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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  August 11, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the what do you have the 0 enables me to make the other voice is relevant to so that there is mode that unites us then divides the . ready ready ready the is riley strikes destroyed to residential towers in gauze as con eunice. what new evaluation orders have been issued? meanwhile, well, lead has come down. one of israel's was to attacks and gaza, which kill more than a 100 palestinians on site today. the hello, i'm sorry, i'm the y z. this is alger 0. live from dow ha. also coming up on the program. a
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desperate search for the loved ones is a last of rubbish down collapses in uganda, engulfing homes. and figuring out what went wrong, the investigation and down brazilian passenger plane plummeted into a housing complex. the welcome to the program is over 600 g m t. and we begin in gaza. why the is rodney minute trans, destroyed to residential towers in the city of han, eunice. these pictures captured by the algae, is there a team in the city show the fix smoke and the often loss of the bombing? it comes as well as expand that it's a violation orders for patterson and still in hong unice to leave had of fundamental true operations that israel is saying how mazda is continuing to fire rockets from southern gaza as well. the security council is set to hold an
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emergency meeting on tuesday at the request of algeria off to israel, attacked a school in gaza city on saturday. moving a 100 pilot stains were killed when several missiles hit, a school and all the raj neighborhood during the morning. fresh is the 8th time this month that is ready for says of attack schools sheltering displays, palestinians. each time israel says alas was using the facilities, but no evidence has been provided. honey. mom who joins us live from hon. eunice and yesterday was described as one of the worst attacks during the course of this war. honey, what can you tell us about? so what is happening there at the moment? the yes, well they, they extend to the brutality of the tax on that being a school in gaza. city keeps on folding with more horrific testimony is either from
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the medical staff inside a highly baptist hospital where treating the wounded and dealing with an huge influx of injuries arriving to the hospital as well as of from civil defense, the crew. and 1st, the 1st responders were at the bottom side right after receiving a signal that the school was talking to the horror of what happened keeps on fully in a very heartbreaking way. the stories of, of remaining family members are still searching for missing children in the attacks who's somehow evaporated. there are no signs of these children anymore. the, the, the medical, the staff will describe injuries arriving to the hospital and admitted right away into operating theatres to perform the surgery is removing a flash and bones of, of other bodies of other people who shred it into pieces. it starts with these wounded bodies, into the husband, removing it before the starting, the,
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the operations, the story of the father who was searching for his a child and found him without a hit at the courtyard of the, of the school, the, the, the, the, the amount of the blood, the amount of, of, of, of, of shredded pieces on the floor of the courtyard of the, of the prayer room where the congregation was performing don't, and prayers ended up in the paramedics and 1st responders collecting with an estimate of, of, of 15 bodies of, of, of a slash and from the ground of the, of the prayer room. old put in bags and each bags weighs about 70 kilo's. those on identify. it's the remaining body parts and pieces that are flash from the ground. and they were handed to people. there is no way to identify who was killed here, these bodies, and they were given to people to google and buried them. that could be part of this, but the pieces and body parts might be the, the,
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the flash and the remaining bodies of your, of your children. the, these are the, the whole rotate stories and tests and wanted to give unfolding as well. the past 24 hours on a your over there in hong eunice in southern gaza. when orders has been issued by these writing ministry for people to leave or well within the best span of 10 hours is really military issue to evacuation orders to people in the eastern part of hon. eunice and pushed harder for, for people to leave the area under the arts. hillary's and the air a type carried out early or hours of it yesterday's evening. but later on at about midnight, people were forcibly and sharply ordered to evacuated. areas of, from the central part of hon, unit city, including the areas where, how much the residential complex is located. and just within the past half an hour,
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we see in here as we were setting up the camera, the live shot of the tube, the residential towers that were destroyed completely by 2 bonds and dropped from the air. but as far as we understand, there are still 2 more residential blood towers that are being war and then people have residents of these towers are h a r order sharply to leave the air. now the problem with these recurrent evacuation orders not only enhancements, residential complex, but other area, the central part of one unit is the spot. more people are going to be pouring into a mos evacuation zone. and what is this happening? while the recurrent, the displacement and evacuation orders are taking place, it's further as strings the size of the human interior and the ones that already put a pressure on on already a exhausted and depleted areas in terms of necessities. the resources, particularly water and food supplies, the humanitarian, those right now, it's at worst as the, as of this moment because of the lack. the extreme lack of basic supplies that
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necessitated and the fact that it is not safe. we see in this area a lot of the evacuation is owned repeatedly targeted it within the past uh, within the past 10 months. but more recently, the past couple of weeks, these really military sit at a targeted, how much the military, a command there in this area leading to the depths of at least a 100 people at the 10 sides. when it dropped some of these heavy bonds on a civilian population, thank you very much on in the who would bring us all the latest from the phone, eunice, and southern gaza. meanwhile, i'll just say it was on us. sherry felt this report from the school in gaza, city the all to be in school just shortly after it was attacked on saturday. i had the, i just, i mean i bought on the look. all these blankets contain body parts, the civilians. these really ami perpetrated america, killing dozens of civilian to,
