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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  August 11, 2024 9:30am-10:00am AST

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so i'll just say was my last available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type download the new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it the israel bombs, another school and one of the worst attacks of its one god. yet it says it will ascend ceasefire, thoughts brokerage by the us guitar and egypt next week, but how much has a new leader since the assassination of is mario and the a. so what are the chances of a deal this time? this is inside store the hello and welcome to the program. i'm several of any each day. a new horse. so the people have gaza. the bombing of a school killing more than 100 palestinians is the latest,
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is really bonded struck as renewed diplomatic efforts for negotiations or intensifying brokered by guitar. egypt and the united states its hopes, the talks will resume this week. previous attempts sought to cease fire, the return of his really captives held in gaza and an exchange of palestinian prisoners held by israel. but since the last major negotiations broke down, there had been big political changes the head of hamas and gaza. yeah, yes, in war has been elected. it's overall liter. replacing is mile him. he was assassinated, isn't that run? and the president joe biden is no longer in the us presidential race. a contest now between donald trump and complet harris. so what are the chances of success for a renewed international diplomatic push for a ceasefire? and one of the biggest obstacles will be discussing the situation with our guests shortly for so this report from image and kimber. and it's really a talk on a school and goals, a cause more than 100 palestinians steering warning press. an extra like launched
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is capital egypt and the united states. cool for another round of negotiations to end the violence. it has killed more than 39000 people, an injured or even 90000 since of type, and to stop the risk of a major regional who. and as the expansion of the war has become a serious possibility. if the international community and the concern countries do not move immediately and effectively to stop the war, crimes being committed by israel, but accusations of war crimes have no impact on a reception recently given is ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu in the united states, where he met president j, pardon vice president coming to harris and her royal presidential candidate. donald trump was given 50 standing innovations. c address congress, no indication any desire to hold israel's will. and the joints of an escalation is increased since israel assassinated a senior has put
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a figure in by root. i'm the head of how much is political wing? and one of the groups may negotiate is, is man honey into her on many. so he's kidding. as a major blow to the tools, according to media reports and his role is reading, negotiate is believe nets and yahoo is also storing attempts to cease for political gain as he faced as close to step done. yet israel has confirmed they will attend a new rind scheduled for august the 15th. but now they will be negotiating with an organization that by yeah, yes, and was formerly the head of hamas. and goza soon was widely considered hard line. i believe to be the most mind behind the attacks on southern israel, october the 7th. soon while i was previously imprisoned by israel and a spaced assassination attempts on the table is likely to be an already established framework based on the 3 stages these far in the united states, the presidential election campaign is intensifying and democrats of hoping if a ceasefire negotiated by president j,
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bullied and disagreed. it would help his vice president democratic nominee coming to harris's chance of winning with bite and being nickname genocide jo by critics. but his role in supporting is ready military during its full powers is also facing pressure. this riley brutus, the 2nd to the facing to respond now is the time to get a ceasefire. deal the president are working around the clock goes a posted news, suffering from baldwin displacement, hunger and disease can only wait to see if this latest attempt to cease far becomes a reality. and with many nations alarmed over this directive, a regional with a sense of urgency over the coming attempts to end the heart and goals a is a huge image and came back out to 0. the inside story
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let's bring in our guess from ramallah is most stuff a bargain with the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative from tel aviv is gideon levy calling this would be her read newspaper and the author of the book, the punishment of gaza. and from boston is run the hoodie a political analyst and distinguished public policy fellow at the american university of they wrote thank you very much to all of you gentlemen. for joining us. i want to start discussion with the exact same question to all 3 of you, which is, the mediators have been working on ceasefire negotiations since november without anything to show for it. do you believe that this new push for a cease fire can get somewhere with stuff and let's start with you. you know, i don't think it was good anywhere as long as nothing. yeah, on this fascist government dot info. and as long as the united states
