposed to refrain from an attack. if the foreseeable, civil uniform will be disproportionate. and that's what you didn't talk about you. so, so is there too many civilian casualties? but she doesn't put $2.00 and $2.00 together. she does to explain that it is wrong is a war crime to attack from us fighters in a way that is endangering so many civilians. and you know, what's interesting to me is, i think these really military even knows that this one went off because they kind of shows 19 fighters from, from off and as long as you out. now those 19 fighters were gonna get presumptive language in the military targets, but not even many, many story inside. and when israel receive reports that eating, maybe
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a 100 civilians were killed, they sent me to know that was too many. our precision weapons wouldn't have cost that many, as if to admit that is the number is that large, this was a disproportionate attack. this cost disproportionate congress is doing. and of course, those numbers are correct and we've seen over and over that the cost that come from industry reports correctly the number of $5.00. so this leads me to believe that you're going to get you to recognize that if this was a were prime, they're just trying to cover up and, and protect. and now the families of the 62 people killed in a plane crash in brazil, helping forensic teams identify the bodies. investigate as analyzing the flight record is to determine why the passenger plane plummeted into a housing complex. this el paso on friday want to can and can't reports from real edition era emergency responders working in the rain in
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around the clock to retrieve all 62 bodies, victims of a deadly plane crash on friday. that since shop sleeves across for sales. family members are being asked by a stories to help identify their relatives at the legal medical institute of some follow where the bodies were taken. fremont, we're concentrating on providing specialized assistance from psychologist social workers and legal advisor to meet the families requirements and priorities with focusing on the well being of the families. more than 50 bodies have been recovered, but most were so badly burned. identification will take time to discuss that the body's work have an ice and i being transferred to morgan, south palo, where they will be x range and then a test will be done to identify them to the aircraft was carrying 50 passengers and
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4 crew members from the southern states of but enough to preserve the largest city some follow when disaster struck. nearing its destination, the plain suddenly lost speed and altitude, spinning out of control and plunging to the ground. it exploded on impact in the backyard of a house. in the midst of a residential condominium complex, the, there were 3 people in the house. me, my wife and the night. we are a little fun. at the time we thought it was a helicopter crashing. i was almost leaving the house and suddenly we saw that a craft exploding in the back. yeah. press cures, rushed to put out the fire before it spread to neighboring houses. then they began to search for bodies and the debris. the regional airline company boy boss released the name of all the victims, among them a family from venezuela and a teacher from portugal. brazilian authorities have already recovered the to flight
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recorders, which they say will help them piece together. what happened? brazil's air force has already said that the pilot did not report an emergency for adverse weather conditions for so we know stories say the investigation to determine the cause of the tragedy should take at least a month. monica now give all jw a 0. we addition, narrow rescues have been digging through a mountain of rubbish, searching for more bodies off to the collapse of a landfill site. and you can just capital at news. 12 people died off to homes, ring gulf by the garbage dump off the heavy rains. catherine's story has more now of the people in the tennessee are looking for their loved ones, beneath heaps of garbage. people walks to this tragedy of the section over rubbish, disposal sites in the copy to compile
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a collapse among those buried underneath. what ducklings? no, much as a sister renaud and 3 children. my people have been buried under here. i think i'm seated on top of them. i've lost them. what should i do? this see, they've also not found their relatives. everyone is in shock. because i have lost 7 love the garbage buried them, my wife and children, i wrote the test, we have retrieved full bodies, but the wrist had not yet been found, but didn't know up on somebody. i had 15 tenants and some of them are nice. the others i'm missing. there were many families in this area. we're looking at about 1000 people to have been displaced in the if he goes over to the homes that are being buddy the cult estimate, environmental, they say this was
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a disaster waiting to happen. the lawn feel is to be on its capacity. it's one of 2 garbage sites in the city and takes in an estimate of 2000 tons of rubbish, daily, and many of the cells and of people leaving here. see it's a health high. for now, the moon's demos as a try to find and seize those who have survived. cathy, sorry, i'll just there will still to bring you on the program. hong kong, the same as me on lights and losing that gloves, but the younger generation is trying to showing new lights on the transition and flying i the final action from another dramatic olympic high junk contest the
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on counting, the costs is of a u. s. recession put the presidential camp site up. campbell of harrison for the test was from european nation, still buying washington oil both take a look. plus nigerians angry, but other presidents reforms to blame for that hardship. counting the cost on al jazeera, these cultures solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions, not just turn our backs. i don't think that has a number. think about it as a person, person yourself and that person shares. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, or at least in my life and all the stages we want we want to break because the women and my country deadlocks we become about to on we are not denies all of who we are human beings and deserve to be treated equally. we are working in the