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with sheltering inside the turbine school building. the victims were torn to pieces . a medical teams collected the body parts that was scattered all over as we speak now. upon emetics and civil defense teams are still searching for missing because the school building is strewn with body parts and time it excited that they haven't been able to find a dead body that is still home. it is estimated, the roughly $100.00 postilion civilians were killed and dozens more into. this is nothing but some of the body parts collected in these blankets belong to a few of the dozens of dead bodies ripped to pieces and scott to delay. each blanket contains the body parts of more than one pass and the scenes that we are seeing a horrific of this is a catastrophic situation or product as we speak. civilian survive is emetics of still collecting body problem. as you can see, many are collecting the body parts of the run relatives and siblings by will measures. this is a mess, reminiscent of the one at the baptist hospital in october. we are witnessing heart wrenching, painful theme. so beyond any description,
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this child has lost all of his family members, and these really as strike on the school building. as you can see, this is the gateway to the schools primary. this is the most that was targeted on hit by these really massage. it's located inside the school building. as display civilians prayed, these ready will planes targeted this building even hours off the attack. metix and display civilians are still collecting the bodies and the body parts of the victim on, in terms of international reaction to what happened yesterday, you are a special coordinator for the middle east peace process to are. one isn't as commented, saying that every day civilians continue to by the front of this conflict. and it's tara displacements unless suffering. the cost and lives of this war is evident with every passing day, as we have witnessed yet another devastating strike on a school sheltering thousands of displays, palestinians with thousands of fatalities. also there's been a reaction from the white house issuing this statement. only is really striking garza saying that we are deeply concerned about report facility and casualties in
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garza following a strike 5, israel defense forces on a compound that included a school we are in touch with ours writing counterparts. who said they targeted senior mazda officials and we are asking for further details. we know how mass has been using schools as locations to gather an offer, right? household. but we have also repeats and in consistently set that is round. let's take measures to minimize civilian hom, us vice president. cala harris has also reacted to the is there any attack on the school in gaza city at the campaign stop in arizona. she told her forces that israel had the responsibility to avoid causing civilian casualties. and yet again, the far too many civilians have been killed. i mean, israel has a right to go after the terrorists that are her mind. but as i have said many, many times they also have um i believe an important responsibility to avoid
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civilian casualties. 10 members of the same family were long people killed in a different striking the almost a rod refugee camp in central garza. and is there any strike that destroyed an entire residential building and also killed the space? people who been sheltering in the tents nearby survivors of the attack say no warning was given. victoria gave me reports. don't i? was a mazda survived in his really asked roy, go now to say right, refugee camp. that her only child didn't. a daughter was killed along side 9 of the members of her family. the hersh we were sleeping peacefully, crammed inside the tent. all of a sudden it all seemed like doomsday. my husband, daughter and sister in law were killed to serve. instead of all my family were killed, all of them. i am left with no one with nothing of the of the attack was carried out late at night without warning.
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drawing talking to you to residential building that was surrounded by tens full of displaced people saw. so we prayed, then the children went to sleep early because there's no power or lights. we woke up to an earthquake to hear screams, and i saw dead bodies everywhere. i do not know why the is really, are doing this task. they were innocent, children sleeping in peace. outside the hospital moved a father moons, 2 of his children killed in the same attack. he and his family fled. goal is a city in the hope of surviving. this will most of the part of the photo for about in mount if necessary. we woke up to a loud explosion and found ourselves buried under the debris. my son told me his brother, sister, and mother had been killed. then how does well have done this is zayna. she was the
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youngest. she was still breathing when i took it to hospital. she asked how i was then told me she was feeling cold. she a trip to let her stomach talk just tried to save her. she typed this morning and is real claims. it takes measures to mitigate against civilian casualties. but suffice to say they live in constancy with more tax. many here we're asking how many more families will be devastated before the slow to end. victoria gates and b l g 0 the the, the families of the 62 people killed in a plane crash in brazil. a helping forensic teams identify the bodies. investigators analyzing the flight record is to determine what causes the plane to plunge into a residential area. this now palo on friday want to canon camera force now for me, i diginero emergency responders working in the rain in
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around the clock to retrieve all 62 bodies victims of a deadly plane crash on friday. that since shop sleeps across for sales, family members are being asked by a doherty's to help identify their relatives at the legal medical institute of some follow where the bodies were taken. the most affordable time. we're concentrating on providing specialized assistance from psychologist social workers and legal advisor to meet the families requirements and priorities with focusing on the well being of the families. more than 50 bodies have been recovered, but most were so badly burned. identification will take time to discuss that the body's work have a nice and i being transferred to, to morgan, south palo, where they will be x range and then a test will be done to identify them of the aircraft was carrying 50 passengers and
