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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 11, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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the, the safe, the mean been comment as an international inside corruption, excellence award, denominator hero. now the the world leaders condemn one of israel is a worst attacks and gaza, which killed more than a 100 palestinians. the hello i'm, i am the why is the this is alger 0 life from doha. also coming up on the program. israel's ministry ones, palestinians living and box of southern gaza to evacuate the steps of operations and hon. eunice. figuring out what went wrong, the investigation into how
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a brazilian passenger plane plummeted into a housing complex and a desperate search for loved ones of rubbish done collapses. and uganda is capital golfing family homes leaders from around the world of condemned israel's latest mastercard. in garza city, which killed more than a 100 palestinians sheltering inside of school displays. people were performing them morning prior, at the school in the old, the rise neighborhood when the building was hit by several missiles. dr. struggle to cope as injured people and pieces of bodies were taken to the hospital. it's the 8th time this month alone, that israel has brought him to school sheltering, displaced and vulnerable people. each time is rouse all me is kind of mass uses the facilities for operational purposes,
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which has never provided evidence. i'll just there is on us a sharefile this report from the school shortly after it was attacked on heavy i just, i mean i bought a, i'm actually, i'm almost all these blankets contain body parts. the civilians, these really ami perpetrate to the massacre, killing thousands of civilians. it was sheltering inside the turbine school building. the victims were torn to pieces. a medical teams collected the body parts but was scattered all over. as we speak now, paramedics and civil defense teams are still searching for missing pieces and at the school building is strewn with body parts and permit excited that they haven't been able to find a dead body that is still home. it is estimated, the roughly $100.00 palestinian civilians were killed and dozens more into. this is nothing but some of the body parts collected in these blankets belong to a few of the dozens of dead bodies ripped to pieces and scott to delay. each blanket contains the body parts of more than one pass and the scenes that we are seeing a horrific. this is a catastrophic situation or product as we speak. civilian survivors and medics are
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still collecting body problem. as you can see, many are collecting the body parts of the run relatives and siblings by will measures. this is a mess, a reminiscent of the one at the baptist hospital in october. we are witnessing heart wrenching, painful themes that are beyond any description. this child has lost all of his family members and these really as strike on the school building. as you can see, this is the gateway to the schools primary. this is the most that was targeted and hit by the is randy massage. it's located inside the school building. as display civilians prayed, he's ready will planes target to this building even hours off the attack. metrics and display civilians are still collecting the bodies and the body parts of the victim. let's just take a look at some of the recent attacks carried out by is ready forces on school specifically. and this is just in this month alone. on august 1st, the, the law not going to be public school in east and garza city was boned killing at
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least 15 palestinians. 3 days later, at least 17 people, including women and children, were killed in attacks on the lawn and for the schools. both shelter displays people in the shared flood, one neighborhood, west of garza city. so i see people were killed on august 4th, as riley will pines from the old roster and her son, salamis schools in the al nasir neighborhood, con eunice, and on august, 8th is rainy. plains volney, i'm those but i moved to an i was a harass schools in the east of gauze. a city that were housing, thousands of displaced people. 17 civilians died in those attacks. i'll just there is and i look forward to re, has this update now from hong eunice in southern gaza. the depot survive this talk are saying that this is one of the worst days they witnessed since the war started on the causes trip. we're talking about policy news that we're holding per years. they were praying at dawn and this is when the is ready for says target to
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some with at least 3 is right in the asterix. now civil defense seems till this point we're talking about more than 10 hours now, are still trying to rescue and 2 pools bodies from under the robot. so, so far the civil defense team said that they are a, were able to, to do fine, 1100 dead bodies. but they're saying that there are more bodies field trap. now, most of the bodies are disfigured. they're there on able to recognize who these palestinians are and most of the other policy needs to be insured, where it either amputated they have been very intense burning uh or injuries. and the problem is there's only one hospital facilitating now in the gulf of 50, which is the, at the hospital, especially after a c for hospital has been completely destroyed. it's