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administration refuses to accept size, any serious pressure, i don't deserve nothing. yeah, i will continue on as genocide in gaza and will continue to try and to push that asian into these, you know more. he is a very dangerous man. and you know, it's very when the, the end of this war is the end of his political cutting and getting a full for the i couldn't agree, mo was my friend book, silver o. d. namely, because the main office to go to use and it's in the o n t did don't change his mind and we will discuss the claim though he's looking patients of it's very key and he does look to be now and may be okay. anytime you ross this, want to continue at this notice this is the carriers or the wheeler or the men da toes can continue to spread prophecies and request that we would change. and if any
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of i mean, do you think there could be perhaps a deal at the end of this new push? i agree with my friends and colleagues and stuff, we shouldn't expect anything to happen given the reality of the israeli government and the american government who are they? the main obstacles. but i also, i, you know, after 45 years of following this stuff. um this uh issue uh closely. yeah, you always have to wait and see if anything changes down the road. the only thing that makes me want to uh, kind of suspend judgment a little bit is the terminal political situation here. the united states will have an unprecedented situation where the power assigned as you guys are in particular of the, as rarely genocide and the american funding of environment. also in particular, they are suddenly on the domestic political electoral amount. we don't know if they will have an impact or not, but things are evolving very quickly and the domestic american political scene and
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gas is pop if it's not central, it's certainly a critical element in the changing environment. but the evidence of how the us as behave for the last 10 months and the last 4050 years, suggests that that we should not expect on thing to happen. because even though this stage isn't somebody asked, think about what the israel is doing, i'm guessing. okay, so listening to all 3 of you uh, you've mentioned netanyahu. uh, both the stuff and getting into have mentioned that. yeah, it was an obstacle to piece. and all 3 of you uh, i believe have mentioned how important the us role is here. so let's start with that, you know, we have to cover both anyway, but let's start with that. you know, most stuff. are you seeing no change in his position policy or inclination to negotiate since the beginning of this work? correct? absolutely not on the continuity is most of the time to continue on his policy, especially after the improvement of his status. and i looked at the end of the total ponds. and i think is that it the fact that the,
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the and not the one the has such as the government but to those that are in the society itself is moving unfortunately in the direction of fascism. the fact that 69 percent of the people who had both disappeared at the recent button said that this i thought of assessing these channels by listing and, and, and, and deliver needs to be those. even if that blocks the possibility of getting things back because they're in the presence is an indication of that a model that i think my time. yeah, i was implementing a strategy has been talking about for, for the, for the kids. he wants to genocide because he wants to ethnic cleansing, those guys are the only explanation of his policy goes, is that to spend hopes and dreams about ethnic cleansing, of the whole population of guys a by making goes on livable today is a ton of, of my 2nd to the is there any i'm you committed and one of the show that is one of the best schools is one out of the schools that would attract them to say, man is
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a very clear indication of that. but more than that, nothing else didn't hold stuff, he wouldn't, but still united states and to a lot of the other m. t wants to destroy it on through a war, in which the united states itself will do the work. this is his dream and unfortunately they're not to states as an installation is uh, doing nothing to stop by him for on this very dangerous course. you mentioned at the beginning of your answer and then yeah, who's improving status in the polls and getting and that is something i wanted to ask you. i was quite surprised when i researched this conversation right. preparing for this show, the seat of the just a day ago is really press published to pull in which net yeah. who is now the head of many gas 1st time i believe since october 7th, and his liquid party elections were held today or tomorrow. according to this poll, which was published in my re record would be the number one party in israel, or these teachers do a survey. and that is the story is the story of,
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if any of the supports over the neo and even the purpose, the boundaries of the sort of book this, which was quite default to that quite a full full why. but the 10, very, very clear borders. and he never crossed of almost never crossed the name we. we don't oppose the war. we don't call them the crimes. we don't put those figures in mesquite links, we talk of those figures. so benjamin, but then they disrupt all those things in this situation that we shouldn't the me on the phone up to the outside the world. the only thing that once we get rid of that the know is why returning to the paradise that they used to dream about. know, my friends is right is fine. it's the 1st majority