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footsteps. our ancestors claim that has been done before can be done. as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the, [000:00:00;00] the, all the like to alger 0 life from tao ha. reminder of our top story. this now palestinians living in southern gauze or has been told by israel's ministry to evacuate the area if they haven't moved already. the notices for people living in areas south of hong is city center. as well has been stepping off. the tax and
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circles humanitarians say signs. i'm more than 400 with 1000 palestinians of salt shelter. evacuation order comes off. the worldliness condemned israel's master code of schooling garza city more than a 100 times as the names were killed in the as rainy as strikes. israel claims it was targeting a mass slices that but didn't provide evidence and the families of the 62 people killed in a plane crash in brazil, helping forensic teams identify the ponies. investigators analyzing the flight record is to figure out what caused the plane to plunge into a housing complex. me a shout out loud and all the news. tens of thousands of people have rallied into the night is b as capital against alysia mining project. demonstrations in belgrade followed the government, reinstating australia and mining group free a 10 to his license to develop huge deposits in the western city. of notice of the $2400000000.00 project could call the 90 percent of europe's mission needs. but
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protest to save the mining vote, contaminate land and water, and in danger of public health. new image is a political scientist in belgrade university. he says, protest as don't trust the projects on the one hand, as you already explained, lift, who is one of the critical role materials and the green transition into you is driving the demand for a globally. i think it is clear that the beneficiaries of this project would probably be the electric vehicle companies into you and the consumers in the or but the benefits to the people. you certainly are a no, that's clear to be on this. and on the other hand, the location of the plan to mine is the very 1st dial valley investor, so they'll go to the local population fears their lives. the field which depends on agricultural would be lost. we've heard many experts not totally today at the broad as but years back. this pointed to the high risk of you reversible environmental
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damage with these kinds of projects. and the what you have to understand about serbia is that this is a country with very kind, mistrust indeed that uses that's very different from the rest of the regions, but especially kite and when the government says the project will benefit the people and would not risk the environment, most people simply do not trust it. what we can see now in the balls are there is a broad politically cross got single position to the project. and what we see today in the streets is people coming from across. so it'd be from many parts of the rest of us are being small citizen villages joining together and make team one of the biggest bro does that. i've seen recently saying that they, that they, that don't want them. i now, to craigslist several lodge explosions have been reported in the capital. allied warnings are in place and keep as well as in eastern ukraine. teams may as,
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as add defense systems while activated to repel strikes. well, that comes as ukrainian forces continue their incursion into russian territory. at least the team people were injured when deborah from the ukrainian launched miss, also on a residential building and kursk wash and present legitimate pollution is cool. the attacks in the region, a major publication. the curse governor is owned and foster evacuations of civilians in areas at risk rusher is employed additional soldiers and equipment to try to stop the ukranian advances issue would name these guys you've had to book it out today. i received reports from commander in chief, alexander sir skinner, regarding the front lines and our actions to push the war onto the dressers territory. i am grateful to every unit of the defense forces. ukraine is proving it could indeed restore justice and insure the necessary pressure on the aggressor that i'm police. i won't police of being deployed across the u. k. off the days
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a violent protest. demonstrations by far right and imposing groups were held in manchester, new cost. so writing broke out nationwide during the last week, fuel by the spite of this information about the identity of and the mother of the suspect in the might of 3 goals who died in life attacked himself for last month. why didn't robin's of telling me that british muslims and migraine communities spain is sweltering in a heat waves the weather full cost to say can break records. temperatures are expected to talk 40 degrees celsius in some areas on sunday. explains 1st official heat wave of the year and comes as other parts of southern europe also in your high temperatures. 3, john was free from the american jail and demanding the immediate pardon of more political prisoners. they were among hundreds of prisoners pausing to mock king mohammed the 6th 25th anniversary on the throne. 3 journalists have been held for
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up to 60 is on charges of sexual assault that they deny. they say they and countless is actually being punished for their opinions, hong kong neon signs as synonymous with it streets and even in spite of scenes and the movie play for on it. but the government says there are safety risk, so they've been replaced with cheap, yet more efficient lights. so our westbrook reports, some young people bo insist on keeping producers tradition alive. a visa, some of the last remaining neon signs in hong kong advertising porn shops and much on paula's concerns about decades. old science pulling down have led to strict safety rules on size and placement. about $3000.00 signs of being taken down each