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a very horrifying day for policy needs, especially those to move tense teens. they're saying that this is something very hard, it was very hard for them to collect the body. parts of those pilots didn't use that, were sheltering in the school. meanwhile, view and special coordinator for the middle east peace process till one has been has commented on the attack as well. he has said every day civilians continue to bad, the bronze of this conflict and it's tara displacement, an endless suffering. the cost and lives of this war is evident with every pausing days. we've witnessed yet another devastating strike on a school sheltering thousands of displays. palestinians with thousands of fatalities or the white house is also issued. a statement on these riley striking gaza saying we are deeply concerned about reports of civilian casualties in garza following a strike by the israel defense forces on a compound that included a school we're in touch with. our is really counterparts who said they talk is it,
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see any, a mazda officials and we're asking for further details. we know how mass has been using schools as locations to gather and offer a townhome. but we've also repeatedly said that is there almost take measures to minimize civilian home. chaper townslee has more from washington to the white house . cumberland harris and couple of harris's main foreign policy adviser will have the same sort of message. i'm like joseph barrow, b. u foreign policy chief, we simply made a statement saying, there is no justification for these massacres. those 3 o expressed regret for the loss of civilian life. but did emphasize that they felt that perhaps israel did have some justification in targeting the school. yet again, there are too many civilians who have been killed. i mean, israel has a right to go after the terrorists that are her mom. but as i have said many, many times they also have um,
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i believe an important responsibility to avoid civilian casualties. iris also said the 1st and foremost the priority was reaching a cease for our building, said she and the president were working around the clock to reach that deal. however, we know that this weekend, the white house has approval for the $3500000000.00 worth of weapons for israel. so the questions we had as to whether now was the time that the ministration would apply, leverage onto as well, to sign up to that fee. so i do appear to have been all of a sudden, even as washington fluids and to lock it, as tells rom has, will not do anything to jeopardize. next week's towards she ever chance. the elders here at washington county, as wolfe, is a former executive director of human rights watch, as israel is trying to cover office war crimes in casa for over again, every time is real says own wherever targeting them us. every time they,
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she to school turn shelter and there are large numbers of civilian casualties. now, you know, come, oh, i hear us. didn't quite state international humanitarian law correctly. you know, she's partly right in the sense of israel has a presumptive flight to attack. some us fighters, of course, this is more, but it is supposed to refrain from it tact if the foreseeable, single uniform, will be disproportionate. and that's what you didn't talk about you so, so is there too many civilian casualties? but she doesn't put 2 and 2 together. she doesn't explain that it is wrong, is a war crime to attack from us fighters in a way that is indeed dri so many civilians. and you know, what's interesting to me is, i think these really military even knows that this one went wrong because they kind of shows 19 fighters from, from us. and as long as you out. now those 19 fighters were gonna get presumptive language in the military targets, but not if many, many civilian stock. and when israel receive reports that eating, maybe
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a 100 civilians were killed. they sung so no, that was too many. our precision weapons wouldn't have cost that many, as if to admit that is the number is that large, this was a disproportionate attack. this cost disproportionate congress is doing. and of course, those numbers are correct and we seen over and over the cost the home from industry reports correctly the number of $8.00. so this leads me to believe that you're going to get you to recognize that if this was a were prime, they're just trying to cover up and, and protect and now and now this is autumn, is palestinians living in southern gauze, or i've been told by israel's military to evacuate the area if they haven't already moved. the notices for people living in areas south of han eunice city center including shares now. so bob, buck a non, the is really all me is saying a mass continues the launch rockets from the israel has stepped up attacks and so cool that you monetary and save zones from more than 400000 palestinians of sort shelter. well, 10 members of the same family were among palestinians killed in
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a different is riley strike on the, on the say, raj refugee camp in central gaza as rainy palms wiped out an entire residential building until displays, people sheltering intense nearby survivors say no warnings were given before this, victoria, jason b reports. i don't, i was a mazda survived in his really asked roy, go now to say right, refuge account. that her right and the child didn't. a daughter was killed along side 9 of the members of her family. on the hush, we were sleeping peacefully, crammed inside the tent. all of a sudden, it all seemed like doomsday. my husband, daughter, and sister in law were killed to serve instead, all my family were killed. all of them. i am left with no one with nothing. the attack was carried out late at night without wounding