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supporting what's happening. goes, is spending the, i'm the, if you still have that been, you know, makes, it was, but it seemed that they would do it differently. i have my thousands and most of all just mentioned. there was some evidence just for this reason. in any case, nathan, he always is running, isn't it? then yell when he comes to the war when he comes to the fact that the cost of the patient is different when it comes to next to good questions to question. so i know phil menace the question of the, of these behavior, but this is 11, but what we face here is quite one from the is right, 13 to be scroll to the video. this is unbelievable the bottom 1st and then. so run me then let's take it over to you. we'd have both the stuff and get you and telling us that that yeah. who is an obstacle to piece and he pretty much has his really society, broadly speaking, behind him and even in light of,
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of anti government protests that we saw that lasted for months, even in light of that net. yeah. who is actually improving in terms of his popularity, his electro outlook, etc, etc. right? so, so what is there anything that could compel netanyahu to change his stance then inferior, yes. intense pressure from the united states to cut off arms. i go to the i see. so you gotta do all these terrible things that are terrible for 0, but that are good for the rule of law. i'm for righteous behavior by human rights, a bank citizens all around the world. but that's the, that's not going to happen. the united states is making small little rhetorical adjustments, mainly tamela harris saying so. busy sort of things a, at the same time saying israel has the right to defend this of, but the problem here is deeper than even i would say. then what most of,
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and gives you another saying, i'm, i know they agree with me, but the problem is, zion is this the desire? michelle has always wanted to achieve these goals, get the palestinians, are create a jewish state and then see what happens. this has always been designed this philosophy and they see a chance of achieving it. now. they're going ahead with the west bank of guys on the east jerusalem and everywhere of the world is doing almost nothing is quite extraordinary. so the conclusion is that the, the majority of his rarely is support this design, this general cycle a part time racist colonial take over a whole power style with crease and stream fatality to civilians of the power. conclusion is the western democratic for the world as they. busy themselves are occasionally supporting this, they're doing nothing to stop and that can be no, i want me to try something for the evidence. rami can i jump in for a 2nd,
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because you say the root cause of this is, is the, the underpinning beliefs of zine is. but i want to push back against that just a little bit because there are movements within design is within design isn't. i think almost everybody on these really put goal stage would call themselves designers. but they don't all believe the same thing and they don't all believe the palestinians should be dealt with in the same way. so give you and perhaps i take this to you. do you agree with what rami was saying? that's really the root cause of this design is yes, i see my said degrees too much here. that's no other choice, but they're all new ones and they won't put numbers on the right wing goes fluids means that they are fishes, which means that sound is only about juice pharmacy, which means that the status of the rights whatsoever between the river and the sea enjoyed demands of the person who is to somehow either get through the state is oh,
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you're spending the same start. do without any rights on the side, they either came the what we call the left the sound is or does that is that or the center or live? yeah, most of the security just been there for i see them as more of the study because they cover it up. they don't have to meet it. they want to you bye. so the or they want to make you did a friendly way. they want me to get the get with the boss mean and bless these conferences. they will declare that they're in favor post fiction motion, even though they know that there are no drugs. if any more what can be viable for this thing? it's thing that we probably 7000000 chance that they are deeper of these and they're really not stop talking about this and continuing to buy except they like they are, i guess only the. so the way and you choose which one of those to you prefer,
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the one where you, what you see is what you get or the one we see, you know, for decades and decades promising all kinds of promises and doing nothing. we need to reopen the chapter of the us and american pressure rami signal the beginning. and so did ms. stuff of how important this was. this is not breaking news have been saying for months that really the only country that has any real significant leverage over is realize the us. we also know that the us continues to fund israel, and the stuff of pointed out that they've just released another $3500000000.00 worth of military funding for israel and it's, we're efforts. they're also obviously also selling the weapons and providing weapons. rami is there, you're saying that there are rhetorical, very minor differences between bite and harris and within under the democratic tent in the us. is there anything,