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year since 2018 and streets have gone from this to this 83 year old most a wong is one of home comes last, remaining neon light crossman. he's watched from the studio for 40 years cx, but the benz gloss tube with his self designs blow torch to cross the complex characters, sending the chiefs with gas and running a current through them to give them that unique low. in the 19 eighties and nineties, the streets, westfield, with neon signs, as businesses tried to out showing each other. don't want, hey, yeah, during its heyday, there were many on most is doing this work. but now, because these mazda is a getting older and due to types of government regulations, not much in the on sun work is done anymore. i think there are only 7 or right and the on must is left. well, some businesses have commissioned new neon signs that meets the safety requirements . mazda wong says dumont has dwindled, and most of his business is repaired. what on existing signs around the city,
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the warm glow with neon is being replaced by the chief of the lights. but if you look, there are still some neon signs around like this one which conforms to the new rules as people find ways to keep the tradition a life like a cloud. all right, so this is karen, john became fascinated by me on in 2018. she learned from most a wong and also traveled to the netherlands fronts in japan to study different techniques. now her aunt is displayed around the well, i think what i'm good, that usually is trying to how to re define something and objects the concept and re purpose them as well. and i think for me on as a medium that i'm using to redefine culture and all identity cod in china, and raises awareness about knee on cultural loss. spearheading this exhibition
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featuring to old signs and to new designs by an old mazda and a young artist. these days i would like to think of the future of me on basically is unlimited us as long as we could identify the potential. and we could actually do some st. john's to design up as me owns glo fades from the streets of hong kong . the next generation hopes to shine a new light onto this traditional croft laura westbrook, l g 0, hong kong for the 2nd lympics in a row, there's been a dramatic finish in the mens. hi john. the gold novels were shed at the last games and took care that on saturday at jump off was needed before news. evenings hamish car let to the top floors reports from paris. it was in the end to be noted, sequel to this fairy tale. i'll see you men's hide,
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jim final from secretary 2021 castles, new tests, boston and john mockery. tom barry of italy had shed the gold metal injury and illness hit them both in the run up to the powers. finally, in fact, tom berry was in hospital and stuff that i had before arriving at the start. the front and struggling to an 11th place finished, that still left boston with the chance to become the 1st month to win back to back gold medals in the high jump out via lympics. he helped us settled for brunswick that left shelby mchugh and, and hey mrs. cook to buckley time for gold, the american new zealand deciding not to share the gold medal and in the end to winning the jump off. so no fairy tale finish football. shame in this final but he's had a fairytale career 3 well titles, one olympic goals to olympic silva. i'm now olympic bronze, winning metals, up full consecutive olympic games. full res out is era powers of
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all the action from the olympics for you a bit later on states you in for that. i will be back with another full bulletin and about half an hour off to counting the cost the x x. how it can debbie has been quite influential and dropping a huge amount of right in the eastern states. more recently in eastern canada as full and the profit of recognizable stone. but it left montreal with a huge amount of writing 12 hours there, which is the day on record in actual fact the city, the records go back over a 100 years. so we can say goodbye debbie moore last night. and the full cost is like just a few shots that around the se in state still have to say the eastern side of the country. green toronto looks wet, play, and states that got big sandstone developing and up in the mountains. all the
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higher states. i should say there was still shows around, but the heat still offices, well, boise, $35.00 samples come down to $24.00 cos around the gulf states for the middle studies and it's fairly human as well. but it looks like it's the ohio valley, the couches, the main child's on their way through monday. we seem very well, it was a recent in the town in cuba. the sheriff is still around, but there's nothing really focus that i think, possibly further south in hong juris. think cheryl seemed likely in southern mexico as well. and of course, in ecuador to columbia, there was a possibility. you know, there's been significant right in this positive reserve f drawing up now, but the co win means volunteer today is still well below, you know, in depth analysis of the days. headline, what's strategic purpose? do you think this assassination serves israel informed opinions, people who have been 18 years old?
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i've seen that they have given a chance to best to be a bold critical debate. russia has decided that the war crane as a defensive war inside story house. will it change the security relationship between both countries on out jersey or on the although i'm adrian said again, this is counting the costs from al jazeera, your weekly look at the world of business and economics this week, fears of a recession of the us, of spot to bowler tennessee in global markets to that work against the democratic


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