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yes, i'd like to get you to a residential building that was surrounded by tends full of displaced. people saw something we prayed, then the children went to sleep early because there's no power or lights. we woke up to an earthquake to hear screams, and i saw dead bodies everywhere. i do not know why this really is, are doing this task. they were innocent children sleeping in peace. as outside a hospital moves a fall, the moons 2 of his children killed in the same attack. he and his family fled gauze . the city in the hope of surviving this war must have going to look for part of the photos about in mount, if necessary. we woke up to a loud explosion and found ourselves buried under the debris. my son told me his brother, sister, and mother had been killed. then how does well have done this is zayna. she was the youngest. she was still breathing when i took her to hospital. she asked how i was
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been told me, she was feeling cold. she a trip to let her stomach doctors try to save her. she tight this morning, the going to come up with israel claims it takes measures to mitigate against civilian casualties. but suffice to say they live in constancy with more tax. many here are asking how many more families will be devastated before the slow to end. victoria gates and b l g 0. the families of 62 people killed in a plane crash in brazil, helping forensic teams identify the bodies. investigators the analyzing the flight record is to determine what caused the plane to plunge into a housing complex. this now palo on friday, only kiana kia reports from rio de janeiro, the emergency responders working in the rain in around the clock to
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retrieve all 62 bodies, the victims of a deadly plane crash on friday. that since shots plates across for sale, family members are being asked by all stories to help identify their relatives at the legal medical institute of some follow where the bodies were taken. the most affordable tab. we're concentrating on providing specialized assistance from psychologist social workers and legal advisor to meet the families requirements and priorities with focusing on the well being of the families. more than 50 bodies have been recovered, but most were so badly burned. identification will take time to discuss that the bodies look, have an ice and i being transferred to, to morgan, south palo, where they will be x rayed, and then a test will be done to identify them in the, in the aircraft was caring 50 passengers and 4 crew members from the southern states of but enough to preserve the largest city some follow when disaster struck
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. nearing its destination, the plain suddenly lost speed and altitude, spinning out of control and plunging to the ground. it exploded on impact in the backyard of a house. in the midst of a residential condominium complex, the, there were 3 people in the house. me, my wife and the night. we are all fine. at the time we thought it was a helicopter. crashing was almost leaving the house and suddenly we sold a craft exploding in the back. yeah. press cures, rushed to put out the fire before it spread to neighboring houses. then they began to search for bodies and the debris to the regional airline company. very fast release the name of all the victims, among them a family from venezuela and a teacher from portugal. brazilian authorities have already recovered the to flight recorders, which they say will help them piece together. what happened just brazil's air force
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has already said that the pilot did not report an emergency for adverse weather conditions. for sylvie, no stories save the investigation to determine the cause of the tragedy should take at least a month. monica now give all jw a 0. we addition narrow regarding ukraine, now several large explosions have been reported in the capital with allied warnings in place in cuba, as well as in east and ukraine. keep in may as, as a defense systems while activated to repel strikes. lead tax on keep commas ukrainian forces continue their incursion into russian territory. at least the team people were injured when devry from ukrainian launched. a missile fell on a residential building and cars washing present. i think the fusion is cool. the attacks and the region, a major problem, the cation, the curse governor is ordered, foster violations of civilians in areas at risk. russia is avoid additional
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soldiers and equipment to try to stop the advance via ukraine. issue, who would name these guys you've had the above it today? i received reports from commander in chief. alexander says you regarding the front lines and our actions to push the war onto the dressers territory. i am grateful to every unit of the defense forces. ukraine is proving it could indeed restore justice and insure the necessary pressure on the aggressor that i'm doing in the houses era. and i from dow hosted i had the mining party transcribing loud at one of the biggest demonstrations. the years. and sub is capital. and hong kong is famous me online, i'm losing mag closed, but a younger generation is trying to shine you lights on the tradition, the