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any reason to believe the us is gonna change its policy anytime soon? i um uh the, the quick answer is no, there is no evidence. all we have are a little hinge, a small little new launch changes in town. uh, from cumberland, harrison, her vice presidential, big and things like that. but what do we do have for the 1st time home or is a democratic party that is very scared. that gives you guys a policy is supporting the genocide and doing nothing to pressure israel until she's fire may cost of losing a cup of swing states, especially in michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin. and this is what they're terrified of. we don't know if this is going to happen because the trouble now is that there are so many new emotional dimensions of what's going on, especially with the, with the new democratic candidates. that there's a video for you. and this will start down in
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a week or so. the left of the camp convention of the democrats is coming up $19.00 to $20.00 to august. the t. the sides will come out of that convention if there are elements in the program. the, the platform that kind of le harris puts in because she's and can control the democratic parties position. she can't do that. now this is one of her weaknesses. but if there are real changes, talking about the arms of bar, go holding up the whole going to the archie, she implementing the american laws about you can give some arms to people who deny other people's human rights. these are all clear relations of us on the international law. if there are any clear signs, are going to come out in the democratic platform. we shouldn't expect anything before august of 22. but there, but the other thing that's find somebody that is talking to the falls that for a 2nd, because that, that raises an obvious question. and maybe i'll ask this one to myself, or if the us and if you provided you agree with this premise that the us isn't
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about to change it's, it's obviously in any major way in the short term a status. so why did the u. s. table once again, a new push for a ceasefire. if it knows it is not going to compel israel to agree to one. when the answer to a question, i have to make one comment about what was said before, which is that the, i totally agree that we will not see peace in this region without the ending of the set of colonial zionist project. and that you cannot be, as i understand, the democrats, you cannot to be as i understand the call list, that's impossible because that doesn't mean means the racism. and what do we see here is different levels of racism. but it's old, racist. it's a system because these people don't have any of that, but i just didn't have that i to be in their own country. and they don't believe that this thing has happened that i told freedom and they don't. many of the
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palestinians have thought to be equal. now we're talking about the new bush, of course, the night to states would. but if the, if this work with and without the opposite, didn't go through. and the maybe they hold the through the sky and the faction eh, to, to achieve something. so i'm kind of put a shout on the bus thing inside door, except is there any conditions which is, of course, impossible. but on the other hand, i must say that, and this is not going to stop visitor and united states would not go in the direction of imposing sanctions and visitor and without the sanctions on his end. nothing good change. but the fact that is that to the bush is the 1st attack. that is the fact that if this feeling goodness even gets the military goals, the fact that it is failing and in a minute thing published and you under the rest of the fact that it is fairly imposing good scoring thrown on garza. the fact that they are also suffering from huge human loss here. my loss is the largest evidence, i mean,
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i mean with the exception of maybe 97 to 3 war. and as they say, they have had thousands of people who are in general code. this is the fact that, but the other very important fact that is that there's apparently economies now stuff i didn't put on very serious damage. and the, i think everybody knows now that the is, it has very big difference. it, the cost of this word would reach something like $70000000000.00, but that to me, the parts of the economy i fully got bought. and there is other schools that asian or more, which is not going to be a picnic for the is there any they don't have us funding? so perhaps the economic concerns and economic fear is, might be laid by that. no. because they have to stay as has already given, is there. and with this new package, $23500000000.00 for many of the equipment on blip ones. i don't think that the united states as it is to give them $50000000000.00 to fix the economy. i don't think so. and i think this will have interesting to us and focused on those that are in the side. but at the end of the day, we have to, we have to say that the,
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the, the, the, the good if we want is it or to change. if we want to stop this genocide, if we want to stop the study, but what crimes that are happening on the ground, the world must impose sanctions. one is the most important point cartoon is that i am, is it is, is it, as gets today is not different from the, the, the apartheid system that was in south africa at one point of time. and there's a, there it is. now even practicing got much more so i thought it died. so what do we need? the sanctions? what do we need this boy cut, and that's is the only language that is there and would understand in terms of international band. we have 4 minutes left. i want to make sure we discuss the, the last part of, as i said, there are 3 main things we've discussed. israel, we've discussed the with their positions. what's changing and what's not changing. more importantly, we haven't discussed how most, most of it back to you on this. what's victory? what does victory look like for you? yes. and why the new overall leader of home us,