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4 crew members from the southern state of butter not to preserve the largest city some follow when disaster struck. nearing its destination, the plain suddenly lost speed and altitude, spinning out of control and plunging to the ground. it exploded on impact in the backyard of a house. in the midst of a residential condominium complex, the, there were 3 people in the house. me, my wife and the night. we are a little fun. at the time we thought it was a helicopter crashing. i was almost leaving the house and suddenly we sold a craft exploding in the back. yeah. press cures, rushed to put out the fire before it spread to neighboring houses. then they began to search for bodies and the debris. the regional airline company boy boss, released the name of all the victims, among them a family from venezuela and a teacher from portugal. brazilian authorities have already recovered the to flight
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recorders, which they say will help them piece together. what happened is the brazil's air force has already said that the pilot did not report an emergency for adverse weather conditions for so we know stories say the investigation to determine the cause of the tragedy should take at least a month. monica now give all jw a 0. we addition narrow will to people have been killed in a rush and as strike on ukraine's capital keys 3, all those were wounded. only a several large explosions reported that the mayor of king says add defend systems was activated to repel the strikes. louisa tax. com as required enforce, has continued varying caution into russian territory. at least 13 people were injured when deputy from ukrainian launched. a missile fell on a residential building and course i shouldn't present. i think the person is cool. the attacks and the region a major problem vacation course government or is or did foster evacuations of
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civilians. an area is at risk. pressure is deployed additional soldiers and equipment to try it installed new cranium long. you sure would name these guys huge and above with that today, i received reports from commander in chief, alexander sir skinner, regarding the front lines and our actions to push the war onto the dressers territory. i am grateful to every unit of the defense forces. ukraine is proving it could indeed restore justice and insure the necessary pressure on the aggressor that's going on with the algebra lie from the homeless still to bring you on the program. a mining part has some growing louder. one of the biggest demonstrations for years in sub yeah. and hong kong, sinus neon lights and losing that globe. but a younger generation is trying to showing new lights on the tradition. the
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in depth analysis of the face. headline, what strategic purpose do you think this assassination serves? israel informed opinions, people who have been 18 years seem to give it a chance to best to be a bold critical debate. russia has decided that the war ukraine as a defensive war inside story. how will it change the security relationship between both come on out jersey around one man was at the top of the most wanted list in palestine. in the 1913, he and his followers were hunted by the british and feared by palestinians. oh, to 0 world tells the story of abraham stern to historians and his own family. the leads are up in arms group dedicated to the creation of a jewish homeland. profess pictures permitted of jewish methods crossed the cypress
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to turn the man the gang and the states. oh no to 0 investigative journalism. voices from different corners. stories from other angles, programs that open your eyes to an alternative of the world today. on now to sierra news, [000:00:00;00] the couple bags look out top story this hour and it is from around the world of condemned israel's latest massacre in garza city. which to move in a 100 p for sheltering inside of school,
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displaced the policies of performing morning pres, when a building was hit by several miss miles. elsewhere in gauze at 10 members of the same family were among palestinians killed in a strikingly, almost a rod refugee camp as rainy, palms wiped out and tie a residential building and kills. people have been displaced in sheltering intense, just nearby. and all the top story families of a 62 people killed in a plane crash in brazil. a helping forensic teams identify the bodies. investigate is analyzing the flight record, is to determine what pulls the plane to crash. the a south palace and albany is rescue as have been digging through a mountain of rubbish, to search for bodies off to the collapse of a landfill site. and uganda and he's 12 people died in town. paul, are often nearby homes were covered by gummidge following heavy rains. catherine
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story has long the these people in the test are looking for their loved ones, the nice heaps of garbage people walks to this tragedy of the section over rob dish disposal sites in the copy to compile a lot among those buried underneath. what ducklings? no, much as a sister renaud and 3 children. my people have been buried under here. i think i'm seated on top of them. i've lost them. what should i do? this see, they've also not found their relatives. everyone is in shock. because i have lost 7 loved ones, the garbage buried them, my wife and children, i wrote to you since we have retrieved full bodies, but the wrist have not yet been found. by then no problem, so long. i have 15 tenants. some of them are nice of those, i'm missing. there were many families in this area. we're looking at about 1000
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people to have been displaced. the few guys over the, the homes that are being bothered to cult estimate, environmental. they say this was a disaster waiting to happen. the launch view is to be on its capacity. it's one of 2 garbage sites in the city and takes in an estimate of 2000 tons of rubbish, daily. and many of the sales and sales people using here, see it's a health high for now, the moon's demos as a try to find and seize those who have survived. cathy sorry, here we go to sub b a. now tens of thousands of people have been protesting in the capital against a major list, c, a mining projects. demonstrations in belgrade for the government's decisions to