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the, there is still a heat wave and has been long lasting any wrong and further north as well. not much kind of run where the risk are big shot out, all the result of the heat and the outage humidity, from the proximity of them on seeing they've been affect you, a pulse of southern iraq, not in the full cost. conversely, on the just the biggest cheryl seemed like you still in west and you have been unimagined to the southwest society, turnarounds, full cost of company dies coming down to $40.00 still worthy of note the charles attempts and hangs around the faulty mach have been up to 42 and made a new record, but it's still on the high side of normal. at 25 is the day you start and 39 typically days. and so we're still above that. you can come wednesday, jumping size from the baby and finish the monsoon edge. you still bringing right
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into somalia bits of kenya. funding range are still at the 10 show in process sedan, south sudan, d e c o p. and i think quite possibly that creeping further south through the congo, i didn't want to go there as well. but for the southern half of africa, it's been a fairly drawing on quite a long time reason democratize. so t 5 is surprising though. it's going to drop quite dramatic through the following day, and the windy weather goes away from cape time of the . as the cost of all celebrates the 25th anniversary of nato's intervention that ended the fighting between the serbian and cause of albany and forces. we were meant to be completely ethnically, cleanse people have power, examines the posts for landscape, and present the challenges for the regions youngest country. this is a vibrant nation state that is alive today because we took no attraction as
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possible the making of a states on that. just a you know, the welcome back. recap of the main story now and he does from around the world have condemned israel's latest mastercard of costs. a city which killed more than a 100 palestinians sheltering inside a school displaced people performing that morning prayer when the building was hit by several missiles elsewhere. and gaza 10 members of the same family room on palestinians killed in a strike on the, on the se. rods, refugee camp is really farms wipe down entire residential building and killed, displaced people who been sheltering in the tents nearby. most of the families of
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the 62 people killed in a plane crash in brazil, a helping forensic teams identifying the ponies. investigators analyzing the flight record is to figure out what caused a plane to plunge into a housing complex in south palo. a smell rescue is a started digging through a mountain of rubbish, searching for more bodies onto the collapse of a landfill site. and uganda is capital. at least 12 people have died off the homes, were engulfed by the last of garbage dump off the heavy rains. catherine story has the story. these people in the tennessee are looking for their loved ones, beneath heaps of garbage. people walk to this tragedy of the section over rubbish, disposal sites in the copy to compile a collapse among those buried underneath. what jacqueline no much
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as a sister renaud and 3 children. my people have been buried under here. i think i'm seated on top of them. i've lost them. what should i do? this see, they've also not found their relatives. everyone is in shock. because i have lost 7 loved ones, the garbage buried them, my wife and children, i wrote to you since we have retrieved full bodies. but the rest of us have not yet been found by the no problem. so long. i had 15 tenants and some of them are nice. others i'm missing. there were many families in this area. we're looking at about 1000 people dropped in display. and if he goes over to the homes that are being buddy, we cannot estimate environmental. they say this was a disaster waiting to happen. the landfill is to be on its
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capacity. it's one of 2 garbage sites in the city and takes in an estimate of 2000 tons of rubbish daily. and many of the cells and those people leaving here see it's how hard for now the moons demos, they try to sign and save those who have survived kathy, so i'll just share tens of thousands of people of riley's into the night. and so it'd be as capital against alysia mining project demonstrations in belgrade for that government, reinstating australian mining group. we are 10 toes license to develop huge deposits in the west and city of o u. so the $2400000000.00 project could cover 90 percent of europe and the cm needs that protests to say the mining will contaminate land and water and endanger public health. elaina view shots was there in the fall. this reports of the growth
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assume that it is the latest in a series that have taken place across serbia in nearly 50 cities over the past month. what's interesting is that the issue of fleet, do you mind if it's broad, more people to the protest in terms of the percentage of a serious population, then the process again, violence, or don't focus on the issue of cost of all of this is currently a key issue, so be all $1.00 that the current government inherited from the previous administration, unemployment, which was the prime minister in the 2020 to stop the projects under the pressure of mazda environmental process. as of now, as the president of the national assembly, she along with inside spaces and she has supported in july, uh, german, uh, cancel or uh, all of schultz visits in belgrade and uh, during that time uh, memorandum on critical rule materials will sign market the steps forward in the