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i think for us in water city was that you have going to 7th of october. and so let him know what i mean. i'll give you that we're talking about this renewed push for a cease fire. what, what 2 ounces sees fire? i think that's what's the best thing. and then once it sees fire, to start the stuff i think of the people don't forget is that it has conducted the 50000 palestinians, including 10000 to out on the boat. we have 93000 injured people. money or phone was died because isn't it? it has destroyed the whole medical infrastructure. people not suffering from lack of food. people are suffering from water, but too many 30 in conditions which is not conducting biological warfare. on the people of guys. we have 72000 cases of infectious to protect us. we have cases of meningitis. we could see colorado tomorrow. we could see even part of the light this. so it's a very dangerous situation. the end of the or is the demand. and that's what the everybody wants, including. so not the end of the war with 0 enough. is there any army from guys are
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allowing us to fix this? horrible, horrible disaster dropped is right and has good. the last man made too many stadium cases of gideon. this may sound like a bit of a strange question, but is real publicly officially wants to kill us in war, much like it killed as mile. any i do is rarely see a contradiction in the fact that we're talking about ceasefire negotiations. and we all know israel wants to kill the negotiator on the other side, but somebody came directly to the bowl for somebody that knew what was the negotiator is a kid him which might be one of the most only. it shows that the them not to speak about like richard the see because by the end of the day, a new i was know they um, 1st i am not showing me of the old. the guy made his life. but in any case, he's on to the, as a sort of lost the police and why?
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because of this very assessing nations is a body c. and the close is by and by both of these riley, supposedly, by most of these races already, it shows, yes, they get bumped office of nations, which reminds the james adams. and they never ask about the consequences of both of us as a nation's show. and never g, so any we don't see any, any contradiction. barely negotiated with c y tomorrow. when can a, we made a judge. rami last words the as early as since the 1930 that have killed british officials, palestinian national leaders, they killed below leaders. they've killed anybody that they feel is challenging them in palestine, and they will keep killing as long as they need to. that's nobody stops them. but all the killings have only brought israel to the most dangerous position of its life. and the last century is now surrounded by 5 or 6 months that are of minutes
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and our actors form factors were very powerful, more powerful than any of their countries that for digital israel was being isolated around the world in the us support for it is declining steadily, even among jews. so it's been the worst position has ever been. and all it does is keep doing what it knows how to do, get the power steering is out of palestine. killed them and cause right them, let's use to them and present them, torture them, do all the terrible things. and they'll keep doing it as long as nobody's stops them with the same results. that's why there has to be a mass of international intervention. and the political matter that defines and contains zionism, we've accepted the live with a jewish majority. is rarely stated many times palestinians have the arms of the sonic world has their might interest to the zionist philosophy. and the fascinating thing of designers, philosophy, it doesn't start with just started with christian fundamental list extremist and
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then going down the line to stay suddenly 18 sixty's even before her to him the are they it was on is of. so we have to get to the core of this issue, which is the collusion between western powers and designers forces to create the zombie killing machine. this least of frankenstein monster over that's that israel has become that we see all these pictures every day. the 2 been without hands on the feet with our bodies, and nobody's stopping. and so there has to be pace decisive moment columbus stops. and we shift the trying to live in peace with everybody in trouble. and that is the time we have for today. i want to thank all our guests, most stuff up are good to get in libby and run the hoodie. thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website to elsa 0 dot com for further discussion. go to our facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story. you can also join the conversation on x or handle at a j inside story from me. several venue in the entire team here in dole. life in
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the with americans more divided than ever. are we watching the end of the american era? the us once to keep the war in ukraine going to russia's will, is broken. is that strategy working? what to do if there is no date after in israel's war on causes the quizzical look. good us politics, the bottom line, the
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the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm tell mccrae, this is the news ally from coming up in the next 16 minutes. is while intensifies its operation in the so called site. so in and southern guns are forcing thousands of palestinians to leave con units once again. well, the latest contain is round. so killing more than $100.00 palestinians and one of


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