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relies times to australian lining joint rios tend to develop launch deposits. project could provide 90 percent of europe. so this see a means environmental activists a mine and will pollute the water and endanger health, new images, a political scientist to build great university. and he says, the protest says, don't trust the project. on the one hand, as you already explained, lithium is one of the critical role materials and the green transition into use driving the demand for globally. i think it is clear that the beneficiaries of this project would probably be the electric vehicle companies into you and the consumers and the but the benefits to the people. you certainly a of no, that's clear to be honest. and the other hand and the location of the plan to mine is the very 1st dial valley investors. so they'll go to the local population fears their lives, the food which depends on agricultural would be lost. we've heard the many experts
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not only today or the broad as but years back. this pointed to the high risk of you reversible environmental damage with these kinds of projects. and the what you have to understand about serbia is that this is a country with very kind, mistrust indeed that uses that's very different from the rest of the regions, but especially guy. and when the government says the project will benefit the people and would not risk the environment, most people simply do not trust it. what we can see now in the balls are there's a broad politically crow scott single position to the project. and what we see today in the streets is people coming from across, so it'd be from many parts of the rest of us are being small citizen villages joining together and make king one of the biggest bro does that. i've seen recently saying that they that they, they don't want the mind. hong kong with neon signs are synonymous with the streets
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and even in spite seems of the movie blade runner. the government says there is safety risk. so that being replaced with she felt more efficient lights or westport reports as these are some of the last remaining neon signs in hong kong advertising porn shots and much on paula's concerns about decades old science pulling down have lead to strict safety rules on size and placement about $3000.00 science have been taken down each year since 2018 and streets have gone from this to this. 83 year old mazda wong is one of home comes last, remaining me on light crossman. he's watched from the studio for 40 years. he expertly ben's gloss tube, with his self designs blow torch to cross the complex characters filling the tubes with gas and running
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a current through them to give them that unique glow. in the 19 eighties and nineties, the streets, westfield, with neon signs, as businesses tried to out showing each other. don't want hey, yeah, cheering its heyday there were many on most is doing this work. but now, because these mazda is a getting older and due to types of government regulations, not much in the on sun work is done anymore. i think there are only 7 or right and the on must is left. well, some businesses have commissioned new neon signs that meets the safety requirements . mazda wong says dumont has dwindled, and most of his business is repaired. what on existing signs around the 16th, the warm glow with neon is being replaced by the chief of the lights. but if you look, there are still some neon signs around like this one which conforms to the new rules . as people find ways to keep the tradition a life like a cloud. all right,
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so this is karen, john became fascinated by me on in 2018. she learned from most a wong and also traveled to the netherlands fronts in japan to study different techniques. now how hot is displayed around the well, i think uh, what i'm good at and usually is trying to how to re define something and objects, the concept. and re purpose them as well. and i think for me on as a medium that i'm using to redefine culture and all identity cod in john raises awareness about neon cultural loss. spearheading this exhibition featuring to old signs and to new designs by an old mazda and a young artist. these days, i would like to think of the future of me on basically is unlimited us as long as we could identify the potential. and we could actually do some st. john's to design
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up as me owns glo fades from the streets of hong kong. the next generation hopes to shine a new light onto this traditional croft laura westbrook algebra, hong kong the weather is next. and then inside story, we'll look at policies, 5 talks for gaza, one use of to not stay with us. the the, there is still a heat wave and it's been long lasting any wrong and further north as well. not much kind of run where the risk are big china, with all the result of the heat and the outage humidity, from the proximity of them on the sea. and they've been affect you, a pulse of southern iraq, not in the full cost. conversely, on the just the biggest cheryl seemed like you still in west and you have been unimagined to the southwest society, turnarounds,
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full cost of company dies coming down to $40.00 still worthy of note the charles attempts and hangs around the faulty mach have been up to 42 and made a new record, but it's still on the high side of normal. at 25 is the day you start and 39 typically days. and so we're still above that. you can come wednesday, jumping size from the baby and finish the monsoon edge. you still bringing right into somalia bits of kenya funding range of still a potential in process to down south sudan, d e c o p. and i think quite possibly that creeping further south through the congo, i didn't want to go there as well. but for the southern half of africa, it's been a fairly drawing on quite a long time. recently, no food sized. so t 5 is surprising though, it's going to drop quite dramatic through the following day. and the windy weather goes away from cape time of the
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heroes from i'll just on the go and the tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we live from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and have to move the new app from out to 0 new at using is it the israel bombs another school and one of the worst attacks of its one god, yet it says it will ascend ceasefire. thoughts brokerage by the us guitar and egypt next week. but how much has a new leader since the assassination of a smile and the a. so what are the chances of a deal this time? this is inside store the


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