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realization of the project. so previously, the constitutional course of sooner we have the clear vision to stop the project on the constitutional um, so here in belgrade, uh, in previous days across uh serbia, we've been here from the people. uh so it does seem that they fear their lives will become bearable after the opening of the mind and the dates they will lose access to clean water, air, and fluid. on the other hand, although it is involved with, are saying that nothing will be done without guarantees for environmental protection. but at the same time, they accuse the citizens of non we will the slaves because of late. but because they want to over to the government, the violently without the election won't police are being deployed across the u. k . off today is a violent protest. demonstrations by far rights and imposing groups were held in manchester, new cost. so i think broke out nationwide during the last week,
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feel by the spread of this information about the identity of a suspect and the mother of 3 goals who died in a nice attack in southport last month. mine and moms of congress advisors, muslims and migrant communities. in recent weeks, charles dropped for there's been a new call. so let small group of fall, right. protest is held a riley. so we're on the side of the so called fall right purchased as they moved the procession as the few that remained now being moved out of his area by the police. it was understood that this purchase within 3 pm, it is now 3 pm in this new people. a few people, charging our street approaches to be peaceful, but we have seen a number of arrest. the
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arrest, a protest is on this. so i, i'm going to be so cool for like groups for people to come here today to voice the goods. we don't know we deal and today was no fee on pay like we don't doing any of the, i don't check the real skinny. i don't care well, religion you follow, i don't, can. well, what gender, you all as long as you come here and except for its values and traditions and now ways of life, more for it. so you have the right state of mind in here to assimilate into our control way of life. i've no problem with the count to protest is with far greater number steve of arrest and false track jail sentences kits and expected lodging number of right wing protest as a way. one thing that you would say is that this countries potentially had an inflection point. and things like immigration talk to be addressed john stuff,
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but i wonder 0. you caution bit of news from libya view and recognize government based and tripoli is put its forces on high a lot bracing for an attack by fights is loyal to hold for the for half the in the east. you and he's calling for a strange from old policies. emergency services said 9 people were killed in recent bottles of bangladesh. the chief justice of a little house on says that he's agreed in principle to resign. protests of gas outside the supreme court of the capital called calling on him to quit. hassan was appointed to the court last year and is seen as loyal to the house to 5 minutes to show. i've seen a she since been replaced by nobel peace prize went out and how much use eunice campaign team for us republican presidential contend of donald trump says that it's been hacked. spokesman steven chung is blaming what he called for and sole says hostile to the united states campaign is suggesting that iran united because
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they're involved, but they've provided no evidence to support the sonic ation. any of this we microsoft issued a report saying the ac is affiliated with iran has been trying to target the election. hong kong, neon signs as synonymous with it. streets and even in spite seems in the movie blade rhonda, but the government says there are safety risk, so they've been replaced with cheaper, more efficient lights, but it's lower westbrook reports, some young people, a, keeping the tradition alive. and these are some of the last remaining neon signs in hong kong advertising porn shops and much on paula's concerns about decades. old science pulling down have led to strict safety rules on size and placement. about $3000.00 signs of being taken down each year since 2018 and
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streets have gone from this to this 83 year old mazda wong is one of home comes last, remaining neon light crossman. he's watched from the studio for food to yes, cx, but the benz gloss tube with his self designs blow torch to cross the complex characters, filling the cubes with gas and running a current through them to give them that unique glow. in the 19 eighties and nineties, the streets, westfield, with neon signs, as businesses tried to out showing each other. don't want hey yeah, cheering its heyday. there were many on most is doing this work. but now because these most is it getting older and due to types of government regulations, not much in the on the sign work is done anymore. i think there are only 7, all right, and the on must is left. well, some businesses have commissioned, new neon signs that meet the safety requirements most along.


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